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anone's Issues

Fractal KYC Integration

I. Task description

Maro wants KYC for all people onboarding Another - 1 marketplace, ICO, ISO

II. Task timeline

Specify timeline if exists

III. Task deliverables

What deliverables do this task need to deliver?

IV. Task goals

goals that this task needs to achieve

  • understand how to integrate KYC

refactor dig - ui to anone

testnet - 1 will need to resemble what a mainnet would look like. We can reuse dig ui from dig chain for anone.
Dig UI refactoring will be completed in TWO WEEKS from now (17/2/2022), which will be at the start of March.

Claim Module

I. Task description

a claim module so as to incentivize users to interact with Anone for airdrop

the following missions: (total 100%)

  • initial claim (10%)
  • stake (20%)
  • vote (20%)
  • buy a shoe NFT (50%)

II. Task timeline

Specify timeline if exists

III. Task deliverables

What deliverables do this task need to deliver?

IV. Task goals

goals that this task needs to achieve

NFT Marketplace: listing logic

I. Task description

This is for describing listing logic of NFT Marketplace.

This task is part of: #78

  1. listNFT() để thực hiện việc listing NFTs lên sàn
  2. queryNFT() để thực hiện việc query các thông tin cần thiết của NFTs

mid week meeting vào 21/4 (thứ 5)

II. Task timeline

  1. Hoàn thiện hai hàm của anoneJS (21/4)
  2. Front - end (21/4)
  3. Integrate phần code của Chính (24/4)

III. Task deliverables

What deliverables do this task need to deliver?

IV. Task goals

goals that this task needs to achieve

  • NFT Marketplace with listing feature enabled.
  • write CosmJs function for listNft, buyNft, updatePrice, cancelSale, queryInfo
  • finish NFT filtering

NFT Marketplace: update collections

I. Task description

Collection fields:
name, symbol, admin, description, image, external_link, royaly_info

changable fields:

  1. description: mô tả về collections
  2. image: image url
  3. external_link: link đi kèm
  4. royalty_info: thông tin royalty của smart contract {royalPaymentAddress and royalShareFee)

an UI to update collection fields

II. Task timeline

09/05 - 15/05

IV. Task goals

goals that this task needs to achieve

  • functioning UI

NFT Marketplace: create logic

I. Task description

Create logic in NFT marketplace

part of: #78

collections_contracts_nfts_relationship drawio

II. Task timeline

11/4/2022 - 17/4/2022

  • meet again on 14/04/2022
  • meet again on 21/04/2022

III. Task deliverables

IV. Task goals

goals that this task needs to achieve

  • functional creating NFTs present on NFT marketplace
  • create collections
  • collections can add arbitrary number of NFTs (900 shoe1, 400 shoe2)
  • add arbitrary number of NFTs to existing collections

anoned balance issue

anoned q bank balances one1g2467695x0yacssvs8q6zc04ek8dg42lkmgkg2

  • amount: "24450"
    denom: uan1
    next_key: null
    total: "0"

anoned tx staking delegate onevaloper1g2467695x0yacssvs8q6zc04ek8dg42lhqtkpx 23000uan1 --from stakr --fees 200uan1


confirm transaction before signing and broadcasting [y/N]: y
code: 0
codespace: ""
data: ""
events: []
gas_used: "0"
gas_wanted: "0"
height: "0"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: '[]'
timestamp: ""
tx: null
txhash: A7FD66359D02EE4B01210D7592AB49593EDA4B1B543C20D8254B7661B5CE73DB

anoned q tx A7FD66359D02EE4B01210D7592AB49593EDA4B1B543C20D8254B7661B5CE73DB
code: 0
codespace: ""
data: 0A250A232F636F736D6F732E7374616B696E672E763162657461312E4D736744656C6567617465

