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About Me:

I am a Student and Full Stack Developer from the United States.


NodeJS  Discord.JS  CSS  HTML  JavaScript  TypeScript  Electron  Java 


Side Projects:

  • Jan 2022: Make My Link Longer
  • Mar 2023: ASCII Star Wars Websocket - Run wscat -c wss:// to watch star wars in your terminal!


wackywebm's People


alternatemedicine avatar artifishvr avatar breadone avatar deemitry88 avatar earthmite avatar enescakircali avatar gaembreaker avatar iamnikola avatar leonidussaks avatar lqtliquite avatar megascience avatar neonwizard avatar oirnoir avatar orangenal-name avatar robtuckfield avatar saltandvichips avatar sclanch avatar snowsign avatar stefa-n avatar t-brieger avatar thekiaibot avatar thewilloftheshadow avatar vrbalxssandro avatar wavjaby avatar xxanqw avatar


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wackywebm's Issues

some miscellaneous fixes

some small issues that arent really big enough to justify opening a PR for them (~5 minutes each at most)

  • - currently, the README says Keyframes <path to csv file>, whereas it's actually just Keyframes with an extra -k <path> argument somewhere
  • - bounce modes try to access info.framerate when it should be info.frameRate (capital R)
  • - for less annoyance while typing out keyframes, make linear the default (and allow only 3 fields per row) - easy fix (keyframes.js, line 69: const interpolation = line[3] ?? "linear")

less trivial, might have to look into these, not sure:

  • - more/better error messages (for example, 2 keyframes on the same frame, invalid (negative/non-numeric) inputs to arguments, stack traces when ffmpeg crashes) split into #48

Microsoft JScript compilation error

I've tried installing ffmpeg, node.js, and wackywebm on two machines. It worked breifly on my laptop for little while, then it stopped working. I then tried it within a fresh VM and got the error again.

ffmpeg env variables were set, node.js was installed from the msi, and downloaded necessary dependencies "upug.js" with npm (think it was called). I made sure that windows host scripting was enabled in the registry. I cannot for the life of me figure out what is going on. I attached an image of the error.

I have tried redownloading the git, and re installing wackywebm. I tried running it out of the root of C:, my desktop, and my downloads folder. I did work out of my downloads folder previously, and then it just never worked again.


Can I help dev

Related area

I want to help dev this so I can make a windows/Linux/macOS GUI so it’s easier for idiot

Is your feature request related to a problem?

I want to help dev this so I can make a windows/Linux/macOS GUI so it’s easier for idiot

Describe the solution you'd like

I want to help dev this so I can make a windows/Linux/macOS GUI so it’s easier for idiot

Additional context

I want to help dev this so I can make a windows/Linux/macOS GUI so it’s easier for idiot

I have checked existing list of Feature requests

  • I confirm I have checked existing list of Feature requests

Turkish language

Related area

Turkish language

Is your feature request related to a problem?


