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community's Introduction

OpenFeature Community

Table of Contents

Getting Involved

If you are interested in being informed about the project or contributing, feel free to add yourself and/or your organization to Interested Parties.


All contributors are welcome! Please see the contributing guidelines here.

Contributing Prerequisites (DCO)

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) requires all pull requests to be signed off using Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO). By submitting pull requests, submitters acknowledge they grant the Apache License v2 to the code and are eligible to grant this license for all commits submitted in their pull requests.

Governing Bodies

Interested Parties

If you are interested in being informed about the project or contributing, feel free to add yourself and/or your organization to Interested Parties.



For those who are brand new to OpenFeature and want to chat or get redirected to the appropriate place for a specific question, feel free to join the CNCF OpenFeature Slack channel. If you are new, you can create a CNCF Slack account here.

Community Meetings

Name Meeting Time Meeting Notes Discussions
OpenFeature Community Meeting Every other Thursday at 10:00 am ET Google Doc Zoom

All upcoming OpenFeature meetings and events are in our CNCF OpenFeature Community Chapter and via public calendars:

Social Media

Follow us on social media and help us to spread the word! Please use the #openfeature hashtag or mention our accounts when you share the content.

Mailing List

Join our (low-traffic) CNCF mailing list to stay up to date on announcements, discussions, and more.


The project roadmap is available here. New initiatives require an accepted OpenFeature Enhancement Proposal (OFEP). A community decision will then be made as documented in Decision Making.


All OpenFeature projects are shipped under the permissive Apache License v2 as CNCF IP Policy dictates. This blog post explains the reasoning behind choosing this license. Refer to for details on code attribution.

Logos and Brand Guide

The OpenFeature logos and brand guide can be found in the branding guidelines.

Special Interest Groups

You can find us in the #openfeature channel on the CNCF Slack Workspace. You can join the CNCF Slack Workspace by registering here.

Notes and recordings from previous meetings can be found below:

Associated Components and Implementations

The OpenFeature specification defines abstractions and interfaces for the purposes of flexibly integrating with various feature flag management systems, as well as with tools related to feature flag evaluation (such as telemetry and logging). In order to maintain neutrality and no/low dependencies, implementations of these abstractions should not be included in SDKs. Such implementations may exist in the "contribs" repository for their respective language (ie: or in other repositories not owned by the OpenFeature organization. We recommend implementations be open source, but that's not a requirement.


Please refer to Adopters list

Code of Conduct

We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation. We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.

The project and its community abide by the Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.1, available here.

community's People


aepfli avatar alexsjones avatar aloisreitbauer avatar arhell avatar beeme1mr avatar dabeeeenster avatar davidphirsch avatar dnsmichi avatar jamescarr avatar jonathannorris avatar justinabrahms avatar kbychu avatar liran2000 avatar lukas-reining avatar mihirm21 avatar miigwi avatar moredip avatar moshebe avatar nicklasl avatar nikolasleblanc avatar oleg-nenashev avatar patricioe avatar renovate[bot] avatar robbert229 avatar sajibadhi avatar sigewuzhere avatar staceypotter avatar therealmitchconnors avatar toddbaert avatar weyert avatar


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community's Issues

Bootstrap docs site

We need to get a docs site up and running. Things we'll want:

  • landing page
  • styling/branding consistent with OpenFeature
  • basic structure
  • multi-language code snippet component of some sort

REQUEST: New membership for aepfli

GitHub Username



  • I have reviewed the community membership guidelines
  • I have enabled 2FA on my GitHub account. See
  • I have subscribed to the Slack channel (use to get an invite)
  • I am actively contributing to 1 or more OpenFeature subprojects
  • I have two sponsors that meet the sponsor requirements listed in the community membership guidelines. Among other requirements, sponsors must be approvers or maintainers of at least one repository in the organization and not both affiliated with the same company
  • I have spoken to my sponsors ahead of this application, and they have agreed to sponsor my application
  • #179


Each sponsor should reply to this issue with the comment "I support".
Please remember, it is an applicant's responsibility to get their sponsors confirmation before submitting the request.