  • attributes:
    • index: true
      key: c3BlbmRlcg==
      value: b25lMWcyNDY3Njk1eDB5YWNzc3ZzOHE2emMwNGVrOGRnNDJsa21na2cy
    • index: true
      key: YW1vdW50
      value: MjAwdWFuMQ==
      type: coin_spent
  • attributes:
    • index: true
      key: cmVjZWl2ZXI=
      value: b25lMTd4cGZ2YWttMmFtZzk2MnlsczZmODR6M2tlbGw4YzVsbGNkcHF6
    • index: true
      key: YW1vdW50
      value: MjAwdWFuMQ==
      type: coin_received
  • attributes:
    • index: true
      key: cmVjaXBpZW50
      value: b25lMTd4cGZ2YWttMmFtZzk2MnlsczZmODR6M2tlbGw4YzVsbGNkcHF6
    • index: true
      key: c2VuZGVy
      value: b25lMWcyNDY3Njk1eDB5YWNzc3ZzOHE2emMwNGVrOGRnNDJsa21na2cy
    • index: true
      key: YW1vdW50
      value: MjAwdWFuMQ==
      type: transfer
  • attributes:
    • index: true
      key: c2VuZGVy
      value: b25lMWcyNDY3Njk1eDB5YWNzc3ZzOHE2emMwNGVrOGRnNDJsa21na2cy
      type: message
  • attributes:
    • index: true
      key: ZmVl
      value: MjAwdWFuMQ==
      type: tx
  • attributes:
    • index: true
      key: YWNjX3NlcQ==
      value: b25lMWcyNDY3Njk1eDB5YWNzc3ZzOHE2emMwNGVrOGRnNDJsa21na2cyLzE1NDk=
      type: tx
  • attributes:
    • index: true
      key: c2lnbmF0dXJl
      value: SDE1NUhMZHppazI5Q3ptSWk2a05mR29iUkpBTjc1TnZuZUdGOWpIdDRGQm5VcXZQYmk4T1ZiQStUODlaMmFISHYvWTNYbENnL3VKc2ZFYmh3Yys3a1E9PQ==
      type: tx
  • attributes:
    • index: true
      key: YWN0aW9u
      value: L2Nvc21vcy5zdGFraW5nLnYxYmV0YTEuTXNnRGVsZWdhdGU=
      type: message
  • attributes:
    • index: true
      key: c3BlbmRlcg==
      value: b25lMWp2NjVzM2dycWY2djZqbDNkcDR0NmM5dDlyazk5Y2Q4ZzcyYXpx
    • index: true
      key: YW1vdW50
      value: MzkwODY4NjM1MnVhbjE=
      type: coin_spent
  • attributes:
    • index: true
      key: cmVjZWl2ZXI=
      value: b25lMWcyNDY3Njk1eDB5YWNzc3ZzOHE2emMwNGVrOGRnNDJsa21na2cy
    • index: true
      key: YW1vdW50
      value: MzkwODY4NjM1MnVhbjE=
      type: coin_received
  • attributes:
    • index: true
      key: cmVjaXBpZW50
      value: b25lMWcyNDY3Njk1eDB5YWNzc3ZzOHE2emMwNGVrOGRnNDJsa21na2cy
    • index: true
      key: c2VuZGVy
      value: b25lMWp2NjVzM2dycWY2djZqbDNkcDR0NmM5dDlyazk5Y2Q4ZzcyYXpx
    • index: true
      key: YW1vdW50
      value: MzkwODY4NjM1MnVhbjE=
      type: transfer
  • attributes:
    • index: true
      key: c2VuZGVy
      value: b25lMWp2NjVzM2dycWY2djZqbDNkcDR0NmM5dDlyazk5Y2Q4ZzcyYXpx
      type: message
  • attributes:
    • index: true
      key: c3BlbmRlcg==
      value: b25lMWcyNDY3Njk1eDB5YWNzc3ZzOHE2emMwNGVrOGRnNDJsa21na2cy
    • index: true
      key: YW1vdW50
      value: MjMwMDB1YW4x
      type: coin_spent
  • attributes:
    • index: true
      key: cmVjZWl2ZXI=
      value: b25lMWZsNDh2c25tc2R6Y3Y4NXE1ZDJxNHo1YWpkaGE4eXUzNjY4d2pn
    • index: true
      key: YW1vdW50
      value: MjMwMDB1YW4x
      type: coin_received
  • attributes:
    • index: true
      key: dmFsaWRhdG9y
      value: b25ldmFsb3BlcjFnMjQ2NzY5NXgweWFjc3N2czhxNnpjMDRlazhkZzQybGhxdGtweA==
    • index: true
      key: YW1vdW50
      value: MjMwMDB1YW4x
    • index: true
      key: bmV3X3NoYXJlcw==
      type: delegate
  • attributes:
    • index: true
      key: bW9kdWxl
      value: c3Rha2luZw==
    • index: true
      key: c2VuZGVy
      value: b25lMWcyNDY3Njk1eDB5YWNzc3ZzOHE2emMwNGVrOGRnNDJsa21na2cy
      type: message
      gas_used: "159520"
      gas_wanted: "200000"
      height: "665210"
      info: ""
  • events:
    • attributes:
      • key: receiver
        value: one1g2467695x0yacssvs8q6zc04ek8dg42lkmgkg2
      • key: amount
        value: 3908686352uan1
