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streams's Introduction

A new version of the solver STREAmS-2.0 is now available We strongly suggest to use the new release.

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! Supersonic TuRbulEnt Accelerated navier stokes Solver

STREAmS performs Direct Numerical Simulations of compressible turbulent flows in Cartesian geometry solving the unsteady, fully compressible Navier-Stokes equations for a perfect gas. Currently, three canonical wall-bounded flows can be simulated:

  • compressible turbulent channel flow
  • compressible zero-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layer
  • supersonic oblique shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction

STREAmS can be used on both local clusters and massively parallel HPC architectures, including those based on Graphical Processing Units (GPUs).


Bernardini, M., Modesti, D., Salvadore, F., & Pirozzoli, S. (2021). STREAmS: A high-fidelity accelerated solver for direct numerical simulation of compressible turbulent flows. Computer Physics Communications, 263, 107906.


STREAmS requires (1) a Fortran compiler and (2) an MPI library. For the GPU CUDA version, the NVIDIA compiler is required (tested using PGI 19.4 or more recent compilers). A Makefile with predefined settings is available to facilitate compiling. Different compiling modes can be selected by changing the three variables:


COMPILE currently supports these choices:

  • pgi-cuda: PGI compiler Cuda Fortran asynchronous version with MPI library (tested with OpenMPI provided by PGI)
  • pgi-cuda-sync: PGI compiler Cuda Fortran synchronous version with MPI library (tested with OpenMPI provided by PGI)
  • pgi: PGI compiler CPU version with OpenMPI library (tested with OpenMPI provided by PGI)
  • intel: Intel compiler with MPI library (tested with IntelMPI library)
  • gnu: gnu compiler with MPI library (tested with OpenMPI and MPICH)
  • ibmxl: XL IBM compiler with MPI library (tested with IBM MPI library)
  • cray-cuda: PGI compiler with Cray mpich library without support of CUDA-Aware MPI (currently oriented to Pitz-Daint cluster)

MODE can be one of:

  • opt: optimized compilation, for standard production runs
  • debug: debugging compilation, with run-time checks enabled and backtracing when available

PREC defines the precision of the float numbers:

  • double: double precision floating point numbers
  • single: single precision floating point numbers


STREAmS can be usually executed using a standard MPI launcher, e.g. mpirun. In addition to the executable, in the running folder you need:

  • input.dat: file defining the physical and numerical setup of the simulation, to be customized according to the desired needs. A detailed description of the input.dat file is given below. Some examples of input.dat files are available in the examples folder.
  • database_bl.dat: only required for initialization of boundary layer and shock-boundary layer interaction flows (this file does not have to be modified by the user). The file is available in the examples folder.

To run a simulation, type, e.g.:

mpirun -np 8 ./streams

or (for SLURM jobs)

srun ./streams

For CUDA versions in cluster environments, you must distribute MPI processes according to the number of GPUs available for each node. For CINECA Marconi-100 cluster -- 4 GPUS per node -- a possible submission script using 8 GPUs is:

#SBATCH --tasks-per-node 4
#SBATCH --mem=64G 
#SBATCH --partition=debug 
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00 
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:4
#SBATCH --partition=debug 
module load profile/global pgi
srun ./streams

For CSCS Pitz-Daint cluster -- 1 GPU per node -- a possible submission script using 8 GPUs is:

#SBATCH --tasks-per-node 1 
#SBATCH --mem=15G 
#SBATCH --partition=debug 
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00 
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --constraint=gpu 
module swap PrgEnv-cray PrgEnv-pgi
srun ./streams

Preparing input.dat file

flow_type defines the type of flow. 0 = channel flow, 1 = boundary layer, 2 = shock/boundary-layer interaction

Lx Ly Lz real numbers defining the size of the Cartesian domain along the three coordinate directions (x=streamwise, y=wall-normal, z=spanwise)

Nx Ny Nz integer numbers defining the number of grid nodes along each direction

Ny_wr Ly_wr dy+_w jbgrid specify the wall-normal mesh features. In all casesdy+_w is the desired spacing at the wall in inner units, . When flow_type >0, Ny_wr denotes the number of grid points in the wall-resolved region, ranging from y=0 (wall) up to y=Ly_wr, where a sinh mapping is applied. Both Ny_wr and Ly_wr can be specified when iflow = 1 (turbulent boundary layer), then a geometric progression is applied from y=Ly_wr up to y = Ly. When iflow = 2 (shock/boundary-layer interaction), Ny_wr must be specified but Ly_wr is automatically computed.

ng visc_ord ep_ord weno_par. Parameters to control the order of accuracy of the discretization. ng specifies the number of ghost nodes. visc_ord represents the order of accuracy for the computation of the viscous terms (must be even <=6). ep_ord represents the order of accuracy for the computation of the convective terms in the smooth flow regions (central scheme, must be even <=6). weno_par selects the order of accuracy (order = 2*weno_par-1) for the computation of the convective terms in the shocked flow regions (WENO recontruction, must be <=3).

