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nodiak's Introduction

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Nodiak is a node.js client to the Riak distributed database. The focus of Nodiak is to provide a client that mimics some of the patterns and functionality of Basho's official clients for other languages while still taking advantage of the benefits of asynchronous patterns that can be easily implemented in node.js.

Nodiak's design is split across two general concepts. The base client, which handles the base Riak HTTP API operations, and useful higher-level abstractions (Bucket, Counter, and RObject) that build on the base client functionality to make Riak easier to work with.


While the base client's methods are available in the event you need them. The _bucket and _object namespace won't be detailed in this document because you should use the convience classes and abstratctions whenever possible.


  • HTTP and HTTPS connections.
  • Automatic exponential-backoff retries.
  • Cluster info operations.
  • Bulk/Batch object operations (Get, Save, Delete).
  • Riak CRDT Counters.
  • Sibling notification.
  • Parallel async and 'at once' sibling fetching.
  • Sibling resolution and auto-resolution support (default: client-side LWW).
  • MapReduce phase chaining.
  • Ad-hoc Javascript and Erlang MapReduce functions.
  • Riak Search and Riak 2i support.
  • Evented stream results handling.
  • Easy multiple cluster support.


$ npm install nodiak



Version 0.4.0 includes minor, but breaking, changes to the streaming API. The 2i streaming no longer auto-fetches the Riak objects for the keys returned by the query, and the streaming API form now returns an instance of EventEmitter directly from the .stream() calls rather than requiring an additional callback to be passed in.

#####standard callback form

bucket.objects.get(array_of_keys, function(err, objs){})

The argument signature of the callback for non-streaming results is always callback(error, result). Where error will always be either null when there was no error, or an instance of Error, or any array of Errors with details of the errors when they occur. The result varies depending on the API call. See the detailed API documentation below for details.

#####streaming callback form

.on('data', function(data) {})
.on('error', function(err) {})
.on('end', function(arg) {});

For streaming results the function .stream() returns gets an instance of EventEmitter, and this emitter fires 'data', 'error', and 'end' events.

#Getting Started

####require('nodiak').getClient( [backend], [host], [port], [defaults] );

// get client instance (defaults to HTTP backend on localhost:8098)
var riak = require('nodiak').getClient();

w/ custom backend, host, and port:

var riak = require('nodiak').getClient('https', '', 8443);

w/ non-default client settings, such as resource locations, maxSockets value, mime decoders/encoders, etc:

var my_defaults = {
	connection: { maxSockets: 50 },
	resources: {
        riak_kv_wm_mapred: "/mapreduce",
        riak_kv_wm_stats: "/statistics",
        riak_solr_indexer_wm: "/search"

// the 'defaults' object should always be the last.
var riak = require('nodiak').getClient('https', my_defaults); 

For multiple-clusters just create several instances:

var cache = require('nodiak').getClient('https', '', 8443);
var sessions = require('nodiak').getClient('http', '', 8098);
var db = require('nodiak').getClient();

##Cluster info and status: callback );

// check that you can reach Riak, response) {


####.stats( callback );

// get current stats from Riak
riak.stats(function(err, response) {
	console.log(response); // prints the stats provided by the 'riak_kv_wm_stats' resource.

{ vnode_gets: 0, ring_num_partitions: 64, storage_backend: 'riak_kv_eleveldb_backend', ... }

####.resources( callback );

// ask Riak for its current resource endpoints.


These are what your Riak install is using, not necessarily what the nodiak client is using. If you want to synchronize these values, you'll have to manage that yourself. getClient() -> .resources(result) -> getClient(result), or something similar.

riak.resources(function(err, response) {

{ riak_kv_wm_buckets: '/riak', riak_kv_wm_index: '/buckets', riak_kv_wm_keylist: '/buckets', riak_kv_wm_link_walker: '/riak', riak_kv_wm_mapred: '/mapred', ... }

Bucket Operations:

##Bucket instance attributes


The name of the bucket in Riak as a String.

  • ####.props

An Object containing the Riak bucket properties. Defaults to {}.

  • ####.resolver

The Function used to do sibling resolution on .object.get() requests. Defaults to Bucket.siblingLastWriteWins (see here).

