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ts-type-explorer's Introduction




You can install from the VSCode Marketplace.

Alternatively, check out the releases page to download the .vsix file. See Install from a VSIX for instructions!


See typescript-explorer-vscode for usage information.



Build the entire project by running yarn build in the root directory, and build in watch-mode with yarn watch.



ts-type-explorer's People


mxsdev avatar


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ts-type-explorer's Issues

Show type arguments in description

Would be nice to show type arguments in descriptions. So, for example, the following:


Would display Promise<void> instead of Promise.

There should probably be a config option to toggle this feature, as well as a maximum length before going to ellipsis (e.g. Promise<...>.

From #18 (thanks to @Didas-git for the suggestion!)

Not getting jsdoc from declarations

For symbols defined with declare, the declaration is not included as a location, which prevents us from retrieving the jsdoc. For example, in the following, Button (which is defined with declare) will have no jsdoc.

import React from "react"
import { Button } from "@mui/material"

export const Component: React.FunctionComponent = () => (

Readonly Arrays

Readonly arrays are treated as objects, rather than arrays.

Max recursion depth tooltip

Max recursion depth tree items should say "Max recursion exceeded" or something like that on hover, instead of just ellipses.

This will help users understand that this is not occurring due to an error.

Better UX for no type selected

Currently, the extension window is empty when no type is selected. As was pointed out by a user, this can be pretty confusing.

One solution is to have placeholder text that simply indicates that the user needs to select a variable in order for anything to show up.

Type tree gets generated on every quick info call

The TypeInfo tree will be generated on every call to getQuickInfo on the typescript server. This can potentially cause enormous slowdowns on hovers in VSCode.

Ideally, the tsserver plugin would generate a type tree only upon a quick info call originating from the extension.

Error getting Type Arguments from some signatures

Sometimes, the getTypeFromTypeNode wrapper fails unexpectedly.

Error Log [Extension Host] TypeTreeRequest error Error: TypeScript Server Error (4.8.4) Debug Failure. False expression. Error: Debug Failure. False expression. at resolveNameHelper (/Applications/Visual Studio at resolveName (/Applications/Visual Studio at resolveEntityName (/Applications/Visual Studio at resolveEntityName (/Applications/Visual Studio at resolveTypeReferenceName (/Applications/Visual Studio at getTypeFromTypeReference (/Applications/Visual Studio at getTypeFromTypeNodeWorker (/Applications/Visual Studio at getTypeFromTypeNode (/Applications/Visual Studio at Object.getTypeFromTypeNode (/Applications/Visual Studio at getTypeFromTypeNode (/Users/maxstoumen/.vscode/extensions/mxsdev.typescript-explorer-vscode-0.2.0/node_modules/@ts-type-explorer/api/dist/util.js:285:28) at /Users/maxstoumen/.vscode/extensions/mxsdev.typescript-explorer-vscode-0.2.0/node_modules/@ts-type-explorer/api/dist/util.js:446:262 at () at getSignatureTypeArguments (/Users/maxstoumen/.vscode/extensions/mxsdev.typescript-explorer-vscode-0.2.0/node_modules/@ts-type-explorer/api/dist/util.js:446:251) at resolveSignature (/Users/maxstoumen/.vscode/extensions/mxsdev.typescript-explorer-vscode-0.2.0/node_modules/@ts-type-explorer/api/dist/tree.js:423:48) at _generateTypeTree (/Users/maxstoumen/.vscode/extensions/mxsdev.typescript-explorer-vscode-0.2.0/node_modules/@ts-type-explorer/api/dist/tree.js:45:112) at generateTypeTree (/Users/maxstoumen/.vscode/extensions/mxsdev.typescript-explorer-vscode-0.2.0/node_modules/@ts-type-explorer/api/dist/tree.js:10:12) at getTypeInfoAtRange (/Users/maxstoumen/.vscode/extensions/mxsdev.typescript-explorer-vscode-0.2.0/node_modules/@ts-type-explorer/api/dist/tree.js:616:12) at getCustomResponse (/Users/maxstoumen/.vscode/extensions/mxsdev.typescript-explorer-vscode-0.2.0/node_modules/@ts-type-explorer/typescript-plugin/dist/index.js:66:59) at proxy.getCompletionsAtPosition (/Users/maxstoumen/.vscode/extensions/mxsdev.typescript-explorer-vscode-0.2.0/node_modules/@ts-type-explorer/typescript-plugin/dist/index.js:52:34) at Session.getCompletions (/Applications/Visual Studio at Session.handlers.ts.Map.ts.getEntries._a. (/Applications/Visual Studio at /Applications/Visual Studio at Session.executeWithRequestId (/Applications/Visual Studio at Session.executeCommand (/Applications/Visual Studio at Session.onMessage (/Applications/Visual Studio at process. (/Applications/Visual Studio at process.emit (node:events:526:28) at emit (node:internal/child_process:938:14) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:84:21) at Function.create (/Applications/Visual Studio at dispatchResponse (/Applications/Visual Studio at dispatchMessage (/Applications/Visual Studio at ChildProcess. (/Applications/Visual Studio at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:526:28) at emit (node:internal/child_process:938:14) at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:84:21)

