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icra2021-paper-list's Introduction


The 2021 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2021) has taken place from May 30 to June 5, 2021 at the brand new magnificent Xi’an International Convention and Exhibition Center in Xi’an China.

The ICRA 2021 conference promises to be a great event with excellent technical and social programs. Paper manuscripts reporting original research results on all aspects of robotics and automation are welcome. Proposals for tutorials and workshops, and organized sessions, on new topics or innovative applications are invited. Video clips iIIustrating new and exciting results are invited for video sessions. Exhibits from both industries and research laboratories are welcome. Please visit the official conference website for detailed instructions for paper, proposal, video, and exhibit submissions and for competition information. The IEEE ICRA 2021 will be held in a hybrid format, including both on-site and cloud meetings.

This list is edited by PaopaoRobot, 泡泡机器人 , the Chinese academic nonprofit organization. Welcome to follow our github and our WeChat Public Platform Account ( paopaorobot_slam ). Of course, you could contact with Yvon Shong.

index title
Session Automation Award Session
11169 Fabric Defect Detection Using Tactile Information
729 A General-Purpose Anomalous Scenario Synthesizer for Rotary Equipment
10271 Robust Trajectory Optimization Over Uncertain Terrain with Stochastic Complementarity
7255 Automated Fabrication of the High-Fidelity Cellular Micro-Scaffold through Proportion-Corrective Control of the Photocuring Process
Session Manipulation Award Session
11782 StRETcH: A Soft to Resistive Elastic Tactile Hand
12040 A Parallelized Iterative Algorithm for Real-Time Simulation of Long Flexible Cable Manipulation
6228 KPAM 2.0: Feedback Control for Category-Level Robotic Manipulation
6236 Policy Blending and Recombination for Multimodal Contact-Rich Tasks
Session Robot Vision Award Session
14382 CodeVIO: Visual-Inertial Odometry with Learned Optimizable Dense Depth
11299 Interval-Based Visual-LiDAR Sensor Fusion
10950 OmniDet: Surround View Cameras Based Multi-Task Visual Perception Network for Autonomous Driving
5552 VIODE: A Simulated Dataset to Address the Challenges of Visual-Inertial Odometry in Dynamic Environments
Session Best Paper Award Session
1147 An Artin Braid Group Representation of Knitting Machine State with Applications to Validation and Optimization of Fabrication Plans
11262 Extrinsic Contact Sensing with Relative-Motion Tracking from Distributed Tactile Measurements
10030 Distributed Coordinated Path Following Using Guiding Vector Fields
7309 Sim-To-Real Learning of All Common Bipedal Gaits Via Periodic Reward Composition
Session Motion Planning: Learning-Based Prediction
3529 Uncertainty-Aware Non-Linear Model Predictive Control for Human-Following Companion Robot
965 Path Planning in Uncertain Ocean Currents Using Ensemble Forecasts
1109 Distributed Motion Coordination Using Convex Feasible Set Based Model Predictive Control
155 Risk Conditioned Distributional Soft Actor-Critic for Risk-Sensitive Navigation
Session Motion Planning and Control II
3134 NEO: A Novel Expeditious Optimisation Algorithm for Reactive Motion Control of Manipulators
656 Optimized Method for Planning and Controlling the Somersault Motion of Quadruped Robot
2760 Motion Coupling Analysis for the Decoupled Design of a Two-Segment Notched Continuum Robot
3562 VINS-Motion: Tightly-Coupled Fusion of VINS and Motion Constraint
Session Medical Imaging and Sensing I
4062 Robust Three-Dimensional Shape Sensing for Flexible Endoscopic Surgery Using Multi-Core FBG Sensors
1098 Robot-To-Image Registration with Geometric Marker for CT-Guided Robotic Needle Insertion
1291 Shape Sensor Using Magnetic Induction with Frequency Sweeping for Medical Catheters
3102 Robotically Surgical Vessel Localization Using Robust Hybrid Video Motion Magnification
Session Mechanism Design IV
264 Temperature Compensated 3D Printed Strain Sensor for Advanced Manufacturing Applications
2490 Design of a Deployable Underwater Robot for the Recovery of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Based on Origami Technique
3955 Modelling and Optimisation of a Mechanism-Based Metamaterial for a Wrist Flexion-Extension Assistive Device
1325 Mechatronic Design of a Low-Noise Active Knee Prosthesis with High Backdrivability
Session Manipulation Control III
620 Introspective Visuomotor Control: Exploiting Uncertainty in Deep Visuomotor Control for Failure Recovery
4108 Sim-To-Real Visual Grasping Via State Representation Learning Based on Combining Pixel-Level and Feature-Level Domain Adaptation
1772 Dexterous Manoeuvre through Touch in a Cluttered Scene
1323 Mapless-Planner: A Robust and Fast Planning Framework for Aggressive Autonomous Flight without Map Fusion
Session Machine Learning: Applications
1421 Robotic Indoor Scene Captioning from Streaming Video
2514 Geometry-Aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Stereo Matching
3665 Reasoning Operational Decisions for Robots Via Time Series Causal Inference
4093 Embodying Pre-Trained Word Embeddings through Robot Actions
Session Machine Learning for Pose Estimation
3556 HueCode: A Meta-Marker Exposing Relative Pose and Additional Information in Different Colored Layers
3581 REDE: End-To-End Object 6D Pose Robust Estimation Using Differentiable Outliers Elimination
3908 PREGAN: Pose Randomization and Estimation for Weakly Paired Image Style Translation
3358 Deep Samplable Observation Model for Global Localization and Kidnapping
Session Localization and Mapping VII
94 B-Splines for Purely Vision-Based Localization and Mapping on Non-Holonomic Ground Vehicles
1556 Robust SRIF-Based LiDAR-IMU Localization for Autonomous Vehicles
2400 Structure Reconstruction Using Ray-Point-Ray Features: Representation and Camera Pose Estimation
3386 Lightweight 3-D Localization and Mapping for Solid-State LiDAR
Session Learning-Based Manipulation VII
3433 Living Object Grasping Using Two-Stage Graph Reinforcement Learning
3004 Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Assembly Using Non-Diagonal Stiffness Matrix
4095 Uncertainty-Aware Contact-Safe Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
2452 Reducing the Deployment-Time Inference Control Costs of Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents Via an Asymmetric Architecture
Session Learning in Control
2731 Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning Via Model-Ensemble Exploration and Exploitation
252 Dreaming: Model-Based Reinforcement Learning by Latent Imagination without Reconstruction
2109 A Variational Infinite Mixture for Probabilistic Inverse Dynamics Learning
1391 Model-Based Domain Randomization of Dynamics System with Deep Bayesian Locally Linear Embedding
Session Learning for Motion Planning
1265 Deep Imitation Learning for Autonomous Navigation in Dynamic Pedestrian Environments
110 Learning from Demonstration without Demonstrations
3147 Optimal Cooperative Maneuver Planning for Multiple Nonholonomic Robots in a Tiny Environment Via Adaptive-Scaling Constrained Optimization
3245 Optimization-Based Framework for Excavation Trajectory Generation
Session Humanoids and Animaloids VII
1276 Reachability-Based Push Recovery for Humanoid Robots with Variable-Height Inverted Pendulum
4135 Meaningful Centroidal Frame Orientation of Multi-Body Floating Locomotion Systems
3644 Online Object Searching by a Humanoid Robot in an Unknown Environment
4139 Origami-Inspired New Material Feeding Mechanism for Soft Growing Robots to Keep the Camera Stay at the Tip by Securing Its Path
Session Human-Robot Interaction XI
3950 Exploiting Inherent Human Motor Behaviour in the Online Personalisation of Human-Prosthetic Interfaces
3512 Design and Clinical Validation of a Robotic Ankle-Foot Simulator with Series Elastic Actuator for Ankle Clonus Assessment Training
4122 A Hybrid Impedance Controller for Series Elastic Actuators to Render a Wide Range of Stable Stiffness in Uncertain Environments
3601 Soft-Jig-Driven Assembly Operations
Session Human-Robot Interaction IV
3774 Comparison of Three Feedback Modalities for Haptics Sensation in Remote Machine Manipulation
434 Prediction-Error Negativity to Assess Singularity Avoidance Strategies in Physical Human-Robot Collaboration
4162 A Large Area Robotic Skin with Sparsely Embedded Microphones for Human-Robot Tactile Communication
480 Star Topology Based Interaction for Robust Trajectory Forecasting in Dynamic Scene
Session Field Robotics V
3542 A Peg-In-Hole Task Strategy for Holes in Concrete
3715 Semantic Mapping of Construction Site from Multiple Daily Airborne LiDAR Data
3711 TaskNet: A Neural Task Planner for Autonomous Excavator
2837 Steering Induced Roll Quantification During Ship Turning Circle Manoeuvre
Session Grasping II
3675 Dig-Grasping Via Direct Quasistatic Interaction Using Asymmetric Fingers: An Approach to Effective Bin Picking
1337 Uncertainty-Aware Self-Supervised Target-Mass Grasping of Granular Foods
2548 SCT-CNN: A Spatio-Channel-Temporal Attention CNN for Grasp Stability Prediction
3604 Tactile Velocity Estimation for Controlled In-Grasp Sliding
Session Biologically-Inspired Robots
4009 Multiphysics Simulation of Magnetically Actuated Robotic Origami Worms
1034 Spherical Magnetic Joint for Inverted Locomotion of Multi-Legged Robot
3729 An Open-Source Mechanical Design of ALARIS Hand: A 6-DOF Anthropomorphic Robotic Hand
1210 Biomimetic Operational Space Control for Musculoskeletal Humanoid Optimizing across Muscle Activation and Joint Nullspace
Session Applications of Micro and Nano Robotics I
680 Parallel Actuation of Nanorod Swarm and Nanoparticle Swarm to Different Targets
944 Robotic Micromanipulation for Active Pin Alignment in Electronic Soldering Industry
3687 In-Situ Bonding of Multilayer Microfluidic Devices Assisted by a Fully-Automated Aligning System
3285 Robotic Handling of Micro-Objects Using Stochastic Optically-Actuated End-Effector
Session Control and Optimization II
3168 A Class of Optimal Switching Mixed Data Injection Attack in Cyber-Physical Systems
1425 Observation Space Matters: Benchmark and Optimization Algorithm
484 Interleaving Fast and Slow Decision Making
3310 Multi-Output Infinite Horizon Gaussian Processes
Session Aerial Robotics: Planning and Control
1067 Estimation and Adaption of Indoor Ego Airflow Disturbance with Application to Quadrotor Trajectory Planning
1596 Real-Time Active Detection of Targets and Path Planning Using UAVs
2444 EVA-Planner: Environmental Adaptive Quadrotor Planning
171 EGO-Planner: An ESDF-Free Gradient-Based Local Planner for Quadrotors
Session Navigation and Mapping
664 Differential Information Aided 3-D Registration for Accurate Navigation and Scene Reconstruction
1258 Autonomous Navigation in Dynamic Environments with Multi-Modal Perception Uncertainties
2457 Learning World Transition Model for Socially Aware Robot Navigation
2379 Probabilistic Dynamic Crowd Prediction for Social Navigation
Session Multiple and Distributed Systems I
3899 PRIMAL2: Pathfinding Via Reinforcement and Imitation Multi-Agent Learning - Lifelong
437 Consensus-Based Control Barrier Function for Swarm
644 Bayesian Disturbance Injection: Robust Imitation Learning of Flexible Policies
1124 Active Modular Environment for Robot Navigation
Session Multiple and Distributed Systems III
2071 Deep Reinforcement Learning of Event-Triggered Communication and Control for Multi-Agent Cooperative Transport
2103 Multi-Robot Task Allocation Games in Dynamically Changing Environments
2741 An Upper Confidence Bound for Simultaneous Exploration and Exploitation in Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems
4080 Priority Patrolling Using Multiple Agents
Session Motion Planning: Semantic Scene
2222 Anticipatory Navigation in Crowds by Probabilistic Prediction of Pedestrian Future Movements
2629 Real-Time Human Lower Limbs Motion Estimation and Feedback for Potential Applications in Robotic Gait Aid and Training
3696 Virtual Surfaces and Attitude Aware Planning and Behaviours for Negative Obstacle Navigation
1434 Cost-To-Go Function Generating Networks for High Dimensional Motion Planning
Session Motion Planning: Optimization
3395 Smooth-RRT*: Asymptotically Optimal Motion Planning for Mobile Robots under Kinodynamic Constraints
638 Continuous Optimization-Based Task and Motion Planning with Signal Temporal Logic Specifications for Sequential Manipulation
3261 Proximal Policy Optimization with Relative Pearson Divergence
2616 Optimal Object Placement for Minimum Discontinuity Non-Revisiting Coverage Task
Session Motion Planning: Autonomous Driving
3006 ICurb: Imitation Learning-Based Detection of Road Curbs Using Aerial Images for Autonomous Driving
