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mmmarkdown's Issues

Github tables don't parse into HTML tables unless they have a blank line in front of them

I'm running against :HEAD to get the github markdown. Calling

        NSString *rawhtml = [MMMarkdown HTMLStringWithMarkdown:_markdown extensions:MMMarkdownExtensionsTables error:&error];

For input:

The leopards have names. Here is a handy table to help you identify them:
Name     |     colour
fluffy   | leopard coloured
tiddles | leopard coloured
Socks | leopard coloured

Output is:

<p>The leopards have names. Here is a handy table to help you identify them:
Name     |     colour
fluffy   | leopard coloured
tiddles | leopard coloured
Socks | leopard coloured</p>

instead of

  <td> fluffy </td>
  <td> leopard coloured</td>        
  <td> tiddles </td>
  <td> leopard coloured</td>        
  <td> Socks </td>
  <td> leopard coloured</td>        

Putting an extra CR in front of the table Markdown fixes this:

The leopards have names. Here is a handy table to help you identify them:

Name     |     colour
fluffy   | leopard coloured
tiddles | leopard coloured
Socks | leopard coloured

parses to:

<p>The leopards have names. Here is a handy table to help you identify them:</p>
<table><thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>colour</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>fluffy</td><td>leopard coloured</td></tr><tr><td>tiddles</td><td>leopard coloured</td></tr><tr><td>Socks</td><td>leopard coloured</td></tr></tbody></table>

Here's the same text in Github:

The leopards have names. Here is a handy table to help you identify them:

Name colour
fluffy leopard coloured
tiddles leopard coloured
Socks leopard coloured

MMMarkdownExtensionsUnderscoresInWords should allow asterisks within words to still bold, italicize and bold italicize

MMMarkdown diverges a bit from GFM with respect to underscores vs asterisks in words.

In GFM, e.g. what I'm using to edit this issue notice that underscores are not italicized or bolded within a word:

Hello__world__today is not bolded.
// produces:

Hello__world__today is not bolded.

Whereas GFM does italicize or bold with asterisks within a word:

Hello**world**today is bolded.
// produces:

Helloworldtoday is bolded.

In the GitHub Flavored Markdown Reference they mention that underscores within words are not used for emphasis but that intra-word emphasis can still be achieved using asterisks.

However, the MMMarkdown option MMMarkdownExtensionsUnderscoresInWords turns off both underscores and asterisks within words, whereas based on the name of the option and for consistency with GFM it seems like it should only turn off underscores and not asterisks within words.

This impacts MMSpanParser._parseEmAndStrongWithScanner in a few places.

I like the fact that underscores don't italicize/bold within words: that makes sense for variable names in text. But it would be nice if asterisks still worked. :-)

Thoughts? :-)


Performance on iOS 8

It's taking to me rendering a simple markdown like 5 seconds on iOS 8. I've not tested it yet on previous iOS versions, but I guess this a performance leak on iOS 8, maybe NSAttributedString is kinda tricky now.

I mean, not rendering it, but generating the NSAttributedString from the HTML. The conversion from raw Markdown to HTML is working fine, is quick. But when you have to get the NSAttributedString, oh boy, it takes like forever.

Could you please look into it?


Parsing of tab/4space-delimited code blocks differs from github parsing and other markdown editors


The Markdown "standard" is a bit vague about this, but most Markdown parsers (e.g., Github's issues markdown parser, Markdown Pro, etc) will only honor a tab/4space-delimited code block if the block is preceded by an empty line (or a line containing nothing but whitespace). So for example

The following does NOT produce a code block in GitHub issues or Markdown Pro:
var x = 2;

But it DOES produce a code block in MMMarkdown.

If you look at the actual HTML source for the "standard" at daringfireball it shows:

<p>To produce a code block in Markdown, simply indent every line of the
block by at least 4 spaces or 1 tab. For example, given this input:</p>

<pre><code>This is a normal paragraph:

    This is a code block.

