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watch's Issues

Create automated tests

Right now there are no automated tests. It would be kind of nice to add them, so that we could hook this up with travis and actually use npm test. I personally like tape as a testing module.

edge case where watch does not see a delete event.

watch misses a delete event if the file is created, but not changed.

touch hello
# wait for watch to see it.
rm hello
# watch won't emit a removed event..

however, watch does see this...

touch hello
date > hello
rm hello

it's just a problem with the logic in watch, but not fs.watchFile,
this will generate created, then a modified event

touch hello
rm hello
touch hello

PR forthcoming.



PR approvals with LGTM

There are a few contributors now and a likely increase in activity coming to this project. To help wrangle PR approvals, I propose we add LGTM.

We add a simple .lgtm in the root that lists contributors. Then, PR statuses will then require approval from contributors by adding a comment with "LGTM" in it. The number of required approvals is configurable. Also, if commits are added after approvals were given, status is reset.

You can see it used at shelljs and enclave for examples.

If we agree this is a good move, I'll set it up right away.

split into watch-lib and watch?

I would be nice to be able to just get the library separate from the cli utility.

That way there would be no dependency in minimist and exec-sh

What do you think?

How do I "unwatch" or `npm stop`?

First of all, thanks for you work!

I'm trying to use watch cli as part of my npm scripts, like so:

"scripts": { 
    "start": "node index",
    "js:watch": "watch 'npm start' lib/"

But then everytime a file changes, it gives the EADDRINUSE, as the server (node index) is already started... How can I accomplish this? What should I put in npm stop script or what should I pass to watch?

Thank you!

Feature: Filter by glob or extension in cli

I'm sick and tired of these bad less watchers. Those has lead me to here. I still need a way to define file filter to use this instead.


watch "lessc style.less style.css" --globFilter **.less

globFilter would make my life so much easier. Thanks.

watch outdated on npm

The latest published version on npm is 0.9.0. The repository package.json is currently listed as 0.9.1.

Use this with requirejs on nodewebkit

Is it possible? I tried something like:

 watch:      'libs/mikael/watch',

Then called the var watch = require('watch')

But watch is always undefined

Is watch supposed to be so slow?

I'm using the example code from the README and watching a directory with only three files in it. When I make a change to one of the files it's taking anywhere between 1 and 4 seconds to report. When I simply use the change is reported almost immediately.

Is this expected? If not, do you have any idea what might be causing the slowness?

Multiple change events

I recently updated from 0.13 to 0.14 and noticed this behavior.


require("watch").createMonitor(".", { interval: 500 }, function(monitor) {
    monitor.on("changed", function(fileName) { console.log(fileName) })

Using it:

$ node watchit &
[1] 1259
$ touch watchit.js

I'm using node 0.11.14 on Linux Mint.

Feature request: ignoreUnreadableFile

There's a situation when the file is unreadable. When I try to run the following code

var watch = require('watch');
watch.watchTree('C:\\', {ignoreUnreadableDir: true}, function (f, curr, prev) {
    if (typeof f == "object" && prev === null && curr === null) {
    } else if (prev === null) {
        console.log('created', f);
    } else if (curr.nlink === 0) {
        console.log('removed', f);
    } else {
        console.log('changed', f);

I get an error

    if (err) throw err;
Error: EBUSY, stat 'C:\hiberfil.sys'
    at Error (native)

It certainly should be fixed, because unreadable files are quite common. For example, IDE may lock some files in source code directory, and there won't be a way to watch its changes.

Monitor does not watch files although filter returns false for one file

The problem is this one (line 44):

callback.pending -= 1;
if (!enoent) {
  if (options.ignoreDotFiles && path.basename(f)[0] === '.') return;
  if (options.filter && options.filter(f, stat)) return;
  callback.files[f] = stat;
  if (stat.isDirectory()) walk(f, options, callback);
  if (callback.pending === 0) callback(null, callback.files);

If the script has reached the last file in the directory (callback.pending would be 0 then) but gets filtered, the script would exit before the if (callback.pending === 0) callback(null, callback.files);. So the callback wouldn't be fired, even if one of the files before has been approved by the filter.

on('created') event is triggered twice

Hi there !
Like the title say so, my "ceated" event gets triggered twice and I can't seem to figure out why.
Here is a sample code:

var root = "/home/me/myfolder",
    watch = require('watch');

watch.createMonitor(root, function (monitor) {
    monitor.on("created", function (path, stat) {
        console.log("created", path);

When a new document is created, I see the log print twice.
Has anyone an idea on how could I fix this ?

walk: sometimes callback is not activated

There is a bug (I think) in:

function walk (dir, options, callback) {
   if (!callback) {callback = options; options = {}}
   if (!callback.files) callback.files = {};
   if (!callback.pending) callback.pending = 0;
   callback.pending += 1;
   fs.stat(dir, function (err, stat) {

should be

function walk (dir, options, callback) {
   if (!callback) {callback = options; options = {}}
   if (!callback.files) callback.files = {};
   if (!callback.pending) callback.pending = 0;
   fs.stat(dir, function (err, stat) {
     callback.pending += 1;

At least the change makes couchapp push work more reliably.