2533 Search-Based Online Trajectory Planning for Car-Like Robots in Highly Dynamic Environments
1472 Task-Space Decomposed Motion Planning Framework for Multi-Robot Loco-Manipulation
395 SMT-Based Optimal Deployment of Mobile Robot Rechargers
Session Motion and Path Planning II
4028 A Global-Local Coupling Two-Stage Path Planning Method for Mobile Robots
3794 Learn to Navigate Maplessly with Varied LiDAR Configurations: A Support Point-Based Approach
619 Fast Replanning Multi-Heuristic A*
232 Generating Large-Scale Trajectories Efficiently Using Double Descriptions of Polynomials
Session Mechanism Design V
1112 Restoring Force Design of Active Self-Healing Tension Transmission System and Application to Tendon-Driven Legged Robot
1927 A Translational Parallel Continuum Robot Reinforced by Origami and Cross-Routing Tendons
3334 Design of a 3-DOF Coupled Tendon-Driven Waist Joint
992 Design and Modeling of a Variable-Stiffness Spring Mechanism for Impedance Modulation in Physical Human-Robot Interaction
Session Mechanism Design I
3113 Development of a Humanoid Shoulder Based on 3-Motor 3 Degrees-Of-Freedom Coupled Tendon-Driven Joint Module
3284 Mecanum Crank: A Novel Omni-Directional Vehicle Using Crank Leg
3288 Internally-Balanced Displacement-Force Converter for Stepless Control of Spring Deformation Compensated by Cam with Variable Pressure Angle
4052 2-DOF Spherical Parallel Mechanism Capable of Biaxial Swing Motion with Active Arc Sliders
Session Manipulation Control I
636 Position and Orientation Control of Polygonal Objects by Sensorless In-Hand Caging Manipulation
3233 Non-Fixed Contact Manipulation Control Framework for Deformable Objects with Active Contact Adjustment
2087 3D Biped Locomotion Control Including Seamless Transition between Walking and Running Via 3D ZMP Manipulation
3957 Modeling and Balance Control of SuperArm for Overhead Tasks
Session Localization IV
2509 GCC-PHAT with Speech-Oriented Attention for Robotic Sound Source Localization
54 Towards Robust GNSS Positioning and Real-Time Kinematic Using Factor Graph Optimization
234 Camera Relocalization Using Deep Point Cloud Generation and Hand-Crafted Feature Refinement
3319 Semantic Histogram Based Graph Matching for Real-Time Multi-Robot Global Localization in Large Scale Environment
Session Localization and Mapping X
3610 Intelligent Reference Curation for Visual Place Recognition Via Bayesian Selective Fusion
2458 Accelerating Probabilistic Volumetric Mapping Using Ray-Tracing Graphics Hardware
3508 ERASOR: Egocentric Ratio of Pseudo Occupancy-Based Dynamic Object Removal for Static 3D Point Cloud Map Building
1122 UVIP: Robust UWB Aided Visual-Inertial Positioning System for Complex Indoor Environments
Session LiDAR-Based Localization II
1568 LiDAR-Based Initial Global Localization Using Two-Dimensional (2D) Submap Projection Image (SPI)
2515 Automatic Hyper-Parameter Tuning for Black-Box LiDAR Odometry
579 Locus: LiDAR-Based Place Recognition Using Spatiotemporal Higher-Order Pooling
2365 Automated Extrinsic Calibration for 3D LiDARs with Range Offset Correction Using an Arbitrary Planar Board
Session Learning-Based Human-Robot Interaction
1690 Machine Learning-Based Human-Following System: Following the Predicted Position of a Walking Human
1655 Anytime Game-Theoretic Planning with Active Reasoning about Humans' Latent States for Human-Centered Robots
3031 Momentum Observer-Based Collision Detection Using LSTM for Model Uncertainty Learning
1204 Deep Learning and Mixed Reality to Autocomplete Teleoperation
Session Learning in Robotics and Automation I
1091 Learning Spatial Context with Graph Neural Network for Multi-Person Pose Grouping
2254 Automatic Hanging Point Learning from Random Shape Generation and Physical Function Validation
3300 Gaze-Based Dual Resolution Deep Imitation Learning for High-Precision Dexterous Robot Manipulation
2305 Graph Convolutional Network Based Configuration Detection for Freeform Modular Robot Using Magnetic Sensor Array
Session Learning and Control in Robotics and Automation
3460 Hyperparameter Auto-Tuning in Self-Supervised Robotic Learning
2831 An Analytical Diabolo Model for Robotic Learning and Control
3037 Peer-Assisted Robotic Learning: A Data-Driven Collaborative Learning Approach for Cloud Robotic Systems
3466 Imitation Learning of Hierarchical Driving Model: From Continuous Intention to Continuous Trajectory
Session Humanoids and Animaloids III
2383 Lywal: A Leg-Wheel Transformable Quadruped Robot with Picking up and Transport Functions
3333 Design of a Compact Embedded Hydraulic Power Unit for Bipedal Robots
1311 Stair Climbing Capability-Based Dimensional Synthesis for the Multi-Legged Robot
3978 Versatile Locomotion by Integrating Ankle, Hip, Stepping, and Height Variation Strategies
Session Human-Robot Interaction VIII
3958 Human-In-The-Loop Auditory Cueing Strategy for Gait Modification
3356 A Self-Training Approach-Based Traversability Analysis for Mobile Robots in Urban Environments
3225 Active and Interactive Mapping with Dynamic Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces for Mobile Manipulators
2184 Proactive Interaction Framework for Intelligent Social Receptionist Robots
Session Field Robotics VIII
3689 A Coach-Based Bayesian Reinforcement Learning Method for Snake Robot Control
2399 Estimation of Spatially-Correlated Ocean Currents from Ensemble Forecasts and Online Measurements
3217 Semi-Supervised Gated Recurrent Neural Networks for Robotic Terrain Classification
2261 Circus ANYmal: A Quadruped Learning Dexterous Manipulation with Its Limbs
Session Deep Learning in Robotics I
577 Long-Range Hand Gesture Recognition Via Attention-Based SSD Network
2620 Spectral Temporal Graph Neural Network for Trajectory Prediction
892 Dark Reciprocal-Rank: Teacher-To-Student Knowledge Transfer from Self-Localization Model to Graph-Convolutional Neural Network
1360 Efficient SE(3) Reachability Map Generation Via Interplanar Integration of Intra-Planar Convolutions
Session Biomedical Robotics I
1043 Orientation Control of an Electromagnetically Actuated Soft-Tethered Colonoscope Based on 2OR Pseudo-Rigid-Body Model
416 An Integrated High-Dexterity Cooperative Robotic Assistant for Intraocular Micromanipulation
3735 A Sigmoid-Colon-Straightening Soft Actuator with Peristaltic Motion for Colonoscopy Insertion Assistance: Easycolon
4131 A Miniature Manipulator with Variable Stiffness towards Minimally Invasive Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery
Session Applications of Micro and Nano Robotics II
1471 Design of Soft Sensor for Feedback Control of Bio-Actuator Powered by Skeletal Muscle
3660 Molecular Transport of a Magnetic Nanoparticle Swarm towards Thrombolytic Therapy
4087 Efficient Single Cell Mechanical Measurement by Integrating a Cell Arraying Microfluidic Device with Magnetic Tweezer
2217 A Portable Acoustofluidic Device for Multifunctional Cell Manipulation and Reconstruction
Session Applications of Robotic Exploration
1045 Design and Soft-Landing Control of a Six-Legged Mobile Repetitive Lander for Lunar Exploration
192 LEAF: Latent Exploration Along the Frontier
796 LAFFNet: A Lightweight Adaptive Feature Fusion Network for Underwater Image Enhancement
1059 Ultrasound Doppler Imaging and Navigation of Collective Magnetic Cell Microrobots in Blood
Session Aerial Robotics: Mechanics and Control I
3012 Fixed-Root Aerial Manipulator: Design, Modeling, and Control of Multilink Aerial Arm to Adhere Foot Module to Ceilings Using Rotor Thrust
3663 Aerial Manipulator Pushing a Movable Structure Using a DOB-Based Robust Controller
3040 Data-Driven MPC for Quadrotors
2918 Singularity-Free Aerial Deformation by Two-Dimensional Multilinked Aerial Robot with 1-DoF Vectorable Propeller
Session Navigation in Humanoids and Animaloids
2387 Autonomous Decentralized Shape-Based Navigation for Snake Robots in Dense Environments
699 Real-Time Optimal Navigation Planning Using Learned Motion Costs
3396 Humanoid Loco-Manipulation Planning Based on Graph Search and Reachability Maps
4075 Autonomous Navigation for Adaptive Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Using Fiducial Markers
Session Multiple and Distributed Systems II
377 Command Filtered Tracking Control for High-Order Systems with Limited Transmission Bandwidth
3764 Online Trajectory Planning for Multiple Quadrotors in Dynamic Environments Using Relative Safe Flight Corridor
2298 Multi-Scale Cost Volumes Cascade Network for Stereo Matching
2701 Hierarchical MCTS for Scalable Multi-Vessel Multi-Float Systems
Session Multiple and Distributed Systems IV
2322 Distributed Heuristic Multi-Agent Path Finding with Communication
3151 Distributed PDOP Coverage Control: Providing Large-Scale Positioning Service Using a Multi-Robot System
4188 Autonomous Distributed System for Gait Generation for Single-Legged Modular Robots Connected in Various Configurations (I)
3718 A Distributed Two-Layer Framework for Teleoperated Platooning of Fixed-Wing UAVs Via Decomposition and Backstepping
Session Motion Planning: Task-Based Planning
4031 Integrated Task Assignment and Path Planning for Capacitated Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery
4217 Social Trajectory Planning for Urban Autonomous Surface Vessels (I)
266 A Geometric Folding Pattern for Robot Coverage Path Planning
2640 Tree Search-Based Task and Motion Planning with Prehensile and Non-Prehensile Manipulation for Obstacle Rearrangement in Clutter
Session Motion Planning: Robot Perception
2206 Active Information Acquisition under Arbitrary Unknown Disturbances
172 Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance with a Virtual Torque Approach for a Robotic Tool in the End Effector
4132 A Robotic Platform to Navigate MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound System
2127 Approximating Constraint Manifolds Using Generative Models for Sampling-Based Constrained Motion Planning
2806 Maintaining a Reliable World Model Using Action-Aware Perceptual Anchoring
Session Motion Planning: Collision Avoidance
4024 VR-ORCA: Variable Responsibility Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance
624 Dynamic Window Approach with Human Imitating Collision Avoidance
3795 Disruption-Resistant Deformable Object Manipulation on Basis of Online Shape Estimation and Prediction-Driven Trajectory Correction
2331 Dynamic Movement Primitive Based Motion Retargeting for Dual-Arm Sign Language Motions
Session Motion Planning and Control I
1682 SA-LOAM: Semantic-Aided LiDAR SLAM with Loop Closure
60 Reinforcement Learning-Based Visual Navigation with Information-Theoretic Regularization
658 An On-Line POMDP Solver for Continuous Observation Spaces
2607 Modeling and Simulation of Running Expansion with Trunk and Pelvic Rotation Assist Suit
Session Mechanism and Control II
117 Pneumatic Actuation-Based Bidirectional Modules with Variable Stiffness and Closed-Loop Position Control
973 A Capturability-Based Control Framework for the Underactuated Bipedal Walking
672 Appearance-Based Loop Closure Detection Via Bidirectional Manifold Representation Consensus
3405 Synergetic Effect between Limbs and Spine Dynamics in Quadruped Walking Robots
Session Mechanism Design II
2 A Locally-Adaptive, Parallel-Jaw Gripper with Clamping and Rolling Capable, Soft Fingertips for Fine Manipulation of Flexible Flat Cables
1282 Stable, Sensor-Less and Compliance-Less Module Connection for Automated Construction System of a Modularized Rail Structure
4133 Numerical Simulations of a Novel Force Controller Serially Combining the Admittance and Impedance Controllers
1743 Kinematic Stability Based AFG-RRT* Path Planning for Cable-Driven Parallel Robots
Session Manipulation Control II
2921 Generation of Efficient Rectilinear Gait Based on Dynamic Morphological Computation and Its Theoretical Analysis
3060 Simultaneous Precision Assembly of Multiple Objects through Coordinated Micro-Robot Manipulation
2236 Dynamic Compensation in Throwing Motion with High-Speed Robot Hand-Arm
3510 Policy Blending and Recombination for Multimodal Contact-Rich Tasks
Session Localization and Mapping XIII
3808 FAST-LIO: A Fast, Robust LiDAR-Inertial Odometry Package by Tightly-Coupled Iterated Kalman Filter
4063 BALM: Bundle Adjustment for Lidar Mapping
3504 Extrinsic Calibration of Multiple LiDARs of Small FoV in Targetless Environments
3505 MOLTR: Multiple Object Localisation, Tracking and Reconstruction from Monocular RGB Videos
3639 Efficient Modification of the Upper Triangular Square Root Matrix on Variable Reordering
Session Localization and Mapping XII
2882 Signal Temporal Logic Synthesis As Probabilistic Inference
1719 Bias Compensated UWB Anchor Initialization Using Information-Theoretic Supported Triangulation Points
2410 Multiresolution Representations for Large-Scale Terrain with Local Gaussian Process Regression