Make "typescriptExplorer.typeTree.maxRecursionDepth" configurable from the menu options

First, your extension here made making sense of a large enterprise code base much easier. Upon stumbling upon this extension, I have been able to better navigate and understand a very complicated codebase much easier.

That being said, I have one suggestion. With such a complex code base, I often ran over the default maxRecsionDepth of 6 and wonder why your extension failed show data. Only upon looking at your changelog was I able to see that this config was added.

IMO, this should be main option of changing the depth. I know there are risks with extension performance associated with giving this control over to the user but being able to configure this myself was very, very helpful.

Other than that, thank you for taking the time to develop this extension.

Search button not working


I found your extension today and it is awesome! It is helping loads with Material UI (@mui) and it's convoluted types ๐Ÿ˜‚.

Anyway, the search button doesn't seem to work or do anything really, I presume this isn't intentional?

Automate publish

Automate publish in prerelease.yml to the Open VSX registry and the VSCode marketplace.

Focusing a type

While exploring complex types, I often create dummy types as a way to explore a certain part of the type in ts-type-explorer. For example, if I'm exploring this type:

type Context = InferContext<createContext>

I might want to explore Context['data']['user'] in more detail without hitting the recursion limit, so I'll do:

type Context = InferContext<createContext>
type Foo = Context['data']['user']

Instead, it would be nice if I could double-click the Context['data']['user'] node in the ts-type-explorer tree to "focus" it, making it the root of the tree.

Makes my remix typescript project very slow

Type: Bug

This iextension is working fine in another project so I don't really know what the issue is with this one. But you could try cloning the Supafly remix starter at and follow all the steps to have it up and running.
Here's my package.json:

  "name": "youwish_app-a3a1",
  "private": true,
  "sideEffects": false,
  "scripts": {
    "build": "run-s build:*",
    "build:css": "npm run generate:css -- --minify",
    "build:remix": "remix build",
    "db:prepare-migration": "prisma migrate dev --create-only --skip-seed",
    "db:deploy-migration": "prisma migrate deploy",
    "dev": "run-p dev:*",
    "dev:css": "npm run generate:css -- --watch",
    "dev:remix": "remix dev",
    "format": "prettier --write .",
    "generate:css": "tailwindcss -o ./app/styles/tailwind.css",
    "lint": "eslint --cache --cache-location ./node_modules/.cache/eslint .",
    "setup": "run-s setup:db setup:seed",
    "setup:db": "prisma generate && prisma migrate deploy",
    "setup:seed": "prisma db seed",
    "start": "remix-serve build",
    "start:ci": "dotenv -- remix-serve build",
    "test": "vitest",
    "test:cov": "vitest --coverage",
    "test:e2e:dev": "start-server-and-test dev http://localhost:3000 'npx cypress open'",
    "pretest:e2e:run": "npm run build",
    "test:e2e:run": "dotenv -- cross-env PORT=8811 start-server-and-test http://localhost:8811 'npx cypress run'",
    "typecheck": "tsc -b && tsc -b cypress",
    "validate": "run-p \"test -- --run\" lint typecheck test:e2e:run"
  "prettier": {
    "semi": false,
    "singleQuote": true,
    "trailingComma": "all",
    "printWidth": 180,
    "tabWidth": 2,
    "useTabs": false
  "dependencies": {
    "@prisma/client": "^4.6.1",
    "@remix-run/node": "^1.12.0",
    "@remix-run/react": "^1.12.0",
    "@remix-run/serve": "^1.12.0",
    "@supabase/supabase-js": "^2.2.3",
    "cookie": "^0.5.0",
    "i18next": "^21.9.1",
    "i18next-browser-languagedetector": "^6.1.5",
    "i18next-fs-backend": "^1.1.5",
    "i18next-http-backend": "^1.4.1",
    "isbot": "^3.5.0",
    "react": "^18.2.0",
    "react-dom": "^18.2.0",
    "react-i18next": "^11.18.5",
    "react-zorm": "^0.6.1",
    "remix-i18next": "^4.1.1",
    "remix-typedjson": "^0.1.7",
    "tailwind-merge": "^1.8.0",
    "zod": "^3.19.1"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@faker-js/faker": "^7.6.0",
    "@remix-run/dev": "^1.12.0",
    "@remix-run/eslint-config": "^1.12.0",
    "@tailwindcss/aspect-ratio": "^0.4.2",
    "@tailwindcss/forms": "^0.5.3",
    "@tailwindcss/line-clamp": "^0.4.2",
    "@tailwindcss/typography": "^0.5.8",
    "@testing-library/cypress": "^8.0.3",
    "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.16.5",
    "@testing-library/react": "^13.4.0",
    "@testing-library/user-event": "^14.4.3",
    "@types/i18next-fs-backend": "^1.1.2",
    "@types/react": "^18.0.21",
    "@types/react-dom": "^18.0.6",
    "@vitejs/plugin-react": "^2.1.0",
    "@vitest/coverage-c8": "^0.24.3",
    "cross-env": "^7.0.3",
    "cypress": "^10.10.0",
    "dotenv-cli": "^6.0.0",
    "eslint": "^8.28.0",
    "eslint-config-prettier": "^8.5.0",
    "eslint-plugin-tailwindcss": "^3.7.0",
    "happy-dom": "^7.6.0",
    "msw": "^0.49.0",
    "npm-run-all": "^4.1.5",
    "prettier": "2.7.1",
    "prettier-plugin-tailwindcss": "^0.1.13",
    "prisma": "^4.6.1",
    "prisma-json-schema-generator": "^3.1.2",
    "prisma-zod-generator": "^0.2.0",
    "start-server-and-test": "^1.14.0",
    "tailwind-scrollbar": "^2.0.1",
    "tailwindcss": "^3.2.4",
    "ts-node": "^10.9.1",
    "tsconfig-paths": "^4.1.0",
    "typescript": "^4.8.4",
    "vite-tsconfig-paths": "^3.5.2",
    "vitest": "^0.24.3"
  "engines": {
    "node": ">=16"
  "prisma": {
    "schema": "app/database/schema.prisma",
    "seed": "ts-node --require tsconfig-paths/register app/database/seed.server.ts"

Extension version: 0.4.0
VS Code version: Code 1.76.0 (92da9481c0904c6adfe372c12da3b7748d74bdcb, 2023-03-01T10:23:06.752Z)
OS version: Darwin arm64 22.3.0
Sandboxed: No

