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neomake's Introduction


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Neomake is a plugin for Vim/Neovim to asynchronously run programs.

You can use it instead of the built-in :make command (since it can pick up your 'makeprg' setting), but its focus is on providing an extra layer of makers based on the current file (type) or project. Its origin is a proof-of-concept for Syntastic to be asynchronous.



With Neovim any release will do (after 0.0.0-alpha+201503292107).


The minimal Vim version supported by Neomake is 7.4.503 (although if you don't use g:neomake_logfile older versions will probably work fine as well).

You need Vim 8.0.0027 or later for asynchronous features.


Use your preferred installation method for Vim plugins.

With vim-plug that would mean to add the following to your vimrc:

Plug 'neomake/neomake'


If you want to run Neomake automatically (in file mode), you can configure it in your vimrc by using neomake#configure#automake, e.g. by picking one of:

" When writing a buffer (no delay).
call neomake#configure#automake('w')
" When writing a buffer (no delay), and on normal mode changes (after 750ms).
call neomake#configure#automake('nw', 750)
" When reading a buffer (after 1s), and when writing (no delay).
call neomake#configure#automake('rw', 1000)
" Full config: when writing or reading a buffer, and on changes in insert and
" normal mode (after 500ms; no delay when writing).
call neomake#configure#automake('nrwi', 500)

(Any function calls like these need to come after indicating the end of plugins to your plugin manager, e.g. after call plug#end() with vim-plug.)

Advanced setup

The author liked to use the following, which uses different modes based on if your laptop runs on battery (for MacOS or Linux):

function! MyOnBattery()
  if has('macunix')
    return match(system('pmset -g batt'), "Now drawing from 'Battery Power'") != -1
  elseif has('unix')
    return readfile('/sys/class/power_supply/AC/online') == ['0']
  return 0

if MyOnBattery()
  call neomake#configure#automake('w')
  call neomake#configure#automake('nw', 1000)

See :help neomake-automake (in doc/neomake.txt) for more information, e.g. how to configure it based on certain autocommands explicitly, and for details about which events get used for the different string-based modes.


When calling :Neomake manually (or automatically through neomake#configure#automake (see above)) it will populate the window's location list with any issues that get reported by the maker(s).

You can then navigate them using the built-in methods like :lwindow / :lopen (to view the list) and :lprev / :lnext to go back and forth.

You can configure Neomake to open the list automatically:

let g:neomake_open_list = 2

Please refer to :help neomake.txt for more details on configuration.

Maker types

There are two types of makers: file makers (acting on the current buffer) and project makers (acting globally).

You invoke file makers using :Neomake, and project makers using :Neomake!.

See :help neomake.txt for more details.

Manually run a maker

You can run a specific maker on the current file by specifying the maker's name, e.g. :Neomake jshint (you can use Vim's completion here to complete maker names).

Default makers

For a list of default makers please see the Makers page in the wiki.


If you find this plugin useful, please contribute your maker recipes to the repository! Check out autoload/neomake/makers/**/*.vim for existing makers.

This is a community driven project, and maintainers are wanted. Please contact @blueyed if you are interested. You should have a good profile of issue triaging and PRs on this repo already.

Hacking / Testing

We are using Vader for our tests.


Set let g:neomake_logfile = '/tmp/neomake.log' (dynamically or in your vimrc) to enable debug logging to the given file. From Neomake's source tree you can then run make tail_log, which will color the output and pipe it into less, which folds long lines by default and will follow the output (like tail -f). You can use Ctrl-C to interrupt for scrolling etc, and then F to follow again.

Running tests

Run all tests against your local Neovim and Vim

make test

Run a specific test file

make tests/integration.vader

Run some specific tests for Vim

make testvim VADER_ARGS=tests/integration.vader

Dockerized tests

The docker_test target runs tests for a specific Vim version. See Dockerfile.tests for the Vim versions provided in the Docker image.

The image for this gets pulled from Docker Hub via neomake/vims-for-tests.

NOTE: the Docker image used for tests does not include (different versions) of Neovim at the moment.

