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palworld-arm64's Issues

Restart seem fail

After experiencing an unexpected server error and subsequent downtime, the Docker container was restarted, and the logs indicated normal functioning. However, players were unable to connect to the server. To resolve the issue, it was necessary to manually execute the commands "docker-compose down" followed by "docker-compose up -d" again. This allowed players to successfully reconnect to the server.



I used your image on a oracle free tier, with 4 cpu and 24gig of ram
The performances are ok, but around 34 fps ( server fps in game) with multithreading enabled
I assume this is because of FEX, kind of emulating stuff
Do you have a better fps ? error

Hi. tried to setup using docker compose and got the following error:

docker compose looks like so, running with portainer:

ran the chown commands before setup and created directory as instructed:

Tried multiple times, no dice.
Any help would be appericiated!

Tried to build from source, using the dockerfile, still same error

Server crashes on start

the server was running fine till it crashed and now i cant get it back up.
When i run "docker composer up -d" the server doesnt boot up at all and when o do "docker exec -it machine_id bash" to access the docker machine and then run the "./" it crashes the docker.
what am i supposed to do.


I'm stuck here and I don't know how I can fix it, any solution?
I also can't start the server with /home/steam/ because it gives me an error, I already did chown -R, and it doesn't work


Getting many errors "SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to write memory at address"


The server seems to be running, and I am able to connect, but I lose connection after just a couple of minutes.

There are several folders in the Crashes folder now, and they look like this:

Generating report for minidump

Application version
 ... built from changelist 0

OS version Linux 5.15.0 (network name: 1f5771073543)
Running 4 x86_64 processors (4 logical cores)
Exception was "SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to write memory at address 0x0000000000000003"


PalServer-Linux-Test!UPalSaveGameManager::OnFinishedWorldAsyncSaveGameInternal(FString const&, int, bool, FString, FString) [D:/works/repos/Pal_SVN/Pal-UE-App/Source/Pal/PalSaveGameManager.cpp:359]
PalServer-Linux-Test!decltype(auto) UE::Core::Private::Tuple::TTupleBase<TIntegerSequence<unsigned int, 0u, 1u>, FString, FString>::ApplyAfter<void (UPalSaveGameManager::* const&)(FString const&, int, bool, FString, FString), UPalSaveGameManager*&, FString const&, int&, bool&>(void (UPalSaveGameManager::* const&&&)(FString const&, int, bool, FString, FString), UPalSaveGameManager*&&&, FString const&&&, int&&&, bool&&&) const & [C:/works/Pal-UE-EngineBinary/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Templates/Tuple.h:327]
PalServer-Linux-Test!TBaseUObjectMethodDelegateInstance<false, UPalSaveGameManager, void (FString const&, int, bool), FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy, FString, FString>::ExecuteIfSafe(FString const&, int, bool) const [C:/works/Pal-UE-EngineBinary/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Delegates/DelegateInstancesImpl.h:616]
PalServer-Linux-Test!TBaseFunctorDelegateInstance<bool (float), FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy, UPalSaveGameManager::PalAsyncSaveGameToSlot(USaveGame*, FString const&, int, TDelegate<void (FString const&, int, bool), FDefaultDelegateUserPolicy>)::FZipAsyncSave::DoWork()::'lambda'(float)>::Execute(float) const [C:/works/Pal-UE-EngineBinary/Engine/Source/Runtime/Core/Public/Delegates/DelegateInstancesImpl.h:839]
PalServer-Linux-Test!FTSTicker::Tick(float) [C:/works/Pal-UE-EngineSource/Engine/Source/./Runtime/Core/Private/Containers/Ticker.cpp:110]
PalServer-Linux-Test!FEngineLoop::Tick() [C:/works/Pal-UE-EngineSource/Engine/Source/./Runtime/Launch/Private/LaunchEngineLoop.cpp:5606]
PalServer-Linux-Test!GuardedMain(char16_t const*) [C:/works/Pal-UE-EngineSource/Engine/Source/./Runtime/Launch/Private/Launch.cpp:204]
PalServer-Linux-Test!CommonUnixMain(int, char**, int (*)(char16_t const*), void (*)()) [C:/works/Pal-UE-EngineSource/Engine/Source/Runtime/Unix/UnixCommonStartup/Private/UnixCommonStartup.cpp:269]!UnknownFunction(0x29d8f)!__libc_start_main(+0x7f)


0 loaded modules

Report end!

I guess this is the reason I'm losing connection, can't find anything in the logs about client logins/crashes..
Any idea what the problem is?

Changing user

Hi there. Thanks for this image.

I'd like to request the functionality of changing the user that it runs under. Right now it's locked to 1000:1000, but on my Oracle instance this is the id of the opc account. This prevents me from accessing the files using my regular user account (without sudo).