System Info
Item Value
CPUs Apple M2 (8 x 24)
GPU Status 2d_canvas: enabled
canvas_oop_rasterization: disabled_off
direct_rendering_display_compositor: disabled_off_ok
gpu_compositing: enabled
metal: disabled_off
multiple_raster_threads: enabled_on
opengl: enabled_on
rasterization: enabled
raw_draw: disabled_off_ok
skia_renderer: enabled_on
video_decode: enabled
video_encode: enabled
vulkan: disabled_off
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled
webgpu: disabled_off
Load (avg) 5, 5, 4
Memory (System) 16.00GB (0.71GB free)
Process Argv --crash-reporter-id e2acb7ac-1967-400a-964f-da61ec447b62
Screen Reader no
VM 0%
A/B Experiments

Support modules

Modules currently aren't directly supported, so they are interpreted as object.

This works well sometimes, but if you try to generate a type tree for a massive source file (like typescript or react) it sometimes throws an error. This should probably be investigated/fixed.

(The above is actually due to #14)

The implementation for modules, if feasible, should be similar to that of #6.


Might be nice to allow more complex filtering/sorting options.

For example, sort by type kind, sort alphabetically, filter non-methods, etc.

One challenge with doing this is finding a way to make it feel natural using the menu options provided by the Extension API. Not sure if there's actually a way to have, for example, a checkmark on a menu option.

Cannot load "react" module

Trying to load the "react" module results in an error.

Specifically, it fails to load "ReactFragment" from line 228, character 9.

What's very strange about this issue is that it only seems to occur in vscode, but I cannot currently replicate it with tests.

Readonly types

Include "readonly" in the description for properties/arrays

Lazy evaluation

While exploring complex types, I often hit the recursion limit, and need to perform the workaround I described in #35 of creating a dummy type.

Would it be possible to lazily evaluate types as the user expands nodes in the ts-type-explorer tree, and get rid of the recursion limit?

For example, when you first open ts-type-explorer, only the first level of the tree is visible. Rather than evaluating all branches of the tree until the recursion limit is reached, could you only evaluate the visible nodes? That way the user should be able to continue expanding nodes without hitting an arbitrary depth limit.

Don't activate before view is opened

Hi! I noticed that extension makes ts requests before view is opened, which I don't really like.

I noticed that extension has these activation events:


But why they needed?

I think you can either remove these activation events or make view initialize lazily by using treeDataProvider.onLoad callback eg.

Better mapped tests

The current tests for mapped types are extremely simple, and we should probably have more.

Thanks to @Didas-git for pointing this out!

Improve performance with lazy processing / calculation timeout

I suddenly started having my intellisense hang indefinitely on a cypress project, and after an extension bisect found ts-type-explorer was the issue. Thankfully I solved the problem by lowering the max recursion depth to 4. I figured the type-structure must have branched out too rapidly, but it made me think there must be a better way to handle recusion calculation overload. My suggestions are:

  1. Only explore and find the types when the user expands that part of the type explorer.

    • There is no point collecting n-levels depth of type information if the nodes are collapsed, and this approach would prevent the exponential slowdown as depth increases. It would also remove the need to set a hard cap on the depth explorable.
    • EDIT: I do see that another user asked about this issue, and that the answer was: it was already implemented on some, but tricky to implement on specific types of types
  2. Allow the user to set a calculation timeout at which point to stop further recursing.

    • This could be used instead of a hard depth stop, particularly if the approach was to calculate level n of recursion for the entire tree, before level n+1. This would fit better with a variety of codebase sizes and complexities, and also let the user know what was going wrong if their computer had ground to a halt.

Also to note - I was having my intellisense hang even when I had not focused the type-explorer tab. This feels like a mis-step, I wouldn't mind a delay when opening the tab, if it meant a more performant codebase the rest of the time. A spinner and a "stop calculation" button would be good UI additions too.

Incompatible with Svelte Plugin

Since the plugin now overrides completions, plugins which interface with completions, such as the svelte plugin, are incompatible, and can cause errors retrieving info.