Run all tests for Vim 8.0.586

make docker_test DOCKER_VIM=vim-8.0.586

Run all tests against all Vims in the Docker image

make docker_test_all


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neomake's People


benekastah avatar blueyed avatar bonds avatar bounceme avatar codeinabox avatar davidosomething avatar dkasak avatar ebenoist avatar euclio avatar fszymanski avatar fuine avatar glacambre avatar gmacon avatar hauxir avatar ianks avatar jeltef avatar juanperi avatar junkblocker avatar keith avatar ledhed2222 avatar lily-mara avatar mhinz avatar neki avatar paretje avatar sbdchd avatar sserbin avatar tweekmonster avatar vito-c avatar vividboarder avatar wsdjeg avatar


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neomake's Issues

Add Haskell Makers

Thanks a lot for doing this, Syntastic's synchronous checking is what made me switch to neovim...

I'm trying to get haskell checking working with ghc-mod and hlint. Adapting the Synastic checkers mostly works, but some error messages are missing or end up looking funky.

Here's a sample file:

module Main where

main = return ()

-- | no type binding
toplevel n = n

-- | eta reduce
etared s l = map s l

-- | why not concat map
cm t r = concat $ map t r

The makers:

let g:neomake_haskell_ghcmod_maker = {
    \ 'exe': 'ghc-mod',
    \ 'args': ['check'],
    \ 'errorformat': 
        \ '%-G%\s%#,' .
        \ '%f:%l:%c:%trror: %m,' .
        \ '%f:%l:%c:%tarning: %m,'.
        \ '%f:%l:%c: %trror: %m,' .
        \ '%f:%l:%c: %tarning: %m,' .
        \ '%f:%l:%c:%m,' .
        \ '%E%f:%l:%c:,' .
        \ '%Z%m'
    \ }
let g:neomake_haskell_hlint_maker = {
    \ 'errorformat':
        \ '%E%f:%l:%v: Error: %m,' .
        \ '%W%f:%l:%v: Warning: %m,' .
        \ '%C%m'
    \ }
let g:neomake_haskell_enabled_makers = ['ghcmod', 'hlint']

The checker's output:

$ ghc-mod check test.hs                                                                                                                            [14:44:29] 
test.hs:3:1:Warning: Top-level binding with no type signature: main :: IO ()
test.hs:6:1:Warning: Top-level binding with no type signature:  toplevel :: forall t. t -> t
test.hs:9:1:Warning: Top-level binding with no type signature:  etared :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
test.hs:12:1:Warning: Top-level binding with no type signature:  cm :: forall a a1. (a1 -> [a]) -> [a1] -> [a]
$ hlint test.hs                                                                                                                                    [14:44:32] 
test.hs:9:1: Error: Eta reduce
  etared s l = map s l
Why not:
  etared = map

test.hs:12:10: Error: Use concatMap
  concat $ map t r
Why not:
  concatMap t r

2 suggestions

and finally the location list after running Neomake:

test.hs|9 col 1 error| Eta reduce Found: etared s l = map s l Why not: etared = map
test.hs|12 col 10 error| Use concatMap Found: concat $ map t r Why not: concatMap t r
|| 2 suggestions
test.hs|3 col 1 warning| Top-level binding with no type signature: main :: IO ()
test.hs|6 col 1 warning| Top-level binding with no type signature:
test.hs|9 col 1 warning| Top-level binding with no type signature:
test.hs|12 col 1 warning| Top-level binding with no type signature:

You can see extra lines , and the "2 suggestions" from HLint's output, while everything after ghc-mod's first suggestion is dropped.

A solution or pointers on how to proceed would be great.

Probably won't work well on Windows

I'm using at least one command that I think windows won't have, which. There may be other areas where this doesn't work on Windows. I probably won't fix this unless I end up getting a windows machine myself and/or enough people request it.

Reorder messages to match actual line order

We would have to do this after all the jobs run, which could be a little odd if you start using :lnext or :cnext before the sort happens. Perhaps it might be best to empty the loclist after each job data handler (but keep the signs in place) and only leave the loclist populated once the sort is complete, so that the error navigation works more consistently.