  • ####.getSiblingsSync

Controls whether or not fetching siblings happens using parallel async requests or as one big 'multipart/mixed' to be parsed at once. Defaults to false.

  • ####.client

An instance of the underlying backend client that handles communication with Riak. Is set to the client that created the Bucket instance with client.bucket().

##Bucket instance methods ####client.bucket( name );

// factory method on the client that returns an instance of a Bucket object.
var user_bucket = riak.bucket('users');
user_bucket.objects.all(function(err, r_objs) {

[[Object], [Object], [Object]] // Array of RObjects

w/ a simple chaining pattern:

riak.bucket('users').objects.all(function(err, r_objs) {

[[Object], [Object], [Object]] // Array of RObjects

####Bucket.getProps( [callback] );

// update the Bucket instance with its bucket props from Riak
var user_bucket = riak.bucket('users');

user_bucket.getProps(function(err, props) {

{ name: 'users', allow_mult: false, basic_quorum: false, big_vclock: 50, ... }

####Bucket.saveProps( [merge], [callback] );

// save updated bucket properties back to Riak.
var users = riak.bucket('users');

users.props.n_val = 2;
users.props.allow_mult = true;
users.props.last_write_wins = false;

users.saveProps(true, function(err, props) {

{ name: 'users', allow_mult: true, last_write_wins: false, n_val: 2, ... }

The optional merge argument is a boolean indicating wether to first get the bucket's properties from Riak and merge your updates with them, or to simply write your updates to Riak right away. This defaults to true and is helpful in preventing you from obliterating things like pre and post-commit hooks defined on the bucket. key, [data], [metadata] )

// factory method that returns a new instance of an RObject.
var my_robj = riak.bucket('users')'some_key', { store: 'this thing'}, { vclock: 'aBcDE10fgH92'});

It's important to understand that this new object has not been read from or written to Riak at this point. If you know this key already exists in, or you want to refresh its data from, Riak, then you can 'hydrate' it using the RObject's .fetch() method.

####Bucket.object.exists( key, callback )

// checks if an object exists in Riak
riak.bucket('users').object.exists('some_key', function(err, result) {

result will be either true or false.

####Bucket.objects.get( keys, [options], [resolver_fn, callback] )

// get one or more objects from Riak as RObjects.

This method can take a single key or an Array of keys as input. Each request happens asynchronously in parallel. The optional options parameter is an object that can contain Riak query parameters. Additionally, the optional resolver_fn parameter allows you to pass in a custom sibling resolution function in the event any siblings are found.

var my_keys = ['me', 'myself', 'andI'];

riak.bucket('users').objects.get(my_keys, { r: 1 }, function(errs, objs) {

Results returned through objs will be returned as an Array of RObjects if you passed in an Array of keys to the request. If the request produced errors then the err value will be an Array of Error's for each that occurred or null if there were none. will contain the key for the failed request. Keys that can't be found are considered errors, and will be returned in err with a .status_code of 404. The value of objs value will be null none of the keys could be found in Riak or all requests produced errors.

If a single key is passed in (not wrapped in an Array), then the single resulting RObject will be returned directly through objs for convenience, and will be null if not found or another error occurred. In the case of an error err will contain the single Error directly or will be null if none occurred. This is provided for convenience when you're not attempting to get multiple objects.


By default nodiak fetches object siblings using parallel async GET requests for each sibling. This behavior can be overridden by setting the .getSiblingsSync property on the Bucket instance to true. This will cause nodiak to get all the siblings as a single large 'multipart/mixed' document and parse the contents. Further details in the Sibling Auto-Resolution section.

####Bucket.objects.get( keys, [options] ).stream( [resolver_fn] )

// get one or more objects from Riak as a stream of RObjects.

All the same details apply here as in the standard Bucket.objects.get() method, except to signal that you want to stream the objects back from Riak you drop the callback and the resolver from .get(), place them in .stream(), and attach your listeners to the parameter passed to the callback.

var my_keys = ['me', 'myself', 'andI'];

riak.bucket('users').objects.get(my_keys, { r: 1 }).stream()
.on('data', function(obj) {
.on('error', function(err) {
.on('end', function() {
    // do something else after we're all done getting the objects.
}); r_objects, [callback])

// save one or more RObjects to Riak.

