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nodekit's Introduction {NK} NodeKit is the universal, open-source, embedded engine that provides a full Node.js instance inside desktop and mobile applications for macOS, iOS, Android, Fire OS, and Windows.

For application developers, the backend can be written in pure Node javascript code, the front-end in the architecture of your choice including but not limited to Atom Electron API, Facebook React, Express, etc.)

{NK} NodeKit enables applications developed for Node to developed once and then run without alteration for any of the above platforms as well as in the browser.

{NK} NodeKit

Join the chat at {NK} Roadmap Carthage compatible NuGet compatible JitPack compatible Contact


Make sure you have Node.js installed (between v4 and v6).

Optimal: install Node.js version 6.7 or later and npm 3.10 or later using nvm

npm install -g nodekit-cli

Create and run a Sample Application (Apple)

(Make sure you have Xcode, Xcode command line tools and CocoaPods installed)

nodekit create myapp io.nodekit.myapp myapp
cd myapp
nodekit platform add macos
nodekit platform add ios
nodekit build
nodekit run

Create and run a Sample Application (Android)

(WIP: Should compile but may not be fully functional. Make sure you have Android Studio installed)

nodekit create myapp io.nodekit.myapp myapp
cd myapp
nodekit platform add android
nodekit build
nodekit run

Apple iOS and OS X platforms source code

git clone

Open src/nodekit.xcodeproj in Xcode. You will see 4 build targets, 2 for the frameworks (on iOS and OSX respectively) and 2 for the sample app.

Build the nodekit-Mac-sample for My Mac or the nodekit-iOS-sample for the iOS Simulator (e.g., iPhone 6) and run. All the Node.js tests should run and you should see the results as a graphical chart.

To switch to the sample app, change the package.json main entry to point to app/sample/index.js instead of test/index.js

Windows platforms source code

git clone

Open in Visual Studio

Android and Amazon Fire OS platforms source code

git clone

Open in Android Studio.

Open src/nodekit-windows.sln in Visual Studio Community 2015 and follow the instructions equivalent to above.

Simple Configuration

Two lines in main.swift to launch an embedded WebKit view and start the NodeKit engine (already included for you in the sample).

import NodeKit

Two lines in main.cs to launch an embedded Edge view and start the NodeKit engine (already included for you in the sample).

using io.nodekit

Then just make sure any standard Node application is in the app/ directory. This application will run in the main process (a hidden but highly performant JavaScript engine such as Nitro WKWebView, JavaScriptCore, Chakra or ChakraCore). The first thing the application typically does is open a renderer window, very similar to Atom Electron:

const app = require('electro').app;
const BrowserWindow = require('electro').BrowserWindow
app.on('ready', function() {
  var window = new BrowserWindow();

The sample app includes a built in web server for serving static and dynamic content; on iOS this can be an http server over a localhost port, but on OSX you may want to use no ports at all and just use built in protocol server.

Build in Xcode for both iOS and Mac targets.

Build in Visual Studio or using MBuild for all projects in the solution.

Three Main Components in {NK} NodeKit

{NK} Scripting

{NK} Scripting is an advanced JavaScript - Native (Swift, Objective-C, C#, C++, Visual Basic) bridge for hybrid applications. It builds upon the core platform bridges such as JavaScriptCore or ChakraCore, but abstracts the implementation details and standardizes across scripting engine families. It is the foundation of {NK} NodeKit and can be used without {NK} Electro or {NK} Core or with substitutes.

{NK} Electro

{NK} Electro is an API for {NK} NodeKit applications that facilitates application lifecycle and user interface tasks. It is inspired by the Atom Electron API, and is generally a lighter-weight but code-compatible subset. It requires {NK} Scripting but can be used without {NK} Core if you dont need all the Node features and just want a lightweight way of building universal desktop and mobile apps, a bit like Cordova but with {NK} Scripting features.

{NK} Core

{NK} Core takes the above a step further and provides a light-weight but fully functional version of Node for {NK} NodeKit applications. It leverages the original Node source for all the Javascript components, but generally backs with different bindings to leverage each platform's built-in javascript engine(s) instead of the V8 engine. Where possible native code has been moved to Javascript. It requires {NK} Scripting and is generally paired with {NK} Electro as here, but technically you could replace {NK} Electro with your own code or plugin to open and manage the window lifecycle.