Describe the solution you'd like


	"no_translation": "ÇEVİRİLMEMİŞ DİZİN",
	"select_mode_arrows": "Ok tuşlarıyla kullanmak için Modu seçin, ardından onaylamak için enter tuşuna basın.",
	"change_options": "Herhangi bir seçeneği (tümü isteğe bağlıdır) değiştirmek için ilgili düğmeye basın. İşiniz bittiğinde enter'a basın.",
	"change_options_k": "Herhangi bir seçeneği değiştirmek için (ana kare dosyası dışında tümü isteğe bağlıdır), ilgili düğmeye basın. İşiniz bittiğinde enter'a basın.",
	"current_arg_values": "şu anda ayarlanmış argüman değerleri:",
	"enter_arg_value": "Lütfen \"{arg}\" bağımsız değişkeni için istediğiniz değeri girin ve ardından onaylamak için enter tuşuna basın. İptal etmek için ESC tuşuna basın.",
	"enter_file_path": "Lütfen dönüştürmek istediğiniz dosyanın yolunu girin (dosya adı ve varsa uzantı dahil)",
	"review_settings": "Bunlar seçtiğiniz ayarlardır. Devam etmek istiyorsanız Enter'a basın. Değilse, programdan çıkın (Q veya Ctrl+C)",
	"r_s_mode": "Mod:",
	"r_s_args": "Değiştirilmiş Argümanlar:",
	"r_s_file": "Seçilen dosya:",
	"tui_done": "Tamamlandı! Bu arayüzü kapatmak için herhangi bir tuşa basın.",
	"file_not_found": "Dosya bulunmuyor!",
	"keyframes_file_needed": "Anahtar kareler bağımsız değişkenini ayarlamanız gerekir.",
	"warning_template": "[WARNING] %s",
	"error_template": "[ERROR] %s",
	"parsing_keyframes": "{file} Ana Kare Dosyası ayrıştırılıyor...",
	"load_mode_failed": "mod: {mode} yükleme başarısız",
	"flag_locale_desc": "Kullanılan dili belirler",
	"illegal_argument": "Geçersiz argüman: {arg}",
	"arg_cannot_be_set": "{arg} bağımsız değişkeni ayarlanamıyor.",
	"no_mode_selected": "Varsayılan \"{default}\ kullanılarak mod seçilmedi"",
	"kf_file_not_found": "{file} KeyFrame dosyası bulunamadı.",
	"kf_file_required": "KeyFrame dosyası gerekli, ancak hiçbiri verilmedi.",
	"no_video_file": "Giriş video dosyası verilmedi.",
	"video_file_not_found": "Video dosyası bulunamadı: \"{file}\"",
	"info1": "Giriş dosyası: {video}.\nMinimum w/h {delta}px kullanılarak.\nGerekli giriş dosyası bilgileri ayıklanıyor...",
	"info2": "Çözünürlük {w}x{h}.\nKare hızı {framerate} ({decframerate}).\nGiriş Bit Hızı {bitrate}.",
	"config_header": "=========Yapılandırma=========",
	"config_footer": "==============================",
	"config_mode_list": "Modlar: {modlar}",
	"bounce_speed": "Sıçrama Hızı: Saniyede {tempo} kez",
	"rotate_speed": "Dönme Hızı: Saniyede {angle}°",
	"keyframe_file": "Ana kare dosyası: {file}",
	"output_bitrate": "Çıktı Bit Hızı: {bit hızı}",
	"creating_temp_dirs": "Geçici dizinler oluşturuluyor...",
	"splitting_audio": "Ses geçici bir dosyaya bölünüyor...",
	"no_audio": "Ses algılanmadı.",
	"splitting_frames": "Dosyayı çerçevelere bölme...",
	"starting_conversion": "Çerçeveleri webm'ye dönüştürüyor...",
	"convert_progress": "{framecount} kareyi webm'ye dönüştürülüyor (frames {startframe}-{endframe} / {batch_size}) - %{percent}",
	"done_conversion": "Tüm {framecount} kareleri {time}ms cinsinden başarıyla dönüştürdü",
	"writing_concat_file": "Concat dosyası yazılıyor...",
	"concatenating": "Segmentleri son webm dosyasında birleştiriliyor",
	"concatenating_audio": "Segmentleri birleştirme ve son webm dosyasına ses uygulanıyor",
	"done_removing_temp": "Bitti!\nGeçici dosyalar kaldırılıyor...",
	"error_during_update": "Güncellemeleri kontrol etmeye çalışırken bir hata oluştu: {error}",
	"newer_version_available": "Daha yeni bir sürümü mevcut. Lütfen güncellemeyi düşünün.",
	"excess_keyframes": "{time} karesinde fazla KeyFrame bulundu!",
	"unrecognized_interpolation": "Başlangıç genişliği/yüksekliği kullanılarak tanınmayan enterpolasyon modu {which}."

Additional context

No response

I have checked existing list of Feature requests

  • I confirm I have checked existing list of Feature requests


Related area

New mode

Is your feature request related to a problem?


Describe the solution you'd like

I want the ability to have the video stretch whether sideways or vertically

Additional context

No response

I have checked existing list of Feature requests

  • I confirm I have checked existing list of Feature requests

Error: Cannot find module 'upng-js'

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior

When trying to make a video it says:

throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'upng-js'
Require stack:

  • C:\Users\nikou\Downloads\WackyWebM-main\wackywebm.js
    ←[90m at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:933:15)←[39m
    ←[90m at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:778:27)←[39m
    ←[90m at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:999:19)←[39m
    ←[90m at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:102:18)←[39m
    at Object. (C:\Users\nikou\Downloads\WackyWebM-main\wackywebm.js:16:14)
    ←[90m at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1097:14)←[39m
    ←[90m at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1149:10)←[39m
    ←[90m at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:975:32)←[39m
    ←[90m at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:822:12)←[39m
    ←[90m at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:81:12)←[39m {
    code: ←[32m'MODULE_NOT_FOUND'←[39m,
    requireStack: [ ←[32m'C:\Users\nikou\Downloads\WackyWebM-main\wackywebm.js'←[39m ]

Expected Behavior

It should create the video as I wanted it to do

Steps To Reproduce

  1. I go to the folder in cmd
  2. I run the command: node wackywebm.js Sporadic AUGHH.mp4
  3. Error


- OS: Windows 10
- Node: Node.js v17.3.0
- ffmpeg: ffmpeg-master-latest-win64-gpl-shared

Anything else?

