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theme-bobthefish's Introduction


bobthefish is a Powerline-style, Git-aware fish theme optimized for awesome.

Oh My Fish MIT License



Be sure to have Oh My Fish installed. Then just:

omf install bobthefish

You will need a Powerline-patched font for this to work, unless you enable the compatibility fallback option:

set -g theme_powerline_fonts no

I recommend picking one of these. For more advanced awesome, install a nerd fonts patched font, and enable nerd fonts support:

set -g theme_nerd_fonts yes

This theme is based loosely on agnoster.


  • A helpful, but not too distracting, greeting.
  • A subtle timestamp hanging out off to the right.
  • Powerline-style visual hotness.
  • More colors than you know what to do with.
  • An abbreviated path which doesn't abbreviate the name of the current project.
  • All the things you need to know about Git in a glance.
  • Visual indication that you can't write to the current directory.

The Prompt

  • Status flags:
    • Previous command failed (!)
    • Private mode (🔒 or )
    • You currently have superpowers ($)
    • Background jobs (%)
  • Current vi mode
  • User@Host (unless you're the default user)
  • Current RVM, rbenv or chruby (Ruby) version
  • Current virtualenv (Python) version
    • If you use virtualenv, you will probably need to disable the default virtualenv prompt, since it doesn't play nice with fish: set -x VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT 1
  • Current NVM/FNM version (Nodejs) (inactive by default; see configurations in the next paragraph)
  • Abbreviated parent directory
  • Current directory, or Git or Mercurial project name
  • Current project's repo branch (branch-glyph master) or detached head ( d0dfd9b)
  • Git or Mercurial status, via colors and flags:
    • Dirty working directory (*)
    • Untracked files ()
    • Staged changes (~)
    • Stashed changes ($)
    • Unpulled commits (-)
    • Unpushed commits (+)
    • Unpulled and unpushed commits (±)
    • Note that not all of these have been implemented for hg yet :)
  • Fossil status:
    • Dirty working directory (*)
    • Untracked files ()
    • Conflicts (!)
  • Abbreviated project-relative path


You can override theme defaults in a Fish config file (for example ~/.config/fish/conf.d/

set -g theme_nerd_fonts yes
set -g theme_color_scheme dark
set -g theme_display_user ssh
set -g default_user bobthecow

See (many) more options below.

Prompt options

set -g theme_display_vi yes

By default the vi mode indicator will be shown if vi or hybrid key bindings are enabled. Use no to always hide the indicator, or yes to always show the indicator.

set -g theme_show_exit_status yes

Use yes to show any non-zero exit code next to the exclamation mark.

set -g theme_display_jobs_verbose yes

Use yes to display the number of currently running background jobs next to the percent sign.

set -g theme_display_user yes

Set to yes to always display the username, to ssh to display only when an SSH session is active, or to no to never display the username.

set -g default_user your_normal_user

If a default_user is provided, the username will only be shown when it differs from the default.

set -g theme_display_sudo_user yes

If set to yes, displays the sudoer's username in a root shell. For example, when calling sudo -s with this option set to yes, the user who called sudo -s will be displayed.

set -g theme_display_hostname yes

Set to yes to always display the hostname, to ssh to display only when an SSH session is active, or to no to never display the hostname.

set -g fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 1

Bobthefish respects the Fish $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length setting to abbreviate the prompt path; set to 0 to show the full path, 1 (default) to show only the first character of each parent directory name, or any other number to show up to that many characters.

set -g theme_project_dir_length 1

The same as $fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length, but for the path relative to the current project root. Defaults to 0; set to any other number to show an abbreviated path.

set -g theme_show_project_parent no

Use no to only show the project directory name, and not its parent path, when inside a project.

set -g theme_newline_cursor yes

Use yes to place the cursor on the next line, rather than the same line as the prompt. Setting this to clean instead of yes suppresses the caret on the new line.

set -g theme_newline_prompt "\$"

Use a custom prompt with newline cursor. By default this is the chevron right glyph or > when powerline fonts are disabled.

set -g theme_avoid_ambiguous_glyphs yes

You probably don't need this option, unless your terminal doesn't like Unicode. Setting to yes will avoid ambiguous-width characters in an attempt to

set -g theme_powerline_fonts no

Bobthefish really likes Powerline-enhanced fonts. If you can't make that work, set to no to use plaintext fallbacks.

set -g theme_nerd_fonts yes

Bobthefish likes Nerd Fonts even better! Use yes if you've got Nerd Font capable fonts.

set -g theme_color_scheme dark

See below for all the color scheming you can handle.

