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client-encryption-nodejs's Issues

Facing CRYPTOGRAPHY_ERROR while calling API


I am trying to run the mocha test available in the repo (createTokenize API). However with that, I am using the sandbox credentials (consumerKey, oAuth privateKey) from the developer portal. I was unable to find the certificate (mastercard) for field level encryption in the portal. So I am using the one in this repo -> test/res/test_certificate.cert

However on hitting the API call, I am getting following response:

  "errorCode": "CRYPTOGRAPHY_ERROR",
  "errorDescription": "Cryptography Error",
  "errors": [
      "source": "INPUT",
      "reasonCode": "CRYPTOGRAPHY_ERROR",
      "description": "Cryptography Error"
  "responseId": "123456",
  "supportsAuthentication": false

Any pointers on what could be wrong I am doing here?

[BUG] FieldLevelEncryption creation doesn't work with the format of MDES-issued private keys

Bug Report Checklist

  • Have you provided a code sample to reproduce the issue?
  • Have you tested with the latest release to confirm the issue still exists?
  • Have you searched for related issues/PRs?
  • What's the actual output vs expected output?

There seems to be a mismatch between the format that MDES uses for the private keys it issues (ref: item 3, section 6 of this document) and the one that is expected by the FieldLevelEncryption constructor.
I'm not sure if this is indeed a bug - I haven't checked whether some file format or an adaptated version of the MDES private key file would work - but, since this is a helper lib for MDES, it should integrate as effortlessly as possible with it.

To Reproduce

  1. Create a new MDES project, following the steps in
  2. Run this script
const config = {
  paths: [
  oaepPaddingDigestAlgorithm: '',
  ivFieldName: '',
  encryptedKeyFieldName: '',
  encryptedValueFieldName: '',
  oaepHashingAlgorithmFieldName: '',
  publicKeyFingerprintFieldName: '',
  publicKeyFingerprintType: "",
  dataEncoding: 'hex',
  encryptionCertificate: "/path/to/Public-Key-Encrypt.crt",
  privateKey: "/path/to/Private-Key-Decrypt.pem"

(This is not necessarily a valid config, but it's the minimum necessary config to trigger the bug)

When this code is executed, the following error is thrown:

      throw error;

Error: Too few bytes to read ASN.1 value.
    at _fromDer (/myproject/node-forge/lib/asn1.js:487:19)
    at _fromDer (/myproject/node-forge/lib/asn1.js:524:20)
    at Object.asn1.fromDer (/myproject/node-forge/lib/asn1.js:448:10)
    at loadPrivateKey (/myproject/mastercard-client-encryption/lib/mcapi/crypto/crypto.js:182:50)
    at new Crypto (/myproject/mastercard-client-encryption/lib/mcapi/crypto/crypto.js:22:23)
    at Object.FieldLevelEncryption (/myproject/mastercard-client-encryption/lib/mcapi/fle/field-level-encryption.js:15:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/bernardo/Dev/basistheory/mdes-bug-report/app.js:16:41)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1085:14)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1114:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:950:32) {
  available: 1675,
  remaining: 43,
  requested: 45

Expected behavior
The FieldLevelEncryption constructor should accept and correctly parse the payload encryption private key that was issued

Suggest a fix/enhancement
Substituting the contents of this line for:

return forge.pki.privateKeyFromPem(privateKeyContent);

caused the FieldLevelEncryption construction to work

The response payload is returning an undefined body

The response payload is returning a body that is undefined.

In the code snippet, after calling fle.ecrypt(), when i log the variable to the console:

let responsePayload = fle.encrypt("/resource1", payload);