You can pass a single RObject or an Array of RObjects into this method. Just like with the .get() and .delete() methods, each save request will happen asynchronously in parallel.

var things_to_save = [];

for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    var robj = riak.bucket('users')'me'+i, { about_me: "I write software." });
    robj.addMeta('extra_info', 'data goes up in here');
    robj.addToIndex('numbers_i_like', [20, 3, 6]);

riak.bucket('users'), function(errs, objs) {

Results returned through objs will be returned as an Array of successfully saved RObjects if you passed in an Array of RObjects to the request. If the request produced errors then the err value will be an Array of Error's for each that occurred or null if there were none. will contain the RObject for the failed save. The value of objs value will be null none of the RObjects could be saved in Riak or all requests produced errors.

If a single RObject is passed in (not wrapped in an Array), then the single successfully saved RObject will be returned directly through objs for convenience, and will be null if an error occurred. In the case of an error err will contain the single Error directly or will be null if none occurred. This is provided for convenience when you're not bulk saving multiple objects. r_objects ).stream()

// save one or more RObjects to Riak and get streamed results.

All the same details apply here as in the standard method, except to signal that you want to stream the result notifications back from Riak you drop the callback from .save(), and append .stream(), and attach your listeners to the returned EventListener.

var things_to_save = [];

for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    var robj = riak.bucket('users')'me'+i, { about_me: "I write software." });
    robj.addMeta('extra_info', 'data goes up in here');
    robj.addToIndex('numbers_i_like', [20, 3, 6]);

.on('data', function(obj) {
.on('error', function(err) {
.on('end', function() {
    // do something else after we're all done getting the objects.

####Bucket.objects.delete( r_objects, [callback] )

// delete one or more RObjects from Riak.

You can pass a single RObject or an Array of RObjects into this method. Just like with the .get() and .save() methods, each delete request will happen asynchronously in parallel.

riak.bucket('users').objects.delete(array_of_robjs, function(errs, objs) {

Results returned through objs will be returned as an Array of successfully deleted RObjects if you passed in an Array of RObjects to the request. If the request produced errors then the err value will be an Array of Error's for each that occurred or null if there were none. will contain the RObject for the failed delete. The value of objs value will be null none of the RObjects could be deleted from Riak or all requests produced errors.

If a single RObject is passed in (not wrapped in an Array), then the single successfully deleted RObject will be returned directly through objs for convenience, and will be null if an error occurred. In the case of an error err will contain the single Error directly or will be null if none occurred. This is provided for convenience when you're not bulk deleting multiple objects.

####Bucket.objects.delete( r_objects ).stream()

// delete one or more RObjects to Riak and get streamed results.

All the same details apply here as in the standard Bucket.objects.delete() method, except to signal that you want to stream the result notifications back from Riak you drop the callback from .save(), and append .stream(), and attach your listeners to the returned EventListener.

.on('data', function(obj) {
.on('error', function(err) {
.on('end', function() {
    // do something else after we're all done deleting the objects.

####Bucket.objects.all( callback )

// traverse a bucket to get all the RObjects in it. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION, okay? OK.

This method is the equivalent of the dreaded list keys operationโ€ฆ except even more deadly! This will not only perform a list keys on the bucket, but it will also .get() every single key it finds. Use this only for development/testing purposes. If you think you need this in production, you're doing it wrong!

riak.bucket('users').objects.all(function(err, objs) {
    console.warn("I BETTER NOT BE IN PRODUCTION");
    console.warn("NO, SERIOUSLY.");

#RObject Operations ##RObject instance attributes

  • ####.bucket

The Bucket instance that created this RObject.

  • ####.key

The key for this object in Riak. Defaults to null, which will cause Riak to generate a key when saving the RObject.


The data stored in Riak for this object. Defaults to {}.