There's probably a few ways to approach solving this, like returning dummy info, or forcing extension load order somehow (by e.g. requiring the svelte extension as a dependency, if VSCode provides a way to do that).

Extension takes a lot of CPU and makes vscode autocomplete lag

Type: Bug

It seems that activating this extension causes CPU usage to be high and also makes Command+space suggestion very, very slow.

I'm working on quite a bit TS project, with the @effect library.

[Edit] Sorry, I reported this from VSCode and thought it'd go privately to the extension owner, did not understand it'd create an issue in here. Feel free to close this.

Extension version: 0.4.2
VS Code version: Code 1.84.2 (1a5daa3a0231a0fbba4f14db7ec463cf99d7768e, 2023-11-09T10:52:57.054Z)
OS version: Darwin arm64 23.0.0

System Info
Item Value
CPUs Apple M1 (8 x 24)
GPU Status 2d_canvas: enabled
canvas_oop_rasterization: enabled_on
direct_rendering_display_compositor: disabled_off_ok
gpu_compositing: enabled
multiple_raster_threads: enabled_on
opengl: enabled_on
rasterization: enabled
raw_draw: disabled_off_ok
video_decode: enabled
video_encode: enabled
vulkan: disabled_off
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled
webgpu: enabled
Load (avg) 15, 15, 12
Memory (System) 16.00GB (0.24GB free)
Process Argv --crash-reporter-id a5d2022e-4d81-4b90-8eb1-b7899ef33f1f
Screen Reader yes
VM 0%
A/B Experiments

Significantly slows down autocomplete even when the tab isn't focused

Type: Bug

This extension appears to greatly slow down TS autocomplete even when the extension tab is not focused. It creates a big drag on editing speed. Hopefully the extension can be updated so that it does nothing unless it's the active panel.

Extension version: 0.4.2
VS Code version: Code 1.79.2 (695af097c7bd098fbf017ce3ac85e09bbc5dda06, 2023-06-14T08:58:33.551Z)
OS version: Darwin arm64 22.5.0

System Info
Item Value
CPUs Apple M1 Pro (10 x 24)
GPU Status 2d_canvas: enabled
canvas_oop_rasterization: disabled_off
direct_rendering_display_compositor: disabled_off_ok
gpu_compositing: enabled
metal: disabled_off
multiple_raster_threads: enabled_on
opengl: enabled_on
rasterization: enabled
raw_draw: disabled_off_ok
video_decode: enabled
video_encode: enabled
vulkan: disabled_off
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled
webgpu: enabled
Load (avg) 12, 13, 16
Memory (System) 16.00GB (0.06GB free)
Process Argv
Screen Reader yes
VM 0%

Support namespaces

Right now, namespaces are treated as object. One consequence of this is that types in namespaces are not presented in the type tree, since they are not "properties" on the namespace's object type, and so aren't returned from getProperties().

Namespaces should be supported as their own "kind," like interfaces and objects.

Hide internal symbols

Some types have show internal symbols such as the following:


Ideally, these should be hidden by default.

From #18 (thanks to @Didas-git for the suggestion!)

Improve Promise types

Currently one of the major problems is that Promises are shown as an object type and do not give you the return type upfront.
My idea would be to use the <type arguments> to defined the promise type since it contains the proper type of the promise.

Another issue is that promises show a rather useless tag when looking into them

Copy as interface from typescript tree


I love this extension.
Can you please provide a functionality to copy the typescript type tree as a interface.
Ex: I right click on the selected type from the tree and copy as interface and then If I paste it in a editor it generates me the typescript interface for the selected type.

Type parameters sometimes not resolved

In many circumstances, type parameters are not resolved, even if type arguments are. For example:

declare function name(): Promise<void>;

The return type here will show void as a type argument, but will not display T, the relevant type parameter.

Thanks to @Didas-git for pointing this out!


Might be nice to have 1-2 extra windows, to allow for something like having multiple locked types.