Use if possible

It does not use polling and is faster. I'm just wondering if it's easy to check whether works and if it does not fallback to watchFile.

watch multiple directories from CLI?

It doesn't look like there's currently a way to do this (from the CLI). It would be nice if the watch CLI could take multiple directories to watch:

Something like this:
watch [] [--wait=] [--ignoreDotFiles] [--ignoreUnreadable]

watch "echo file changed" dir1/ dir2/

forgets stats properties on delete

when a file is removed, the prev stat object is all zeros.
there is an ino property, and time is also reset to Jan 1st 1970

hmm, I was kinda expecting for this to be the stat before it was deleted.
I guess it doesn't really matter any more, because the file doesn't even exist.

{ dev: 0,
  ino: 0,
  mode: 0,
  nlink: 0,
  uid: 0,
  gid: 0,
  rdev: 0,
  size: 0,
  blksize: 0,
  blocks: 0,
  atime: Thu Jan 01 1970 01:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET),
  mtime: Thu Jan 01 1970 01:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET),
  ctime: Thu Jan 01 1970 01:00:00 GMT+0100 (CET) }

No directory delete detection

Hi again,

no directory delete detection ... any ideas ?? other things works fine ...

there ... the code example ... the same in README file ...

watch.watchTree(target, function (f, curr, prev) {
  if (typeof f == "object" && prev === null && curr === null) {
    // Finished walking the tree
  } else if (prev === null) {
    console.log('New file: %s', f);
    // f is a new file
  } else if (curr.nlink === 0) {
    // f was removed
    console.log('File removed: %s', f);
  } else {
    // f was changed
    console.log('File changed: %s', f);

when i delete directory from 'target' no file removed thrown :(

thks !

Colors get stripped

I have the following scripts:

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "jshint .",
    "test": "tape test/index.js | tap-bail | tap-difflet",
    "c1:section5:example-1": "tape examples/software-testing/section5/example-1.js | tap-bail | tap-difflet",
    "c1:section5:example-2": "tape examples/software-testing/section5/example-1.js | tap-bail | tap-difflet",
    "dev": "watch --wait=5 'npm run lint && npm run test' ."

When I run these scripts directly, they have color output (via tap-difflet). When I do npm run dev and use watch to launch the tasks, the colors are stripped.

Events always fire 2 times

When i use the Example Code:

watch.createMonitor('/home/mikeal', function (monitor) {
monitor.files['/home/mikeal/.zshrc'] // Stat object for my zshrc.
monitor.on("created", function (f, stat) {
// Handle file changes
monitor.on("changed", function (f, curr, prev) {
// Handle new files
monitor.on("removed", function (f, stat) {
// Handle removed files

The Create Events fire 2 times. Any reason why this could happen? I looked into the Code but have no idea.

no error-handling

first of all, thanks for the code, it replaced mine.
But I expanded it a little because I had it break on some files.

If one error occurs you will not get any information. I changed this:
fs.stat(f, function (err, stat) {
callback.pending -= 1;
if (err) return callback(err, [f])

this will ensure that if one fs.stat inside the walk breaks the rest goes through unharmed.
To inform the user I kind of changed your createMonitor to return an EventEmitter:
exports.createMonitor = function (root, options, cb) {
if (!cb) {cb = options; options = {}}
var monitor = new events.EventEmitter();
exports.watchTree(root, options, function (f, curr, prev, err) {
return monitor.emit("error", err, f);
if (typeof f == "object" && prev == null && curr === null) {
monitor.files = f;
monitor.emit("initialized", f);
if(cb), f);
//, monitor, f);
if (prev === null) {
return monitor.emit("created", f, curr);
if (curr.nlink === 0) {
return monitor.emit("removed", f, curr);
monitor.emit("changed", f, curr, prev);
return monitor;

This should not break your code as it still works like before, except the stuff with
The big difference is, this function returns the monitor so you can write you code like this:

var monitor = watch.createMonitor('./dir', function init(files) {
    console.log("Monitor has [%d : %d] files"
            , Object.keys(files).length
            , Object.keys(this.files).length
}).on('error', function(err, file) {
    console.log("Found an error in %s", file)

Thanks again!



Files are ignored when the result of filter is true. They should be included as per your readme.

if (options.filter && options.filter(f)) return;

should be

if (options.filter && !options.filter(f)) return;

to not watch the file.

watchTree ignores options.ignoreDotFiles

watchTree will pick up dot files up on changes even if ignoreDotFiles=true this causes eg .svn be monitored

        nfiles.forEach(function (b) {
            var file = path.join(f, b);
            // added to skip dot files
            if (options.ignoreDotFiles && path.basename(file)[0] === '.') return;
            if (options.filter && options.filter(file)) return;

monitor's on created event doesn't get fired for the file in directory

For example, I use createMonitor to monitor folder A, if I copy a folder named a1 into A, I get only one created event for folder a1, all of the sub-files in folder a1 doesn't get fired created event.