I used the regular Ubuntu 22.04 image for setting up my instance, so I think more people might be running into this issue.

Thanks in advance!

Can't connect to server

Hi I currently can't connect to my server after setup, could I please receive some help.
This is what I see in the terminal.

ubuntu@instance-20240130-0329:~/servers/palworld$ sudo docker compose up
[+] Running 2/1
✔ Network palworld_default Created 0.1s
✔ Container palworld-server Created 0.1s
Attaching to palworld-server
palworld-server | Checking for SteamCMD updates...
palworld-server | Redirecting stderr to '/home/steam/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
palworld-server | ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstr apper_english.txt".
palworld-server | [ 0%] Checking for available update...
palworld-server | [----] Downloading update (0 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 0%] Downloading update (0 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 0%] Downloading update (0 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 0%] Downloading update (2884 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 4%] Downloading update (7004 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 11%] Downloading update (9550 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 15%] Downloading update (12261 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 20%] Downloading update (14711 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 24%] Downloading update (17161 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 28%] Downloading update (19612 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 32%] Downloading update (22081 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 36%] Downloading update (24807 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 41%] Downloading update (27275 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 45%] Downloading update (29738 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 49%] Downloading update (32182 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 53%] Downloading update (34656 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 57%] Downloading update (37380 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 62%] Downloading update (39852 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 66%] Downloading update (42057 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 70%] Downloading update (43293 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 72%] Downloading update (44645 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 74%] Downloading update (45861 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 76%] Downloading update (47077 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 78%] Downloading update (48429 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 81%] Downloading update (49648 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 83%] Downloading update (50868 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 85%] Downloading update (52090 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 87%] Downloading update (53422 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 89%] Downloading update (54637 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 91%] Downloading update (55852 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 93%] Downloading update (57196 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 95%] Downloading update (58422 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 97%] Downloading update (59636 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [ 99%] Downloading update (59782 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server | [100%] Download Complete.
palworld-server | [----] Applying update...
palworld-server | [----] Extracting package...
palworld-server | [----] Extracting package...
palworld-server | [----] Extracting package...
palworld-server | [----] Extracting package...
palworld-server | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server | [----] Cleaning up...
palworld-server | [----] Update complete, launching...
palworld-server | CWorkThreadPool::~CWorkThreadPool: work processing queue not empty: 6 items discarded.
palworld-server | tid(27) burning pthread_key_t == 0 so we never use it
palworld-server | Redirecting stderr to '/home/steam/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
palworld-server | Logging directory: '/home/steam/Steam/logs'
palworld-server | /tmp/dumps insufficient permissions - delete and recreate
palworld-server | [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
palworld-server | [----] Verifying installation...
palworld-server | [ 0%] Downloading update...
palworld-server | [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
palworld-server | [----] Download complete.
palworld-server | [----] Extracting package...
palworld-server | [----] Extracting package...
palworld-server | [----] Extracting package...
palworld-server | [----] Extracting package...
palworld-server | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server | [----] Cleaning up...
palworld-server | [----] Update complete, launching Steamcmd...
palworld-server | tid(39) burning pthread_key_t == 0 so we never use it
palworld-server | Redirecting stderr to '/home/steam/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
palworld-server | Logging directory: '/home/steam/Steam/logs'
palworld-server | [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
palworld-server | [----] Verifying installation...
palworld-server | Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 17051083 07
palworld-server | -- type 'quit' to exit --
palworld-server | Loading Steam API...dlmopen failed: steamserv cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
palworld-server | OK
palworld-server | Checking for updates... (Do not panic if it looks stuck)
palworld-server | tid(62) burning pthread_key_t == 0 so we never use it
palworld-server | Redirecting stderr to '/home/steam/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
palworld-server | Logging directory: '/home/steam/Steam/logs'
palworld-server | [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
palworld-server | [----] Verifying installation...
palworld-server | Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 17051083 07
palworld-server | -- type 'quit' to exit --
palworld-server | Loading Steam API...dlmopen failed: steamserv cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
palworld-server | OK
palworld-server |
palworld-server | Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
palworld-server | Waiting for client config...OK
palworld-server | Waiting for user info...OK
palworld-server | Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
palworld-server | Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 7.59 (170591 074 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 11.76 (26426 3583 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 14.94 (33579 8280 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 19.49 (43814 4240 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 24.02 (53992 0603 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 28.58 (64257 6797 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 32.86 (73868 5435 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 36.45 (81948 3768 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 38.91 (87469 8177 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 41.43 (93133 5676 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 43.86 (98605 4471 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 46.09 (10360 35181 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 49.26 (11074 95644 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 53.78 (12089 07513 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 58.33 (13113 59307 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 62.88 (14135 26401 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 67.48 (15169 77271 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 72.05 (16197 11077 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 76.59 (17217 69689 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 81.15 (18241 98494 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 85.67 (19258 86970 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 90.23 (20283 85428 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 94.79 (21309 75686 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 99.31 (22326 17198 / 2248045559)
palworld-server | Success! App '2394010' fully installed.
palworld-server | Starting server... You can safely ignore Steam errors! (Also the server has pretty much 0 logging, so just try connecting to it)
palworld-server | /home/steam/.fex-emu/RootFS/Ubuntu_22_04/usr/bin/chmod: chang ing permissions of '/palworld/Pal/Binaries/Linux/PalServer-Linux-Test': Operatio n not permitted
palworld-server | dlopen failed trying to load:
palworld-server |
palworld-server | with error:
palworld-server | cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
palworld-server | [S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Loaded '/home/steam/.steam/sdk64/ste' OK. (First tried local '')
palworld-server | Shutdown handler: initalize.
palworld-server | - Existing per-process limit (soft=1048576, hard=1048576) is enough for us (need only 1048576)
palworld-server | Increasing per-process limit of core file size to infinity.
palworld-server | - Existing per-process limit (soft=18446744073709551615, hard =18446744073709551615) is enough for us (need only 18446744073709551615)
palworld-server | CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 27 milliseconds to initi alize
palworld-server | Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 2394010
palworld-server | [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamUser021 bef ore SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
palworld-server | [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamFriends017 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
palworld-server | [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface STEAMAPPS_INTERF ACE_VERSION008 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
palworld-server | [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamNetworkingU tils004 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.