3382 DiSCO: Differentiable Scan Context with Orientation
Session Localization and Mapping IV
1280 MSTSL: Multi-Sensor Based Two-Step Localization in Geometrically Symmetric Environments
3427 Range-Focused Fusion of Camera-IMU-UWB for Accurate and Drift-Reduced Localization
389 Interactive Planning for Autonomous Urban Driving in Adversarial Scenarios
2772 Kernel-Based 3-D Dynamic Occupancy Mapping with Particle Tracking
Session Learning-Based Manipulation IV
1008 AdaGrasp: Learning a Gripper-Aware Grasping Policy
290 TRANS-AM: Transfer Learning by Aggregating Dynamics Models for Soft Robotic Assembly
3733 Learning Deep Nets for Gravitational Dynamics with Unknown Disturbance through Physical Knowledge Distillation: Initial Feasibility Study
3802 Learning to Place Objects Onto Flat Surfaces in Upright Orientations
Session Learning in Robotics and Automation II
4078 PVStereo: Pyramid Voting Module for End-To-End Self-Supervised Stereo Matching
2163 Embedding Symbolic Temporal Knowledge into Deep Sequential Models
2307 Multi-Modal Mutual Information (MuMMI) Training for Robust Self-Supervised Deep Reinforcement Learning
3124 Linguistic Descriptions of Human Motion with Generative Adversarial Seq2Seq Learning
Session Learning and Optimization
75 Evolvable Motion-Planning Method Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
2404 Learning Sequences of Manipulation Primitives for Robotic Assembly
3968 Data-Efficient Learning for Complex and Real-Time Physical Problem Solving Using Augmented Simulation
1433 EGO-Swarm: A Fully Autonomous and Decentralized Quadrotor Swarm System in Cluttered Environments
Session Humanoids and Animaloids V
3239 Robust Landing Stabilization of Humanoid Robot on Uneven Terrain Via Admittance Control and Heel Strike Motion
4176 Toward Autonomous Driving by Musculoskeletal Humanoids: A Study of Developed Hardware and Learning-Based Software (I)
3686 Automatic Grouping of Redundant Sensors and Actuators Using Functional and Spatial Connections: Application to Muscle Grouping for Musculoskeletal Humanoids
2257 State Estimation for Hybrid Wheeled-Legged Robots Performing Mobile Manipulation Tasks
Session Grasping and Manipulation
1108 Adversarial Skill Learning for Robust Manipulation
2318 Learning Visual Affordances with Target-Orientated Deep Q-Network to Grasp Objects by Harnessing Environmental Fixtures
82 Enhancing Robot Perception in Grasping and Dexterous Manipulation through Crowdsourcing and Gamification
123 Teaching Robotic and Biomechatronic Concepts with a Gripper Design Project and a Grasping and Manipulation Competition
Session Dynamics and Control IV
3316 Model Based Evaluation of Human and Lower-Limb Exoskeleton Interaction During Sit to Stand Motion
3029 Efficient Solution Method Based on Inverse Dynamics for Optimal Control Problems of Rigid Body Systems
3642 Compensation for Undefined Behaviors During Robot Task Execution by Switching Controllers Depending on Embedded Dynamics in RNN
2744 Reduction of Ground Impact of a Powered Exoskeleton by Shock Absorption Mechanism on the Shank
Session Deep Learning in Robotics II
716 FlowDriveNet: An End-To-End Network for Learning Driving Policies from Image Optical Flow and LiDAR Point Flow
734 PocoNet: SLAM-Oriented 3D LiDAR Point Cloud Online Compression Network
2497 3D Reconstruction of Deformable Colon Structures Based on Preoperative Model and Deep Neural Network
3577 DenseLiDAR: A Real-Time Pseudo Dense Depth Guided Depth Completion Network
Session Control Applications
3272 Faithful Euclidean Distance Field from Log-Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces
3578 Force Control of a Hydraulic Actuator with a Neural Network Inverse Model
425 An Encoder-Free Joint Velocity Estimation Method for Serial Manipulators Using Inertial Sensors
193 D-ACC: Dynamic Adaptive Cruise Control for Highways with Ramps Based on Deep Q-Learning
Session Autonomous Manipulation
2855 Precise Multi-Modal In-Hand Pose Estimation Using Low-Precision Sensors for Robotic Assembly
3651 Assembly Sequences Based on Multiple Criteria against Products with Deformable Parts
3676 A Versatile End-Effector for Pick-And-Release of Fabric Parts
3769 A Soft Robotic Hand Based on Bellows Actuators for Dishwashing Automation
Session Autonomous Driving
3439 IDE-Net: Interactive Driving Event and Pattern Extraction from Human Data
3383 HD Map Update for Autonomous Driving with Crowdsourced Data
453 Distributed Dynamic Map Fusion Via Federated Learning for Intelligent Networked Vehicles
3094 Ground-Aware Monocular 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
Session Aerial Robotics: Mechanics and Control II
506 Underwater Stability of a Morphable Aerial-Aquatic Quadrotor with Variable Thruster Angles
4076 Development of Flapping Robot with Self-Takeoff from the Ground Capability
628 Fast-Tracker: A Robust Aerial System for Tracking Agile Target in Cluttered Environments
4194 Teach-Repeat-Replan: A Complete and Robust System for Aggressive Flight in Complex Environments (I)
Session Human-Robot Interaction Award Session
11523 Can I Pour into It? Robot Imagining Open Containability Affordance of Previously Unseen Objects Via Physical Simulations
3111 Collision Detection, Identification, and Localization on the DLR SARA Robot with Sensing Redundancy
9460 Automated Acquisition of Structured, Semantic Models of Manipulation Activities from Human VR Demonstration
3118 Reactive Human-To-Robot Handovers of Arbitrary Objects
Session Service Robotics Award Session
11322 Tactile SLAM: Real-Time Inference of Shape and Pose from Planar Pushing
11470 Human with Leash-Guided Hybrid Physical Interaction
12047 Compact Flat Fabric Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (ffPAM) for Soft Wearable Robotic Devices
11329 BADGR: An Autonomous Self-Supervised Learning-Based Navigation System
Session Mechatronics and Design Award Session
7107 Soft Hybrid Aerial Vehicle Via Bistable Mechanism
7114 A Versatile Inverse Kinematics Formulation for Retargeting Motions Onto Robots with Kinematic Loops
12017 Multi-Point Orientation Control of Discretely-Magnetized Continuum Manipulators
12076 Surface Robots Based on S-Isothermic Surfaces
Session Best Student Paper Award Session
9623 Unified Multi-Modal Landmark Tracking for Tightly Coupled Lidar-Visual-Inertial Odometry
1154 Unsupervised Learning of Lidar Features for Use in a Probabilistic Trajectory Estimator
7517 Planning with Attitude
8888 Cascaded Filtering Using the Sigma Point Transformation
Session Motion Planning I
4017 Reactive Navigation in Crowds for Non-Holonomic Robots with Convex Bounding Shape
745 NavRep: Unsupervised Representations for Reinforcement Learning of Robot Navigation in Dynamic Human Environments
4040 Scenario-Based Trajectory Optimization in Uncertain Dynamic Environments
3991 High Speed Planning in Unknown Environments for Multirotors Considering Drag
Session Mechanism Design and Control I
3736 Design and Control of a Highly Redundant Rigid-Flexible Coupling Robot to Assist the COVID-19 Oropharyngeal-Swab Sampling
3332 Efficient and Goal-Directed Oscillations in Articulated Soft Robots: The Point-To-Point Case
273 Visual Servoing of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots with Tension Management
3044 Automated Design of Underactuated Monolithic Soft Robotics Structures with Multiple Predefined End Poses
Session Manipulation: Perception
1238 Vision Based Adaptation to Kernelized Synergies for Human Inspired Robotic Manipulation
851 Vision-Based Robotic Pushing and Grasping for Stone Sample Collection under Computing Resource Constraints
3496 Friction Estimation for Tendon-Driven Robotic Hands
1212 Representation Matters: Improving Perception and Exploration for Robotics
Session Localization I
1718 Global Aerial Localisation Using Image and Map Embeddings
1990 UWB Indoor Global Localisation for Nonholonomic Robots with Unknown Offset Compensation
279 Range Image-Based LiDAR Localization for Autonomous Vehicles
520 RadarLoc: Learning to Relocalize in FMCW Radar
Session Localization and Estimation
870 MonStereo: When Monocular and Stereo Meet at the Tail of 3D Human Localization
526 Enabling Spatio-Temporal Aggregation in Birds-Eye-View Vehicle Estimation
2874 Multimodal Scale Consistency and Awareness for Monocular Self-Supervised Depth Estimation
2856 There and Back Again: Self-Supervised Multispectral Correspondence Estimation
Session Learning-Based Manipulation VI
1681 Learning Conditional Postural Synergies for Dexterous Hands: A Generative Approach Based on Variational Auto-Encoders and Conditioned on Object Size and Category
1840 ReForm: A Robot Learning Sandbox for Deformable Linear Object Manipulation
666 Adversarial Imitation Learning with Trajectorial Augmentation and Correction
919 Learning Reachable Manifold and Inverse Mapping for a Redundant Robot Manipulator
Session Learning-Based Control II
1606 Leveraging Forward Model Prediction Error for Learning Control
1700 GoSafe: Globally Optimal Safe Robot Learning
1731 Distilling a Hierarchical Policy for Planning and Control Via Representation and Reinforcement Learning
2790 Active Model Learning Using Informative Trajectories for Improved Closed-Loop Control on Real Robots
Session Learning for Robotics I
1628 Differentiable Physics Models for Real-World Offline Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
1674 Adversarial Training Is Not Ready for Robot Learning
1993 Deep Learning on 3D Object Detection for Automatic Plug-In Charging Using a Mobile Manipulator
3157 Decentralized Multi-Agent Pursuit Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Teleoperation
3936 Stabilization of User-Defined Feedback Controllers in Teleoperation with Passive Coupling Reference
4157 Rate Mode Bilateral Teleoperation Based on Passivity Tanks and Variable Admittance Control
1864 Task Autocorrection for Immersive Teleoperation
1903 Manipulability Optimization for Multi-Arm Teleoperation
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Motion Prediction
833 Human-Robot Collaborative Object Transfer Using Human Motion Prediction Based on Cartesian Pose Dynamic Movement Primitives
1143 Dynamic Projection of Human Motion for Safe and Efficient Human-Robot Collaboration
1485 Achieving Hard Real-Time Capability for 3D Human Pose Estimation Systems
3872 Zoomorphic Gestures for Cobots
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Control
3836 Robust Classification of Grasped Objects in Intuitive Human-Robot Collaboration Using a Wearable Force-Myography Device
740 Augmented Hierarchical Quadratic Programming for Adaptive Compliance Robot Control
1581 An Optimization Approach for a Robust and Flexible Control in Collaborative Applications
3304 Probabilistic Adaptive Control for Robust Behavior Imitation
Session Field Robotics VII
3495 Predicting the Post-Impact Velocity of a Robotic Arm Via Rigid Multibody Models: An Experimental Study
3563 Compliant Plant Exploration for Agricultural Procedures with a Collaborative Robot
1899 Conv1D Energy-Aware Path Planner for Mobile Robots in Unstructured Environments
1607 Resilient Collision-Tolerant Navigation in Confined Environments
Session Field Robotics VI
3684 Mobile Manipulator for Autonomous Localization, Grasping and Precise Placement of Construction Material in a Semi-Structured Environment
3053 Experimental Validation of Unsteady Wave Induced Loads on a Stationary Remotely Operated Vehicle
1211 ASVLite: A High-Performance Simulator for Autonomous Surface Vehicles
1629 Continuous Shortest Path Vector Field Navigation on 3D Triangular Meshes for Mobile Robots
Session Dynamic Modeling
881 Learning to Propagate Interaction Effects for Modeling Deformable Linear Objects Dynamics
3632 A Versatile Inverse Kinematics Formulation for Retargeting Motions Onto Robots with Kinematic Loops
1267 Modal Dynamic Modelling and Experimental Validation of a Curved Extensible Continuum Manipulator
4060 A Hybrid Dynamical Modeling Framework for Shape Memory Alloy Wire Actuated Structures
Session Control and Optimization I
3514 Online Extrinsic Calibration Based on Per-Sensor Ego-Motion Using Dual Quaternions
2094 Online Informative Path Planning for Active Information Gathering of a 3D Surface
3440 EKF-Based Real-Time Self-Attitude Estimation with Camera DNN Learning Landscape Regularities
2853 Advancing Mixture Models for Least Squares Optimization
Session Control Theory I
832 Mathematical Modeling of a Highly Underactuated Tool for Draping Fiber Plies on Double Curved Molds
4202 A General Framework to Increase Safety of Learning Algorithms for Dynamical Systems Based on Region of Attraction Estimation (I)
4067 A Weighted Method for Fast Resolution of Strictly Hierarchical Robot Task Specifications Using Exact Penalty Functions
1726 On-Line Force Capability Evaluation Based on Efficient Polytope Vertex Search
Session Autonomous Navigation I
