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gatsby-theme-code-notes's Introduction

Warning This work on this project is now archived. I have created an up-to-date version of this using Eleventy and the source code for it can be found here. If anyone would like to continue work on this theme, please let me know.


  • Notes can:
    • be written using Markdown (.md) or MDX (.mdx)
    • have zero, one or many tags. See an example here
    • have associated emojis 👏
    • be nested in subfolders so you can organise them how you like
    • sketchy annotations (highlights, strike-thoughs etc). Find out more here
  • Extra markdown features have also been added. Find out more here
  • Note search powered by the super-fast Flexsearch


mkdir my-site
cd my-site
yarn init

# install gatsby-theme-code-notes and it's dependencies
yarn add gatsby-theme-code-notes gatsby react react-dom

# or

npm install gatsby-theme-code-notes gatsby react react-dom

Using the Gatsby starter

Step 1: Starter installation

Source code for the starter can be found at:

With gatsby-cli:
gatsby new code-notes
With git clone:
git clone [email protected]:MrMartineau/gatsby-starter-code-notes.git

cd code-notes


Step 2: Develop & Build

Once installed or cloned locally and all packages are installed you can begin developing your site.

# Run localhost
yarn dev

# Build your Gatsby site
yarn build


Theme Options

Key Default value Description
basePath / Root url for all notes pages
contentPath /content/notes Location of notes content
logo '' (empty string) Path to your site's logo. Will be used as the src attribute for an image
showDescriptionInSidebar true Show in the sidebar
showDate false Show the note's modified date
gitRepoContentPath '' Set the location for your notes if they're hosted online, e.g. your git repo. This will show a "Edit this page" link underneath each note
showThemeInfo true Show info about this Gatsby theme
mdxOtherwiseConfigured true Configure gatsby-plugin-mdx. Note that most sites will not need to use this flag. If your site has already configured gatsby-plugin-mdx separately, set this flag false.
flexSearchEngineOptions { encode: 'icase', tokenize: 'forward', resolution: 9 } Configure FlexSearch's index method. The default value uses FlexSearch's default preset. Find out your other options here.
openSearch { } Configure the opensearch.xml file contents. This file is generated during the build process. If you want to add opensearch support, ensure you set a siteUrl in the config. See below for more information.

Example usage

This example overrides some of the theme defaults and shows the various options for the opensearch config.

// gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-theme-code-notes`,
      options: {
        basePath: '/',
        contentPath: '/content/notes',
        showDescriptionInSidebar: true,
        showThemeInfo: false,
        logo: '',
        showDate: true,

        // Opensearch is used to enhance the search on your site.
        // If you want to add it, ensure you set a `siteUrl`
        openSearch: {
          siteUrl: '', // required if you want opensearch
          siteShortName: 'Gatsby Theme Code Notes Example', // override the default value of 'Search`
          siteTags: 'front-end', // optional
          siteContact: '', // optional
          siteDescription: 'A Gatsby theme for storing your code-related notes', // optional

Add notes to your site by creating md or mdx files inside /content/notes.

Note that if you've changed the default contentPath in the configuration, you'll want to add your markdown files in the directory specified by that path.

Note frontmatter

Frontmatter information (written in YAML) can be used to add metadata and extra information for your notes

Only the title field is required, the rest are optional.

title: Note metadata
emoji: 😃
  - metadata
  - info


The link item is used to display a link that is related to the note itself. It will appear below the title if.


The emoji frontmatter item will add an emoji beside the title on listing views and above the title on individual note pages


The tags array frontmatter item allows you to add as many tags to a note as you'd like.


The modified frontmatter item allows you set a date for your note. This means they can then be sorted (ascending & descending) when viewed in the note list pages. This was introduced in v2.0.0.

The created frontmatter item works in a similar way, but it is not being used at the moment so it can be ommitted.

1. Add new modified key to your YAML frontmatter

This will mean that you have to update all your notes with a timestamp.

title: Storybook
  - testing
emoji: 📖
link: ''
created: 2020-02-27T23:02:00.000Z # this is not used by the theme at the moment
modified: 2021-01-16T10:31:32.000Z

# any valid ISO timestamp should work, like this:
# modified: 2021-01-16

If you have many notes and want to speed up adding all those timestamps, I created an npm package (frontmatter-date-setter) to automate it based on your last git or file modification dates.

