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awsomeinventory's Issues

Cannot drop minified thing from inventory

Verse.Pawn_InventoryTracker container tried to drop Turret_MiniTurret17187 which it didn't contain.
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.ThingOwner:TryDrop(Thing, IntVec3, Map, ThingPlaceMode, Thing&, Action2, Predicate1)
Verse.ThingOwner1:TryDrop(Thing, IntVec3, Map, ThingPlaceMode, Thing&, Action2, Predicate`1)
System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke(Object, Object[], Exception&)
System.Reflection.MonoMethod:Invoke(Object, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[], CultureInfo)
System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke(Object, Object[])
AwesomeInventory.UI.DrawGearTabWorker:DrawThingRow(Pawn, Single&, Single, Thing) (at D:\Modding\AwesomeInventory\src\V1.1\Common\GearTab\DrawGearTabWorker.cs:619)
AwesomeInventory.UI.DrawGearTabWorker:DrawJealous(Pawn, Rect, Boolean) (at D:\Modding\AwesomeInventory\src\V1.1\Common\GearTab\DrawGearTabWorker.cs:249)
AwesomeInventory.UI.AwesomeInventoryTabBase:FillTab() (at D:\Modding\AwesomeInventory\src\V1.1\Common\GearTab\AwesomeInventoryTabBase.cs:217)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle) (at C:\buildslave\unity\build\Modules\IMGUI\GUI.cs:1643)

Could not reserve Thing error.

I'm getting this error whenever multiple pawns try to access the same meal stack.

Could not reserve Thing_MealFine2590905(current stack count: 45) (layer: null) for Mosquito for job TakeInventory (Job_6474751) A=Thing_MealFine2590905 (now doing job TakeInventory (Job_6474751) A=Thing_MealFine2590905(curToil=-1)) for maxPawns 1 and stackCount -1. Existing reserver: Abanqueiro doing job Ingest (Job_6474407) A=Thing_MealFine2590905 (toilIndex=4)
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
Verse.AI.ReservationManager:DMD<DMD<LogCouldNotReserveError_Patch1>?1345403392::LogCouldNotReserveError_Patch1>(ReservationManager, Pawn, Job, LocalTargetInfo, Int32, Int32, ReservationLayerDef)
Verse.AI.ReservationManager:DMD<DMD<Reserve_Patch3>?-838518144::Reserve_Patch3>(ReservationManager, Pawn, Job, LocalTargetInfo, Int32, Int32, ReservationLayerDef, Boolean)
Verse.AI.ReservationUtility:Reserve(Pawn, LocalTargetInfo, Job, Int32, Int32, ReservationLayerDef, Boolean)
Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:DMD<DMD<StartJob_Patch2>?989432448::StartJob_Patch2>(Pawn_JobTracker, Job, JobCondition, ThinkNode, Boolean, Boolean, ThinkTreeDef, Nullable`1, Boolean, Boolean)
Verse.AI.Pawn_JobTracker:DMD<DMD<EndCurrentJob_Patch1>?1173726336::EndCurrentJob_Patch1>(Pawn_JobTracker, JobCondition, Boolean, Boolean)

Results in pawns standing still till they can get to the stack of meals to grab one. I am using "Stack XXL" to increase the stack size, the meals are in a Wall fridge from "Rim Fridge".

Patch Assign tab

When player click "Edit" in assign tab, if the outfit is an AI loadout, open AI loadout window instead.

Loader exceptions on DRM-free Rimworld

Mod version 1.5, 1.4, 1.1
Rimworld version 1.2, 1.1, 1.0

Creating a series of:
ReflectionTypeLoadException getting types in assembly

Followed by:
Loader exceptions:
=> System.TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000007 (from typeref, class/assembly

Fallback handler could not load library C:/Games/RimWorld1-0-2408Win64/RimWorldWin64_Data/Mono/data-0000022CA2BCC010.dll
ReflectionTypeLoadException getting types in assembly AwesomeInventoryCommon1.1: System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.

And finally, many of the below errors:
Could not find a type named AwesomeInventory.Loadout.CompAwesomeInventoryLoadout

Error persists on clean install

Missing source file.

Source file 'E:\Development\repos\AwsomeInventory\src\V1.1\Common\Plugins\CustomRace.cs' could not be found.

Looks like you forgot to add it in your latest round of commits.

[Awesome Inventory] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationFindMod(Combat Extended) failed

Trying to use Awesome Inventory with Combat Extended, this error pops up.

[Awesome Inventory] Patch operation Verse.PatchOperationFindMod(Combat Extended) failed
file: D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\2050289408\Common\Patches\GearTab.xml
Verse.Log:Verse.Log.Error_Patch2(String, Boolean)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RunInternal(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object, Boolean)
System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback, Object)

I'm using the latest version of Combat Extended (Workshop) and Awesome Inventory (Workshop), as well as RimWorld (Steam).