450 Shared Autonomy for Teleoperated Driving: A Real-Time Interactive Path Planning Approach
3294 Comfortable and Safe Decelerations for a Self-Driving Transit Bus
3988 A Unified Approach for Autonomous Volumetric Exploration of Large Scale Environments under Severe Odometry Drift
4002 Urban Driving Games with Lexicographic Preferences and Socially Efficient Nash Equilibria
Session Aerial Systems: Multi-Robots
3662 A Multi-UAV System for Detection and Elimination of Multiple Targets
3128 Optic Flow-Based Reactive Collision Prevention for MAV Using Fictitious Obstacle Hypothesis
3550 Autonomous Aerial Swarming in GNSS-Denied Environments with High Obstacle Density
3707 Forceful Aerial Manipulation Based on an Aerial Robotic Chain: Hybrid Modeling and Control
Session Aerial Robotics: Control II
4158 Adaptive Stiffness Estimation Impedance Control for Achieving Sustained Contact in Aerial Manipulation
3838 Model Predictive Control for Dynamic Quadrotor Bearing Formations
1801 Direct Force and Pose NMPC with Multiple Interaction Modes for Aerial Push-And-Slide Operations
3059 Motor and Perception Constrained NMPC for Torque-Controlled Generic Aerial Vehicles
Session Aerial Robotics
1865 A Tethered Quadrotor UAV-Buoy System for Marine Locomotion
3998 Power Line Inspection Tasks with Multi-Aerial Robot Systems Via Signal Temporal Logic Specifications
3554 Distributed Formation Estimation Via Pairwise Distance Measurements
3738 Distributed Variable-Baseline Stereo SLAM from Two UAVs
Session Perception for Manipulation I
3121 Embodied Reasoning for Discovering Object Properties Via Manipulation
1798 Robust High-Transparency Haptic Exploration for Dexterous Telemanipulation
1762 Unsupervised Feature Learning for Manipulation with Contrastive Domain Randomization
1834 "What's This?" - Learning to Segment Unknown Objects from Manipulation Sequences
Session Multi-Robot Systems I
3159 Self-Organised Saliency Detection and Representation in Robot Swarms
3131 A Practical Method to Cover Evenly a Dynamic Region with a Swarm
633 Robust Distributed Estimation of the Algebraic Connectivity for Networked Multi-Robot Systems
1658 ModGNN: Expert Policy Approximation in Multi-Agent Systems with a Modular Graph Neural Network Architecture
Session Motion Planning: Legged Robots
1092 Optimization-Inspired Controller Design for Transient Legged Locomotion
3969 Multi-Layered Safety for Legged Robots Via Control Barrier Functions and Model Predictive Control
3234 Agile Actions with a Centaur-Type Humanoid: A Decoupled Approach
806 Combined Sampling and Optimization Based Planning for Legged-Wheeled Robots
Session Motion Planning VI
62 Image Representation of a City and Its Taxi Fleet for End-To-End Learning of Rebalancing Policies
1675 COLREGs-Informed RRT* for Collision Avoidance of Marine Crafts
629 Learning to Robustly Negotiate Bi-Directional Lane Usage in High-Conflict Driving Scenarios
1537 Self-Supervised Motion Retargeting with Safety Guarantee
Session Motion Planning II
263 Sparse Multilevel Roadmaps for High-Dimensional Robotic Motion Planning
268 Saliency Features for 3D CAD-Data in the Context of Sampling-Based Motion Planning
1748 Search-Based Planning of Dynamic MAV Trajectories Using Local Multiresolution State Lattices
4020 Bench-MR: A Motion Planning Benchmark for Wheeled Mobile Robots
Session Mechanism Design and Control II
3097 Multifunctional Arm for Telerobotic Wind Turbine Blade Repair
3021 Modeling, Gait Sequence Design, and Control Architecture of BADGER Underground Robot
1444 Automated Behavior Tree Error Recovery Framework for Robotic Systems
1901 Design of a Magnetic Actuation System for a Microbiota-Collection Ingestible Capsule
Session Manipulation: Planning III
2663 Reactive Cooperative Manipulation Based on Set Primitives and Circular Fields
754 Efficient Multi-Scale POMDPs for Robotic Object Search and Delivery
3230 Path Planning for Manipulation Using Experience-Driven Random Trees
1290 Co-Optimizing Robot, Environment, and Tool Design Via Joint Manipulation Planning
Session Localization II
3467 Freetures: Localization in Signed Distance Function Maps
1807 End-To-End Semi-Supervised Learning for Differentiable Particle Filters
3449 Self-Supervised Learning of Domain-Invariant Local Features for Robust Visual Localization under Challenging Conditions
330 Learning to Localize in New Environments from Synthetic Training Data
Session Localization and Mapping I
3221 Hough2Map - Iterative Event-Based Hough Transform for High-Speed Railway Mapping
3468 Deep Compression for Dense Point Cloud Maps
837 Exploration of Large Outdoor Environments Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making
3745 SD-DefSLAM: Semi-Direct Monocular SLAM for Deformable and Intracorporeal Scenes
Session Learning-Based Motion Planning
848 Learning Robot Trajectories Subject to Kinematic Joint Constraints
4008 Enhancing Lattice-Based Motion Planning with Introspective Learning and Reasoning
3306 Learning Functionally Decomposed Hierarchies for Continuous Control Tasks with Path Planning
2505 Self-Imitation Learning by Planning
Session Learning-Based Grasping
677 Robot Learning of 6 DoF Grasping Using Model-Based Adaptive Primitives
2297 Conditional StyleGAN for Grasp Generation
1535 Go Fetch! - Dynamic Grasps Using Boston Dynamics Spot with External Robotic Arm
1289 Multi-FinGAN: Generative Coarse-To-Fine Sampling of Multi-Finger Grasps
Session Learning for Robotics II
779 Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning in Robotic Table Tennis
3437 Super-Human Performance in Gran Turismo Sport Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
3837 No Face-Touch: Exploiting Wearable Devices and Machine Learning for Gesture Detection
3348 Robot Learning with Crash Constraints
Session Humanoids and Animaloids I
1534 DILIGENT-KIO: A Proprioceptive Base Estimator for Humanoid Robots Using Extended Kalman Filtering on Matrix Lie Groups
3868 Modeling of Visco-Elastic Environments for Humanoid Robot Motion Control
3984 Feasibility-Driven Step Timing Adaptation for Robust MPC-Based Gait Generation in Humanoids
3694 Humanoid Control under Interchangeable Fixed and Sliding Unilateral Contacts
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Safety
1763 Improving Safety and Accuracy of Impedance Controlled Robot Manipulators with Proximity Perception and Proactive Impact Reactions
3834 Optimal Scaling of Dynamic Safety Zones for Collaborative Robotics
3874 3D Collision-Force-Map for Safe Human-Robot Collaboration
1751 Safe, Passive Control for Mechanical Systems with Application to Physical Human-Robot Interactions
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Detection
488 Collision Detection, Identification, and Localization on the DLR SARA Robot with Sensing Redundancy
2319 CSM: Contact Sensitivity Maps for Benchmarking Robot Collision Handling Systems
1856 A Data-Driven Approach for Contact Detection, Classification and Reaction in Physical Human-Robot Collaboration
2309 Pointing at Moving Robots: Detecting Events from Wrist IMU Data
Session Field Robotics: Agricultural Applications
704 PATHoBot: A Robot for Glasshouse Crop Phenotyping and Intervention
859 Using Depth Information and Colour Space Variations for Improving Outdoor Robustness for Instance Segmentation of Cabbage
3459 Joint Plant Instance Detection and Leaf Count Estimation for In-Field Plant Phenotyping
1918 MP-STSP: A Multi-Platform Steiner Traveling Salesman Problem Formulation for Precision Agriculture in Orchards
Session Field Robotics: Mobile Robots
206 Behavior-Tree-Based Person Search for Symbiotic Autonomous Mobile Robot Tasks
1546 Integration of a Human-Aware Risk-Based Braking System into an Open-Field Mobile Robot
777 Online Velocity Fluctuation of Off-Road Wheeled Mobile Robots: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
3425 Information-Driven Gas Source Localization Exploiting Gas and Wind Local Measurements for Autonomous Mobile Robots
Session Dynamics and Control I
3279 Switching Control in Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Robots
3970 Smith-Predictor-Based Torque Control of a Rolling Diaphragm Hydrostatic Transmission
3870 A Unified MPC Framework for Whole-Body Dynamic Locomotion and Manipulation
4041 Speed Gain in Elastic Joint Robots: An Energy Conversion-Based Approach
Session Control for Multi-Robot Systems
1970 A Finite-Gain Stable Multi-Agent Robot Control Framework with Adaptive Authority Allocation
3894 Decentralized Connectivity Maintenance with Time Delays Using Control Barrier Functions
3399 Haptic-Enabled Decentralized Control of a Heterogeneous Human-Robot Team for Search and Rescue in Partially-Known Environments
3548 Multi-Robot Implicit Control of Herds
Session Control Theory II
4116 Actuating Eigenmanifolds of Conservative Mechanical Systems Via Bounded or Impulsive Control Actions
1593 Robust Frequency-Based Structure Extraction
1499 A Hybrid Collision Model for Safety Collision Control
4221 Jerk Control of Floating Base Systems with Contact-Stable Parametrised Force Feedback (I)
Session Computer Vision for Automation
3237 A Metric Space Perspective on Self-Supervised Policy Adaptation
158 Efficient Recovery of Multi-Camera Motion from Two Affine Correspondences
1776 Dynamic-Aware Autonomous Exploration in Populated Environments
721 Goal-Conditioned End-To-End Visuomotor Control for Versatile Skill Primitives
Session Aerial Systems: Mechanics and Control
3704 Novel Omnidirectional Aerial Manipulator with Elastic Suspension: Dynamic Control and Experimental Performance Assessment
1216 Improving Dynamics of an Aerial Manipulator with Elastic Suspension Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control
3402 Design of the High-Payload Flapping Wing Robot E-Flap
697 Pneumatic-Mechanical Systems in UAVs: Autonomous Power Line Sensor Unit Deployment
Session Aerial Systems: Perception and Autonomy
1845 Combined System Identification and State Estimation for a Quadrotor UAV
3668 Geometry-Aware Compensation Scheme for Morphing Drones
3667 Autonomous Quadrotor Flight Despite Rotor Failure with Onboard Vision Sensors: Frames vs. Events
2161 SplatPlanner: Efficient Autonomous Exploration Via Permutohedral Frontier Filtering
Session Aerial Robotics: Control I
1709 Fast Sampling-Based Next-Best-View Exploration Algorithm for a MAV
306 Neuromorphic Control for Optic-Flow-Based Landing of MAVs Using the Loihi Processor
1645 Event-Driven Vision and Control for UAVs on a Neuromorphic Chip
3126 Deep Neuromorphic Controller with Dynamic Topology for Aerial Robots
Session Rehabilitation and Assistive Robotics II
3628 A Variable Soft Finger Exoskeleton for Quantifying Fatigue-Induced Mechanical Impedance
3538 A Constant-Force End-Effector with Online Force Adjustment for Robotic Ultrasonography
3603 Affordance-Aware Handovers with Human Arm Mobility Constraints
3315 Wearable Integrated Soft Haptics in a Prosthetic Socket
Session Rehabilitation and Assistive Robotics V
4100 Toward Seamless Transitions between Shared Control and Supervised Autonomy in Robotic Assistance
1736 Computing the Positioning Error of an Upper-Arm Robotic Prosthesis from the Observation of Its Wearer's Posture
1868 Intent-Aware Control in Kinematically Redundant Systems: Towards Collaborative Wearable Robots
3771 Foot Placement Prediction for Assistive Walking by Fusing Sequential 3D Gaze and Environmental Context
Session Motion Prediction
687 Design, Development and Validation of a Dynamic Fall Prediction System for Excavators
1953 Feasible and Adaptive Multimodal Trajectory Prediction with Semantic Maneuver Fusion
1945 Exploiting Latent Representation of Sparse Semantic Layers for Improved Short-Term Motion Prediction with Capsule Networks
3945 Movement Recognition and Prediction Using DMPs
Session Motion Planning: Control
813 Whole Body Model Predictive Control with Memory of Motion: Experiments on a Torque-Controlled TALOS
2135 Constraint Handling in Continuous-Time DDP-Based Model Predictive Control
1437 Sparsity-Inducing Optimal Control Via Differential Dynamic Programming
1849 A Passive Navigation Planning Algorithm for Collision-Free Control of Mobile Robots
Session Motion Planning III
200 Expansive Voronoi Tree: A Motion Planner for Assembly Sequence Planning
783 MS2MP: A Min-Sum Message Passing Algorithm for Motion Planning
707 Cubic Bézier Local Path Planner for Non-Holonomic Feasible and Comfortable Path Generation
711 Voxplan: A 3D Global Planner Using Signed Distance Function Submaps
Session Motion Control for Manipulators II
4044 Globally Optimal Online Redundancy Resolution for Serial 7-DOF Kinematics Along SE(3) Trajectories
185 A Real-Time-Capable Closed-Form Multi-Objective Redundancy Resolution Scheme for Seven-DoF Serial Manipulators
496 Robot Arm Motion Planning Based on Geodesics
878 FlexDMP - Extending Dynamic Movement Primitives towards Flexible Joint Robots