Virtual environments and version manager options

set -g theme_display_screen no

Use no to disable screen session information.

set -g theme_display_vagrant yes

This feature is disabled by default, use yes to display Vagrant status in your prompt. Please note that only the VirtualBox and VMWare providers are supported.

set -g theme_display_docker_machine no

Use no to disable the current Docker machine name.

set -g theme_display_ruby no

Use no to disable Ruby version information. By default, the Ruby version is displayed unless it's your system Ruby version.

set -g theme_display_virtualenv no

Use no to disable Python version information. By default, the Python version is shown when it's interesting, along with the Virtualenv or Conda environmenmt.

set -g theme_display_go verbose

Use no to disable the Go version information. Set to verbose to show both the required and current Go version.

set -g theme_display_node yes

This feature is disabled by default. Use yes, display the version if an .nvmrc, .node-version or package.json file is found in the parent path. Set to always to always display the current NPM, NVM or FNM node version.

set -g theme_display_nix no

Use no to disable Nix environment information.

set -g theme_display_k8s_context yes

This feature is disabled by default. Use yes to show the current Kubernetes context (> kubectl config current-context).

set -g theme_display_k8s_namespace yes

This feature is disabled by default. Use yes to show the current Kubernetes namespace.

set -g theme_display_aws_vault_profile yes

This feature is disabled by default. Use yes to show the currently executing AWS Vault profile.

Git (and other VCS) options

set -g theme_display_git no

Use no to disable Git integration. If you're doing this for performance reasons, try some of the options below before disabling it entirely!

set -g theme_display_git_dirty no

Use no to hide Git dirty state. Set the Git bash.showDirtyState option on a per-repository basis to disable it just for especially large repos.

set -g theme_display_git_dirty_verbose yes

This feature is disabled by default. Use yes to show more verbose dirty state information.

set -g theme_display_git_untracked no

Use no to hide Git untracked file state. Set the Git bash.showUntrackedFiles option on a per-repository basis to disable it just for especially large repos.

set -g theme_display_git_ahead_verbose yes

This feature is disabled by default. Use yes to show more verbose ahead/behind state information.

set -g theme_display_git_stashed_verbose yes

This feature is disabled by default. Use yes to show more verbose stashed state information.

set -g theme_display_git_default_branch yes

By default, Bobthefish hides the default branch name (e.g. main or master). Use yes to always show these branche names.

set -g theme_git_default_branches main trunk

By default, Bobthefish hides default branch names (e.g. main or master). To hide other branch names, you can set a custom default branch name via the init.defaultBranch Git config option, or override the list entirely.

set -g theme_use_abbreviated_branch_name yes

This feature is disabled by default. Use yes to truncate extremely long Git branch names.

set -g theme_git_worktree_support yes

If you do any Git worktree shenanigans, setting this to yes will fix incorrect project-relative paths. If you don't do any Git worktree shenanigans, leave it disabled. It's faster this way :)

set -g theme_display_hg yes

This feature is disabled by default. Use yes to enable Mercurial support in Bobthefish. If you don't use Mercurial, leave it disabled because it's ... not fast.

set -g theme_display_fossil yes

This feature is also disabled by default. It should be faster than Mercurial, but if you aren't using Fossil it's safe to leave disabled.

set -g theme_vcs_ignore_paths /some/path /some/other/path{foo,bar}

Ignore project paths for Git or Mercurial. Supports glob patterns.

Right prompt options

The right prompt can be configured with the following options, or overridden entirely by supplying your own fish_right_prompt function.

set -g theme_display_date

Use no to disable the date in the right prompt.

set -g theme_date_format +%c

Customize date formatting. See man date for more information.

set -g theme_date_timezone America/Los_Angeles

Supply a TZ argument variable for date formatting. See man date for more information.

set -g theme_display_cmd_duration no

Use no to disable command duration in the right prompt.

