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mobiperf's Introduction

This is a project to develop a mobile app and service for collecting
mobile network measurements. This is intended for experimental use

Home page:

This code is released under the Apache 2.0 License (see LICENSE for

How to Contribute to this Codebase

This code can be found here:

If you wish to contribute, please read the instructions in


Note that simply issuing pull requests to the Mobiperf repository
on github will not suffice.

Overview of this code

Mobiperf consists of an Android app that collects mobile network
measurements, and a data collection server, which runs on AppEngine.

The Android app periodically checks in with the measurement server,
which sends it a list of measurement tasks to perform. Measurement tasks
include ping, traceroute, HTTP GET, DNS lookup, TCP Throughput, IPv4/v6 
compatability check and UDP Burst. Each task has an associated set of 
measurement parameters (e.g., which host to ping), and a schedule
(periodicity at which to take the measurement).

The device runs the measurements in the background, and uploads the
measurement results on its next checkin cycle. By default, devices
check in with the server every hour. In order to avoid draining the
battery, the app will not take any measurements if the battery is
below a given threshold (80% by default).

The protocol spoken between the app and the server is a simple JSON
REST API, documented below.

The server is implemented using Google AppEngine. It is responsible
for managing device checkins, handing out measurement tasks, and
collecting results. It has a simple Web dashboard for presenting
measurement results to the user. There is also a mechanism for
querying measurement results.

Protocol Description

The Mobiperf app communicates with the Mobiperf service using
the following protocol, using JSON-encoded payloads over HTTP POST

All strings representing dates and times are represented in ISO8601
format with a trailing Zindicating UTC, e.g.,

/checkin - Used by devices to periodically check in with the service.


 "id": "device ID",
 /* Note that the user field is implied */
 "manufacturer": "device manufacturer",
 "model": "device model",
 "os": "device OS",
 "properties": {
    "timestamp": "timestamp in ISO8601 format",
    "os_version": "device OS version",
    "location": {
      "latitude": latitude value as floating point decimal degrees,
      "longitude": longitude value as floating point decimal degrees
    "location_type": "location type string",
    "network_type": "network type string",
    "carrier": "carrier identifier string",

Output: A list of JSON objects representing task descriptors for the
measurements that the device should perform. This schedule overwrites
any existing schedule on the device. Ongoing measurement tasks not
included in the new schedule are terminated immediately. If the
schedule is empty, the device will stop performing measurements.

  { "key": "optional task key",
    "type": "measurement type",
    "parameters": [
      { "paramName1": "paramValue1" },
      { "paramName2": "paramValue2" },
    "start_time": "task start time in ISO8601 format",
    "end_time": "task end time in ISO8601 format",
    "interval_sec": interval as an integer,
    "count": count as an integer,
    "priority": priority as an integer
  { /* Additional Task... */ },
  { /* Additional Task... */ }

/postmeasurement - Used by the device to post a set of measurement
results to the service.

Input: JSON representation of a list of Measurement objects, with
embedded DeviceProperties.

  [ { "device_id": "device ID",
      "properties": {
      "timestamp": "timestamp in ISO8601 format",
      "os_version": "device OS version",
      "location": {
        "latitude": latitude value as floating point decimal degrees,
        "longitude": longitude value as floating point decimal degrees
      "location_type": "location type string",
      "network_type": "network type string",
      "carrier": "carrier identifier string",
    "type": "measurement type",
    "timestamp": "measurement timestamp in ISO8601 format",
    "success": true or false,
    "task_key": "task key associated with this measurement, if any",
    "parameters": [
        { "paramName1": "paramValue1" },
        { "paramName2": "paramValue2" },
    "values": [
        { "valueName1": "valueValue1" },
        { "valueName2": "valueValue2" },
  { /* Additional Measurement... */ },
  { /* Additional Measurement... */ },

Output: A JSON-encoded representation of whether the post was

  { "success": true or false }

The measurement type may be "ping", "traceroute", "dns", or "http".
The parameters and measurement values for each measurement type are
given below. All parameters and values are strings (since this is how
they are represented in the JSON protocol described above).

Ping parameters

(required) target - the host name or IP address of the server to ping
(optional) packet_size_byte - the packet per ICMP ping in the unit of
bytes. Default to 56.
(optional) ping_timeout_sec - the number of seconds we wait for a ping
response. Default to 0.5.