This is good for checkers that don't output sorted error messages (e.g. pylint) or if you want to sort the results of multiple concurrent checkers. See #22.

Feature Request: Add ability to execute arbitrary commands

So, this is definitely not a bug but rather a request that mimics a bit how :Dispatch works.

You've done a great job and a lot of groundwork for executing arbitrary shell commands and tracking and displaying the results with jobs. In one of my plugins I've been trying to do something similar and I'm ending up writing a lot of the same stuff you have already done.

It would be great to do something like :Neomake do foo bar and have it work the same way :! do foo bar or :Dispatch do foo bar do.

If this is something you're open to I can give it a shot myself instead of doing it in my plugin.

Don't require dictionaries for config variables

Quoting @brunal from #21:

as with other variables (e.g g:neomake_python_pep8_make) I have to provide a full dictionary (e.g. {'args': ['--ignore', 'E501,E512]}, I cannot simply write let g:neomake_python_pep8_make_args = ['--ignore', 'E501E512'] akin to what's available (and very convenient) in Syntastic.

IIRC, syntastic has a utility function that will construct a dictionary from a group of similarly-named global vars. Perhaps it would be good to make a similar function to allow for this configuration style.

neomake_make_modified causes error

When the option g:neomake_make_modified is set to 1 Neomake causes an error because it tries to invoke a function without the keyword call before, so vim understands it as a command.
The call keyword should be placed before the function invocation.
The line 212 of the file autoload/neomake.vim causes the error:

neomake#utils#LoudMessage('Neomake: wrote temp file '.makepath)

For me putting a call before the line solved the problem

call neomake#utils#LoudMessage('Neomake: wrote temp file '.makepath)

Clarify the docs wrt making custom makers

The docs on the difference between g:neomake_<maker>_maker and g:neomake_<filetype>_<maker>_maker could be a little easier to scan. Particularly, there should probably be tags at the top to show the reader that both of those configuration styles will be introduced and explained.

serialize does not seems to work

I am trying to use the plugin with pylint checkers and I have some problems.

I am trying to schedule a checker job each time I save my file.
Since I am working on huge python files, it takes 10 second for pylint to do the job. (100% CPU from pylint while working)

If in I do in 1 second:


It will launch and run 4 jobs (4 pylint running => 4 * 100% CPU)
Since I set neomake_serialize to 1 I expected to have only one job running.

Here is my vimrc

let g:neomake_python_enable_makers = ['pylint']                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
let g:ycm_show_diagnostics_ui = 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
let g:neomake_open_list=1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

let g:neomake_serialize_abort_on_error=1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
let g:neomake_serialize=1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

autocmd BufWritePost *.py :Neomake pylint   

Moreover, I was wondering if it was possible to cancel a job when a new job start.
My use case would be:

:w   => start pylint (job1)
make some changes
:w   => cancel job1 and start pylint (job2)

Maybe I should create an issue for that?

Some kind of configurable gutter symbols

would be nice.

In the simple case, it might be something like

let g:neomake_javascript_jshint_maker = {
    \ 'args': ['--verbose'],
    \ 'errorformat': '%A%f: line %l\, col %v\, %m \(%t%*\d\)',
    \ 'gutter_symbol': '✖',
    \ }
let g:neomake_javascript_enabled_makers = ['jshint']

and it'd be shown on lines corresponding to the %l in the errors.

Offer the possibility to use Syntastic-style warnings & errors in margin

Neomake Syntastic
2014-12-08-105714_44x111_scrot 2014-12-08-112948_51x76_scrot

Font used: terminus
Neomake's marks (defined in autoload/neomake.vim) are less visible (monochrome), and not well-supported by all fonts & font configs: here they are too small and not centred.
I'd rather have Syntastic-style marks

I wish I could contribute a PR but my vim script skills are non-existent.

Add a statusline integration

If the neomake_open_list option is disabled it's impossible to see whether there are any errors or warnings in a big file.