"I do not have read/write permissions to /palworld!"

Thank you for creating such great material.
However, when I try to run it, it doesn't work as shown below.
This is the details of what I did.

  1. sudo apt-get install
  2. sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/ /usr/local/bin/docker
  3. docker run -d
    --name palworld-server
    -p 8211:8211/udp
    -p 27015:27015/udp
    -v $(pwd)/game:/palworld/
    -e PLAYERS=32
    -e PORT=8211
    -e COMMUNITY=false
    --restart unless-stopped

I proceeded like this, but at first PORT was displayed, but after that, STATUS kept showing Restarting.
Could you please let me know if there is anything I did wrong?

Stuck on "palworld-server | Checking for SteamCMD updates..."

I've tried booting the image on a raspberry pi 3 B and an Orange Pi 3 LTS and in both cases it gets stuck looking for SteamCMD updates.
I dont know whats up, i've tried a bunch of stuff but nothing seems to work. Im new to docker containers so any help would be appreciated.


Automatic backup

I would like to ask if it is possible to introduce an automatic backup system, such as the one present in the jammsen in the official docker image.

Crashing after importing savefile

I have imported a save file from another Linux based server and the server keeps crashing when I try to connect to it. I also tried fixing the permission of the save file using chown -R 1000:1000 but to no avail.