      • key: receiver
        value: one1fl48vsnmsdzcv85q5d2q4z5ajdha8yu3668wjg
      • key: amount
        value: 23000uan1
        type: coin_received
    • attributes:
      • key: spender
        value: one1jv65s3grqf6v6jl3dp4t6c9t9rk99cd8g72azq
      • key: amount
        value: 3908686352uan1
      • key: spender
        value: one1g2467695x0yacssvs8q6zc04ek8dg42lkmgkg2
      • key: amount
        value: 23000uan1
        type: coin_spent
    • attributes:
      • key: validator
        value: onevaloper1g2467695x0yacssvs8q6zc04ek8dg42lhqtkpx
      • key: amount
        value: 23000uan1
      • key: new_shares
        value: "23000.000000000000000000"
        type: delegate
    • attributes:
      • key: action
        value: /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate
      • key: sender
        value: one1jv65s3grqf6v6jl3dp4t6c9t9rk99cd8g72azq
      • key: module
        value: staking
      • key: sender
        value: one1g2467695x0yacssvs8q6zc04ek8dg42lkmgkg2
        type: message
    • attributes:
      • key: recipient
        value: one1g2467695x0yacssvs8q6zc04ek8dg42lkmgkg2
      • key: sender
        value: one1jv65s3grqf6v6jl3dp4t6c9t9rk99cd8g72azq
      • key: amount
        value: 3908686352uan1
        type: transfer
        log: ""
        msg_index: 0
        raw_log: '[{"events":[{"type":"coin_received","attributes":[{"key":"receiver","value":"one1g2467695x0yacssvs8q6zc04ek8dg42lkmgkg2"},{"key":"amount","value":"3908686352uan1"},{"key":"receiver","value":"one1fl48vsnmsdzcv85q5d2q4z5ajdha8yu3668wjg"},{"key":"amount","value":"23000uan1"}]},{"type":"coin_spent","attributes":[{"key":"spender","value":"one1jv65s3grqf6v6jl3dp4t6c9t9rk99cd8g72azq"},{"key":"amount","value":"3908686352uan1"},{"key":"spender","value":"one1g2467695x0yacssvs8q6zc04ek8dg42lkmgkg2"},{"key":"amount","value":"23000uan1"}]},{"type":"delegate","attributes":[{"key":"validator","value":"onevaloper1g2467695x0yacssvs8q6zc04ek8dg42lhqtkpx"},{"key":"amount","value":"23000uan1"},{"key":"new_shares","value":"23000.000000000000000000"}]},{"type":"message","attributes":[{"key":"action","value":"/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate"},{"key":"sender","value":"one1jv65s3grqf6v6jl3dp4t6c9t9rk99cd8g72azq"},{"key":"module","value":"staking"},{"key":"sender","value":"one1g2467695x0yacssvs8q6zc04ek8dg42lkmgkg2"}]},{"type":"transfer","attributes":[{"key":"recipient","value":"one1g2467695x0yacssvs8q6zc04ek8dg42lkmgkg2"},{"key":"sender","value":"one1jv65s3grqf6v6jl3dp4t6c9t9rk99cd8g72azq"},{"key":"amount","value":"3908686352uan1"}]}]}]'
        timestamp: "2022-04-06T17:02:43Z"
        '@type': /cosmos.tx.v1beta1.Tx
        • amount: "200"
          denom: uan1
          gas_limit: "200000"
          granter: ""
          payer: ""
      • mode_info:
        mode: SIGN_MODE_DIRECT
        '@type': /cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey
        key: AnUdFOSgkfYePpUqAo/jGOs7YueewXstg3GX4TguZ38C
        sequence: "1549"
        extension_options: []
        memo: ""
      • '@type': /cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate
        amount: "23000"
        denom: uan1
        delegator_address: one1g2467695x0yacssvs8q6zc04ek8dg42lkmgkg2
        validator_address: onevaloper1g2467695x0yacssvs8q6zc04ek8dg42lhqtkpx
        non_critical_extension_options: []
        timeout_height: "0"
    • H155HLdzik29CzmIi6kNfGobRJAN75NvneGF9jHt4FBnUqvPbi8OVbA+T89Z2aHHv/Y3XlCg/uJsfEbhwc+7kQ==
      txhash: A7FD66359D02EE4B01210D7592AB49593EDA4B1B543C20D8254B7661B5CE73DB