List of contributions to the OpenFeature project

Social media posts

Please add links below to the information you'd like to share on the OpenFeature social media profiles (Twitter & Linkedin).

Remember to add your social media handles for tagging.

GSoC OpenFeature - Projects and mentors

Please use this template.


  • Description: (2-5+ sentences)
  • Expected outcome:
  • Recommended Skills:
  • Mentor(s): (Name, github, email)
  • Expected project size: (175 or 350 Hours)
  • Difficulty: (Easy, Medium, or Hard)
  • Upstream Issue (URL):

Define the final governance model

#1 defines only the bootstrap governance document. We will still need to create a full fledged governance model once the project is fully initialized and founding members are identified,

What is needed

  • Technical steering committee
  • Governance board (if not merged in the steering committee)
  • Official Maintainer roles for the specification, core service and integrations
  • Official Project Member role
  • Contributor ladder, including qualifications and the approval process
  • TBD: Advisory board
  • TBD: Outreach/Events committee

Extract Tooling into own repository


We have merged our peribolos-based configuration recently, and it is doing great work. But unfortunately, as this tooling resides within this repository, we're also getting updates via renovate for our tooling.
This repository should handle community-specific agendas, and managing software updates is more bloat than benefiting the purpose.

So we'd like to extract the tooling into a separate repository, but create deliverable artifacts to be used within the community repository


Migrate the go files into an own repository, and build a docker image within this repository.
This docker image should be ready for GitHub Action so that we can replace the logic of the tooling within this repository within the docker image.

We should get an email.

I needed to put an email in the gpg key we're using to sign maven central artifacts. I used the dynatrace opensource one, but that feels weird. We should get an email address for governance things.

Social Media: 05.09.29

Please add below any items you'd like to share on the OpenFeature social media channels (Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube) so I can schedule them for publishing this week.

Examples: project updates, new releases, blog posts, videos, future events, speaking engagements, etc.

Don't forget to add your social media handles if you want to be tagged!

Social media posts

Please add below any links to information you'd like to share on the OpenFeature social media profiles (Twitter & Linkedin).

Don't forget to add your social media handles for tagging.

[Proposal] Community management with Peribolos


Community, Membership, and Repository management is complex on its own.
With a growing community, keeping an overview gets harder and harder.
Instead of relying on manual actions, I recommend switching to a GitOps approach, utilizing Peribolos.

Peribolos offers a great variety of settings and can be used to manage organization management, team assignments, and repository permissions.

Peribolos is developed and used by Kubernetes and is a good fit for OpenFeature.

What do we want?

  1. We want to have an easy and trackable way of assigning different permissions to members of our organization.
  2. We want to have a straightforward approach with little to no duplication or too many points to edit alignment
  3. We want to organize our members in teams with certain aspects.
  4. We don't want to assign permissions per individual but on a team basis, so if you want specific permissions, you're part of a certain team.
  5. We want to group repositories for teams, aka one team is responsible for multiple repositories - to reduce maintenance efforts
  6. We also want to have overlapping teams for repositories, as there might be the need to separate some access

Permission structure

Organization Level

First, we do have roles on organizational level like:


With respective permissions

Repository Level

Additionally, if you are part of the organizational level, you can also be one of those roles just for the repository or repository group:



Ultimately, we can setup the repo permissions for each repository, which means a lot of duplicated configuration effort, but grouping would be easier and way better to handle.
Furthermore, it would represent the community structure in a better manner.

Theoretically, we could group the repository as follow (naive proposal)

As the configuration file for this structure would be already quite big and cover a lot of duplication

I propose consolidating this into a leaner structure with an automatic merge (like Kubernetes is doing tailored to our needs. We will have our Directory per organization we manage and a subdirectory per group containing the necessary information.