Notice how there's a blank line before the tab/4space-delimited code block in Gruber's example.

So it seems like to work the same as Github issues markdown parsing and other Markdown editors, MMMarkdown should:

  • NOT create a code block for a tab/4space-delimited code block unless:
    • the code block comes at the very beginning of the document or
    • the code block is preceded by a blank line or a line composed of nothing but whitespace

It seems like the presence of a blank or whitespace-only line after the code block doesn't impact Github or Markdown Pro parsing.

I guess this kind of makes sense since block elements like paragraphs are normally separated by blank/whitespace-only lines in Markdown. Further, it's legal to have 4 leading spaces or a tab in a line of a paragraph, so I guess the blank line is needed to indicate that the paragraph is done and over.

Is it possible to update MMMarkdown to behave more like Github issues Markdown parsing in this case?

Or alternatively, when I add the other flags about turning off Setext headers, could I add a flag also to disable tab/4space-delimited code blocks (since these code blocks are harder to syntax highlight using regexes than are fenced code blocks)?

I'm happy to help in whatever way I can. Please let me know if you need a test case to repro this. Here are some sample tests cases below:

NSString *shouldNotProduceACodeBlock1 = @"Some text.\n    NSString *foo;";
NSString *shouldNotProduceACodeBlock2 = @"Some text.\n\tNSString *foo;";
NSString *shouldProduceACodeBlock1 = @"Some text.\n\n    NSString *foo;";
NSString *shouldProduceACodeBlock2 = @"Some text.\n\n\tNSString *foo;";
NSString *shouldProduceACodeBlock3 = @"Some text.\n \n    NSString *foo;";
NSString *shouldProduceACodeBlock4 = @"Some text.\n\t\n\tNSString *foo;";

MMMarkdown doesn't support form?

I want to insert a form,like this:

dog bird cat
foo foo foo
bar bar bar
baz baz baz

but the form didn't appear...Does MMMarkdown support drawing a form?

Updated Tag/Release

Hello, I was wondering if you would be able to create a new tag/release based on the latest changes? Thank you!

Some MMElement do not have parents

Hi, I found you provide a method to add chid for MMElement, addChild:, but it seems that you do not use this method to add children somewhere. In MMParser.m, near line 865:

- (MMElement *)_parseListItemWithScanner:(MMScanner *)scanner atIndentationLevel:(NSUInteger)level
            if (canContainBlocks) // line 865
                element.children = [self _parseElementsWithScanner:preListScanner];
                element.children = [self.spanParser parseSpansInBlockElement:element withScanner:preListScanner];

You assign the children directly. This will result in these children without any parent. Actually the children of list item would fail to provide parents when I need them.

Could you fix it? Or add a comment in MMElement.h to warn not to use the parent. Thanks.

How to add custom Markdown syntax?


First, thanks for MMMarkdown - it performs well and I think it's awesome! I really appreciate you making this available! :-)

I'm working on a Markdown app where I want to add a few features that are not directly supported by Markdown:

  • Hard page breaks
  • Font size control

So for example, I'd like to specify some Markdown like:

# Here is a headline

Some text


New page (--- acts as a page break)

--- tiny

Text is now tiny due to "--- tiny" tag

I'm not married to the use of --- or --- tiny, they could be whichever characters. I just need to add these custom tags.

Can you please give me some pointers how you think it might be easiest to do this in MMMarkdown? I'm happy to code it myself and offer a pull request if you'd like to add it back to the main codebase, but I was hoping you could point me in the right direction and suggest the code path most likely to be successful. :-) Also, if you had suggestions as to which types of characters for my custom tags might work best I'd appreciate that as well.

Thanks again for making this great code available.

Best Wishes.

mmmarkdown misses link

In the following example, the link is not recognised:

Use CRB65 score to help guide and review:<sup>[1](/notes/community-acquired pneumonia/#1)</sup> Each scores 1: Confusion (AMT<8); Respiratory rate >30/min; Age >65; BP systolic <90 or diastolic <= 60;

I tried in Mou, where it works fine. Thanks for fixing the last bug btw!