Title options

set -g theme_title_display_process yes

This feature is disabled by default. Use yes to show current process name in the terminal title.

set -g theme_title_display_path no

Use no to hide current working directory from the terminal title.

set -g theme_title_display_user yes

Use yes to show the current user in the tab title (unless you're the default user).

set -g theme_title_use_abbreviated_path no

By default, directory names will be abbreviated in the terminal title, for example ~ instead of $HOME and /u/local instead of /usr/local. Set to no to always show full paths in the title.

Color schemes

dark light
solarized solarized-light
base16 base16-light
zenburn terminal-dark
nord gruvbox-light

You can use the function bobthefish_display_colors to preview the prompts in any color scheme.

Set theme_color_scheme in a terminal session or in your fish startup files to one of the following options to change the prompt colors.

  • dark. The default bobthefish theme.
  • light. A lighter version of the default theme.
  • solarized (or solarized-dark), solarized-light. Dark and light variants of Solarized.
  • base16 (or base16-dark), base16-light. Dark and light variants of the default Base16 theme.
  • zenburn. An adaptation of Zenburn.
  • gruvbox, gruvbox-light. An adaptation of gruvbox dark and light variants.
  • dracula. An adaptation of dracula.
  • nord. An adaptation of nord.
  • catpuccin-latte, catpuccin-frappe, catpuccin-macchiato, catpuccin-mocha. Adaptations of the Cattpuccin themes.

Some of these may not look right if your terminal does not support 24 bit color, in which case you can try one of the terminal schemes (below). However, if you're using Solarized, Base16 (default), or Zenburn in your terminal and the terminal does support 24 bit color, the built in schemes will look nicer.

There are several scheme that use whichever colors you currently have loaded into your terminal. The advantage of using the schemes that fall through to the terminal colors is that they automatically adapt to something acceptable whenever you change the 16 colors in your terminal profile.

  • terminal (or terminal-dark or terminal-dark-black)
  • terminal-dark-white. Same as terminal, but use white as the foreground color on top of colored segments (in case your colors are very dark).
  • terminal-light (or terminal-light-white)
  • terminal-light-black. Same as terminal-light, but use black as the foreground color on top of colored segments (in case your colors are very bright).

For some terminal themes, like dark base16 themes, the path segments in the prompt will be indistinguishable from the background. In those cases, try one of the following variations; they are identical to the terminal schemes except for using bright black (brgrey) and dull white (grey) in the place of black and bright white.

  • terminal2 (or terminal2-dark or terminal2-dark-black)
  • terminal2-dark-white
  • terminal2-light (or terminal2-light-white)
  • terminal2-light-black

Custom Color Schemes

To override the colors provided by a theme, set up a bobthefish_colors function in your configuration ( or otherwise):

function bobthefish_colors -S -d 'Define a custom bobthefish color scheme'

  # optionally include a base color scheme...
  ___bobthefish_colors default

  # then override everything you want! note that these must be defined with `set -x`
  set -x color_initial_segment_exit     ffffff ce000f --bold
  set -x color_initial_segment_private  ffffff 255e87
  set -x color_initial_segment_su       ffffff 189303 --bold
  set -x color_initial_segment_jobs     ffffff 255e87 --bold
  set -x color_path                     333333 999999
  set -x color_path_basename            333333 ffffff --bold
  set -x color_path_nowrite             660000 cc9999
  set -x color_path_nowrite_basename    660000 cc9999 --bold
  set -x color_repo                     addc10 0c4801
  set -x color_repo_work_tree           333333 ffffff --bold
  set -x color_repo_dirty               ce000f ffffff
  set -x color_repo_staged              f6b117 3a2a03
  set -x color_vi_mode_default          999999 333333 --bold
  set -x color_vi_mode_insert           189303 333333 --bold
  set -x color_vi_mode_visual           f6b117 3a2a03 --bold
  set -x color_vagrant                  48b4fb ffffff --bold
  set -x color_aws_vault
  set -x color_aws_vault_expired
  set -x color_username                 cccccc 255e87 --bold
  set -x color_hostname                 cccccc 255e87
  set -x color_rvm                      af0000 cccccc --bold
  set -x color_virtualfish              005faf cccccc --bold
  set -x color_virtualgo                005faf cccccc --bold
  set -x color_desk                     005faf cccccc --bold
  set -x color_nix                      005faf cccccc --bold