  • ####.metadata

The metadata on the object stored in Riak, ie. vclock, content_type, last_modified, etc. Defaults to {}. A fully populated metadata object might look like this:

{ vclock: 'a85hYGBgzGDKBVIcR4M2cgcY8xzJYEpkzGNlcJ708CRfFgA=', meta: { info: 'you might want to know', extra: 'stuff you can store here' }, index: { words: { bin: ['other', 'that', 'the', 'this'] }, mynumbers: { int: ['5', '37', '4234'] } }, link: '</buckets/test>; rel="up"', last_modified: 'Thu, 04 Oct 2012 04:53:23 GMT', etag: '"BTYdk4S0eisdrIYeA1OkM"', content_type: 'application/json', status_code: 200 }

  • ####.options

An Object for setting Riak query parameters. Defaults to {}.

  • ####.siblings

An Array of sibling RObjects for this object in Riak. Defaults to undefined.

##RObjects instance methods [callback] )

// saves this RObject instance to Riak. Uses RObject's .options for the request if they exist.
var my_obj = riak.bucket('users')'my_key', { my_profile: "Is Amazing!" });, obj) {

####RObject.delete( [callback] )

// deletes this RObject instance from Riak. Uses RObject's .options for the request if they exist.
my_obj.delete(function(err, obj) {

####RObject.fetch( [resolver_fn], callback )

// fetch/refresh object data from Riak and update this RObject's data, metadata, siblings. Uses RObject's .options for the request if they exist.
var my_obj = riak.bucket('users')'my_key');

my_obj.fetch(function(err, obj) {

Notice that this method can also take a custom resolver_fn in the event that reading updated data from Riak results in finding siblings. If this isn't set it defaults to the resolver function on the Bucket instance that produced this RObject.

####RObject.setMeta( name, value )

// set an X-Riak-Meta entry on this RObject.
riak.bucket('users').object.get('me', function(err, obj) {
    obj.setMeta('extra', 'stuff can go here');  // sets metedata.meta.extra to 'stuff can go here' 

####RObject.getMeta( name )

// get an X-Riak-Meta entry to this RObject.
riak.bucket('users').object.get('me', function(err, obj) {
    obj.getMeta('extra');  // will get the value of metedata.meta.extra    

####RObject.removeMeta( name )

// remove an X-Riak-Meta entry from this RObject.
riak.bucket('users').object.get('me', function(err, obj) {
    obj.removeMeta('extra');  // will delete metedata.meta.extra 

####RObject.addToIndex( name, value )

// add an X-Riak-Index entry to this RObject.

The name parameter sets the base name of the index. The type, _int or _bin, of the index will be determined by the data type of value. Anything passed into value that is an integer will be set in, and anything else will be set in

riak.bucket('users').object.get('me', function(err, obj) {
    obj.addToIndex('things', 'apple');  // will add 'apple' to metadata.index.things.bin    
    obj.addToIndex('counts', [2, 4, 6]);  // will add 2, 4, and 6 to

In the second example an Array of values was passed into the value parameter. This will add all the values in the array to the named index. All the values should be of the type in the array.

####RObject.getIndex( name )

// get all values as an Array in an X-Riak-Index entry on this RObject.
riak.bucket('users').object.get('me', function(err, obj) {
    obj.getIndex('things');  // value of metadata.index.things.bin or .int, whichever exists

####RObject.removeFromIndex( name, value )

// remove a specific value from an X-Riak-Index entry on this RObject.

Just like with the .addToIndex() method, the actual type of the underlying index will be determined based on the data type of the value you pass in.

riak.bucket('users').object.get('me', function(err, obj) {
    obj.removeFromIndex('things', 'apple');  // removes 'apple' from metadata.index.things.bin

####RObject.clearIndex( name )

// clears all values out of an X-Riak-Index entry on this RObject.
riak.bucket('users').object.get('me', function(err, obj) {
    obj.clearIndex('things');  // deletes metadata.index.things completely

#Counter Operations ##Counter instance attributes

  • ####.bucket

The Bucket instance that this Counter belongs to.


The name of the Counter that will be worked on in the Bucket

##Counter instance methods


In order to use Riak Counters you must set allow_mult: true on the bucket properties for the bucket where you'll create your counters; as the CRDT counter functionality in Riak depends on siblings being created on write.

