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world-domination-summit's Introduction

World Domination Summit

Welcome to documentation for the WDS Site!

Details about editing content for the page are directly below.

Developer documentation can be found here

Table of Contents


Managing Content (Start Here)

Content Assets



As of WDS 2014, all content on the WDS site is managed right here from GitHub.

You can easily create and edit pages from GitHub's interface, hit save and your changes are instantly sent to the WDS server and made live.

A page is created just by typing normally - text can be styled with either Markdown (super-easy and explained more below) or normal HTML.

Every change you make is tracked so if any problems occur, you can always roll back.

The guide below explains all the details of how this system works.


Here are two screencasts to help you get started - you can see the whole process from start to finish!

A basic guide explaining things slowly:

How to Create and Edit Pages at

A realistic run through of creating a hypothetical page:

A Realistic Example of Creating a Page at

Managing Content

Creating a File

Let's get started!

To create a file you'll first want to click into the _content folder. This is the folder where all content pages should be. The only other folder you may need is _sidebars - you can ignore all others listed.

The _content folder is important

Once in the _content directory, click the small page-with-a-plus icon to create a new file there.

Click the page-with-a-plus icon to create a file

Welcome to the Text Editor

Now you're in the GitHub text editor, nice work so far!

The first task is to name your file in the textbox that says "Name your file..."

Name your file here

Important: The name of your file should always end in .md (as in: MarkDown)

Also Important: The name you give your file is what the path will ultimately be. It should be all lowercase and use plain dashes instead of spaces.

So, if you create a file called:, that will create a page at

Adding Content and Saving Your Page

Now, all you need to do is add some content into the big text area (more details on formatting that content below) and click the Commit Changes button - think of that as a "Save & Publish" button.

Commit Changes Button Saves and Publishes Your Page

Boom! You just created a page!

Editing an Existing Page

To edit an existing page, click on the filename in the _content folder and then click the Edit button.

Click the edit button to edit an existing page

Formatting Content

For the most part, you can just type and all your content will be properly formatted to fit the style of the WDS site but there are a few details to note.


Markdown is an easy way to format text used all over the web - you may be using it without even realizing.

If you've ever used *asterisks* to italicize something - that's Markdown!

With Markdown you can also

Create links: [Link Text](

Add images: ![Image title](

Headings in Markdown

Every single page should have a main heading and sub-headings are an important part of creating readable pages - so let's take a second to talk about them.

In Markdown, any line starting with a pound sign (#) becomes a heading. A top level heading has just one pound sign and adding additional pound signs decreases the importance.

# This is a top-level heading in Markdown

## This is a second-level heading

### This is a third-level heading

Important: Every single page you create should either start with a first-level or second-level heading.

If you start with a first-level heading, the heading will look like this:

Pages created with a first-level heading

If you start with a second-level heading (Two pound signs), the heading will look like this:

Pages created with a second-level heading

Notice above that once we're in the main body content, we use third-level and below headings (three pound signs!).

Here's what's cool + learn more

Here's what's awesome about this: you don't really have to worry about page styling at all.

Just write normal text with these few simple rules and then the site will automatically turn that into a beautiful page for you.

Want to learn more Markdown to spruce up your pages? Start with this guide.

HTML in Your Content

You shouldn't ever need to use HTML in your page. But you can!

This means that if more complex elements are needed on your page, you or someone on the dev-team can easily make them a reality.

Page Settings

Each page can has some options that you're able to set like which icon should display in the corner or which sidebar should be displayed when that page is shown.

If you want to include settings they should be the very first thing entered in your file. They're set with setting_name: setting_value.

So, your file might look something like this:

icon: suitcase
sidebar: foundation

# The WDS Foundation was created to support people everywhere who want to start project aligned with the values of Community, Service and Adventure

We want you to apply now...