palworld-server  | Checking for SteamCMD updates...
palworld-server  | tid(15) burning pthread_key_t == 0 so we never use it
palworld-server  | Redirecting stderr to '/home/steam/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
palworld-server  | Logging directory: '/home/steam/Steam/logs'
palworld-server  | [  0%] Checking for available updates...
palworld-server  | [----] Verifying installation...
palworld-server  | Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1705108307
palworld-server  | -- type 'quit' to exit --
palworld-server  | Loading Steam API...dlmopen failed: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
palworld-server  | OK
palworld-server  | CWorkThreadPool::~CWorkThreadPool: work complete queue not empty, 1 items discarded.
palworld-server  | Checking for updates... (Do not panic if it looks stuck)
palworld-server  | tid(36) burning pthread_key_t == 0 so we never use it
palworld-server  | Redirecting stderr to '/home/steam/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
palworld-server  | Logging directory: '/home/steam/Steam/logs'
palworld-server  | [  0%] Checking for available updates...
palworld-server  | [----] Verifying installation...
palworld-server  | Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1705108307
palworld-server  | -- type 'quit' to exit --
palworld-server  | Loading Steam API...dlmopen failed: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
palworld-server  | OK
palworld-server  |
palworld-server  | Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
palworld-server  | Waiting for client config...OK
palworld-server  | Waiting for user info...OK
palworld-server  |  Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
palworld-server  |  Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 15.20 (343604892 / 2260368082)
palworld-server  |  Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 30.45 (688180440 / 2260368082)
palworld-server  |  Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 45.14 (1020346371 / 2260368082)
palworld-server  |  Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 59.81 (1352008803 / 2260368082)
palworld-server  |  Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 74.51 (1684147553 / 2260368082)
palworld-server  |  Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 89.13 (2014777588 / 2260368082)
palworld-server  | Success! App '2394010' fully installed.
palworld-server  | Starting server... You can safely ignore Steam errors! (Also the server has pretty much 0 logging, so just try connecting to it)
palworld-server  | dlopen failed trying to load:
palworld-server  |
palworld-server  | with error:
palworld-server  | cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
palworld-server  | [S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Loaded '/home/steam/.steam/sdk64/' OK.  (First tried local '')
palworld-server  | Shutdown handler: initalize.
palworld-server  | - Existing per-process limit (soft=1048576, hard=1048576) is enough for us (need only 1048576)
palworld-server  | Increasing per-process limit of core file size to infinity.
palworld-server  | - Existing per-process limit (soft=18446744073709551615, hard=18446744073709551615) is enough for us (need only 18446744073709551615)
palworld-server  | CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 21 milliseconds to initialize
palworld-server  | Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 2394010
palworld-server  | [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamUser021 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
palworld-server  | [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamFriends017 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
palworld-server  | [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface STEAMAPPS_INTERFACE_VERSION008 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
palworld-server  | [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamNetworkingUtils004 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
palworld-server  | LogPakFile: Display: Found Pak file ../../../Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Content/Paks/CrashReportClient.pak attempting to mount.
palworld-server  | LogPakFile: Display: Mounting pak file ../../../Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Content/Paks/CrashReportClient.pak.
palworld-server  | LogPakFile: Display: Mounted Pak file '../../../Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Content/Paks/CrashReportClient.pak', mount point: '../../../Engine/'
palworld-server  | LogICUInternationalization: ICU TimeZone Detection - Raw Offset: +0:00, Platform Override: ''
palworld-server  | LogInit: Build: ++UE5+Release-5.1-CL-0
palworld-server  | LogInit: Engine Version: 5.1.1-0+++UE5+Release-5.1
palworld-server  | LogInit: Compatible Engine Version: 5.1.0-0+++UE5+Release-5.1
palworld-server  | LogInit: Net CL: 0
palworld-server  | LogInit: OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (5.15.0), CPU: FEX-2312.1                      Neoverse N1, GPU: UnknownVendor PCI-id: 108e-0010
palworld-server  | LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): Dec 31 2023 20:12:22
palworld-server  | LogInit: Compiled with Clang: 13.0.1 ( 75e33f71c2dae584b13a7d1186ae0a038ba98838)
palworld-server  | LogInit: Build Configuration: Shipping
palworld-server  | LogInit: Branch Name: ++UE5+Release-5.1
palworld-server  | LogInit: Command Line:  -Abslog="/palworld/Pal/Saved/Logs/Pal-CRC.log" -Unattended -ImplicitSend "/palworld/Pal/Saved/Crashes/crashinfo-Pal-pid-66-14542AF6D9D24079B154D7C25BECBD9B/" -unattended
palworld-server  | LogInit: Base Directory: /palworld/Engine/Binaries/Linux/
palworld-server  | LogInit: Allocator: Mimalloc
palworld-server  | LogInit: Installed Engine Build: 1
palworld-server  | LogInit: Presizing for max 100000 objects, including 0 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes for permanent pool.
palworld-server  | LogInit: Object subsystem initialized
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:324][  0]LogConfig: Applying CVar settings from Section [ConsoleVariables] File [Engine]
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:327][  0]LogInit: Unix hardware info:
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:327][  0]LogInit:  - we are the first instance of this executable
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:328][  0]LogInit:  - this process' id (pid) is 114, parent process' id (ppid) is 66
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:328][  0]LogInit:  - we are not running under debugger
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:328][  0]LogInit:  - machine network name is '7b294bf2f27e'
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:328][  0]LogInit:  - user name is 'steam' (steam)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:328][  0]LogInit:  - we're logged in locally
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:328][  0]LogInit:  - we're running with rendering
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:328][  0]LogInit:  - CPU: GenuineIntel 'FEX-2312.1                      Neoverse N1' (signature: 0x10670)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:329][  0]LogInit:  - Number of physical cores available for the process: 4
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:329][  0]LogInit:  - Number of logical cores available for the process: 4
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:329][  0]LogInit:  - Cache line size: 64
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:329][  0]LogInit:  - GPU Brand Info: UnknownVendor PCI-id: 108e-0010
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:329][  0]LogInit:  - Memory allocator used: Mimalloc
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:329][  0]LogInit:  - This binary is optimized with LTO: no, PGO: no, instrumented for PGO data collection: no
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:330][  0]LogInit:  - This is an internal build.
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:330][  0]LogCore: Skipped benchmarking clocks because the engine is running in a standalone program mode - CLOCK_MONOTONIC will be used.
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:330][  0]LogInit: Unix-specific commandline switches:
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:330][  0]LogInit:  -ansimalloc - use malloc()/free() from libc (useful for tools like valgrind and electric fence)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:330][  0]LogInit:  -jemalloc - use jemalloc for all memory allocation
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:330][  0]LogInit:  -binnedmalloc - use binned malloc  for all memory allocation
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:330][  0]LogInit:  -filemapcachesize=NUMBER - set the size for case-sensitive file mapping cache
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:331][  0]LogInit:  -useksm - uses kernel same-page mapping (KSM) for mapped memory (OFF)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:331][  0]LogInit:  -ksmmergeall - marks all mmap'd memory pages suitable for KSM (OFF)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:331][  0]LogInit:  -preloadmodulesymbols - Loads the main module symbols file into memory (OFF)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:331][  0]LogInit:  -sigdfl=SIGNAL - Allows a specific signal to be set to its default handler rather then ignoring the signal
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:332][  0]LogInit:  -crashhandlerstacksize - Allows setting crash handler stack sizes (204800)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:332][  0]LogInit:  -noexclusivelockonwrite - disables marking files created by the engine as exclusive locked while the engine has them opened
