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toast-ui.react-image-editor's Issues

SVG icons are not displayed on the editor


"@toast-ui/react-image-editor": "^1.0.1"

Test Environment

Windows10, Chrome

Current Behavior

I created a basic implementation of the TOAT UI using React.js however I am facing an issue with the svg icons which are not displayed somehow.

import React from 'react';
import 'tui-image-editor/dist/tui-image-editor.css'
import 'tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-a.svg';
import 'tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-b.svg';
import 'tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-c.svg';
import 'tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-d.svg';
import ImageEditor from '@toast-ui/react-image-editor';

var customTheme = {
  '': '',
  'common.bisize.width': '251px',
  'common.bisize.height': '21px',
  'common.backgroundImage': 'none',
  'common.backgroundColor': '#1e1e1e',
  'common.border': '0px',
  // header
  'header.backgroundImage': 'none',
  'header.backgroundColor': 'transparent',
  'header.border': '0px',
  // load button
  'loadButton.backgroundColor': '#fff',
  'loadButton.border': '1px solid #ddd',
  'loadButton.color': '#222',
  'loadButton.fontFamily': 'NotoSans, sans-serif',
  'loadButton.fontSize': '12px',
  // download button
  'downloadButton.backgroundColor': '#fdba3b',
  'downloadButton.border': '1px solid #fdba3b',
  'downloadButton.color': '#fff',
  'downloadButton.fontFamily': 'NotoSans, sans-serif',
  'downloadButton.fontSize': '12px',
  // main icons
  'menu.normalIcon.path': '../dist/svg/icon-b.svg',
  '': 'icon-b',
  'menu.activeIcon.path': '../dist/svg/icon-a.svg',
  '': 'icon-a',
  'menu.iconSize.width': '24px',
  'menu.iconSize.height': '24px',
  // submenu primary color
  'submenu.backgroundColor': '#1e1e1e',
  'submenu.partition.color': '#858585',
  // submenu icons
  'submenu.normalIcon.path': '../dist/svg/icon-a.svg',
  '': 'icon-a',
  'submenu.activeIcon.path': '../dist/svg/icon-c.svg',
  '': 'icon-c',
  'submenu.iconSize.width': '32px',
  'submenu.iconSize.height': '32px',
  // submenu labels
  'submenu.normalLabel.color': '#858585',
  'submenu.normalLabel.fontWeight': 'lighter',
  'submenu.activeLabel.color': '#fff',
  'submenu.activeLabel.fontWeight': 'lighter',
  // checkbox style
  'checkbox.border': '1px solid #ccc',
  'checkbox.backgroundColor': '#fff',
  // rango style
  'range.pointer.color': '#fff',
  '': '#666',
  'range.subbar.color': '#d1d1d1',
  'range.value.color': '#fff',
  'range.value.fontWeight': 'lighter',
  'range.value.fontSize': '11px',
  'range.value.border': '1px solid #353535',
  'range.value.backgroundColor': '#151515',
  'range.title.color': '#fff',
  'range.title.fontWeight': 'lighter',
  // colorpicker style
  'colorpicker.button.border': '1px solid #1e1e1e',
  'colorpicker.title.color': '#fff'

const PaintingForm = () => (
      loadImage: {
        path: 'img/sampleImage.jpg',
        name: 'SampleImage',
      theme: customTheme,
      menu: [
      initMenu: 'draw',
      uiSize: {
        width: '1000px',
        height: '700px',
      menuBarPosition: 'left',
      cornerSize: 20,
      rotatingPointOffset: 70,
      cornerColor: 'blue',
      cornerStrokeColor: '#00a9ff',
      borderColor: '#00a9ff',

const PaintingPage = () => {
  return (
    <PaintingForm />

export default PaintingPage;

Expected Behavior

I want load SVG icon.

Please help me.


Can only addImageObject after an image has been manually loaded.

