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jupyter-cadquery's Introduction


View CadQuery objects in JupyterLab or in a standalone viewer for any IDE


Click on the "launch binder" icon to start Jupyter-CadQuery on binder:

Binder: Latest development version

Release v2.2.0 (28.06.2021)

  • New features

    • A new Viewer component based on voilà allows to use Jupyter-CadQuery as viewer for any IDE
    • Dark theme support
    • Tessellation normals can be rendered now for inspection
    • Jupyter-CadQuery now has a logo, which is show as 3D objects when CAD viewer starts in (both sidecar and new Viewer)
    • set_sidecar can now immediatly start the viewer (parameter init)
  • Changes

    • show has new parameters
      • ambient_intensity: set ambient light intensity
      • direct_intensity: set direct light intensity
      • default_edgecolor: set default edge color
      • render_normals: render normals
    • During tessellation, normals are normalized
    • Defaults system now lives in jupyter_cadquery.defaults and is more consistent
    • Lean scrollbars are now default (mac_scrollbar parameter)
    • Rendering timer restructured with finer granular selection
  • Fixes

    • Hidden edges are now visible in transparent view
    • Fixed reset camera logic between different calls to show
    • Optimized bounding box calculation
    • Double scrollbars removed
    • Fix html export (including OrbitControls fix)

Key Features

  • Support for CadQuery 2.1 and OCP
  • Viewing options:
    • Directly in the JupyterLab output cell
    • In a central Jupyterlab sidecar for any JupyterLab cell (see example 1 below)
    • As a standalone viewer for use from any IDE (see example 2 below)
  • Viewer features
    • Toggle visibilty of shapes and edges
    • Orthographic and perspective view
    • Clipping with max 3 clipping planes (of free orientation)
    • Transparency mode
    • Double click on shapes shows bounding box info
  • Assemblies
  • Auto display of CadQuery shapes
  • Visual debugging by
    • displaying selected CadQuery faces and edges
    • replaying steps of the rendered object (note, this is not supported in the standalone viewer for the time being)


  1. Simple Example in JupyterLab using Sidecar (light theme)


    To try this yourself, you can use the code here

  2. Animation system in JupyterLab

    Animated Hexapod in Sidecar

  3. Debugging in VS Code with Standalone Viewer (dark theme)



    • the top half is the standalone viewer in a browser window
    • the bottom half is the CadQuery code being debugged in VS Code
    • The show command in the code will tessellate the objects and send them via zmq to the standalone viewer


  1. Using conda

    • Create a conda environment with Jupyterlab:

      • If you don't have it already, create a new conda environment with CadQuery 2.1

        conda create -n jcq22 -c conda-forge -c cadquery python=3.8 cadquery
        conda activate jcq22
      • Install Jupyter-CadQuery (note, matplotlib is only used for the examples)

        pip install jupyter-cadquery==2.2.0 matplotlib

        Windows users should also install pywin32 again with conda to ensure it is configured correctly

        conda install pywin32
    • Run Jupyter-CadQuery in JupyterLab

      conda activate jcq22
      jupyter lab

      If you use the dark theme of JuypterLab, add the following code in the first cell of your notebook:

      [1]: from jupyter_cadquery import set_defaults, set_sidecar
           set_sidecar("CadQuery", init=True)
    • Run Jupyter-CadQuery as standalone viewer

      conda activate jcq22
      jcv     # light theme
      jcv -d  # dark theme

      In your code import the show or show_object function from the viewer:

      from jupyter_cadquery.viewer.client import show, show_object

      show works as in JupyterLab, while show_object views objects incrementally as in CQ-Editor

  2. Using a docker image

    • Run the docker container (jupyter in the container will start in /home/cq)

      mkdir -p "$WORKDIR"  # this has to exist, otherwise an access error will be thrown
      docker run -it --rm -v $WORKDIR:/home/cq -p 8888:8888 bwalter42/jupyter_cadquery:2.2.0


      • To start with examples, you can
        • omit the volume mapping and just run docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 bwalter42/jupyter_cadquery:2.2.0 or
        • copy the example notebooks to your $WORKDIR. They will be available for JupyterLab in the container.
      • If you want to change the Dockerfile, make docker will create a new docker image


(animated gifs)


a) Show objects

  • show(cad_objs, **kwargs)


