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macrotoolkit's Issues

nochanneling condition

I'm using "nochanneling:some spell" condition in a few of my macros, and it says it's an invalid condition, but I'm pretty sure it exists and it's working.

Macro runs on binding keydown as well as keyup

When using a keybind macro, the macro runs twice when pressing the selected hotkey, once on keydown and again on keyup.

This doesn't occur for all macros, for example, emotes only run once for some reason.

However, commands like /roll will run twice.

version numbering - backwards?

hey, a new update popped up on my curseforge app, 2.0.7, but I'm on 2.1.0 currently - is it supposed to be like that? looking through the files on curseforge, and the changelogs there and here, it seems correct..?

Macro hotkey works even after uninstalling the addon

  • Description
    Macros that are hotkeys directly assigned with this addon still works by pressing the assigned hotkey even after uninstalling the addon
  • Steps to repro
  1. Make a macro that does /s Macro Toolkit Works
  2. Assign a hotkey for this macro such as 1
  3. Press 1 to confirm this hotkey works
  4. Turn of WOW
  5. Uninstall the addon by removing \Interface\Addons\MacroToolkit and \MacroToolkitIcons
  6. Turn on WOW
  7. Press 1

Unable to load the addon as of 03/02/2024

Hey man. I've been using this addon for years now. I can't tell you how much of a QOL improvement it has been for me. I am completely reliant on it as it's never not been there since I installed it way back when, until today!

Issue: The addon just won't function when i load in. Ontop of that it stops the regular blizzard macro UI from even being able to be accessed. I've tried clearing my WoW classic SoD cache and reinstalling the addon via CurseForge. Nothing has worked for me.

If I'm the only one having this issue I'm sorry for listing it here. But I've never had this happen with any other addon's in the past 17 years of playing this game haha. Even when an addon is out of date for me i'm able to access it, with the worst case scenario being it causing performance issues, etc.

Thanks again man for all the hard work you've put into making my WoW experience so much more enjoyable over the years

  • Yart - Lonewolf

Invalid argument for mods using multiple modifires

I've been using macros for as long as I can remember, and I can't really imagine myself playing without them. With the expansion and the new trees and multiple abilities, I've found myself searching for a macro addon that would help me streamline the process and organization of them. I found this gem and am glad it has been updated for DF. Below is probably my main style of macro format to help get the most out of my gaming experience:
(my druid shifting button macro)

/use [mod:alt:ctrl:shift] Stampeding Roar; [mod:alt:shift] Dash; [mod:ctrl:shift] Darkflight ;[mod:ctrl:alt] Bear Form ;[mod:alt] Travel Form ;[mod:ctrl] Moonkin Form ;[mod:shift] Cat Form; Prowl

One interesting thing I found is the addon flags any mods that go beyond 1 modifier as invalid arguments. Just wanted to pass this along. Thank you again for making the macro life a bit easier!

Options menu no longer exists

When pressing the Options button, or when opening the options panel manually, there are no settings for MacroToolkit. It doesn't exist in the AddOns list, and the Options button simply takes you to the last opened options pane, whatever it was.

Extended Macros Not Working in 10.0.2 (part 2)

As a followup to #10, I seem to still have a couple macros that refuse to work. I just tested them with no other addons active, as well as copying the macros to create a new one just in case, but still no dice. Both these macros were doing fine until one of the DF prepatches (I don't remember if it was the first or second).

Random hearthstone

  • The castrandom works fine by itself
  • The macro works ok until I extend it beyond the char limit so it doesn't seem to be a problem with the logic
#showtooltip [mod:shift] Garrison Hearthstone;[mod:alt] Dalaran Hearthstone; Noble Gardener's Hearthstone
/use [mod:shift] Garrison Hearthstone; [mod:alt] Dalaran Hearthstone;
/castrandom 166747, 190237, 188952, 172179, 166746, 162973, 163045, 168907, 184353, 165669, 182773, 180290, 165802, 165670, 64488, 193588, 183716

Rogue poisons

  • Pretty much the same deal as before, macro works fine until I extend past 255
#showtooltip [mod:alt]Numbing Poison;[mod:shift]Crippling Poison;[mod:ctrl]Wound Poison;Instant Poison
/use Repurposed Fel Focuser
/use Oralius' Whispering Crystal
/use Eternal Augment Rune
/use [mod:alt]Numbing Poison;[mod:shift]Crippling Poison;[mod:ctrl]Wound Poison;Instant Poison

Search by Spell ID only works momentarily

The checkbox for searching by spell ID does not work - it either shows no results or doesn't filter the icons whatsoever.

If checked/unchecked with a particular timing, it will briefly show the resulting icon.