Lack of support for image links

The following markdown should produce an image link:

[![Werewolf Cop](](

Like so:
Werewolf Cop

Instead, it produces the following:
Werewolf Cop

64 bit support

Hi, I am not able to set architecture setting for arm64 in xcode 6.2 while using MMMarkdown library.

Please help to fix the issue.

Possible Minor Bug: Trailing characters after closing ``` for GHFM fenced code block interpreted differently


When adding Markdown to Github issue, if the closing line contains characters after the closing ``` then GitHub does not end the fenced code block, as in:

NSString *str = @"Hello, world!";

However, MMMarkdown does end the fenced code block in this case, consuming the trailing xxx after the closing ```:

    NSString *markdownInput = @"```\nNSString *str = @\"Hello, world!\";\n```xxx";
    NSString *htmlOutput = [MMMarkdown HTMLStringWithMarkdown:markdownInput extensions:MMMarkdownExtensionsTables|MMMarkdownExtensionsFencedCodeBlocks|MMMarkdownExtensionsUnderscoresInWords error:NULL];
    NSLog(@"For input '%@' got output '%@'", markdownInput, htmlOutput);


2015-01-27 18:17:31.434 MarkdownTestMM[81350:7765794] For input '```
NSString *str = @"Hello, world!";
```xxx' got output '<pre><code>NSString *str = @"Hello, world!";

Notice how the trailing xxx after the closing ``` got consumed by MMMarkdown.

I'm not sure which is the "reference implementation" of GHFM - the parsing in GitHub issues or the parsing in MMMarkdown. But the two parsers behave differently in this case.

The documentation on GHFM is ambiguous about this case: see . This doesn't mention what should happen if characters follow the closing ```.

Personally, I favor your approach: I think consuming the xxx trailing the ``` is the best and least-confusing-to-users approach. But it differs from what GitHub web GHFM parsing does.

So I just wanted to point this out. I guess it's not so much a bug as a difference in interpretation of the ambiguity in the standard here.

Not trying to be nitpicky, this is just a friendly heads up. :-)

Best wishes.

MMMarkdown doesn't support chinese?

I use this library try to parse Markdown with Chinese,it shows messy code,and i already transform chinese with utf8,Can you tell me why?Thank u

Podspec needs to be updated

May I ask you to update pod spec based on the latest changes (removed static library, added 64 bit support). Thank you very much.

MMScanner assertion is firing unexpectedly and crashing app


I'm interactively parsing Markdown from an NSTextView as the user types. Sometimes, rarely, I get an app crash (in debug mode) with the assertion in MMScanner.initWithString:lineRanges firing:

- (id)initWithString:(NSString *)aString lineRanges:(NSArray *)theLineRanges
    NSParameterAssert(theLineRanges.count > 0);

Here's the stack trace:

2015-01-15 00:10:47.981 MarkdownTestMM[28490:1393172] Invalid parameter not satisfying: theLineRanges.count > 0
2015-01-15 00:10:47.982 MarkdownTestMM[28490:1393172] (
    0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff8e10c64c __exceptionPreprocess + 172
    1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff84b506de objc_exception_throw + 43
    2   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff8e10c42a +[NSException raise:format:arguments:] + 106
    3   Foundation                          0x00007fff8c8305b9 -[NSAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description:] + 195
    4   MarkdownTestMM                      0x0000000100013c9a -[MMScanner initWithString:lineRanges:] + 298
    5   MarkdownTestMM                      0x0000000100013b2b +[MMScanner scannerWithString:lineRanges:] + 139
    6   MarkdownTestMM                      0x0000000100011e92 -[MMParser _parseParagraphWithScanner:] + 1730
    7   MarkdownTestMM                      0x000000010000c3b6 -[MMParser _parseBlockElementWithScanner:] + 1894
    8   MarkdownTestMM                      0x000000010000bb1f -[MMParser _parseElementsWithScanner:] + 127