You can disable the theme default greeting, vi mode prompt, right prompt, or title entirely — or override with your own — by adding custom functions to ~/.config/fish/functions:

  • ~/.config/fish/functions/
  • ~/.config/fish/functions/
  • ~/.config/fish/functions/
  • ~/.config/fish/functions/

To disable them completely, use an empty function:

function fish_right_prompt; end

… Or copy one from your favorite theme, make up something of your own, or copy/paste a bobthefish default function and modify it to your taste!

function fish_greeting
  set_color $fish_color_autosuggestion
  echo "I'm completely operational, and all my circuits are functioning perfectly."
  set_color normal

theme-bobthefish's People


bobthecow avatar caesar avatar cmrn avatar darrenkidd avatar demize avatar donm avatar fmeinicke avatar hansl avatar jeltef avatar jguer avatar josselinauguste avatar jschneider avatar lambdalord avatar laurenttreguier avatar marcplustwo avatar maxschambach avatar morozov avatar nathan-gilbert avatar nekroze avatar nemodreamer avatar oschrenk avatar pfsmorigo avatar pik avatar remche avatar rickard-von-essen avatar rominf avatar sashaegorov avatar seanhagen avatar smollclover avatar tflori avatar


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theme-bobthefish's Issues

Option to disable the greeting?

I think it would be useful to have an option to disable the greeting. Or, set if only the user has not overridden the default greeting.


Czech locale datestring overflowing to next line

when used in the Windows 10 bash with a Czech locale, the prompt does this:
You can see that the "T" from "DST" is overflowing to the next line. This happens regardless of the terminal size.
This behavior occurs every time with the PragmataPro font, and occasionally with other fonts, such as Source Code Pro. (Result of ls in /usr/bin, for example: image )

Is there any way to fix this?

Vagrant indication seems broken

I believe the vagrant status portion is broken. I see a ! which indicates unknown status
It looks like the code is looking for VMState but as you can see below, the property appears to be just State

