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mpmbs-character-record-sheet's Introduction

MorePurpleMoreBetter's D&D 5e Character Record Sheet

This Git contains all document-level JavaScript that is used in the AcroForm PDFs called MPMB's Character Record Sheet. Note that you can't create the PDF from just this repository, this is just the JavaScript used at the document-level.


The _functions folder contain the document-level functions that the AcroForm utilizes. These are called from form fields, buttons or bookmarks.


The _variables folder contains all document-level variables that the AcroForm utilizes. Here the sheet stores the information that it uses to populate the fields.

Additional Content

The additional content folder contains scripts that can be imported into the sheet using the "Add Extra Materials" bookmark or "Import" button. Each file is a complete script. You can add multiple files, but take note that they will be processed in the order they are added. Please see the How-To Guide - Add More Content on my website for an explanation how to add these scripts to the PDF.


The additional content syntax folder contains explanatory files for making the additional content scripts.


There is a community of people who actively make additions to MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools over at the /r/mpmb subreddit.
You can also join the MPMB Discord sever for discussion and questions.


Legal Information

MPMB's Character Tools automate the administrative tasks around playing the game of Dungeon & Dragons 5th edition (C) Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Copyright (C) 2014 Joost Wijnen; Flapkan Productions

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You can find a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Certain parts of the content are copyright of Wizards of the Coast and are including using the Open Game License version 1.0a.

mpmbs-character-record-sheet's People


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mpmbs-character-record-sheet's Issues

weapon proficiencies migration from old pdf to 12-95

I have a level 1 fighter that I built with a pdf in the last month. Not sure which version of the pdf. I tried the import into the latest pdf and none of the weapon and armor proficiencies moved across.

I also just noticed that the Variant Human didn't come across. The text was all set correctly, but I had to reselect it for the description in the ability score Javascript window.

Also, it's the print friendly version for both.

Different typefaces on spell sheet

I noticed on the spell sheet it uses 2 different typefaces in certain places. Even if I change it from the default to tested one, it still shows up.

It seems to be caused by inserting empty rows.

spell sheet

Weapon List - Damage: Character level + 1

When creating a new Weapon List under damage you have this comment.

// Required; the damage it does. First entry is the amount of dice, second is the type of dice, and third is the damage type. This example is 2d4 worth of piercing damage. //if you want the amount of dice to be an amount determined by the Character Level, then put "C" as the first value. Alternatively, you can use "B" for the value minus 1 (such as with Green-Flame Blade)

When testing it I noticed that if I set damage: ["C",6,"cold"] that my damage type will calculate to 1d6 for the first 5 levels but then when I hit level 6 it will calculate to 2d6.

Is it possible to get this to calculate to 2d6 for levels 1-5 and 3d6 for levels 6-11`, etc?

Currently I am doing damage : ["C+1", 6, "slashing"], and if this is the way I am supposed to be doing this, then you can just close this issue.

Ranger Companion: Wolf -- attack calculation incorrect

Wolves have 12 STR and 15 DEX, and have +4 to hit, +2 to damage, so it appears that their bite attack uses Dexterity, not Strength.

DM's basic rules:

screen shot 2017-02-24 at 8 12 16 am

However, MPMB sheet is calculating the ranger companion attack as STR + Proficiency + Ranger's Proficiency, causing it to be +5 instead of +6. The same issue occurs with damage.

screen shot 2017-02-24 at 8 14 22 am

Subrace list

I'm working on a race, Serafu
Is mechanically just like the dragon born and its subraces black bronze ect.
Going off the homebrew syntax file I don't understand his to end it.
Its a var list cuz its a lot of variable races. But in your complete file vs the homebrew syntax doesn't make sence

Updating Paladin stats does not update Saving Throws

An Oath of Devotion paladin gets an ability starting at Lvl 6 that augments their saving throws by adding their Charisma modifier to all saves. I'm seeing two buggy behaviors in 12.999 (using external "user" GitHub data imported from Feb 12, 2018)