I think all files in the folder a1 should get "created" event fired, because the fire is indeed created.

folders in ignore regex get added if change in same folder

Make a folder structure like this


Watch root with options {ignoreDirectoryPattern: /ignoremedir/}

Now touch root/ignoremedir/newfile

Result, get created notification about root/ignoremedir/dir2 and root/ignoremedir/newfile

Callback is not called when last file is filtered

The following code is faulty (L49 and L50):

if (options.ignoreDotFiles && path.basename(f)[0] === '.') return done && callback(null, callback.files);
if (options.filter && options.filter(f, stat)) return done && callback(null, callback.files);

If done is true the part after && is not evaluated.

Filter not working at all

The filter option does not appear to do anything. I put in a filter function which returns true or false according to a regex match, and it logs out the correct directories, then proceeds to watch all the files regardless of the filter function.

Do you want a code example here? I can if you want, but I've tested it through in the simplest way and it's quite clearly broken : (

Error on creating a directory

When I create a new directory in a root I'm watching, I get this error:

      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read
    at Error (native)

Is this the expected behavior?

Install WARN


little WARN when installs ...

npm WARN [email protected] package.json: bugs['web'] should probably be bugs['url']

something wrong ??

thks !

wait improvement and default

Instead of waiting a certain number of seconds, waiting for the last executed command to finish might be desirable.
An option to wait a number of seconds since the command was last ran may also be nice. It differs from the current 'wait interval after file change' in that the first change after some idle interval can be reacted to immediately without delay, and throttling will happen only if changes happen more often than the specified interval.
Also, some kind of wait must be enabled by default, otherwise watch becomes a forkbomb if any kind of rapid file change (such as npm install) occurs in the watched directory.

Is this project dead?

There are 6 PRs open going back to Oct of 2015. I've also been trying to get some movement on #84 since Mar 8. Please respond. This is a great package holding a superb npm name, it would be a bummer to see it go stale.

Also, (again) willing to help!

Output colors

Is it possible for watch to preserve colors output by the commands it runs?

ENOENT, no such file or directory

watch is crashing on me when it comes across the autosave files produced by emacs. This is true even if I implement a filter function and/or use ignoreDotFiles.

The error is: ENOENT, no such file or directory.

Revert #80; breaks arg splitting on OS X/Linux

In 0.17 argument splitting is now broken on OSX/Linux when single quotes are used correctly.


Given package.json:

"watch": "watch 'npm run css' ./src",


process.argv.slice(2) => ['npm run css', './src'] // OK
process.argv.slice(2).join(' ') => 'npm run css ./src' 
require('splitargs')(process.argv.slice(2).join(' ')) => [ 'npm', 'run', 'css', './src'] 

Please see discussion in #80.

windows support (node 0.6.5)?

Its possible to support windows ???

there are some kind of error in v.0.5.0 ...

Error: use api instead
    at Object.watchFile (fs.js:734:11)
    at C:\Users\outaTiME\Development\projects\skycop\skyweb-mvc\node_modules\watch\main.js:56:10
    at C:\Users\outaTiME\Development\projects\skycop\skyweb-mvc\node_modules\watch\main.js:83:5
    at Object.oncomplete (C:\Users\outaTiME\Development\projects\skycop\skyweb-mvc\node_modules\watch\main.js:42:39)

and if we fix watchFile with watch ... another error comes (is change detected) ...

jake aborted.
TypeError: Object change has no method 'isDirectory'
    at FSWatcher.<anonymous> (C:\Users\outaTiME\Development\projects\skycop\skyweb-mvc\node_modules\watch\main.js:60:23)
    at FSWatcher.emit (events.js:70:17)
    at FSEvent.onchange (fs.js:652:12)

thks !

function stop watching

Right now the only way to stop watching the files is to kill the process (or manually traverse files and unwatch). unwatchTree, and/or monitor.stop functions to stop watching the files.

I want to send a PR to implement that but I see there are a few stale pull requests so before I write any code is that something you'll be interested in merging?

CLI: Execute command only on changed files

I use npm tasks as a build tool, I have these two tasks:

"scripts": {
    "build:js": "babel -d lib/ src/",
    "watch:js": "watch 'npm run build:js' src/"

Is there a way, using CLI, to execute babel only on a changed file? Something like:

"scripts": {
    "build:js": "babel -d lib/$CHANGED_FILE src/$CHANGED_FILE",
    "watch:js": "watch --only-changed 'npm run build:js' src/"

Thoughts around `watch.unwatchTree()`?

If you use .watchTree() in a given process, will those file watchers prevent the process from exiting otherwise? If so, it would probably be a good idea to have an unwatchTree() method which checks if the directory tree is being watched and then removes the listeners using fs.unwatchFile(filename)

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