[Feature] Support for displaying the discomfort of items (and pawn) when using Armor is Uncomfortable

Title pretty much says it all: Armor is Uncomfortable 2 is an excellent mod that changes how one uses gear in the game (i.e. keeping "other gear", as well as various loadout mods like Awesome Inventory or Gear Up and Go a lot more relevant in the late game when you can pump out marine armor). At the moment, when using AiU2 with Awesome Inventory, you need to dive into the pawn's stats pane to see the discomfort of their current outfit; which could be greatly improved upon if Awesome Inventory would offer explicit support for ...

  • Showing the overall current discomfort of the pawn (perhaps underneath the temperature-tolerance and armor totals in the upper-right?),
  • and making it easier to see which items are contributing the most discomfort (perhaps changing the background colour of high-discomfort items to darker and darker browns, or something? and/or showing the numerical discomfort-value of each item when hovering over the character's aforementioned total-readout?)

Just a thought! Thank you for maintaining an awesome mod!

When reloading a save any "Generic" item causes window to render incorrectly

Added a "Generic Medicine" item to loadout:


Saved and reloaded, now the UI won't render properly:


This error is spammed in the output log:

Exception filling window for AwesomeInventory.UI.Dialog_ManageLoadoutCE: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at AwesomeInventory.UI.Dialog_ManageLoadouts.DrawGearIconInThingRow (Verse.WidgetRow widgetRow, AwesomeInventory.Loadout.ThingGroupSelector groupSelector) [0x0001d] in <e66e5e3d083349739c1333fb231732d8>:0 
  at AwesomeInventory.UI.Dialog_ManageLoadoutCE.DrawItemRow (UnityEngine.Rect row, System.Int32 index, System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[T] groupSelectors, System.Int32 reorderableGroup, System.Boolean drawShadow) [0x00094] in <b230fde8de584d22ac24f661ee4342a3>:0 
  at AwesomeInventory.UI.Dialog_ManageLoadouts.DrawItemsInLoadout (UnityEngine.Rect canvas, System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[T] groupSelectors) [0x000d3] in <e66e5e3d083349739c1333fb231732d8>:0 
  at AwesomeInventory.UI.Dialog_ManageLoadouts.DoWindowContents (UnityEngine.Rect canvas) [0x0020e] in <e66e5e3d083349739c1333fb231732d8>:0 
  at Verse.Window.InnerWindowOnGUI (System.Int32 x) [0x00165] in <c8e8d421567e4ee5864626a429a27a37>:0 
Verse.Log:Error(String, Boolean)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)

Same issue with the latest GitHub release and the latest Steam release.

Review Loadout management

  • Add thing to loadout
  • Remove thing from loadout
  • Update thing count in loadout
  • Add loadout
  • Remove loadout
  • Search available thing for loadout

This project is incredibly hard to build

Hi @Mhburg! First off, really great work creating the successor to RPG inventory! It seems like all the performance problems I was having have been resolved, and this mod adds a ton more features than RPG inventory had, which is really awesome!

I ran into a bug with this project and wanted to try to fix it, but I've been having an incredibly difficult time building this project. I appreciate your sense of software craftsmanship here - there's lots of automation, like with the building process, you have things siloed into multiple DLLs, and you even have unit tests! However, it all seems extremely tailored to your specific computer's file system setup. I've had to change a bunch of project files manually, and even now, I can't get the project running in RimWorld myself.

The NotooShabby.RimWorldUtility project seems to have some useful utilities in it, but I cannot find that project anywhere! There is only a single DLL reference in this project, but no source code.

My best suggestion is to really embrace the open-source ecosystem, and let people easily build and run this project without any complications. Ideally, one could download this project, hit Build Solution, and you'd have a working mod directory for the game! It would be great if you also switched to a more permissive license like MIT - LGPL is alright, but it does place annoying restrictions to anyone that wants to fork this code. There have been so many modders who eventually stop modding RimWorld that it's important that anyone else can fork and take over the project in the future, just like you've done here with RPG Inventory! Also, please release the NotooShabby.RimWorldUtility project as well so that others may benefit from it!


Pawns with Forced items ignore it to fulfill Costume

In case a pawn has an item set to Forced covering a slot that their Costume uses, they'll take off the Forced item.
I imagine this is perhaps a limitation of the base game, but it would be good if it was possible to happen otherwise.

