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tz's Introduction


Time zone support for Elixir.

The Elixir standard library does not ship with a time zone database. As a result, the functions in the DateTime module can, by default, only operate on datetimes in the UTC time zone. Alternatively (and deliberately), the standard library relies on third-party libraries, such as tz, to bring in time zone support and deal with datetimes in other time zones than UTC.

The tz library relies on the time zone database maintained by IANA. As of version 0.26.5, tz uses version tzdata2023c of the IANA time zone database.

Installation and usage

Add tz for Elixir as a dependency in your mix.exs file:

def deps do
    {:tz, "~> 0.26.5"}

To use the tz database, either configure it via configuration:

config :elixir, :time_zone_database, Tz.TimeZoneDatabase

or by calling Calendar.put_time_zone_database/1:


or by passing the module name Tz.TimeZoneDatabase directly to the functions that need a time zone database:"America/Sao_Paulo", Tz.TimeZoneDatabase)

Refer to the DateTime API for more details about handling datetimes with time zones.

Core principles


The tz library is tested against nearly 10 million past dates, which includes most of all possible edge cases.

The repo tzdb_test compares the output of the different available libraries (tz, time_zone_info, tzdata and zoneinfo), and gives some idea of the difference in performance.

Pre-compiled time zone data

Time zone periods are deducted from the IANA time zone data. A period is a period of time where a certain offset is observed. For example, in Belgium from 31 March 2019 until 27 October 2019, clock went forward by 1 hour; as Belgium has a base offset from UTC of 1 hour, this means that during this period, Belgium observed a total offset of 2 hours from UTC time (base UTC offset of 1 hour + DST offset of 1 hour).

The time zone periods are computed and made available in Elixir maps during compilation time, to be consumed by the DateTime module.

Automatic time zone data updates

tz can watch for IANA time zone database updates and automatically recompile the time zone periods.

To enable automatic updates, add Tz.UpdatePeriodically as a child in your supervisor:

{Tz.UpdatePeriodically, []}

You may pass the option :interval_in_days in order to configure the frequency of the updates:

{Tz.UpdatePeriodically, [interval_in_days: 5]}

Manual time zone data updates

If you do not wish to update automatically, but still wish to be alerted for new upcoming IANA updates, add Tz.WatchPeriodically as a child in your supervisor:

{Tz.WatchPeriodically, []}

Tz.WatchPeriodically simply logs to your server when a new time zone database is available.

You may pass the options:

  • :interval_in_days: frequency of the checks
  • :on_update: a user callback executed when an update is available

For updating IANA data manually, there are 2 options:

  • just update the tz library in the mix.exs file, which hopefully includes the latest IANA time zone database (if not, wait for the library maintainer to include the latest version or send a pull request on GitHub).

  • download the files and recompile:

    1. Configure a custom directory with the :data_dir option. For example:
      config :tz, :data_dir, Path.join(Path.dirname(__DIR__), "priv")
    2. Download the files manually by running the mix task below:
    3. Recompile the dependency:
      mix deps.compile tz --force
      Or from an iex session to recompile at runtime:
      iex -S mix
      iex> Tz.Compiler.compile()
      Note that recompilation at runtime is not persistent, run mix deps.compile tz --force in addition.
    4. Check that the version is the one expected:
      iex> Tz.iana_version()

To force a specific IANA version:

  1. Configure a custom directory with the :data_dir option. For example:
    config :tz, :data_dir, Path.join(Path.dirname(__DIR__), "priv")
  2. Download the files by running the mix task below (say we want the 2021a version):
    mix 2021a
  3. Add the :iana_version option:
    config :tz, :iana_version, "2021a"
  4. Recompile the dependency:
    mix deps.compile tz --force
  5. Check that the version is the one expected:
    iex> Tz.iana_version()

Automatic vs manual updates

Some users prefer to use Tz.WatchPeriodically (over Tz.UpdatePeriodically) to watch and update manually. Example cases:

  • Memory-limited systems: small containers or embedded devices may not afford to recompile the time zone data at runtime.
  • Restricted environments: the request may be blocked because of security policies.
  • Security concerns: some users may prefer to analyze the files coming from external sources ( in this case) before processing.
  • Systems interoperability: a user may use some other systems using an older version of the IANA database, and so the user may want to keep a lower version of the IANA data with tz to ensure IANA versions match.