Top to bottom hierarchy view

I'd like to see "top to bottom hierachy" of classes, as you can see for example for Java in the Eclipse.

Type hierarchy in Eclipse

It is useful to know, which subtypes are declared for current type. The tree levels could be populated lazily for better performance. Is this is possible?

[Feature] Neovim support

Just want to say a big thanks for your extension - it's been a real life-saver while debugging complex types!

I'm a Neovim user, but I've got a VSCode instance running in the background just for your extension and a small handful of others. It would be amazing to see your extension as a Neovim plugin. I see from your dotfiles that you're a Neovim user as well, so I thought you might also be interested.

Considering the way you've modularized the extension, it seems creating a Neovim front-end should be pretty straightforward. What do you think? Perhaps using sidebar.nvim could make the process a bit easier?

Really looking forward to what comes next.

plugin/extension couldn't be installed in VSCode Remote SSH instance/environment

Trying to install this plugin/extension on Remote SSH VSCode instance/environment - freezes on "Installing" step, and never be endeded, if target host could't have free acccess to web;

Error while installing 'mxsdev.typescript-explorer' extension in the remote server. connect EACCES 64:ff9b::d6b:6af:443

Many other plugins do not have such a need/need when installing, getting everything they need from the user host ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
May be possible to include dependency in package of plugin?

2024-04-08 15:15:39.491 [info] Started local extension host with pid 75330.
2024-04-08 15:15:39.680 [info] Invoking resolveAuthority(ssh-remote)...
2024-04-08 15:15:39.680 [info] [LocalProcess0][resolveAuthority(ssh-remote,1)][0ms] obtaining proxy...
2024-04-08 15:15:39.681 [info] [LocalProcess0][resolveAuthority(ssh-remote,1)][0ms] invoking...
2024-04-08 15:15:39.796 [info] [LocalProcess0][resolveAuthority(ssh-remote,1)][115ms] returned Managed(1)
2024-04-08 15:15:39.796 [info] resolveAuthority(ssh-remote) returned 'Managed(1)' after 115 ms
2024-04-08 15:15:39.796 [info] Creating a socket (renderer-Management-ffbbb26e-8e6e-41b4-b274-c3e5ffaca6ad)...
2024-04-08 15:15:39.796 [info] Creating a socket (renderer-ExtensionHost-1ec1bb1e-86d2-4222-b96a-565893d3b5e6)...
2024-04-08 15:15:39.834 [info] Creating a socket (renderer-ExtensionHost-1ec1bb1e-86d2-4222-b96a-565893d3b5e6) was successful after 38 ms.
2024-04-08 15:15:39.835 [info] Creating a socket (renderer-Management-ffbbb26e-8e6e-41b4-b274-c3e5ffaca6ad) was successful after 39 ms.
2024-04-08 15:15:43.076 [info] [perf] Render performance baseline is 18ms
2024-04-08 15:15:45.066 [info] Extension host (Remote) is unresponsive.
2024-04-08 15:15:47.091 [info] Extension host (Remote) is responsive.
2024-04-08 15:20:57.899 [error] Unable to resolve resource search-editor:#0.10431004774635366: Error: Unable to resolve resource search-editor:#0.10431004774635366
    at a.r (vscode-file://vscode-app/Applications/
    at a.r (vscode-file://vscode-app/Applications/
    at async C.acquire (vscode-file://vscode-app/Applications/
    at async u.createModelReference (vscode-file://vscode-app/Applications/
    at async a (vscode-file://vscode-app/Applications/
2024-04-08 17:51:15.404 [error] Error while installing 'mxsdev.typescript-explorer' extension in the remote server. connect EACCES 64:ff9b::d6b:6af:443
2024-04-08 17:51:15.406 [info] Downloading the 'mxsdev.typescript-explorer' extension locally and install
2024-04-08 17:51:17.087 [info] Downloaded extension: mxsdev.typescript-explorer /Users/ruvata34/Library/Application Support/Code/CachedExtensionVSIXs/mxsdev.typescript-explorer-0.4.2
2024-04-08 18:06:24.063 [info] Started local extension host with pid 79850.
2024-04-08 18:06:24.271 [info] Invoking resolveAuthority(ssh-remote)...
2024-04-08 18:06:24.271 [info] [LocalProcess0][resolveAuthority(ssh-remote,1)][0ms] obtaining proxy...
2024-04-08 18:06:24.272 [info] [LocalProcess0][resolveAuthority(ssh-remote,1)][0ms] invoking...
2024-04-08 18:06:24.385 [info] [LocalProcess0][resolveAuthority(ssh-remote,1)][114ms] returned Managed(1)
2024-04-08 18:06:24.385 [info] resolveAuthority(ssh-remote) returned 'Managed(1)' after 114 ms
2024-04-08 18:06:24.386 [info] Creating a socket (renderer-Management-efb01497-b662-4749-b71c-8c3bc26793e2)...
2024-04-08 18:06:24.386 [info] Creating a socket (renderer-ExtensionHost-1af97ced-73e4-4a23-8d3c-2cc13b885d30)...
2024-04-08 18:06:24.428 [info] Creating a socket (renderer-Management-efb01497-b662-4749-b71c-8c3bc26793e2) was successful after 42 ms.
2024-04-08 18:06:24.429 [info] Creating a socket (renderer-ExtensionHost-1af97ced-73e4-4a23-8d3c-2cc13b885d30) was successful after 43 ms.
2024-04-08 18:06:27.416 [info] [perf] Render performance baseline is 16ms
2024-04-08 18:06:29.674 [info] Extension host (Remote) is unresponsive.
2024-04-08 18:06:31.041 [info] Extension host (Remote) is responsive.
2024-04-08 18:07:27.872 [error] Error while installing 'mxsdev.typescript-explorer' extension in the remote server. connect EACCES 64:ff9b::d6b:6af:443