The {NK} nodekit-darwin repository contains an XCode project with all the above components (zero dependencies) that compiles to an iOS 8 + and OS X 10.9 + dynamic framework. Versions for Android are in active development.

The {NK} nodekit-windows repository contains a Visual Studio solution and a set of MSBuild projects with all the above components (zero dependencies) that compiles to Universal Windows Platform and (coming soon) .NET Framework 4.6 binaries (for WPF applications).

The framework / DLL files (containing binary code and embedded resources like the core Node.js javascript code) can just be included in any corresponding iOS, OS X or Windows applications. See the sample app for an example. You can thus compile and create your own projects; no app store consumer really needs to know how you built it unless you want to tell them or modify the {NK} NodeKit source.

Is it really Node ?

YES for all the javascript portions (and most of Node is written in javascript, of course). NO for all the V8 bindings.

We include the direct source files from Node.js source directly in NodeKit (you can find them in the framework package in a folder called lib). Then we add our own bindings to replace the V8 native ones, writing them in javascript as much as possible, with a few native calls for the really platform specific stuff like sockets, timers, and the file system. These bindings have exactly the same API signatures as the Node versions so are plugin replacements.

This means most Node packages will work without modification. Those that require node-gyp native bindings to V8 would require an alternative.

How does it relate to Cordova, Electron, CrossWalk, XWebView and NW ?

Actually, we've built upon the shoulders of all of these and similarly on the excellent Nodelike and Nodyn projects (both no longer maintained) and even Microsoft's Node fork for ChakraCore, by taking the approach of re-writing the bindings to V8. However, we've written or re-used as much code in JavaScript as far as possible. The whole theory of the Node ecosystem is that JavaScript is pretty fast, in fact when compiled like we can with the Nitro engine used by {NK} NodeKit its really really fast. Bridging back and forth to native tends to introduce latency which we like to avoid except where essential or where done for us by the emerging HTML5 / ES5 /ES6 features of most modern JavaScript engines.

The real motivation for us however, wasn't speed of execution, but rather we didnt want to include a large 48Mb executable for Chromium or its javascript engines in every app download... when most modern operating systems already include an ES5 engine.

So on iOS and Macs we use JavaScriptCore or Nitro... on Windows we use Chakra or ChakraCore... and on Android and Linux we use Chromium/V8. Since the Node JavaScript source runs on each without patching (in some cases we add some polyfills), the only things we had to write (once per platform) were the bindings and again really just the primary four (TCP sockets, UDP sockets, timers and the file system). Others like buffers, cryptography etc., are replaced by javascript only versions (ok for those following this far, actually for cryptography we just didnt like the idea of random generator being the javascript engine variant, so we dip into the OS for just that one random bytes call for improved security, no OpenSSL dependency just native platform)


On OS X and iOS just use Safari Web Inspector to set breakpoints, inspect variables, etc. in both the JavaScriptScore and Nitro script engines (for the main process) as well as the UI and javascript environment of the renderer processes.

Safari WebInspector

On Windows just use Visual Studio; either include a "debugger" line in your javascript file to prompty you, or use Visual Studio Attach to Process to attach to the executing app with the debugger set to Scripts. (The default for an application will be a Common Language Runtime debugger, but when using Chakra or ChakraCore you can use the built in script debugging features. If you really want, just make your application a JavaScript/HTML application and the default debugger will be as is).

Visual Studio Debugger

On Android just use Chrome Web Inspector to set breakpoints, inspect variables, etc. in both the JavaScriptScore and Nitro script engines (for the main process) as well as the UI and javascript environment of the renderer processes.

Chrome Web Inspector


  • iOS 8+, 9+, 10+
  • macOS 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12
  • Android 4.4+, 5.0+, 6.0+
  • Windows 10 Universal Platform (October 2015 update or more recent)
  • Node.js ~0.12.x

Still In development

  • Windows 7, Vista, 8, 8.1 for desktop applications
  • Node.js 4.x/5.x updates (we run a very stable 0.12.x for broadest package compatibility, and are currently testing the 4.x LTS version in a development branch).

