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vue-document-editor's Introduction


vue-document-editor is a rich-text editor built on top of Vue.js, using the native contenteditable browser implementation and some JavaScript trickery to spread content over paper-sized pages. It is mainly designed to allow targeted modifications to pre-formatted documents using HTML or interactive templates.

💬 This package does not intend to replace a proper document editor with full functionality. If you're looking for a powerful word processor, check out CKEditor for Vue.js or Collabora Online Development Edition.


  • Use Vue.js components as interactive page templates
  • Word-by-word page splitting (still experimental - only for plain HTML content)
  • Native Print compatible
  • Dynamic document format and margins in millimeters
  • Custom page overlays (headers, footers, page numbers)
  • Page breaks
  • Smart zoom and page display modes
  • Computes text style at caret position
  • Migrated to Vue.js 3.x (to use with Vue 2.x, select library version 1.x)
💬 This package doesn't include any toolbar. The demo features vue-file-toolbar-menu for the toolbar.


In your Vue.js 3.x project:
npm install vue-document-editor
In your Vue.js 2.x project:
npm install vue-document-editor@1
💬 If you prefer static files, import assets from the dist folder

Basic example

  <div style="font-family: Avenir, sans-serif">
    <vue-document-editor v-model:content="content" /> <!-- Vue 3 syntax -->
    <!-- <vue-document-editor :content.sync="content" /> --> <!-- Vue 2 syntax -->

import VueDocumentEditor from 'vue-document-editor'

export default {
  components: { VueDocumentEditor },
  data () {
    return { 
      content: ["<h1>Hello!</h1>Fill this page with text and new pages will be created as it overflows."]
same example using static files loaded with a CDN (Vue 3)
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  <div id="app">
    <div style="font-family: Avenir, sans-serif">
      <vue-document-editor v-model:content="content" />
  const app = Vue.createApp({
    components: { VueDocumentEditor },
    data () {
      return { 
        content: ["<h1>Hello!</h1>Fill this page with text and new pages will be created as it overflows."]
same example using static files loaded with a CDN (Vue 2)
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">
  <div id="app">
    <div style="font-family: Avenir, sans-serif">
      <vue-document-editor :content.sync="content" />
  var app = new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    components: { VueDocumentEditor },
    data () {
      return { 
        content: ["<h1>Hello!</h1>Fill this page with text and new pages will be created as it overflows."]

Complete example

See the Demo.vue file and the InvoiceTemplate.ce.vue file corresponding to the live demo.


For the list of props, data and styling variables: 📘 read the API.

Known issues / limitations

  • Undo / Redo: Native undo/redo needs to be rewritten as the split mechanism modifies the HTML content at every input, so the navigator is lost. You have to implement it yourself by watching content updates and storing them in a stack, then restoring them. Demo.vue implements this. Also your interactive templates need to have a custom undo/redo management if their editable fields are not synced with the content.
  • Performance: For now, large texts must be divided into multiple paragraphs and large page numbers can slow down the entire document (see Issue 14).
  • Safari print: Safari adds print margins unless you choose a borderless paper format in the print box. This has to be done manually. I guess there is no workaround for this issue yet.
  • Tables, images: Image/table placement and sizing is not included. You can implement it specifically for your needs. However, table rows split fine over multiple pages.
  • Page splitting doesn't work with Vue page templates: This library cannot act on the content managed by Vue (like .vue page templates), because then Vue is lost and the template pages are no longer interactive. The only choice you have is writing plain HTML in the content instead of using .vue templates. You can do interactivity by using HTML elements with the attributes contenteditable="false" and onclick="..." containing your own JavaScript code.

Project development

  • npm run serve compiles, serves and hot-reloads demo for development
  • npm run build compiles and minifies production files and demo


Copyright (c) 2020 Romain Lamothe, MIT License

vue-document-editor's People


motla avatar


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vue-document-editor's Issues

Vue3 Support

Hi. This component is very interesting.

I'm trying to use Demo.vue page in a blank Vue 3 project. But, I found some issues, probably in the conversion or something like that.

Is compatible or is there an example of how to use it?

Table Page Break

I found a problem when I use a table element where the content within a second or subsequent column exceeds the height of the previous column within the same row, it may lead to irregular formatting due to page breaks.