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:332][  0]LogInit:  -httpproxy=ADDRESS:PORT - redirects HTTP requests to a proxy (only supported if compiled with libcurl)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:332][  0]LogInit:  -reuseconn - allow libcurl to reuse HTTP connections (only matters if compiled with libcurl)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:333][  0]LogInit:  -virtmemkb=NUMBER - sets process virtual memory (address space) limit (overrides VirtualMemoryLimitInKB value from .ini)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:333][  0]LogInit:  - Physical RAM available (not considering process quota): 23 GB (22952 MB, 23503492 KB, 24067575808 bytes)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:335][  0]LogInit:  - VirtualMemoryAllocator pools will grow at scale 1.4
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:335][  0]LogInit:  - MemoryRangeDecommit() will be a no-op (re-run with -vmapoolevict to change)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:335][  0]LogInit:  - PageSize 4096
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:337][  0]LogInit:  - BinnedPageSize 65536
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:444][  0]LogUObjectArray: 419 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:444][  0]LogUObjectAllocator: 89064 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:444][  0]LogUObjectArray: CloseDisregardForGC: 0/0 objects in disregard for GC pool
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:448][  0]LogPaths: Warning: No paths for game localization data were specifed in the game configuration.
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:449][  0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US-POSIX).
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:449][  0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US-POSIX).
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:450][  0]LogInit: Warning: No paths for engine localization data were specifed in the engine configuration.
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:454][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US-POSIX' exists, so 'en' will be used for the language.
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:454][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US-POSIX' exists, so 'en' will be used for the locale.
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:459][  0]LogInit: Using OS detected language (en-US-POSIX).
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:459][  0]LogInit: Using OS detected locale (en-US-POSIX).
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:459][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US-POSIX' exists, so 'en' will be used for the language.
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:459][  0]LogTextLocalizationManager: No localization for 'en-US-POSIX' exists, so 'en' will be used for the locale.
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:496][  0]LogPackageLocalizationCache: Processed 2 localized package path(s) for 1 prioritized culture(s) in 0.010454 seconds
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:499][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: CrashReportClientVersion=1.0
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:500][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: CrashReportReceiver disabled
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:500][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: DataRouterUrl:
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:532][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Initial state = Unknown UploadState value
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:532][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Initial state = Unknown UploadState value
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:599][  0]LogCrashDebugHelper: DepotName: //UE5/Release-5.1
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:599][  0]LogCrashDebugHelper: BuiltFromCL: 0
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:599][  0]LogCrashDebugHelper: EngineVersion: 5.1.1-0+++UE5+Release-5.1
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.12:599][  0]LogCrashDebugHelper: BuildVersion: ++UE5+Release-5.1-CL-0
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:604][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Got 3 pending files to upload from 'crashinfo-Pal-pid-66-14542AF6D9D24079B154D7C25BECBD9B'
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:604][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: State change from Ready to SendingFiles
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:605][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: CompressAndSendData have 3 pending files
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:606][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: CompressAndSendData compressing 321 bytes ('/palworld/Pal/Saved/Crashes/crashinfo-Pal-pid-66-14542AF6D9D24079B154D7C25BECBD9B/Diagnostics.txt')
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:607][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: CompressAndSendData compressing 5799 bytes ('/palworld/Pal/Saved/Crashes/crashinfo-Pal-pid-66-14542AF6D9D24079B154D7C25BECBD9B/CrashContext.runtime-xml')
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:607][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: CompressAndSendData compressing 152 bytes ('/palworld/Pal/Saved/Crashes/crashinfo-Pal-pid-66-14542AF6D9D24079B154D7C25BECBD9B/CrashReportClient.ini')
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:792][  0]LogInit: Using libcurl 7.83.1
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:792][  0]LogInit:  - built for Linux
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:793][  0]LogInit:  - supports SSL with OpenSSL/1.1.1n
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:793][  0]LogInit:  - supports HTTP deflate (compression) using libz 1.2.12
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:793][  0]LogInit:  - other features:
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:793][  0]LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_SSL
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:793][  0]LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_LIBZ
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:793][  0]LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_IPV6
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:793][  0]LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_ASYNCHDNS
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:793][  0]LogInit:      CURL_VERSION_LARGEFILE
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:797][  0]LogInit:  CurlRequestOptions (configurable via config and command line):
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:797][  0]LogInit:  - bVerifyPeer = false  - Libcurl will NOT verify peer certificate
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:797][  0]LogInit:  - bUseHttpProxy = false  - Libcurl will NOT use HTTP proxy
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:797][  0]LogInit:  - bDontReuseConnections = false  - Libcurl will reuse connections
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:798][  0]LogInit:  - MaxHostConnections = 16  - Libcurl will limit the number of connections to a host
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:798][  0]LogInit:  - LocalHostAddr = Default
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:798][  0]LogInit:  - BufferSize = 65536
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.13:823][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Sending HTTP request:
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.14:898][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: OnProcessRequestComplete(), State=SendingFiles bSucceeded=1
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.14:898][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: State change from SendingFiles to SendingFiles
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.14:898][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: All uploads done
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.14:898][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: State change from SendingFiles to Finished
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.15:633][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Final state (Receiver) = Finished
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.15:633][  0]CrashReportCoreLog: Final state (Receiver) = Unknown UploadState value
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.15:640][  0]LogCore: Engine exit requested (reason: CrashReportClientApp RequestExit)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.15:641][  0]LogExit: Preparing to exit.
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.15:671][  0]LogExit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.15:718][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module HTTP (12)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.15:765][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module SSL (11)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.15:767][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module CrashDebugHelper (8)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.15:768][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module CoreUObject (6)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.15:768][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module PakFile (4)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.15:771][  0]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module RSA (3)
palworld-server  | [2024.02.09-14.23.15:811][  0]LogExit: Exiting.
palworld-server  | dlmopen failed: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
palworld-server  | Engine crash handling finished; re-raising signal 0 for the default handler. Good bye.

