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cardinal-anticheat's Issues

False Positive | Fly Type A And Vport Type A

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you have the gadgetsmenu (over 141k downloads) use the gadget menu go to gadgets click fun & games then use diving board gadget and stay on the board where it launchs you up in the air twice then go off it into the water it will false fly type a and then go to fun & games again then use trampoline gadget just go on it you get launched in the air and false vport type a

Verbose Message
Its In The Video

Cardinal Version: 0.9956
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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suggestion for formats

you should have formats when you click the issues button you should choose from request, bug, bypass, false positive
heres the request format
What features would you like added?
Describe it here:
heres the bug format

Console Error
Provide error messages here:

When the bug occurrs?
Describe when the bug occurrs:

Server Version:
Anticheat Version:
ProtocolLib Version:

heres the bypass format

Hack Client:
Hacking Type:
Link To Hacked Client:
Anticheat Version:
Server Version:

Please provide a bypass video link here:

heres the false positive format

How you trigger the false positive?
Describe how to trigger the false positive here:

Verbose Message:
Provide the verbose message here:

If you recorded a video of false positive, put link here:

Anticheat Version:
Server Version:
ProtocolLib Version:

Fly Type D False Flag

if you hold sneak and spam your left click key like in the other report about packetanalysis but on a minecart and keep doing it you stay in the air with it so you false fly type d heres a video of it

False Positive | NoslowDown Type A

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you have essentials plugin do /speed 2 or more and then block your sword while moving forward you will false noslowdown

Verbose Message
There In The Video

Cardinal Version: 0.9956
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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Feature Request | Manage

What features would you like added? Describe them here
when you /cac manage someone the enderpearl says jump it should be renamed to teleport

False Positive | Speed Type J

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you have enderchests below and above your head then you sprint and jump you will false speed type j

Verbose Message
in the video

Cardinal Version: 0.9958
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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False Positive | Fly Type A

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you have the gadgetsmenu plugin and use the trampoline gadget and just stay on the trampoline after the first 2 jumps in the air you will start falsing fly type a

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In The Video

Cardinal Version: 0.9958
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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False Positive | Fly Type I And A

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you go 255 blocks up then fall on slime while moving sometimes you'll false Fly Type A And I

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In The Video

Cardinal Version: 0.9961
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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False Positive | NoWeb

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you go on the side of a cobweb that has another cobweb below it in the air and slowly go down on the edge of it you will false NoWeb

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In The Video

Cardinal Version: 0.9961
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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Feature Request | Gui

What features would you like added? Describe them here
Instead of doing /cac config then going in to edit everything i feel like it should be /cac gui sense its more of a gui instead of a config but idk thats just me lol

Feature Request |

What features would you like added? Describe them here
when you do /cac speed make it so you can do /cac speed default then it makes your speed default sense some people might get confused what the default value is so just make it able to do /cac speed default

Bug Report | direct connect

What type of bug you want to report? Describe it here
when you get kicked by cac for hacking then try to rejoin on a localhost server it says unable to create connection from direct connect please add the server to your serverlist

When the bug occurrs?
when you get kicked by cac for hacking then try to rejoin on a localhost server it says unable to create connection from direct connect please add the server to your serverlist

Cardinal Version: 0.9972
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

Attached Files

Bug Report | alert and flag command

What type of bug you want to report? Describe it here
you use to be able to do /cac flags and /cac alerts but now its only /cac flag and /cac alert

When the bug occurrs?
you cant do /cac flags or /cac alerts anymore only /cac flag or /cac alert

Cardinal Version: 0.9972
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

Attached Files

False Positive | Phase And yMotion

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you use a sticky piston or piston with a block on it going upwards and you get on it flick the lever it will push you up and you will false phase and ymotion

Verbose Message
In The Video

Cardinal Version: 0.9958
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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False Positive | Jesus Type A

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you sprint on top of water with carpets on it you will false jesus type a

Verbose Message
in the video

Cardinal Version: 0.9958
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

Attached Video (Required)


question why when i have the anticheat installed on my server the command /aac pops up?? and ncp is this a aac skid or ncp skid or something? lol

False Positive | Speed Type J

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you have stairs going up but are 1 block apart every time they go up and you sprint and jump you will false speed type j

Verbose Message
in the video

Cardinal Version: 0.9958
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

Attached Video (Required)

False Positive |

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
CAC hates Vines.

Verbose Message
As I said, CAC hates Vines.

**Cardinal Version: idk, testserver
**Spigot Version: idk testserver

Attached Video (Required) nono, no video, chatü

False Positive | Fly Type a c And Nofall

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you go down blocks with a slab up and tower them sideways like in the video you will false Fly type a and c walking down them and nofall you will false

Verbose Message
In The Video

Cardinal Version: 0.9958
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

Attached Video (Required)

Bug Report | CacApi

What type of bug you want to report? Describe it here
cacapi wont load in the plugins folder its done that ever sense first release so i guess i should just report it

When the bug occurrs?
i just put them in the plugins folder and loaded up the server and it gives me this
[16:07:15 ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins\CACApi.jar' in folder 'plugins'
org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidDescriptionException: Invalid plugin.yml
at ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.loadPlugins( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.init( [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-18fbb24]
at Source) [?:1.8.0_231]
Caused by: Jar does not contain plugin.yml
... 6 more

Cardinal Version: 0.9956 (newest version)
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

Attached Files
from the download link in spigotmc i guess?