Image draggable and resizable

First of all, vue-document-editor is just great. I'm not a basic JS coder but I'm getting started and looking to integrate into vue-document-editor the possibility of making images draggable and resizable. Have you implemented such a thing? Do you have any ideas, I have already tried vue-draggable-resizable but I must be missing something if you could help me. Thank you and congratulations again for the work accomplished.

problem with ?. operator

Describe the bug
After update depencies i have a bug when im try to run watch/dev/build

ERROR in ./node_modules/vue-document-editor/src/DocumentEditor/DocumentEditor.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js& (./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./node_modules/vue-document-editor/src/DocumentEditor/DocumentEditor.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&) 380:61
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (380:61)
File was processed with these loaders:

  • ./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/index.js
    You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders.
    | // add overlays if any
    const overlay_elt = this.$refs[page.uuid+'-overlay']?.[0];

| if(overlay_elt){

i'm using vuetifyjs-mix-extension loader, and eslint prettier
and i think my loader, or babel transplitter cant load "?." operator, when im delete this new code all going to be ok

my .babelrc
"plugins": ["@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import"]

my eslint
module.exports = {
root: true,
env: {
es6: true,
parserOptions: {
parser: '@babel/eslint-parser',
sourceType: 'module',
requireConfigFile: false,
plugins: ['prettier', 'vue'],
extends: [
'plugin:vue/recommended', // Use this if you are using Vue.js 2.x.
rules: {
'vue/max-attributes-per-line': 'off',
'vue/no-use-v-if-with-v-for': 'warn',
'vue/no-side-effects-in-computed-properties': 'warn',
'vuetify/no-deprecated-classes': 'error',
'object-shorthand': ['error', 'always'],

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Linux Mint

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

New page auto create in Vue2 version

The function to create new page, in Vue 2 dont work.

When im writing a text and in overflow the a4 page size. the editor dont create a new page automatcaly.

The page number overlay does not appear on the last page. (Inside the modal)

** It is a sentence written using a translation program. Please forgive me.

Describe the bug
The page number overlay does not appear on the last page. (Inside the modal)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Import components(Demo.vue) from within the Modal.
  2. On the browser screen, you can see that the last page overlay appears.
  3. Press the Print button.
  4. You can see that there is no page number overlay on the last page.

Expected behavior
As a result of the test, the problem occurred only inside the Modal and no problem outside the Modal.
But I thought it might be a problem because it was different from the template environment I was using.

[If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Windows 11 Pro
  • Browser : Chrome, Edge
  • Version : Chrome : 111.0.5563.110 / Edge : 111.0.1661.44
  • Vue.js version : 3.2.45

Additional context
I am a novice developer, and I am working on a project using a template.
Templates use Vue3, TypeScript, and Vite.
This environment seems to be causing problems, but I couldn't find them with my ability.
Here's the github repertoire that reproduced my problem.

It's a really great solution, so I want to solve the problem and use it.
Please give me a little help. Thank you.

Backspace key is broken with one page content

Describe the bug
Backspace key does not work if content only has one page

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Modify Demo.vue, change content to

 content: [
        { template: markRaw(InvoiceTemplate), props: { invoice_number: "AB38052985" } },

Now run the demo and try to delete text with backspace key.

Expected behavior
Backspace key works in all circumstances.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04
  • Browser Chrome, Firefox
  • Version 2.2.1
  • Vue.js version 3.2.45

Additional context
This is either caused by the fix for #16 or a failure on my part to understand how the component is used.

Vue3: Parent Component's data doesn't change after modifying data in vue-document-editor component

Please let me know if I got it wrong. Thank you very much 🙂

Describe the bug
I used the demo example(invoiceTemplate). After modifying the invoice_number on the screen, the variable content in Demo.vue does not change.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Clone the git repo
  2. Run npm run serve
  3. Open Chrome Vue.js devtool or simply add setInterval in Demo.vue (Continously log content variable)
  4. Modify the invoice_number in vue-document-editor component
  5. Compare the value from log and screen

Expected behavior
Expect data to be reactive between Demo.vue and template



  • OS: [Window]
  • Browser [Chrome]
  • Vue.js version [3]

Use with tailwindcss

I use tailwindcss and I need to specify h1, ol, ul styles, I do it like this in my component:

.editor h1 {
  @apply text-3xl;

It works:


But when I press print, the styles are not applied. How can this be fixed?



Performance issue on paste of very large data

When a large data, for example a 30 page word document is copy-pasted, it is taking almost 3 minutes to finish to create pages, if more than 100 pages, the UI completely hangs, this can be reproduced by copy pasting more than 20-30 pages word document to the editor, also, even 10-15 pages takes ~25 seconds to paste, the issue is identified in the fit_content_over_pages function, the recursive call to the function move_children_forward_recursively is causing the problem
Even the demo link reproduces the said error. Please suggest a fix for this performance issue if possible.
Suggestion -
Does the approach of creating a new div and using it to move word by word to the current page and then moving all the remaining content into the next page at once instead of word by word, and repeat the same for the overflown page work?
Unfortunately I tried to modify the move_children_forward_recursively and fit_content_over_pages function but I have relatively less experience so I am not able to successfully implement the said logic, so it will be helpful to me if you can at least validate the new logic or help me implement it further