    9   MarkdownTestMM                      0x000000010000ad14 -[MMParser parseMarkdown:error:] + 212
    10  MarkdownTestMM                      0x000000010000aa4e +[MMMarkdown HTMLStringWithMarkdown:extensions:fromSelector:error:] + 510
    11  MarkdownTestMM                      0x000000010000a817 +[MMMarkdown HTMLStringWithMarkdown:extensions:error:] + 103
    12  MarkdownTestMM                      0x000000010000413b __42-[Document parseMarkdown:success:failure:]_block_invoke + 91
    13  libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000010005c2bb _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 12
    14  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000100056d43 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    15  libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000010005afb3 _dispatch_queue_drain + 1804
    16  libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000010005cfc0 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 223
    17  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000100059f5e _dispatch_root_queue_drain + 666
    18  libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000010006bcd0 _dispatch_worker_thread3 + 106
    19  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff8f5146cb _pthread_wqthread + 729
    20  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x00007fff8f5124a1 start_wqthread + 13
2015-01-15 00:10:47.983 MarkdownTestMM[28490:1393172] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: theLineRanges.count > 0'

I'm invoking the parsing as follows:

NSString *markdown = ...;
NSError * __autoreleasing error;
NSString *htmlOutput = [MMMarkdown HTMLStringWithMarkdown:markdown extensions:MMMarkdownExtensionsTables|MMMarkdownExtensionsFencedCodeBlocks|MMMarkdownExtensionsUnderscoresInWords error:&error];

Here's some sample input that crashes it:

Here is some other stuff.

 #H    eisa Headline

Here is some text.

##  ddd

Here is that

# e is ale d

Here is some math:     

>\`sum_(n=0)^oo x^n\`

This input doesn't crash it every time, but often it does. Well, this is the last input I logged before it crashed, so the actual input might have been off by 1 character +/-.

Any ideas?

I guess the assertion is firing because some kind of logical assumption is not holding in MMParser, but I feel like MMParser should be able to handle whatever input it gets, even if it's potentially invalid markdown.

I'm worried about what this is going to mean in a release build where the assertion won't fire - will some more serious issue cascade and really crash my app or will it just potentially mis-parse the markdown input (that would be OK if temporary and later user typing fixed it).

Sorry, I'm trying to create test case that repos this 100% of the time, but I'm having trouble doing so.

Please let me know how I can help. :-)

Add to the public API


If you've gone to all the trouble of writing an awesome markdown parser and all, why not open up the API a bit more so we can return more than just a HTML string? It would be handy for me to get an array of link elements for example. I've seen the code to do that is there in the source, but downloading as a CocoaPod only exposes that one class method.

Just a consideration...


libMMMarkdown-iOS.a is showing red in Xcode

When I add libMMMarkdown-iOS.a in include libraries in my project ---> It appears as red. it means there is not library like this. Please help me how to include "libMMMarkdown-iOS.a" library in my project.

In your MMMarkdown github folder also I am unable to find "libMMMarkdown-iOS.a" library. Please help me!!

not support objective-c block

@mdiep this framework doesn't support objective-c block. For example, I try to parse the following block with MMMarkdown, however it doesn't work.

@interface ViewController ()
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UITextView *blockTextView;