$ vagrant --version
Vagrant 1.8.1

VirtualBox version 5.0.18 r106667

VBoxManage showvminfo capitol-connect-dev_capitol-connect-dev_1464200304904_86096
Name:            capitol-connect-dev_capitol-connect-dev_1464200304904_86096
Groups:          /
Guest OS:        Red Hat (64-bit)
UUID:            83652330-5585-431e-b876-3d1c399789d3
Config file:     /Users/jschank/VirtualBox VMs/capitol-connect-dev_capitol-connect-dev_1464200304904_86096/capitol-connect-dev_capitol-connect-dev_1464200304904_86096.vbox
Snapshot folder: /Users/jschank/VirtualBox VMs/capitol-connect-dev_capitol-connect-dev_1464200304904_86096/Snapshots
Log folder:      /Users/jschank/VirtualBox VMs/capitol-connect-dev_capitol-connect-dev_1464200304904_86096/Logs
Hardware UUID:   83652330-5585-431e-b876-3d1c399789d3
Memory size:     2048MB
Page Fusion:     off
VRAM size:       8MB
CPU exec cap:    100%
HPET:            off
Chipset:         piix3
Firmware:        BIOS
Number of CPUs:  2
PAE:             on
Long Mode:       on
CPUID Portability Level: 0
CPUID overrides: None
Boot menu mode:  message and menu
Boot Device (1): HardDisk
Boot Device (2): DVD
Boot Device (3): Not Assigned
Boot Device (4): Not Assigned
ACPI:            on
IOAPIC:          on
Time offset:     0ms
RTC:             UTC
Hardw. virt.ext: on
Nested Paging:   on
Large Pages:     on
VT-x VPID:       on
VT-x unr. exec.: on
Paravirt. Provider: Legacy
State:           powered off (since 2016-05-25T21:22:48.000000000)
Monitor count:   1
3D Acceleration: off
2D Video Acceleration: off
Teleporter Enabled: off
Teleporter Port: 0
Teleporter Address:
Teleporter Password:
Tracing Enabled: off
Allow Tracing to Access VM: off
Tracing Configuration:
Autostart Enabled: off
Autostart Delay: 0
Default Frontend:
Storage Controller Name (0):            IDE Controller
Storage Controller Type (0):            PIIX4
Storage Controller Instance Number (0): 0
Storage Controller Max Port Count (0):  2
Storage Controller Port Count (0):      2
Storage Controller Bootable (0):        on
IDE Controller (0, 0): /Users/jschank/VirtualBox VMs/capitol-connect-dev_capitol-connect-dev_1464200304904_86096/box-disk1.vmdk (UUID: 3eb66820-fb98-40ca-886d-cb661c7e6688)
NIC 1:           MAC: 080027D70E5A, Attachment: NAT, Cable connected: on, Trace: off (file: none), Type: 82540EM, Reported speed: 0 Mbps, Boot priority: 0, Promisc Policy: deny, Bandwidth group: none
NIC 1 Settings:  MTU: 0, Socket (send: 64, receive: 64), TCP Window (send:64, receive: 64)
NIC 1 Rule(0):   name = ssh, protocol = tcp, host ip =, host port = 2222, guest ip = , guest port = 22
NIC 1 Rule(1):   name = tcp7777, protocol = tcp, host ip = , host port = 7777, guest ip = , guest port = 80
NIC 1 Rule(2):   name = tcp9003, protocol = tcp, host ip = , host port = 9003, guest ip = , guest port = 9003
NIC 2:           disabled
NIC 3:           disabled
NIC 4:           disabled
NIC 5:           disabled
NIC 6:           disabled
NIC 7:           disabled
NIC 8:           disabled
Pointing Device: PS/2 Mouse
Keyboard Device: PS/2 Keyboard
UART 1:          disabled
UART 2:          disabled
UART 3:          disabled
UART 4:          disabled
LPT 1:           disabled
LPT 2:           disabled
Audio:           disabled
Clipboard Mode:  disabled
Drag and drop Mode: disabled
VRDE:            disabled
USB:             disabled
EHCI:            disabled
XHCI:            disabled

USB Device Filters:


Bandwidth groups:  <none>

Shared folders:

Name: 'var_www_html_apps', Host path: '/Users/jschank/ddc-advocacy/projects/capitol-connect-dev/sites' (machine mapping), writable
Name: 'var_log_httpd', Host path: '/Users/jschank/ddc-advocacy/projects/capitol-connect-dev/logs' (machine mapping), writable
Name: 'vagrant', Host path: '/Users/jschank/ddc-advocacy/projects/capitol-connect-dev' (machine mapping), writable

Video capturing:    not active
Capture screens:    0
Capture file:       /Users/jschank/VirtualBox VMs/capitol-connect-dev_capitol-connect-dev_1464200304904_86096/capitol-connect-dev_capitol-connect-dev_1464200304904_86096.webm
Capture dimensions: 1024x768
Capture rate:       512 kbps
Capture FPS:        25


Configured memory balloon size:      0 MB

allow multiple default usernames

Some people will have different usernames for their primary accounts on different machines, or multiple "primary" accounts on a single machine. For example a username bob on personal computers, but bfish on company computers. If fish config dotfiles are synced between accounts, hard-coding the default_user variable to a single value no longer works and you either need a per-machine config file for that variable, or to set the variable dynamically.

One option is to add a default_users variable that stores a list, with the same behavior as default_user as long as the current username is any of the strings of the list. Optionally, it could take user@host strings so that the username user would only be a default user on the machine named host. This is probably overkill, though.

I'm happy to implement it, this way or another way, but I wanted to run it by you first.

(Background: If the current user id is equal to the value of the default_user variable, the username and host are not displayed in the prompt.)

Weird segment terminator color

I just installed this awesome theme and I'm getting a problem with the "segment terminators" (the arrows at the end of each block in the prompt). They have a slightly different color than the segment.

Here is a screenshot : weird color

You can see that the dark gray of the arrow is not the same as the previous one.

I'm using iTerm2 with Source Code Pro font but got the same result with any font.