Find a way to share makers for :Neomake! like we can share makers for :Neomake

#43 brought this up. Currently filetype makers are found in autoload/neomake/makers/{filetype}.vim. This is nice because we can have makers for many different filetypes that get loaded on demand as more filetypes are used. Possibly we need to put these in autoload/neomake/filetype_makers/{filetype}.vim. Then we can have non-filetype makers in autoload/neomake/makers/{tool}.vim.

Running a check without saving

Is there any possibility of running a check without saving the file? In other words, :Neomake runs the checks on the current buffer in its current state, rather than the last write?

I understand what I am asking for might not be feasible and that the file needs to be saved before it is checked depending on the checker: but maybe a possibility to specify a directory where a temporary file could be copied with the current buffer state, then deleted, and any errors reported in the buffer worked on.

This would be very useful since it would enable me to Neomake the buffer every time I, for example, enter the normal mode, without at the same time seting the buffer to autowrite every time I enter the normal mode.

Neomake error on rust file.

Error detected while processing function <SNR>183_NeomakeCommand..neomake#Make..neomake#MakeJob..<SNR>184_JobStart:
line   13:
E474: Invalid argument

Neomake not expanding %

I set my makeprg set to echo\ % and running :make works just fine and I can see it execute echo path/to/file and :copen shows path/to/file, but when I run :Neomake! it doesn't appear to find the file. and :copen shows %.

So it appears that the % is not being expanded but is being treated literally. Is there something simple I'm missing?

Calling :Neomake on a Python file fails

first it displays a long list of signs and then displays the following error

Error detected while processing function neomake#MakeHandler..<SNR>93_LaddrCallback:
line    6:
E121: Undefined variable: b:neomake_loclist_nr
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Error detected while processing function neomake#MakeHandler..<SNR>93_LaddrCallback:
line    6:
E15: Invalid expression: b:neomake_loclist_nr < len(loclist)

scriptencoding is missing

The file autoload/neomake.vim contains utf-8 characters so you have to declare the encoding: scriptencoding utf-8.

Issue with creating new makers

I am trying to create a new maker for python that doesn't complain about tabs in the whitespace. I have used the following snippet, based on the readme, but I am being met with errors.

let g:neomake_pep8alt_maker = {
    \ 'exe': 'pep8',
    \ 'args': ['--ignore=W191'],
    \ 'errorformat': '%f:%l:%c: %m',
    \ }

let g:neomake_python_enabled_makers = ['pep8alt', 'pylint']

When I run :Neomake from a python file, I get the error:

command not found: pep8alt

What is going on here? Has the maker API changed since the readme was written, or did I just miss something?

Unsettling order of the messages in the loclist

As evoked in issue #21 all checkers get run when Neomake is launched on a file. In syntastic, the checker n + 1 is only run when the checker n reports no problem. This is a behaviour I quite enjoy since it give reports by "layers" of problems. Ideally this behaviour would be configurable (once more I wish I could offer you a PR).

This has a unsettling consequence on the items of the loclist: they appear runner after runner. Having <tab> bound as :lnext, I expect to go from one issue to another by repeatedly 'tabbing', but many issues shown in the margin will be skipped because they come from a later checker. 'tabbing' will wrap multiple times around the file: once for each checker. This seems kind of strange to me.
Here are the possibilities I see:

  1. don't use checkers are one that reported errors (§1)
  2. re-order issues according to their line number
  3. show errors checker-by-checker. This would imply filling the loclist on demand, seems quite hard to do correctly automatically.

Don't try to run a maker that isn't installed on the host system

Currently if a maker is in the list of enabled makers, we'll try to run it regardless of whether it is installed. This would result in an error for users who don't configure the list of enabled makers from the default, but don't have one or more of the makers installed. Instead, we should quietly ignore uninstalled makers.

Test multiline error messages

I suspect that multiline error messages will not work currently. We may need to join all lines back into a string with newlines before we feed it to the location/quickfix list. We may also need to gather all errors until the job completes before we populate the list for some checkers.

g:neomake_make_modified is not compatible with all checkers

In some languages, the file name (and directory structure) is significant. For instance, Java requires the class "" to be defined in a file at org/company/ The same goes for Haskell (ghc-mod will refuse to check a file whose name does not end in .hs or .lhs, and I am pretty sure that messing with the Haskell naming conventions will break some tools), Python, and probably a lot of other languages.