Toolkit UI will not open in Classic Era

As the title says. No other addons loaded except for the Hardcore addon, attempted to load the Macro Toolkit UI via / command and through the original macro menu. The / command refuses to go through and the button closes the menu and nothing else appears.

I understand classic support is incidental, but if this could be looked into it would be appreciated.

ELVUI Skinning not working

Not really sure why, but ELVUI skinning is not working for Macro Toolkit even though i have the option to reject ELVUI skinning disabled, i tried remove ELVUI S&L and Addon skins but nothing changed, can anyone help please? Below link has screenshot of macro toolkit window not skinned while the option is disabled, thanks in advance!

Wrath Classic LUA Error

Message: Interface/AddOns/MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua line 154:
attempt to index field 'LinkToButton' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua"]:154: eventHandler()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/MacroToolkit/modules/initialise.lua"]:15:
[string "=[C]"]: LoadAddOn()
[string "@Interface_Wrath/FrameXML/UIParent.lua"]:385: UIParentLoadAddOn()
[string "@Interface_Wrath/FrameXML/UIParent.lua"]:456: TradeSkillFrame_LoadUI()
[string "@Interface_Wrath/FrameXML/UIParent.lua"]:1253:
[string "=[C]"]: CastSpell()
[string "@Interface/FrameXML/SpellBookFrame.lua"]:363: SpellButton_OnClick()
[string "*SpellBookFrame.xml:163_OnClick"]:4:
[string "*SpellBookFrame.xml:163_OnClick"]:1

Macro text "migrates" into other macros

Hey there, I'm using this addon quite a lot as I create RP macros with it, that is, I tie random sayings to certain abilities.
I have on character in particular that has a lot of these, These macros are quite long, so the extension is very useful. Over 700 signs in some cases.

Lately I've begun to experience some incredibly strange bugs with this addon. So far it only happens on this character, for some reason.
This is the base of the macro:

/run local t={"Please kick me.", "No, really, kick me.", "Yes, this is annoying. Kick me.", "Look, you can find a less annoying tank/melee dps easy. Kick me.",} SendChatMessage(t[random(#t)],"YELL")
/cast Charge

I also usually add #showtooltip on the top. Replace Charge with the name of the ability you want to use and replace the random sayings with the ones you want. I also replace Yell with Say sometimes. I don't actually use those sayings, though, it's just to show an example.

So lately, I've had some really strange things going on.

  • I get a bug notice and the character is "blocked" from saying 1 of the 4 things
  • The text is "blurred" when I scroll the macro, making it impossible to edit
  • The "code" in one macro will "migrate" or "swap" to another macro, meaning that one macro has its entire code/text replaced by the code/text in another macro.

This makes no sense to me and I don't understand what's causing this. Anyone experience this or have a solution?

Unable to copy an extended macro from another character

5x Interface/AddOns/MacroToolkit/modules/copyframe.lua:123: Usage: local success = self:SetFont(fontFile, height, flags)
[string "=[C]"]: in function SetFont' [string "@Interface/AddOns/MacroToolkit/modules/copyframe.lua"]:123: in function CreateCopyFrame'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua"]:513: in function <Interface/AddOns/MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua:512>

(*temporary) = MacroToolkitCText {
SetBorderBlendMode = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:266
GetEdgeSize = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:188
SetupPieceVisuals = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:246
SetBackdrop = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:329
SetBackdropColor = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:399
ApplyBackdrop = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:294
OnBackdropLoaded = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:152
ClearBackdrop = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:282
SetupTextureCoordinates = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:214
GetBackdropBorderColor = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:409
GetBackdrop = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:347
OnBackdropSizeChanged = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:182
HasBackdropInfo = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:278
SetBackdropBorderColor = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:422
GetBackdropColor = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:390
0 =
(*temporary) = "Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF"
(*temporary) = 10

Error "script ran too long"

3x MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:271: script ran too long
[string "@MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua"]:271: in function `eventHandler'
[string "@MacroToolkit/modules/initialise.lua"]:15: in function <MacroToolkit/modules/initialise.lua:15>