    • cad_objs: Comma separated list of cadquery objects; Note: For OCP objects only one object is supported


    • height: Height of the CAD view (default=600)
    • tree_width: Width of navigation tree part of the view (default=250)
    • cad_width: Width of CAD view part of the view (default=800)
    • bb_factor: Scale bounding box to ensure compete rendering (default=1.5)
    • default_color: Default mesh color (default=(232, 176, 36))
    • default_edgecolor: Default mesh color (default=(128, 128, 128))
    • render_edges: Render edges (default=True)
    • render_normals: Render normals (default=False)
    • render_mates: Render mates (for MAssemblies)
    • mate_scale: Scale of rendered mates (for MAssemblies)
    • quality: Linear deflection for tessellation (default=None) If None, uses bounding box as in (xlen + ylen + zlen) / 300 * deviation)
    • deviation: Deviation from default for linear deflection value ((default=0.1)
    • angular_tolerance: Angular deflection in radians for tessellation (default=0.2)
    • edge_accuracy: Presicion of edge discretizaion (default=None) If None, uses: quality / 100
    • optimal_bb: Use optimal bounding box (default=False)
    • axes: Show axes (default=False)
    • axes0: Show axes at (0,0,0) (default=False)
    • grid: Show grid (default=False)
    • ticks: Hint for the number of ticks in both directions (default=10)
    • ortho: Use orthographic projections (default=True)
    • transparent: Show objects transparent (default=False)
    • ambient_intensity Intensity of ambient ligth (default=1.0)
    • direct_intensity Intensity of direct lights (default=0.12)
    • position: Relative camera position that will be scaled (default=(1, 1, 1))
    • rotation: z, y and y rotation angles to apply to position vector (default=(0, 0, 0))
    • zoom: Zoom factor of view (default=2.5)
    • reset_camera: Reset camera position, rotation and zoom to default (default=True)
    • mac_scrollbar: Prettify scrollbars (default=True)
    • display: Select display: "sidecar", "cell", "html"
    • tools: Show the viewer tools like the object tree
    • timeit: Show rendering times, levels = False, 0,1,2,3,4,5 (default=False)

    For example isometric projection can be achieved in two ways:

    • position = (1, 1, 1)
    • position = (0, 0, 1) and rotation = (45, 35.264389682, 0)

b) Manage default values

  • set_defaults(**kwargs): allows to globally set the defaults value so they do not need to be provided with every show call


    • see show
  • get_default(value): Get the global default for a single value

  • get_defaults(): Get all global defaults

  • reset_defaults(): Reset all defaults back to its initial value

c) Replay objects

Note, this is not supported in the standalone viewer for the time being.

  • replay(args)


    • cad_obj: cadquery object
    • index (default=0): Element in the fluent API stack to show
    • debug (default=False): Trace building the replay stack
    • cad_width (default=600): Width of the CAD view
    • height (default=600): Height of the CAD view

d) Export as HTML:

  1. Export full notebook

    In the first cell of the notebook set output to "html"


    and then use JupyterLab's File -> Export Notebook as ... -> HTML menu entry


    • display="html" will automatically turn off tools
    • Browsers can only a set of 8-16 WebGL contexts. So try to have a small number of renderings. If there are too much, they will be shown as black box, that renders after hovering over it.
    • In JupyterLab the widget state needs to be saved automatically for this to work (menu Settings -> Save Widget State Automatically)
  2. Export single rendering view

    A straight forward approach is to use

    w = show(a1)

    adapt the cad view as wanted (axis, viewpoint, transparency, ...) and then call

    from ipywidgets.embed import embed_minimal_html
    embed_minimal_html('export.html', views=[w.cq_view.renderer], title='Renderer')

    Using w.cq_view.renderer this will save the exact state of the visible pythreejs view.

    Of course, you can also call w = show(a1, *params) where params is the dict of show parameters you'd like to be used and then call the embed_minimal_html with views=w.cq_view.renderer


    • If you use sidecar then you need to close it first:

      from jupyter_cadquery import cad_display
    • Buttons and treeview can be exported, however the interaction logic of the UI is implemented in Python. So the treeview and the buttons won't have any effect in an exported HTML page. Best is to set set_defaults(tools=False) to omit all buttons and the tree

e) Export the rendered object as STL:

  • OCC

    from jupyter_cadquery import exportSTL
    exportSTL(a1, "a1.stl", linear_deflection=0.01, angular_deflection=0.1)

    Smaller linear_deflection and angular_deflection means more details.