####client.counter( bucket_name, counter_name );

// factory method on the client that returns an instance of a Counter object.
var likes = riak.counter('the_counts', 'likes');

####Counter.add( amount, callback )

// adds amount to the current value of a Riak counter.
var likes = riak.counter('the_counts', 'likes');

likes.add(5, function(err) {

####Counter.subtract( amount, callback )

// subtracts amount from the current value of a Riak counter.
var likes = riak.counter('the_counts', 'likes');

likes.subtract(5, function(err) {

####Counter.value( callback )

// gets the current value of a Riak counter.
var likes = riak.counter('the_counts', 'likes');

likes.value(function(err, count) {
    console.log(count);  // will be the value of the count as an integer

##Sibling Auto-Resolution

By default nodiak's Bucket class contains a client-side implementation of Last-Write-Wins for managing resolution. It takes an array of sibling RObjects and returns the resolved sibling. Implemented as follows:

Bucket.siblingLastWriteWins = function(siblings) {
    function siblingLastModifiedSort(a, b) {
        if(!a.metadata.last_modified || new Date(a.metadata.last_modified) < new Date(b.metadata.last_modified)) {
            return 1;
        else {
            return -1;

    return siblings[0];

The returned object then has the original set of siblings attached to it and is sent up to the user through a callback on the original get or fetch request. This is true of bulk/batch operations as well. Each RObject in the batch will be its resolved version with all its original siblings attached on a .siblings property.

When you write your own auto-resolution functions they should conform to this spec, taking an Array of RObjects as input and returning a single resolved RObject as output.

You can provide your own auto-resolution functions either by overriding a Bucket instance's default resolver, like:

var my_bucket = riak.bucket('some_bucket');

my_bucket.resolver = function(conflicted_siblings) { 
    // If they don't shut-up you'll turn this car around!
    var resolved = conflicted_siblings.pop();
    return resolved;

and/or on every request for an object, like:

var my_resolver = function(conflicted_siblings) { 
    // If they don't shut-up you'll turn this car around!
    var resolved = conflicted_siblings.pop();
    return resolved;

riak.bucket('some_bucket').object.get(['key1', 'key2'], my_resolver, function(err, r_objs) {
    // Any RObject in the r_objs Array that had siblings will have been
    // resolved using my_resolver, and will have it's originally siblings
    // available through a .siblings property. 

The RObject .fetch() method also accepts a user defined resolver function preceding the callback in its arguments list. See the RObject.fetch() documentation above for details.


Additionally, the Bucket class has a boolean property .getSiblingsSync that controls the behavior of how siblings will be retrieved from Riak. The default is false which will cause nodiak to make parallel async requests to get all the siblings at once. If set to true then nodiak will attempt to retrieve all the siblings as a single large 'multipart/mixed' document.

The tradeoff is in the overhead in making lots and lots of smaller requests compared to one monolithic request. The former can impact your network and cluster more negatively as it has to deal with the concurrent requests, but the latter also induces additionally time blocking while lots of data is being read and processed for a single request.

##Riak Search and Riak 2i's query, callback )

// perform a Riak Search operation and retrieve the standard Riak Search response object.

The query should be an Object containing properties that map to the URL query params specified in Querying via the Solr Interface. The wt parameter defaults to JSON.

var query = { 
    q: 'field1:been', 
    'q.op': 'and',
    start: 25

riak.bucket('test').search.solr(query, true, function(err, response) {

{ responseHeader: { QTime: 54, params: { q: 'field1:been', 'q.op': 'or', filter: '', wt: 'json' }, status: 0 }, response: { maxScore: '0.353553', numFound: 100, start: 0, docs: [ { props: {}, index: 'test', fields: { field1: 'has been set' }, id: '11OAOmQHJmn9fcCfO5gPZatHdyL' }, ... ] } } query ).stream()

// perform a Riak Search operation and stream back the docs elements as RObjects

Just as with the non-streaming version of this call, the query should be an Object containing properties that map to the URL query params specified in Querying via the Solr Interface. The wt parameter defaults to JSON.

var query = { 
    q: 'field1:been', 
    'q.op': 'and',
    start: 25

var compiled_results = [];

.on('data', function(obj) {
.on('error', function(err) {
.on('end', function() {
    // we're all done fetching results.

