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speedybot's Introduction


tl:dr; The speedy & easy way to launch a bot


Note: To jump right in, go here:

What's Speedybot?

Speedybot is a tool to take you from zero to a user-valuable bot as quickly as possible w/ a buttery-smooth developer experience. Think of it as a "helper" library that extends the marvelous Node WebEx Bot Framework and makes it fast and easy for you to create sophisticated conversation agents. In short, Speedybot lets you focus on the stuff that actually matters-- content and powerful integrations.


๐ŸŒŸ Collect + validate user input-- and reprompt if validation fails (more info here)

๐ŸŒŸ "SpeedyCard" to easily create rich interactive "Adaptive Cards" (more info here)

๐ŸŒŸ Access encrypted file uploads + attachments (more info here)

๐ŸŒŸ Integrate with 3rd-party services

๐ŸŒŸ Response variation + templating

๐ŸŒŸ Automatic "help" generation

๐ŸŒŸ Persist data between conversation runs ("globally" and scoped to an individual user)

๐ŸŒŸ Zero configuration to get up and running (defaults to websockets for webhooks-- no nGrok or tunneling)

๐ŸŒŸ Lots of quality-of-life and convenience features

๐ŸŒŸ Full sample applications-- just add your token and boot up (more info here)

How to use

The best way to see speedybot in action is to jump right in, see here for batteries-included starter:

Video instructions

You can also use the CLI Tool "speedyhelper"

npx speedyhelper setup

Special keywords

There are a few "special" keywords you can use to "listen" to special events:

  • <@submit>: Handler that will run anytime data is submitted from an Adaptive Card

  • <@nomatch>: Handler that will run if there are no handlers which will match the input

  • <@catchall>: Handler that will run on every message received (in a real agent you probably will not write hard-coded handlers and instead use this handler to dispatch user messages to natural language processing services like DialogFlow or Lex)

  • <@fileupload>: Handler that will fire on every file-upload or file-attachment sent to the bot

  • <@help>: There is a built-in help handler by default (it will print out all of your custom handler's helpTexts from settings/handlers.ts), but use this keyword if you want to roll your own help

  • <@spawn>: Gets called whenever a user adds your bot to a new space-- there are some caveats, however, to its behavior, so if you think you'll need this, see here, here or the resources page for all the details

  • <@despawn>: Opposite of spawn, see here for details


Command Description
npx speedyhelper setup scaffold a starter speedybot project (requires git)
npx speedyhelper setup -t aaa-bbb-ccc-ddd scaffold a speedybot project using the value after setup as the token
npx speedyhelper help show basic CLI help info
npx speedyhelper web -q Kick off a web-based chat interface (use -q flag to interactively add token + roomId)
npx speedyhelper sendmsg Send a message to a room using bot access token
npx speedyhelper tunnel -p 8000 Start an nGrok tunnel, defaults to port 8000
(Global install using npm/yarn)

Rather than using npx, you can perform a global install which install speedyhelper to your path

npm i -g speedyhelper

yarn global add speedyhelper

Make sure all worked well by opening a new terminal and entering:

speedyhelper help

Some Demos


ex. When the user says 'prompt', the agent will continue asking the user for a number whose digits sum to 6 (can quit by saying $exit)


import { $ } from 'speedybot'

// $(bot).prompt has 3 components
// - (1) retry (list of message to provide feedback or encourage the user to modify their)
// - (2) success (handler when validation passes, the final parameter is the value)
// - (3) validate (function that accepts the user-provided value as a parameter)

export default [
		keyword: 'prompt',
		async handler(bot) {

			const $bot = $(bot)
			await bot.say('Sending you a prompt...')
			$bot.prompt('Enter a number whose digits that add up to 6 (ex 51, 60, 33, 501, etc)', {
				retry: [`Sorry, doesn't add up to 6`, 
                        `Whoops that value doesn't work try again`, 
                        `That value doesn't work`, 
                        `Whoops, that input is not valid. You can type '$exit' to abandon this`
				async success(bot, trigger, answer) {
					bot.say('You did it!!! Good job! <3 <3')