Could you please add this feature? GitHub support that. Thanks

Handling unrecognised inline tags

What should the procedure be for HTML tags that aren't part of the limited set that some sites only recognise? For example, StackOverflow only recognises a subset of tags and strips out others but leaves alone the text between any opening and closing tag. However with the current MMMarkdown code tags like are passed through unchanged.

What I would like is the option to either convert those to <foobar> which is foobar surrounded by angle brackets OR have the tags stripped out altogether. My customers have the requirement to use a subset of HTML in Markdown but have the others ignored and escaped.

Could we have an option for this behaviour?

Some markup takes a long time to parse.

This markup takes ~7s to parse:

** Please check opening times before accepting ** Task Category:- Panel Check Description:- We have been tasked to check on the Primesight Panel at the location listed below. The client has confirmed the panel IS at the location, but wants to check everything is displaying correctly. Please stand and observe for 2 minutes. There could be multiple Adverts on display - please list which ones are on the rotation. *** If there is only 1 advert, you only need to take that 1 photo - please do NOT take the same photo in every photo option *** Brief:- Agent to locate the panel in the Cinema and answer: - 3x Yes/No question - 1x Multiple Choice - Up to 5x Photos ***** IF you are unable to locate - please ask a member of staff where the advertisement panel is, it will be in that cinema somewhere ***** ** Photos are the key! We require 1 photo of each of brands being advertised - So if there are 4 pizza hut adverts on rotation, you will only need to take 1 photo, not all 4 ** ** If the panels are not plugged in on arrival, please ask a member of staff to switch the machine on - DO NOT plug them in yourselves - as prompted in Q2 ** Enjoy FA

I've not really managed to any diagnosis as to why other than it seem to go heavily recursive trying to decode the multiple asterisk runs.

Missing link text causes runtime exception

The following markdown causes an assertion failure "Invalid parameter not satisfying: theLineRanges.count > 0" on line 86 in MMScanner initWithString:lineRanges:


Obviously it's not a meaningful link since there's nothing to click, but we've found WYSIWYG editors may leave this artifact behind as content is edited. It's fine if the link doesn't wind up being displayed, but the parser should ideally not crash.

Converting Issue?

Hello, Matt Diephouse.

Thanks for developing this good framework.
I've been using this framework well.

Recently I've got a report from a user about Markdown.
He said he can't use table syntax in the app which is using this Markdown Framework.
I wonder if this MMarkdown framework supports table relevant converting.
I think it is, right? Because I can see some Unit test code related to table source in this code.

And I've found one more thing which is not working well.

The tutorial says like following

import <MMMarkdown/MMMarkdown.h>

NSString *markdown = @"'''Mistaken'''";
NSString *htmlString = [MMMarkdown HTMLStringWithMarkdown:markdown extensions:MMMarkdownExtensionsGitHubFlavored error:NULL];
// Returns @"'<'p'>'<'d'e'l'>'Mistaken'<'/'d'e'l'><'/'p'>"

@"'''Mistaken'''" is supposed to @"'<'p'>'<'del'>'Mistaken'<'/'del'><'/p'>" as a result
But in my case @"'''Mistaken'''" is returned as a result.
*I added ' to every words which could be used for converting to prevent being converted to formatting word.

Did I missing something? Can you help me out?


Error while parsing a string


I got the following error :

2014-09-18 17:01:00.416 MDTest[3007:22902] *** Assertion failure in -[MMScanner initWithString:lineRanges:], /Users/nicolas/Documents/development/IOS/MDTest/Pods/MMMarkdown/Source/MMScanner.m:86