Dockerfile gives multiple errors.

So basically while trying to set it up i couldnt get it to work so i ran the dockerfile by doing "sudo docker build -t server ." and after a while it game me errors in the building process seen bellow.
i dont really know what i am doing so any help is apreciated.

Pal World Settings not changing

Every time I try to make a server with different configurations like changing the ServerName, ExpRate, ServerPassword, etc. The server just doesn't seem to change the actual settings, even thougth I followed the and used the DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini as a base for the PalWorldSettings.ini. Do you have any ideia why this is happening?
I appreciate your work and I'm glad that I can play with my friends with no problem like this, it is just the world settigns that aren't changing.


Hi there,

Works fine for me but still have a few questions.

  1. "COMMUNITY_SERVER=True" seems not working, not sure of other var works.
  2. Does "ALWAYS_UPDATE_ON_START=true" update the server from the official image every time I bring the container up?
  3. Noob question for new docker users like me, if your images have been updated, how do I update my container to keep the date to your images without recreating one. How do I keep my saves safe?

Thanks in advance and thanks for your work.

Direct access to server console (RCON planned)

Hello! Your docker container is working flawlessly for me on my oracle cloud instance!

This isn't an issue, but i just wanted to ask if there is any way to actually access the server console that's in the container, for example to be able to force a world save, broadcast a message, or ban a player. Is there a way to do this? or to at least send a command to the server? Thank you for your time!

Stuck on "Container palworld-server Started"

Using Oracle ARM64 24 gb RAM and 4 Cores like most of us.
I'm not sure what to do at this point. Nothing's been changed besides a "palworld" directory being made in the "palworld" folder I already made.

ubuntu@palworld:/palworld$ docker compose up -d
[+] Running 11/11
✔ palworld-server 10 layers [⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿] 0B/0B Pulled 82.4s
✔ ce9ebea987c2 Pull complete 0.4s
✔ 49176cc8e18c Pull complete 0.7s
✔ 6159ddd6f1a6 Pull complete 0.1s
✔ 91d1ffe1168d Pull complete 0.3s
✔ 5eb40751c7d5 Pull complete 0.4s
✔ 8ebb2aa73f4e Pull complete 0.5s
✔ 517d95f5eab6 Pull complete 13.6s
✔ e4f8b9375297 Pull complete 0.6s
✔ a0a86f146452 Pull complete 0.8s
✔ 3c2d6e7e0344 Pull complete 0.9s
[+] Running 1/2
⠧ Network palworld_default Created 38.7s
✔ Container palworld-server Started 38.6s
/palworld$ sudo docker start palworld-server
ubuntu@palworld:/palworld$ docker compose down
[+] Running 2/2
✔ Container palworld-server Removed 0.0s
✔ Network palworld_default Removed 0.2s
/palworld$ docker compose up -d
[+] Running 1/2
⠸ Network palworld_default Created 0.4s
✔ Container palworld-server Started 0.3s


Can't connect to server (USER ERROR FORGOT TO OPEN PORT)


I followed all the steps in the readme and I'm running into issues. I can't seem to connect to my server.

