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Reviving wxRuby


wxRuby3 is a cross-platform GUI library for Ruby, based on the mature wxWidgets GUI toolkit for C++. It uses native widgets wherever possible, providing the correct look, feel and behaviour to GUI applications on Windows, OS X and Linux/GTK. wxRuby aims to provide a comprehensive solution to developing professional-standard desktop applications in Ruby.

Usage examples

Hello world

wxRuby3 is very easy to use.

require 'wx' do, title: 'Hello world!').show


Hello Button

Anyone who is familiar with wxWidgets should feel right at home since the API may be Ruby-fied, it is still easily recognizable (but being Ruby-fied allowing for elegant and compact coding). And for those that do not have previous experience, do not fear, wxRuby3 comes with an extensive User Guide and detailed reference documentation and lots of examples and tests.

require 'wx'

class TheFrame < Wx::Frame
  def initialize(title)
    super(nil, title: title)
    panel =
    button =, label: 'Click me')
    button.evt_button(Wx::ID_ANY) { Wx.message_box('Hello. Thanks for clicking me!', 'Hello Button sample') }
end {'Hello world!').show }


wxRuby3 licence

wxRuby3 is free and open-source. It is distributed under the liberal MIT licence which is compatible with both free and commercial development. See LICENSE for more details.

wxRuby3 and wxWidgets

If you distribute (your) wxRuby3 (application) with a binary copy of wxWidgets, you are bound to the requirements of the copy of wxWidgets within. Fortunately, those requirements do not impose any serious restrictions.

wxWidgets License Summary (from wxWidgets)

In summary, the licence is LGPL plus a clause allowing unrestricted distribution of application binaries. To answer a FAQ, you don't have to distribute any source if you wish to write commercial applications using wxWidgets.

Required Credits and Attribution

Generally, neither wxWidgets nor wxRuby3 require attribution, beyond retaining existing copyright notices. However, if you build your own custom wxWidgets library, there may be portions that require specific attributions or credits, such as TIFF or JPEG support. See the wxWidgets README and license files for details. See here for more details on and acknowledgement of the developers of these products.

(Some of the) Most Frequently Asked Questions

(see the extended FAQ in the Wiki for more information)

What platforms and operating systems are supported in wxRuby3?

Currently the following are fully supported:

Platform Ruby version(s) wxWidgets version(s)
Windows >= 10 Ruby >= 2.5
(RubyInstaller MSYS2-DevKit)
wxWidgets >= 3.2
Linux (tested; all major AMD64 and ARM64 distributions: Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, OpenSuSE and ArchLinux)
(most likely also i686)
Ruby >= 2.5 wxWidgets >= 3.2
MacOS >= 10.10 using Cocoa (tested on AMD64 and ARM64 M1/M2 Chip) Ruby >= 2.5 (MacPorts, Homebrew, ruby-install, RVM) wxWidgets >= 3.2

Support for other platforms is not being actively developed at present, but patches are welcome. It is likely to be much simpler to get wxRuby working on similar modern systems (eg FreeBSD or Solaris with GTK) than on legacy systems (eg Windows 98, Mac OS 9).

How can I install wxRuby3?

wxRuby3 is distributed as a Ruby gem on RubyGems. This gem can also be downloaded from the release assets on Github.

The wxRuby3 gem provides a worry-free installation procedure for all supported platforms.

Installing the gem requires no additional installation steps and/or additional software to be installed except for a supported version of the Ruby interpreter. So the following command is all it takes to install:

gem install wxruby3

The wxRuby3 installation procedure will check the availability of a, prebuilt, binary package matching the platform being installed on and if found will download and install that package resulting in a ready-to-run wxRuby3 installation.
If no matching package is found the installation reverts to a source installation which will require an additional setup step to finalize the wxRuby3 installation by executing the following command:

wxruby setup

This last command is a fully automated setup procedure provided by the wxRuby3 CLI installed with the gem. This procedure (by default) will analyze your system and install (after asking your consent) any missing software requirements and build the wxRuby3 extension libraries (including a embedded copy of wxWidgets if necessary). It may take quite a while depending on your system but you can mostly sit back and relax.

A source based installation requires the availability of the Ruby development headers. User installed Rubies in most cases will already include those but (especially on Linux) system installed Rubies may require having an additional '-dev/-devel' package installed (although actually you may already have needed those to install the gems that the wxRuby3 gem depends on like the nokogiri gem).

The wxRuby3 CLI also provides a 'check' command with which the runtime status of the wxRuby3 installation can be checked at any time. By default running wxruby check will display a message reporting the runtime and suggestions on finalizing the installation if not finalized yet. No message is displayed if wxRuby3 is ready to run. Run wxruby check -h for details concerning this command.

A selection of (prebuilt) binary packages is provided as release assets on Github. See the INSTALL document for more details.

This install procedure can of course be tweaked and customized with commandline arguments. See the INSTALL document for more details.

Where can I ask a question, or report a bug?

Use GitHUb Issues.

When asking a question, if something is not working as you expect, please provide a minimal, runnable sample of code that demonstrates the problem, and describe clearly what you expected to happen and what actually happened. Please also provide basic details of your platform, Ruby, wxRuby and wxWidgets version, and make a reasonable effort to find answers in the archive, wiki and/or documentation before posting. People are mostly happy to help, but it's too much to expect them to guess what you're trying to do, or try and debug 1,000 lines of your application. Very important also; do not use offensive language and be polite.