2014-09-18 17:01:00.420 MDTest[3007:22902] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsist encyException', reason: 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: theLineRanges.count > 0'

When parsing the markdown string :

"| |\n|:--|:--|:--:|\n|Dyrus|[](/alistar) Alistar ^1|2-0-8|\n|Amazing|[](/leesin) Lee Sin ^2|3-1-9|\n|Bjergsen|[]    (/yasuo) Yasuo ^3|5-0-6|\n|WildTurtle|[](/tristana) Tristana ^3|5-0-3|\n|Lustboy|[](/nami) Nami ^2|0-0-9|\n|**SK**| | |\n|Fredy122|[](/drmundo) Dr Mundo ^2|0-3-0|\n|Gilius|[](/khazix) KhaZix ^1|0-3-1|\n|Jesiz|[](/orianna) Orianna ^3|0-5-0|\n|CandyPanda|[](/lucian) Lucian ^1|1-2-0|\n|nRated|[](/sona) Sona ^2|0-2-1|\n^1,2,3 Number indicates where in the pick phase the champion was taken.\n\n&amp;nbsp;\n\n-----\n\n&amp;nbsp;\n\n[A plug for /u/fae_ who is posting live updates of the matches today]("

Do you have any idea ?

Missing block quote?

Block quoting with '>' seems not to work.


> This is a quote from a previous reply or comment.
Now this is my response to that quote.

Should be rendered as:

This is a quote from a previous reply or comment.
Now this is my response to that quote.

MMMarkdown results are the same - the block quote isn't handled, it's simply reprinted as is.

Tests don't run under Xcode Beta4

2014-08-18 11:32:11.836 otest[1198:157856] The test bundle at     /Users/rog/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MMMarkdown-fekjtqpmnzjnpmemexluahtptwlw/Build/Products/Debug/MMMarkdownTests.octest could not be loaded because its Objective-C runtime information does not match the runtime information required by the test rig.  This is likely because the test rig is being run with Objective-C garbage collection enabled, but the test bundle does not support Objective-C garbage collection.  To disable Objective-C garbage collection for the test rig, run it in an environment with the OBJC_DISABLE_GC environment variable set to YES.
2014-08-18 11:32:11.837 otest[1198:157856] Usage: otest [-SenTest Self | All | None | <TestCaseClassName/testMethodName>] <path of unit to be tested>
2014-08-18 11:32:11.838 otest[1198:157856] Couldn't posix_spawn: error 8

Xcode also complains about SenTest being deprecated so updating the test framework is probably the fix :-(

Switch to frameworks

Now that Apple has embraced frameworks on iOS, MMMarkdown can move to a framework on both platforms.

Request: ability to turn off Setext-style headers and non-fenced code blocks


Would you be open having two options added to MMarkdownExtensions:

  1. MMMarkdownExtensionsNoSetextHeaders: Disable detection of headers like
A Setext Header

and instead only allow the

# Atx Style Headers
  1. MMMarkdownExtensionsNoSpaceIndentedCodeBlocks: Disable detection of code blocks preceded by four spaces as in:
    This would no longer be a code block.

and instead allow fenced code blocks (if MMMarkdownExtensionsFencedCodeBlocks is enabled).

I ask because I'm making a user-facing Markdown app and I want to avoid confusion amongst my users about whether to use the # (Atx) or === (Setext) headers. I also want to avoid confusion about space-indented code blocks.

Also, turning off Setext headers and space-indented code blocks makes Markdown syntax highlighting within the markdown input editor much easier.

I think this would be two simple changes in MMMarkdown.h and MMParser.m.

If I was willing to make these code changes, including automated tests, on a fork, would you be open to a pull request to merge this into the master branch? :-)

I'm really enjoying MMMarkdown (thanks!) and I need these two new flags but I'd rather avoid forking and diverging my own version from your master since that will make subsequent updates to your later releases more difficult and require git merges, etc.

In my experience, use of Setext headers is rare since they only have 2 levels of headers (compared to 6 for Atx). Also, fenced code blocks seem far more popular than space-indented ones in my experience.

Thanks and best wishes.