This is simply provided as a convenience for when you know specifically that you want to fetch the actual objects in Riak referenced by the search result. query, index, [options], callback )

// a 2i's range query that returns the list of matching keys (options is for Riak 1.4+).

The query format in nodiak for a 2i's search is an Array tuple containing the beginning and end of the range you want to search ['a','zzzzzzzzz'], or just a scalar value when you want to do an exact match 'match_this'.

You do not need to provide the _int or _bin suffix to the index name. This is derived for you from the type of data you pass in to your query. If the type is explicitly an integer Number then _int will be used, otherwise _bin will be automatically assumed.

riak.bucket('test').search.twoi([0,10000], 'my_numbers', {max_results:50}, function(err, keys, continuation) {
    // if you're using 2i paging support in Riak 1.4 then you can use
    // the `continuation` to send into your next request in the options object.

The response will be an Array of the matching keys with the duplicates removed. Riak by default adds a key to the matching set for every match, so if you have multiple entries in an index that match your query, then you'll get duplicate entries of that key in the results. If for some reason you need those duplicates then you can use the underlying backend adapter client directly. query, index, options ).stream()

// a 2i's range query that streams back the matched keys (options is for Riak 1.4+).
var compiled_results = [];

riak.bucket('test').search.twoi([0,10000], 'my_numbers', ).stream()
.on('data', function(obj) {
.on('error', function(err) {
results.on('end', function(continuation) {
    // we're all done fetching results.
    // if you're using 2i paging support in Riak 1.4 then you can use
    // the `continuation` to send into your next request in the options object.


If you try to use the return_terms: true option on the streaming form it currently breaks because I don't have a good idea in mind what a use case for return_terms: true is, and so I'm having a hard time thinking up what the API or resulting data should look like.

My current thoughts are to iterate through the result set and stream back RObjects that simply have a .term property set on them that has the original matched-term set on it.


MapReduce queries in nodiak are performed by chaining map, link, and reduce phases together on a set of inputs and then finally by running the chain using execute.

Each of these phases, including the inputs conforms to the spec set forward by Basho in their documentation.

Also, nodiak allows you supply your own ad-hoc native functions as the source parameter on your map and reduce phase specifications. If your phase has 'language' : 'javascript' set, then it will simply convert your function to it's string source representation before attaching it to the source parameter.

For ad-hoc Erlang functions to work in Riak you have to add {allow_strfun, true} to the riak_kv section of your app.config files. When send in a native Javascript function as the source parameter of your phase specification, and 'language' : 'erlang' is set, then that native function must return from it a string representation of a valid Erlang MapReduce function.


Only use ad-hoc queries in development, they're slower and open up potential security risks compared to queries pre-deployed in your cluster.

###client.mapred.inputs( inputs, [include_data] ) phase ) .link( phase ) .reduce( phase ) .execute( callback )

// MapReduce w/ pre-aggregated results.
riak.mapred.inputs([['a_bucket','key1'], ['b_bucket','key2']])
        language: 'erlang',
        module: 'riak_kv_mapreduce',
        function: 'map_object_value',
        arg: 'filter_notfound'})
        language: 'erlang',
        module: 'riak_kv_mapreduce',
        function: 'reduce_count_inputs'})     
    .execute(function(err, results) {
        if(!err) console.log(results);

####.execute( ).stream()

// MapReduce w/ streaming results.
var compiled_results = [];

        language: 'erlang',
        module: 'riak_kv_mapreduce',
        function: 'map_object_value',
        arg: 'filter_notfound'})
        language: 'erlang',
        module: 'riak_kv_mapreduce',
        function: 'reduce_count_inputs'})     
    .on('data', function(result) {
    .on('end', function() {
    .on('error', function(err) {
        // Handle this however you like.


You can also pass an Array of RObjects into the inputs section of a MapReduce query. Nodiak will automatically run through each object and convert the RObject into the [bucket, key] pairing that Riak expects. Additionally, if you set include_data to true as the second inputs argument, then nodiak will also include the RObject's data, like [bucket, key, data].