Session Mapping I
1785 ManhattanSLAM: Robust Planar Tracking and Mapping Leveraging Mixture of Manhattan Frames
3473 Multi-Resolution 3D Mapping with Explicit Free Space Representation for Fast and Accurate Mobile Robot Motion Planning
2235 Weighted Node Mapping and Localisation on a Pixel Processor Array
4210 Direct Sparse Mapping (I)
Session Localization III
1698 SoftMP: Attentive Feature Pooling for Joint Local Feature Detection and Description for Place Recognition in Changing Environments
3442 Resolving Place Recognition Inconsistencies Using Intra-Set Similarities
1992 Beyond ANN: Exploiting Structural Knowledge for Efficient Place Recognition
999 Simultaneous Multi-Level Descriptor Learning and Semantic Segmentation for Domain-Specific Relocalization
Session Localization and Mapping: LiDAR
3746 Robust LiDAR Feature Localization for Autonomous Vehicles Using Geometric Fingerprinting on Open Datasets
175 RADIATE: A Radar Dataset for Automotive Perception in Bad Weather
646 Poisson Surface Reconstruction for LiDAR Odometry and Mapping
1965 Lidar-Monocular Surface Reconstruction Using Line Segments
Session Legged Robots III
1351 Balancing on a Springy Leg
3195 Gyrubot: Nonanthropomorphic Stabilization for a Biped
4204 Feasible Region: An Actuation-Aware Extension of the Support Region (I)
1475 A Novel Method for Computing the 3D Friction Cone Using Complimentary Constraints
Session Learning-Based Manipulation III
1166 Learning Behavior Trees with Genetic Programming in Unpredictable Environments
3346 Active Learning of Bayesian Probabilistic Movement Primitives
795 Learning Efficient Constraint Graph Sampling for Robotic Sequential Manipulation
1565 Coarse-To-Fine Imitation Learning: Robot Manipulation from a Single Demonstration
Session Learning to Predict
3325 Combining Events and Frames Using Recurrent Asynchronous Multimodal Networks for Monocular Depth Prediction
857 Predicting Disparity Distributions
379 Scoring Graspability Based on Grasp Regression for Better Grasp Prediction
1178 MonoSOD: Monocular Salient Object Detection Based on Predicted Depth
Session Humanoids and Animaloids IV
3238 Fast Footstep Planning with Aborting A*
4104 Stiffness Modulation in a Humanoid Robotic Leg and Knee
1200 Exploiting Visual Servoing and Centroidal Momentum for Whole-Body Motion Control of Humanoid Robots in Absence of Contacts and Gravity
3975 Variable Horizon MPC with Swing Foot Dynamics for Bipedal Walking Control
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Simulation and Experiment
748 Virtual Adversarial Humans Finding Hazards in Robot Workplaces
1622 Crowd against the Machine: A Simulation-Based Benchmark Tool to Evaluate and Compare Robot Capabilities to Navigate a Human Crowd
4198 Roboticists and Reporters. a Rhetorical Experiment at the Cité Des Sciences Et De l' Industrie (Paris, France) (I)
3918 DROID: Minimizing the Reality Gap Using Single-Shot Human Demonstration
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Haptics
4170 A Unified Perception Benchmark for Capacitive Proximity Sensing towards Safe Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC)
751 Learning Human-Like Hand Reaching for Human-Robot Handshaking
872 Simultaneous Haptic Guidance and Learning of Task Parameters During Robotic Teleoperation - a Geometrical Approach
1620 Human-Like Artificial Skin Sensor for Physical Human-Robot Interaction
Session Human-Robot Interaction II
3912 A Reversible Dynamic Movement Primitive Formulation
3829 A Safety-Aware Kinodynamic Architecture for Human-Robot Collaboration
4161 A Human-Centered Dynamic Scheduling Architecture for Collaborative Application
916 Towards Efficient Human-Robot Cooperation for Socially-Aware Robot Navigation in Human-Populated Environments: The SNAPE Framework
Session Grasping I
3232 Contact Space Computation of Two-Finger Gravity Based Caging Grasps Security Measure
1688 Analysis of Open-Loop Grasping from Piles
41 Human Initiated Grasp Space Exploration Algorithm for an Underactuated Robot Gripper Using Variational Autoencoder
679 An Underactuated Gripper Based on Car Differentials for Self-Adaptive Grasping with Passive Disturbance Rejection
Session Field Robotics II
140 Data-Driven Sea State Estimation for Vessels Using Multi-Domain Features from Motion Responses
1795 A Fault Tolerant Control Architecture Based on Fault Trees for an Underwater Robot Executing Transect Missions
3714 How to Train Your Heron
867 Robust Underwater Visual SLAM Fusing Acoustic Sensing
Session Control of Manipulation I
1959 Real-Time Friction Estimation for Grip Force Control
1961 Uncertainty-Aware Deep Learning for Robot Touch: Application to Bayesian Tactile Servo Control
2156 Towards Integrated Tactile Sensorimotor Control in Anthropomorphic Soft Robotic Hands
3393 Simultaneous Tactile Exploration and Grasp Refinement for Unknown Objects
Session Control of Manipulation II
325 An Efficient Approach to Closed-Loop Shape Control of Deformable Objects Using Finite Element Models
547 Learning Stable Normalizing-Flow Control for Robotic Manipulation
1886 Model Predictive Robot-Environment Interaction Control for Mobile Manipulation Tasks
3570 Bilateral Teleoperation with Adaptive Impedance Control for Contact Tasks
Session Computer Vision in Medical Robotics
3014 Towards Standardized Acquisition with a Dual-Probe Ultrasound Robot for Fetal Imaging
3501 A Kinematic Bottleneck Approach for Pose Regression of Flexible Surgical Instruments Directly from Images
3100 Robotic Instrument Segmentation with Image-To-Image Translation
2890 Surgical Gesture Recognition Based on Bidirectional Multi-Layer Independently RNN with Explainable Spatial Feature Extraction
Session Autonomous Navigation III
3210 Mesh Manifold Based Riemannian Motion Planning for Omnidirectional Micro Aerial Vehicles
1653 What Data Do We Need for Training an AV Motion Planner?
1486 Learn to Path: Using Neural Networks to Predict Dubins Path Characteristics for Aerial Vehicles in Wind
4001 Where to Go Next: Learning a Subgoal Recommendation Policy for Navigation among Pedestrians
Session Automation and Industrial Robotics
817 Automated Generation of Robot Trajectories for Assembly Processes Requiring Only Sparse Manual Input
822 Benchmarking Real-Time Capabilities of ROS 2 and OROCOS for Robotics Applications
1640 The KIT Gripper: A Multi-Functional Gripper for Disassembly Tasks
1644 In-Process Workpiece Geometry Estimation for Robotic Arc Welding Based on Supervised Learning for Multi-Sensor Inputs
Session Aerial Robotics: Detection
3089 Context-Dependent Anomaly Detection for Low Altitude Traffic Surveillance
3724 GridNet: Image-Agnostic Conditional Anomaly Detection for Indoor Surveillance
1354 Autonomous Flying into Buildings in a Firefighting Scenario
3664 LoLa-SLAM: Low-Latency LiDAR SLAM Using Continuous Scan Slicing
Session Perception for Manipulation II
507 Polyhedral Friction Cone Estimator for Object Manipulation
3303 Interpretability in Contact-Rich Manipulation Via Kinodynamic Images
3228 Differentiable Simulation for Physical System Identification
4094 Few-Shot Model-Based Adaptation in Noisy Conditions
Session Reinforcement Learning for Robotics II
1572 Model-Free Reinforcement Learning for Stochastic Games with Linear Temporal Logic Objectives
2329 Secure Planning against Stealthy Attacks Via Model-Free Reinforcement Learning
4014 Harmonic-Based Optimal Motion Planning in Constrained Workspaces Using Reinforcement Learning
4208 Reward Learning from Very Few Demonstrations (I)
528 Hierarchies of Planning and Reinforcement Learning for Robot Navigation
Session Multi-Robot Systems II
4213 WRAPP-Up: A Dual-Arm Robot for Intralogistics (I)
1518 A Laser-Based Dual-Arm System for Precise Control of Collaborative Robots
1624 Near-Optimal Multi-Robot Motion Planning with Finite Sampling
700 Whole-Body Real-Time Motion Planning for Multicopters
Session Motion Planning: Kinematics and Dynamics
3636 The Virtual Wheel Concept for the Singularity-Free Kinematic and Dynamic Modeling of Pseudo-Omnidirectional Vehicles
1550 Collision-Free MPC for Legged Robots in Static and Dynamic Scenes
3506 Temporal Coupling of Dynamical Movement Primitives for Constrained Velocities and Accelerations
1848 Obstacle Avoidance with Kinetic Energy Buffer
Session Motion Planning V
1694 Learning from Simulation, Racing in Reality
1547 Equality Constrained Differential Dynamic Programming
3982 Learning Constrained Distributions of Robot Configurations with Generative Adversarial Network
3205 Shape-Preserving and Reactive Adaptation of Robot End-Effector Trajectories
Session Motion Estimation
766 Unsupervised 3D Motion Estimation of Vehicles Using ICP
2558 CNN-Based Ego-Motion Estimation for Fast MAV Maneuvers
1440 Mid-Air Range-Visual-Inertial Estimator Initialization for Micro Air Vehicles
627 Pose Estimation for Vehicle-Mounted Cameras Via Horizontal and Vertical Planes
Session Mapping II
294 Dynamic Occupancy Grid Mapping with Recurrent Neural Networks
1559 Automatic Mapping of Tailored Landmark Representations for Automated Driving and Map Learning
1189 Lightweight Semantic Mesh Mapping for Autonomous Vehicles
392 LatentSLAM: Unsupervised Multi-Sensor Representation Learning for Localization and Mapping
Session Machine Learning for Robotic Applications
901 Robot in a China Shop: Using Reinforcement Learning for Location-Specific Navigation Behaviour
1931 Model Identification of a Small Fully-Actuated Aquatic Surface Vehicle Using a Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network
3362 Real-Time Trajectory Adaptation for Quadrupedal Locomotion Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
1520 Robust Iterative Learning Control for Pneumatic Muscle with State Constraint and Model Uncertainty
Session Localization and Mapping: Point Cloud
4079 SKD: Keypoint Detection for Point Clouds Using Saliency Estimation
3105 Panoster: End-To-End Panoptic Segmentation of LiDAR Point Clouds
873 NDT-Transformer: Large-Scale 3D Point Cloud Localisation Using the Normal Distribution Transform Representation
2988 PHASER: A Robust and Correspondence-Free Global Pointcloud Registration
Session Legged Robots IV
2873 Implementation of a Reactive Walking Controller for the New Open-Hardware Quadruped Solo-12
1663 Imitation Learning from MPC for Quadrupedal Multi-Gait Control
1612 Comparison of Predictive Controllers for Locomotion and Balance Recovery of Quadruped Robots
3144 Locomotion Adaptation in Heavy Payload Transportation Tasks with the Quadruped Robot CENTAURO
Session Learning-Based Manipulation IX
2706 Efficient Self-Supervised Data Collection for Offline Robot Learning
3799 Total Singulation with Modular Reinforcement Learning
889 Active Inference for Integrated State-Estimation, Control, and Learning
1150 Robot Program Parameter Inference Via Differentiable Shadow Program Inversion
Session Learning-Based Control I
4214 Interactive Learning of Temporal Features for Control (I)
2000 A Fully Spiking Neural Control System Based on Cerebellar Predictive Learning for Sensor-Guided Robots
2080 Learning to Steer a Locomotion Contact Planner
924 Learning Shape Control of Elastoplastic Deformable Linear Objects
Session Humanoids and Animaloids VI
3330 Precise Jump Planning Using Centroidal Dynamics Based Bilevel Optimization
701 DeepWalk: Omnidirectional Bipedal Gait by Deep Reinforcement Learning
2345 ULT-Model: Towards a One-Legged Unified Locomotion Template Model for Forward Hopping with an Upright Trunk
2788 Nonlinear Stiffness Allows Passive Dynamic Hopping for One-Legged Robots with an Upright Trunk
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Task Planning
1897 Task Planning with a Weighted Functional Object-Oriented Network
3756 Haptic-Guided Path Generation for Remote Car-Like Vehicles
3881 Task-Based Role Adaptation for Human-Robot Cooperative Object Handling
3831 Towards Providing Explanations for Robot Motion Planning
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Learning
1925 Engagement Estimation During Child Robot Interaction Using Deep Convolutional Networks Focusing on ASD Children
3344 Ergodic Imitation: Learning from What to Do and What Not to Do
2766 Imitation Learning with Inconsistent Demonstrations through Uncertainty-Based Data Manipulation
1887 Learning Motor Resonance in Human-Human and Human-Robot Interaction with Coupled Dynamical Systems
Session Human-Robot Interaction X
1979 Interpreting Contact Interactions to Overcome Failure in Robot Assembly Task
3156 Decentralized Ability-Aware Adaptive Control for Multi-Robot Collaborative Manipulation
3891 Learning Interaction-Aware Trajectory Predictions for Decentralized Multi-Robot Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments
1561 Real-Time Surgical Environment Enhancement for Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery Based on Super-Resolution