Describe the bug
Been wracking my brain trying to find the bug in my implementation but it looks like ImageEditorInstance.addImageObject will only work after the editor has been initialized with another image. Might just need to add an initialization check on addImageObject? I'm not super familiar with this library just yet but I think that could work.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Setup basic functionality but do not load an image into the editor
  2. From the instance try to us method addImageObject with a URL (What I'm doing)
  3. Nothing happens but console logs show it's being added properly to the canvas (id is assigned and image attributes loaded)
  4. Load image from filesystem like normal
  5. Try to addImageObject via url again
  6. Success! new printout has slightly different props showing

Expected behavior
addImageObject adds image to the canvas

Image not showing -
Image is showing -
Code -
In the last image you can see I'm trying to manually set the position but it doesn't reflect in image 1

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Browser Firefox
  • Version 81.0.2

Additional context
I hope this helps get this figured out! I've seen a few people complain about addImageObject not working while doing some research and their main issues could just be the order they're doing things in.


thanks for this lib, looks really good
how ever it can't be rendered on server.
I mean i dont need to render image editor itself, it may render empty space but now it just crashes with error

     var nav = window.navigator;
 ReferenceError: window is not defined
     at Object.<anonymous> (~/node_modules/tui-code-snippet/dist/tui-code-snippet.js:1828:12)
     at __webpack_require__ (~/node_modules/tui-code-snippet/dist/tui-code-snippet.js:36:30)
     at Object.<anonymous> (~/node_modules/tui-code-snippet/dist/tui-code-snippet.js:94:17)
     at __webpack_require__ (~/node_modules/tui-code-snippet/dist/tui-code-snippet.js:36:30)
     at util (~/node_modules/tui-code-snippet/dist/tui-code-snippet.js:56:18)
     at ~/node_modules/tui-code-snippet/dist/tui-code-snippet.js:59:10
     at webpackUniversalModuleDefinition (~/node_modules/tui-code-snippet/dist/tui-code-snippet.js:9:20)
     at Object.<anonymous> (~/node_modules/tui-code-snippet/dist/tui-code-snippet.js:16:3)
     at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:701:30)
     at Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:712:10)

ReferenceError: window is not defined

We are trying to use this module with our React SSR (Server Side Rendering) project and its keep giving us below error.

ReferenceError: window is not defined
at Object.<anonymous> (/var/www/app/node_modules/tui-image-editor/dist/tui-image-editor.js:16:4)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30)
at Module._compile (/var/www/app/node_modules/pirates/lib/index.js:99:24)
at Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:789:10)
at Object.newLoader [as .js] (/var/www/apcrat/admin/node_modules/pirates/lib/index.js:104:7)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653:32)
at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:593:12)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:585:3)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:692:17)
at Module.Hook._require.Module.require (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/pm2/node_modules/require-in-the-middle/index.js:70:39)

We have tried different solutions suggested online by setting window as global or conditioning in componentDidMount life cycle method but non of them working.

Is there any work around for this ?

Typescript support



Test Environment

Brave, mac OSX 10.14.1

Current Behavior

No types file present in repo. Or in @types repo. Cannot use library in TypeScript project.

import ImageEditor from '@toast-ui/react-image-editor' // Could not find a declaration file for module '@toast-ui/react-image-editor'

import ImageEditor = require('tui-image-editor'); // import =` is not supported by @babel/plugin-transform-typescript Please consider using `import <moduleName> from '<moduleName>';` alongside Typescript's --allowSyntheticDefaultImports option.

Expected Behavior

Be able to use library in TypeScript project.

Error when building on server - Uncaught TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function


@toast-ui/[email protected]

Test Environment

  • Google Chrome v89.0.4389.90
  • MacOS v11.2.3
  • Node v11.1.0
  • NPM v6.4.1

Current Behavior

The code works fine when running locally, but after building on my server ( Amazon Linux 2 ), I'm seeing the following error..

Uncaught TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function

Removing ImageEditor and rebuilding solves the issue, so I'm not exactly sure what is causing this from the module.

        loadImage: {
            path: photo.fullPath,
        menu: ['draw'],
        initMenu: 'draw',
        uiSize: {
            width: '1000px',
            height: '715px',
        menuBarPosition: 'bottom',
        cornerSize: 20,
        rotatingPointOffset: 70,


Expected Behavior

Building on the server should allow the webapp and ImageEditor to behave as expected.

How can we resize <ImageEditor> if the window changes of size ?

How can we resize <ImageEditor> if the window changes of size ?

Is there a smart way to do it ?