  1. On a new sheet, create a paladin (Oath of Devotion)/Human with some set of stats for a 27-point buy. Now, add 35000 XP to take the character to Lvl 8. After the update to Lvl 8, increase Charisma to 20. It should update Saving throws to include the +5 modifier, but does not. If you add anything to the XP and update the XP, it will update the saving throws though. But it's not doing it if you increase the stats immediately after the level upgrade.
  2. I have an old Paladin character from 12.86 sheet that was imported into 12.999. It exhibits the same problem expressed in (1) above, BUT even when upgrading the character to Lvl 9, it does not update the Saving throws at all. This file is attached to this report.
    Rothar Stronk.pdf

Beast Master Ranger Companion HP is wrong

I have a Beast Master Ranger who has a Companion page in his sheet. It is a tressym, a winged cat, and the companion's HP is calculated as either it's Hit Dice (species dependent) or four times the Ranger's level, whichever is higher.

When a sheet is opened, the companion's HP is being reset to the Hit Dice, when, in the case of this character's level, the four times the level is higher. So it's 20 when saved, but when closed and opened, back to 8.

Selecting the option to regenerate the companion pet does fix it, but again, it won't save it that way, and will reset back to just the Hit Dice total upon re-opening.

Wood Elf Race Don't Get Racial Treats

Thank you for your superb job on this PDF. I'm enjoying it a lot :)

Upon picking the race "Elf, Wood" in the drop down list, none of the racial treats are implemented.
All other Elf sub races work just fine.

Thanks :)

Wood Elf race features bug

Finding that the Wood Elf Race doesn't populate any of the subsequent fields.

I clicked quite a few others and it looks like the problem may only be with the wood elf.

Duplicate UA spells in complete spell sheets

I'm unsure whether this has been reported or not but I noticed that in the wizard and warlock spell lists there are a couple of spells that happen to have a duplicate (the thing they all seem to have in common is that they are all from unearthed arcanas)
these are the ones i found:
toll the dead
cause fear
there might be others on the other complete spell lists but i haven't checked

"Borrow" speed, should be "burrow"

speed : { //required; This sets a value for one or more speed modes, and/or a value to be added to a specific speed mode or to all speed modes // the attributes of this object can be "walk", "borrow", "climb", "fly", "swim", and "allModes"

Making some new race pages and I came across a reference to "borrow". Originally thinking this was just a typo in the docs, I found that "burrow" does not work in the object and it is indeed "borrow". This is incorrect, it should be "burrow".

Styling issue on the new class JS window

Seems I'm getting some styling issues with the new pop up. I was able to work around them by clicking into a field I could hit and tabbing to the correct field to change it.

javascript window 2017-04-25 20-38-50

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
Version 2017.009.20044

REQUEST: Consolidate customisation options

While most customisation options are accessible from function bookmarks, there remains a few that can only be set within the sheet. It'd be great if they're all also accessible from the bookmarks.

Some of these settings (probably non-exhaustive) include:

  • Set the skill list to sort by ability or alphabetically
  • Enable the "Attuned Magical Item" section in the equipment list
  • Set max HP automation mode (fixed, max, etc.)
  • Set boxes to be included in carry weight calculation
  • Show a second Ability save DC
  • Set companions to show portrait/equipment boxes (by default)

Issues with new edits.

I was attempting to add the updated versions of the gunslinger archtype and the blood hunter class by matt mercer to my sheet but every time i tried, i got a few error messeges. Do note, i have added scripts before without issue, and i do have the version of the mpmb sheet required for the updates.

Error is as follows,

"ReferenceError: RequiredSheetVersion is not defined"

And if I remove the code line requiring the sheet version, i get this error.

"ReferenceError: FightingStyles is not defined"

No more errors occur if i remove both lines of code dealing with theses, but seeing as one is a feature and the other is for referencing the code. I feel like removing the code is not smart.

UA Theurgist

The UA Theurgist as an Arcane Tradition for the Wizard is not coming into the character sheet as an option.

Feral Tiefling

v12.87 Character sheet gets locked up when switching from regular tiefling and feral. The script loading box gets stuck at 'Updating Tiefling's Hellish Rebuke...'