Use the frontmatter-date-setter (or fds) CLI like so: (where notes is the directory of all your notes)

fds --directory=notes --debug

The package does have a few issues that I'd like to improve. For example, it will convert most emojis to unicode strings, and will format other parts of your frontmatter. So take care when you run it.

2. Set showDate: true in gatsby-config.js

Setting this value in this plugin's config renders the interface to switch to date sorting as well as showing the date in other parts of the interface.

Advanced usage


Turn your code notes into a PWA using this extra config. This requires gatsby-plugin-manifest and gatsby-plugin-offline.

// gatsby-config.js
  resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
  options: {
    name: `Zander's Code Notes`,
    short_name: `CodeNotes`,
    description: `Notes on code. My memory bank.`,
    start_url: `/`,
    background_color: `hsl(210, 38%, 95%)`,
    theme_color: `hsl(345, 100%, 69%)`,
    display: `standalone`,
    icon: `static/logo.png`,
    showDate: true,
  resolve: `gatsby-plugin-offline`,
  options: {
    precachePages: [`/*`, `/tag/*`],


MIT © Zander Martineau

Made by Zander • zander.wtfGitHubTwitter

gatsby-theme-code-notes's People


alexeyler avatar d3vd avatar dependabot[bot] avatar mrmartineau avatar rciupei avatar


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gatsby-theme-code-notes's Issues

Can you insert images?

Thanks for the work on this theme, it's really excellent and I'm enjoying it so far.

I tried two ways to insert an image into a note but neither worked. Any tips?


<img src=images/image.png>

The markdown down syntax results in a 404. How are the paths rendered? I tried a few permutations but didn't find the right one yet.


The HTML version just straight up causes gatsby to not compile.

For completeness, here is the file layout.


how to cope with non ascii language only title post

hello. first, thanks for your great work.

i'm migrating my wordpress blog to gatsby with your theme.

sadly, sorting not working.

as far as i can check, duplication of react component key is the problem (as you can see below screenshot)


then i found that, the post with only korean characters title (as you can see below screenshot)


doesn't have proper slug (= the key) for it.

related code i found: here

is it possible to fix this issue? like making another string for the NoteListItem key? (base64 of title for example)

is there any other side-effect that i cannot guess right now?


edited 2021/10/06 10:06:52 PM


and above screenshot is my current blog project structure FYI 🙏

Build fails with 1.8.0 - Works with 1.7.2

Hey, looking at v1.7.2...v1.8.0 I can't see any obvious breaking changes from 1.7.2 to 1.8.0 but building on multiple projects now fails with the below error message.

failed Building static HTML for pages - 1.601s

 ERROR #95313

Building static HTML failed for path "/"

See our docs page for more info on this error:

  WebpackError: ReferenceError: name is not defined

  - build-html.js:107 doBuildPages

  - build-html.js:121 async buildHTML

  - build.js:206 async build

Where there any breaking changes that I overlooked that would cause this?

Automatically select light/dark mode based off user preference


Since this theme appears to come out-of-the-box with both a light and dark mode, what about adding some sort of automatic theme selector based on prefers-color-scheme? From my experience, all you need is @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { ... } to automatically select this. I don't know how that'll interact with the theme toggler though.

Add search results page

e.g. /search?query=prop

This page could be reached when a user hits [enter] while searching

  • Create page that is based on the query param
  • When user hits [enter] on a search, come to this page
  • Add opensearch so that the site can be searched from the browser

Not specifying front matter in at least one file causes GraphQL error

The example front matter is:

title: Note frontmatter
emoji: 😃
  - metadata

And so long as at least one note in the directory structure has an emoji or tags or link specified then the site builds just fine. But I'm not super keen on emoji in this use case so I deleted it from all my notes and the site fails to build. Error below:

There was an error in your GraphQL query:

Cannot query field "emoji" on type "MdxFrontmatter".

If you don't expect "emoji" to exist on the type "MdxFrontmatter" it is most likely a typo.
However, if you expect "emoji" to exist there are a couple of solutions to common problems:

- If you added a new data source and/or changed something inside gatsby-node.js/gatsby-config.js, please try a restart of your development server
- The field might be accessible in another subfield, please try your query in GraphiQL and use the GraphiQL explorer to see which fields you can query and what shape they have
- You want to optionally use your field "emoji" and right now it is not used anywhere. Therefore Gatsby can't infer the type and add it to the GraphQL schema. A quick fix is to add a least one entry with that field ("dummy content")

It is recommended to explicitly type your GraphQL schema if you want to use optional fields. This way you don't have to add the mentioned "dummy content". Visit our docs to learn how you can define the schema for "MdxFrontmatter":

File: /Users/alex/git/ib/code-notes/node_modules/gatsby-theme-code-notes/src/templates/Note.js

Therefore I'm requesting that the requirement of specifying these front matter keys is dropped. Not every note needs a link, or an emoji.