How can I learn to use wxRuby?

wxRuby3 is a large API and takes some time to learn. The wxRuby3 distribution comes with numerous samples which illustrate how to use many specific parts of the API. A good one to start with is the 'minimal' sample, which provides an application skeleton. All the bundled samples are expected to work with current wxRuby3, although some use a more modern coding style than others. Use the bundled wxruby CLI to access the samples (see the section Bundled CLI in the INSTALL document for more details).

An extensive User Guide is available at the wxRuby3 Wiki providing detailed information about how to build desktop applications with wxRuby3.

Complete (more or less) wxRuby API documentation should be part of any complete wxRuby3 build. This tends to focus on providing a reference of all available modules, classes and methods and how to use specific classes and methods, rather than on how to construct an application overall. This documentation (for the latest release) is also available online here.

One of the advantages of wxRuby3 is the much larger ecosystem of wxWidgets and wxPython resources out there. There is a book for wxWidgets, "Cross-Platform Programming in wxWidgets", which can be freely downloaded as a PDF. This provides very comprehensive coverage of the wxWidgets API in C++. The code may not be directly useful but the descriptions of how widgets and events and so forth work are almost always relevant to wxRuby3 (and should be fairly easily relatable).

When using a search engine to find answers about a wxRuby3 class, it can be worth searching for the same term but with 'wx' prepended. For example, if you wanted answers about the "Grid" class, try searching for "wxGrid" as this will turn up results relating to wxWidgets and wxPython which may be relevant.

How does wxRuby3 relate to the wxRuby 2.0 (and even older 0.6.0) release?

wxRuby 0.6.0 was the last in a series of releases developed using a different approach in the early days of wxRuby. Work on this series stopped in early 2005, in favour of what became wxRuby 2.0. This project in turn stopped being supported in 2013. Several years of development have passed for wxWidgets and Ruby respectively, improving code quality, adding new classes and new language features. In 2022 I finally found the time and the inspiration to pick up this project with the idea of reviving it to build some applications I had in mind. wxRuby 3 intends to provide Ruby interfaces for all relevant (!) wxWidget classes of the latest version 3.2 and beyond. Building on the experiences of the previous wxRuby (2) developments as well as the wxPython Phoenix project it is expected to provide a better and more maintainable solution.

I am getting an error trying to install or compile wxRuby3

Please double-check the instructions above and in the INSTALL document and search issue archives. If this doesn't help, please post your question using GitHub Issues.

wxruby3's People


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wxruby3's Issues

Possible missing constant: Wx::FileSelectorPromptStr

Following the documentation ( for the default message parameter, I tried creating the following:

    @filePicker =, Wx::ID_ANY, (''),
      Wx::FileSelectorPromptStr, 'BMP files|*.bmp', Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION,

I then get:

global_const.rb:50:in `const_missing': uninitialized constant Wx::FileSelectorPromptStr (NameError)

I did try the uppercase snake-case version of the constant (Wx::FILE_SELECTOR_PROPT_STR), but that didn't work either.

[Documentation] Please consider specifying in the main README clearly which version of wxwidgets are supported

It would be useful to clearly state which versions of wxwidgets are supported.

I'll compile wxWidgets soon and then I will install the latest wxRuby3, but
right now I do not know whether that works. This is why I think it would be very
useful if wxRuby3 could on the main README clearly state which version of
wxwidgets are supported. That way people quickly know whether they should
give the latest wxwidgets a try or stay to some more "stable" variant instead.

Please consider this documentation-request. Thank you for reading.

(PS: If I have missed it perhaps it could be made more prominent, like a
markdown table or something. Right now I do not know if and which
version scheme wxruby3 follows.)

Unable to create Wx::HyperlinkCtrl

It looks like Wx::HyperlinkCtrl is missing a parent window parameter? When I try to create the control using:

    @hyperlink =, Wx::ID_ANY, 'Hyperlink',

I get:

Error initializing #<Wx::HyperlinkCtrl:0x0000022a94a14030 @__swigtype__="_p_wxHyperlinkCtrl"> (NameError)

Correct parameters for are:
:id => (Wx::StandardID)
:label => (String)
:url => (String)
:pos => (Wx::Point)
:size => (Wx::Size)
:style => (Integer)
:name => (String)

BTW, sorry I didn't get a chance to test these controls a lot earlier. I missed your Beta announcement, and since your first RC announcement, I've been scrambling to add code generation for wxRuby3 to wxUiEditor. Hence issues appearing in mostly alphabetical order as I work down the list of controls to verify valid code generation. Anyway, no rush on finding/fixing these from my perspective -- I'm noting the ones that I'm having problems with, and will check again before I release a beta for wxRuby3 support (which will probably be after you actually release).

ScaleMode question

I'm in the process of adding code generation support for Wx::GenericStaticBitmap that was added to wxRuby3 0.9.3. Generating bmp.set_scale_mode( works fine for bmp =, but I'm a bit confused by the documentation for Wx::StaticBitmap#set_scale_mode and wondering if I'm doing this right.