When g:neomake_make_modified is set to 1, the name of the file that is actually checked does not (and can not) follow these rules, and thus the "run make on modified buffers" feature will simply not work. I verified this with the ghc-mod checker for Haskell, that simply outputs to stderr ghc-mod: target src/Test.hs.1605.neomake.tmp is not a module name or a source file.

I can foresee other sources of issues: checkers that can only check a whole project at once, issues if :Neomake and :Neomake! were to be run concurrently...

I see two options:

  • dropping this feature altogether (the above is the reason why Syntastic does not support it, see vim-syntastic/syntastic#1034 for instance). This is my personal preference, I think this feature is too much trouble for little benefit.
  • have checkers explicitly declare that they support this feature, which is still feasible at this point since there are not a lot of checkers.

Thoughts ?

Add Quickfix/Location List Settings

Coming from Syntastic, I miss these options:

  • syntastic_auto_loc_list - pop open the loc list if any errors exist
  • syntastic_loc_list_height - control the max height of the loc list
  • syntastic_check_on_wq - this prevents a checking delay when trying to quit

I would love it if these could be added, or maybe there is a way to achieve all
this already?

AddExprCallback: not possible to change sign neomake_err

I am currently working on a Ruby file (checkers : mri + rubocop on JRuby). If I call :Neomake on this file, I get the error:

Error detected while processing function neomake#ProcessCurrentBuffer..<SNR>125_ProcessJobOutput..<SNR>125_AddExprCallback:
line   38:
E885: Not possible to change sign neomake_err

I then get this error every time I enter the window displaying my buffer. If I restart Vim (without loading a session), and call :Neomake again, I get the exact same error.

The corresponding part of the logfile generated by neomake:

2015-03-13T21:45:32+0100 Log level 2: Neomake: Starting: ruby -c -T1 -w lib/remotebox/core/world.rb
2015-03-13T21:45:32+0100 Log level 2: Neomake: Starting: rubocop --format emacs lib/remotebox/core/world.rb
2015-03-13T21:45:36+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: mri stderr: SyntaxError in lib/remotebox/core/world.rb:73: syntax error, unexpected kRESCUE
2015-03-13T21:45:36+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: mri stderr:         rescue UnsupportedSystem => e
2015-03-13T21:45:36+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: mri stderr:               ^
2015-03-13T21:45:36+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: mri stderr done.
2015-03-13T21:45:36+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: mri processing 3 lines of output
2015-03-13T21:45:36+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: executing: sign place buffer=5
2015-03-13T21:45:36+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: mri stderr: 
2015-03-13T21:45:36+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: mri stderr: 
2015-03-13T21:45:36+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: mri stderr done.
2015-03-13T21:45:36+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: mri processing 2 lines of output
2015-03-13T21:45:36+0100 Log level 1: Neomake: mri complete
2015-03-13T21:45:41+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: rubocop stdout: /media/docs/projects/remotebox/lib/remotebox/core/world.rb:73:9: E: unexpected token kRESCUE
2015-03-13T21:45:41+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: rubocop stdout: 
2015-03-13T21:45:41+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: rubocop stdout done.
2015-03-13T21:45:41+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: rubocop processing 2 lines of output
2015-03-13T21:45:41+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: executing: sign place buffer=4
2015-03-13T21:49:01+0100 Log level 1: Neomake: rubocop complete
2015-03-13T21:49:04+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: rubocop processing 2 lines of output
2015-03-13T21:49:04+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: executing: sign place buffer=4
2015-03-13T21:49:04+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: rubocop processing 2 lines of output
2015-03-13T21:49:04+0100 Log level 3: Neomake: executing: sign place buffer=4

I am using gitgutter which places signs in the gutter before :Neomake is called, see:


gitgutter had already set signs in front of the lines where neomake should have placed signs. Neomake manages to place an error sign on a line where gitgutter did not place a sign.