Union Types

Currently, union types are kept as union types, with their constituent parts recursively merged. This is pretty much the best you could hope to do, although there are a few things you can do:

  • Distribute intersections over unions
  • Extract the "greatest common denominator" from the union

The first example means, for example, {a: any} & ({b: any} | {c: any}) -> {a: any, b: any} | {a: any, c: any}. The second is the exact reverse of this.

The most useful is probably the second, i.e., extracting the common factors out of the union, since this leaves the union members as small as possible.

The problem of finding a gcd out of some objects, however, is kind of non-trivial, because there is some serious requisite recursive logic. For example:

type t = 
    a: any,
    b: {
        x: any,
        y: any,
    c: any,
    b: {
        y: any,
        z: any

would need to be converted to:

type t =
    b: {
      y: any
  } & (
      a: any,
      b: {
        x: any
      c: any,
      b: {
        z: any

The recursive logic is manageable, however the problem really here is type comparison. For example, in the above example, we have to determine that b.y is equal in every element of the union. And I'm not sure whether it's possible to compare types like this using only externally exported methods from the typeChecker.

Test Errors

As of now running tests on the lib will always result in 2 errors.
This errors come from the module.ts file and are a result of how the tests are writen, i dont think this is a huge issue but at least one that should be mentioned on the file.

Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 10 31 32

Complex mapped types can break symbol resolution


interface FieldVals {
    string: string;
    number: number

type FieldFormat = Record<string, keyof FieldVals>

type MapField<T extends FieldFormat> = {
    [K in keyof T]: FieldVals[T[K]]

declare function createField<T extends FieldFormat>(data: T): MapField<T>

const f = createField({a: "string"})


f.a in the extension will resolve to the symbol a which is of type "string", rather than following the resolution through to FieldVals, which should result in type string.

Thanks to @Didas-git for reporting this/providing the example!

Compare Types

First off. Thanks for the awesome extension.

I would love to be able to compare two types kind of like vscode's "select for compare" and "compare with selected" functionality for files. Is anything like that possible/in scope?

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