Couple details about the scenario:
Level 4 Cleric, brand new fresh sheet,

Duplicate spell entries when generating full spell sheets

Using only WotC and UA material. All duplicates are from UA: Starter Spells, and in my particular sheet (Sorcerer full spell list) this is limited to only Infestation and Chaos Bolt. This is on the sheet found in the dropbox, as of the current date 24/JAN/2018.

[Request] Calculating Equipment Weight

I know a lot of DM's handle weight differently because it is just such an annoying thing to have the player's try to manage, especially if they are new to D&D. One of the ways I have managed to help players manage weight without making it increasingly difficulty was to make it so that the backpack, would just reduce their total carried weight by 30lbs.

We recently switched over to your amazing Character sheet because of the ease to use, however we realized that in the LB column of the Equipment section, we were not able to enter a negative number.

Would you consider making it so that the number entered in this column can be negative to help offset a players total carrying weight?

Our current solution for the time being was to disable the weight calculation for the first column, then add a gear item called (Additional Weight) and basically assign it to the total of column 1 - 30 lbs.

It isn't a perfect solution and neither is the ability to enter a negative number, but they do allow us to not ignore the weight carried portion of the game well still keeping it pretty easy to manage.

Monster Hunter Pack is Missing

I noticed you have alot of the stuff from CoS but it appears you are missing the Monster Hunter pack.

Monster Hunter’s Pack
You can buy a monster hunter’s pack for 33 gp, which is cheaper than buying the items in 
it individually. It includes a chest, a crowbar, a hammer, three wooden stakes, a holy symbol, 
a flask of holy water, a set of manacles, a steel mirror, a flask of oil, a tinderbox, and 3 

Attack Drop-Down Filtering Not providing Expected Results

First off, apologies if this is a duplicate.

When entering attacks (have seen this behavior before with feats, but not as bad), given the sheer number of available options, the drop down menu by itself is of limited utility. The sheer number of options makes it painful to use.

You can type out the full name of an attack, and the autocomplete gets it 'right' for you. Which is awesome.

I'm lazy. I tend to use a mix of the two. When you have the drop down open, and type the start of a name, it filters the list for me. For example, if I type 'Sacred', 'Sacred Flame' is then the only available option. I can then click on the filtered list to get to the item I want.

Current Behavior: When I click on an item, I may get what I was looking for, or I may get a psuedo-random result instead. In this case, 'Sacred Flame' usually -- but not universally -- gets me a 'Scimitar' instead.
Expected behavior: I should always get exactly what I was looking for.

Sorcerer cantrip 'light' lists as Psionic

Issue: The Sorcerer cantrip 'light' gets listed as a psionic power.

Reproduction steps:

  • Start with new sheet
  • Set Cleric (War) 6 / Wild Mage Sorcerer 1
  • Select the following sorcerer cantrips: Friends, Message, Minor Illusion, Light

Sheet version: v12.9, Printer Friendly Redesign

Not REALLY an issue | Level Based Damage for a feature

I'm creating a custom class .js for the Middle Finger of Vecna bomber and I can't find a great example of how to write the atkCalc so that the bomb damage die goes up at levels 4, 8, 11, 15, and 18.

Right now I have
calcChanges : { atkCalc : ["if (WeaponName === 'bomb' && classes.known.mfov-alchemist.level >= 4) { output.die = output.die.replace('2d10'); }; ", ""] }

Do I add more "atkCalc" lines? or would it go in the one I already have? Thanks!

Feature Request: Wizard Spell List 'Prepared Only' from all Wizard spells

At the moment you have to fill in a spell book before selecting 'Prepared Only'. This can be quite annoying when just trying to fill in a simple sheet for a one-shot.

Can there be a mode for Wizards similar to the Cleric spell list creation that let's you choose from all available spells?