Current Available Page Settings

Name Available Values
icon globe, parachute, suitcase, pin, theater, moon, chat, namaste, compass, fork, mic, moon, trail, beer, tree, bulb, map, plane, hands, camera, coins
sidebar Any sidebar file-name in _sidebars
photo_head A comma-separated list of image URLs

Setting a Sidebar

As mentioned above, you have total control over the sidebar that appears when your page is displayed.

Sidebars are created exactly as pages are except instead of creating a file in the _content folder, you'll be working in the _sidebars folder.

The filename should end in .md, just like a page, and the name you give the file is the value you'll use in your page settings to connect it.

Normally, your entire sidebar file is just a list of Markdown links, like this example for the foundation.

Those will automatically take on the style of the WDS site.

Of course, you can also use normal HTML in these files if you want something more specific.

Content Assets

Adding Decoration

The following are snippets of HTML you can copy and paste into your content to add some visual decoration.

Decoration HTML
Blue zig-zag separator <div class="zig-zags_blue"></div>
Canvas solid-line separator <div class="line-canvas"></div>
Register Button <a href="/register" class="register-banner"></a>

Using Wufoo for Forms

We'll be using Wufoo for forms - more coming soon!

Uploading images

I know you'll be needing to upload images to use for your pages - a simple system for this is coming soon!


Using Custom CSS

Coming soon!

Private Editing

Coming soon!

world-domination-summit's People


193countries avatar cashleym avatar gcs-github avatar ghartnell22 avatar ibwatson avatar icole avatar jeddc avatar katiehurst avatar nickyhajal avatar tylertervooren avatar wdsmagician avatar wkorenek avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar


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world-domination-summit's Issues

Allow users to logout

Currently no way for logged in users to logout (correct me if I'm missing it). Recommend creating accessible logout button for logged in users.

A few additional icons

Can we get the final four icons in the image below (airplane, handshake, camera, coins) added to the list of possible page icons?


Speaker Additions

Any word on a system for adding speakers into the website so they auto-populate to the Schedule page by year, have photos, etc.? Nicky, I think you said you were working on this. I have a new speaker to add if you want to do any testing with it.

Dispatch text formatting

Individual profile page dispatches in the left column are not formatted correctly. OS X, Chrome and Safari.

screen shot 2014-06-13 at 7 31 57 am

Manage a user's capabilities

The flow for this should be:

  1. User goes to manifest and searches for someone who should have a capability
  2. Click on the row of the user whose capability should be added
  3. Scroll to a Select2-multi-value select box ( with available capabilities
    • The Select2 library is already included and used throughout the codebase
    • The user's current capabilities should already be in the multi-select and removable
    • Capabilities the user doesn't have should be selectable
  4. Capabilities should be updated upon save

Let me know if that's all good and if you have any questions!

Tweets + Profiles

It would be cool to have any tweets posted with #WDS2014 auto-feed to an attendee's profile page. I know we used to be able to tweet from and the hub, but I think that very few do anything but use their preferred client/app to do that, especially during the event. Is that something we can add as a feature?

Schedule Admin bug

I was adding a bunch of entries, but for some reason the Portland Experience entry keeps changing the date/time. I think I accidentally set it for Sunday, then went to change it and now it keeps resetting to 12:30am on Sunday, even after trying to change it to Saturday at 12:30pm.

Home-page Mode to Display on Screens

Each year we have a system to display live content on LCDs. This year, we want to basically have a version of the homepage that slowly auto-scrolls.

The first step to this is to have /app/assets/js/views/ detect something in the url that makes it go into "Screen Mode".

Screen mode should:

  1. Hide the top-nav
  2. Hide the counter
  3. Scroll to where the dynamic content on the home page starts (so you don't see the big buttons and intro text)
  4. Apply the CSS3 "zoom" property so that the content fits the width of the screen
  5. Kickstart auto-scrolling with something like:
scrollingTimo = 0
start_scroll = ->
  $.scrollTo('+=3', 200)
  scrollingTimo = setTimeout ->
  , 200

stop_scroll = ->

Admin access to Manifest

URGENT issue: I am having some clicking issues with the Manifest. I am able to access the admin page and search for people, but then when I get the list of results I am not able to click on anyone and see their information or make edits or anything. I have tried both in Firefox and Safari and neither works.