The documentation ( lists constants such as Scale_Fill -- but if that constant actually exists for wxRuby3, I'm at a loss as to how to use it. I've tried bmp.set_scale_mode(Scale_Fill) and bmp.set_scale_mode(Wx::StaticBitmap::Scale_Fill) niether of which works. Am I overlooking something obvious, or is the only way to implement these constants is to use the ScaleMode with a numical value?

Code error messages

Prior to 0.9.0, if you ran ruby from a Windows command prompt, and there was a fatal error caused by an error in the user's ruby code, the error log information would be written to the command prompt window (presumably to stdout or stderr). With 0.9.0, the error information is instead displayed in a dialog box, without the ability to copy the text of the error message. That makes fixing the problem harder, since you cannot see the error message and your code at the same time.

My question is whether there is any way for the user to either a) have that text copy-able, or written to a log file, or b) turned off so that the error text is written to stdout or stderr?

Error on Windows trying to set RibbonBar.set_art_provider

I'm getting an error for any value I use for set_art_provider which I suspect is Windows-specific. I have the following code:

    @rbnBar =, Wx::ID_ANY, Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION,


What I get is:

 `set_art_provider': Expected argument 1 of type wxRibbonArtProvider *, but got Class
         Wx::RBN::RibbonMSWArtProvider (TypeError)
        in SWIG method 'SetArtProvider'


I have tried both variants: Wx::RBN::RibbonAUIArtProvider and Wx::RBN::RibbonMSWArtProvider -- both of them generate an error.

Problem with wxruby setup --wxwin=path building on Windows 11

Build method used

I am trying to build wxRuby3 with wxruby setup following directions in

Build options used

Directions suggest running:

wxruby setup --with-wxhead

which results in:

invalid option: --with-wxhead
Did you mean?  with-wxwin

That appears to be a doc problem about the -- prefix? Leastwise leaving off the -- caused different problems, similar to what's reported below.


The real problem I'm having is trying to build on Windows using:

wxruby setup --wxwin=D:\github\wxWidgets

which results in:

bash.exe: warning: could not find /tmp, please create!
bash.exe: warning: could not find /tmp, please create!
bash.exe: warning: could not find /tmp, please create!
ERROR: Cannot find wxWidgets. wxRuby requires a wxWidgets >= 3.2.0 release.

And before you ask , yes there is a D:/tmp, yes I installed RubyInstaller MSYS2-Devkit, and yes that version of wxWidgets is current -- and I also tried on my fork of wxWidgets which fails the same way. Oh, and yes wxRuby3 0.9.4 ran fine on Windows 11 -- I just need a more current wxRuby3 release, preferably running my wxWidgets fork.

I am running from a cmd.exe shell since INSTALL didn't indicate if I should be running some other shell. Should I be running a different shell even though I'm trying to build for Windows?

Platform and version information

  • wxRuby3 version you are building: 0.9.8 (just trying to hook it up to wxWidgets, not trying to build the ruby code)
  • wxRuby3 port you are building: WXMSW
  • OS (distribution) and its version: Windows 11
    • GTK version:
  • Compiler being used:
  • Non-default compiler options, if any :

FAQ entry - differences to Hanmac's old wxruby project

Hey there,

I just discovered the project here.

I remember many years ago hanmac wrote some wxruby bindings.

Is this project related to hanmac's work or completely independent?

Also I think some kind of FAQ, on the main README, a separate text
file or the wiki, may be useful. Many people may probably not be
aware that wxruby3 exists. I only found it just accidentally right
now when I looked at the mailing list.

Wx::CalendarCtrl doesn't accept Wx::DefaultDateTime

The documentation for Wx::CalendarCtrl states in the create function that I can use Wx::DefaultDateTime for the date (several other methods on this page also indicate this as the default). However, when I create the code:

    @calendar =, Wx::ID_ANY, Wx::DefaultDateTime,

I get an error from Ruby:

wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt/lib/wx/global_const.rb:47:in `const_missing':
    uninitialized constant Wx::DefaultDateTime (NameError)

It does work if instead I use instead of Wx::DefaultDateTime, but that's not specifically documented. So, I'm not sure if it's a documentation glitch and Wx::DefaultDateTime really isn't supported, or the wxRuby3 implementation is missing the constant.

[Documentation] Examples! Feature showcase example, possible entry to FAQ

Hey there mcorino,

I am currently working on a new gem, called "universal_widgets". I have not yet released it;
perhaps today I will.

Andy with his glimmer suite is already years ahead - he also supports wxruby as far as I
am aware. I want to add wxruby3 support for my own gems too, and perhaps one day
bridge into glimmer, e. g. with a full glimmer-spec, perhaps also via jruby + swing and
other java GUIs. Anyway.

Right now I am doing a semi-ok job with regards to gtk, via my gem here:

The documentation is, I think, fairly extensive. Not perfect, because at the end I have
kept a LOT of old german documentation too, from 2005 to 2010 and I have not
yet translated it all. Anyway.