Please fix :)

The codebase is not TypeScript

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior

Should be TypeScript

Expected Behavior

Is JavaScript

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Go to
  2. It says 96.5% JavaScript instead of TypeScript


- OS: Windows 11
- Node: v16.16.0
- ffmpeg:

Anything else?

No response


Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior

I get this error after pressing enter to proceed once I've typed the filename:

[ERROR] (node:59076) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: rawTranslation.replaceAll is not a function
    at localizeString (C:\Users\jonas\Desktop\wackysize\WackyWebM\localization.js:45:78)
    at main (C:\Users\jonas\Desktop\wackysize\WackyWebM\wackywebm.js:275:14)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
    at async redrawStage5 (C:\Users\jonas\Desktop\wackysize\WackyWebM\terminal-ui.js:106:3)
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)

[ERROR] (node:59076) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see (rejection id: 1)

[ERROR] (node:59076) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

and the video was never saved.

Expected Behavior

I expected the video to render and save.

Steps To Reproduce

Attempt to use "audiobounce"

Use default output options

Enter filename

Press enter to continue


- OS: Windows 10
- Node: 14.16.1
- ffmpeg: git-2020-08-31-4a11a6f

Anything else?

No response

invalid aspect ratio on "bounce"

device: PC
os: windows
running: run.bat

"[Eval @ 000000b7ceffed20] Invalid chars ':NaN' at the end of expression '1920:NaN."
"Invalid aspect ratio: 1920:NaN "

Impossible to do on Windows 7

The latest NodeJS version supported for Windows 7 is v.13.14.0 and it is not compatible with this wacky WebM maker

I get a syntax error: unexpected token whenever I try to make it.

My fault for using outdated system but still sucks, I wonder if there is an alternative or a solution to this problem?

WebM Maker Not Working

First of all thank you for making a Maker for this... Now I can annoy my friends on discord.
Second of All.. I am getting this error. I followed a Tutorial by "No Text to Speech" On YouTube to see how I can properly install this... I followed everything but then this error is popping up [Image1]
I am not much good with JavaScript so yeah idk what's wrong.

Tutorial I am following:
OS: Windows 11

Suggestion: More Keyframe interpolation modes

for example, we might have a bounce interpolation mode that essentially does a similar thing to the bounce regular mode - while this would be easy to implement, I believe we would have to adjust the keyframe syntax to allow some parameters (perhaps something like this?)

<time>, <width>, <height>, bounce, <speed>, <amplitude>

and while this would work, I feel like it's a little clumsy to exclude them that way


this is just a simple question, how do you make a keyframe file? is there an example of how to make one? thank you.

Use fluent-ffmpeg

Would be easier for others if this gets changed to instead use fluent-ffmpeg. No FFmpeg or FFprobe is required if you just install the npm packages "@ffmpeg-installer/ffmpeg" and "@ffprobe-installer/ffprobe" saying ffmpeg is not installed Even tho it is in the linux terminal

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior

I was trying out this it said ffmpeg not installed what the heck?
I used sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
and it said its already installed + newest version
I currently run linux on my chromebook
Can you help me?
Screenshot 2022-11-07 5 54 07 PM

Expected Behavior

Run the script and i could make those bouncy webms*

Steps To Reproduce

No response


- OS:chromeOS*
- Node:Already Have Nodejs*
- ffmpeg:Installed on chromeOS automatically*

Anything else?

Help me bruh*


Sharing Preset/Modes community

Hello there, i really like this project, and i see that more presets/modes are being added.
In the readme you state that we can tweak the script and make a mode. (Atleast, that's how i get it.)
I thought that having a discord community for sharing user-created modes would be nice :)


Describe the solution you'd like

take an additional command-line flag, -s or --smoothing (that takes an argument which i'll call level here), which would have the size of each frame be the rolling average of the last level frames. this would, in particular, be potentially useful for the audio modes or perhaps keyframes

Allow mixing of modes?

discord seems to more or less agree on a syntax like wackywebm.js -t "0-5" bounce -t "-10" shrink for "bounce from 0-5 seconds, shrink after that until 10", but this syntax could possibly be ambiguous in a lot of ways, and it probably is quite a pain to implement, hence this is just a stretch goal for now

Adding some ffmpeg stuff

The app itself is awesome, but if you add some ffmpeg commands like custom bitrate so we can optimize the final part.
usually final file is about 3 - 6mb so it's painful to upload

File Size too large

Related area

Make the file smaller

Is your feature request related to a problem?