``` (Triple Grave Accent) Parsing Error


var content = MMMarkdown.HTMLStringWithMarkdown(self.detail, extensions: MMMarkdownExtensions.GitHubFlavored, error: nil)


# My Markdown Post

```function thing() {

    function otherThing() {
        alert("other stuff");

- Item
- Item 2

Raw link:
Pretty link: [Internet](

![Mind Blown](

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla interdum, massa eget sodales congue, leo est aliquam lectus, ac elementum magna diam efficitur arcu. Fusce at velit eu orci condimentum dignissim ut a nulla. Suspendisse justo nulla, semper et erat eget, rutrum vulputate ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer ut congue nibh. Suspendisse condimentum odio dapibus, ultricies tortor a, porttitor tellus. Etiam nec quam in elit consectetur elementum a eu libero. Aenean porta, lorem et pellentesque consequat, arcu magna tincidunt ipsum, in feugiat nunc diam vitae tellus. Praesent dignissim, lorem non mattis maximus, elit nisi bibendum metus, et sagittis purus risus ac orci.

Actual Result:

<h1>My Markdown Post</h1>
<p><strong>Bold</strong><br />
<em>Italic</em><br />
<pre><code class="function">    alert("stuff");

    function otherThing() {
        alert("other stuff");

- Item
- Item 2

Raw link:
Pretty link: [Internet](

![Mind Blown](

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla interdum, massa eget sodales congue, leo est aliquam lectus, ac elementum magna diam efficitur arcu. Fusce at velit eu orci condimentum dignissim ut a nulla. Suspendisse justo nulla, semper et erat eget, rutrum vulputate ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer ut congue nibh. Suspendisse condimentum odio dapibus, ultricies tortor a, porttitor tellus. Etiam nec quam in elit consectetur elementum a eu libero. Aenean porta, lorem et pellentesque consequat, arcu magna tincidunt ipsum, in feugiat nunc diam vitae tellus. Praesent dignissim, lorem non mattis maximus, elit nisi bibendum metus, et sagittis purus risus ac orci.

Expected Result:

The parser should find the closing triple tick, even if it is not padded by whitespace:

My Markdown Post


function thing() { alert("stuff"); }

function otherThing() {
    alert("other stuff");
  • Item
  • Item 2

Raw link:
Pretty link: Internet

Mind Blown

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla interdum, massa eget sodales congue, leo est aliquam lectus, ac elementum magna diam efficitur arcu. Fusce at velit eu orci condimentum dignissim ut a nulla. Suspendisse justo nulla, semper et erat eget, rutrum vulputate ligula. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer ut congue nibh. Suspendisse condimentum odio dapibus, ultricies tortor a, porttitor tellus. Etiam nec quam in elit consectetur elementum a eu libero. Aenean porta, lorem et pellentesque consequat, arcu magna tincidunt ipsum, in feugiat nunc diam vitae tellus. Praesent dignissim, lorem non mattis maximus, elit nisi bibendum metus, et sagittis purus risus ac orci.

armv7s support


Will there be an update of the framework to support armv7s, in the iPhone 5 and iPad 4? Fantastic code, regardless!


HTMLStringWithMarkdown returning null string in iPhone Device, while working in simulator

Following instruction has been followed to add MMMarkDownLibrary in IOS Project. And run the build in iPhone-6(IOS-8.4.1). "HTMLStringWithMarkdown" returning the Nil string.

[MMMarkdown HTMLStringWithMarkdown:markDownString extensions:MMMarkdownExtensionsAutolinkedURLs error:NULL];

Instruction to add MMMarkdown in IOS app -
Add MMMarkdown as a git submodule. (git submodule add )
Add MMMarkdown.xcodeproj to your project or workspace
Add MMMarkdown.framework to the ”Link Binary with Libraries" section of your project's “Build Phases”.
Add MMMarkdown.framework to a ”Copy Files” build phase that copies it to the Frameworks destination.

Scanner hangs in infinite loop on html tag attributes like <p style="


I'm using MMMarkdown in a custom Markdown editor app. So as the user types, I periodically parse the Markdown every few keystrokes so I can show a live preview of what the parsed Markdown will look like.

Most of the time it works really well and is fast, thanks! :-)

Since Markdown can legally include HTML, the following would be legal Markdown:

<p style="color: red">Hello, world!</p>

However, the MMHTMLParser._parseStringWithScanner method hangs as soon as the user types and the parser attempts to parse the following:

<p style="

It hangs as soon as the " after the = is typed. This will be a common case if the parser is used to parse Markdown interactively or in an editor - it will encounter incomplete HTML like this and it shouldn't get caught in an infinite loop.

I took a look at MMHTMLParser._parseStringWithScanner and the problem seems to be the code:

    while (scanner.nextCharacter != nextChar)
        if (scanner.atEndOfLine)
            [scanner advanceToNextLine];

This gets caught in an infinite loop for <p style=". The problem seems to be that it's not advancing the scanner's location.

I made a temporary fix to get past this infinite loop, where I changed the above code to:

    while (scanner.nextCharacter != nextChar)
        if (scanner.atEndOfLine)
            NSUInteger oldScannerLocation = scanner.location;
            [scanner advanceToNextLine];
            if (scanner.location == oldScannerLocation) {
                // Avoid infinite loop for string: <p style="
            } else {

In this case, the loop is broken if the scanner's location fails to advance. This is a hacky solution as I didn't have time to go over the whole logic flow. I feel my hack is maybe papering over the problem and that there's a better solution, but I'm not sure ... Any tips?

I'd be happy to help - please let me know how I can help. But I just wanted to let you know about this.

Note that if I paste in the complete html, the parser doesn't hang. This works fine:

<p style="color: red">Hello, world!</p>

It only hangs for partial HTML like

<p style="

Note: This is not specific to the p tag or the style attribute. It happens for other tags and other attributes.

I think it would be fine for the parser to return an error for "invalid markdown" in this case, I don't think it needs to try valiantly to recover or repair this incomplete html. But it shouldn't get caught in an infinite loop ...

Best and thanks again, I really like MMMarkdown!

Markdown of OL with UL is outputted in not Good HTML.

Thank you published a very nice program.
Please let me bug reports today.

In the case of this example, MMMarkdown is not correctly changed into HTML.

【Example Markdown】


*kick boxing

【Result HTML】

<li>kick boxing</li>

【Result that I want is this.】


<li>kick boxing</li>

I hope that it will be fixed.
Thanks for reading so far.

Best approach for custom substitutions of block quote content?


I'm translating Markdown to HTML using MMMarkdown and it's working well so far. What I'd like to do though is replace instances of "--" with "—" inside of block quotes so that the user gets the nifty long single quote.

I only want to do this inside block quotes though. What do you think is the best way to do this? In MMGenerator._generateHTMLForElement:inDocument:HTML:location: or somewhere in MMParser?

I could do this with my own custom subclass of MMGenerator, but overriding a private method is risky and could break with future updates. Another alternative would be to pass in some blocks that could preprocess the naked text of each element.

What do you think? :-)


Line breaks weird behavior.

Lorem ipsum.\n
Lorem ipsum.
<"p>Lorem ipsum.<"/p>
<"p>Lorem ipsum.<"/p>

Lorem ipsum.\n
Lorem ipsum.
<"p>Lorem ipsum.<"/p>
<"p>Lorem ipsum.<"/p>

So regardless of how much line breaks are entered, output is markdown without empty line.

P.S There're no quotes inside paragraph tags in output, I've put them there to prevent github markdown parsing.

Text causes MMMarkdown to hang

The below text causes MMMarkdown to hang or at least take an extremely long time to complete. I've not been able to reliably pin down the actual part of the text that causes the problem BUT if you delete the first line, the issue does not repro. If you delete everything after the first line, the issue does not report. So some combination of the first line and the body that follows is causing an issue. (Note that the 'dots' here are asterisks in the original text).


  • Added Set Signature/Delete Signature to editor popup menu. Simply type a signature, highlight and right
    click on the text and choose Set Signature to make that text your signature.
  • Added Read-Lock on messages. Press 'L' to set a locked, unread, flag on the current message.
  • Add Install Script to system menu to install CIXReader script packages.
  • Can now close a profile window with Esc or Ctrl+F4.
  • Can now override mugshots by putting a replacement image in the Mugshots folder in the CIXReader data
    folder with the username as the filename.
  • Support Ctrl+K to mark the current topic read.
  • Fix a bug where some messages didn't scroll into view when selected.
  • Fix a bug where backtracking missed some messages.
  • Added more shortcut keys to dialogs for improved accessibility.
  • Added F5 to invoke the system menu.
  • Improvements for running CIXReader on high DPI displays.
  • Add IndentationOffset configuration option in ini file for adjusting indentation in thread list.
  • Expanded the Keyboard Help dialog.

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