I learned a lot via the gtk_paradise gem. I want to do so the same with jruby + SWING
and then also libui (when it supports it) - and then eventually wxruby3. Perhaps you
can also onboard hanmac - he used to maintain the old wxwidget bindings in ruby.
Before he got a job in reallife and then no longer had time for other projects. :P

So, I want to use wxruby3 eventually, via universal_widgets. This shall be the gem I
use for generic widget support in ruby. And perhaps jruby too eventually.

So I want to support wxruby3 eventually.

You already provide plenty of examples here:

This is also great - it helps for learning.

ruby-gtk3 has one file called main.rb or demo.rb which features all of GTK3.

Does wxRuby3 also have a "look what is supported"? A single app that showcases
things? If so, could the FAQ mention it? If not, and if you have time and are motivated,
do you think you could have some kind of "meta-app" that can be used to showcase
what wxRuby3 supports? A bit like advertising for wxRuby3 where people can run it
and then perhaps also get curious about it.

What the gtk3 variant also shows is the source code, via a button, so first you open
the app, you start it; and on the right side you can click on a tab and it shows the
code, and you can even modify the code and run it anew. This is kind of cool. If
you can support this that would be great, but time is finite so don't worry if you
lack the time or motivation. It is just a suggestion.

The documentation entry to FAQ would be nice, kind of "this is the first .rb file
you should look at when starting with wxRuby3", and ideally it would be an
app we can use to showcae what wxruby3 is capable of. Kind of like the
feature use case of it, where we can look via our eyes and spot which things
are nifty.

I will eventually get around to testing this subsequently; first I need to add
support for gtk2 again for gtk_paradise (upstream official gtk bindings
no longer support gtk2 by kou, but the FFI bindings by
still support it, and I want to support ALL possible GUI toolkits in ruby
eventually, including support for www aka in cgi environments, sinatra,
rails, you name it.)

At any rate thank you for reading and please feel free to close this issue at
any moment in time.

PS: If you feel like it, perhaps when you polished wxRuby3 a bit more, I
would recommend to you to advertise a bit for wxRuby3 on the mailing
list and also help people spread the word and what not, so that more
people know about it. I am pretty certain many folks don't know about
wxRuby3; if you google for ruby wxwidgets or so, the older wxruby
is the number #1 result right now on google search. Or hanmacs
older variant:

So google is lagging behind; your github page here came in third
when I searched for it right now via "ruby wxwidgets"

Wx::BitmapBundle.from_image() is undefined

I'm not sure if this is an issue of the documentation, or a problem with the underlying code. The docs state that Wx::BitmapBundle supports .from_image(). However, the following code:

bundle =

results in a Ruby error:

accessors.rb:53:in `method_missing': undefined method `from_image' for #<Wx::BitmapBundle

By contrast, bundle = works fine, so I know the problem is not with the image itself (which is a Wx::Image).

Constructor docs for the Wx::Scrolled variants doesn't show actual ctor name

The documentation for Wx::ScrolledWindow, Wx::ScrolledCanvas and Wx::ScrolledControl all list the constructor as "#initialize ⇒ Wx::Scrolled" rather than the actual constructor (Wx::ScrolledWindow, etc.). I'm not sure if that's by design or just the algorithm getting thrown off by the wxWidgets version of wxScroledl<wxPanel>.

a change for pressing enter on unavailable "grade out" context menu options


I reported and wel explaned what is needed hear, it was the incorrect place for it, so people helpped me to be directed hear, because the problem is related to keyboard pressing event
thanks, i really hope that this gets implemented soon, as nvda and all it's addons are using wx, and this is the correct action for the grade out menu options, which qt already does this, read the complete discription on the link provided above

enable_proof_check in a text_ctrl on Windows 11 doesn't do anything

I created a text control with the following code:

    @text_ctrl =, Wx::ID_ANY, '', Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION,

There are no complaints from Ruby, but when I enter in "tast" and a space, no spell checking is done.

By contrast, if I create the following C++ code:

    text_ctrl = new wxTextCtrl(this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString,
        wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_RICH2);

This works as expected -- I get the red squiqly underline under "tast" when I press space after entering in the misspelled word.

This is running on Windows 11.

Possible issue with Wx::AUI::AuiNotebook

I'm not sure if this is a problem with my code, or a problem with wxRuby3. I first created a Wx::Notebook with a single page which works fine. I then changed that to a Wx::AUI::AuiNotebook, and added a require 'wx/aui' line. The dialog displays fine, but when I terminate the dialog, Ruby crashes:

 *  Executing task: ruby rb_main.rb 

D:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt/lib/wx/core/app.rb:43: [BUG] Segmentation fault
ruby 3.2.2 (2023-03-30 revision e51014f9c0) [x64-mingw-ucrt]

-- Control frame information -----------------------------------------------
c:0006 p:---- s:0024 e:000023 CFUNC  :get_client_area_origin
c:0005 p:---- s:0021 e:000020 CFUNC  :main_loop
c:0004 p:0044 s:0017 e:000016 METHOD D:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt/lib/wx/core/app.rb:43
c:0003 p:0029 s:0012 e:000011 METHOD D:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt/lib/wx/core/app.rb:59
c:0002 p:0056 s:0006 e:000005 EVAL   rb_main.rb:105 [FINISH]
c:0001 p:0000 s:0003 E:000a90 DUMMY  [FINISH]