Contributions (MasterFlow)

  • Fork the repository.
  • There is one eternal branch -- master.
  • All other branches (feature, release, hotfix, and whatever else we need) are temporary and only used as a convenience to share code with other developers and as a backup measure. They are always removed once the changes present on them land on master.
  • Features are integrated onto the master branch primarily in a way which keeps the history linear
  • Releases are done similarly to GitFlow. We create a new branch for the release, branching off at the point in master that you decide has all the necessary features. From then on new work, aimed for the next release, is pushed to master as always, and any urgent necessary changes are pushed to the release branch (avoided as far as possible)
  • Finally, once the release is ready, we tag the top of the release branch. Then, because there is one eternal branch, there is only one way to get your release to be versioned permanently - and that is to merge the release branch into master and push that changed master.
  • After that, all the changes that were made during the release are now part of master, and the release branch is deleted.
  • Hotfixes are very similar to releases, except you don't branch from an arbitrary commit on master, but from the release tag that you want to make the fix in. Again, work on master continues as always, and the necessary fixes are pushed to the hotfix branch. Once the fix is ready, the procedure is exactly the same as for a release - tag the top of the branch creating a new release, merge it into master, then delete the hotfix branch
  • Submit pull request.

Related Repositories on GitHub

We went for platform specific code to allow searching by language on GitHub to show up appropriately (e.g., trending repositories in Swift, C#), to allow separate version numbers for minor platform-specific changes, and because the repositories are in essence not dependent on each other, but rather complementary language ports with the same functionality and API.


  • (October 2016) Command line tooling added for Android
  • (September 2016) Initial Android release (NKScripting and NKElectro only)
  • (March 2016) Added sample application, a beautiful lightweight chat application to highlight how to use {NK} NodeKit
  • (February 2016) Split platform versions into their own repositories on GitHub
  • (February 2016) Initial release of NKScripting using the Chakra engine on Windows 10 platforms; other engines coming
  • (February 2016) Added roadmap for tracking contributions and future plans
  • (February 2016) Removed the last of the Objective-C and C code; the entire framework on Darwin platforms is now pure Swift 2.x including the rewritten POSIX sockets layer that makes full use of GCD, is non blocking, and contains no external dependencies; we may end up releasing as {NK} Sockets as while there are lots of good Objective-C libraries, there are fewer Swift versions (and almost none without a tiny C dependency which we've eliminated) and we had to cobble this together from a few complementary sources.
  • (January 2016) Updated to use all core darwin JavaScript Engines, harmonized the API to industry standard (e.g, Electron subset for front end, JavaScriptCore like for back end) and refactored out {NK} Scripting and {NK} Electro and associated docs in the process
  • (December 2015) Updated for Swift 2.0 and refactored for iOS and OS X.
  • Master branch contains Node.js v0.12.x (working).
  • Node.js V4.x branch available but not in accelerated development.

nodekit's People


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nodekit's Issues

Nodekit does not appear to be correctly installed via npm -g

Installed nodekit via npm -g. Installation was successful. Attempted to create a project
via nodekit create myApp io.nodekit.myApp myApp. Got the error:
Creating a new nodekit project. cp: no such file or directory: /usr/local/lib/node_modules/nodekit/node_modules/nodekit-sample/www/*

What I'm working on

Mate.. I don't know how else to track this but I've been doing a lot of testing today and I thought I would let you know what I'm working on so we don't duplicate effort.

NPAPI Plugins. Using the built-in WebKit.Framework both renders (NK & UI) will load the available plugins from /Library/Internet Plugins with the following caveats:

Passing a configuration object to UIWebView works as expected however NKWebView blows up when it's trying to parse it. I'll troubleshoot this and resolve it. If, however, the plugin: true is configured in NKE_BrowserWindow.swift the plugins do get loaded into the DomPlugin context. By that I mean they are visible from the Web Inspector: navigator.plugins....

I've enabled web-inspector by setting the developerExtensions flag but haven't quite firgured out how we are going to call it from swift. Nitro will probably be easier because it includes a bundle injector, which is how this is achieved in the unit tests in WebKit but WebKit 1 (UI) doesn't have that functionality. I'm going to see if there's a way to call it from JS and maybe we just pass a call into the JSContext.

What's not working is rendering of the plugins.. at least not the Silverlight host that I'm testing with. Chrome 35 i386 works and WebKit Nightly using the Safari wrapper also works. The real benefit of using WebKit over Chrome is that they don't seem to hate netscape at the moment.. even though they have wrapped all of the NPAPI stuff in compiler macros so they can turn it off at any time. I have a patched version of recent WebKit source ready if that happens....