Ping values

(required) target_ip - the IP address of the target we ping against
(required) ping_method - the actual ping method this result represents.
(ping_cmd, java_ping, http).
(required) mean_rtt_ms - Mean RTT in milliseconds (e.g.,
 "20.485" for 20.485 ms)
(required) min_rtt_ms - Min RTT in milliseconds
(required) max_rtt_ms - Max RTT in milliseconds
(required) stddev_rtt_ms - Standard deviation of RTT in milliseconds
(optional) filtered_mean_rrt_ms - Mean RRT with outlier values filtered
out. Unit is in milliseconds
(optional) packet_loss - Fraction of lost packets (e.g., "0.5" for 50% loss)

Traceroute parameters

(required) target - the hostname or IP address to use as the target of
the traceroute.
(required) packet_size_byte - the packet per ICMP ping in the unit of
bytes. Default to 56.
(optional)  ping_timeout_sec - the number of seconds we wait for a ping
response. Default to 2.
optinal ping_interval_sec - the interval between successive pings in
seconds. Default to 0.5.
optinal pings_per_hop - the number of pings we use for each ttl value.
Default to 3.
(optional) max_hop_count - the total number of hops we ping before we
declare the traceroute fails. Default to 10.

Traceroute results

(required) num_hops - Number of observed hops in the traceroute
(required) hop_N_addr_i - The ith IP address of the Nth hop along the
observed route, where N ranges from 0 to num_hops-1.
(required) hop_N_rtt_ms - Observed RTT in milliseconds to this hop.

DNS lookup parameters

(required) target - Hostname of the target to resolve
(optional) server - IP address of a DNS server to use as the resolver.
If not present, the device's default resolver is used.

DNS lookup values

(required) address - IPv4 address of the target as returned by an A
(required) real_hostname - True FQDN of the host that has been resolved
(required) time_ms - Time taken to perform the DNS lookup

HTTP parameters

(required) url - URL to request
(optional) method - HTTP method to use. Defaults to "GET"
(optional) headers - String (possibly containing newlines) with
additional headers to send with the request. Each header and value
pair is in the form of "headerParam:value", with different
pairs separated by "\r\n".
(optional) body - String with the request body to send (if method is

HTTP values

(required) time_ms - Time in milliseconds to perform the complete
(required) code - Response code (e.g., "200")
(optional) headers_len - Size in bytes of the original response headers
(optional) body_len - Size in bytes of the original response body
(optional) headers - Response headers - may be compressed, truncated, or
elided in the case of a large response
(optional) body - Response body - may be compressed, truncated, or
elided in the case of a large response. It is a JSON encoded byte

TCP Throughput parameters

(required) dir_up - Uplink or Downlink measurement (boolean)
(required) target - hostname for servers. Use m-lab for now. (string)
(optional) data_limit_mb_up - Uplink cellular network data 
limit (double)
(optional) data_limit_mb_down - Downlink cellular network data 
limit (double)
(optional) duration_period_sec - Downlink maximum experiment 
duration period (double)
(optional) pkt_size_up_bytes - The size each packet in the uplink (int)
(optional) sample_period_sec - The small interval to calculate current 
throughput result (double)
(optional) slow_start_period_sec - Waiting period to avoid TCP slow 
start (double)
(optional) tcp_timeout_sec - TCP connection timeout (double)

TCP Throughput value

(required) tcp_speed_results - A list of throughput sampling results 
in kbps (list of double)
(required) data_limit_exceeded - A flag indicating transmitted data 
exceeding limit (boolean)
(required) duration - Time to finish the task (double)
(required) server_version - M-Lab server side code version (string)

mobiperf's People


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mobiperf's Issues

App crash

Bug found.

I've run MobiPerf this morning. I'm running it with Android 2.3.3, with WiFi access.

Attached is the debug.txt (output of adb logcat *:s 'Mobiperf') and bugreport.txt (output of adb bugreport).

What I've done is, first run an UDP down experiment (the result says PRR 0.0, so not sucessful?), then run an UDP up experiment (the results says experiment has failed, I'm not sure why). Then I go to results tab and also looked at the system logs. Then the app crashes.

I'm not exactly sure the cause of the crash, but I think it is NOT caused by this exception "java.lang.RuntimeException: No google account found" since I've observed the app working fine while producing it.