anoned q bank balances one1g2467695x0yacssvs8q6zc04ek8dg42lkmgkg2

  • amount: "3908687602"
    denom: uan1
    next_key: null
    total: "0"

Setup Testnet - 1 and validators

Goal: work with test - net validators to set up test - net 1


  • Active Discord server with few validators in it
  • Modification to chain: IBC (still working on this with Khanh to see if I miss anything)
  • genesis.json set up in code base
  • IPFS for storing genesis.json
  • wait for consensus state reached

code for airdrop

1. SneakerHeadz NFT
make change to attestation site

guide to ask check

check if an user has SneakerHeadz NFT, write the address down to a database for later airdrop

  • awaiting lauching of Brenn's site
  • launching attestation site on 16/1
  • collecting NFT SneakerHeadz NFT owner's address
  • use airdrop tool from Khanh to write genesis

2. Blurt holders

  • use airdrop tool from Khanh to write genesis

3. Claiming airdrop module on-chain

Auto airdrop will end up hurting tokenomics, the best way is for people to claim airdrop. Genesis is for people already bought previously.

  • a functioning module for airdrop

Add Anone testnet faucet in Discord

Vuong is doing Dig Faucet. For convenience, Vuong willl do Anone testnet faucet as well

  • testnet deployed
  • discord bot for faucet
  • deploy to server again

Minting An1 on BSC to launch on Polygon network

I. Task description

Minting vAN1 on Polygon to this address: 0x4C9658E77D53D0e9B190acec4FEDC60D2875fd94

II. Task timeline

Not yet specified

III. Task deliverables

vAN1 on Polygon

IV. Task goals

  • mint 4millions vAN1 on Polygon

Fractional ownership shoe NFTs

I. Task description

Design discussion on Fractional shoe NFTs

fractional_nft drawio

II. Task timeline

Specify timeline if exists

III. Task deliverables

What deliverables do this task need to deliver?

IV. Task goals

goals that this task needs to achieve

  • understand fully use cases of SCA

Using IPFS to store genesis file

Trying it out and guiding all members to use IPFS to upload files

Delivarables: one-pager guide with working commands to upload and download file from IPFS

DAO DAO implementation

I. Task description

Implement dao governance for collections.
User can vote on proposals throught governance tokens. Like shares in a corporation, governance token determines your voting power

IV. Task goals

goals that this task needs to achieve

  • Collections + dao on anone testnet

Mint module

I. Task description

1 chain, cần kiểm soát được lượng token in ra như thế nào? mint module.


II. Task timeline

Specify timeline if exists

III. Task deliverables

What deliverables do this task need to deliver?

IV. Task goals

goals that this task needs to achieve

  • thống nhất tokenomics logic với Jacob
  • hiểu về tokenomics cho mint
  • testing successfully cho mint module

Cosmos SDK Upstream Action

When we began this work, it was not clear when/if/how native NFTs would exist in the cosmos-sdk.

We now know the answer, they're landing in cosmos-sdk v0.46.0, which we're using for Craft Economy.

Today I updated starport to v0.45.0


This means that it can now scaffold Cosmos-SDK v0.45.0 chains, but this version isn't super-different from v0.44.x-- mainly some performance enhancements that are centered around wasm & the upcoming release of evmos.

So, we're faced with a choice here:

  1. We launch with Cosmos-SDK v0.45.0 and we do NFTs using CosmWasm like


  1. We launch with Cosmos-SDK v0.46.0 and we do native NFTs, with or without CosmWasm

what do you think?

The key difference will likely be timeline. Also, in the event that we ship v0.46.0, we will need to figure out weather or not we should support CosmWasm.

New NFT smart contract

I. Task description

A new NFT smart contract

The new contract for NFT that you have written. Please post images of cli interacting with your smart Contract v2 to here so I can know what it will do.

II. Task timeline

Specify timeline if exists

III. Task deliverables

What deliverables do this task need to deliver?

IV. Task goals

goals that this task needs to achieve

  • Build sh files to test contract

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