Session Human-Robot Interaction VI
1266 Composing HARMONI: An Open-Source Tool for Human and Robot Modular OpeN Interaction
3876 Robot Interaction Studio: A Platform for Unsupervised HRI
3949 MorphFace: A Hybrid Morphable Face for a Robopatient
394 Which Gesture Generator Performs Better?
Session Field Robotics IV
3248 Predicting the Time Until a Vehicle Changes the Lane Using LSTM-Based Recurrent Neural Networks
1253 Robot-Supervised Learning of Crop Row Segmentation
3457 Deep Regression versus Detection for Counting in Robotic Phenotyping
397 Neural Network Controller for Autonomous Pile Loading Revised
Session Continuum Robotics III
1941 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Concentric Tube Robot Control with a Goal-Based Curriculum
1369 Optimized 3D Path Planner for Steerable Catheters with Deductive Reasoning
1442 Robotic Electrospinning Actuated by Non-Circular Joint Continuum Manipulator for Endoluminal Therapy
4191 Autonomous Steering of Concentric Tube Robots Via Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (I)
Session Distributed Robotic Systems
3491 Distributed Full-Consensus Control of Multi-Robot Systems with Range and Field-Of-View Constraints
1598 Scalable Recursive Distributed Collaborative State Estimation for Aided Inertial Navigation
3897 Distributed Multi-Target Tracking in Camera Networks
1564 GenGrid: A Generalised Distributed Experimental Environmental Grid for Swarm Robotics
Session Contact and Collision Control
2915 Overload Clutch Design for Collision Tolerant High-Speed Industrial Robots
3497 Safe Impacts with Soft Contacts Based on Learned Deformations
3567 A State-Dependent Damping Method to Reduce Collision Force and Its Variability
661 Contact Forces Preintegration for Estimation in Legged Robotics Using Factor Graphs
Session Autonomous Navigation II
1686 Amortized Q-Learning with Model-Based Action Proposals for Autonomous Driving on Highways
1976 Decision Making for Autonomous Driving Via Augmented Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning
515 Interpretable Goal-Based Prediction and Planning for Autonomous Driving
3855 Encoding Human Driving Styles in Motion Planning for Autonomous Vehicles
Session Control Theory III
1949 Spherical Multi-Modal Place Recognition for Heterogeneous Sensor Systems
3672 A Multi-Resolution Frontier-Based Planner for Autonomous 3D Exploration
1529 A Direct Collocation Method for Optimization of EMG-Driven Wrist Muscle Musculoskeletal Model
4211 A Simple Visual-Servoing Task on a Low-Accuracy, Low-Cost Arm (I)
Session Aerial Robotics: Optimization
841 Practical and Accurate Generation of Energy-Optimal Trajectories for a Planar Quadrotor
2312 Optimization-Based Trajectory Planning for Tethered Aerial Robots
3961 A Novel Robust Hexarotor Capable of Static Hovering in Presence of Propeller Failure
3959 Optimal Tuning of the Lateral-Dynamics Parameters for Aerial Vehicles with Bounded Lateral Force
Session Soft Robotics for Delicate and Dexterous Manipulation
Session CESAR: Committee to Explore Synergies in Automation and Robotics
Session Three-Year Journey of Tencent Robotics X in Robot Locomotion Research
Session Learning Humanoid Manipulation from Humans
Session Automation and Industry 4.0 Strategies for Logistic and Transportation

Session I, Continuum Robot
Session Cognitive Robotics Award Session
1276 Learning Task Space Actions for Bipedal Locomotion
1283 Learning Sampling Distributions Using Local 3D Workspace Decompositions for Motion Planning in High Dimensions
1290 Auto-Tuned Sim-To-Real Transfer
4552 How to Select and Use Tools? : Active Perception of Target Objects Using Multimodal Deep Learning
Session Medical Robotics Award Session
13346 Relational Graph Learning on Visual and Kinematics Embeddings for Accurate Gesture Recognition in Robotic Surgery
10413 Integrated Voluntary-Reactive Control of a Human-SuperLimb Hybrid System for Hemiplegic Patient Support
12387 Autonomous Robotic Suction to Clear the Surgical Field for Hemostasis Using Image-Based Blood Flow Detection
12110 A Fluidic Soft Robot for Needle Guidance and Motion Compensation in Intratympanic Steroid Injections
Session Multi-Robotic Systems Award Session
8934 Optimal Sequential Stochastic Deployment of Multiple Passenger Robots
9204 Self-Organized Evasive Fountain Maneuvers with a Bioinspired Underwater Robot Collective
9212 Learning Multi-Arm Manipulation through Collaborative Teleoperation
13142 Vision-Based Self-Assembly for Modular Multirotor Structures
Session Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Award Session
8806 Pylot: A Modular Platform for Exploring Latency-Accuracy Tradeoffs in Autonomous Vehicles
138 Motor and Perception Constrained NMPC for Torque-Controlled Generic Aerial Vehicles
290 Aerial Manipulator Pushing a Movable Structure Using a DOB-Based Robust Controller
12860 Dynamically Feasible Task Space Planning for Underactuated Aerial Manipulators
Session Manipulation and Grasping I
2389 Grasp Analysis and Manipulation Kinematics for Isoperimetric Truss Robots
2729 Improving Grasp Classification through Spatial Metrics Available from Sensors
2194 Assistive Supernumerary Grasping with the Back of the Hand
3803 Robotic Pick-And-Place with Uncertain Object Instance Segmentation and Shape Completion
Session Machine Learning I
1446 MCMC Occupancy Grid Mapping with a Data-Driven Patch Prior
1721 Shape-Based Transfer of Generic Skills
1791 Safety Uncertainty in Control Barrier Functions Using Gaussian Processes
2557 Object Rearrangement Using Learned Implicit Collision Functions
Session Localization and Mapping: Sensor Fusion II
897 Visual-Laser-Inertial SLAM Using a Compact 3D Scanner for Confined Space
1296 Efficient Multi-Sensor Aided Inertial Navigation with Online Calibration
1613 Robust Monocular Visual-Inertial Depth Completion for Embedded Systems
3609 Range-Visual-Inertial Odometry: Scale Observability without Excitation
Session Localization and Mapping VIII
404 Simultaneous Estimation and Modeling of Robotic Systems with Non-Gaussian State Belief
1549 Efficient Online Calibration for Autonomous Vehicle's Longitudinal Dynamical System: A Gaussian Model Approach
2104 Fuzzing Mobile Robot Environments for Fast Automated Crash Detection
3566 Multimodal Safety-Critical Scenarios Generation for Decision-Making Algorithms Evaluation
Session Legged Robots I
4141 Optimal Estimation of the Centroidal Dynamics of Legged Robots
3840 A Unified Optimization Framework and New Set of Performance Metrics for Robot Leg Design
4137 A Novel Model Predictive Control Framework Using Dynamic Model Decomposition Applied to Dynamic Legged Locomotion
4090 Generating Continuous Motion and Force Plans in Real-Time for Legged Mobile Manipulation
Session Learning-Based Manipulation II
1825 Robots of the Lost Arc: Self-Supervised Learning to Dynamically Manipulate Fixed-Endpoint Cables
1048 Learning to Rearrange Deformable Cables, Fabrics, and Bags with Goal-Conditioned Transporter Networks
2326 A Joint Network for Grasp Detection Conditioned on Natural Language Commands
1083 ReLMoGen: Integrating Motion Generation in Reinforcement Learning for Mobile Manipulation
Session Learning-Based Control
946 Efficient Reachability Analysis of Closed-Loop Systems with Neural Network Controllers
4042 Reachability-Based Trajectory Safeguard (RTS): A Safe and Fast Reinforcement Learning Safety Layer for Continuous Control
3302 Neural Identification for Control
3519 Learning Variable Impedance Control Via Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Force-Related Tasks
Session Humanoid and Bipedal Locomotion II
2822 Motion Planning and Feedback Control for Bipedal Robots Riding a Snakeboard
996 Global Position Control on Underactuated Bipedal Robots: Step-To-Step Dynamics Approximation for Step Planning
1892 One-Step Ahead Prediction of Angular Momentum about the Contact Point for Control of Bipedal Locomotion: Validation in a LIP-Inspired Controller
2280 Hybrid Sampling/Optimization-Based Planning for Agile Jumping Robots on Challenging Terrains
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Robot Navigation II
785 Investigation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Gesture Perceptibility and Impact of Viewpoint Variance
2672 Watch Where You're Going! Gaze and Head Orientation As Predictors for Social Robot Navigation
2427 Can a Robot Trust You? a DRL-Based Approach to Personality-Driven, Human-Guided Navigation
2628 Mesh Based Analysis of Low Fractal Dimension Reinforcement Learning Policies
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Medical Robots and Systems II
3747 Variable Impedance Control for pHRI: Impact on Stability, Agility, and Human Effort in Controlling a Wearable Ankle Robot
3941 Design and Validation of a Novel Exoskeleton Hand Interface: The Eminence Grip
3445 Entrainment During Human Locomotion Using a Soft Wearable Ankle Robot
414 Active Telepresence Assistance for Supervisory Control: A User Study with a Multi-Camera Tele-Nursing Robot
Session Human-Robot Interaction V
591 Force-Sensing Tensegrity for Investigating Physical Human-Robot Interaction in Compliant Robotic Systems
3828 Risk-Aware Decision Making for Service Robots to Minimize Risk of Patient Falls in Hospitals
2107 Haptic Feedback Improves Human-Robot Agreement and User Satisfaction in Shared-Autonomy Teleoperation
4091 Effect of Robot Assistance, Operator Cognitive Fatigue, and Sex on Task Efficiency, Workload, and Situation Awareness in Human-Robot Collaboration
Session Field Robotics: Control
2551 Environment Reconfiguration Planning for Autonomous Robotic Manipulation to Overcome Mobility Constraints
4185 On Null Space-Based Inverse Kinematics Techniques for Fleet Management: Toward Time-Varying Task Activation (I)
3352 LaND: Learning to Navigate from Disengagements
1717 Adaptive Sampling Using POMDPs with Domain-Specific Considerations
Session Human-Centered Robotics I
255 Human Arm Stability in Relation to Damping-Defined Mechanical Environments in Physical Interaction with a Robotic Arm
2645 Conditioning Style on Substance: Plans for Narrative Observation
3944 Negative Emotion Management Using a Smart Shirt and a Robot Assistant
3877 Corrective Shared Autonomy for Addressing Task Variability
Session Field Robotics I
3976 SLIP Walking Over Rough Terrain Via H-LIP Stepping and Backstepping-Barrier Function Inspired Quadratic Program
3980 DeepQ Stepper: A Framework for Reactive Dynamic Walking on Uneven Terrain
1984 Wetland Soil Strength Tester and Core Sampler Using a Drone
616 Backstepping and Sliding Mode Control for AUVs Aided with Bioinspired Neurodynamics
Session Continuum Robotics I
3331 Learning-Based Inverse Kinematics from Shape As Input for Concentric Tube Continuum Robots
3446 Effect of External and Internal Loads on Tension Loss of Tendon-Driven Continuum Manipulators
4058 Using Euler Curves to Model Continuum Robots
4128 Optimal Design of Continuum Robots with Reachability Constraints
Session Data-Driven Model Estimation
3241 Efficient Dynamics Estimation with Adaptive Model Sets
1744 Data-Driven Actuator Selection for Artificial Muscle-Powered Robots
1946 EMG-Based Neural Network Model of Human Arm Dynamics in a Haptic Training Simulator of Sinus Endoscopy
2450 Multimodal Dynamics Modeling for Off-Road Autonomous Vehicles
Session Aerial Robotics: Space Robotics and Automation
1105 An Anytime Algorithm for Chance Constrained Stochastic Shortest Path Problems and Its Application to Aircraft Routing
2105 An Intention Guided Hierarchical Framework for Trajectory-Based Teleoperation of Mobile Robots
3698 Dynamically Feasible Task Space Planning for Underactuated Aerial Manipulators
3702 Distance Estimation Using Self-Induced Noise of an Aerial Vehicle
Session Optimization
3264 A Complete, Accurate and Efficient Solution for the Perspective-N-Line Problem
3246 Accelerating Robot Dynamics Gradients on a CPU, GPU, and FPGA
289 Accelerating Combinatorial Filter Reduction through Constraints
3032 Persistent Covering with Latency and Energy Constraints
Session Aerial Robotics: Sensing and Control I
410 MorphEyes: Variable Baseline Stereo for Quadrotor Navigation
563 A Drive-Through Recharging Strategy for a Quadrotor
1420 Continuous-Time State & Dynamics Estimation Using a Pseudo-Spectral Parameterization
3960 Use of a MEMS Differential Pressure Sensor to Detect Ground, Ceiling, and Walls on Small Quadrotors
Session Active Perception in Robotics
2244 Active Bayesian Multi-Class Mapping from Range and Semantic Segmentation Observations
1827 Attention-Based Probabilistic Planning with Active Perception
2719 Search-Based Planning for Active Sensing in Goal-Directed Coverage Tasks
3671 Bearing-Only Active Sensing under Merged Measurements
Session Marine Robotics
3214 Autonomous Data Collection with Timed Communication Constraints for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles
536 Docking and Undocking a Modular Underactuated Oscillating Swimming Robot
757 Predictive 3D Sonar Mapping of Underwater Environments Via Object-Specific Bayesian Inference
767 Self-Organized Evasive Fountain Maneuvers with a Bioinspired Underwater Robot Collective
Session Manipulation: Measurement
1473 Mass Estimation of a Moving Object through Minimal Manipulation Interaction
2384 GelSight Wedge: Measuring High-Resolution 3D Contact Geometry with a Compact Robot Finger
2801 Identifying External Contacts from Joint Torque Measurements on Serial Robotic Arms and Its Limitations
3974 Cable-Driven Parallel Robot Pose Estimation Using Extended Kalman Filtering with Inertial Payload Measurements
Session Manipulation: Planning I
828 Contact Mode Guided Sampling-Based Planning for Quasistatic Dexterous Manipulation in 2D
905 KPAM-SC: Generalizable Manipulation Planning Using KeyPoint Affordance and Shape Completion
1835 Alternative Paths Planner (APP) for Provably Fixed-Time Manipulation Planning in Semi-Structured Environments
1866 Hierarchical Planning for Long-Horizon Manipulation with Geometric and Symbolic Scene Graphs
Session Manipulation I
535 Contact Localization for Robot Arms in Motion without Torque Sensing
1066 Semi-Infinite Programming with Complementarity Constraints for Pose Optimization with Pervasive Contact
1829 Finite Horizon Synthesis for Probabilistic Manipulation Domains
2169 IKEA Furniture Assembly Environment for Long-Horizon Complex Manipulation Tasks
Session Manipulation and Grasping II
47 Learning Dexterous Grasping with Object-Centric Visual Affordances
1329 Learning Collaborative Pushing and Grasping Policies in Dense Clutter
48 Grasping with Chopsticks: Combating Covariate Shift in Model-Free Imitation Learning for Fine Manipulation
2332 Learning Task-Oriented Dexterous Grasping from Human Knowledge
Session Machine Learning II
3038 Continual Learning of Knowledge Graph Embeddings
3076 Learning Topology from Synthetic Data for Unsupervised Depth Completion
3811 PTP: Parallelized Tracking and Prediction with Graph Neural Networks and Diversity Sampling
2684 Feedback Linearization for Quadrotors with a Learned Acceleration Error Model
Session Localization and Mapping: Sensor Fusion III
3580 Reconfigurable Curved Beams for Selectable Swimming Gaits in an Underwater Robot
883 Cirrus: A Long-Range Bi-Pattern LiDAR Dataset
1385 Airflow-Inertial Odometry for Resilient State Estimation on Multirotors
2418 π-LSAM: LiDAR Smoothing and Mapping with Planes
Session Localization and Mapping XI
3387 Do We Need to Compensate for Motion Distortion and Doppler Effects in Spinning Radar Navigation?
3448 Unsupervised Learning of Lidar Features for Use in a Probabilistic Trajectory Estimator
382 Robust Place Recognition Using an Imaging Lidar
803 High-Speed Robot Navigation Using Predicted Occupancy Maps
Session Legged Robots II
3986 Planning in Learned Latent Action Spaces for Generalizable Legged Locomotion
2162 The Fluid Field SLIP Model: Terrestrial-Aquatic Dynamic Legged Locomotion
514 Dynamics Randomization Revisited: A Case Study for Quadrupedal Locomotion
3139 Coupled Control Lyapunov Functions for Interconnected Systems, with Application to Quadrupedal Locomotion
Session Learning-Based Manipulation V
2659 Learning Multimodal Contact-Rich Skills from Demonstrations without Reward Engineering
3252 Keep It Simple: Data-Efficient Learning for Controlling Complex Systems with Simple Models
2028 DIPN: Deep Interaction Prediction Network with Application to Clutter Removal
3977 Toward Agile Maneuvers in Highly Constrained Spaces: Learning from Hallucination
Session Learning-Based Motion Planning I
1982 Learning Sampling Distributions Using Local 3D Workspace Decompositions for Motion Planning in High Dimensions
3531 Learning and Planning for Temporally Extended Tasks in Unknown Environments
904 Behavior Tree Learning for Robotic Task Planning through Monte Carlo DAG Search Over a Formal Grammar
2442 Improving Off-Road Planning Techniques with Learned Costs from Physical Interactions
Session Humanoid Robots
1081 A Comparison between Joint Space and Task Space Mappings for Dynamic Teleoperation of an Anthropomorphic Robotic Arm in Reaction Tests
3194 Real-Time Self-Collision Avoidance in Joint Space for Humanoid Robots
3337 Model Hierarchy Predictive Control of Robotic Systems
3987 Impedance Optimization for Uncertain Contact Interactions through Risk Sensitive Optimal Control
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Learning to Predict
789 Identifying Driver Interactions Via Conditional Behavior Prediction
2077 Autonomous Robotic Escort Incorporating Motion Prediction and Human Intention
2354 Two-Stage Clustering of Human Preferences for Action Prediction in Assembly Tasks
2416 Dynamically Switching Human Prediction Models for Efficient Planning
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Motion Planning
3063 A Scalable Approach to Predict Multi-Agent Motion for Human-Robot Collaboration
3656 Temporal Anticipation and Adaptation Methods for Fluent Human-Robot Teaming
1854 Robust Planning with Emergent Human-Like Behavior for Agents Traveling in Groups
3695 Order Matters: Generating Progressive Explanations for Planning Tasks in Human-Robot Teaming
Session Human-Robot Interaction IX
4101 Maximum Spectral Flatness Control of a Manipulandum for Human Motor System Identification
598 Learning from Demonstration for Real-Time User Goal Prediction and Assistive Shared Control
3198 Human-Aware Robot Task Planning Based on a Hierarchical Task Model
3490 Exploiting Natural Language for Efficient Risk-Aware Multi-Robot SaR Planning
Session Field Robotics: Machine Learning
4046 Meta Learning with Paired Forward and Inverse Models for Efficient Receding Horizon Control
1936 Reaching Pruning Locations in a Vine Using a Deep Reinforcement Learning Policy
3516 BADGR: An Autonomous Self-Supervised Learning-Based Navigation System
3762 A Generative Model-Based Predictive Display for Robotic Teleoperation
Session Human-Centered Robotics II
3104 A Robot Walks into a Bar: Automatic Robot Joke Success Assessment
3873 Reverse Psychology in Trust-Aware Human-Robot Interaction
3948 Hey Robot, Which Way Are You Going? Nonverbal Motion Legibility Cues for Human-Robot Interaction
3180 Robots Asking for Favors: The Effects of Directness and Familiarity on Persuasive HRI
Session Field Robotics III
40 Place Recognition in Forests with Urquhart Tessellations
2306 Detecting and Counting Oysters
2446 Autonomous Distributed 3D Radiation Field Estimation for Nuclear Environment Characterization
3317 Locomotion and Control of a Friction-Driven Tripedal Robot
Session Continuum Robotics II
3621 Design Considerations for a Steerable Needle Robot to Maximize Reachable Lung Volume
3067 An Active Steering Hand-Held Robotic System for Minimally Invasive Orthopaedic Surgery Using a Continuum Manipulator
3526 Design of a Reconfigurable Parallel Continuum Robot with Tendon-Actuated Kinematic Chains
4193 Design and Control of a Hand-Held Concentric Tube Robot for Minimally Invasive Surgery (I)
Session Dynamic Manipulation
2195 Nth Order Analytical Time Derivatives of Inverse Dynamics in Recursive and Closed Forms
4175 Robot Dynamics Identification: A Reproducible Comparison with Experiments on the KINOVA Jaco2 (I)
487 Efficient Configuration Exploration in Inverse Dynamics Acquisition of Robotic Manipulators
3412 Dynamic Manipulation of Deformable Objects with Implicit Integration
Session Aerial Robotics: Sensing and Control II
3740 UAV Localization Using Autoencoded Satellite Images
3058 Cooperative Transportation of Cable Suspended Payloads with MAVs Using Monocular Vision and Inertial Sensing
3709 Tracking and Relative Localization of Drone Swarms with a Vision-Based Headset
768 SelfDeco: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Completion in Challenging Indoor Environments
Session Automation: Sensors and Grasping
2477 Detect, Reject, Correct: Crossmodal Compensation of Corrupted Sensors
552 Advanced Sensing Development to Support Robot Accuracy Assessment and Improvement
2112 Robotic Grasping of Fully-Occluded Objects Using RF Perception
2494 A Simulation-Based Grasp Planner for Enabling Robotic Grasping During Composite Sheet Layup
Session Aerial Robotics: Design and Mechanism I
967 Collision-Free Vector Field Guidance and MPC for a Fixed-Wing UAV
222 Toward Impact-Resilient Quadrotor Design, Collision Characterization and Recovery Control to Sustain Flight after Collisions
2356 Soft Hybrid Aerial Vehicle Via Bistable Mechanism
2714 H-ModQuad: Modular Multi-Rotors with 4, 5, and 6 Controllable DOF
Session Adaptive Robotic Systems
1004 Robust Adaptive Synchronization of Interconnected Heterogeneous Quadrotors Transporting a Cable-Suspended Load
949 Adaptive Failure Search Using Critical States from Domain Experts
2648 Policy Transfer Via Kinematic Domain Randomization and Adaptation
4045 Uniform Complete Observability of Mass and Rotational Inertial Parameters in Adaptive Identification of Rigid-Body Plant Dynamics
Session Mechanism and Verification
335 Assumption Monitoring Using Runtime Verification for UAV Temporal Task Plan Executions
1000 Scalable POMDP Decision-Making Using Circulant Controllers
3413 Granular Resistive Force Theory Implementation for Three-Dimensional Trajectories
597 Implicit Integration for Articulated Bodies with Contact Via the Nonconvex Maximal Dissipation Principle
Session Manipulation: Reinforcement Learning I
296 Shaping Rewards for Reinforcement Learning with Imperfect Demonstrations Using Generative Models
2317 DisCo RL: Distribution-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning for General-Purpose Policies
4151 Recovery RL: Safe Reinforcement Learning with Learned Recovery Zones
2321 LASER: Learning a Latent Action Space for Efficient Reinforcement Learning
Session Manipulation: Planning II
1934 Region-Based Planning for 3D Within-Hand-Manipulation Via Variable Friction Robot Fingers and Extrinsic Contacts
2015 Planning for Multi-Stage Forceful Manipulation
2182 Towards Robust Planar Translations Using Delta-Manipulator Arrays
3673 Manipulation Planning among Movable Obstacles Using Physics-Based Adaptive Motion Primitives
Session Manipulation II
90 Robotic Grasping through Combined Image-Based Grasp Proposal and 3D Reconstruction
943 Attribute-Based Robotic Grasping with One-Grasp Adaptation
1026 Collision-Aware Target-Driven Object Grasping in Constrained Environments
1939 6-DoF Contrastive Grasp Proposal Network
Session Manipulation and Grasping III
161 Decision Making in Joint Push-Grasp Action Space for Large-Scale Object Sorting
240 Deep Affordance Foresight: Planning through What Can Be Done in the Future
1814 Learning Dense Rewards for Contact-Rich Manipulation Tasks
2612 ACRONYM: A Large-Scale Grasp Dataset Based on Simulation
Session Machine Learning Method for Navigation
3821 Bi-Directional Domain Adaptation for Sim2Real Transfer of Embodied Navigation Agents
2678 DWA-RL: Dynamically Feasible Deep Reinforcement Learning Policy for Robot Navigation among Mobile Obstacles
2106 Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving with Latent State Inference and Spatial-Temporal Relationships
3602 A Lifelong Learning Approach to Mobile Robot Navigation
Session Localization for Robotics
2539 Improving Ranging-Based Location Estimation with Rigidity-Constrained CRLB-Based Motion Planning
3864 Relative Position Estimation in Multi-Agent Systems Using Attitude-Coupled Range Measurements
3318 Vehicle-To-Vehicle Collaborative Graph-Based Proprioceptive Localization
4144 Rover Relocalization for Mars Sample Return by Virtual Template Synthesis and Matching
Session Localization and Mapping: Distributed Systems
3851 Invariant Extended Kalman Filtering Using Two Position Receivers for Extended Pose Estimation
891 Compartmentalized Covariance Intersection: A Novel Filter Architecture for Distributed Localization
3551 Optimizing Non-Markovian Information Gain under Physics-Based Communication Constraints
4168 Towards Robust State Estimation by Boosting the Maximum Correntropy Criterion Kalman Filter with Adaptive Behaviors
Session Localization and Mapping II
405 3D Motion Capture of an Unmodified Drone with Single-Chip Millimeter Wave Radar
1386 Zero-Shot Reinforcement Learning on Graphs for Autonomous Exploration under Uncertainty
2090 Fast Uncertainty Quantification for Deep Object Pose Estimation
1905 Mesh Reconstruction from Aerial Images for Outdoor Terrain Mapping Using Joint 2D-3D Learning
Session Learning-Based Manipulation VIII
2386 ECNNs: Ensemble Learning Methods for Improving Planar Grasp Quality Estimation
2689 Causal Reasoning in Simulation for Structure and Transfer Learning of Robot Manipulation Policies
2994 SuPer Deep: A Surgical Perception Framework for Robotic Tissue Manipulation Using Deep Learning for Feature Extraction