Disable updates in test environment

To avoid the updater to run while executing tests, you may conditionally add the child worker in your supervisor. For example:

children = [
|> append_if(Application.get_env(:my_app, :env) != :test, {Tz.UpdatePeriodically, []})
defp append_if(list, condition, item) do
  if condition, do: list ++ [item], else: list

In config.exs, add config :my_app, env: Mix.env().

Default HTTP client

Lastly, add the http client mint and ssl certificate store castore into your mix.exs file:

defp deps do
    {:castore, "~> 0.1"},
    {:mint, "~> 1.4"},
    {:tz, "~> 0.26.5"}

You may also add custom options for the http client mint:

config :tz, Tz.HTTP.Mint.HTTPClient,
  proxy: {:http, proxy_host, proxy_port, []}

Custom HTTP client

You may implement the Tz.HTTP.HTTPClient behaviour in order to use another HTTP client.

Example using Finch:

defmodule MyApp.Tz.HTTPClient do
  @behaviour Tz.HTTP.HTTPClient

  alias Tz.HTTP.HTTPResponse
  alias MyApp.MyFinch

  @impl Tz.HTTP.HTTPClient
  def request(hostname, path) do
    {:ok, response} =, "https://" <> Path.join(hostname, path))
      |> Finch.request(MyFinch)

      status_code: response.status,
      body: response.body

A Tz.HTTP.HTTPResponse struct must be returned with fields :status_code and :body.

The custom module must then be passed into the config:

config :tz, :http_client, MyApp.Tz.HTTPClient

Performance tweaks

tz accepts two environment options to tweak performance.

Reducing period lookup time

For time zones that have ongoing DST changes, period lookups for dates far in the future result in periods being dynamically computed based on the IANA data. For example, what is the period for 20 March 2040 for New York (let's assume that the last rules for New York still mention an ongoing DST change as you read this)? We can't compile periods indefinitely in the future; by default, such periods are computed until 5 years from compilation time. Dynamic period computations is a slow operation.

You can decrease period lookup time for time zones affected by DST changes, by specifying until what year those periods have to be computed:

config :tz, build_dst_periods_until_year: 20 + NaiveDateTime.utc_now().year

Note that increasing the year will also slightly increase compilation time, as it generates more periods to compile.

The default setting computes periods for a period of 5 years from the time the code is compiled. Note that if you have added the automatic updater, the periods will be recomputed with every update, which occurs multiple times throughout the year.

Rejecting old time zone periods

You can slightly decrease memory usage and compilation time, by rejecting time zone periods before a given year:

config :tz, reject_periods_before_year: 2010

Note that this option is aimed towards embedded devices as the difference should be insignificant for ordinary servers.

By default, no periods are rejected.

Custom storage location of time zone data

By default, the files are stored in the priv directory of the tz library. You may customize the directory that will hold all of the IANA timezone data. For example, if you want to store the files in your project's priv dir instead:

config :tz, :data_dir, Path.join(Path.dirname(__DIR__), "priv")

Get the IANA time zone database version

Tz.iana_version() == "2023c"

Time zone utility functions

Tz's API is intentionally kept as minimal as possible to implement Calendar.TimeZoneDatabase's behaviour. Utility functions around time zones are provided by TzExtra.

Other time zone database implementations

Based on IANA time zone data

Based on OS-supplied zoneinfo files

Recommended for embedded devices.


The current state of Tz wouldn't have been possible to achieve without the work of the following contributors related to time zones:

  • contributors adding time zone support to Elixir (call for proposal, initial proposal, final proposal);
  • contributors to the time_zone_info library, based on which Tz could compare its speed and drastically improve performance;
  • contributors to the Java java.time package, against which Tz is testing its output.

tz's People


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tz's Issues

Allow Tz.WatchPeriodically to accept and call a function when triggered.

Since using Tz.UpdatePeriodically on memory-restricted platforms may not be possible, it would be useful if Tz.WatchPeriodically could call a function whenever it logs that there is an update. This would allow users of the library to do something proactive, like trigger an email or SMS.