I'm running a 4core24gb Canonical Ubuntu 22.04 aarch64 oracle cloud free tier server.

Here is what it looks like when I run docker compose up:

ubuntu@generation-v2:~/pwserver$ docker compose up
[+] Running 2/2
 ✔ Network pwserver_default   Created                                                                              0.1s
 ✔ Container palworld-server  Created                                                                              0.1s
Attaching to palworld-server
palworld-server  | Checking for SteamCMD updates...
palworld-server  | Redirecting stderr to '/home/steam/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
palworld-server  | ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_english.txt".
palworld-server  | [  0%] Checking for available update...
palworld-server  | [----] Downloading update (0 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [  0%] Downloading update (0 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [  0%] Downloading update (0 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [  0%] Downloading update (3543 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [  5%] Downloading update (7381 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 12%] Downloading update (9907 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 16%] Downloading update (12658 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 21%] Downloading update (15166 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 25%] Downloading update (17701 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 29%] Downloading update (20195 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 33%] Downloading update (22681 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 37%] Downloading update (25433 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 42%] Downloading update (27938 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 46%] Downloading update (30448 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 50%] Downloading update (32959 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 55%] Downloading update (35453 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 59%] Downloading update (37957 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 63%] Downloading update (40562 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 67%] Downloading update (42562 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 71%] Downloading update (43835 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 73%] Downloading update (45098 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 75%] Downloading update (46352 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 77%] Downloading update (47741 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 79%] Downloading update (48982 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 81%] Downloading update (50233 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 84%] Downloading update (51504 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 86%] Downloading update (52907 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 88%] Downloading update (54161 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 90%] Downloading update (55426 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 92%] Downloading update (56668 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 94%] Downloading update (57911 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 96%] Downloading update (59275 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [ 99%] Downloading update (59782 of 59782 KB)...
palworld-server  | [100%] Download Complete.
palworld-server  | [----] Applying update...
palworld-server  | [----] Extracting package...
palworld-server  | [----] Extracting package...
palworld-server  | [----] Extracting package...
palworld-server  | [----] Extracting package...
palworld-server  | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server  | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server  | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server  | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server  | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server  | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server  | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server  | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server  | [----] Cleaning up...
palworld-server  | [----] Update complete, launching...
palworld-server  | CWorkThreadPool::~CWorkThreadPool: work processing queue not empty: 6 items discarded.
palworld-server  | tid(27) burning pthread_key_t == 0 so we never use it
palworld-server  | Redirecting stderr to '/home/steam/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
palworld-server  | Logging directory: '/home/steam/Steam/logs'
palworld-server  | /tmp/dumps insufficient permissions - delete and recreate
palworld-server  | [  0%] Checking for available updates...
palworld-server  | [----] Verifying installation...
palworld-server  | [  0%] Downloading update...
palworld-server  | [  0%] Checking for available updates...
palworld-server  | [----] Download complete.
palworld-server  | [----] Extracting package...
palworld-server  | [----] Extracting package...
palworld-server  | [----] Extracting package...
palworld-server  | [----] Extracting package...
palworld-server  | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server  | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server  | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server  | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server  | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server  | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server  | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server  | [----] Installing update...
palworld-server  | [----] Cleaning up...
palworld-server  | [----] Update complete, launching Steamcmd...
palworld-server  | tid(39) burning pthread_key_t == 0 so we never use it
palworld-server  | Redirecting stderr to '/home/steam/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
palworld-server  | Logging directory: '/home/steam/Steam/logs'
palworld-server  | [  0%] Checking for available updates...
palworld-server  | [----] Verifying installation...
palworld-server  | Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1705108307
palworld-server  | -- type 'quit' to exit --
palworld-server  | Loading Steam API...dlmopen failed: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
palworld-server  | OK
palworld-server  | Checking for updates... (Do not panic if it looks stuck)
palworld-server  | tid(62) burning pthread_key_t == 0 so we never use it
palworld-server  | Redirecting stderr to '/home/steam/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
palworld-server  | Logging directory: '/home/steam/Steam/logs'
palworld-server  | [  0%] Checking for available updates...
palworld-server  | [----] Verifying installation...
palworld-server  | Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1705108307
palworld-server  | -- type 'quit' to exit --
palworld-server  | Loading Steam API...dlmopen failed: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
palworld-server  | OK
palworld-server  |
palworld-server  | Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
palworld-server  | Waiting for client config...OK
palworld-server  | Waiting for user info...OK
palworld-server  |  Update state (0x3) reconfiguring, progress: 0.00 (0 / 0)
palworld-server  |  Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 1.03 (23068672 / 2248053389)
palworld-server  |  Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 16.21 (364453534 / 2248053389)
palworld-server  |  Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 31.08 (698635692 / 2248053389)
palworld-server  |  Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 46.03 (1034848931 / 2248053389)
palworld-server  |  Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 60.95 (1370177600 / 2248053389)
palworld-server  |  Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 75.74 (1702741499 / 2248053389)
palworld-server  |  Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 90.84 (2042096411 / 2248053389)
palworld-server  | Success! App '2394010' fully installed.
palworld-server  | Starting server... You can safely ignore Steam errors! (Also the server has pretty much 0 logging, so just try connecting to it)
palworld-server  | dlopen failed trying to load:
palworld-server  |
palworld-server  | with error:
palworld-server  | cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
palworld-server  | [S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Loaded '/home/steam/.steam/sdk64/' OK.  (First tried local '')
palworld-server  | Shutdown handler: initalize.
palworld-server  | - Existing per-process limit (soft=1048576, hard=1048576) is enough for us (need only 1048576)
palworld-server  | Increasing per-process limit of core file size to infinity.
palworld-server  | - Existing per-process limit (soft=18446744073709551615, hard=18446744073709551615) is enough for us (need only 18446744073709551615)
palworld-server  | CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 26 milliseconds to initialize
palworld-server  | Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 2394010
palworld-server  | [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamUser021 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
palworld-server  | [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamFriends017 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
palworld-server  | [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface STEAMAPPS_INTERFACE_VERSION008 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
palworld-server  | [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamNetworkingUtils004 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.