By the way, what is the font you're using in the Readme screenshot ?

Other strange autocompletion issue

I don't know how to describe this, when I enter python -m and then press TAB, I get an error.


I think that the expected behaviour is not to propose the python modules, but at least not the find error.

error in __bobthefish_cmd_duration

Changes in $CMD_DURATION probably caused, that function __bobthefish_cmd_duration receives empty arguments when new shell is opened.


test returned eval errors:
h  Sun 18 Dec 2016 08:51:46 PM CET
	invalid integer ''
test returned eval errors:
	invalid integer ''
test returned eval errors:
	invalid integer ''
test returned eval errors:
	invalid integer ''
(standard_in) 1: syntax error

Simple solution is adding [ "$CMD_DURATION" = '' ]; and return before first $CMD_DURATION comparison to prevent comparison with 'nothing'. If empty, just return.

function __bobthefish_cmd_duration -S -d 'Show command duration'
  [ "$theme_display_cmd_duration" = "no" ]; and return
  [ "$CMD_DURATION" = '' ]; and return
  [ "$CMD_DURATION" -lt 100 ]; and return

"string" comand is failing, what should i install

string: no order found
~/.config/fish/functions/ (line 1): string replace -r '^'"$current_dir"'($|/)' '' $PWD
in command substitution
called on line 149 of file ~/.config/fish/functions/

in function '__bobthefish_project_pwd'
called on line 464 of file ~/.config/fish/functions/

in command substitution
called on line 462 of file ~/.config/fish/functions/

in function '__bobthefish_prompt_git'
called on line 1345 of file ~/.config/fish/functions/

in function 'fish_prompt'
called on standard input

in command substitution
called on standard input

Directory with @ breaks powerline prompt

Matlab has the naming-convention @Class for a class-directory. Entering such
a directory, maintained under a Git-repository, breaks correct displaying of the
theme-bobthefish powerline shell prompt.

Full paths in prompt.

It would be great to have option to see full directory names instead of shortened in prompt, so '~/.config/fish/functions' instead of ~/.c/f/functions'.
There is already an option to show abbreviated/not abbreviated path in window's title, so maybe you could add it for regular prompt also?

bthefish theme | Repository not found

Hi there,

I think there must have been a problem somewhere with one of the themes linkage to the repo:

$ cat .config/fish/
# Path to your oh-my-fish.
set fish_path $HOME/.oh-my-fish

# Path to your custom folder (default path is ~/.oh-my-fish/custom)
#set fish_custom $HOME/dotfiles/oh-my-fish

# Load oh-my-fish configuration.
. $fish_path/

# Custom plugins and themes may be added to ~/.oh-my-fish/custom
# Plugins and themes can be found at
Theme 'bthefish'
Plugin 'theme'
$ omf install
Installing bthefish... Username for '': f3r
Password for 'https://[email protected]':
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository '' not found


Option not to flag git stashes

I have a lot of git stashes in some of my projects. Often I'll save half-finished work in a stash while working on something else.

It's really annoying to have bobthefish constantly show an orange git status line with the $ indicator. I'd like it to show as clean when there are no unchanged files in the current branch.

Would it be possible to add an option to disable this behaviour?

Happy to submit a pull request if you will accept a new option. :-)

The status "bang" doesn't show when a command failed and a Python virtualenv is activated

As long as the virtualenv is deactivated, the "!" works as expected, it shows when something fails, and clears when the next command runs successfully. But as long as the virtualenv is activated, it never shows, regardless of the previous command's exit code.

 ~/tmp  virtualenv-3.4 env/
Using base prefix '/usr'
New python executable in env/bin/python3
Also creating executable in env/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
 ~/tmp  commandthatfails
commandthatfails: command not found
 !  ~/tmp  source env/bin/
(env) ◰ ³ env  ~/tmp  commandthatfails
commandthatfails: command not found
(env) ◰ ³ env  ~/tmp  deactivate
 ~/tmp  commandthatfails
commandthatfails: command not found
 !  ~/tmp 

Here's the screenshot of the same output. The timestamps at the right side of the screen are omitted for clarity, they are always present.

The script used in this test is generated by the virtualenv command.