The test suite can be run by simply:

$ cd /path/to/nodiak
$ npm install -d
$ npm test

The test suite can take several environment variables to modify what gets tested. This is useful for when you don't have dependent Riak features enabled (eg. skipping the 2i tests if you don't have a 2i capable Riak KV storage backend defined). The options and their defaults are as follows:

$ NODIAK_BACKEND=http  NODIAK_HOST=localhost  NODIAK_PORT=8098  NODIAK_SEARCH=false  NODIAK_2I=false npm test`


  1. Add a protobufs backend implementation.


(The MIT License)

Copyright (c) 2012 Coradine Aviation Systems

Copyright (c) 2013 Nathan Aschbacher

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


nodiak's People


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nodiak's Issues

keep-alive connections cause ECONNRESET errors

There seems to be something wrong with the socket pooling in node.js which causes ECONNRESET errors to throw when the pooling mechanism is overwhelmed.

I don't think it's an issue where the connections are actually being reset by the host, because if I increase the http.globalAgent.maxSockets value to something large like 100 the problem is generally mitigated (until those 100 sockets are overwhelmed).

If it were a problem with Riak pre-maturely closing connections, then it would seem that increasing maxSockets would make things worse faster, not make them better longer.

Add support for 2.0 Search / Yokozuna

Phase 1 - investigate (and add to docs or wiki) using a Node Solr client (preferably helios, which seems to have better query builder syntax than the other contender, solr-client) with Nodiak.

Phase 2 - wrap the Solr client within Nodiak, add Riak-specific niceties (such as "fetch the Riak objects whose keys are returned in these search query results").

search.twoi queries on $key return empty list

Using the http API I can retrieve a list of keys from a bucket via 2i:

> curl '$key/0/zzzzz'

Using Nodiak, I get an empty list back when I try to query using the $key param

app.riak.bucket('posts').search.twoi(['0','zzzzz'], '$key', function(err, keys){
//returns []

Querying a single value or range on $key both return an empty array as well.

Other 2i queries seem to work fine.

Add support for 2.0 Bucket Types

Add an optional 'bucket_type' parameter to bucket creation.
See for discussion.

Borrowing the to-do list from basho/riak-ruby-client#112

Bucket type CRUD

  • Create bucket type properties
  • Read bucket type properties
  • Update bucket type properties

Object/Key CRUD API

  • Create objects in a specific bucket type
  • Read objects in a specific bucket type
  • Update objects in a specific bucket type
  • Delete objects in a specific bucket type

Secondary Indexes

  • Query secondary indexes in a specific bucket type

Add support for node v0.6.x (currently only supports v0.8.x)?

Due to the absence of buffer concatenation support in versions of node prior to v0.8 we opted not to support older versions of node.js. However if there's some demand for that then we can add a custom HTTPBackend_0_6 or something that handles that specific case to support prior versions of node.

Let user set their own auto-resolver function per Bucket instance.

When a user is dealing with an instance of a bucket they currently have to either provide their resolver function on each object.get request or rely on the default LWW behavior supplied by the Bucket class.

We should add support for letting the user set their own Bucket-wide default auto-resolve function.

Should a read-resolved Sibling immediately write itself back to Riak?

I'm on the fence about whether or not this should happen.

Basically the issue is this in pseudo-code:


if object.hasSiblings
    siblings = object.getSiblings
    object = siblings.resolveSiblings

    // Do I go ahead and do a on the resolved object here?

    object.siblings = siblings

    return object

The reason I'm asking is that the point of attaching the siblings to the returned object is so that some ad-hoc sibling resolution can be performed upstream by the user.

My desire to do an immediate write back to Riak is to have as small a gap in time between the read-resolved siblings and the saving of the resolution.

My hesitation to doing this is that it writes something back to Riak (which at least by default will be client-side LWW) that a user expecting to be able to do their own ad-hoc resolution upstream, or desiring simply to ignore siblings because they have some edge case where they're useful, will have them obliterated by nodiak's auto-saving of the read-resolved object.

I'm leaning more toward not doing the save automatically, which is how it exists now. Thoughts?

Add flag to Search and 2i's requests for whether or not to return results as RObjects.

Currently the default behavior is to parse the search results and pull out the keys and then immediately go fetch those keys from Riak to generate a bunch of RObject instances.