For the moment changing dynamically uiSize and cssMaxHeight and cssMaxWidth doesn't work on window.resize

For example i want <ImageEditor> size to change if an Ipad flips from lanscape to potrait window size.
Other example: my users use an Electron app and sometimes change Window Size

Thanks a lot for your help !

addShape method not available (old version of tui-image-editor)


latest version

Development Environment

React and Electron app

Current Behavior

The addShape method is not available because toast-ui.react-image-editor is using an old version of tui-image-editor (3.8.0). v3.10 includes the addShape method.

The following code does not work:

const instance = editorRef.current.getInstance()
instance.addShape('rect', {
			fill: '#ff0000',
			stroke: '#ff0000',
			strokeWidth: 0,
			top: 200,
			left: 300,
			rx: 80,
			ry: 80,
			isRegular: true

Expected Behavior

Be able to call addShape in toast-ui.react-image-editor successfully.

Load secondary Image over canvas

Hi, I hope you are doing good. Is there a way We can load secondary image over our main canvas image in tui-image-editor. Can you guide me on how to do that, It will help me a lot. Thanks

Uncaught TypeError : o.a.createRef is not a function


"@toast-ui/react-image-editor": "^1.0.1",

Test Environment

Chrome , firefox , etc

Current Behavior

I installed the package and tried to run it but it is giving me error
Uncaught TypeError : o.a.createRef is not a function
my react version is 15.5.4

// Write example code

Expected Behavior

get error when run the code step by step from readme.


"@toast-ui/react-image-editor": "^1.0.0"

Test Environment

windows 7

Current Behavior

run the code step by step from the repo's readme file got the following error:
Failed to compile
Module not found: Can't resolve 'fabric/dist/fabric.require' in 'C:\sf\react-app\node_modules\tui-image-editor\dist'
This error occurred during the build time and cannot be dismissed.

import React from 'react'
import 'tui-image-editor/dist/tui-image-editor.css'
import ImageEditor from '@toast-ui/react-image-editor'

const myTheme = {
  // Theme object to extends default dark theme.

const MyImageEditor = () => (
      loadImage: {
        path: 'img/sampleImage.jpg',
        name: 'SampleImage'
      theme: myTheme,
      menu: ['shape', 'filter'],
      initMenu: 'filter',
      uiSize: {
        width: '1000px',
        height: '700px'
      menuBarPosition: 'bottom'
      cornerSize: 20,
      rotatingPointOffset: 70

export default MyImageEditor;

Expected Behavior

show the image editor in the page.

Can't use without UI

Version - 1.1.0

Test Environment - Chrome

Current Behavior

Can't use the loadImageFromURL without UI. Image is not loading and also there are no docs for react version in the docs section. The document section throws 404 error.


Expected Behavior

Image load without UI

Icons don't showing


"@toast-ui/react-image-editor": "^1.0.1"

Test Environment

Chrome, macOS Mojave

Current Behavior

Icons don't showing

import 'tui-image-editor/dist/tui-image-editor.css';
import ImageEditor from '@toast-ui/react-image-editor';
                            loadImage: {
                              path: ""
                              name: 'SampleImage',
                            menu: ['shape', 'filter'],
                            initMenu: 'filter',
                            uiSize: {
                              width: '1000px',
                              height: '700px',
                            menuBarPosition: 'bottom',
                            cornerSize: 20,
                            rotatingPointOffset: 70,

Ekran Resmi 2019-07-17 11 07 04

CSP Issues?


I have setup the editor and have got everything working fine on my local environment. However when tested on an environment with a CSP an unsafe-eval error is thrown in to the console making the editor unusable.

Is this a known issue? And is there a work around for this?


How to get all filters and modifications applied to an image

How can I get all applied filters (for Grayscale, Sharpen) along with Crop settings and other settings, that has been applied to image?

Use scenario is that I need to save them (properties / changes being applied to image) to backend, so the end user that works on small thumbnail configures its image, but then only I can reproduce the same result (using somehow exported settings [filters etc.]), but using original, big res image.

throw TypeError Error when clicking delete btn(when nothing is selected)



Test Environment

chrome 83.0.4103.97

Current Behavior

everything works fine but it will throw an error when click delete btn

TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined
at Graphics.getActiveObjectIdForRemove (VM48076 graphics.js:447)
at ImageEditor.removeActiveObject (VM47973 imageEditor.js:417)
at Object._delete [as delete] (VM48074 action.js:107)
at HTMLLIElement._this3.eventHandler. (VM48044 ui.js:476)

<TuiImageEditor {...props} />
// Write example code

Expected Behavior

no errors (or just get delete btn disabled)

Change image while keeping the filters/texts/objects/etc

How do I change the background image used while retaining the user edits (drawings/effects/texts/etc)?
Using loadImageFromURL and loadImageFromFile clears the user edits which I do not want.
And updating the props on the < ImageEditor/> like loadImage.path does not seem to do anything after the initial render.