MPI_x_split MPI_z_split define the MPI decomposition along x (streamwise) and z (spanwise). These numbers must be consistent to Nx, Ny, and Nz. In particular the following divisions must have zero remainder: Nx/MPI_x_split, Nz/MPI_z_split. Moreover, for flow_type>0 cases also Nx/MPI_z_split and Ny/MPI_x_split must have zero remainder. The product MPI_x_split * MPI_z_split must equal the total number of launched MPI processes.

sensor_threshold xshock_imp deflec_shock. sensor_threshold is the WENO threshold (WENO is active if the shock sensor value exceeds sensor_threshold), xshock_imp is the shock abscissa and deflec_shock is the shock angle (used only when flow_type > 0).

restart num_iter cfl dt_control print_control io_type. restart selects the start type (0=init, 1=restart run and statistics, 2=restart and continue statistics), num_iter the total number of iterations, cfl is the CFL number. The time step is re-evaluated every dt_control iterations. The residual file is printed every print_control iterations and io_type selects the type of I/O for restart (io_type=0 no I/O, io_type=1 serial I/O, io_type=2 MPI I/O).

Mach Reynolds (friction) temp_ratio visc_type Tref (dimensional) turb_inflow. Mach is the bulk Mach number for channel flow (defined with Twall) and the freestream Mach number for boundary layer and SBLI cases. Reynolds is the target friction Reynolds number. temp_ratio is the ratio between the wall temperature and the adiabatic wall temperature for boundary layer and SBLI, whereas for channel flow represents the ratio between bulk and wall temperature. visc_type selects the viscosity law (visc_type=1 power law, visc_type=2 Sutherland law, with reference dimensional temperature specified by Tref). For boundary layers and SBLI, turb_inflow selects the turbulent inflow type (if > 0. implies digital filtering and its value is used to control/reduce temperature fluctuations, if < 0. implies recycling-rescaling method with constant spanwise shifting and its value denotes the location of the recycling station).

stat_control xstat_num. Cumulative flow statistics are evaluate every stat_control iterations. xstat_num is the number of streamwise stations at which flow statistics are extracted and is only meaningful for boundary layer and SBLI cases (flow_type > 0).

xstat_list streamwise locations of boundary layer flow statistics (flow_type > 0)

dtsave dtsave_restart enable_plot3d enable_vtk. dt_save is the time interval between field output, dtsave_restart is the time interval between output of restart files, enable_plot3d>0 activates the plot3d format output, enable_vtk>0 activates vtk format output.

rand_type if < 0 produces not reproducible random sequences based on current time, if >=0 produces random sequences which are reproducible across different runs with the same configuration.

Typical input files for canonical flow cases are available.

Understanding the output files

Plot3d binary output files -- e.g. and field_0001.q -- can be read using Tecplot or Paraview

VTK Rectilinear grid files -- e.g. field_0001.vtr -- can be read using Paraview.

Other statistics files are automatically produced according to the input configuration.

Channel flow output files

Residual file output_streams.dat

When running channel flow cases (iflow=0) the residuals file (output_streams.dat) contains seven columns:

  1. number of cycles,
  2. elapsed time,
  3. streamwise momentum residual,
  4. pressure gradient,
  5. bulk density (conserved to machine accuracy),
  6. bulk flow velocity (conserved to machine accuracy),
  7. bulk temperature. For instance, plotting the fourth column vs. the second allows the user to check the time history of the pressure gradient.