This may not always be desirable behavior, so we should provide an option to the user to simply return the raw search results, so they can decide the appropriate next steps.

Needs link walking support

I need to come up with a useful scheme for handling link walking, something in the core client on the _object namespace that can be expanded in RObject or Bucket. Either an explicit walk method on RObject directly or a chain on the Bucket.object.get method perhaps?

Mistake in example?

In the following example, I think the things_to_save array should be the first argument of the save function.

var things_to_save = [];

for(var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    var robj = riak.bucket('users')'me'+i, { about_me: "I write software." });
    robj.addMeta('extra_info', 'data goes up in here');
    robj.addToIndex('numbers_i_like', [20, 3, 6]);

riak.bucket('users'), function(errs, objs) {

The save function should look like this, right?

riak.bucket('users'), function(errs, objs) {

Arguments object overuse

The arguments object is overused in the codebase. Many usages of this object cause engine slowdown and it also makes the codebase very unreadable.

Change the way works, so it uses the Bucket's method.

Currently RObject contains the complexity of using the underlying client to save itself to Riak. The Bucket then simply calls in it's own method.

This scenario should be reversed, so that the base client complexity is in Bucket and the calls its Bucket's method.

Create event stream interface for the Bucket get, save, delete operations.

If you're performing large batch/bulk operations on objects in a Bucket, like requesting hundreds of keys at a time through batch objects.get, it can often take a while before the entire operation completes and you get your results back.

There are cases where it might be nice to have the results or status streamed back to you so you can start working on results as they arrive.

The intention here is to do something for all types of primary Bucket operations that is similar to how MapReduce streaming is handled.

Add Protocol Buffers backend w/ HTTP fallbacks

At some point a protobufs backend needs to be implemented.

I envision it mostly inheriting from the HTTPBackend the same way the HTTPSBackend does, but simply needing to replace/override more methods.

Off the top of my head, the request, responseHandler, GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, DELETE, headersToMetadata, and metadataToHeaders methods.

If those are reimplemented to use protobufs on the back, but mimic HTTP (like common status codes and header conversion), then everything should work fine. Keeping the protobufs support from leaking into implementation details outside the specific backend.

Implement protocol buffers support around the C++ pb module.

Finally need to add protocol buffers support. I want to implement it around a patched version of the protobuf-for-node library so that it's actually performant. The JS-based pb libraries are miserably slow by comparison. Considering that serialization and deserialization is where the bulk of blocking CPU time is spent. This seems like a worthy effort.

In order to do this properly I need to finish a TcpClient library that abstracts away socket and connection management details somewhat similar to how the native HttpClient does in node.

Need to add more test cases

Need to cover more features of Bucket and RObject in the mocha test suite.

It'd be nice to figure out how to Travis this project too.

Streams don't work with async.js phases

The first chunk of a stream gets returned through the callback which ends up also calling the callback that async.js uses to signal the completion of a particular phase.

This causes the async.js phase to end prematurely and the rest of the stream ends up either ignored or occurring outside the expected flow-control.

debuglog related issue

var debug = util.debuglog('http');
TypeError: Object # has no method 'debuglog

Any idea ?

Improve Sibling resolution management.

At the moment when using Bucket and RObject the behavior, if you don't supply your own auto-resolve function either at the time of requesting the object or by overriding the default on on the Bucket, is to simply use a client-side LWW method provided by the Bucket class.

It may be desirable to actually pass along the original siblings to the user even after the auto-resolution (user-defined or default) has occurred.

We should attach the array of siblings on the RObject as a .siblings property.

Is there a way to list all buckets?

I would like to implement a way to iterate through all buckets or buckets matching some kind of expression to be able to clear several of them.

bucket.objects.all issue

While other things do work now, I get an irritating
[SyntaxError: Unexpected token H]
in the line bellow.
riak.bucket("bucketname").objects.all(function (err, r){

Typically this error is related to json conversion and quotes. But I am not even getting there. Also other methods like stat and getProps are working fine.

Any idea ?

Improve Bucket and RObject op-chaining.

We should return this; from most of the RObject and Bucket methods to support longer chains of actions.

The naive implementation will run any async operation in parallel, but at some point it would be nice to have some sugar for control flow in the chain.

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