I can't send it to discord because it is more than 8MB

Describe the solution you'd like

Make the file size smaller so we can be able to send it to discord

Additional context

No response

I have checked existing list of Feature requests

  • I confirm I have checked existing list of Feature requests

Keyframe system?

How about a system to add keyframes (probably command line argument that points to a csv file or something similar), that way the timing and speed of the size changes could be controlled a lot more precisely, should the user want to

I can look into doing this myself, just wanted to check if the feature was wanted

Allow picking a timestamp to start the adjustment

Related area

Other feature

Is your feature request related to a problem?


Describe the solution you'd like

Just allow me to pick when to start the crazyness

Additional context

No response

I have checked existing list of Feature requests

  • I confirm I have checked existing list of Feature requests

Long video + Audio mode causes maxBuffer length error

Video used:
Modes used: Audio-Bounce, Audio-Shutter.
This does not seem to affect other modes, just the two audio reactive ones.

Splitting file into frames...
RangeError [ERR_CHILD_PROCESS_STDIO_MAXBUFFER]: stdout maxBuffer length exceeded
    at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:371:5)
    at Socket.onChildStdout (node:child_process:459:14)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:390:28)
    at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:315:12)
    at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:285:11)
    at Socket.Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:228:10)
    at Pipe.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:199:23) {
  cmd: `ffprobe -f lavfi -i "amovie='Enemy.mp4',astats=metadata=1:reset=1" -show_entries "frame=pkt_pts_time:frame_tags=lavfi.astats.Overall.RMS_level" -of json`,
  stdout: '{\r\n' +
    '    "frames": [\r\n' +
    '        {\r\n' +
    '            "pkt_pts_time": "0.000000",\r\n' +
    '            "tags": {\r\n' +
    '                "lavfi.astats.Overall.RMS_level": "-inf"\r\n' +
    '            }\r\n' +

Full Error:

Jumpscare dont work

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior

when I use jumpscare it just shrinks into a tiny square

Expected Behavior

at a specific time, go from 0x0 video to full video

Steps To Reproduce

  1. open cmd
  2. type "node wackywebm.js jumpscare -k 1
  3. run
  4. play video and it will just shrink


- OS: Windows 10
- Node:v16.14.0
- ffmpeg: I ran ffmpeg -version but it came out with this: ffmpeg version N-107702-g56973eb687-20220808

Anything else?

No response

Add Playback Bounce and Playback Shutter modes

  • Feature 1:
    Add Playback Bounce mode. Basically will just make it taller the more loud the audio is on the video.
  • Feature 2:
    Add Playback Shutter mode. Will make it more wide the louder the audio.

Files output larger than 8MB

A lot of files output bigger than 8MB. Could you implement compressing the video after? If you compress it with FFmpeg it removes the wacky aspect ratios.

audio/video sometimes get out of sync in longer videos

this only happens, or is at least only noticable, for quite long videos - over 2-3 minutes - and is probably related to how we handle audio in general.

(following paragraph copied from description of #58)
in all situations where i have so far encountered this new issue, it can be fixed by setting the source video's frame rate to exactly 25, presumably because that's what ffmpeg uses as a default frame rate for input files that don't have an inherent "speed" (like a bunch of still frames).

if this really is the reason, a simple -r ${framerate} flag to ffmpeg could possibly already fix it

Change color space and other attributes at specifc frame

Related area

new modes

Is your feature request related to a problem?

I want to change color space duration framerate etc. at a specific frame to create something like slap.mp4 tis this possible?