Option not to require Powerline fonts

It would be really nice if there was an option to disable the use of Powerline glyphs. I love all the features of bobthefish but would sometimes prefer not to have to use a special font.

In powerline for Vim, for example, it is possible to disable the use of Powerline glyphs (It just shows square ends instead of arrows, and doesn't show the git branch icon, for example).

This would also save a few characters on small screens, I guess...

I don't know how much work it would be to go through making each use of a powerline glyph depend on a central option. But would you accept a pull request? Or do you prefer not to add new options...?

This theme slows down interactive shell

I have been using this theme for quite some time, but a few months ago I noticed that my shell is sluggish when I turn my laptop into power save mode. Any other theme I have tried today doesn't introduce any noticeable slowdown. Backspace operation is the slowest, if I have a 50-character-long line and I press and hold backspace for 3 seconds and release it, the shell will continue deleting characters for 4-5 seconds more, so it can remove the whole line while I wanted to remove just a few words.

System info:

  • Arch Linux x64 (Core i7 in power save mode running at 800MHz)
  • Fish 2.4.0
  • Latest bobthefish

slow on fish 2.4.0

I'm running archlinux on rpi, omf/theme-bobthefish installed via fisherman.

Fish prompt became slow since 2.4.0 (I get a noticeable lag when I type).
I do not have this with the default prompt on fish 2.4.0 or bobthefish on 2.3.x

Does anyone have the same behaviour ?

Some git repos trigger very slow prompt display

Hello - thanks for the comprehensive theme package - I'm having an issue lately with the delay during fish-prompt rendering.

I modified the fish_prompt function to the following to print the loading time between when the prompt_function was called and when it was resolved:

set start (gdate +%s%N)

  set -l git_root (__bobthefish_git_project_dir)
  set -l hg_root  (__bobthefish_hg_project_dir)
  if [ (echo "$hg_root" | wc -c) -gt (echo "$git_root" | wc -c) ]
    __bobthefish_prompt_hg $hg_root
  else if [ "$git_root" ]
    __bobthefish_prompt_git $git_root
  echo -n -s (math (gdate +%s%N) - $start) | ruby -e 'print $stdin.gets.to_f / 10**9; $stdout.flush'

Here are some times:

2.2.3 ~/git 0.096219 cd ipython
 2.2.3 ~/g/ipython   master * 0.155673 cd ../theme-bobthefish/
 2.2.3 ~/g/theme-bobthefish   master * 0.122063 cd ../ruby-pg/
 2.2.3 ~/g/ruby-pg   master 0.136022 cd ../rails                                                                                                  
 2.2.3 ~/g/rails   master $ 0.157983 cd ../tradegecko/                                                                                            
 2.2.3 ~/g/tradegecko reporting-saving $… 0.838621

Segment font colors "bleed" into surrounding

Using the default dark color scheme I noticed that some segments font colors "bleed" into the surrounding segments (hard to explain, highlighted it for the output of __bobthefish_display_colors)


For some segment boundaries this seems not to happen, so maybe it can be fixed for the listed ones as well? I'm particularly interested in the git ones 😄

Use terminal colors or allow customization

Right now the prompt colors are great but only if they match the color scheme currently used by the terminal. If you switch to, say, zenburn...things don't match very well.

One option is for the user to copy the entire theme and replace the hard coded colors with different colors. But what do you think about either adding an option that would use the 16 colors used by the terminal, or adding an option that lets the user override each of the hard coded colors?

No arrows ?

Hi !
In the screenshot that is provided, the prompt segments look like arrows. It's nice !
But, it just doesn't work with my setup... What's wrong ?
I'm on Yosemite (but I doubt it's relevant)
iTerm2 settings : Meslo Powerline 12points, Solarized Dark.
Any idea ?

Repository (Git) paths with special characters sed error

Changing to a repository with special characters in the path (e.g.)

#01 - My Git Repository

cause a sed error:

sed: 1: "s#/Users/rb/Documents/T ...": bad flag in substitute command: '-'.

The likely culprit is here:

function __bobthefish_project_pwd -S -a current_dir -d 'Print the working directory relative to project root'
  echo "$PWD" | sed -e "s#$current_dir##g" -e 's#^/##'

Spurious character when displaying virtualenv

There seems to be an issue with displaying the default arrow separator when displaying virtualenvs. As there is a spurious 2 and > after the ◰ character. I expected arrow separators like the remainder of the status bar.