Remove emoji

Hi, this theme is very cool, i love it

But I don't want to use emoji, How to remove it?
I filled in emoji: '' in frontmatter but left an empty area. Look like this:

Screenshot from 2021-09-04 08-02-44

Thank you

GraphQL errors after installation on type "MdxFields"


After running

gatsby new code-notes cd code-notes yarn dev

I got these blocking errors in the CLI :

Cannot query field "dateModified" on type "MdxFields".
The fragment "AllPages" does not exist.

I got :

% yarn --version
% node --version

Did I miss something ?
Thanks !

Tag Pages Error

When attempting to click on a tag on the site it leads to 404 error. Am I supposed to manually create a page for each tag that I make while in the front matter while creating a md/mdx file? I have attached an example screen shot of the error. I am coming from Jekyll and I am very new to React and Gatsby so I apologize if this is a dumb question.


After basePath is set, the note's path will not automatically add the value of basePath?

Here is my config of basePath.

module.exports = {
  siteMetadata: {
  plugins: [
      resolve: 'gatsby-theme-code-notes',
      options: {
        contentPath: 'notes',
        basePath: '/notes/',
        showThemeInfo: false,
        showDescriptionInSidebar: true,
        logo: ''

When I set basePath to /notes/, It's works and totally fine, but when I click the note whose URL is todo. It doesn't link to /notes/todo but todo.

I really don't know is this a bug or just my mistake of using. I'm totally rookie in gatsby.

and the other question is how can I get basePath settings through graphql, I couldn't find a way :(

Looking forward to your reply!plz..

Who's using Code Notes?

It is great to see people using my theme, are you? If so, can you share the link to your code notes site?

Code Notes links

Beyond my original posts on Hacker News and reddit there have been a few other mentions of the theme by other people. Please post any that you find 😄

opening sidenav and scrolling breaks page layout

Using it on my mobile, and realised that it breaks the layout when i open the menu and scroll. It scrolls down below the last post and a lot of unnecessary space get added thus making the page scrollable to a point where there's no content.

It also gets automatically readjusted sometimes when i close the menu, and sometimes it does not.

Attaching an image for reference here.

Error: [useColorMode] requires the ColorModeProvider component

New to Gatsby, so I might be missing something obvious. Steps I've taken:

sudo npm install -g gatsby-cli
mkdir kb && cd kb
gatsby new .
gastby develop

I chose to use npm as a package manager when asked by running gatsby new.



  86 | const { colorMode, setColorMode } = useThemeUI()
  87 | 
  88 | if (typeof setColorMode !== 'function') {
> 89 |   throw new Error(`[useColorMode] requires the ColorModeProvider component`)
  90 | }
  91 | 
  92 | return [colorMode, setColorMode]

Required field "link"

Hi! Thanks for your theme, it's very cool!

I see that you added a new "link" field.

May I ask you to make it optional? Otherwise, I'll have to add this field ("link") to every document.

And without this "link" field, I get an error:


There was an error in your GraphQL query:

Cannot query field "link" on type "MdxFrontmatter".


Code Notes Version 2

I have been working on an update for Code Notes that tightens the design and adds some sorting to the notes list.

Notes can now be sorted (by the user) alphabetically or by date (providing you include some extra frontmatter in your notes)


Note typography has been improved a bit as well and so has the left-hand navigation:


My own site, has the latest version, and I have been using that for testing. There are a few minor things that I need to improve, but I think it is nearly ready to be released.

If you would like to try these updates yourself, please install the latest beta of the code-notes package. At the time of writing it is 2.0.0-9 like so:

yarn add gatsby-theme-code-notes@next

See all the updates in this PR: #91

Sub folders in notes

If you try and structure your notes in sub-folders then links are incorrect.

notes/react/ will be linked ass notes/topic1. Navigating directly to /react/topic1 still works.

Error on hot reload after editing gatsby-config.js

Hey man,

Love this theme.