Describe the solution you'd like

I'd like to have a (bunch) of new mode(s) to change color space framerate etc. at a specific frame/second

Additional context

No response

I have checked existing list of Feature requests

  • I confirm I have checked existing list of Feature requests

Add separate branch for testing purposes

Can you guys stop playing with code in the main branch please😳
Right now (by the time writing this issue) your script isnt working apart from audio modes and shrink modes
branch with the TEST code on the other hand is working fine afait (tested)


Keyframes not working

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current Behavior

Arguments: --keyframes = "5, 0, 480"
Error: No such file or directory '../WackyWebM-main/5, 0, 480'

Expected Behavior

I expected the output to be a video that would shrink horizontally after 5 seconds

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Select Keyframes
  2. Press X
  3. Type 5, 0, 480
  4. Press Enter and select any video thats longer than 5 seconds
  5. See error


- OS: Windows 10
- Node: 16.16.0
- ffmpeg: g23758380d0

Anything else?

No response

Add Delayed Shrink mode

can you make a command to where the video is big for like a second or half a second then it shrinks instantly so you cant pause it

Suggestion: Allow selection of ffmpeg binary

There are some valid reasons to have multiple ffmpeg installs at once (for example, working on ffmpeg itself and/or keeping older versions for compatibility testing) - I thought about adding a command-line flag that would set which ffmpeg to use (defaulting to just ffmpeg and relying on path when not set), however I'm worried it might confuse non-technical users even more than we already do to see that in the usage help

tl;dr i'm asking for some opinions on whether this might be worth implementing

Audio bounce effect could use a better scaling algorithm, due to skews from anomalous volumes, that might occur in a few frames.

Now upon inspecting the code for the effect, i've noticed problems regarding anomalous volumes, which skews the scale of the video instead of relying on the average and then using standard deviations to clip the data and then normalize it.
I've improved it significantly, however, i code in python, so for anyone willing to implement it, here you go

def getAudioMap(input_file):
    output = get_output("""ffprobe -loglevel quiet -f lavfi -i "amovie='{}',astats=metadata=1:reset=1" -show_entries "frame=pkt_pts_time:frame_tags=lavfi.astats.Overall.RMS_level" -of json""".format(input_file))
    audio_levels = iter(float(audio["tags"]["lavfi.astats.Overall.RMS_level"]) for audio in json.loads(output)['frames'])
    audio_levels_map = [{"frame": frame+1, "dBs": next(audio_levels)} for frame in range(frame_count)]
    highest = max(audio_levels_map, key=lambda x: x["dBs"])
    average = sum([audio["dBs"] if not isinf(audio["dBs"]) else 0 for audio in audio_levels_map]) / len(audio_levels_map)
    deviation = abs((highest["dBs"] - average) / 2)
    audio_levels_clipped = list(clip([audio["dBs"] for audio in audio_levels_map], average - deviation, average + deviation))
    for i in range(len(audio_levels_map)):
        if audio_levels_clipped[i] > average:
            audio_levels_map[i]["percentMax"] = 0.5 + abs((audio_levels_clipped[i] - average) / deviation)*0.5
            audio_levels_map[i]["percentMax"] = 0.5 - abs((audio_levels_clipped[i] - average) / deviation)*0.5
    return audio_levels_map

Strip extra quotes at the beginning and end of the path

Related area

Have a check to strip any " around the path to the file

Is your feature request related to a problem?

When useing the "copy path" button in windows it copy's the path rapped in " causeing the script to not like it

Describe the solution you'd like

If the code sees 2 " rapping the code strip it so it gets the raw path to the file and stops people saying about the path being correct but the code says it's invalid

Additional context

No response

I have checked existing list of Feature requests

  • I confirm I have checked existing list of Feature requests

I get an error when trying to use it.


PS C:\Users\Minoa\Desktop\WebM-Maker-Thing-Idk-main> node .\wackywebm.js bounce .\mt.mp4
async function main() {

SyntaxError: Unexpected token function
at createScript (vm.js:56:10)
at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:97:10)
at Module._compile (module.js:549:28)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:586:10)
at Module.load (module.js:494:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:453:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:445:3)
at Module.runMain (module.js:611:10)
at run (bootstrap_node.js:387:7)
at startup (bootstrap_node.js:153:9)
PS C:\Users\Minoa\Desktop\WebM-Maker-Thing-Idk-main> node .\wackywebm.js Shutter .\mt.mp4
async function main() {

man what the fuck

followed the install for fmmpeg and its not working even after restart

[Enhancement] Function to automatically crop frames based on transparency

Suggestion to add functionality to automatically crop frames based on alpha/transparency

Example: Export a video or image sequence with alpha from After Effects with transformations already applied to the content layers within the composition, then have a script crop the edges of each frame to the first solid/non-translucent pixels.

More advanced functionality would be to allow setting a key hex color, for green-screened video

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.