The org.yaml will contain basic information about the organization, such as general membership, description, etc.
Also it will contain a group for Community maintainers

The group configuration will contain the following structure, eg. for java

repos: # the repositories belonging to this team
  - java-sdk
  - java-sdk-contrib

approvers: # list of users who are approvers for this group and its repos (GitHub Permission: triage)

maintainers: # list of users who are maintainers for this group and its repos (GitHub Permission: maintain)

admins: # list of users who are admsin for this group and its repos  (GitHub Permission: admin)

Our merger will then take all this information to generate the configuration and apply it via GitHub Action to the defined organizations.


Animated Gif/MP4 Logo


The O in the OpenFeature logo resembles a toggle. A fun way to use this design is to "toggle" the logo causing it to switch between dark and light mode. This could be used across various touchpoints to increase brand awareness.

Here's an example of how it could potentially look


Note: This is a recording captured original website


Dependency Dashboard

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

This repository currently has no open or pending branches.

Detected dependencies

None detected

  • Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository

OpenFeature & GSoD

I’d like to propose that OpenFeature participates in the Google Summer of Docs project.

I’m happy to mentor a project.

Vendor Outreach

We should reach out to all of the vendors (and open source projects) in the flagging space. We'd like to let them know what we're doing, see if they want to get involved, etc.

The list:

Status Company Company Representative Outreach Lead Comment
🟩 cloudbees @agentgonzo @beeme1mr
🟩 flagsmith @dabeeeenster @beeme1mr
🟩 launch darkly @InTheCloudDan @AloisReitbauer
🟨 optimizely
🟩 @patricioe @beeme1mr
🟩 harness @davejohnston @beeme1mr
🟨 apptimize
🟩 configcat @sigewuzhere
🟩 unleash @ivarconr @beeme1mr


Status Meaning
🟩 Interested party
🟦 Communication has been established
🟨 No contact yet

request: new membership

Request to join the bootstrap governance board

I would like to nominate myself as a candidate to join the bootstrap governance board.
(Thanks @AloisReitbauer for the reminder to apply here! )

Relevant prior-art

  • I bring commercial & technical experience to the Open Feature project to achieve wider adoption and success.
  • I am the author of flagD and Open feature operator and now actively maintain these with the community.
  • I am actively participating in the wider cloud ecosystem and am looking for collaborative opportunities for us to enable solutions for real-world problems.


  • Establish and run regular governance meetings
  • Establish an enhancement process.
  • Help to define the charter for the coming year
  • Support GB, TC and maintainers on establishing the roadmap for the next 12 months
  • Help to build an end-user outreach group.

If you would like to support my nomination, please add your +1 below. Thank you!

Invite me to the OpenFeature Organisation

GitHub Username



  • [βœ… ] I have reviewed the community membership guidelines
  • [βœ… ] I have enabled 2FA on my GitHub account. See
  • [ βœ… ] I have subscribed to the Slack channel (use to get an invite)
  • [βœ… ] I am actively contributing to 1 or more OpenFeature subprojects
  • [βœ… ] I have two sponsors that meet the sponsor requirements listed in the community membership guidelines. Among other requirements, sponsors must be approvers or maintainers of at least one repository in the organization and not both affiliated with the same company
  • [ βœ… ] I have spoken to my sponsors ahead of this application, and they have agreed to sponsor my application
  • [βœ… ] I have created a pull request, adding myself to the members of the organization within the community configuration


Each sponsor should reply to this issue with the comment "I support".
Please remember, it is an applicant's responsibility to get their sponsors confirmation before submitting the request.

List of contributions to the OpenFeature project

  • PRs reviewed / authored
  • Issues responded to
  • Subprojects I am involved with

Public announcement of OpenFeature

Issue to track the public announcement of OpenFeature.
Working doc is here

Please indicate your involvement

Name Company PR Blog Quote
Alois Reitbauer Dynatrace

Social Media: 03.10.22

Please add below any items you'd like to share on the OpenFeature social media channels (Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube) so I can schedule them for publishing this week.