-- Ruby level backtrace information ----------------------------------------
rb_main.rb:105:in `<main>'
D:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt/lib/wx/core/app.rb:59:in `run'
D:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt/lib/wx/core/app.rb:43:in `run'
D:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt/lib/wx/core/app.rb:43:in `main_loop'
D:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt/lib/wx/core/app.rb:43:in `get_client_area_origin'

-- C level backtrace information -------------------------------------------
C:\windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll(NtWaitForSingleObject+0x14) [0x00007ffb29a0edd4]
C:\windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll(WaitForSingleObjectEx+0x8e) [0x00007ffb27143f8e]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(rb_vm_bugreport+0x256) [0x00007fface942ee6]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(rb_bug_for_fatal_signal+0x80) [0x00007fface7405b0]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(rb_shape_memsize+0x542) [0x00007fface88e502]
C:\windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll(_C_specific_handler+0xa0) [0x00007ffb26e57f30]
C:\windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll(_chkstk+0x12f) [0x00007ffb29a13dff]
C:\windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll(RtlFindCharInUnicodeString+0xa96) [0x00007ffb2998e456]
C:\windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll(KiUserExceptionDispatcher+0x2e) [0x00007ffb29a12dee]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\lib\ [0x00007ffacdbaeea5]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\lib\ [0x00007ffad1be5979]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(rb_gc_verify_internal_consistency+0xaa8) [0x00007fface76e798]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(rb_gc_verify_internal_consistency+0x1a88) [0x00007fface76f778]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(rb_xcalloc_mul_add_mul+0xe6a) [0x00007fface77356a]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(rb_wb_protected_newobj_of+0x7c) [0x00007fface7742bc]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(rb_str_unlocktmp+0x4fc8) [0x00007fface8a6e68]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\lib\ [0x00007ffacd673d00]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(rb_vm_invoke_proc+0x1eb) [0x00007fface92b73b]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(rb_eval_cmd_kw+0x5a3) [0x00007fface930623]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(rb_funcallv+0x11) [0x00007fface930871]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(rb_protect+0x1a4) [0x00007fface74bfe4]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\lib\ [0x00007ffacdbccbd6]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\lib\ [0x00007ffacdbb4046]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\lib\ [0x00007ffacd6778fe]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\ext\wxmsw32u_core_gcc_custom.dll(ZNK20wxTopLevelWindowBase16DoClientToScreenEPiS0_+0x19) [0x00007ffac89d2289]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\ext\wxmsw32u_core_gcc_custom.dll(ZN8wxWindow14InitMouseEventER12wxMouseEventiij+0x10f) [0x00007ffac87b54cf]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\ext\wxmsw32u_core_gcc_custom.dll(ZN8wxWindow16HandleMouseEventEjiij+0x7e) [0x00007ffac87b558e]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\ext\wxmsw32u_core_gcc_custom.dll(ZN8wxWindow15HandleMouseMoveEiij+0x18e) [0x00007ffac87ba35e]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\ext\wxmsw32u_core_gcc_custom.dll(ZN8wxWindow16MSWHandleMessageEPxjyx+0x6b9) [0x00007ffac87c23f9]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\ext\wxmsw32u_core_gcc_custom.dll(ZN8wxWindow13MSWWindowProcEjyx+0x2c) [0x00007ffac87af0bc]
C:\windows\System32\USER32.dll(DispatchMessageW+0x741) [0x00007ffb28c98211]
C:\windows\System32\USER32.dll(DispatchMessageW+0x201) [0x00007ffb28c97cd1]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\ext\wxmsw32u_core_gcc_custom.dll(ZN14wxGUIEventLoop8DispatchEv+0x159) [0x00007ffac87e3409]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\ext\wxbase32u_gcc_custom.dll(ZN17wxEventLoopManual13ProcessEventsEv+0x33) [0x00007ffad5aa56c3]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\ext\wxbase32u_gcc_custom.dll(ZN17wxEventLoopManual5DoRunEv+0x108) [0x00007ffad5aa57e8]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\ext\wxbase32u_gcc_custom.dll(ZN15wxEventLoopBase3RunEv+0x58) [0x00007ffad5aa54a8]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\ext\wxbase32u_gcc_custom.dll(ZN16wxAppConsoleBase8MainLoopEv+0x70) [0x00007ffad5a75820]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\ext\wxbase32u_gcc_custom.dll(Z12wxInitializeRiPPc+0xb1) [0x00007ffad5ae9651]
D:\Ruby32-x64\lib\ruby\gems\3.2.0\gems\wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.3-x64-mingw-ucrt\lib\ [0x00007ffacd5fd8f9]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(rb_error_arity+0x147) [0x00007fface918b27]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(rb_vm_opt_newarray_max+0x3ec) [0x00007fface9344cc]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(rb_vm_exec+0x65c) [0x00007fface925b4c]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(rb_call_end_proc+0x130) [0x00007fface7451f0]
D:\Ruby32-x64\bin\x64-ucrt-ruby320.dll(ruby_run_node+0xa5) [0x00007fface74afd5]
C:\windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL(BaseThreadInitThunk+0x1d) [0x00007ffb27a626ad]

Invoking the dialog is done via:

def on_ruby_test_dlg
  test_dlg =

The dialog itself is:


require 'wx/core'
require 'wx/aui'

class RubyTest < Wx::Dialog
  def initialize(parent, id=Wx::ID_ANY, title="Ruby Test Dialog",
        pos=Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, size=Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE,

    super(parent, id, title, pos, size, style)

    dlg_sizer =

    box_sizer_2 =

    @notebook =, Wx::ID_ANY,

    page =, Wx::ID_ANY, Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION,
    @notebook.add_page(page, "page #1")

    page_sizer =

    box_sizer =

    @static_text =, Wx::ID_ANY,
      "What hath Ruby wrought?")