Can't click on an attendee in Manifest

The issue we were having the other night where I could search for an attendee, but not click on their profile to pull it up is back. Kinda urgent because I have to send many people their profile links. Thanks!

Adding a Twitter handle

I have this question from an attendee and am not sure how to answer it...

"Michelle, do you know how I can add my twitter handle to my profile? I've tried every which way, and it's not allowing me to get back to the page where I can add my twitter handle (@kMarthPub). Thank you!
Best regards,

Attendee schedule glitches

I have received a couple emails from folks saying they see that early registration ends at 3pm on their own personal schedule (it says 7pm on the main schedule page, which is correct) and I tried to get in there into github and fix it, but can't.

Begin forwarded message:

From: Christine Westermark via Help Scout [email protected]
Subject: [WDS Team #5565] Re: WDS Contact Form [#199]
Date: June 30, 2014 7:14:03 AM PDT
To: Michelle Jones [email protected]
Reply-To: Christine Westermark via Help Scout [email protected]

-- Please reply above this line --
WDS Team: Christine Westermark has replied (#5565)

Customer: Christine Westermark | [email protected]
Notification Settings | Email Commands

Christine Westermark replied
Status: Active
Jun 30
Michelle - thanks so much, I did receive a schedule email yesterday. I am still confused about the address for registration between 3pm and 7pm. My schedule gives an address for early registration which ends at 3pm. I might not make it to Portland by then. What do I need to bring for registration? Thanks!


Accept/Reject Ambassadors

Pull from Wufoo

Review Page

  • Create /app/views/admin/ambassador-review.jade
    • You can base it off of speakers.jade to get the styling for the admin page + list
  • Create /app/assets/views/ to handle behavior on that page
    • You can base it off of
  • Should show a list of potential-ambassadors with the ability to accept/reject them

API Routes

  • Add route handlers in /app/routes/api/
    • One that GETs potential-ambassadors
    • One that handles accepting/rejecting;
      • Accepting should: Mark attending14 = '1'; Change type to 'ambassador'
    • Rejecting should: Change type to 'rejected-ambassador'
  • Connect route handlers to an API endpoint in /app/routes/


  • Create a page at /admin/ambassadors with a searchable list of them (similar to /app/views/admin/speakers.jade)

Ambassador Application

Hey Nicky,

Don't know if you got the other message, but we're ready to post the application on the ambassadors page. Also, where will these applications land? In my email?


Is search working?

I went looking for the Great Namaste page and couldn't find it... so I used the search tool to search for "Namaste" ... then "yoga" ... but it doesn't appear that any search results are loading.

Home Page edits

Academy registration goes live Wednesday morning (5/28), and we need to change the "registration" link on the home page again to reflect that. It should say:

Registration Now Open
WDS Academies are open to the public

and link through to /academies. The bigger question, though, is if there's a way that we can make those edits on our own in the future, so we don't have to keep coming back to you each time (same would go with the ticket bug at the bottom of /schedule and the header text at the top of the home page).


Accept/Reject Meetups

We'll shortly be receiving proposals for meetups here:

We'll need a simple interface for accepting/rejecting meetups, similar to ambassadors.

The interface should just list the name + host and clicking that row and open up a panel below with the venue, description and accept/reject buttons.

Meetups are stored in the events table (/app/models/ When accepted, 'active' should be set to 1. When rejected, 'ignored' should be set to 1.

Attendee Hub not working

We have received a few emails from attendees saying they are having issues posting to the attendee hub. For example, we received this one today:
"I am having problems with my account for the summit. I have emailed the contact us
online form twice and have never got a response. I know you all are busy,
but it has been at least a couple of weeks since i sent it. The problem
seems that it will not complete my account, I have got all the way up to
"close and complete" but it will not go anywhere from there. When I search
myself, all my information is there with my photo, but when I try to write
anything on The Hub it won't let me. My account is under Jen Williams. If
you could let me if I am doing something wrong, or if it is something on
your guys' end."