Examples: project updates, new releases, blog posts, videos, future events, speaking engagements, etc.

Don't forget to add your social media handles if you want to be tagged!

Social Media: 26.09.22

Please add below any items you'd like to share on the OpenFeature social media channels (Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube) so I can schedule them for publishing this week.

Examples: project updates, new releases, blog posts, videos, future events, speaking engagements, etc.

Don't forget to add your social media handles if you want to be tagged!

KubeCon NA 2022 - Kiosk and SWAG for Open Feature

Hi Everyone,

as we will have a Kiosk for Open Feature at kubecon it would be useful to know who all will be there so we can have it covered fro the whole conference. If you could add the dates you will be there and your availability we can coordinate.
Also it would be nice to have some SWAG to give away, would anyone be interested in participating here? @beeme1mr had already found a good supplier for Kubecon EU.

Communication channel for the team

It is kind of hard to get people notified and involved in communication - especially those requiring real-time answers.

  • GitHub - We all drown in issues and notifications
  • Slack - We have the CNCF Slack channel but cannot use @here or @channel to notify people.

What should we use going forward?

πŸ—³οΈ VOTE: Bootstrap Governing Board

As agreed at the project meeting on April 14 and discussed before on Slack, we want to proceed with the Bootstrap Governing Board as defined in the governance charter.

The proposal for voting:

  • Appoint Five bootstrap governing board members
    • Michael Beemer, Dynatrace
    • Ben Rometsch, Flagsmith
    • Justin Abrahms, eBay
    • Kevin Chu, GitLab
    • Pete Hodgson, Independent
  • Reserve two more seats for now until more parties join

Please vote πŸ‘/πŸ‘Ž in this issue or comment below. Any community member can vote.

Kubecon EU - Talk tracking

Hi Everyone ,

let's use this issue to track all the CFPs that have been submitted for Kubecon EU.
It would be great if you could share the title.
Please let know if you have any questions.

πŸ—³οΈ VOTE: Bootstrap Technical Steering Committee

As agreed at the project meeting on April 14 and discussed before on Slack, we want to proceed with the Technical Steering Committee entity and with appointing the bootstrap members.

Proposal for voting:

  • Approve the Technical Steering Proposal #46. As agreed at the meeting, we can extend the committee later as needed
  • Appoint the bootstrap technical steering committee
    • Todd Baert, Dynatrace
    • Steve Arch, CloudBees
    • Dan O’Brien, LaunchDarkly

Please vote πŸ‘/πŸ‘Ž in this issue or comment below. Any community member can vote.

πŸŽƒ Hacktoberfest Prep πŸŽƒ

Hacktoberfest prep

Hacktoberfest is an annual event that promotes open source participation. OpenFeature would like to support this initiative by offering guidance for contributing to the project. One of the best ways to get involved would be to develop hooks and providers in various contributing repos.


In order for a repo to participate the hacktoberfest topic must be set. This should be done in the following repos:

  • js-contrib
  • java-contrib
  • go-contrib

For SDKs without associated contribs repos, we could create issue to have the community help bootstrap them. Eligible SDKs include:

  • PHP
  • Python
  • .NET

As per the Hacktoberfest maintainers guidelines, the following requirements must be met per participating repository:

  • Apply the β€œhacktoberfest” label to issues you want contributors to help with in your GitHub or GitLab project.
  • Add a file with contribution guidelines to your repository.

Taking into account the requirements, the following user journey could be implemented in contrib repos. This would allow participants to submit proposals for adding new hooks and providers.

  1. Go to repo
  2. Open pinned Hacktoberfest issue
  3. Create issue using Hacktoberfest issue templates (hooks, providers)
  4. New issue is created with "pending-acceptance"
  5. Repo maintainer reviews issue. If approved, "pending-acceptance" label is removed, "hacktoberfest" label is added, reporter is assigned.
  6. PR is reviewed. If approved, the PR is merged or hacktoberfest-accepted is added. In case of spam, the PR is closed and the label spam is added.

