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brender's Issues

[Aesthetics] Matrix Style?

Do you want to keep the matrix style? It makes it hard to read the console, and I sure do like a clean console with readable text.

[Bug] Thumbnails fail to render until server restarts

For some some reason, the thumbnails will fail to render (even when rendered locally by the server itself!) until the server is restarted and I manually reset the thumbnails to unrendered in mysql.

Also, I would like you to check the "windowsify_paths" function. I attempted to fix it, but I am unsure if I did it right.

On: view_job, tooltip gets cut off

On the view_job page, the tooltip that pops up when the mouse is hovering over the job name (underneath job # /) that links back to the project page and reads "go to project page" gets cut off by an invisible element on the left side. Purely aesthetic and low priority.

improvements (updated)

I would replace most PHP and MySQL, use more AJAX,fetch data as JSON directly with getJSON and read all data from the JSON object (1 database request => 1 object with all data?)

These scripts for previews: (play the rendered images / the image sequence as video)
( (update content dynamically if there is new content)

and also use jQuery 1.7.1 and jQuery UI 1.8.17

will contribute to this project and help with these things so this is currently like a todo list =)

I think IZPack is great for brender installations (also the web installer feature of it - it is fully crossplatform) it has many features and can also be used for automated installations and is open source (also here on github)

Also we could create real workflows using some solutions like: ffmpeg (convert to video), butter.js / popcorn maker (editing), kaltura, virtualdub, avidemux, jsmovie, smartupdater ...

Also some code optimization like less database requests, more ajax (json).

A notification system to inform / send email when job is finished, error occurs, status tracking ... using phpmailer or swiftmailer

Adding scheduled tasks / cronjobs

Versioning / revisions for files / projects

Webinstaller for installing and setting up client and server using izpack

Just some thoughts =)

An idea for workflows:
rendering => previe => converting using ffmpeg / combining with final sound (already existing) => cutting / editing / finalizing

All tasks made with brender serverside / clientside
ffmpeg should be used as standalone directly from the ffmpeg site and not installed as php module so client runs ffmpeg with command line.

for each task / step there should be also the option to send notifications via email

use .ini file instead of settings.php

[Bug] BENCHMARK RESULT 00:00:00 [Problem Found]


I just installed brender and tried to use benchmark. On the control panel it says: BENCHMARK RESULT 00:00:00. The same appears in the client console.

I looked back through all the fclose errors and found this:

Notice: Undefined variable: path in H:\wamp\www\brender\functions.php on line 26

Call Stack:
0.0010 397136 1. {main}() H:\wamp\www\brender\brender_client.php:0
827.8889 721120 2. get_blender_path() H:\wamp\www\brender\brender_client

------------------- benchmark renderquery = -b 'blend/benchmark.blend' -o 'rend
er/benchmark/stephen3server' -F PNG -f 110
'-b' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

INFO stephen3server status : BENCHMARK RESULT 00:00:00

PHP Warning: fopen(logs/stephen3server.log): failed to open stream: No such fil
e or directory in H:\wamp\www\brender\functions.php on line 413
PHP Stack trace:
PHP 1. {main}() H:\wamp\www\brender\brender_client.php:0
PHP 2. output() H:\wamp\www\brender\brender_client.php:136
PHP 3. brender_log() H:\wamp\www\brender\functions.php:39
PHP 4. fopen() H:\wamp\www\brender\functions.php:413

I'm thinking this is what's causing the render to "complete" in no time. I looked through the functions file and found the switch statement that sets $path depending on the os. If $path isn't being set, then either $GLOBALS['os'] isn't set or it's set to something different than "windows". I could probably temporarily fix this by substituting in the case for windows before the return line on 263. Something is definitely up with that global though.

It's been a while since I used command line so I couldn't remember how to refer to something relatively. (simply copying down the variable set from the windows case left me with a "couldn't find specified path or whatever" error)
I just substituted this instead:
return $path;
Now render time shows as 1 second :D a non-zero value, that's good!