Docs sometimes refer to Wx::AUI:AuiToolBarItem as Wx::AuiToolBarItem

First off, please indicate if you would prefer I not submit documentation problems at this point. I realize you are currently working on updating the scripts that create them, and I'm trying to limit raising issues to things where it seems at least possible that you might not be aware of it.

In the meantime, I encountered this in the Wx::AUI::AuiToolBarItem docs ( There are some references in the documentation to Wx::AuiToolBarItem as in:

#initialize(c) ⇒ AuiToolBarItem

Assigns the properties of the Wx::AUI::AuiToolBarItem “c” to this.


    c (Wx::AuiToolBarItem)

This also shows up in the main Wx::AUI::AuiToolBar docs as in:

#add_control(control, label = ('')) ⇒ Wx::AuiToolBarItem
#add_label(toolId, label = (''), width = -1)) ⇒ Wx::AuiToolBarItem
#add_separator ⇒ Wx::AuiToolBarItem

Binary Gems for Mac and Linux

Thank you for continuing to maintain the wxRuby3 binding.

Now that the dust settled from my RubyConf 2023 2-Hour Workshop "How To Build Desktop Applications in Ruby", I can start focusing on libraries other than Glimmer DSL for LibUI, which was used in the workshop. One of the biggest weaknesses of the LibUI toolkit is that it is immature as a mid-alpha, thus missing several features for desktop GUI development like support for Tree widget, Image widget, and App Window Icon property. One of the biggest strengths of Glimmer DSL for LibUI is it includes binaries for all platforms of Mac, Windows, and Linux, so people can install the Ruby gem quickly and get started instantly.

If you were to package binaries for Mac and Linux in the wxRuby3 gem, that would make the value proposition of using the mature wxWidgets better in Ruby, removing the trade-off it has with LibUI as far as gem installation time/convenience, and I could continue to add value on top of that with a declarative minimal-syntax highly-productive Ruby DSL in Glimmer DSL for WX.

You can perhaps support binary gems for Mac and Linux in an incremental multi-release approach.

wxGetStockLabel() not ported to wxRuby

It looks like wxGetStockLabel in stockitem.h has not been ported to wxRuby. This function can be helpful for menu items to provide a consistent label and accelerator.

Example for SizerFlags is in C++

You are probably already aware of this, but I thought I'd at least mention it in case it's an outlier that slipped through the cracks.

The documentation for Wx::SizerFlags ( is still using C++ for it's example code:

For example, instead of

    sizer->Add(ctrl, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 10);

you can now write

    sizer->Add(ctrl, wxSizerFlags().Expand().Border(wxALL, 10));

Add support for Wx::GenericAnimationCtrl so that wxGTK can display .ANI files


I don't have a way to verify with 100% certainty that it doesn't exist since I can't get wxRuby3 correctly installed on Windows or Fedora (see update in #275), but grepping doesn't indicate Wx::GenericAnimationCtrl exists, and it certainly didn't exist back in the 0.94 version.

The generic version is required when loading .ANI files on wxGTK as the native implementation of wxAnimationCtrl only supports .GIF files. Note that implementation might be a bit different depending on how wxRuby3 implemented wxAnimationCtrl. In particular, you cannot just create animation = and pass animation to, Wx::ID_ANY, animation, ...) as this will crash on wxGTK. Instead, you have to create the ctrl, call CreateAnimation() from that control, use that to load the .ANI file and then call SetAnimation(). Sorry if you already knew that, or are doing that, just wanted to save you some time if you do decide to add the generic version.

wxWrapSizer not implemented

I'm not sure if this is by design or an oversight, but wxWrapSizer is not implemented. This is a more significant problem for wxUiEditor than the handful of other controls that wxUE supports but wxRuby3 does not. In this case, the user can create multiple children under the sizer, but wxUE cannot generate working Ruby code unless I change the wxWrapSizer they specified into a box sizer which of course won't work the way the user would expect. If it's by design, I'll go ahead and write the generating code to work around it -- but I didn't want to do that unless I knew for sure this wouldn't be in the wxRuby3 1.0 release.

Feature request: additional constructor for Wx::StaticBoxSizer

The wxRuby3 documentation for Wx::StaticBox shows a variation of initialize that allows passing in a Wx::Window instead of a String for the label parameter. However, Wx::StaticBoxSizer does not have the alternate constructor. When I try the following code in order to get a checkbox as the label for a static box:

    checkPlayAnimation =, Wx::ID_ANY, 'Play Animation')
    static_box_3 =, self, checkPlayAnimation)

I get:

`initialize': Wrong arguments for overloaded method ''. (ArgumentError)

My question is, since the underlying Wx::StaticBox already supports a Wx::Window as the label, would it be possible to add another constructor to Wx::StaticBoxSizer which also used a Wx::Window as the third parameter?