Usages Calc on Racial Feature

When using usagescalc on a racial feature, it just displays the text and not the actual calculation.

features : {
	"primal bite fire" : {
		name : "Primal Bite (Fire)",
		source : ["P", 72],
		minlevel : 1,
		usages : "Constitution modifier per ",
		usagescalc : "event.value = Math.max(1, tDoc.getField(\"Con Mod\").value);",
		description : "\n I can make a bite attack that deals 1d6 fire damage.",
		additional : ["1d6", "1d6", "1d6", "1d6", "1d6", "2d6", "2d6", "2d6", "2d6", "2d6", "3d6", "3d6", "3d6", "3d6", "3d6", "4d6", "4d6", "4d6", "4d6", "4d6"],
		recovery : "short rest",
		action : ["bonus action", ""]

In the uses column it shows (Constitution modifier)

Character limit in dropdown fields?

One thing I noticed in 12.999 is that you can't freely enter text in dropdown fields anymore - at the very least, it was possible to do that in the armor field. This becomes an issue when, for example, you want to enter a specific magic armor name such as "Black Dragon Scale Mail", which was possible in 12.998
It's also not possible to manually enter resistance types with longer names (although that's less of a problem because you can already select all of them from the list, except details such as "nonmagical") and backgrounds/background features, which are often custom-made.

Would it be possible to remove or extend the limit in all fields?

Sheet hangs when changing half-drow racial options

Issue: While building a character, I found myself in a situation where the sheet hung and never recovered. Restarting the sheet caused the racial options block to be blank, and any attempts to change this via the racial options button resulted in the same behavior.

Reproduction steps, starting with a new sheet:

  • Set character class (I used Paladin of the Crown 4 / Wild Sorcerer 2)
  • Allow sheet to upgrade the characters experience (and abilities by extension)
  • Do not allow a spell sheet to be generated at this time
  • Set the Race to Half Elven
  • Using the racial options button, choose "Drow Magic Half Elf"
  • Choose another racial option (I used Fleet of Foot Half-Elf)

At this point the sheet will show its status as "Updating Half-Drow's Faerie Fire" and will never return.

Adobe Acrobat's JavaScript console logs the following error:

TypeError: CurrentSpells[CurrentRace.known] is undefined

Version information:

Sheet version: v12.87

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC
Version: 2015.023.20056
Architecture: x86_64
Build: 15.23.20056.213124
AGM: 4.30.67
CoolType: 5.14.5

Wild Shape Skill Issues by sort of skills on page 1.

I sent you a msg on Reddit and on GitHub.

I found there to be a bug with the interaction between wild shape and how skill proficiencies are sorted on page 1.

I will show you the skills for a wild shape riding horse because they do not have any skills making it simpler to see the issue.
When skills are sorted alphabetically both correctly show proficiency in Animal handling, Insight, Perception, Survival.
However when the skills on the front page are sorted by ability score, the front page correctly shows Animal handling, Insight, Perception, Survival.
The wild shape stat block is odd though, it shows Medicine, Nature, Performance, Persuasion.
I did find a fix as i was debugging it to send this msg to you.

The wild shape skills are only messed up if they are calculated while the skills list is sorted by ability score. While it is annoying it is possible to sort skills alphabetically before any recalculations and then swap it back after. Perhaps something worth adding to the FAQ?

AllPsionicClasses is undefined, thisWeapon is undefined, CurrentWeapons.compKnown is undefined

I'm not quite sure how to replicate the issue in a fresh sheet, but I have a currently have a sheet which will not calculate any weapon attack or damage dice, resulting in the following error when I change any field:

TypeError: CurrentWeapons.known[ArrayNmbr] is undefined
TypeError: thisWeapon is undefined
TypeError: CurrentWeapons.compKnown[prefix] is undefined
TypeError: CurrentWeapons.compKnown[prefix] is undefined
TypeError: thisWeapon is undefined
TypeError: CurrentWeapons.compKnown[prefix] is undefined
TypeError: CurrentWeapons.compKnown[prefix] is undefined
TypeError: thisWeapon is undefined
TypeError: CurrentWeapons.compKnown[prefix] is undefined
TypeError: CurrentWeapons.compKnown[prefix] is undefined
TypeError: thisWeapon is undefined
TypeError: thisWeapon is undefined

Additionally, the menu does not appear when pressing the "Spell Sheet Options" button, resulting in:

TypeError: AllPsionicClasses is undefined

I am using a custom class and subclass script, so I'm not quite sure if it's related to that. Using version 12.999, thanks in advance.