Please check into why this issue is occuring.

Test problem

Test issue

Challenge is the Opportunity for Greatness

Embed Attendee Stories WuFoo form

We need to add the submission form for attendee stories to /attendee-stories

Is the WuFoo embed process at a point where you can add instructions to GH for us to use? I tried to replicate what you'd done for Foundation and Ambassadors, but it looks like I need some sort of data on the form from within WuFoo (I also don't know the login for that account).

Get nearby attendees

This should be a function part of the User model (/app/models/ that returns a random set of other users that live within a given radius, based on the latitude-longitude we've calculated for them.


radius: the radius in that should be considered
units: miles or kilometers (default to miles)

Attendee trouble logging in

I have tried helping this attendee, but my solutions have not worked. Could you give it a shot?

[email protected] wrote:
Hi so nice of you to get back to me.
But still frustrated -- I keep on putting in a password
and nothing seems to be set in web page world.

All best,


Login to Your WDS Account
Hm, seems like your login information isn't quite right. Give it another try!
Use your email address or WDS username to login below. Forgot your password?

E-Mail Address or Username

Admin Home, Dynamic based on Super Powers

It would be great to have an admin homepage at /admin that only shows someone the areas relevant to them.

Assuming the user has access, there should be buttons for:

  • Manifest
  • Speaker
  • Schedule
  • Ambassador Review
  • Meetups
  • Meetup Review
  • Racetasks
  • Downloads

Old site archived?

Does the old site live on through a subdomain? Would be great to reference back to that occasionally.

Profile editing: "Save and Continue" unresponsive

[updated] A couple big issues here:

  1. I just edited my "more about you" section and added my Instagram username, and none of those changes were saved! I did add a few more interests, and those updated on my profile, but that was it.
  2. The final 'Save & Continue' button on the "Your Smile" section of the profile editor doesn't do anything. No confirmed message, no redirect to profile page, etc. Ideally, I think it should take the user to their public profile page so they can see it.

Collapsable Box Arrows

The arrows themselves aren't clickable, just the area to the left of them. Can that clickable area be extended to include the arrows as well? My instinct was to click on the arrow itself, and I think many others might do that as well.

Quote tweet boxes on home page

The backgrounds for quote and tweet boxes on the home page aren't the full height that they should be in Safari 7.0.3.

screen shot 2014-05-21 at 10 55 04 am
screen shot 2014-05-21 at 10 54 46 am
screen shot 2014-05-21 at 10 54 38 am

Attendee profile not saving

Been trying to solve this issue for this attendee. Can you help?

Lynn M Grogan replied
Status: Active
Jun 14
Hi Michelle,
OK, so I cleared my cache and tried using Firefox on my Mac... no luck.
I also tried using my sister's Windows computer with Firefox & Chrome... no luck.

At this point it's OK if you want to stop trying to fix this unless other people are having the same problem.
It's probably not worth the expense with your dev team to fix this bug.

Thanks! Lynn

Michelle Jones replied
Status: Closed
Jun 14
Hi Lynn,

Thank you for providing all the details. Our web development team believes they have fixed the glitches in the profile setup. They recommend clearing your cache and making sure you start with a new session completely so nothing is saved from before and possibly trying Firefox if you have it (Chrome and Safari tend to be the most troublesome it turns out).

Let me know how it goes.


Lynn M Grogan replied
Status: Active
Jun 12
Hi Michelle, Thanks for getting back to me, but I'm still not having luck with my profile. Here's some info for your dev team:
I'm on a MacBook Air OSX version 10.9.3 running Mavericks
I've tried using my personalized code in both Chrome and Safari and having the same problem in both browsers
I'm able to upload a picture and add new info in a session (like if I add something and click to a new section, I can go back and look at what I changed), but after I leave the session (close the browser window), everything resets to what it was before.
I've tried setting my username/URL in these different formats: lynngrogan, ~lynngrogan,
OK, crossing my fingers :) Thanks! Lynn