The file attachments are in the email. Search for "debug.txt" or "bugreport.txt" in your emails.

Setting account doesn't store auth cookie

I noticed the scheduled tests were failing when anonymous so I set an account. This worked until i restarted, now i have no auth cookie again and tests are failing. Settings do show that an account is selected.

Bug: System log empty

The system log needs to show which actions the app took, which we can use for debugging. This needs to persist across app invocations. When I start up the app the system log is empty.

Sproadic crashes at start

The app still occasionally crashes at startup, as well as when viewing the console screen. Likely due to how we are sharing data between the MeasurementScheduler and UI tasks.

adb bugreport shows:

8-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification. Make sure the content of your adapter is not modified from a background thread, but only from the UI thread. [in ListView(2131361792, class android.widget.ListView) with Adapter(class android.widget.ArrayAdapter)]
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at android.widget.ListView.layoutChildren(
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at android.widget.AbsListView$
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at$
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
08-30 11:32:54.309 291 2088 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.mobiperf.speedometer/.SystemConsoleActivity

Update readme for new tests (TP/RTT)

Update readme for new tests (TP/RTT) including the detailed protocol used, parameters.
Also update the privacy doc in Google Doc about these new tests.

Traceroute result presentation error

One problem I found is about the traceroute measurement.

The result shown in the Results tab => Manual has some problems.

For the first hop:
"1 192.168.1. 37.3ms" it should be => "1 37.3ms"
Among the 15 hops in my case, 3 hops have this problem, that the last number of the IP address is missing.
But the other 12 hops are fine.
One suggestion I have is, to align the RTT numbers, e.g., 37.3ms in the example, to the right, while align the IP to the left.

How to implement agreement and selected account?

Currently, when MobiPerf is first run, user will see an agreement asking to agree or just quit.
If user clicks agree, the current MobiPerf would write something into a file in MobiPerf's sandbox.
Next time, just check this file. This method works for the entire life time of an app, even when the device is rebooted, users don't need to click agree again.

Another way to implement, is to use a static variable and change the values of it.
This way, when the app is killed/forced stopeed or the device is rebooted, users will see the agreement window again.

Which of the above two ways is better for our app?

Similar problem exists for selecting account for checkin, i.e., where the selected account should be stored? File or static variable?

Crash on startup in emulator

I set up an emulator on android-8 (level 12) to test the min supported version and I have a 100% crash on startup:

09-24 15:28:46.561 I/am_crash( 65): [318,com.mobiperf.speedometer,48710,java.lang.NullPointerException,Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.mobiperf.speedometer/com.mobiperf.speedometer.SpeedometerApp}: java.lang.NullPointerException,,118]

gpsEnabled is set to false by default.

It should be true.
Also, even after setting through preferences it's reset after rebooting (or process killed and rerun) as the value is not loaded from preferences.

Crashing bug for MobiPerf

When you first open MobiPerf, then go to System's settings => applications => MobiPerf, force stop => reopen MobiPerf, mobiperf will crash.

The reason is because PhoneUtils's setGlobalContext is not called before the getPhoneUtils in a rare case.

Boot Receiver bug

The manifest file has the wrong package name specified for the boot receiver:


should be


... or you can move the class to the package specified in the manifest.

H/t to Seungyeop for finding the root cause.

Sporadic crashes at start

There still seems to be a race condition when the app starts which causes an app crash.

I also noticed that the app would hang when sitting on the System Console screen possibly while the console was updating - likely race condition there. There are probably related to how we are sharing state between the MeasurementScheduler and UI activities.

adb bugreport shows:

8-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IllegalStateException: The content of the adapter has changed but ListView did not receive a notification. Make sure the content of your adapter is not modified from a background thread, but only from the UI thread. [in ListView(2131361792, class android.widget.ListView) with Adapter(class android.widget.ArrayAdapter)]
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at android.widget.ListView.layoutChildren(
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at android.widget.AbsListView$
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at$
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at
08-30 11:32:54.294 25342 25342 E AndroidRuntime: at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
08-30 11:32:54.309 291 2088 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.mobiperf.speedometer/.SystemConsoleActivity

Version numbering needs to be cleaned up

Version numbers are a mess. The app splash screen and "About" page say 1.0. The Android Settings > Apps page for Mobiperf says 0.2. There needs to be a consistent version numbering scheme and this needs to be very clear to the user.