self =

FindShortest = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:13
defaults =
RunCommands = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/macrobroker.lua:81
BindingButtonOnClick = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/bindingframe.lua:225
IsTarget = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:249
target = "/target"
UpdateErrors = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:689
CreateBrokerObject = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/macrobroker.lua:101
SetBinding = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/bindingframe.lua:242
eventHandler = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:94
FindScript = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:448
skinned =
UpdateIcon = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua:1040
ClearAllMacros = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:292
FormatMacro = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:477
Skin = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/elvskin.lua:6
CombatMessage = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:1219
CreateCopyFrame = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/copyframe.lua:6
click = "/click"
GetLastBackupDate = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/restoreframe.lua:242
clist =
SetLastBackupDate = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:1165
PopupButtonOnClick = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:520
UpdateInterfaceOptions = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/options.lua:901
UpdateIconCount = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:555
Eval = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/macrobroker.lua:69
SaveMacro = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:1092
UpdateBindingFrame = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/bindingframe.lua:269
ReceiveMacro = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/shareframe.lua:217
CreateBuilderFrame = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/builderframe.lua:16
Spells =
FindComment = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:670
UpdateCharLimit = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:671
IsCast = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:247
SelectTexture = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:461
CreateSecureActionButton = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua:1092
ParseMacro = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:675
L =
OptionsFrame = Frame {
GetSpellorMacroIconInfo = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:429
RGBToHex = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:321
CreateScriptFrame = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/scriptframe.lua:6
ShowShortened = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:450
conditions =
ShowDetails = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:1072
ShortenMacro = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:476
GetBackupTitle = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/restoreframe.lua:161
slots =
BuildCommandList = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:24
FrameOnKeyDown = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua:10
IsCastSequence = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:250
SelOnClick = def

"dragonflying" is now a valid condition

I get an error when using the "dragonflying" condition, suggesting using hte "flying" condition instead. It's not a huge issue as the macro still works, but it might be worth updating for the new condition.

Lua error when used with ElvUI

Addons Enabled,
Macro Toolkit
MacroToolkit Icon Data
ElvUI OptionsUI

I get this lua error when using MacroToolkit and ElvUI at once. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Message: ...erface/AddOns/ElvUI/Core/Modules/ActionBars/Bind.lua:278: Usage: UnregisterEvent(eventname): 'eventname' - string expected.
Time: Sat Oct 29 20:35:43 2022
Count: 1
Stack: ...erface/AddOns/ElvUI/Core/Modules/ActionBars/Bind.lua:278: Usage: UnregisterEvent(eventname): 'eventname' - string expected.
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ElvUI/Libraries/Core/Ace/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:153: in function UnregisterEvent' [string "@Interface/AddOns/ElvUI/Core/Modules/ActionBars/Bind.lua"]:278: in function ADDON_LOADED'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ElvUI/Core/Modules/ActionBars/ActionBars.lua"]:1575: in function <.../AddOns/ElvUI/Core/Modules/ActionBars/ActionBars.lua:1484>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ElvUI/Core/General/Core.lua"]:1791: in function CallLoadFunc' [string "@Interface/AddOns/ElvUI/Core/General/Core.lua"]:1806: in function CallLoadedModule'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ElvUI/Core/General/Core.lua"]:1832: in function InitializeModules' [string "@Interface/AddOns/ElvUI/Core/General/Core.lua"]:1941: in function Initialize'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ElvUI/Core/init.lua"]:226: in function <Interface/AddOns/ElvUI/Core/init.lua:225>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ElvUI/Libraries/Core/Ace/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:66: in function <...vUI/Libraries/Core/Ace/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:61>
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ElvUI/Libraries/Core/Ace/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:523: in function `EnableAddon'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ElvUI/Libraries/Core/Ace/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:626: in function <...vUI/Libraries/Core/Ace/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:611>


Unsupported ruRU clients

Commit: ede1076
WoW Client ver. (ruRU) WRATH

The error can only be reproduced on ruRU clients; the add-on is completely non-functional. At the same time, there are no complaints about the work on the enEN client.

This is not a problem with the latest version of the addon, I partially checked the previous versions, they are also not working.