Well, dear friends, when will you add pictures, forms, comments and directories

Upload pictures
base64 or online upload, or local upload, or ctrl+v upload

Add Table
Slide the mouse into rendering n rows and n columns, select and merge cells, add and delete columns and rows, and drag the mouse to adjust the height of rows

Add a comment
You can select one or more words for a paragraph of text, or add comments to it by overlapping it

Implementation document directory
Document directory similar to Word

Add Referenced Paragraph
Click the pop-up window and select a paragraph of text to render to the last out of focus position of the editor

dynamyc editable fields

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Describe the solution you'd like
in there a way to add dynamic editable fields? I'm wondering how I can add them to the editor so the user can add dynamic fields on demand.

Additional context
Working on a contract template creator, but I want the user be able to create templates and add dynamic fields according to his needs.

Icon appear as text even after installing dependency

Icon appear as text even after installing dependency

I use this for so long, and it works perfectly well but somehow lately the icon did not appear and it appear as text. please help look into this matter and help me solve this. Thank you


provider/inject not work between parent and child component in vue3

Describe the bug
I pass in a component by templete, and the data provided by the outermost component cannot be read by inject in the child component.

in parent component:
provide('setting', {a:1,b:1});

in child component:
const setting = inject('setting'); // get nothing

adjust line height of paragraph

Hi there,
Thanks for creating this awesome package!
I would like to know how do we able to adjust the line height of the paragraph?
Because according to the DEMO, I can't find any clue how to achieve this with the toolbar.
Please advise.

Using `editable` prop to provide read only view

Describe the bug
I want to use the component to render the content previously saved by the editor, in a non-editable/read only mode.
Component prop editable suggests // Sets whether document text can be modified.
But setting this prop as false, only sets the wrapper div (ref=content) as contentEditable= false
For subsequent pages in the loop the contentEditable property is decided on the fact if the page object has a template property or not, and since the property is not present (in general case of direct content saving), contentEditable property for page remains true, and it stays editable.

Is it expected to behave this way? Is there any workaround to achieve the non-editable mode?

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Use :editable="false" prop in component


                                overflowY: 'scroll'

Expected behavior
Setting editable prop to false should render the full document/all pages non-editable.


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu
  • Browser Chromium


Unwanted page break

Hi @motla

I don't want this page break to happen for my sections.

I am unable to prevent this behavior via CSS alone, as it seems that vue-document-editor does not seem to take into consideration page-break-before, page-break-after or page-break-inside. What do I need to do?

Ps.: My sections are in <section> elements.


Question about usage of others pagins format

Describe the bug
This is not a bug but a question abount usage of page formats. Im trying to use another pages format like A5, A5L,etc. it works in editor but, when i click in print, i know that the before_print function is called, the page only show in A4 format in printer viewer you know what is happining...and in what i can check out to make this work?

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. go to editor
  2. click on Format menu
  3. Select a format lke a5l,a5,
  4. and i click in print and the browser only show the page in a4 form

as u can see bellow. the ditor show correctly the format. but in print the page dont appear in a5 format


after print click


Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
  • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
  • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
  • Version [e.g. 22]
  • Vue.js version [e.g. v2.6.11]

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Travamentos a partir de 10 páginas

o editor começa a travar apartir de 10 páginas, não sendo possível continuar.
observei que a renderização de páginas acontece a cada letra digitada.

lost page when paste data from clipboard

Test in both in version 1.2.6 and 1.2.4.
If the initial content is very large(more than three pages in my case). Then I paste some data from clipboard.
The second page will disappear.

Page break

Hello friends!

I need help.

I would like to use vue-document-editor to issue reports from my system. It has proven to be a great tool, but it has an issue in it that is giving me a headache, which is the page break.

When I generate my report, I don't know how long it will be, whether or not it will fit within a single page. So I would need the library to work on it automatically, separating what goes on one page or another.

Currently all the content is on one page in the view, and some things get messed up.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

Best Regards

Unable to update the document

Hi, I did follow all the demo code you gave me, and I even add:

watch: { content: { immediate: true, // Fill undo / redo history stack on user input handler (new_content) { if(!this._mute_next_content_watcher) { // only update the stack when content is changed by user input, not undo/redo commands this.content_history[++this.undo_count] = new_content; this.content_history.length = this.undo_count + 1; // remove all redo items } this._mute_next_content_watcher = false; } }, }

But my content still not update whenever I edit something in the document. When I try to submit, it submit the unedited document instead of the updated ones, below here is my code reference:

