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icarousel's Issues

Is there a way to remove the drop shadow effect?

I just started using iCarousel and it's wonderful. I'm using the custom transformer you provided to get a stacked window (or deck of cards) effect. Is there a way to remove the drop-shadow effect that appears at the bottom of the carousel? I've tried the various offsets, etc. Setting ClipsToBounds doesn't quite do it (but does minimize it because of the canted perspective I still get a shadow on the right bottom of the view.

Thanks for the great work.


Adding sound effect

Dear Nick,

I'd like to add sound effect to the carousel (ticking sound while scrolling). Could you please tell me how? Thanks.

Carousel on Simulator

i have a problem with iCarousel on iPad.

My project works great on simulator, but on devices (iPad 1 or 2) carousel view is empty.

View has been created and touch recognized, but image and action are not be available.

How can I solve this problem?

This is my code (I download the last version).

Thanks in advance. Bye.


iCarousel *carousel;


  • (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

    carousel.type = iCarouselTypeRotary;

    [self.carousel reloadData];


Currently Selected Item cannot be tapped

Unless I set: view.userInteractionEnabled = NO;

- (void)transformItemViews { //lay out items for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++) { UIView *view = [itemViews objectAtIndex:i]; [self transformItemView:view atIndex:i]; #ifdef __IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED view.userInteractionEnabled = NO; //(i == self.currentItemIndex); #endif }

Any suggestion?

iCarousel never reaches dealloc

The timer in -setup retains its target (self) which has as effect that the -dealloc method will never be reached as there is always the timer retaining the iCarousel instance. Adding the method below fixes this.

- (void)willMoveToSuperview:(UIView *)newSuperview {
    if (!newSuperview) {
        [timer invalidate], timer = nil;
    } else if (!timer) {
        timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0/60.0 target:self selector:@selector(step) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];

Variable item size does not rearrange subviews

I am not sure if I'm missing something or it's a feature not implemented:

I have a carousel that uses two different item-sizes for portrait and landscape, with the langscape size being smaller.

Therefore, all items shrink in landscape mode. At the moment I call layoutSubviews and reloadData and in didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation.

Unfortunately, this leads to gaps between the items when rotating the device from portrait to landscape, as the subviews do not seem to be rearranged with the new item size (their anchor point just stays where it was).

So does the component not yet support a variable item size? And if it does, what's the right order of calling layoutSubviews etc.?

Or is the (animated) change of the item size currently not possible?

change coverflow item size

Hi! Thanks for this project, i like it!
I have a question! Is it possible to change the size of the Coverflow items?

Mirrored view and custom carousel


first of all, amazing work! I was able to use the carousel immediately. Thank you!

I have 2 questions:

  1. I studied the example app, but I didn't understand how the mirror view at the bottom is done? My implementation doesn't show one.
  2. I would like to have a mixture of a linear and rotary custom carousel: The items should grow and shrink in size as in the rotary mode, but navigation should stop i.e at the first item and should not show the last item behind that, so the items should be lined up from left to right.
    Could I get some hints where to start on this, I admit I am pretty illiterate with quartz.

Again, thank you for this great work.


looping issue

added 6 items
all visible on the screen at the same time
enabled infinite scrolling

when u scroll all the way round from the first item back to the first item. Scrolling to the left(does not happen to the right). once u rech the first item again it does a full loop.


Having some issue when View width smaller then the device width.

I've added iCarousel using IBOutlet approach. Width of the view is - 924 and style I am using is Linear. I am noticing that when I scrolling, content going outside of the given view.

I gone through the documentation but couldn't find any reference to property that can fix this issue.

How would I fix this issue?

Thanks ,

Cylinder View - large numbers of items causes back ones to vanish


Amazing library.

I have a problem where I need to use the cylinder type carousel, with quite a wide spacing, but with a dataset of at least 200 images, maybe going into the thousands.

I need to use the cylinder because of all of them it has the most affordance for swiping for non iOS friendly users.

However, I don't need the ones at the rear of the carousel to show all of them - therefore making the diameter of the cylinder larger than it is with just the sample demo size of 21, but I do need that an item gets to the very back, it doesn't start to come back around until it really should.

Not sure if I'm being clear enough, but lets say the cylinder holds 21 visible items the one at the back left is 21 and the one to it's immediate right is number 1 - i.e. it's wrapping and we're probably looking at 10 or 11 at the 'front'.

However, with a large data set of 1000, if I'm looking at 500 at the front, the rear left will be 511 and the rear right will be 489, so with the next swipe to the left, the rear left will be 512 and the right right will be 488... but regardless of the size of the data set, the diameter of the 'cylinder' is fixed.