WatchPeriodically keeps complaining about a new version


I just installed this package, and added the Tz.WatchPeriodically as a child in my supervisor.

When going into the console with iex -S mix I see these messages:

[debug] Tz is checking for IANA time zone database updates
[warning] Tz found a more recent time zone database available for download at

So I did a manual update with:


All good. But when I close the console and re-open it, I'm still seeing the warning above.
The output of Tz.IanaDataDir.tzdata_version() is "2022c".

Do you know what could be going on?


required files missing in CI

I'm getting this error only in a particular CI env and not sure why, are those files that tz is meant to download or expects to already be there, and if so where do they usually come from?

    ** (EXIT) an exception was raised:

        ** (RuntimeError) files ["antarctica", "asia", "australasia", "backward", "etcetera", "europe", "northamerica", "southamerica", "", ""] are missing in /var/www/bonfire/_build/prod/rel/bonfire/lib/tz-0.26.5/priv/tzdata2023d

            (tz 0.26.5) lib/tz/compiler.ex:196: Tz.Compiler.validate_tzdata_dir_has_required_files/1

            (tz 0.26.5) lib/tz/compiler.ex:15: Tz.Compiler.compile/0

            (tz 0.26.5) lib/tz/updater.ex:23: Tz.Updater.maybe_recompile/0

            (tz 0.26.5) lib/tz/update_periodically.ex:31: Tz.UpdatePeriodically.init/1

            (stdlib 4.0.1) gen_server.erl:848: :gen_server.init_it/2

            (stdlib 4.0.1) gen_server.erl:811: :gen_server.init_it/6
            (stdlib 4.0.1) proc_lib.erl:240: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
[os_mon] memory supervisor port (memsup): Erlang has closed

Warnings for behaviour not implented in Elixir 1.17

   warning: function shift_date/4 required by behaviour Calendar is not implemented (in module Support.HoloceneCalendar)
  1 │ defmodule Support.HoloceneCalendar do
    │ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    └─ test/support/holocene_calendar.ex:1: Support.HoloceneCalendar (module)

    warning: function shift_naive_datetime/8 required by behaviour Calendar is not implemented (in module Support.HoloceneCalendar)
  1 │ defmodule Support.HoloceneCalendar do
    │ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    └─ test/support/holocene_calendar.ex:1: Support.HoloceneCalendar (module)

    warning: function shift_time/5 required by behaviour Calendar is not implemented (in module Support.HoloceneCalendar)
  1 │ defmodule Support.HoloceneCalendar do
    │ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    └─ test/support/holocene_calendar.ex:1: Support.HoloceneCalendar (module)

Suggestion: Add a CHANGELOG

Figured I'd toss this out there. I follow this project's releases and at the moment the releases don't contain any info about what changed in each release. It'd be great to either have a file (like Keep A Changelog suggests) or to add the changes to the Github releases. It would make it easier to follow the project updates.

The other idea would be to point in each release notes to the version diffs.

Just an idea 💡

`(CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: nil` for some lookups

iex(1)>!("America/Argentina/Salta", Tz.TimeZoneDatabase)
** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: nil
    (tz 0.20.0) lib/time_zone_database.ex:43: Tz.TimeZoneDatabase.do_find_period_for_secs/3
    (tz 0.20.0) lib/time_zone_database.ex:33: Tz.TimeZoneDatabase.find_period_for_secs/3
    (elixir 1.12.0) lib/calendar/datetime.ex:623: DateTime.shift_zone_for_iso_days_utc/5
    (elixir 1.12.0) lib/calendar/datetime.ex:736:!/2

This is with Elixir 1.12.0 and Erlang 24.0 on macOS.