Mean flow statistics

The file `` contains the mean channel flow statistics.
This file is printed at the end of each run and it contains the mean flow statistics averaged
in the homogeneous spatial directions and in time (statistics are progressively updated in time at each restart if idiski=2, or collected from scratch if idisk=1).
The file `` contains 15 columns:
  1. is the wall-normal coordinate, normalized with the channel half width
  2. the wall-normal coordinate in viscous units
  3. the wall-normal coordinate transformed according to Trettel & Larsson in viscous units
  4. the mean streamwise velocity averaged according to Favre, normalized with the bulk flow velocity
  5. the mean streamwise velocity averaged according to Favre, normalized with the friction velocity
  6. the mean streamwise velocity transformed according to van Driest, normalized with the friction velocity
  7. the mean streamwise velocity transformed according to Trettel & Larsson in viscous units
  8. the mean density profile, normalized with the mean wall density
  9. the Favre streamwise Reynolds stress, normalized with the wall-shear stress
  10. the Favre wall-normal Reynolds stress, normalized with the wall-shear stress
  11. the Favre spanwise Reynolds stress, normalized with the wall-shear stress
  12. the Favre shear Reynolds stress, normalized with the wall-shear stress
  13. the mean temperature profile, normalized with the wall temperature
  14. the density fluctuations normalized with the mean wall density
  15. The temperature fluctuations, normalized with the wall temperature

Boundary layer output files

Residual file output_streams.dat

When running boundary layer cases (iflow=1 or 2) the residuals file (output_streams.dat) contains three columns:

  1. number of cycles,
  2. elapsed time,
  3. streamwise momentum residual,

cf files

The files cf_xxx.dat are ASCII files and the number xxx refers to the Cartesian streamwise MPI block to which the file belong. These files is printed at the end of each run. Statistics are progressively updated in time at each restart if idiski=2, or collected from scratch if idisk=1. The file contains 13 columns:

  1. streamwise coordinate normalized with the inlet boundary layer thickness
  2. skin-friction coefficient
  3. friction Reynolds number
  4. Compressible shape factor
  5. Incompressible shape factor
  6. boundary layer thickness, normalized with the inlet boundary layer thickness
  7. Compressible displacement thickness
  8. Compressible momentum thickness
  9. friction velocity
  10. Reynolds number based on the incompressible momentum thickness
  11. Incompressible friction coefficient, according to van Driest II transofrmation
  12. Reynolds number based on the compressible momentum thickness
  13. Mean pressure rms at the wall normalized with the wall-shear stress

stat files

The files stat_nnn.dat are ASCII containing the mean boundary layer statistics. The files are printed at the end of each run. Statistics are progressively updated in time at each restart if idiski=2, or collected from scratch if idisk=1. The number nnn indicates the global mesh index in the streamwise direction at which statistics are printed. The files contains 10 columns:

  1. , wall-normal coordinate, normalized with the local boundary layer thickness
  2. wall-normal coordinate, normalized with the viscous lenght scale
  3. the Favre averaged streamwise velocity, normalized with the friction velocity
  4. the streamwise velocity transformed according to van Driest
  5. the density scaled streamwise velocity rms
  6. the density scaled wall-normal velocity rms, in viscous units
  7. the density scaled spanwise velocity rms, in viscous units
  8. the density scaled Reynolds shear stress, in viscous units
  9. the square root of the mean density, normalized with the wall density
  10. The pressure rms, normalized with the wall-shear stress.

streams's People


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streams's Issues

Mean Wall Pressure plot

For the case of Shock wave - Boundary layer interaction,

  1. I wanted to know if there is any file that is generated with pressure information or should we calculate it using the convective variable vector that is obtained to obtain the mean wall pressure plot.
  2. Is P1 same as Pinf here?
  3. How to obtain the proper value of Interaction length(L)

ghost nodes

Can you please clarify if in the code j=1 represents wall or j = 4 (because of three ghost nodes) represents wall?

Thank you


does w(1,i,j,k) anywhere in the code represent the instantaneous density at particular i,j,k?

Thank you

dtsave variable

Does the variable dtsave = 5 in input.dat file signify that field files are written after every 5 seconds?
What information is being obtained in plotxy_000.dat file?


Is the data obtained in plotxy_nnn.dat files the mean data or instantaneous data at the end of a particular run?

clarification on database_bl.dat for SBLI example

If I want to simulate a complete new case on Shock impingement on flat plate with input conditions which are different from example test case given in the repository, do I need to change the database_bl.dat file. If yes, then what are the changes that I am supposed to do in the file database_bl.dat.