Error while testing with jest


This is the line from my package.json:
"@toast-ui/react-image-editor": "^1.0.0"

Test Environment

Firefox, Pop_OS 18.04
Node: v10.16.0.

Current Behaviour:

The code is working fine in the brower, but when I try to do snapshot test of the component with ImageLoader in it, I get the following error:

FAIL src/views/Explorer/RemoteExplorerLayout/RemoteExplorerLayout.test.js
● Test suite failed to run

TypeError: Cannot read property 'createClass' of undefined

   7 | import 'tui-image-editor/dist/tui-image-editor.css'
   8 | 
>  9 | import ImageEditor from '@toast-ui/react-image-editor'
     | ^
  10 | 
  11 | function ImageLoader({downloadURL, inViewport, imageData, downloadImage, currentPath}) {
  12 | 

  at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/tui-image-editor/dist/tui-image-editor.js:12869:39)


const myTheme = {
            // Theme object to extends default dark theme.
        const MyComponent = () => (
                    loadImage: {
                        name: 'SampleImage'
                    theme: myTheme,
                    menu: ['shape', 'filter', 'crop'],
                    initMenu: 'filter',
                    uiSize: {
                        width: '80vw',
                        height: '90vh'
                    menuBarPosition: 'bottom',
                    cornerSize: 20,
                    rotatingPointOffset: 70

submenus stay in old status when i reload a new image


Test Environment

Google Chrome, macOS

Current Behavior some action on the submenu, changed the submenu UI status loadImageFromURL to reload a new image to editor
3.reactive the menu last time i use
4.the pop up submenu still in the old UI status.......

for example:
1. i checked the Sepia checkbox on submenu of Filter
2. i called editorInstance.loadImageFromURL(url,name) , reloaded a new Image 
3. i opened Filter menu again, Sepia checkbox was still in checked status

i think it's not what user is expecting, but i have no way to change the behavior

Expected Behavior

Provide an instance method, which can initialize the Menu and Submenu

Image.setOptions is not a function



Test Environment

Cordova App, testet on Android

Current Behavior

Trying to start the ImageEditor but only get the black backround.
The ImageUrl looks like this on android:

I get the following error:

TypeError: image.setOptions is not a function
    at klass.__setBgOverlayImage (vendors__code.js:119336)
    at klass.setBackgroundImage (vendors__code.js:119251)
    at vendors__code.js:106046
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at new F (vendors__code.js:96350)
    at ImageLoader._setBackgroundImage (vendors__code.js:106043)
    at ImageLoader.load (vendors__code.js:106016)
    at Command.execute (vendors__code.js:111793)
    at Invoker._invokeExecution (vendors__code.js:97694)
    at Invoker.execute (vendors__code.js:97831)

My Code is from you example:

import React from 'react';
import 'tui-image-editor/dist/tui-image-editor.css';
import ImageEditor from '@toast-ui/react-image-editor';

const myTheme = {
  // Theme object to extends default dark theme.

const MyImageEditor = imageUrl => (
      loadImage: {
        path: { imageUrl },
        name: 'SampleImage',
      theme: myTheme,
      menu: ['shape', 'filter'],
      initMenu: 'filter',
      uiSize: {
        width: '1000px',
        height: '700px',
      menuBarPosition: 'bottom',
      cornerSize: 20,
      rotatingPointOffset: 70,

export default MyImageEditor;

Expected Behavior

Start the application with my picture in it.

Range/Slider not working



Test Environment

Chrome, IOS, React App

Current Behavior

Using the sample code provided in the Readme file. Cannot use the slider properly. Below is the screen shot where the brightness Range/Slider goes beyond the limit. Same issue with all Range components


Expected Behavior

Slider/Range run as expected

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