I use Ubuntu Mono derivative Powerline for non-ascii fonts and Monoco for the regular font in iTerm and use the default theme settings.

screen shot 2015-11-19 at 17 31 17

Last arrow color


If you notice, the color of the last arrow icon in each line is always more light. The color is a little bit different.
This is a bug or a configuration problem?
I'm on a Macintosh.


screen shot 2015-09-22 at 4 44 36 pm

fundle compatibility

The theme is displayed incorrectly when installed with fundle:

fundle plugin 'oh-my-fish/theme-bobthefish'

screenshot - 12172015 - 11 42 18 am

It can be fixed by moving all fish sources to functions subfolder.

Prompt shows wrong Python version in virtualenv


When I create a Python 3 virtualenv using venv or virtualenv and activate it, the prompt shows the wrong version 2.

I think this is because __bobthefish_virtualenv_python_version uses the name of the python executable to determine the version. This is (im my case at least) always $venvdir/bin/python, regardless of Python version and the prompt assumes Python 2.

Wouldn't it be possible to use the output of python --version instead?

macOS and Fonts for git

No mater what I try I keep getting question mark glyphs when I am in a git repository. Please provide what i need to do to correct this. I use hombres and not macports.


Dependencies not documented

I've noticed, after an update form Debian Wheezy to Jessie, that bobthefish requires having bc installed. This isn't mentioned in the documentation.

theme_display_vi and fish_vi_key_bindings

When I use theme_display_vi in combination with fish_vi_key_bindings the prompt shows the vi mode prompt twich (one of fish-shell and one of theme-bobthefish).

I tested this in an Ubuntu guest session:

> fish --version
fish, version 2.3.1
> omf --version
Oh My Fish! 2
> omf install bobthefish
Installing theme bobthefish
✔ theme bobthefish successfully installed.
> fish_vi_key_bindings
> set -g theme_display_vi yes

Update: Here is a screenshot.


Git work-tree support

Can you add an option to not show the git work-tree and instead show the working directory exactly like other themes?

This is what I see:
screen shot 2016-03-25 at 10 44 03 pm

The working directory isn't shortened to ~/D/K/W/k which makes it eat a lot of width.

Also, what do you think about making it look like this for all users:

~/D/K/W/k > master > _site

This includes all three things and makes it more consistent because the working directory is the first thing like always, then the branch, and finally the relative work-tree.

Love the theme btw, it's amazing! 👍

set_color: Expected an argument

Using bobthefish I'm getting an error every time the prompt is rendered:

screen shot 2015-09-06 at 6 06 16 pm

This error is different from fish 2.1.x set_color, which don't accept more than one parameter.

Git integration broken since omf v5

Goes over two lines like:

~/D/Foo   master /Users/kaatt/Desktop/Foo
 ./o 

Works okay on non-git directories.

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling omf and bobthefish.

Right prompt uses incorrect colour if $fish_color_autosuggestion is bold

The colour of the right prompt is based on $fish_color_autosuggestion, which is great.
However, if $fish_color_autosuggestion has options such as bold, this fails and the default text colour is used. (This happens with colourschemes such as Solarized, where the bold colours are not in fact really bold.)

This is because you are doing set_color $fish_color_autosuggestion[1].
If $fish_color_autosuggestion is, for example, "--bold green", this fails because $fish_color_autosuggestion[1] is just "--bold".

Instead, you should be using set_color $fish_color_autosuggestion (ie, without the [1]).

Is the [1] there for a reason? Removing it doesn't seem to break anything.

I will submit a pull request later.

(Sorry for three issues at once! :-) )

Add ability to customize glyphs

It would be awesome if one could override the glyphs, similar to the $theme_ options.

I don't know the correct "fish" for this, but something like "set locally from global or default":

set -l __bobthefish_my_var (($theme_my_var) -o \u2191) ?

or if test ! -n $__bobthefish_my_var; set -l __bobthefish_my_var \u2191, but that would allow for overriding w/ ''...

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