Is this possible without a huge re-write of the icarousel.m code? Or have I missed the forrest for the trees and it's must more simple and elegant?

Thanks so much for this library (and your others) and I hope you find the time to help with this question.



SIGABRT on loading iCarousel iOS Demo

Hi Demosthenese,

On launching the iOS demo there is an exception thrown on an unrecognized selector:
-[iCarouselExampleViewController carousel:placeholderViewAtIndex:]

This is an optional method that is not implemented in the demo. In iCarousel.m reloadData I replaced that call with this:
[dataSource carousel:self viewForItemAtIndex:i]

As far as I can tell the demo works perfectly now. I hope this helps, I don't really know the proper process for reporting issues.

The commit id for the version I just pulled today (July, 8, 2011) is "fa482e206fafab8e7e8c"


error: assigning to property with 'readonly' attribute not allowed [3]

in v. 1.5.2 this was no issue, could you please fix that?

Beginning and end of the list at different points

In linear mode initialize the item on the left, and when scroll to the end, the last item has stopping on the right of the view.

Currently, the first and last always stop in the center.

Its possible?

Bug when inserting a new item at the end

In the method insertItemAtIndex:animated (line 973), the first 2 lines should be swapped. We should therefore have:
numberOfItems ++;
index = [self clampedIndex:index];

Otherwise, when inserting a new item at the end of the list, it's view would be the view of the item just before it. As the method clampledIndex: doesnt allow the new last item index.

A couple of bugs

Hi Nick !

Some bugs I came across.

1-/ In the demo app, choose the carousel type linear, non-wrap. Then delete all items with the delete button. You'll then see only the placeholders. Then simply insert an item with the appropriate button. SIGABRT crash.

2-/ I have another bug, I'm not sure it's related to the previous one.
When I load my app, the carousel is empty. (linear type, no-wrap).
Then the user can add an item and it ends up in the carousel, so I call the insert method. The new item is added as expected but it's not centered, looks like it holds the position 2. I have to call reload data to make it work.

3-/ Also, when an item is added at position X, I add it to that position in the carousel and then call scrollToIndex with X as parameter : nothing happens, it won't scroll.

Let me know if you need more details.
Thanks !

Avoid empty space on first and last item display

If you configure your carousel to be of the linear type and set wrapping to NO, your first and last item also is centered in the view. This results in empty space on the left (first item) and right (last item).

Is it possible to configure the carousel so that when you are at item-index 0, the first item will be at the very left of the view, and vice versa that the carousel ends with the last item being on the very right? Or does that just conflict with the scrollOffset-property?

Multiple iCarousel in single UIView


Your project is superb. But I want to have multiple iCarousel in single UIView.
They point to different array of contents.

In the delegate methods of your API how to support this scenario?

Any help would be appreciated.


Antialiasing in 3D

Hi, first of all thanks for your amazing code!!

One question: when I use cylindrical effect with few items, I notice a "bad" fragment effect on the image border.
Is there a method for avoid aliasing effect on 2D rotating images?


P.S. Little suggest: in next release you could add an "opacity" effect for far objects, specially for cylindrical effect.

iCarousel stay within border

Hey Nick,

This is actually one of the best opensource things for iOS, better then Three20 or whatever, very very very easy to use and just lovely.
there is just one thing bugging me actually. That the Carousel isn't respecting the bounds of it's view within a nib.
So if you create lets say an UIView with iCarousel as parent in a xib on a ViewController. And you make it half of iPad screen.
That when it gets loaded, they are over the border of what you tell them to stay in, is it me, am I missing something, or no one actually cared about this? :)

Greetings, Noxx.

Reloading a single item

I dont see any method permitting to reload a single item; something like reloadViewAtIndex: (which would then call the delegate method to fetch the view at that index).

Am I missing something ?

Empty carousel

Hi Nick,
Iam using I iCarousel as a linear type with wrap Off to display a carousel menu at the top of my view.
The menu items in this view are taken from a server response. So whenever I get new data from the server, I update my model
and call iCarousel reloaddata. The problem is sometimes even though I get the proper data and my model is updating properly ,
after the reload icarousel fails to display anything. Iam not using any placeholders and the no of visible items are no of items in my menu. Here is the code where Iam doing this:
The interesting thing is when I rotate the orientation , then it gets loaded properly ( layoutSubviews is called when the orientation is changed) and it occurs only on device, not on simulator

  • (void)onGettingCatagoryData:(NSArray *)array
    [m_categoryArray release];
    m_categoryArray = nil;
    // m_categoryArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    m_categoryArray = [array mutableCopy];

    [m_categoryArray insertObject:m_allDictionary atIndex:0];