Traceroute problem

When I use MobiPerf to traceroute to, it says failure.

However, when I traceroute in my computer, I can see that the reason is that from hop 11, there are all timeouts. So I think the timeout/error handling of the existing traceroute test module can be improved

traceroute: Warning: has multiple addresses; using
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 ( 0.834 ms 0.581 ms 0.586 ms
2 ( 1.282 ms 0.519 ms 0.360 ms
3 ( 0.397 ms 0.389 ms 0.418 ms
4 ( 0.683 ms 0.688 ms 0.603 ms
5 ( 0.777 ms 0.637 ms 0.620 ms
6 ( 6.512 ms 6.540 ms 6.512 ms
7 ( 15.162 ms 32.018 ms 49.174 ms
8 ( 32.422 ms 31.161 ms 31.920 ms
9 ( 30.657 ms 29.535 ms 32.959 ms
10 ( 27.730 ms 27.804 ms 27.773 ms
11 * * *
12 * * *
13 * * *
14 * * *

Version number needs to be meaningful

The OLD (and very broken) APK I have on my phone reports itself as being "v1.0". This is not v1.0, far from it. Please revert the version number to something meaningful so we can talk about which version we are on. I propose 0.2 since what I am running now is more like 0.1.

Splash screen size not matching

Current splash screen is a little "short" and there are some white boundaries.
Maybe in the future we can first detect the screen size and make the splash screen stretch a little bit to fit into the whole screen?

Settings to select account again/ sign out

Add settings to allow the user to change their authentication account anytime (not just the first time they run the app) and allow them to sign out.

Whether to allow them to sign out is to be discussed.
If we do, do we allow anonymous experiments?
If not, we can't allow them to sign out.

Bug: Scheduled results not persisting across runs

I have been running the MobiPerf app and much of the time, when I start it up the "Scheduled measurements" tab under "Results" is empty (well, it contains TWO lines that say that the measurements will appear there). Whatever logic is supposed to be persisting the results across app activations is not working.

Android support for anonymous data collection

We had this in the previous Mobiperf codebase (before reverting back to Speedometer) and it was addressed in this pull request:


We should make the same change in the newest version of the code.

URLs for site creating stack traces

This is something that is unlikely to happen from average users, but IMO it poses two issues when it does happen:

  1. You are exposing implementation (not a huge thing since MobiPerf is open source).
  2. It looks sloppy and does not help the user do the right thing.

If I were to enter a URL such as

It should do something other than dump a stack trace to my browser. In most cases it should redirect to a help or FAQ instructing them about how to use the site.

In my case I was looking for JSON serialized data with the link '/timeseries/data'. Note that I am not saying that for development we shouldn't display the stack trace, but we should have a plan to do something more friendly for users.

directory structure

Maybe this is just me, but I'm using Eclipse to manage both the server code and the app code, and Eclipse doesn't like it when one project directory contains another project. What do you think about moving all the MobiPerf app code into an 'android' directory similar to the Speedometer repository?

UI feature: Need status page in app

The app needs a clear status page (or a panel on the main page) with basic information on the app's status:

How long it has been running
Whether background measurements are enabled
How many measurements have been taken
How many measurements have been uploaded (or alternately how many pending to be uploaded)
Last checkin time
Whether background tasks are disabled due to battery status

At present it is next to impossible to tell what state the app is in. The Speedometer app does all of this, and unless we get these things fixed soon I propose we revert back to Speedometer (renamed to "Mobiperf") for the beta release, since we seem to have had a lot of regression in functionality and stability since then.

Unit tests

Unit tests need to be updated so they can run.

Results temporarily disappear in the "Results" => "Manual" tab

To reproduce this bug, first run any test so that in the "Manual" tab, there is some results to show.

Then go to "Results" => "Manual", there should be some results.

Then rotate the screen so that the app adjusts itself to the new orientation.

Then all results in the "Manual" tab is gone. But if you click "Scheduled" and then click "Manual" tab again, the results will reappear.

Instead, we should show the results immediately after the screen is rotated, otherwise, the user might get confused. This is a minor bug of course. I didn't check whether this bug also exists in the "Scheduled" tab, but it's quite possible.

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