Here is my docker-compose.yml:

version: '3.9'
          image: 'nitrog0d/palworld-arm64:latest'
          container_name: 'palworld-server'
            - '8211:8211/udp'
            - ALWAYS_UPDATE_ON_START=true
            - MULTITHREAD_ENABLED=true
            - COMMUNITY_SERVER=false
          restart: 'unless-stopped'
            - './palworld:/palworld'

Here is my PalWorldSettings.ini (i edited it to remove the ip of the server):

ServerName="Mules Palworld BAYBEE",

Not sure if those dlopen errors are normal or what I'm doing wrong, any help would be greatly appreciated

Server not working on

Having issues running the server on an OCI instance, seems something broke with palworld ?
On the server worked just fine, now im not able to connect to the server on v0.1.3.0

Container up and running, palworld server process also running, but connecting to it doesnt work (also tried completely deleting the container & image, didnt help)

Unsupported system page size


I am also using Oracle Cloud free tier
Os is Oracle Linux 8.9.
I run docker compose up, but it doesn't seem to have finished properly.
Is there a step I'm missing?
Do I need to install SteamCMD? If so, what OS version should I install?
Could you help me?

[+] Running 11/11
✔ palworld-server 10 layers [⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿] 0B/0B Pulled 163.3s
✔ ce9ebea987c2 Pull complete 0.8s
✔ 49176cc8e18c Pull complete 2.3s
✔ 6159ddd6f1a6 Pull complete 0.9s
✔ 91d1ffe1168d Pull complete 1.5s
✔ 5eb40751c7d5 Pull complete 2.1s
✔ 8ebb2aa73f4e Pull complete 2.2s
✔ 517d95f5eab6 Pull complete 20.4s
✔ e4f8b9375297 Pull complete 2.8s
✔ a0a86f146452 Pull complete 4.1s
✔ 48c2a918aa48 Pull complete 3.3s
[+] Running 2/1
✔ Network palworld-arm64_default Created 0.2s
✔ Container palworld-server Created 0.0s
Attaching to palworld-server
palworld-server | Server not found! Installing... (Do not panic if it looks stuck)
palworld-server | : Unsupported system page size
palworld-server | /home/steam/ line 4: 8 Segmentation fault (core dumped) FEXBash './ +force_install_dir "/palworld" +login anonymous +app_update 2394010 validate +quit'
palworld-server | Checking for updates... (Do not panic if it looks stuck)
palworld-server | : Unsupported system page size
palworld-server | /home/steam/ line 4: 9 Segmentation fault (core dumped) FEXBash './ +force_install_dir "/palworld" +login anonymous +app_update 2394010 validate +quit'
palworld-server | cp: cannot stat '/home/steam/Steam/linux64/': No such file or directory
palworld-server | Starting server... You can safely ignore Steam errors! (Also the server has pretty much 0 logging, so just try connecting to it)
palworld-server | : Unsupported system page size
palworld-server | /home/steam/ line 8: 12 Segmentation fault (core dumped) FEXBash "./ $START_OPTIONS"
palworld-server exited with code 0

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