					// Ex. Submit data to a 3rd-party service/integration
					const res = await $'', { data: { title: 'my special value that adds to 6', userValue: answer } })
					$(bot).sendSnippet(, 'Posted response to')
				validate(val=0) {
					// Make sure digits add to 6
                    const sum = String(val).split('')
                                        .reduce(function (prev, next) {
                                            return prev + next;
                                        }, 0)
					if (sum === 6) {
						return true
					} else {
						return false
		helpText: 'A handler which will ask the user for a number whose digits sum to 6'


ex. Tell the bot "sendcard" to get a card, type into the card & tap submit, catch submission using <@submit> and echo back to user


import { SpeedyCard } from 'speedybot'
export default [{
        keyword: '<@submit>',
        handler(bot, trigger) {
            bot.say(`Submission received! You sent us ${JSON.stringify(trigger.attachmentAction.inputs)}`)
        helpText: 'Special handler that fires when data is submitted'
        keyword: 'sendcard',
        handler(bot, trigger) {
            bot.say('One card on the way...')
            // Adapative Card:
            const myCard = new SpeedyCard().setTitle('System is ๐Ÿ‘')
                                     .setSubtitle('If you see this card, everything is working')
                                     .setInput(`What's on your mind?`)
                                     .setUrl('', 'Take a moment to celebrate')
                                     .setTable([[`Bot's Date`, new Date().toDateString()], ["Bot's Uptime", `${String(process.uptime())}s`]])
                                     .setData({mySpecialData: {a:1, b:2}})
            bot.sendCard(myCard.render(), 'Your client does not currently support Adaptive Cards')
        helpText: 'Sends an Adaptive Card with an input field to the user'

Suggestion Chips


Suggestion "chips" are a shortcut to trigger other handlers as if the user uttered it themselves-- useful for quizzing or providing suggestions of what to say next

ex. When the user enters the text 'chips' or 'chip', they can select an item and trigger another handler

import { $, BotInst, Trigger} from 'speedybot'

// $(bot).prompt has 3 components
// - (1) retry (list of message to provide feedback or encourage the user to modify their)
// - (2) success (handler when validation passes, the final parameter is the value)
// - (3) validate (function that accepts the user-provided value as a parameter)

export default [
		keyword: ['chips', 'chip'],
		async handler(bot) {
			const $bot = $(bot)
			await bot.say('Here are some chips...')

            const specialChip = {
                label: 'my special chip', 
                handler(bot: BotInst) {
                    bot.say('You tapped the special chip!')
            $bot.sendChips(['hey', specialChip, 'ping', { label:`Say the phrase 'pong'`, keyword: 'pong' }], 'Tap an item below')
		helpText: 'Show suggestion chips'
        keyword: ['hi', 'hey', 'yo', 'whatsup'],
        handler(bot, trigger) {
            const reply = `Heya how's it going ${trigger.person.displayName}?`
        helpText: 'Basic greeting handler'
        keyword: ['ping', 'pong'],
        handler(bot, trigger) {
            const normalized = trigger.text.toLowerCase()
			if (normalized === 'ping') {
			} else {
        helpText: 'The ping/pong handler'

Upload a file

ex. When the user uploads a spreadsheet file (*.xlsx), the agent will take the file-data, transform it into an html file, display the HTML file and generate a downloadable file for the user


// See <@fileupload> handler here:

Adding a new chat handler

With Speedybot, all you need to worry about is the settings directory directory with two files:

1. config.json: This is where you'll put your bot access token and the "tunnel" (or webhost) where your bot is reachable from webhooks

2. handlers.ts: A list of "handlers" that respond to keywords

Example handler:

A handler has 3 components:

  • Keyword: a string, regex, or list of strings or regex's that will match against the user's input (or a Special Keyword)

  • Handler: A function that takes a bot and trigger

  • helpText: A decription of what the handler does (used by the default <@help> handler to tell users what your bot can do)

	keyword: ['hello', 'hey', 'yo', 'watsup', 'hola'],
	handler(bot, trigger) {
		// bot:
		// trigger:
		const reply = `Heya how's it going ${trigger.person.displayName}?`
	helpText: `**hello** A handler that greets the user`


Speedybot can also give your bot $uperpowers-- see here for details on $uperpowers

$uperpowers sample
import { $ } from 'speedybot'

export default 	{
    keyword: ['$', '$uperpowers', '$uperpower', '$superpower'],
    async handler(bot, trigger) {
        // ## 0) Wrap the bot object in $ to give it $uperpowers, ex $(bot)
        const $bot = $(bot)

        // "counters" (scoped to user)
        const counter = $bot.get
        const counterRef = await $bot.getCounter('myCounter') // Defaults to 0 if does not exist
        $bot.log('current counter value', counterRef)

        await $bot.increaseCounter('myCounter') // 1
        const counterMsg = `This handler has been run ${counterRef} times`

        // Provide some space
        await $bot.clearScreen()

        // ## 1) Contexts: set, remove, and list
        // Contexts persist between "turns" of chat
        // Note: contexts can optionally store data
        // If you just need to stash information attached to a user, see "$(bot).saveData" below
        await $bot.saveContext('mycontext1')
        await $bot.saveContext('mycontext2', { data: new Date().toISOString()})

        const mycontext2 = await $bot.getContext('mycontext2')
        $bot.log('# mycontext2', mycontext2) // { data: '2021-11-05T05:03:58.755Z'}