False Positive | Fly Type A C And D

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you have a cobweb like 3 blocks in the air and go in it at the end where you start to almost get out of the cobweb you will false Fly Type D And if you go on the side you will false A And C

Verbose Message
In The Video

Cardinal Version: 0.9961
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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Bug Report | Manage

What type of bug you want to report? Describe it here
when you do /cac manage someone then try to ban them it says couldn't connect properly to sql

When the bug occurrs?
when you do /cac manage someone then try to ban them it says couldn't connect properly to sql

Cardinal Version: 0.9958
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

Attached Files

Feature Request | Test Server

What features would you like added? Describe them here
make a area where the villagers aren't in cubes so i can walk around them nicely to attack and without having to spam wallattack type a alerts give us the permission in permissionsex for essentials.kit and essentials.kits.* so we can get a diamond sword to test autoblock make a /kit like /kit stone to get 64 stone to test scaffold in the build area and give the permission essentials.warp to warp and essentials.warp.list to see the list of warps i think thats it of what i can think rn

False Positive | yMotion

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if your going up vines and theres one vine missing from the top block so you just go up and down on the vine trying to get to the top and it will false ymotion

Verbose Message
in the video

Cardinal Version: 0.9958
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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Bug Report | weird kick when you teleport super far

What type of bug you want to report? Describe it here
lets say your like at 0 150 0 in coords if you do like /tp (name) 200 150 200 it will kick you for this
[22:56:54 INFO]: Olaeak lost connection: Internal Exception: io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Asynchronous entity world add!
[22:56:54 INFO]: Olaeak left the game.

When the bug occurrs?
when you do /tp (name) 200 150 200 (or any coords atleast like 200 blocks away) it will kick you

Cardinal Version: 0.9973
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

Attached Files

False Positive | yMotion

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you have a brewing stand with a carpet on it with a stone slab next to it and try to walk up it you will false yMotion

Verbose Message
In The Video

Cardinal Version: 0.9958
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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False Positive | Speed Type J

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you sprint and jump over ice with beds on top of the ice you will false speed type j

Verbose Message
In The Video

Cardinal Version: 0.9958
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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Feature Request | Help Command

What features would you like added? Describe them here
when you do /cac or /cac help instead of it slowing going through the commands in the middle of your screen make it just show all the commands in chat for you so you dont need a big thing slowly going through all the commands in your face in the middle of the screen

Feature Request |

What features would you like added? Describe them here

We need a Killaura Bot, One like Gwen that learns
Also, could you remove the CAC title animations and just make it a message, it gets really ignoring


why does it say under the huge anticheat name on spigotmc
Free Version of Cardinal Anticheat
there a paid version of this? xd if so that would explain why i cant toggle 9 checks on cardinal

Bug Report | Noswing Type A With PvP Bot And Ymotion

What type of bug you want to report? Describe it here
if you have strikepractice then do a pvp bot and once it tries to hit you it spams noswing type a falses and strikepractices custom knockback falses ymotion

When the bug occurrs?
when you fight the pvp bot on strikepractice and have custom kb on in strikepractice config

Cardinal Version: 0.9961
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

Attached Files

Bug Report | ServerCrasher

What type of bug you want to report? Describe it here
LiquidBounce ServerCrasher Mode Cubecraft works and crashes the server and it doesn't without cardinal so idk if its something wrong with cardinal but with it on the server crashes and without it the server doesn't crash

When the bug occurrs?
When you use liquidbounce servercrasher mode cubecraft

Cardinal Version: 0.9973
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

Attached Files

False Positive | Speed Type C

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you have wither skeleton skulls 2 blocks above you and you sprint and jump you will false speed type c

Verbose Message
in the video

Cardinal Version: 0.9958
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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False Positive | AimAssist Type B

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
when you just aim to the left or right not to fastly when a player gets kb it falses alot

Verbose Message
In The Video

Cardinal Version: 0.9956
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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False Positive | Speed Type E

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you have ice under you and trapdoors above your head a long way down like a tunnel then sprint and spam the crap out of your spacebar you will false speed type e

Verbose Message
in the video

Cardinal Version: 0.9958
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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False Positive | Fly Type H

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
when you go down stairs then up a stairs block one block away at the very bottom

Verbose Message
In The Video

Cardinal Version: 0.9958
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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False Positive | yMotion

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you have a stone slab and snow cover in your hotbar place down the slab then place the snow cover to where its just one snow cover higher then the slab then walk over it and you will false ymotion if you place the snow cover again 2 times then walk over it again you will false ymotion again

Verbose Message
In The Video

Cardinal Version: 0.9958
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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False Positive | Jesus Type A

How do you trigger the false positive? Describe it here
if you have water going down blocks like in the video then holding spacebar and sprinting down you will false jesus type a

Verbose Message
In The Video

Cardinal Version: 0.9958
Spigot Version: 1.8.8

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