Out of memory when recompiling time zone periods on a memory-limited system

I'm running an app on, with a 1GB container size. Using Tzdata I can boot without issue. However, switching to Tz I'm seeing this on startup:

14:18:01.356 [info] Tz is downloading the latest IANA time zone database (version 2021c)...
14:18:02.785 [info] Tz download done
14:18:02.814 [info] Tz is recompiling time zone periods...
[    7.749887] Out of memory: Killed process 511 (beam.smp) total-vm:2665752kB, anon-rss:902056kB, file-rss:0kB, shmem-rss:63628kB, UID:0 pgtables:2380kB oom_score_adj:0
Main child exited with signal (with signal 'SIGKILL', core dumped? false)
Reaped child process with pid: 595, exit code: 0
Starting clean up.
Process appears to have been OOM killed!

Config is:

config :elixir, :time_zone_database, Tz.TimeZoneDatabase
config :tz, reject_time_zone_periods_before_year: 2019

I'm not able to replicate this locally, unfortunately. I'm using docker run --memory 512m --rm -i -p 8080:8080 {container} but I'm on macOS and don't hit a memory error.

Error with Iana version 2023a

When downloading version 2023a of database and compiling, an error is raised:

** (EXIT) an exception was raised:
        ** (RuntimeError) unexpected case: 3 ongoing rules for rule "Palestine"
            (tz 0.24.0) lib/tz/compiler.ex:25: anonymous fn/1 in Tz.Compiler.compile/0
            (elixir 1.14.1) lib/enum.ex:980: anonymous fn/3 in Enum.each/2
            (stdlib 4.1.1) maps.erl:411: :maps.fold_1/3
            (elixir 1.14.1) lib/enum.ex:2480: Enum.each/2
            (tz 0.24.0) lib/tz/compiler.ex:22: anonymous fn/3 in Tz.Compiler.compile/0
            (elixir 1.14.1) lib/enum.ex:2468: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
            (tz 0.24.0) lib/tz/compiler.ex:18: Tz.Compiler.compile/0
            (tz 0.24.0) lib/tz/updater.ex:21: Tz.Updater.maybe_recompile/0
            (tz 0.24.0) lib/tz/update_periodically.ex:26: Tz.UpdatePeriodically.init/1
            (stdlib 4.1.1) gen_server.erl:851: :gen_server.init_it/2
            (stdlib 4.1.1) gen_server.erl:814: :gen_server.init_it/6
            (stdlib 4.1.1) proc_lib.erl:240: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3

Question: avoid compile on unit test but keep update in app


I followed your Readme and configured my app to auto-update data. In the end, I had to remove it since it would always compile when I run mix test: it adds a lot of significant time (and to me was not worth it)

Is there a way to enable auto-update for data within my app (in production for instance) but not when running unit tests ?


Release crashes when configuring data_dir at runtime

I just migrated a project from tzdata to your tz module, but I'm running into an issue when trying to run a release that sets the :data_dir config variable at runtime, in the config/runtime.exs file.

ERROR! the application :tz has a different value set for key :data_dir during runtime compared to compile time. Since this application environment entry was marked as compile time, this difference can lead to different behaviour than expected:

  * Compile time value was not set
  * Runtime value was set to: "local/tz/"

To fix this error, you might:

  * Make the runtime value match the compile time one

  * Recompile your project. If the misconfigured application is a dependency, you may need to run "mix deps.compile tz --force"

  * Alternatively, you can disable this check. If you are using releases, you can set :validate_compile_env to false in your release configuration. If you are using Mix to start your system, you can pass the --no-validate-compile-env flag

{"init terminating in do_boot",{<<"aborting boot">>,[{'Elixir.Config.Provider',boot,2,[]}]}}
init terminating in do_boot ({,[{Elixir.Config.Provider,boot,2,[]}]})

Crash dump is being written to: erl_crash.dump...done

First, I found Issue #11 where you added runtime fetching of the :data_dir config, so thank you for that. And technically, this works. However, due to some checking that's done by releases when they start up, a release that uses this module will crash if it also sets the :data_dir config env during runtime.

I duplicated this issue with a bare-bones elixir project at I wrote up the description of the problem and how to duplicate it in the README. So it should be trivial for you to clone that repo, create a release, and duplicate the problem.