2x MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:58: attempt to index upvalue 'MTF' (a nil value)
[string "@MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua"]:58: in function `ShowMacroFrame'
[string "*GameMenuFrame.xml:88_OnClick"]:3: in function <[string "*GameMenuFrame.xml:88_OnClick"]:1>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index upvalue 'MTF' (a nil value)"
MTF = nil
MT = <table> {
 BrokerAdd = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/macrobroker.lua:156
 LS = <table> {
 RunCommands = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/macrobroker.lua:82
 BindingButtonOnClick = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/bindingframe.lua:229
 IsTarget = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:288
 target = "/цель"
 UpdateErrors = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:696
 origMTText = MacroFrameText {
 CreateBrokerObject = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/macrobroker.lua:102
 SetBinding = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/bindingframe.lua:246
 eventHandler = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:95
 FindScript = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:451
 skinned = <table> {
 UpdateIcon = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua:1044
 ClearAllMacros = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:295
 FormatMacro = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:484
 Skin = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/elvskin.lua:7
 CombatMessage = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:1236
 click = "/click"
 GetLastBackupDate = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/restoreframe.lua:243
 clist = <table> {
 SetLastBackupDate = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:1182
 PopupButtonOnClick = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:521
 UpdateInterfaceOptions = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/options.lua:903
 UpdateIconCount = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:556
 Eval = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/macrobroker.lua:70
 SaveMacro = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:1109
 UpdateBindingFrame = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/bindingframe.lua:273
 ReceiveMacro = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/shareframe.lua:218
 commandinfo = <table> {
 Spells = <table> {
 AIS = <table> {
 FindComment = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:712
 UpdateCharLimit = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:678
 IsCast = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:286
 SelectTexture = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:462
 CreateSecureActionButton = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua:1096
 ParseMacro = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:717
 L = <table> {
 OptionsFrame = Frame {
 GetSpellorMacroIconInfo = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:430
 ChangeBindingProfile = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/bindingframe.lua:261
 RestoreBackup = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/restoreframe.lua:197
 ShowShortened = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:453
 conditions = <table> {
 ShowDetails = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:1089
 UnextendMacro = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:662
 GetBackupTitle = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/restoreframe.lua:162
 BuildCommandList = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:63
 FrameOnKeyDown = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua:11

WowUp integration

Thank you so much for Keeping this addon alive. If you plan to keep working on it, any chance you be willing to set this project up with a release that can work with the WoWup. If you need help figuring out how to set up this project properly to work with wowup, the discord has plenty of people to help

Classic Era: Several Errors / Not able to use

Multiple errors on load.

1x Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\mainframe.lua:71: attempt to call method 'SetResizeBounds' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\mainframe.lua"]:71: in function `CreateMTFrame'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit-v2.0.4.lua"]:159: in function `eventHandler'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\initialise.lua"]:15: in function <Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\initialise.lua:15>

self = <table> {
 FindShortest = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:13
 defaults = <table> {
 RunCommands = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\macrobroker.lua:81
 BindingButtonOnClick = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\bindingframe.lua:225
 IsTarget = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:249
 target = "/target"
 UpdateErrors = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:689
 CreateBrokerObject = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\macrobroker.lua:101
 SetBinding = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\bindingframe.lua:242
 eventHandler = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:94
 FindScript = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:448
 skinned = <table> {
 UpdateIcon = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\mainframe.lua:1043
 ClearAllMacros = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:292
 FormatMacro = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:477
 Skin = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\elvskin.lua:6
 CombatMessage = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:1219
 CreateCopyFrame = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\copyframe.lua:6
 click = "/click"
 GetLastBackupDate = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\restoreframe.lua:242
 clist = <table> {
 SetLastBackupDate = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:1165
 PopupButtonOnClick = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\popupframe.lua:520
 UpdateInterfaceOptions = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\options.lua:901
 UpdateIconCount = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\popupframe.lua:555
 Eval = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\macrobroker.lua:69
 SaveMacro = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:1092
 UpdateBindingFrame = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\bindingframe.lua:269
 ReceiveMacro = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\shareframe.lua:217
 CreateBuilderFrame = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\builderframe.lua:16
 Spells = <table> {
 AIS = <table> {
 FindComment = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:670
 UpdateCharLimit = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:671
 IsCast = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:247
 SelectTexture = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\popupframe.lua:461
 CreateSecureActionButton = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\mainframe.lua:1095
 ParseMacro = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:675
 L = <table> {
 OptionsFrame = <unnamed> {
 GetSpellorMacroIconInfo = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\popupframe.lua:429
 RGBToHex = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:321
 CreateScriptFrame = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\scriptframe.lua:6
 ShowShortened = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:450
 conditions = <table> {
 ShowDetails = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:1072
 ShortenMacro = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:476
 GetBackupTitle = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\restoreframe.lua:161
 slots = <table> {
 BuildCommandList = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:24
 FrameOnKeyDown = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\mainframe.lua:10
 IsCastSequence = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:250
 SelOnClick = <function>
19x Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic-78899.lua:1159: table index is nil
[string "@Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic-78899.lua"]:1159: in function `SetupAuraInfo'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\RatingBuster\RatingBuster-1.7.8.nil.lua"]:1640: in function `InitializeDatabase'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\RatingBuster\RatingBuster-1.7.8.nil.lua"]:1550: in function <Interface\AddOns\RatingBuster\RatingBuster.lua:1546>