So I did more digging. I found that my $GLOBAL['os'] equals (for some odd reason) ">windows" instead of "windows". Changing the case to account for this, the path doesn't work (as I figured out above). Here is proof that even after accounting for the greater than symbol, the path still needs tweaking:

become order query UPDATE orders set client=stephen3server WHERE id='48594'

INFO stephen3server status : waiting benchmark results

------------------- benchmark renderquery = blender_bin/windows/blender.exe -b '
blend/benchmark.blend' -o 'render/benchmark/stephen3server' -F PNG -f 110
'blender_bin' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

INFO stephen3server status : BENCHMARK RESULT 00:00:00

Chunk size limit

I noticed that the max chunk size for a job is 127. I was wondering what is the reasoning beyond this?

brender 2.0 at blender conf anyone ?

Hello people here interested in brender,
first of all thank you for your support help and testing.
We (Francesco and myself ) hope you are having a good time and that brender is helping you finish some projects.

We started a few talks and writing down some ideas for a new version, something online, web-based and much more extensible, flexible.

Would you be interested in helping some developement ? We plan to meet at one time during the blender conference (12-14 oct) to discuss plans around a beer. You are all welcome to join. More infos will follow

Working hours

When I start the server i get this error:

Warning: mysql_fetch_object(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/brender/brender_server.php on line 129

Is it an issue or my database is not updated at the latest version?

update jquery and jqueryui

Could we update jquery to 1.7.1 and jqueryui to 1.8.16?
Also use the new .on() events of 1.7?

Jqueryui is just used here for buttons or? Why not then twitter bootstrap (just css)

Brender can't find anything

I think it's again here, the error was here 2 years ago. But I can't fix it. I've tryied many folder structures (without that .blend :)) : ../blend/myfile.blend ; ../blend/projectname/scenes/myfile.blend ; ../blend/projectname/input/myfile.blend

I can't select scene and instead of shot name is only blank field. :(

How to fix it?
Thanks for reply.

port to sqlite 3

We could port it to sqlite 3 so we do not need the phpmyadmin part.
Instead we could use

Goal is making a more portable server. Just copy later the whole dir with sqlite db file and clone the server making is easier to scale the serverfarm.

Also as the latest PHP release includes a built in server we do not need apache (maybe) and also save this.
What do you think?

Windows render invokes funky paths to blend files

Line 87 of brender_client.php

Somehow, when I send a job, the render command turns into this:
2011/29/12 22:26:21 : info : - I am rendering using this command = blender_bin\windows\blender.exe -b ../blend///benchmark.blend -o ../render///benchmark/benchmark -P conf/ -F PNG -s 1 -e 1 -a

Obviously, the path H:\wamp\www\brender\..\blend\\\benchmark.blend is wrong. Still investigating where these extra backslashes are coming from.

server as client

Do you know if we can use a (cuda based) server as client with a server os (linux?)

Search tool

A search tool for finding jobs in a long list (could use some nice ajax suggestions). Might fit after a reorganization if the main navbar.


Please forgive me if this is a stupid question but I dont use Blender on a day to day basis. We are currently testing Brender and our 3D guy was wondering how he would go about selecting which camera the video or still would render from?

batch / python script for server / client configuration

I am currently thinking about a batch / python script that uses a config file and sets up the srver / client automatically.

Also why not (just a stupid idea) create a fully portable server (xampp / uniform) or include it so we dont have to set it up. And the script makes config, install (cmd?) and startup of server and client

And that could be used as service running when the server starts.
So we save much manual tasks. Would be very great.