Jupyter-CadQuery classes

  • Part: A CadQuery shape plus some attributes for it:

    • shape: CadQuery shape
    • name: Part name in the view
    • color: Part color in the view
    • show_faces: show the faces of this particular part
    • show_edges: show the edges of this particular part
  • Faces: CadQuery faces plus some attributes

    • faces: List of CadQuery faces (shape.faces(selector)))
    • name: Part name in the view
    • color: Part color in the view
    • show_faces: show the faces for these particular faces
    • show_edges: show the edges for these particular faces
  • Edges:

    • edges: List of CadQuery edges (shape.edges(selector)))
    • name: Part name in the view
    • color: Part color in the view
  • Vertices:

    • vertices: List of CadQuery vertices (shape.vertices(selector)))
    • name: Part name in the view
    • color: Part color in the view
  • PartGroup: Basically a list of parts and some attributes for the view:

    • name: PartGroup name in the view
    • objects: all parts and assemblies included in the assembly as a list

Example Code

import cadquery as cq
from jupyter_cadquery.cadquery import (PartGroup, Part, Edges, Faces, Vertices, show)
from jupyter_cadquery import set_sidecar, set_defaults

set_defaults(axes=False, grid=True, axes0=True, ortho=True, transparent=True)
set_sidecar("CadQuery", init=True)

box1 = cq.Workplane('XY').box(10, 20, 30).edges(">X or <X").chamfer(2)
box2 = cq.Workplane('XY').box(8, 18, 28).edges(">X or <X").chamfer(2)
box3 = cq.Workplane('XY').transformed(offset=(0, 15, 7)).box(30, 20, 6).edges(">Z").fillet(3)
box4 = box3.mirror("XY").translate((0, -5, 0))

box1 = box1\

a1 = PartGroup(
        Part(box1, "red box",   "#d7191c", show_edges=False),
        Part(box3, "green box", "#abdda4", show_edges=False),
        Part(box4, "blue box",  "#2b83ba", show_faces=False),
    "example 1"

show(a1, grid=False)  # overwrite grid default value


  • Thomas Paviot for python-occ. Ideas are derived/taken from his
  • Dave Cowden for CadQuery
  • Adam Urbańczyk for the OCP version of CadQuery

Known issues

  • z-fighting happens some times, especially when using multiple clip planes (cannot be solved in general)
  • Using more than one clip plane will lead to cut surfaces not being shown as solid. (very hard to solve in general)


Relase v2.1.0 "Performance Release" (07.04.2021)

  • New features

    • Complete new tessellator class. Significantly faster (for a 15MB STEP file it reduced the rendering time from 3 min to <10 sec)
    • Mesh quality is calculated as in FreeCad (sum of bounding box x-, y-, z-widths divided by 300 times deviation paramter)
  • Changes

    • Pan speed is adapted to object size sum of bounding box x-, y-, z-widths divided by 300)
    • Replay warnings can be suppressed now (replay(warning=False))

Release v2.0.0 (06.03.2021)

  • New features

    • Jupyter-CadQuery supports the latest CadQuery 2.1 with OCP (note, it will not run with the FreeCAD version of CadQuery).
    • Uses JupyterLab 3.0 which has a new extension deployment system which simplifies the installation of Jupyter-CadQuery drastically (see below)
    • It supports the new CadQuery Assemblies
    • Splits UI and shape rendering and shows a progress bar during rendering, especially useful for large assembblies
    • If you install cadquery-massembly (see below) then the class MAssembly (meaning "Mate base Assembly") is available, which is derived from cadquery.Assembly but similar to cqparts or FreeCad's Assembly4 works with mates to manually connect instead of constraints and a numerical solver.
    • Comes with an animation system to simulate models built with MAssembly
  • Changes

    • Deprecates Jupyter-CadQuery's Assembly (too many assemblies in the meantime) and has renamed it to PartGroup (no semantic change). Assembly can still be used with warnings at the moment.
    • Does not test or change the cqparts support since the project doesn't seem to be active any more

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