But in short, while the code is actually running just fine because Tz.IanaDataDir.dir/0 is doing a Application.get_env(:tz, :data_dir) at runtime, the problem instead is being caused in Tz.CompileRunner. In there, in the module level code, a call to Application.compile_env(:tz, :data_dir) is being made. So the elixir release is spotting this and throwing the error because the value of :data_dir that Tz.CompileRunner received during the compile is different than what it's going to get during runtime. I confirmed this is the problem by commenting out lines 29-39 in that file, and the release ran fine. I think it's a basic sanity check that the release code is doing, and it can be disabled, but that seems a bit like a sledgehammer approach, and I would prefer to keep this sanity check enabled for my releases.

Looking at the code in Tz.CompileRunner, it looks like it's intended to throw a compile-time error if the user of the module doesn't configure :iana_version and :data_dir correctly. I don't know the exact intent or impact of changing this code, or the story behind it, so I didn't feel comfortable submitting a PR that just removed it. At least not without discussing it first. And I'm not sure there's any other way to do this compile-time check without calling Application.compile_env(). But, since the data_dir can be changed at runtime, this code won't catch runtime misconfigurations anyways. So maybe it needs to be moved into runtime code somewhere. But I'm not sure where.

Anyways, thanks for your time and the module.

Wrong zone_abbr in some time zones


I have found some wrong zone_abbr:

iex(1)> Tz.TimeZoneDatabase.time_zone_periods_from_wall_datetime(~N[1905-09-15 05:36:31], "Europe/London")
   from: %{
     utc_gregorian_seconds: 58314556875,
     wall_gregorian_seconds: 58314556875
   std_offset: 0,
   to: %{
     utc_gregorian_seconds: 60475255200,
     wall_gregorian_seconds: 60475255200
   utc_offset: 0,
   zone_abbr: ""
iex(2)> Tz.TimeZoneDatabase.time_zone_periods_from_wall_datetime(~N[1923-05-22 11:54:39], "Asia/Tokyo")
   from: %{
     utc_gregorian_seconds: 59579506800,
     wall_gregorian_seconds: 59579539200
   std_offset: 0,
   to: %{
     utc_gregorian_seconds: 61483417200,
     wall_gregorian_seconds: 61483449600
   utc_offset: 32400,
   zone_abbr: "JT"
iex(3)> Tz.TimeZoneDatabase.time_zone_periods_from_wall_datetime(~N[1948-06-05 21:50:01], "America/Nassau")
   from: %{
     utc_gregorian_seconds: 60342124170,
     wall_gregorian_seconds: 60342106170
   std_offset: 0,
   to: %{
     utc_gregorian_seconds: 61987878000,
     wall_gregorian_seconds: 61987860000
   utc_offset: -18000,
   zone_abbr: "ET"

The expected zone_abbr are:

input: ~N[1905-09-15 05:36:31], "Europe/London"
expected zone_abbr: "GMT"

input: ~N[1923-05-22 11:54:39], "Asia/Tokyo"
expected zone_abbr: "JST"

input: ~N[1948-06-05 21:50:01], "America/Nassau"
expected zone_abbr: "EST"

I assume this happens for zone-state that refers to a rule without a transition (no rule is applied) in the zone-state.

Zone abbreviation lookup inconsistent (EST and EDT)

I'm hoping the PeriodsBuilder will be able to lookup a timezone based on the abbreviation, however it seems to be inconsistent. For example

Tz.TimeZoneDatabase.time_zone_periods_from_wall_datetime(~N[2020-04-01 00:00:00], "EDT")
{:error, :time_zone_not_found}
Tz.TimeZoneDatabase.time_zone_periods_from_wall_datetime(~N[2020-12-01 00:00:00], "EST")
{:ok, %{std_offset: 0, utc_offset: -18000, zone_abbr: "EST"}}

When I look at the rules it's based on, I see this:

Rule	US	2007	max	-	Mar	Sun>=8	2:00	1:00	D
Rule	US	2007	max	-	Nov	Sun>=1	2:00	0	S

So I'm thinking that the EDT abbreviation ought to work between Mar8 thru Nov1, and EST abbreviation ought to work between Nov1 thru Mar8.

print a warning but allow the app to start if there's an HTTP error

Not sure if this is expected behaviour, but would be great to not block the app from starting:

** (Mix) Could not start application my_app: MyApp.Application.start(:normal, []) returned an error: shutdown: failed to start child: Tz.UpdatePeriodically
    ** (EXIT) an exception was raised:
        ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, %Mint.HTTP1{host: "", port: 443, request: nil, streaming_request: nil, socket: {:sslsocket, {:gen_tcp, #Port<0.110>, :tls_connection, :undefined}, [#PID<0.1444.0>, #PID<0.1443.0>]}, transport: Mint.Core.Transport.SSL, mode: :active, scheme_as_string: "https", requests: {[], []}, state: :closed, buffer: "", proxy_headers: [], private: %{}, log: false}, %Mint.TransportError{reason: :closed}, []}
            (tz 0.26.2) lib/tz/http/mint/http_client.ex:30: Tz.HTTP.Mint.HTTPClient.recv_response/2
            (tz 0.26.2) lib/tz/http/mint/http_client.ex:18: Tz.HTTP.Mint.HTTPClient.request/2
            (tz 0.26.2) lib/tz/updater.ex:56: Tz.Updater.fetch_latest_iana_tz_version/0
            (tz 0.26.2) lib/tz/updater.ex:32: Tz.Updater.maybe_update_tz_database_to_latest_version/0
            (tz 0.26.2) lib/tz/updater.ex:14: Tz.Updater.maybe_recompile/0
            (tz 0.26.2) lib/tz/update_periodically.ex:31: Tz.UpdatePeriodically.init/1
            (stdlib 5.1.1) gen_server.erl:962: :gen_server.init_it/2
            (stdlib 5.1.1) gen_server.erl:917: :gen_server.init_it/6

Logger.warn/1 is deprecated on Elixir 1.15 in favour of Logger.warning/2

With the publishing of Elixir 1.15.0-rc.0 today, the following deprecation is now in effect:

==> tz
Compiling 16 files (.ex)
warning: Logger.warn/1 is deprecated. Use Logger.warning/2 instead

Given Logger.warn/1 is a macro perhaps there's a way to conditionally compile in either Logger.warning/2 if its defined and Logger.warn/1 if not? I'm fine to work on a PR if that's helpful.

(RuntimeError) unexpected case: 3 ongoing rules for rule "Palestine" (2023c)

10:18:11.182 [info]  Tz is downloading the latest IANA time zone database (version 2023c)...

10:18:12.298 [info]  Tz download done

10:18:12.348 [info]  Tz is recompiling time zone periods...
** (RuntimeError) unexpected case: 3 ongoing rules for rule "Palestine"
    (tz 0.20.1) lib/compiler.ex:27: anonymous fn/1 in Tz.Compiler.compile/0
    (elixir 1.13.4) lib/enum.ex:942: anonymous fn/3 in Enum.each/2
    (stdlib 4.3) maps.erl:411: :maps.fold_1/3
    (elixir 1.13.4) lib/enum.ex:2408: Enum.each/2
    (tz 0.20.1) lib/compiler.ex:24: anonymous fn/3 in Tz.Compiler.compile/0
    (elixir 1.13.4) lib/enum.ex:2396: Enum."-reduce/3-lists^foldl/2-0-"/3
    (tz 0.20.1) lib/compiler.ex:20: Tz.Compiler.compile/0
    (tz 0.20.1) lib/updater.ex:20: Tz.Updater.maybe_recompile/0

Time converting and back is not symmetrical

I have some property tests that I wrote for a project where we are using tz. I ran into a specific date time that has an issue. Here is a test for it.

  # in config
  config :elixir, :time_zone_database, Tz.TimeZoneDatabase

  # TEST

  test "bad property" do
    date_time_utc = ~U[2029-12-31 10:15:00Z]
    time_zone = "Pacific/Chatham"

    zoned_date_time =
      |> DateTime.shift_zone!(time_zone)

    naive = DateTime.to_naive(zoned_date_time)

    assert zoned_date_time == DateTime.from_naive!(naive, time_zone)

It fails until ~U[2030-01-01 00:00:00Z] is the input at which point it passes.

Any year before 2029 passes. Any year after 2029 fails.

I tried to determine why and ran out of time. I'm happy to help figure this out. I don't really know where to start.

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    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.