Michelle Jones replied
Assigned: you Status: Closed
Jun 11
Hi Lynn,

Sorry you are having trouble with setting up your WDS profile. Let's try this link one more time just to be sure before we call in the Resident Genius and his development team to look into it:


Lynn M Grogan started the conversation
Assigned: Anyone Status: Active
Jun 11
Full Name *
Lynn Grogan
Email * [email protected]
Your Message *
Hey! I contacted you guys a while back about this, but I'm still not able to set up my profile. I've several browsers, but still no luck. Any ideas? I'd love to be able to connect with people before the conference since I'll be solo.

Thanks! Lynn

Attendee access to profile

I received this issue from an attendee who is having trouble accessing her profile:

WDS Team: Lynn M Grogan has replied (#5427)

Customer: Lynn M Grogan | [email protected]
Notification Settings | Email Commands

Lynn M Grogan replied
Status: Active
Jun 12
Hi Michelle, Thanks for getting back to me, but I'm still not having luck with my profile. Here's some info for your dev team:
I'm on a MacBook Air OSX version 10.9.3 running Mavericks
I've tried using my personalized code in both Chrome and Safari and having the same problem in both browsers
I'm able to upload a picture and add new info in a session (like if I add something and click to a new section, I can go back and look at what I changed), but after I leave the session (close the browser window), everything resets to what it was before.
I've tried setting my username/URL in these different formats: lynngrogan, ~lynngrogan,
OK, crossing my fingers :) Thanks! Lynn

Michelle Jones replied
Assigned: you Status: Closed
Jun 11
Hi Lynn,

Sorry you are having trouble with setting up your WDS profile. Let's try this link one more time just to be sure before we call in the Resident Genius and his development team to look into it:


Lynn M Grogan started the conversation
Assigned: Anyone Status: Active
Jun 11
Full Name *
Lynn Grogan
Email * [email protected]
Your Message *
Hey! I contacted you guys a while back about this, but I'm still not able to set up my profile. I've several browsers, but still no luck. Any ideas? I'd love to be able to connect with people before the conference since I'll be solo.

Thanks! Lynn

Thanks so much for using Help Scout. You are the best!

Test problem

Here's the test

Challenge is the Opportunity for Greatness

Ambassador Page

Well, I've managed to create a page on Github for the Ambassadors, but right now it's blank - with exception of the heading "Ambassadors." Is there any copy from the previous year(s) in a file somewhere that I can spruce up and reuse?

Also, I'll need to make a couple of minor changes to the application itself. Nicky, can you help me with this (or point me in the right direction)?


Secure API Implementations

At the moment exceptions in APIs can cause server-wide problems.

We should catch these exceptions and handle them safely.

Get Similar Attendees

This should be a function part of the User model (/app/models/ that returns a random set of other users that share similar interests (/app/models/

It should take a parameter which is the number of results to return.

Cache Assets on Client Side managed assets (templates, user objects, interest objects, etc) in local storage on the client. Each item has an expiration set in /app/routes/api/ so GET /api/assets/ pulls and updates only what's necessary.

The new has the foundations of this built but isn't currently caching locally.

This is needed particularly for templates, which are currently a negligible DL happening on every initial page-load.

Add to manifest?

How can the core team add ambassadors, etc. to the manifest so that they receive communications and get badges?

Export Attendees to CSV


  • API Route that pulls all Users
    • /app/routes/api/
    • I created the 'export' barebones function and connected it to /admin/user_export (check /app/routes/ to see where URLs connect to api code)
  • Use Users.forge().query('where', 'attending14', '1').then(function) to pull all 2014 attendees (Bookshelf documention:
  • Create CSV with that data
    • Include first_name, last_name, email, twitter, type, location
  • Use res.attachment() ( to trigger download
  • Use res.send() ( to output csv data


  • Include a nav button in /app/views/admin/manifest.jade, similar to the 'Add an Attendee' button. Clicking it should go to your API route

What did I miss?

Post any questions below!

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