self = <table> {
 GetArmorDistribution = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:2712
 GetRAPFromAgi = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1864
 GetReductionFromArmor = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1495
 GetSum = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:2364
 argCheck = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:78
 GetRAPPerAgi = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1831
 GetStatMod = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1460
 TalentCacheExists = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1376
 ExtraHasteClasses = <table> {
 tip = StatLogicTooltip {
 GetClassIdOrName = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:159
 InvalidateEvent = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1303
 GetRatingIdOrName = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:500
 GetStatNameFromID = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:370
 StatModInfo = <table> {
 StatModTable = <table> {
 GetNormalManaRegenFromSpi = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\Vanilla_Logic.lua:39
 RemoveEnchant = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:2096
 GetBlockValuePerStr = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1697
 PatternTest = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:3068
 Bench = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:3049
 GetAPFromAgi = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1799
 GetSpellCritFromInt = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:2029
 GetDiff = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:2956
 GetAPPerAgi = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1763
 GetAPFromStr = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1660
 GetHealthRegenFromSpi = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:2082
 GetEffectFromRating = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1584
 StatTable = <table> {
 AreColorsEqual = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:2705
 GetGemID = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:2229
 BuildGemmedTooltip = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:2139
 RemoveGem = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:2100
 ValidateClass = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:164
 GetCritFromAgi = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1986
 GetDodgeFromAgi = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1950
 GetDodgePerAgi = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1921
 tipMiner = StatLogicMinerTooltip {
 GetAPPerStr = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1630
 GenericStats = <table> {
 GetEffectFromDefense = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1522
 GetOrderedTalentInfo = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1371
 GetBaseDodge = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1895
 RatingExists = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1535
 GenericStatMap = <table> {
 SetupAuraInfo = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1149
 GetBlockValueFromStr = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:1730
 GetDiffID = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\StatLogic\StatLogic.lua:2823
always_buffed = <table> {
(for generator) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(for state) = <table> {
 ALL = <table> {
 ROGUE = <table> {
(for control) = "ROGUE"
_ = "ROGUE"
modList = <table> {
 ADD_DODGE = <table> {
 ADD_HIT_TAKEN = <table> {
 ADD_CRIT_TAKEN = <table> {
 MOD_AP = <table> {
(for generator) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(for state) = <table> {
 ADD_DODGE = <table> {
 ADD_HIT_TAKEN = <table> {
 ADD_CRIT_TAKEN = <table> {
3x Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit-v2.0.4.lua:57: attempt to index upvalue 'MTF' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit-v2.0.4.lua"]:57: in function `?'
[string "@Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua"]:4900: in function <Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4846>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `ChatEdit_ParseText'
[string "@Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua"]:4563: in function <Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:4562>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `ChatEdit_SendText'
[string "@Interface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua"]:4599: in function `ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed'
[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1: in function <[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index upvalue 'MTF' (a nil value)"
MTF = nil
MT = <table> {
 FindShortest = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:13
 defaults = <table> {
 RunCommands = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\macrobroker.lua:81
 BindingButtonOnClick = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\bindingframe.lua:225
 IsTarget = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:249
 target = "/target"
 UpdateErrors = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:689
 CreateBrokerObject = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\macrobroker.lua:101
 SetBinding = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\bindingframe.lua:242
 eventHandler = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:94
 FindScript = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:448
 skinned = <table> {
 UpdateIcon = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\mainframe.lua:1043
 ClearAllMacros = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:292
 FormatMacro = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:477
 Skin = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\elvskin.lua:6
 CombatMessage = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:1219
 CreateCopyFrame = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\copyframe.lua:6
 click = "/click"
 GetLastBackupDate = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\restoreframe.lua:242
 clist = <table> {
 SetLastBackupDate = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:1165
 PopupButtonOnClick = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\popupframe.lua:520
 UpdateInterfaceOptions = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\options.lua:901
 UpdateIconCount = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\popupframe.lua:555
 Eval = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\macrobroker.lua:69
 SaveMacro = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:1092
 UpdateBindingFrame = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\bindingframe.lua:269
 ReceiveMacro = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\shareframe.lua:217
 CreateBuilderFrame = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\builderframe.lua:16
 Spells = <table> {
 AIS = <table> {
 FindComment = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:670
 UpdateCharLimit = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:671
 IsCast = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:247
 SelectTexture = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\popupframe.lua:461
 CreateSecureActionButton = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\mainframe.lua:1095
 ParseMacro = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:675
 L = <table> {
 OptionsFrame = <unnamed> {
 GetSpellorMacroIconInfo = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\popupframe.lua:429
 RGBToHex = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:321
 CreateScriptFrame = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\scriptframe.lua:6
 ShowShortened = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:450
 conditions = <table> {
 ShowDetails = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:1072
 ShortenMacro = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:476
 GetBackupTitle = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\restoreframe.lua:161
 slots = <table> {
 BuildCommandList = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:24
 FrameOnKeyDown = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\mainf