Error: Cannot read property 'runtimes' of undefined

When I do a clean install on OS X 10.12 with only iOS installed, I get:


TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
at SimctlListParser.parse (/Users/me/Developer/myapp/platforms/ios/nodekit/node_modules/simctl/lib/simctl-list-parser.js:46:9)
at Object.list (/Users/me/Developer/myapp/platforms/ios/nodekit/node_modules/simctl/simctl.js:172:35)
at Object.getdevicetypes (/Users/me/Developer/myapp/platforms/ios/nodekit/node_modules/ios-sim/src/lib.js:255:27)
at Object.listEmulatorImages as run
at deployToSim (/Users/me/Developer/myapp/platforms/ios/nodekit/lib/run.js:142:50)
at /Users/me/Developer/myapp/platforms/ios/nodekit/lib/run.js:84:20
at _fulfilled (/Users/me/Developer/myapp/platforms/ios/nodekit/node_modules/q/q.js:834:54)
at self.promiseDispatch.done (/Users/me/Developer/myapp/platforms/ios/nodekit/node_modules/q/q.js:863:30)
at Promise.promise.promiseDispatch (/Users/me/Developer/myapp/platforms/ios/nodekit/node_modules/q/q.js:796:13)
at /Users/me/Developer/myapp/platforms/ios/nodekit/node_modules/q/q.js:604:44
Error: Cannot read property 'runtimes' of undefined

Any suggestions?

  1. Also on the file, I believe that: "nodekit platform add macos" should be "nodekit platform add osx" right now given that nodekit platform list shows: Available platforms: amazon-fireos ~1.0.0 (deprecated) android ~1.0.0 browser ~1.0.0 ios 4.2.1 osx ~1.0.0


your email-address "[email protected]" is not working.

Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain by

you need a TWITTER-account!!
AFAIK @nodekit is still available!

Is this abandoned?

Hi @guycreate,

Do you plan on updating this project or is it abandoned? It would be a great alternative to Electron. FWIW, I couldn't get any of the stuff currently in the repo working for Windows.


Cross platform builds?

One of the very cool things with electron is the ability to build packages for other platforms using electron-packager. With it, a developer can have a centralised development & build locations.
From there, a developer can use various other packages to generate setups or dmgs...

Do you have plans for this? It seems at the moment you're working out the platform specific issues, which is necessary, but I see nothing about this kind of thing on the roadmap...

(PS: Awesome project, would be nice to have the ball rolling a little faster though ;) )


Mate, I've made some changes that I'd like to submit a pull request for but having difficulty syncing my fork from master. It would be a lot easier if I had a branch under Master. I've created a local one called "Wolfie". Would that be possible?

Three small changes and plugins work with Nitro and it's now possible to open the WebInspector from the context menu on the page. Still working on doing it programatically.

A question regarding parsing the options object. I can't find an implementation for parsing NKEBrowserSwitches so that could be what's going on. Has that been implemented yet? Am I missing it somewhere? Thanks.



Empty carthage build

I'm trying to follow the 'getting started' section and can't manage to build nodekit-sample. Cloned, and after running carthage build theCarthage/Build` folder is empty and the xcode build fails with 'No such module NodeKit'.

If I run carthage build --no-skip-current it tells me Dependency "nodekit-sample" has no shared framework schemes, even though I ticked 'Shared' in the project schemes. Am I missing something?

Crosswalk Android

For what I've read, this plugin it's amazing, but..

How can I set up a Cordova - Crosswalk webview with actually Node.js (like Electron, or NW.js) in Android, build the .apk and upload it to Google Play?
Are you telling me that I can run node, and all node modules like electron in a Crosswalk Web View and deploy it to Android?

If that ever happened, I have to see it. And reproduce it. Please. directory structure

Likewise, after doing a git clone:
git clone
These instructions don't match the directory structure I am seeing:

Open src/nodekit.xcodeproj in Xcode. You will see 4 build targets, 2 for the frameworks (on iOS and OSX respectively) and 2 for the sample app.

Build the nodekit-Mac-sample for My Mac or the nodekit-iOS-sample for the iOS Simulator (e.g., iPhone 6) and run. All the Node.js tests should run and you should see the results as a graphical chart.

To switch to the sample app, change the package.json main entry to point to app/sample/index.js instead of test/index.js

e.g. there is no:


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