Ran into an issue on hot reload after editing the gatsby-config.js file and changing a setting (set showThemeInfo to true, though it seems to happen on any change, like editing the description):


There was an error in your GraphQL query:

Cannot return null for non-nullable field SiteSiteMetadata.gitRepoContentPath.

The field "SiteSiteMetadata.gitRepoContentPath." was explicitly defined as non-nullable via the schema customization API (by yourself or a plugin/theme). This means that this field is not optional and you have to define a value. If this is not your desired behavior and you defined the schema yourself, go to "createTypes" in gatsby-node.js. If you're using a plugin/theme, you can learn more here on how to fix field types:

   1 | query usersalexeylerDevelopmentwebmyNotesnodeModulesgatsbyThemeCodeNotessrcuseSiteMetadataTs1322576299 {
   2 |   site {
   3 |     siteMetadata {
   4 |       title
   5 |       description
>  6 |       gitRepoContentPath
     |       ^
   7 |       showThemeInfo
   8 |       showDescriptionInSidebar
   9 |       logo
  10 |     }
  11 |   }
  12 | }
  13 |

File path: /Users/alexeyler/Development/web/my-notes/node_modules/gatsby-theme-code-notes/src/use-site-metadata.ts
Plugin: none

When reloading the web page, I see this error:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'gitRepoContentPath' of null
  43 |   data,
  44 |   pageContext,
  45 |   location,
> 46 | }) => {
  47 |   if (!data) {
  48 |     return null
  49 |   }

I'm a backend developer by trade (first time using react, gatsby, etc.), but I can take a swing and see if I can find the root cause.

[RFE] Add an 'about' section

It would be nice to have an 'about'/'more info' section where you can explain what is the purpose of the site, authors, etc. without 'about' being a tag.

warn The gatsby-plugin-mdx plugin has generated no Gatsby nodes. Do you need it?

The above error message results in a build failure when we try to get query for the 'fields' column in graphQL:

6:10:31 PM: error There was an error in your GraphQL query:
6:10:31 PM: Cannot query field "fields" on type "Mdx".
6:10:31 PM: If you don't expect "fields" to exist on the type "Mdx" it is most likely a typo.
However, if you expect "fields" to exist there are a couple of solutions to common problems:
6:10:31 PM: - If you added a new data source and/or changed something inside gatsby-node.js/gatsby-config.js, please try a restart of your development server
6:10:31 PM: - The field might be accessible in another subfield, please try your query in GraphiQL and use the GraphiQL explorer to see which fields you can query and what shape they have
6:10:31 PM: - You want to optionally use your field "fields" and right now it is not used anywhere. Therefore Gatsby can't infer the type and add it to the GraphQL schema. A quick fix is to add a least one entry with that field ("dummy content")
6:10:31 PM: It is recommended to explicitly type your GraphQL schema if you want to use optional fields. This way you don't have to add the mentioned "dummy content". Visit our docs to learn how you can define the schema for "Mdx":

I believe the fix is to activate gatsby-source-filesystem before activating gatsby-plugin-mdx (see gatsbyjs/gatsby#15594). Here's a change in my repo I made to fix the issue: AlexEyler/my-notes@936385f

I'll create a PR for this fix.

Set image max-width

Now images are overflowing. Can you please set the width on image max-width: 100%

[Suggestion] Clicking top left of page should go to homepage

Currently users have to click on the "All notes" label to go to the homepage.


Having to click this far down isn't ideal since users usually click on the top left of the screen (where the logo is) to go to the homepage.

Since the logo is optional, my suggestion is to make both the logo and description take the user to the homepage.

Fresh install doesn't build

It looks like the lock files are hiding some requirements for the package, such that installing without the yarn.lock (in an attempt to use the standard package-lock.json) doesn't work.

Steps to reproduce:

If installed via yarn (replacing npm install with yarn install), it works as expected.


failed Building static HTML for pages - 3.641s

 ERROR #95313

Building static HTML failed for path "/example-note/"

See our docs page for more info on this error:

  11 |   const theme = preset.default || preset
  12 |
> 13 |   const themeWithPrism = merge(theme, {
     |                                ^
  14 |     styles: {
  15 |       pre: prismPreset,
  16 |     },

  WebpackError: TypeError: Object(...) is not a function

  - provider.js:13

I've had a number of errors, but this seems to be the main one. It's hard to track down exactly which it would be

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