10.1 Lua Error in LibAdvancedIconSelector-MTK

Search is broken with 10.1

2x ...ncedIconSelector-MTK/LibAdvancedIconSelector-MTK.lua:218: bad argument #1 to 'GetAddOnMetadata' (Invalid AddOn name AdvancedIconSelector-KeywordData. - Usage: local value = C_AddOns.GetAddOnMetadata(name, variable))
[string "=[C]"]: in function `GetAddOnMetadata'
[string "@MacroToolkit/libs/LibAdvancedIconSelector-MTK/LibAdvancedIconSelector-MTK.lua"]:218: in function `LoadKeywords'
[string "@MacroToolkit/libs/LibAdvancedIconSelector-MTK/LibAdvancedIconSelector-MTK.lua"]:1139: in function `RestartSearch'
[string "@MacroToolkit/libs/LibAdvancedIconSelector-MTK/LibAdvancedIconSelector-MTK.lua"]:501: in function <...ncedIconSelector-MTK/LibAdvancedIconSelector-MTK.lua:496>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Show'
[string "@MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua"]:290: in function <MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua:286>

(*temporary) = "AdvancedIconSelector-KeywordData"
(*temporary) = "X-Revision"
(*temporary) = "Invalid AddOn name AdvancedIconSelector-KeywordData. - Usage: local value = C_AddOns.GetAddOnMetadata(name, variable)"

WotLK Classic Error

2x MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:154: attempt to index field 'LinkToButton' (a nil value)
[string "@MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua"]:154: in function eventHandler' [string "@MacroToolkit/modules/initialise.lua"]:15: in function <MacroToolkit/modules/initialise.lua:15> [string "=[C]"]: in function LoadAddOn'
[string "@Interface_Wrath/FrameXML/UIParent.lua"]:385: in function UIParentLoadAddOn' [string "@Interface_Wrath/FrameXML/UIParent.lua"]:456: in function TradeSkillFrame_LoadUI'
[string "@Interface_Wrath/FrameXML/UIParent.lua"]:1253: in function <Interface_Wrath/FrameXML/UIParent.lua:756>
[string "=[C]"]: in function CastSpell' [string "@FrameXML/SpellBookFrame.lua"]:363: in function SpellButton_OnClick'
[string "*SpellBookFrame.xml:163_OnClick"]:4: in function <[string "*SpellBookFrame.xml:163_OnClick"]:1>

self =

FindShortest = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:13
defaults =
RunCommands = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/macrobroker.lua:81
BindingButtonOnClick = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/bindingframe.lua:225
IsTarget = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:249
target = "/target"
UpdateErrors = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:689
origMTText = MacroFrameText {
CreateBrokerObject = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/macrobroker.lua:101
SetBinding = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/bindingframe.lua:242
eventHandler = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:94
FindScript = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:448
skinned =
UpdateIcon = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua:1040
ClearAllMacros = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:292
nummiscicons = 5689
FormatMacro = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:477
Skin = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/elvskin.lua:6
CombatMessage = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:1219
CreateCopyFrame = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/copyframe.lua:6
click = "/click"
GetLastBackupDate = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/restoreframe.lua:242
clist =
SetLastBackupDate = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:1165
itemicons =
achicons =
PopupButtonOnClick = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:520
numabilityicons = 0
UpdateInterfaceOptions = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/options.lua:901
UpdateIconCount = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:555
Eval = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/macrobroker.lua:69
SaveMacro = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:1092
UpdateBindingFrame = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/bindingframe.lua:269
ReceiveMacro = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/shareframe.lua:217
gosmall = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:348
MTPF = MacroToolkitPopup {
CreateBuilderFrame = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/builderframe.lua:16
Spells =
FindComment = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:670
UpdateCharLimit = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:671
IsCast = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:247
SelectTexture = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:461
CreateSecureActionButton = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua:1092
ParseMacro = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:675
L =
OptionsFrame = Frame {
GetSpellorMacroIconInfo = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:429
RGBToHex = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:321
CreateScriptFrame = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/scriptframe.lua:6
spellicons =
ShowShortened = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:450
conditions =
ShowDetails = defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:1072
ShortenMacro = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:476
GetBackupTitle = defined @MacroToolkit/modules/restoreframe.lua:161
slots =
BuildCommandList =

Some conditionals seems to not be working properly when binding macro directly inside the character pane.

The following macro which I use to enforce Retribution Aura on my Paladin works well when slotted.

However, when I bind the key directly in the character pane in MacroToolkit,
the condition doesn't seem to work for some reason.