(Another question if it is possible to realize it with sqlite3 and python / java the whole brender program)

Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given [Those darn relative paths]

I get about a thousand of these errors constantly. I'm fairly certain that this is an issue with a code and not the way I have it set up, but if I am doing something wrong, please tell me! (I haven't modified any of the code)

Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in H:\wamp\w
ww\brender\functions.php on line 419

Call Stack:
0.0012 398072 1. {main}() H:\wamp\www\brender\brender_server.php:0
3.7533 717928 2. checking_alive_clients() H:\wamp\www\brender\brender_
5.7620 721112 3. brender_log() H:\wamp\www\brender\functions.php:638
5.9428 722040 4. fclose() H:\wamp\www\brender\functions.php:419

Idk what it is with my computer and relative paths, but replacing all the stuff in the logging parts with absolute paths to the log folder and log files solved the problem. I better look up windows and relative paths so I can sort this out.

P.S. This program looks beautiful when there are no errors! :D Soo readable!

Server : Thumbnails


I found a problem with displaying thumbnails, when I use Brender under a subdirectory or an Apache Alias.

Thumbnails are viewed with an absolute path : /thumbnails//....../...png ; wich works fine with a brender installation in root directory of Apache.

I made two little corrections, and it's work fine now for me (show git diff at the end).

Thanks a lot for your brender project !!


git diff :

diff --git a/functions.php b/functions.php
index 9776f7d..72fcff2 100755
--- a/functions.php
+++ b/functions.php
@@ -679,6 +679,7 @@ function check_create_path($path) {
        #print "DEBUG --- $path chmod\n";
-        $current_path="";
+       $path_to_check="";
        foreach ($paths_array as $item) {
                #print "--- i am trying $item\n";
@@ -742,7 +743,7 @@ function get_thumbnail_image($job_id,$image_number,$class="") {
        #print "**** $thumbnail_location****";
        if (file_exists("../$thumbnail_location")) {
-               return "";
+               return "";
        else {
                return false;
diff --git a/web/view_image.php b/web/view_image.php
index d1a2f4c..1510bab 100755
--- a/web/view_image.php
+++ b/web/view_image.php
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
         // $file_name=$shot.str_pad($frame,4,0,STR_PAD_LEFT).".$filetype";
         $file_name=$shot_basename.str_pad($frame,4,0,STR_PAD_LEFT).".png";  // test fix for non-PNG jobs thumbnail generation

-        $thumbnail_location="/thumbnails/$project/$scene/$shot/$file_name";
+        $thumbnail_location="../thumbnails/$project/$scene/$shot/$file_name";

         $query="select rendered_by,finished_time from rendered_frames where job_id='$job_id' and frame='$frame'";

[Bug] Rendered/Total (and $current) on jobs is incorrect

The jobs page always shows 100% under the rendered/total column (50/50, 110/110). I am unsure whether this problem only exists when restarting a previously completed job or whether it is present in all jobs. Possibly related to the fact that rendered frames (in MySQL) are not removed from the table when the job is restarted.

Thumbnail creation

Thumbnail creation does not succeed: what are the requirements to make it work?

[Request] Remote upload projects

I run this at home with a few spare computers and I have an underpowered laptop that I take with me away from home. It would be nice to have a way to upload blender projects remotely to be rendered using the web interface.

Improve installation docs

Provide more information on how to setup brender server and clients (which packets to install, how commands work).

automatic start and end frame

It'll be awesome feature to have this in brender. we can dispatch jobs easily without concerning frame start and end.

Startup issue

Maybe this is MAMP related, but I thought of giving this ticket system a try:)
if I start brender_server.php i get this:

connect.php info :: ---- localhost,brender,brender ----
Warning: mysql_connect(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///var/mysql/mysql.sock) in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/brender/connect.php on line 8

Warning: mysql_connect(): No such file or directory in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/brender/connect.php on line 8
Fatal error: unable to connect to mysql server 

integrate datatables plugin

For the tables we can use the great datatables plugin.

The structure of the tables should have the right structure (thead, tbody ...)

It has some nice plugins like scrollable inner tables, fixed columns, fixed header ...