    NSArray *otherArray = [[SmartClientFWBase sharedSmartClientFWBase] getRootWidgets:NO];
    if([otherArray count])
    [m_categoryArray insertObject:m_othersDictionary atIndex:([array count] + 1)];

    [self creatingButtonsForCarousel:[m_categoryArray count]];

    [self.icarousel reloadData];

    [self.icarousel scrollToItemAtIndex:0 animated:YES];

    and here is my viewAtindex method:

  • (UIView *)carousel:(iCarousel *)carousel viewForItemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index
    return [m_buttonArray objectAtIndex:index];
    m_buttonArray is a mutable array created only once and updated in creatingButtonsForCarousel which is called in the above method
    Would appreciate any sort of help..

carousel:shouldSelectItemAtIndex: not being called

I'm trying to use carousel:shouldSelectItemAtIndex: in my delegate and I'm finding that it isn't being called. I think I've tracked down the problem - what's happening is that the carousel adds my item view to its list, then calls containView: to wrap my item view in a container, and sets up a gesture recogniser for the container. Then in gestureRecognizer:shouldReceiveTouch: the touch parameter's view is the container, which isn't in the carousel's list, so indexOfView: returns NSNotFound and carousel:shouldSelectItemAtIndex: isn't called.

I'm not sure what the best way of fixing this would be - perhaps the carousel needs to be able to recognise its container views?

iCarousel UIView with variable width

Hi Nick,

Can you please help me in my problem?

I have couple of views and width of one of this view smaller than other. How can I set width of this view for linear carousel type?



when i call reloadData... old carousel views remain in view behind the new views

[self didScroll] EXC_BAD_ACCESS

Hey Nick,

You've been a great help before.
But this is the first time I'm actually having some issues.
I just did what I allways did..
Changed the view to iCarousel, did the clip subviews.
Started populating in the initWithCoder like this..

(id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder {
self = [super initWithCoder:coder];
if (self) {
wrap = NO;
devoObjects = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[self loadDevoObjects];

    items = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    for (int i = 0; i < [devoObjects count]; i++)
        [items addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i]];

return self;


After the viewForItemAtIndex is called, also correctly, it shows me what I want, but when it's done loading them all. I get above error ^
On line 1261.
First time I had this, does it have to do with me calling other animations at same time, because the view is sliding in etc.. I even tried without, but it's giving me same stuff. I tried with 3 several builds I have of your project, but nothing.

Could you get back to me please :)

Greetings, Noxx

Is it possible to set starting 0th index carousel offset constant regardless whatever my NUMBER_OF_ITEMS count?

I modified iCarousel little bit like i have some 5 buttons in my view watch time on click of a particular button the NUMBER_OF_ITEMS count will change and i am calling reloadData and wrap = YES; and i'm using iCarouselTypeCoverFlow carousel type then

  1. if my count is suppose 14, then my view is complete by 3 carousel (initially) with index 0,1,2.
  2. if my count is 50, then after reloading my view is incomplete with only 2 carousel(initially) with only index 0,1 visible.
    and this is altering as per my count,

once if i start panning everything is ok.

My question is is it possible to make start the index as 0,1,2 pattern or 0,1 pattern for all the counts, i mean i need a constant pattern each time when i reload.

reloadData being called too often?

Since reloadData is called in

  • initWithCoder
  • didMoveToSuperview
  • setDelegate
  • setDataSource

reloadData gets called on my iCarousel 5 times (because I also do a reloadData in viewWillAppear) right after creation. Maybe you should defer calling reloadData until everything is set up (at least dataSource) ?

Carousel iCarouselTypeRotary with two images


I found that carousel with type iCarouselTypeRotary is not displaying properly when only two images are loaded. The images are rendered on top of each other.



viewForItemAtIndex not called

Hi, in my project the method viewForItemAtIndex not called.. this is the simple code:

  • (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

    //[carousel reloadData];
    carousel.type = iCarouselTypeRotary;


and in IB is all ok!

I tried to reloadData but nothing happened...

I'm doing a universal app with xcode 4.2 for iOs > 3.2

Loading views in background thread


I am loading a large list of imageviews to carousel like this:

  • (UIView *)carousel:(iCarousel *)carousel viewForItemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
    UIImage *img = [[Globals sharedGlobals] smallImageAtIndex:index];
    UIImageView *imgView = [[[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:img] autorelease];
    return imgView;

Where Globals is my singleton class.

All images are png files stored in the Documents folder. No transformations or additional drawing is performed. All images' size is 300 x 300 pixels.

I am using 19 in numberOfVisibleItemsInCarousel which loads the carousel almost instantly.