Unfortunately I can not share the whole file I am working on.

Using the latest master to date: 1d45725, on Neovim neovim/neovim@032c200

Display error message in statusbar

When using Syntastic the error message is displayed in the statusbar when the cursor is placed where the error is in the file.

Is it possible to do this with Neomake?

Improving shortcut-based navigation of errors: :lprev & :lnext won't work when there's a single error

Maybe I'm missing a clever way to do it but currently I have the following in my rc file:

nnoremap <Tab> :lnext<CR>
nnoremap <S-Tab>: lprev<CR>

It works fine enough when there are 2+ errors: first will bring me to the second error and I can navigate them all with or +. However this won't work when there is a single error, for we're initially on the first location (in the loc list, even if the culprit line is not displayed); and I find this behaviour highly annoying.

Am I missing a simple way to improve my workflow, or is that a real feature request?

Make signs configurable

Signs can be destructive (they will destroy an existing sign for a line before placing one). This should be configurable. Additionally, some people may not want any signs. Also, some people may want to modify the sign text.

Sometimes running neomake can change which buffer is showing in your window

Particularly when I do :lopen, sometimes a subsequent JobActivity handler call will switch my file buffer into the loclist buffer. It has to do with the code in the handler that briefly switches back to the original window/buffer you were on when you invoked neomake to process the task.

One potential solution is to only perform this work if the user is in the same window/buffer as they were when they invoked neomake. If they leave that window/buffer, defer the work until they return. Otherwise, we'll just have to make the current switching mechanism more robust.

Issue with the Go maker

Hi, I'm having some issue with the Go maker which I think might be related to the recent changes to :Neomake vs :Neomake!.

Because Go is compiled and they way stuff are "namespaced" using the :Neomake command doesn't make sense. But using :Neomake! never produces any errors.

Consider this project:


package main

func main() {

This produces a compile error because the function baz() isn't available in the package main. And running go build from the terminal shows this:

$ go build
./main.go:4: undefined: baz

And there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the errorformat either because running :Neomake on the main.go file will correctly tag baz() as undefined. So I'm not really sure what's going on here.

Warning when there is no checker available

Suppose I am editing a bash file and doesn't have shellcheck (the default enabled checker for shell script files), Neomake will warn me every time I save a file (because I've settled a autocommand for that because it's very convenient and maybe should be the default setting).
What about doing nothing when calling Neomake, and if the user wants to know what checkers are available and what checkers are enabled a command named, maybe NeomakeInfo (pretty much like SyntasticInfo) could be called.
This way we can have the convenience to run the checkers automatically and there is no need to setup only to checkers available on a giving machine.
By not running the checkers if none are available and providing this function, I think would be more customization friendly.
What about this?

Fails when maker does not exist

After running Neomake in a Python file with the location list open, the following error message is displayed:

Error detected while processing function <SNR>23_NeomakeCommand..neomake#GetEnabledMakers:
line   19:
E121: Undefined variable: default_makers
E116: Invalid arguments for function neomake#utils#AvailableMakers(ft, default_makers)
E15: Invalid expression: neomake#utils#AvailableMakers(ft, default_makers)
Error detected while processing function <SNR>23_NeomakeCommand:
line    2:
E171: Missing :endif

Running the command with the location list closed works as expected.

Processing lint results (placing signs) takes a long time on large files

I don't know exactly what is slow, so I'll just write what I did so that it will be easy to reproduce later:

let g:neomake_c_nvimlint_maker = {
    \ 'exe': './',
    \ 'errorformat': '%f:%l:  %m [%n]'
    \ }

Then edit eval.c and run :Neomake nvimlint. It gave over 900 results for me and the file is close to 20000 loc. It seems like when I disabled placing of signs with let g:neomake_place_signs = 0 that it helped a lot. I'm not sure if that's because the file is too large or if my sign placing routine is just too slow for 900 entries.

One idea: Only process the results that are correspond with the visible part of the buffer.

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