NullReferenceException when caravan enters base

I get the following exception when I try to enter my base with a caravan:

Exception filling window for Verse.FloatMenuWorld: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at AwesomeInventory.Loadout.CompAwesomeInventoryLoadout+<>c__DisplayClass48_0.<ChangeCostume>g__StartUndressJobs|0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] apparels, Verse.Pawn pawn) [0x00008] in <808a267935e34741873c701036871b19>:0 
  at AwesomeInventory.Loadout.CompAwesomeInventoryLoadout.ChangeCostume (AwesomeInventory.Loadout.AwesomeInventoryLoadout newLoadout, AwesomeInventory.Loadout.AwesomeInventoryLoadout oldLoadout, System.Boolean delay, System.Boolean keepCache) [0x00109] in <808a267935e34741873c701036871b19>:0 
  at AwesomeInventory.Loadout.CompAwesomeInventoryLoadout.UpdateForNewLoadout (AwesomeInventory.Loadout.AwesomeInventoryLoadout newLoadout, System.Boolean delay, System.Boolean respawn, System.Boolean forced) [0x00108] in <808a267935e34741873c701036871b19>:0 
  at AwesomeInventory.Loadout.CompAwesomeInventoryLoadout.PostSpawnSetup (System.Boolean respawningAfterLoad) [0x00035] in <808a267935e34741873c701036871b19>:0 
  at Verse.ThingWithComps.SpawnSetup (Verse.Map map, System.Boolean respawningAfterLoad) [0x00020] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Pawn.Verse.Pawn.SpawnSetup_Patch1(Verse.Pawn,Verse.Map,bool)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.GenSpawn.Verse.GenSpawn.Spawn_Patch4(Verse.Thing,Verse.IntVec3,Verse.Map,Verse.Rot4,Verse.WipeMode,bool)
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Planet.CaravanEnterMapUtility.RimWorld.Planet.CaravanEnterMapUtility.Enter_Patch1(RimWorld.Planet.Caravan,Verse.Map,System.Func`2<Verse.Pawn, Verse.IntVec3>,RimWorld.Planet.CaravanDropInventoryMode,bool)
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod.InternalInvoke(System.Reflection.MonoMethod,object,object[],System.Exception&)
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00032] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00048] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0 
  at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <567df3e0919241ba98db88bec4c6696f>:0 
  at TerrainMovement.CaravanEnterMapUtility_Enter_Patch.Prefix (RimWorld.Planet.Caravan caravan, Verse.Map map, RimWorld.Planet.CaravanEnterMode enterMode, RimWorld.Planet.CaravanDropInventoryMode dropInventoryMode, System.Boolean draftColonists, System.Predicate`1[T] extraCellValidator) [0x000da] in <4e522841ea88412295009cbddbce23dd>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Planet.CaravanEnterMapUtility.RimWorld.Planet.CaravanEnterMapUtility.Enter_Patch1(RimWorld.Planet.Caravan,Verse.Map,RimWorld.Planet.CaravanEnterMode,RimWorld.Planet.CaravanDropInventoryMode,bool,System.Predicate`1<Verse.IntVec3>)
  at RimWorld.Planet.CaravanArrivalAction_Enter.Arrived (RimWorld.Planet.Caravan caravan) [0x000b8] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0 
  at RimWorld.Planet.CaravanArrivalActionUtility+<>c__DisplayClass0_0`1[T].<GetFloatMenuOptions>b__2 () [0x00041] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0 
  at Verse.FloatMenuOption.Chosen (System.Boolean colonistOrdering, Verse.FloatMenu floatMenu) [0x00028] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0 
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.FloatMenuOption.Verse.FloatMenuOption.DoGUI_Patch1(Verse.FloatMenuOption,UnityEngine.Rect,bool,Verse.FloatMenu)
  at Verse.FloatMenu.DoWindowContents (UnityEngine.Rect rect) [0x000fb] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0 
  at Verse.FloatMenuWorld.DoWindowContents (UnityEngine.Rect inRect) [0x0009b] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0 
  at Verse.Window.InnerWindowOnGUI (System.Int32 x) [0x00165] in <d72310b4d8f64d25aee502792b58549f>:0 

Looks like you missed a few null checks for in CompAwesomeInventoryLoadout.ChangeCostume().

Randomized loadout issue and others


I'm having a few issues with this mod:

  1. Apparently it's not compatible with "Infused". Every time I press the "new loadout" or "copy loadout" for a pawn, the names of items shown get randomized. Probably it's not able to read the actual infused item. The issue seems to appear with items of above "normal" quality. Somehow it considers them as infused i guess. I'm also using the mod "quality affects HP".
  2. Not sure if this is caused because of 1. or not, but it sometimes causes the pawn to equip/take to inventory two of the same type of item (e.g. an infused steel helmet and a not-infused one).
  3. Every time I choose "new loadout" to refresh the current list of items, the costumes get deleted. They should still be available if their items are in the new loadout also. Or simply provide a button to refresh the list of items without having to create a new one.
  4. After creating a new costume, it automatically gets selected for that pawn. This is annoying because i have to deselect it every time.

Unable to acquire

As of now, the wiki tutorial does not work. dnSpy has seemed to remove all releases and I cannot even find the files for Unity-debugging in the actions tab or I missed it, I am unable to continue with an attempt to work with Rimworld.

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