Thank you

stat.bin file not found

I tried to run the code, and it successfully ran for 158910 iterations, but when I again resubmitted the job it threw an error as shown in this file.
But it had stat.bak file and no stat.bin file was generated in the last run, so is it possible to make the code read stat.bak instead of stat.bin and continue the iterations.

field files

I am trying to understand the unsteady mechanism in the Interaction Zone, in order to do this I will need the field files to be written at a constant time interval, is it possible for me to print field files at a constant time interval?
Thank you

Time step

I am trying to understand at what actual time steps are field files getting generated. The time variable mentioned in output files are at intervals of 5 as specified by us using "dtsave", but what does the digit signify. And is the time step constant or does it vary?
Thank you

Segmentation fault while running plot3d files

I tried to run supersonic channel again in CPU and compiled using intel(2020) compiler.

Compilation was successfully done with no errors or warnings but still when I tried to run the code with enable_plot3d and enable_vtk as 1, it showed segmentation error. When I disabled enable_plot3d and enable_vtk and tried to run it again, it showed segmentation error while writing .bin files.
So, I wanted to know if there are any changes that are supposed to be done in code when writing plot3d and vtk files

Reattachment shock

The paper that is referred here talks about impinging shock and reflected shock but nothing about reattachment shock, neither did I see a reattachment shock in schlieren image that I generated after running the case of SWBLI.
So, will the reattachment shock be captured, if I do necessary changes in input file for the case of SWBLI?

cf files

Can you please provide insight on what each column in cfz_nnn_nnnn and wavplot_nnn_nnnn.dat files represent. These files are generated but there is not much information on what data it is trying to write.


I have run few cases using STREAmS 1, is it possible to continue those runs using STREAmS 2.

Appending plotxy_nnn files

I generated plotxy files and while appending it, there were zones where no data was printed.
How to get rid of these white spaces that are generated between each plotxy file?
Thank you

boundary condition

For swbli case, the boundary condition specified at outlet is non reflecting boundary condition but which non reflecting boundary condition is specified is not mentioned anywhere, Can you please give information on which kind of non reflecting bc is implemented at outlet?

turbulence kinetic energy terms

Are the turbulent kinetic Energy terms such as advection, Turbulent transport, production being written in any of the output files, or should we separately make the solver print these terms.


What does each column in file dt_limitations represent?

Time series data

I am trying to do low frequency unsteadiness study for sbli case and I wanted to know how to obtain time series data.
Is it possible for us to change few parameters in input.dat and get time-series data or should we ourselves make changes in code to get that data?

Thank You


The reference temperature in input.dat file of Shock-Wave boundary layer interaction, is it the freestream temperature?

free stream velocity

Which value of T(free stream temperature) should be considered to calculate free stream velocity.

probe data

I wanted time series data at certain points, so I added few lines at 2 places. I have attached screenshots of the same. Can you please confirm if it is correct, because those edits which I considered to be correct are not fetching me required results.

  1. These few lines I have added in Solver.F90, I was tryin to open 7 new files at 7 different locations.
  2. I added the below lines in printres.F90 to get the data with 7 columns (iteration number, time step, rho, rho-u, rho-v, rho-w, rho-e)
    at 7 different locations among which first 4 locations are at wall

Thank You

Time series data

Is there a possibility of adding probes, to get time series data at a particular location for low frequency unsteadiness study?

Thank you

Field files and Shock Impingement location (Shock wave Boundary layer Interaction case)


  1. I wanted to know at what intervals are field files getting generated, if I want them to be written for every 10,000 iterations is it possible to do so? or is there any other logic behind how these files are being written?
  2. If I wanted to run the SBLI case for different Mach Numbers or for different shock deflection Angles will I have to change the variable "xshock_imp"?

Thank you.

cf files

The properties in the cf files are written for which loation of x,y,z?

Deflection Angle

There are few doubts I had related to the variable deflec_shock in input file.

According to the explanation in "preparing input.dat file", deflec_shock is the shock angle (beeta) whose default value given was 8deg in the input.dat file, but according to the paper the 8deg given is mentioned as Incidence angle of shock generator (theeta). So, I wanted to know what exactly the term deflec_shock is specifying, is it the shock angle (beeta) or deflection angle(theeta).

And if its the deflection angle what is the maximum deflection angle that we can feed into the input file.

mean properties

Can you also let me know how can I look at mean flow properties such as mean flow pressure, density and velocity.
I tried to get the slice data and average it for mean flow properties but it has not worked. Is there any way to obtain this data.

Thank You

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