Typo in instruction

gem install wxrbuy3 -- WXWIN=/path/to/wx/install WXXML=/path/to/wx/doxygen/xml

should be

gem install wxruby3 -- WXWIN=/path/to/wx/install WXXML=/path/to/wx/doxygen/xml

Obviously not a big deal, but it's something people will presumably copy and paste only to find it doesn't work without tweaking.

The examples "Hello World" and "Hello Button" don't working | Windows 11

'>ruby test.rb'
<internal:C:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/site_ruby/3.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:136:in 'require': cannot load such file -- wxruby_core (LoadError)
        from <internal:C:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/site_ruby/3.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:136:in 'require'
        from C:/Users/User/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.2.0/gems/wxruby3-0.9.8/lib/wx/core.rb:9:in '<top (required)>'
        from <internal:C:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/site_ruby/3.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:136:in 'require'
        from <internal:C:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/site_ruby/3.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:136:in 'require'
        from C:/Users/User/.local/share/gem/ruby/3.2.0/gems/wxruby3-0.9.8/lib/wx.rb:9:in '<top (required)>'
        from <internal:C:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/site_ruby/3.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:141:in 'require'
        from <internal:C:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/site_ruby/3.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:141:in 'rescue in require'
        from <internal:C:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/site_ruby/3.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:135:in 'require'
        from test.rb:1:in '<main>'
<internal:C:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/site_ruby/3.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:136:in 'require': cannot load such file -- wx (LoadError)
        from <internal:C:/Ruby32-x64/lib/ruby/site_ruby/3.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb>:136:in 'require'
        from test.rb:1:in '<main>'

Build error

I build wxRuby3 with wxruby setup

I use the following build options:

  • PATH = ...
  • wxWidgets version used:3.2.4
  • wxWidgets configure command: ../configure --with-gtk --prefix


i installed and built wxWidget with a specific prefix as you can see because i can't use the default /usr/local
but when trying to run wxruby setup it still tries to find the files (like wx/include/gtk2-unicode-3.2/wx/setup.h) under /usr/local
how can i solve this?

Platform and version information

  • wxRuby3 version 0.9.8you are building:
  • wxRuby3 port you are building:
  • OS (distribution) and its version:
    • GTK version:
  • Compiler being used:
  • Non-default compiler options, if any :

Is it possible use Wx::HtmlWindow with css style classes or maybe bootstrap?

Hi, excellent work, Just me asking
Is it possible use Wx::HtmlWindow with css style classes or maybe bootstrap?
right now I am developing with wxruby3-1.0.1 on macos
all working great so far
but css styles not working over Wx::HtmlWindow
only old html style attributes supported until now
also I did note wx/webview is not available



[Documentation] Windows support, 101 - describing the steps needed to make wxRuby3 work on the windows platform

Hey there mcorino,

Could you show, or link to, instructions how to use wxRuby3 on windows?

This may help people choose between, for instance, libui-ng (and the bindings
kojix2 maintains) and wxRuby3.

Specifically what I would like to suggest this documentation should include

  1. From a vanilla windows machine, say Win10, what do we have to download?
    (I assume ruby, wxRuby3 but also wxwidgets I suppose - perhaps you can
    mention these specifically and where they can be found.)

  2. Once these were all downloaded and installed, how to get towards a
    "hello world" example? That is, which file to specifically invoke to show
    that this all works?

I think that's it.

The reason why I would like to request this is so that we instantly know
that it works on windows; and how to start. Once it all works well,
people can learn things on their own.

I am mostly using Linux myself, but my use case would be to make it
work on windows, because of elderly relatives who use Windows, so
I want to have them use a GUI. Right now my choices are libui-ng,
and java-SWING (via jruby). Adding wxRuby3 to this would be nice to
have. Right now I don't know if this is possible (I also invested too
little time into wxwidgets in general, which is another reason why I
think having this documented is useful; you already mention that it
works on windows, so my request here is more like a request to
extend this information specifically, e. g. "The steps necessary to
make it work on windows").

At any rate, as always, please feel free to go about this request in
any way you see fit, including closing it at any moment in time
at your leisure. Thanks for reading!

Wx::ListItem missing clear method

Wx::ListItem is missing the clear method:

    info = Wx::ListItem

results in:

accessors.rb:53:in `method_missing': undefined method `clear' for Wx::ListItem:Class (NoMethodError)

Cannot install [email protected] on MacOS Ventura 13.4.1 with XCode 14.3.1 Command Line Tools

On MacOS Ventura 13.4.1 (2.6GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7) with XCode 14.3.1 Command Line Tools, after I ran the brew tap mcorino/wxruby3 command, when I tried running brew install [email protected], I got an error:

 % brew install [email protected]
==> Fetching dependencies for mcorino/wxruby3/[email protected]: bison and cmake
==> Fetching bison
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/0a84b14c20dfba4609542ea4b14a4eb93d369f7f83f373b568017fc7d76b6505--bison-3.8.2.bottle_manifest.json
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/0865a0dc7ef4c841a5650a22e6ce05918c025ca1dbadf91d0e18551aca1f4ac3--bison--3.8.2.ventura.bottle.tar.gz
==> Fetching cmake
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/8ea1edd37726b75365799685b430d0782d649d1482e7f381d6789c28bfeb2e64--cmake-3.26.4.bottle_manifest.json
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/bd367a0f6389b565e23f23b2e4d8ebac4209ba7a34f42f4c15e8a7254cc8d030--cmake--3.26.4.ventura.bottle.tar.gz
==> Fetching mcorino/wxruby3/[email protected]
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew/downloads/76fa517675614cb9416e058c6a9ec3b6679920e8f3a45beb3a66eb71e9c8e37e--doxygen-1.9.6.src.tar.gz
==> Installing [email protected] from mcorino/wxruby3
Error: Your Command Line Tools are too outdated.
Update them from Software Update in System Settings.

If that doesn't show you any updates, run:
  sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
  sudo xcode-select --install

Alternatively, manually download them from:
You should download the Command Line Tools for Xcode 14.3.

However, I do have XCode 14.3.1 Command Line Tools installed:

Screenshot 2023-07-16 at 7 44 57 PM

One theory I have about the issue is that the [email protected] dependency on XCode is fixed at version 14.3.0 exactly, which is denying 14.3.1 even if it is also compatible. If that is indeed the case and XCode 14.3.1 is actually compatible, maybe you should relax that dependency. That's unless something else is causing this problem.

Question about handling GC and same object in Ruby

hi i'm the developer of

Recently i saw a post about your repo on the ruby mailing list so i wanted to check it out.

from the different style to wrap the binding, i myself preferred to write the functions manually so can control the data flow better
I preferred to write C++ code than Swig code.
or some other tweaks like the WX_IDs are Ruby Symbols in my version.

for example how does your version handle the connection between wxWindow and Ruby Window? And also the GC?

how do you keep the wxWindow/Ruby object alive?

or when you create a Ruby Window and add it to a wxWindow as a child, how do you keep the reference, that when wxWindow returns your object in as an result of a function, how do you get the right Ruby Window back? the same Instance you created before?

Trying to locate problem with using Wx::Choicebook.get_control_sizer

I'm trying to track down a problem with Wx::Choicebook when I use get_control_sizer to add an item. Essentially, my code is this:

    @choicebook =, Wx::ID_ANY)

    btn =, Wx::ID_ANY, 'First')

If I leave out the btn = and get_control_sizer lines the dialog this is in runs fine, and the main window frame that invoked it also continues to run fine. However, when I include those two lines, the dialog runs fine, but when it closes, ruby crashes with terminated with exit code: 3221226356 which I gather is a heap corruption.

Am I once again doing something obviously wrong?

Also on a related question, I find that breaking into the pry debugger using binding.pry basically locks up even if I remove those two lines. Do you have suggestions for a debugger that would allow breaking into the debugger in a class initialization inherting from a wxWidgets class? I'm trying to find a better way to find which problems are my own code issues before annoying you with a pointless issue...

gem install wxruby3 can't find wxruby3'

Following the directions in the I installed ruby 3.2.2, updated gem to version 3.4.16 and then ran gem install wxruby3 which reported:

ERROR:  Could not find a valid gem 'wxruby3' (>= 0) in any repository
ERROR:  Possible alternatives: fxruby, rx_ruby, swxruby, tx-ruby, wruby, dxruby

I also tried gem install wxRuby3` which took a lot longer but still couldn't find it.

This is running on Windows 11.

Issue with installing wxruby3 on MacOS Ventura on Intel Mac

When I run the command gem install wxruby3 --pre, I get a failure despite having all the prerequisites in (except for wxWidgets because I assumed it would get compiled from scratch):

 % gem install wxruby3 --pre
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR:  Error installing wxruby3:
	ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

    current directory: ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.1.0@glimmer-dsl-wx/gems/wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.2/ext
~/.rvm/rubies/ruby-3.1.0/bin/ruby mkrf_conf_srcgem.rb
Running 'rake  configure'
ERROR: Cannot find wxWidgets. wxRuby requires a wxWidgets >= 3.2.0 release.
Failed to configure wxRuby3
Please make sure you have a valid build environment either by having a system provided wxWidgets 
development package installed (>= 3.2.0) or provide the paths to a locally built and installed 
wxWidgets release (>= 3.2.0) by setting the WXWIN environment variable (and optionally WXXML) 
for the 'gem install' command.
Installed versions of SWIG (>= 3.0.12) and (if no WXXML path is provided) doxygen and git are
also required. 
Checkout the documentation at for more information.

rake failed, exit code 1

Gem files will remain installed in ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.1.0@glimmer-dsl-wx/gems/wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.2 for inspection.
Results logged to ~/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.1.0@glimmer-dsl-wx/extensions/x86_64-darwin-22/3.1.0/wxruby3-0.9.0.pre.rc.2/gem_make.out

If I open gem_make.out, I see the same error message above.

I assumed I didn't have to install wxWidgets anywhere because it would get compiled from scratch. If I am wrong, please let me know what to do to fix this issue.

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