/use [known:465,known:32223,nostance:3]Retribution Aura;[noknown:465,known:32223,nostance:2]Retribution Aura

For info, 465 is ID for Devotion Aura and 32223 for Crusader Aura (embedded with Retribution Aura in the same talent)
As the stance number shifts based on either you know the have talent with devotion aura or not,
I ended up making that little macro to adjust for that shift

error when extending macro's


If I try to extend a macro it throws the following error:

5x MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:530: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'e1' (a nil value)
[string "@MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua"]:530: in function `ShortenMacro'
[string "@MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua"]:542: in function <MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:539>
[string "@MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua"]:555: in function `ExtendMacro'
[string "@MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua"]:510: in function `ExtendClick'
[string "@MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua"]:632: in function <MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua:632>

self = <table> {
 FindShortest = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:13
 defaults = <table> {
 RunCommands = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/macrobroker.lua:81
 BindingButtonOnClick = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/bindingframe.lua:225
 IsTarget = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:249
 target = "/target"
 UpdateErrors = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:689
 CreateBrokerObject = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/macrobroker.lua:101
 SetBinding = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/bindingframe.lua:242
 eventHandler = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:94
 FindScript = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:448
 skinned = <table> {
 UpdateIcon = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua:1040
 ClearAllMacros = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:292
 FormatMacro = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:477
 Skin = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/elvskin.lua:6
 CombatMessage = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:1220
 CreateCopyFrame = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/copyframe.lua:6
 click = "/click"
 GetLastBackupDate = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/restoreframe.lua:242
 clist = <table> {
 SetLastBackupDate = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:1166
 PopupButtonOnClick = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:517
 UpdateInterfaceOptions = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/options.lua:901
 UpdateIconCount = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:551
 Eval = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/macrobroker.lua:69
 SaveMacro = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:1093
 UpdateBindingFrame = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/bindingframe.lua:269
 ReceiveMacro = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/shareframe.lua:217
 CreateBuilderFrame = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/builderframe.lua:16
 Spells = <table> {
 AIS = <table> {
 FindComment = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:673
 UpdateCharLimit = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:671
 IsCast = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:247
 SelectTexture = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:458
 CreateSecureActionButton = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua:1092
 ParseMacro = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:678
 L = <table> {
 OptionsFrame = Frame {
 GetSpellorMacroIconInfo = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/popupframe.lua:426
 RGBToHex = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:321
 CreateScriptFrame = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/scriptframe.lua:6
 ShowShortened = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:450
 conditions = <table> {
 ShowDetails = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua:1073
 ShortenMacro = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:463
 GetBackupTitle = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/restoreframe.lua:161
 slots = <table> {
 BuildCommandList = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:24
 FrameOnKeyDown = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua:10
 IsCastSequence = <function> defined @MacroToolkit/modules/parser.lua:250
 SelOnClick = <function> def

Wrath classic support

there is an error on Wrath client that makes MTK not work. Is there anyone working to fix this?

[Request] Item linking in macros

I'd like to be able to link a targetted item into the macro.

It is currently possible using the following script:

/script MacroFrameText:Insert("")

But it is very unwieldy.

[Request] Allow an option to partition current macro slots similar to MegaMacro

Since MegaMacro has largely been left to the wayside since the beginning of Dragonflight, the most important aspect of it for me was the partitioning of the default allocation of the 138 macro slots.

Blizzard Default allocation:

  • 120 slots for Global macros
  • 18 slots for Character macros

Mega Macro fixed allocation:

  • 60 Global macros
  • 30 Class macros
  • 30 Specialization macros
  • 8 Character specific macros
  • 10 Character specialization specific macros

Ultimately, I think having the ability to either allow users to partition macros slot allocation or having the slot allocation fixed to at least allow for better organization would be a nice enhancement long term. I personally feel that just being able to partition into class/spec macros is really nice, but hopefully this isn't completely out of scope for the addons future plans :)

I'd understand if this is a bit much though.

Unable to open Macro Toolkit

Client Version:
Addon Version: 2.0.4
No other addons active.
Error occurs after logging into a character.