Initiative with a gunslinger and using the feat: alert

I am using the pdf character creator (really nice). The character I was creating is a human variant gunslinger (Matt Mercer version). The feat chosen for the human variant was Alert (+5 initiative), and this seems to be working until the character reaches lvl 7, in which due to a class skill the character also adds its proficiency bonus to the initiative. At lvl 1 the initiative is calculated correctly, but at lvl 7 the pdf will take precedence to the recently change modifier rather than add it all together.
eg: Dex 16-Mod +3
lvl with alert
Initiative = +8
lvl 7- Class skill
Initiative = +6
(if I change the feat to something else and change back)
Initiative = +8

[question] How do you build this project into the working PDF?

I was looking to use this amazing PDF you created with some homebrew modifications to the core classes. How do I take this repo and turn it into the working PDF? I'm not familiar with creating PDF files with javascript functions in them.

Might also be worth describing the steps for doing this on the project README as well.


Feature Request: Separate Column to add Ability Scores gained on level up.

Not sure if this is possible, I'd try to do it myself if I had the ability to edit PDFs, but I think a very good feature would be a separate columns of spin boxes to add stat increases gained from leveling up. I've been having trouble keeping track of all my ability score increases on each level.


Hello, I love your work, but I have an issue, I want to use the option of fire arms that exist in the DMG but I can get it to work, it can be done? if so, how can I activate that option?

Sorcerer Draconic Bloodline Feat

Just FYI,
I have a level 4 dwarf sorcerer/Draconic Bloodline. For some reason the feat
Bronze Dragon Ancestor (Draconic Bloodline 1, PHB 102)
I have draconic ancestry with bronze dragons, which are affiliated with lightning dmg
When interacting with dragons, if I can add my proficiency bonus, I can double it
Is being auto inserted at level 4. I believe it is supposed to be level 6. I tried to find the code to see if I could help but couldn't find it.
I'm using the All Official Content script.

What can I do to help fix this? or where is the class? I found wild mage and storm sorcerer but not that one.

Issue with MPMB UA:RR Companion Sheet

When choosing a companion through the Companion Options button on the appropriate sheet we can choose between Ape, Black Bear, Boar, Giant Badger, Giant Weasel, Mule, Panther, and Wolf.

At a low level, the Black Bear has a proficiency bonus of +2 and a strength modifier of +2. In MPMB the Black Bear gets a -1 oProf modifier to its Attack (by clicking the Mod button) so it ends up with a +3 to attack. Is this -1 modifier a bug or not? The seven other companions do not have any negative modifier.

Absolutely love your product, thanks for all your work.

Adding an Eldritch Invocation and then removing it doesn't really remove it.

  1. Add an Eldritch Invocation like "Sculptor of Flesh
  2. "Remove it" by erasing the text on the Notes section. (is there another way to remove it?)
  3. Add a different Eldritch Invocation like "Tricksters Escape"
  4. Generate a new spell sheet, and you can see that you have both Polymorph and Freedom on Movement added to your spell list, as if you still have both of those Invocations.

Sanity/Honor breaks Empty Passive Perception

Normally, when you use "Hide all fields as to print a truly empty sheet to fill out by hand", the Passive Perception box is blanked out. However, when you have Sanity or Honor enabled, it is not blanked out properly.

Question. A creature/mount that has arnor/barding

Looking at the warhorse there's a variant in the mm. For armor (barding).
How do you incorporate it into it's stat block?
Do you just change the account? Or do you need a special entry somewhere?

" I'm creating a Wartiger;
It uses the sabre-toothed tiger stats but has armor barding

Unarmored Defense (Barbarian 1, PHB 48) missing Shield / Misc Armor

◆ Unarmored Defense (Barbarian 1, PHB 48)
Without armor, my AC is 10 + Dexterity modifier + Constitution modifier + shield

If you make a Warforged (+1 armor 'Composite Plating') and use a shield the AC field still displays only:
10 + con + dex

It should be displaying:
10 + con + dex + shield + misc

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