3418 An Affordance Keypoint Detection Network for Robot Manipulation
Session Learning-Based Motion Planning II
4019 Planning with Learned Dynamics: Probabilistic Guarantees on Safety and Reachability Via Lipschitz Constants
3992 Single-Query Path Planning Using Sample-Efficient Probability Informed Trees
3913 Learning from Imperfect Demonstrations from Agents with Varying Dynamics
571 Perceive, Attend, and Drive: Learning Spatial Attention for Safe Self-Driving
Session Humanoids and Animaloids
2803 Learning Human Objectives from Sequences of Physical Corrections
1863 SimGAN: Hybrid Simulator Identification for Domain Adaptation Via Adversarial Reinforcement Learning
3582 Look at My New Blue Force-Sensing Shoes!
3973 Learning Spring Mass Locomotion: Guiding Policies with a Reduced-Order Model
Session Human-Robots Interface System
632 UAV Target-Selection: 3D Pointing Interface System for Large-Scale Environment
3625 A Framework for Customizable Multi-User Teleoperated Control
2333 SQRP: Sensing Quality-Aware Robot Programming System for Non-Expert Programmers
2437 Automated Environment Reduction for Debugging Robotic Systems
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Multimedia
1732 ARROCH: Augmented Reality for Robots Collaborating with a Human
2193 ARC-LfD: Using Augmented Reality for Interactive Long-Term Robot Skill Maintenance Via Constrained Learning from Demonstration
343 Bringing WALL-E Out of the Silver Screen: Understanding How Transformative Robot Sound Affects Human Perception
386 How People Use Active Telepresence Cameras in Tele-Manipulation
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Robot Navigation I
3181 Socially-Compatible Behavior Design of Autonomous Vehicles with Verification on Real Human Data
2610 Social Navigation for Mobile Robots in the Emergency Department
977 Decentralized Structural-RNN for Robot Crowd Navigation with Deep Reinforcement Learning
1920 Range Limited Coverage Control Using Air-Ground Multi-Robot Teams
Session Human-Robot Interaction I
4163 Evaluating Guided Policy Search for Human-Robot Handovers
1338 Communication Strategy for Efficient Guidance Providing
2152 LBGP: Learning Based Goal Planning for Autonomous Following in Front
1737 Reactive Human-To-Robot Handovers of Arbitrary Objects
Session Human-Centered Robotics III
556 Smile Like You Mean It: Driving Animatronic Robotic Face with Learned Models
543 I Know What You Meant: Learning Human Objectives by (Under)estimating Their Choice Set
1857 Analyzing Human Models That Adapt Online
2183 When Shall I Be Empathetic? the Utility of Empathetic Parameter Estimation in Multi-Agent Interactions
Session Field Robotics: Perception
761 Three-Dimensional Terrain Aware Autonomous Exploration for Subterranean and Confined Spaces
853 Semantically-Aware Strategies for Stereo-Visual Robotic Obstacle Avoidance
2221 LiDARNet: A Boundary-Aware Domain Adaptation Model for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation
3367 Real-Time Navigation Using Virtual Magnetic Fields
Session Dynamics and Control III
925 Transition Motion Planning for Multi-Limbed Vertical Climbing Robots Using Complementarity Constraints
3841 Inverse Dynamics Control of Compliant Hybrid Zero Dynamic Walking
4043 Advantages of Bilinear Koopman Realizations for the Modeling and Control of Systems with Unknown Dynamics
3017 The Dynamic Effect of Mechanical Losses of Transmissions on the Equations of Motion of Legged Robots
Session Deep Learning in Robotics and Automation
1516 Stabilizing Neural Control Using Self-Learned Almost Lyapunov Critics
1616 Regularizing Action Policies for Smooth Control with Reinforcement Learning
1818 DeepReach: A Deep Learning Approach to High-Dimensional Reachability
3353 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Active Target Tracking
Session Autonomous Vehicle Navigation I
975 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Mapless Navigation of a Hybrid Aerial Underwater Vehicle with Medium Transition
2158 NF-iSAM: Incremental Smoothing and Mapping Via Normalizing Flows
3616 UPSLAM: Union of Panoramas SLAM
1913 RELLIS-3D Dataset: Data, Benchmarks and Analysis
Session Automation: Machine Learning I
1310 Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with Provable Safety Guarantees Via Control Barrier Functions
176 Continual Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with Hypernetworks
81 Reinforcement Learning Based Temporal Logic Control with Maximum Probabilistic Satisfaction
862 Solving Markov Decision Processes with Partial State Abstractions
Session Aerial Robotics: Learning and Adaptive Systems
3176 Learning-Based Bias Correction for Time Difference of Arrival Ultra-Wideband Localization of Resource-Constrained Mobile Robots
2585 CVaR-Based Flight Energy Risk Assessment for Multirotor UAVs Using a Deep Energy Model
815 Hypergame-Based Adaptive Behavior Path Planning for Combined Exploration and Visual Search
2019 Morphologically Adapatative Quad-Rotor towards Acquiring High-Performance Flight: A Comparative Study and Validation
Session Automation: Performance Metrics
283 Beelines: Motion Prediction Metrics for Self-Driving Safety and Comfort
3226 From Manual Operation to Collaborative Robot Assembly: An Integrated Model of Productivity and Ergonomic Performance
4115 Performance Metrics Calculation for Assembly Systems with Exponential Reliability Machines
893 Learning Seed Placements and Automation Policies for Polyculture Farming with Companion Plants
Session Mechanism Design VII
3776 Exploratory Hand: Leveraging Safe Contact to Facilitate Manipulation in Cluttered Spaces
1875 A General-Purpose Anomalous Scenario Synthesizer for Rotary Equipment
1796 An Autonomous Vault-Building Robot System for Creating Spanning Structures
2687 Towards the Unification of System Design and Motion Synthesis for High-Performance Hopping Robots
Session Manipulation: Reinforcement Learning II
522 Multi-Step Recurrent Q-Learning for Robotic Velcro Peeling
2207 Reset-Free Reinforcement Learning Via Multi-Task Learning: Learning Dexterous Manipulation Behaviors without Human Intervention
1917 Model Predictive Actor-Critic: Accelerating Robot Skill Acquisition with Deep Reinforcement Learning
4150 Batch Exploration with Examples for Scalable Robotic Reinforcement Learning
Session Manipulation: Real World Applications
2140 Robotic Slicing of Fruits and Vegetables: Modeling the Effects of Fracture Toughness and Knife Geometry
2698 Auto-Tuned Sim-To-Real Transfer
2403 A Convex Quasistatic Time-Stepping Scheme for Rigid Multibody Systems with Contact and Friction
2363 Uniform Object Rearrangement: From Complete Monotone Primitives to Efficient Non-Monotone Informed Search
Session Manipulation III
922 RASCAL: Robotic Arm for Sherds and Ceramics Automated Locomotion
1481 Reactive Planning for Mobile Manipulation Tasks in Unexplored Semantic Environments
3391 Dynamic Grasping for Object Picking Using Passive Zero-DOF End Effectors
521 Arm-Hand Systems As Hybrid Parallel-Serial Systems: A Novel Inverse Kinematics Solution
Session Manipulation: Haptics
1808 Tactile-RL for Insertion: Generalization to Objects of Unknown Geometry
2023 Sim-To-Real for Robotic Tactile Sensing Via Physics-Based Simulation and Learned Latent Projections
2291 Tactile SLAM: Real-Time Inference of Shape and Pose from Planar Pushing
3844 Fingers See Things Differently (FIST-D): An Object Aware Visualization and Manipulation Framework Based on Tactile Observations
Session Machine Learning: Adaptive Systems
1452 APPLI: Adaptive Planner Parameter Learning from Interventions
2013 APPLR: Adaptive Planner Parameter Learning from Reinforcement
3596 An Adaptive Framework for Learning Unsupervised Depth Completion
3883 PennSyn2Real: Training Object Recognition Models without Human Labeling
Session Machine Learning for Control
2586 Reinforced iLQR: A Sample-Efficient Robot Locomotion Learning
1149 Learning Multi-Arm Manipulation through Collaborative Teleoperation
2745 Scalable Learning of Safety Guarantees for Autonomous Systems Using Hamilton-Jacobi Reachability
2066 OmniHang: Learning to Hang Arbitrary Objects Using Contact Point Correspondences and Neural Collision Estimation
Session Localization and Mapping: Sensor Fusion I
160 Asynchronous Multi-View SLAM
327 Fusion-DHL: WiFi, IMU, and Floorplan Fusion for Dense History of Locations in Indoor Environments
3850 Relative Position Estimation between Two UWB Devices with IMUs
391 LVI-SAM: Tightly-Coupled Lidar-Visual-Inertial Odometry Via Smoothing and Mapping
Session Localization and Mapping V
3647 Polarimetric Monocular Dense Mapping Using Relative Deep Depth Prior
799 Learned Uncertainty Calibration for Visual Inertial Localization
4187 CLEAR: A Consistent Lifting, Embedding, and Alignment Rectification Algorithm for Multiview Data Association (I)
849 Distributed Client-Server Optimization for SLAM with Limited On-Device Resources
Session Localization and Control
2374 Model Predictive Control for Cooperative Hunting in Obstacle Rich and Dynamic Environments
3479 Instance-Aware Predictive Navigation in Multi-Agent Environments
4222 SLAAM: Simultaneous Localization and Additive Manufacturing (I)
1389 SimNet: Learning Reactive Self-Driving Simulations from Real-World Observations
Session Learning-Based Motion Planning III
1611 Robotic Information Gathering Using Semantic Language Instructions
4004 MPC-MPNet: Model-Predictive Motion Planning Networks for Fast, Near-Optimal Planning under Kinodynamic Constraints
406 Deep Structured Reactive Planning
1819 Learning a Centroidal Motion Planner for Legged Locomotion
Session Intelligence Design
3152 Optimizing Cellular Networks Via Continuously Moving Base Stations on Road Networks
912 The Resh Programming Language for Multirobot Orchestration
1543 Sensing Via Collisions: A Smart Cage for Quadrotors with Applications to Self-Localization
1844 Generative Design of NU's Husky Carbon: A Morpho-Functional, Legged Robot
Session Humanoid and Bipedal Locomotion I
105 Learning Bipedal Robot Locomotion from Human Movement
1972 Learning Task Space Actions for Bipedal Locomotion
2362 Preference-Based Learning for User-Guided HZD Gait Generation on Bipedal Walking Robots
1809 Reinforcement Learning for Robust Parameterized Locomotion Control of Bipedal Robots
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Scheduling and Teleoperation
533 Online Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm for Human-Robot Imitation
3866 Discrete Windowed-Energy Variable Structure Passivity Signature Control for Physical Human-(Tele)Robot Interaction
978 Investigation of Multiple Resource Theory Design Principles on Robot Teleoperation and Workload Management
3865 Time-Domain Passivity-Based Controller with an Optimal Two-Channel Lawrence Telerobotic Architecture
Session Human-Robot Interaction: Medical Robots and Systems I
1938 Can Therapists Design Robot-Mediated Interventions and Teleoperate Robots Using VR to Deliver Interventions for ASD?
3734 A Low-Cost Intrinsically Safe Mechanism for Physical Distancing between Clinicians and Patients
2187 Collaborative Fall Detection Using a Wearable Device and a Companion Robot
3657 Conversation-Based Medication Management System for Older Adults Using a Companion Robot and Cloud
2402 Intermittent Visual Servoing: Efficiently Learning Policies Robust to Instrument Changes for High-Precision Surgical Manipulation
Session Human-Robot Interaction in Exoskeletons
2898 Crawling Support Using Wearable SuperLimbs: Human-Robot Synchronization and Metabolic Cost Assessment
2113 ROIAL: Region of Interest Active Learning for Characterizing Exoskeleton Gait Preference Landscapes
3627 Control of a Transfemoral Prosthesis on Sloped Terrain Using Continuous and Nonlinear Impedance Parameters
2722 Model-Dependent Prosthesis Control with Interaction Force Estimation
Session Human-In-The-Loop Control
2579 End-To-End Grasping Policies for Human-In-The-Loop Robots Via Deep Reinforcement Learning
3882 An Investigation of a Balanced Hybrid Active-Passive Actuator for Physical Human-Robot Interaction
2501 Situational Confidence Assistance for Lifelong Shared Autonomy
1277 Recognizing Orientation Slip in Human Demonstrations
1695 Aggregating Long-Term Context for Learning Laparoscopic and Robot-Assisted Surgical Workflows
Session Hierarchical Motion Planning
4209 Q-Tree Search: An Information-Theoretic Approach Toward Hierarchical Abstractions for Agents with Computational Limitations (I)
2030 A Safe Hierarchical Planning Framework for Complex Driving Scenarios Based on Reinforcement Learning
1509 Behavior Planning at Urban Intersections through Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
2289 Collision Avoidance in Tightly-Constrained Environments without Coordination: A Hierarchical Control Approach
Session Force Control
4156 Admittance Control with Uknown Location of Interaction
3200 Low-Level Force-Control of MR-Hydrostatic Actuators
880 Zero-Potential-Energy Motions Due to Stiffness in Impedance Control of Robotic Tasks: An Innovative Theory and Experimental Study
3435 KPAM 2.0: Feedback Control for Category-Level Robotic Manipulation
Session Dynamics and Control II
890 No-Frills Dynamic Planning Using Static Planners
2821 PCMPC: Perception-Constrained Model Predictive Control for Quadrotors with Suspended Loads Using a Single Camera and IMU
2079 Learning Agile Locomotion Skills with a Mentor
2670 Automating Behavior Selection for Affective Telepresence Robot
Session Autonomous Vehicle Navigation II
879 Fast Path Computation Using Lattices in the Sensor-Space for Forest Navigation
4174 Learning Barrier Functions with Memory for Robust Safe Navigation
207 Hierarchical Object Map Estimation for Efficient and Robust Navigation
876 Robot Navigation in Constrained Pedestrian Environments Using Reinforcement Learning
Session Automation: Machine Learning II
4192 Exploiting Object Similarity for Robotic Visual Recognition (I)
242 Team Assignment for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Sensor Coverage through Graph Representation Learning
1638 GPR-Based Model Reconstruction System for Underground Utilities Using GPRNet
2784 Replay Overshooting: Learning Stochastic Latent Dynamics with the Extended Kalman Filter
Session Aerial Robotics: Design and Mechanism II
3685 The Catenary Robot: Design and Control of a Cable Propelled by Two Quadrotors
3813 Aerial Multi-Camera Robotic Jib Crane
3712 Design, Sensing, and Control of a Novel UAV Platform for Aerial Drilling and Screwing
2708 Freyja: A Full Multirotor System for Agile & Precise Outdoor Flights
Session Automation: Manufacturing
2063 Optimizing Part Placement for Improving Accuracy of Robot-Based Additive Manufacturing
1911 Automated Mosquito Salivary Gland Extractor for PfSPZ-Based Malaria Vaccine Production
3007 Safe Tumbling of Heavy Objects Using a Two-Cable Crane
562 An Artin Braid Group Representation of Knitting Machine State with Applications to Validation and Optimization of Fabrication Plans

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