` <cv-modal v-bind="props" :visible="createChecklistModal" :kind="kind" :size="size"
:primaryButtonDisabled="primaryButtonDisabled_CF" :disableTeleport="disableTeleport_CF"
@after-modal-hidden="onAfterModalHidden_CF" @modal-hidden="onModalHidden_CF"
@modal-hide-request="onModalHideRequest_CF" @modal-shown="onModalShown_CF" @primary-click="onPrimaryClickClose"
@secondary-click="onSecondaryClickDiscard" @other-btn-click="onOtherBtnClick_CF" id="checklistModal">

    <template v-slot:title>⚠️ Create template</template>
    <template v-slot:content>
        <!-- <QuillEditor v-model:content="content" style="height: 450px;" toolbar="full" contentType="html">
        </QuillEditor> -->
        <!-- Top bar -->
        <vue-file-toolbar-menu :content="menu" class="bar" />

        <!-- Document editor -->
        <vue-document-editor id="textEditor" class="editor" ref="editor"
        :contenteditable="edit_mode" spellcheck="false" />

        <!-- <div ref="text" class="text" :contenteditable="edit_mode" spellcheck="false" v-html="initial_html"></div> -->

    <template v-slot:secondary-button>Back</template>
    <template v-slot:primary-button>Save</template>


`async onPrimaryClickTemplate() {
        console.log("CREATE TEMPLATE WAS CLICK")


        if (this.content.length === 0 || (this.content.length === 1 && this.content[0] === '')) {
            const endPoint = process.env.VUE_APP_END_POINT;

            const config = {
                headers: {
                    Authorization: 'Bearer ' + this.currentUser.access_token,
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json', // Set Content-Type to application/json

            try {
                const response = await this.$axios.get(
                    endPoint + '/test/api/addApp/defaultTemplate',

                const data =;
                this.content = [data];

                const currentDate = new Date();
                // Extract day, month, and year
                const day = currentDate.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0');
                const month = (currentDate.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0');
                const year = currentDate.getFullYear();
                const dayText = currentDate.getDate();
                const monthText = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', { month: 'long' }).format(currentDate);
                const yearText = currentDate.getFullYear();
                const formattedDateText = `${dayText} ${monthText} ${yearText}`;
                const formattedDate = `${day}/${month}/${year}`;
                const roleTypeUpperCase = this.roleType.toUpperCase();
            } catch (error) {
                console.error("Error fetching checklist data:", error);

Reflects two bugs about the delete operation

Describe the bug
When I started editing a new document, I detected two bugs.

First bug. The last div tag in the document disappears when the delete key is continuously entered on an empty TAB. At this point, if I type in the text and enter, the content will not wrap.

The second bug, or in a blank document, if I hit the enter key continuously, it will produce multiple blank lines, at this time, if I use the delete key to delete these empty lines, the deletion operation will not take effect.

I analyzed your code and found a mistake in your logic when dealing with the delete key. Therefore, the above two bugs are generated. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.


can we set certain pages to landscape then back to portrait?

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Question transcribe your demo.vue page into <script setup>

I would like to transcribe your demo.vue page into <script setup> format. I block at the watcher level with this._mute_next_content_watcher. Can you tell me what this corresponds to? I did a search in your project and I can't find it anywhere else. If you wish, I could give you the source code for those who are interested.
Thank you

add Header only in the first page

is there a way to add header only in the first page. and keep the next pages with normal headers space ?

currently, when in set the header space using page_margins variable it is aapplied to all page.

Issue when editing data with overlay

I can't edit the page data because the overlay is over the content.

When I click here

If I remove overlay, all works fine. However I need header and footer.


  • OS: Windows 11
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 2.2.1
  • Vue.js version: 3.2.45

Add page 2 columns layout

Is there a way to make a layout in 2 columns? As shown in the image, where the text follows the flow of the arrow, ending at the bottom of the page and starting in the next column at the top.


style not found in template

Good morning,
When I want to test vue-document-editor, the layout is not taken into account.
I copied the demo.vue file and InvoiceTemplate.ce.vue which I placed in my sources but all the css that is in InvoiceTemplate.ce.vue is not interpreted.
Do you have any idea of the reason?

Is that possible with multi-page template?

I use a vue template to create some uneditable fields just like InvoiceTemplate.vue.
But I found that the content template can not larger than one page, so is that possible to have a multi-page template?

Support Sponsorship

I think this project could be very valuable to me. If you can enable sponsorship, I'd be happy to sponsor some work on this project.

There are a few features I can think of that I would need, but one of the main features that I would be looking to see is exporting to a Word (.doc or .docx) document. I know this will likely be very challenging.

Another feature that would be very useful, and probably signicantly easier would be variable placeholders, (using a document as a template).

Again, thanks for the awesome project. I'm very interested in seeing it succeed.

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