The scrolling of carousel is swift in the iPad simulator, but there is a very slight (but noticeable) lag when performing fast swipes on the actual device. I am using the rotary type by the way.

I was wondering if implementation of loading of unallocated views into the visible array on the background thread would help eliminate this lag?

Also, since I'm quite new to Xcode, I would very much appreciate if someone would share a snippet of this implementation if there is one.

Thanks and kind regards,


scrollToItemAtIndex:animated: doesn't work?

I found problem with method "scrollToItemAtIndex:animated: ".

on iOS code, I call this method with an index and animated NO argument.
But it doesn't scroll to the index .

like this:
[carousel scrollToItemAtIndex:4 animated:NO] // not scroll, it'll appear index 0.

And I tried to replace duration 0 with 0.01 on scrollToItemAtIndex:duration: method.
It seems works well.

Is this bug or not ?


buttonTapped event never fires

If the iPhone example project, I can't get the buttonTapped method to fire. I can confirm the UIButtons are being created, but it seems the gesture recognizer steels the event. This isn't very critical as the events to flow through to the didSelectItemAtIndex method, but it would be nice if the UIButton worked as expected.

BTW - this is a very useful class. Thank you for sharing it.

carouselDidEndScrollingAnimation block UIView beginAnimations

on carouselDidEndScrollingAnimation delegate method, i couldnt make uiview animate. View object jumps to destination but it works fine with delay call. I tryed to explain problem blow, any idea what would cause it?

Thanks in advence.

- (void) makeAnim{
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:i];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:0.5];
navigation.frame = CGRectOffset(navigation.frame, 0, 430);
[UIView commitAnimations];

- (void) carouselDidEndScrollingAnimation:(iCarousel *)carousel{
    //[self makeAnim]; // this method doesnt work here. But its fine with the hack below.
    // Ugly hack 
[self performSelector:@selector(makeAnim) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0001];


Optimisations for large datasets ...


This isn't so much an issue, more seeking advice on how best to optimise iCarousel for use with large datasets.

I have an iCarousel set up in iCarouselTypeLinear mode that displays three 128x128 views at a time on screen. I'm currently returning 11 from numberOfVisibleItemsInCarousel:. Depending on the current scenario numberOfItemsInCarousel: can return a number anywhere between 50 and 700.

The view I return in viewForItemAtIndex: was initially very simple in that in it's drawRect: method it did nothing more than create a path, clip the context to that path and then draw an image from a property which is set when the view is created. This worked great when the dataset was small. However with large datasets the scrolling started to lag somewhat so I implemented a new delegate method that passes the view about to be disposed by iCarousel when it's off screen. I add that view to an array so it acts as a view cache. Now in viewForItemAtIndex: I first check to see if there is a view available in the cache, and if there is I return that instead of creating a new one. This means that I'm never creating more than 11 views. Before returning I reconfigure the properties, the main one being the image. The issue with this is that I then need to call setNeedsDisplay on the view to force it to redraw and display the new image. This again caused a lag in the scrolling. To try and resolve it I switched to use a CALayer and add the image as the contents instead of drawing directly to the view. This has reduced but not eliminated the lag.

Therefore, based on what I've outlined above, is there anything you can recommend to optimise my set up for large datasets and is there anything you could suggest I tweak in iCarousel?

Has anyone written a transform for View or added CoreData Support?

While I'm asking....

I was just curious if anyone has written a transform that once a thumbnail in a carousel is taped which takes that selected item and simulates a zoom out to a larger picture to be inspected and then dismissed by a tap? The tap part I can do.

I assume that I could create a alpha 0 view over the top of the current selected thumbnail and then animated the transform to create a zoom effect while progressing the alpha from 0 to 1 or maybe .9ish. Then just reverse it when you tap on it to cause it to shrink back into the thumbnail shown in the carousel.

Just wanted to ask before I commit a few days to mess with it!

Thanks in advance.

Problems reloading data

I use icarousel to load some info on the view... If I try to change the source of my info how can I delete all carousel views on the screen and load each others?

Items have jaggies and there is no reflection

I integrated iCarousel into my project and of course implement the necessary methods in iCarouselDelegate and iCarouselDataSource but the transformed components inside the carousel do not have smooth edges. I followed the example code closely but couldn't find the reason for it. Is there any property I should change so that it will show correctly?

Pull to refresh

Thanks for this awesome control! Do you think it is possible to implement something like "pull to refresh" with this? If so, how would you do it?


error when tap


error caused when tapped, I got (ex_bad_access)

  • (void)didTap:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)tapGesture
    in line
    [delegate carousel:self didSelectItemAtIndex:index];

and when I use button i got error in ibaction for that button in the same function

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