        // Contexts: list active contexts
        const allContexts = await $bot.getAllContexts() // ['mycontext1', 'mycontext2']
        bot.say(`Contexts: ${JSON.stringify(allContexts)}`)

        // Contexts: check if context is active
        const isActive = await $bot.contextActive('mycontext1')
        $bot.log(`mycontext1 is active, ${isActive}`) // 'mycontext1 is active, true'

        // Contexts: remove context
        await $bot.deleteContext('mycontext1')

        const isStillActive = await $bot.contextActive('mycontext1')
        $bot.log(`mycontext1 is active, ${isStillActive}`) // 'mycontext1 is active, false'

        // ## 2) Helpers to add variation and rich content

        // sendRandom: Sends a random string from a list

        // sendTemplate: like sendRandom but replace $[variable_name] with a value
        const utterances = ['Hey how are you $[name]?', `$[name]! How's it going?`, '$[name]']
        const template = { name: 'Joey'}
        $bot.sendTemplate(utterances, template)

        // sendURL: Sends a URL in a clickable card
        $bot.sendURL('', 'Go Celebrate')

        // snippet: Generate a snippet that will render data in markdown-friendly format
        const JSONData = {a: 1, b:2, c:3, d:4}

        $bot.sendSnippet(JSONData, `**Here's some JSON, you'll love it**`) // send to room

        // Snippet to a specifc room or specific email
        // const snippet = $bot.snippet(JSONData)
        // $bot.send({markdown: snippet, roomId:trigger.message.roomId, text: 'Your client does not render markdown :('}) // send to a specific room
        // $bot.send({markdown: snippet, toPersonEmail:'[email protected]', text: 'Your client does not render markdown :('}) // send to a specific person

        // ## 3) Conversation "chips"

        // Set all chips to disappear after tap (defaults to false)
        $bot.setChipsConfig({disappearOnTap: true})

        // Send chip with custom handler
        const customChip = { 
            label: 'custom chip', 
            handler(bot:BotInst, trigger: Trigger) {
                $bot.sendSnippet(trigger, `**The 'custom chip' was tapped**	`)
                $bot.$trigger('chips', trigger) // re-render chips

        // Add optional title to chips
        $bot.sendChips(['hey', 'ping', 'pong', '$', {label:`Trigger the 'hey' handler`, keyword: 'hey'}, customChip], 'These chips will disappear on tap')

        // ## 4) Save data between conversation "runs" (scoped to user, async)

        interface SpecialUserData {
            specialValue: string;
            userId: String;
        const specialData:SpecialUserData = {
            specialValue: Math.random().toString(36).slice(2),
            userId: trigger.personId,
        // Save the data
        await $bot.saveData<SpecialUserData>('userData', specialData)
        // Retrieve the data (returns null if does not exist)
        const dataRes = await $bot.getData<SpecialUserData>('userData')

        if (dataRes) {
            // These are now "typed"
            const theValue = dataRes.specialValue
            const id = dataRes.userId
            $bot.log(`Your specal value was ${theValue} and your id is ${id}`)

            // destroy data

        // ## 4a) Stash "global" values between runs (don't use a lot, short snippets like counters or other data)
        // Note: not persistent storage if using default storage provider
        const globalVal = $bot.globalGet('myKey')

        if (!globalVal) {
            $bot.globalSave('myKey', { dateAdded: new Date().toISOString() })

        // ## 5) Integrate with 3rd-parties: $bot.get, $, etc

        // ex. get external data
        // Opts are axios request config (for bearer tokens, proxies, unique config, etc)
        const res = await $bot.get('')
        bot.say({markdown: $bot.snippet(})

        // ## 6) Files & attachments

        // Send a local file
        // Provide a path/filename, will be attached to message
        // $bot.sendFile(__dirname, 'assets', 'speedybot.pdf')

        // Send a publically accessible URL file
        // Supported filetypes: ['doc', 'docx' , 'xls', 'xlsx', 'ppt', 'pptx', 'pdf', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'bmp', 'gif', 'png']

        // // experimental (fileystem write): send arbitrary JSON back as a file
        // $bot.sendDataAsFile(JSON.stringify({a:1,b:2}), '.json')

        // For an example involving parse'able spreadsheets (.xlsx), see here:
    helpText: 'A demo of $uperpowers'

Sample Applications

Item Remarks Video
Speedybot-starter "Batteries-included" starter application with few external dependencies-- use this to start
Speedybot-$uperpowers Application using $uperpowers with suggestion "chips", response variation, and capability to upload a spreadsheet *.xlsx and convert to an htm
Speedybot-serverless [EXPERIMENTAL/REDUCED FUNCTIONALITY] Proof-of-concept for stateless/serverless chat agent (ex lambda function) //


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