Message: Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\mainframe.lua:71: attempt to call method 'SetResizeBounds' (a nil value)
Time: Sat May 6 08:36:36 2023
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\mainframe.lua:71: attempt to call method 'SetResizeBounds' (a nil value)
[string "@interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\mainframe.lua"]:71: in function CreateMTFrame' [string "@Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua"]:159: in function eventHandler'
[string "@interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\initialise.lua"]:15: in function <Interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\initialise.lua:15>

Locals: self =

FindShortest = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:13
defaults =
RunCommands = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\macrobroker.lua:81
BindingButtonOnClick = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\bindingframe.lua:225
IsTarget = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:249
target = "/target"
UpdateErrors = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:689
CreateBrokerObject = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\macrobroker.lua:101
SetBinding = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\bindingframe.lua:242
eventHandler = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:94
FindScript = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:448
skinned =
UpdateIcon = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\mainframe.lua:1040
ClearAllMacros = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:292
FormatMacro = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:477
Skin = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\elvskin.lua:6
CombatMessage = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:1219
CreateCopyFrame = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\copyframe.lua:6
click = "/click"
GetLastBackupDate = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\restoreframe.lua:242
clist =
SetLastBackupDate = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:1165
PopupButtonOnClick = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\popupframe.lua:520
UpdateInterfaceOptions = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\options.lua:901
UpdateIconCount = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\popupframe.lua:555
Eval = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\macrobroker.lua:69
SaveMacro = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:1092
UpdateBindingFrame = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\bindingframe.lua:269
ReceiveMacro = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\shareframe.lua:217
CreateBuilderFrame = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\builderframe.lua:16
Spells =
FindComment = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:670
UpdateCharLimit = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:671
IsCast = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:247
SelectTexture = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\popupframe.lua:461
CreateSecureActionButton = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\mainframe.lua:1092
ParseMacro = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\parser.lua:675
L =
OptionsFrame = {
GetSpellorMacroIconInfo = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\popupframe.lua:429
RGBToHex = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\MacroToolkit.lua:321
CreateScriptFrame = defined @interface\AddOns\MacroToolkit\modules\scriptframe.lua:6


hi there,

any macros with "nomod" in them isn't working.

WOTLK - Binding Error

When attempting to use the "Keybind" feature in Macro Toolkit, I get this lua error:

1x MacroToolkit/modules/bindingframe.lua:90: attempt to index field 'text' (a nil value)
[string "@MacroToolkit/modules/bindingframe.lua"]:90: in function `CreateBindingFrame'
[string "@MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua"]:1031: in function <MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua:1031>

Quality Icon changes into text in advertise macro

When I want to link an item in a macro, the Quality Icon changes into text as soon as I write for example /2 in front of it
It looks fine without /2

How to reproduce:

  1. Open bag/profession window (so you are able to link an Item with Quality in the chat)
  2. Open MacroToolKit and create a new macro
  3. Write /script MacroToolkitText:Insert("") into the chat but dont send yet
  4. Move the cursor between the quotation marks
  5. Shift-Click the item with quality so it appears between the quotation marks
  6. When you send the chat message, the linked Item appears in the macro window (looks like screenshot 2)
  7. Write /2 in front of it
  8. Now it looks like screenshot 1

Writing text after the linked item also looks broken.

Out of keybind only macros.

I did not expect that but I actually run out of key bind only macro.

I actually reached 120 key bind only macros spread across my alts.
I needed to create a new one and to my surprise the button was greyed out.

Some more slots would be welcome :)

Error when saving long macros when Broker is enabled

Error while updating a macro:

420x MacroToolkit/modules/macrobroker.lua:88: bad argument #1 to 'strsub' (string expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@MacroToolkit/modules/macrobroker.lua"]:88: in function `RunCommands'
[string "@MacroToolkit/MacroToolkit.lua"]:858: in function `MacroFrameUpdate'
[string "@MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua"]:477: in function <MacroToolkit/modules/mainframe.lua:473>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = 255
(*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"


/cast [@mouseover,help,dead,combat,mod:ctrl][help,dead,combat,mod:ctrl]Intercession;[@mouseover,help,dead,nocombat,mod:ctrl][help,dead,nocombat,mod:ctrl]Redemption;[@mouseover,help,nodead,combat,mod:ctrl][combat,mod:ctrl]Lay on Hands;[spec:2,@mouseover,help,nodead][spec:2]Cleanse Toxins;[spec:1]Blessing of Summer

Extended Macros Not Working in 10.0.2

As of phase 2 prepatch extended macros aren't working for me. Tried copying the text and creating a new extended macro (worked previously) but no dice this time.

See below (Pressing the button does nothing)

#showtooltip [stealth,mod]Cheap Shot;[stealth]Shadowstrike;[nocombat]Stealth;[mod]Eviscerate;Backstab
/cleartarget [dead]
/targetenemy [noharm]
/castsequence [nostealth,nocombat]Stealth;[nomod]reset=0.40 Backstab,0
/castsequence [mod]Eviscerate;Flagellation
/castsequence [mod]reset=3 Eviscerate,Shadow Dance

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