I could need a database dump with example data for testing as I have not so much time this weekend but I want to integrate the datatables plugin soon

brender_log() problem when logging from web interface

problem with "check server status " on settings page. logging is to the path /logs, which is supposed to be brender/log ...
but in web interface, the root is brender/web/, so it gets to /brender/web/logs.
to be fixed by o

Start new job : directstart

directstart not working with ajax.
might be something that does not get transfered through javascript because it is a checkbox, all other values (normal input) are working

Add suppor for CPU and CUDA jobs/nodes

This would be a really great feature to have, since studios might have both a small CPU-based renderfarm and powerful workstation with GTX or Tesla graphic cards. Rendering the same job across this two architectures in unfortunately not possible, therefore having an option to separate them would be great.
Development could happen in several steps:

  • Expanding the node table by adding CPU or CUDA fields (CPU set to on by default) and making it accessible in the UI for node editing
  • Expanding the job description in order to take account of computation method
  • Create logic that assigns CUDA jobs only to CUDA-enabled machines and CPU to both

Warning: mysql_connect(): [2002] No such file or directory

When launching php brender_server.php I get the following message:

connect.php info :: ---- localhost,brender,brender ----
Warning: mysql_connect(): [2002] No such file or directory (trying to connect via unix:///var/mysql/mysql.sock) in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/brender-mobile/connect.php on line 8

Warning: mysql_connect(): No such file or directory in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/brender-mobile/connect.php on line 8

It happend already in the past but I can't recall what it was due to.
Any tips?

Add system to connect easily to clients

Perhaps having a python script that uses css to open up terminals on each machine. This could be also better studied and implemented as a solution that allows more control over render nodes.

[Annoying] Web interface lies about paths being relative to /web/

The brender web interface claims that the project paths are relative to the web folder, while they are actually relative to the brender main folder. Have you ever used relative paths with projects and had it work successfully? If not, I would like to go ahead and modify the web interface to use paths relative to brender.

This problem affects the "server test" feature and job creation because the web interface works with paths relative to web, but after the job is created, the paths have to be changed relative to brender root in order for the render to complete successfully.

This is really annoying, since I have to change blend path to ../blend to create the job, then switch it back to blend so that blender can find the blend files.

Creation of new projects fails

After filling the form, an entry on the table appears (with the right paths) but the title of the project does not. When a new job is created, in the dropdown list the project appears as an empty entry. Job submission does not work.

render preview for video?

I saw in the brender 0.5 video that there are frames / previews of the rendered blend files. Is this just for the shown jpeg render mode or also for videos (with sound?)

So can I use the video render mode ? Where do I set the render settings?

get_rendered_frames() not working

The "rendered" column in jobs overview doesnt show anything. The function needs to be corrected in functions.php according to new paths system

PHP Warning on file permissions

Wen I start a client i get this bunch of warnings

### INFO ws17 status : 
PHP Warning:  fopen(logs/ws17.log): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /shared/software/brender/functions.php on line 437
PHP Warning:  fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /shared/software/brender/functions.php on line 438
PHP Warning:  fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /shared/software/brender/functions.php on line 439
PHP Warning:  fopen(logs/brender.log): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /shared/software/brender/functions.php on line 441
PHP Warning:  fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /shared/software/brender/functions.php on line 442
PHP Warning:  fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /shared/software/brender/functions.php on line 443

I tried to give 777 permission to the whole directory and file. I do not really understand how this is supposed to work. Any suggestion?

view_job page breaks layout

A badly formatted table is being created. This breaks the layout and causes the footer not to stitch anymore to the bottom of the page.
fsiddi looks into this.

Thumbnail won't show

Hi all,

There's a bug in thumbnailer option, it won't show up if we choose blend_default in config.

client or autologin

How can the slave login the database without having lamp or wamp installed.
We now need php and mysql on the slave workstation just for logging in with the connect.php script.

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