How OpenFeature maintainers can help

Volunteer to review Hacktoberfest issues and PRs. Please reply with a comment below with the language(s) you're willing to support in reviewing. Together we can take this great opportunity to expand our community and the feature flagging ecosystem overall!

Social Media: 17.10.22

Please add below any items you'd like to share on the OpenFeature social media channels (Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube) so I can schedule them for publishing this week.

Examples: project updates, new releases, blog posts, videos, future events, speaking engagements, etc.

Don't forget to add your social media handles if you want to be tagged!

Social Media: KubeCon campaign

This issue has been created to collect all the information about what is happening at KubeCon related to OpenFeature, in order to plan a campaign for the month of October.

Setup bootstrap governance process

We need to setup intermediate governance process while we are setting up the project. Most likely it is to be replaced once the project onboards more contributors

Social Media: 19.09.22

Please add below any items you'd like to share on the OpenFeature social media channels (Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube) so I can schedule them for publishing this week.

Examples: project updates, new releases, blog posts, videos, future events, speaking engagements, etc.

Don't forget to add your social media handles if you want to be tagged!

Update project tagline

The current tagline Cloud Native Feature Flag Management puts too much focus on cloud native and doesn't mention anything about standardization.

[Proposal] Team Structure

With increased participation in the project it's become apparent that we need to efficiently and effectively manage access to repositories. We can use Github's teams OR OWNERS_ALIASES, combined with specific users in OWNERS files. There's precedent here:

Github teams are not publicly viewable, so some projects (for example K8s) choose to use OWNERS_ALIASES in the OWNERS file for representing team memberships as well. I'm not sure if that's the route we want to go, but it's an option. It would require more maintenance in OWNERS files.

My proposal is to use Github teams + OWNERS files with user references to control access. Some example teams could be:

  • SDK (SDK repos)
  • K8s ("cloud native" components such as flagd and the OpenFeature Operator)
  • spec (spec and schemas, etc)
  • doc (docsite, obviously... should this also include the website?, if so, what's a better name)?
  • community (no sure about this one, but possibly it would be about governance docs, etc)

REQUEST: New membership for @staceypotter

GitHub Username: @staceypotter


  • I have reviewed the community membership guidelines
  • I have enabled 2FA on my GitHub account. See
  • I have subscribed to the Slack channel (use to get an invite)
  • I am actively contributing to 1 or more OpenFeature subprojects
  • I have two sponsors that meet the sponsor requirements listed in the community membership guidelines. Among other requirements, sponsors must be approvers or maintainers of at least one repository in the organization and not both affiliated with the same company
  • I have spoken to my sponsors ahead of this application, and they have agreed to sponsor my application
  • I have created a pull request, adding myself to the members of the organization within the community configuration


Each sponsor should reply to this issue with the comment "I support".
Please remember, it is an applicant's responsibility to get their sponsors confirmation before submitting the request.

List of contributions to the OpenFeature project:

  • PRs reviewed / authored: #187
  • Issues responded to
  • Subprojects I am involved with

Request to join the bootstrap governance board

I am offering to join the bootstrap governance board for one of the open seats and help establishing a governance process based on experience in other projects.

My key goals:

  • Establish and run regular governance meetings
  • Establish an enhancement process.
  • Help to define the charter for the coming year
  • Support GB, TC and maintainers on establishing the roadmap for the next 12 months
  • Help to build an end-user outreach group.

I have been working intensely on OpenFeature and helped assemble the project team. I would like to make my contribution more official also representing one of the major contributing organisations.

If you support please add your +1 below. Thank you!

Recommend Projects

  • React photo React

    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    πŸ–– Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. πŸ“ŠπŸ“ˆπŸŽ‰

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❀️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.