it displays the following:

``` { header: { path: { to: [Object] } }, body: undefined } ````

Below is the code - any help is much appreciated.thanks !

const clientEncryption = require('mastercard-client-encryption');

const config = {
paths: [
path: "/resource",
toEncrypt: [
/* path to element to be encrypted in request json body /
element: "",
path to object where to store encryption fields in request json body /
obj: ""
toDecrypt: [
path to element where to store decrypted fields in response object /
element: "",
path to object with encryption fields */
obj: ""
ivFieldName: 'iv',
encryptedKeyFieldName: 'encryptedKey',
encryptedValueFieldName: 'encryptedData',
dataEncoding: 'hex',
encryptionCertificate: './certificate.pem',
publicKeyFingerprintType: "certificate",
oaepPaddingDigestAlgorithm: 'SHA-256'
// privateKey: '',
// ivHeaderName: "x-iv",
// EncryptedKeyHeaderName: "x-encrypted-key"


const payload =
"path": {
"to": {
"foo": {
"sensitive": "this is a secret!"

const fle = new clientEncryption.FieldLevelEncryption(config);

let responsePayload = fle.encrypt("/resource1", payload);

cannot read property 'encrypt' for undefined

i got that error when i try to call the encrypt method .. that's the code:
const fle = new require('mastercard-client-encryption').FieldLevelEncryption(config);
let encryptedRequestPayload = fle.encrypt(endpoint, header, body);

what should fle return ?? it returns undefined always ?

ReferenceError: header is not defined

I am trying to use this library, following the read me, i get an error on this line

let responsePayload = fle.encrypt("/resource1", header, payload);

ReferenceError: header is not defined

Its unclear from the read me how the header should be defined.

Any help is appreciated, thanks

(node:19736) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----


I am using my private and cert.pem file in config, File is available in folder but still the code give me below error.

encryptionCertificate: fs.readFileSync( path.resolve(__dirname, "../public/images/demo/m8.demo.cert.pem") ), privateKey: fs.readFileSync( path.resolve(__dirname, "../public/images/demo/m8.demo.key.no_pasword.key") ),

(node:19736) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIERE.....ERERER -----END CERTIFICATE----- ' at Object.openSync (fs.js:439:3) at Object.readFileSync (fs.js:344:35) at readPublicCertificate (D:\node project\MiaWallet\node_modules\mastercard-client-encryption\lib\mcapi\crypto\crypto.js:189:33) at new Crypto (D:\node project\MiaWallet\node_modules\mastercard-client-encryption\lib\mcapi\crypto\crypto.js:18:32) at new FieldLevelEncryption (D:\node project\MiaWallet\node_modules\mastercard-client-encryption\lib\mcapi\fle\field-level-encryption.js:15:17) at addCard (D:\node project\MiaWallet\controller\index.js:209:17) at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (D:\node project\MiaWallet\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:95:5) at next (D:\node project\MiaWallet\node_modules\express\lib\router\route.js:137:13) at Route.dispatch (D:\node project\MiaWallet\node_modules\express\lib\router\route.js:112:3) at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (D:\node project\MiaWallet\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:95:5) (node:19736) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1) (node:19736) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. (node:19736) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE--

[BUG] `ivFieldName` ignored during encryption

The ivFieldName configuration property is ignored during encryption, iv field name is used as default.

To Reproduce

  1. Configure the library to use as ivFieldName="foobar"
      ivFieldName: 'foobar',
      encryptedKeyFieldName: 'encryptedKey',
      encryptedValueFieldName: 'encryptedData',
      oaepHashingAlgorithmFieldName: 'oaepHashingAlgorithm',
  2. Encrypt a payload by using the encryption methods (

Actual behavior
The encrypted payload set the IV data in the iv field, ignoring the configured ivFieldName.

Expected behavior
The encrypted payload should set the computed IV data in the foobar property, as per configuration.

[BUG] RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1 Error throw for JWE encryption mode

Bug Report Checklist


RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1 Error throw for JWE encryption mode

To Reproduce
Use Encrypting Entire Payloads From Java library
Now Try to decrypt same in nodes js . Use same public and private key in both

const config = {
    paths: [
        toEncrypt: [
            /* path to element to be encrypted in request json body */
            element: "$",
            /* path to object where to store encryption fields in request json body */
            obj: "$",
        toDecrypt: [
            /* path to element where to store decrypted fields in response object */
            element: "$",
            /* path to object with encryption fields */
            obj: "$",
    encryptedValueFieldName: "encryptedData",
    encryptionCertificate: "./testCertificate.cert",
    keyStore: "./test_key.pem",
    mode: "JWE"

const fle = new (require("mastercard-client-encryption").JweEncryption)(

const encryptedPayload = {
    request: {
        url : '/resource1'
    body: {

let responsePayload2 = fle.decrypt(encryptedPayload);

Above result in error

return method(data, format, type, passphrase, buffer, padding, oaepHash,

Error: error:04099079:rsa routines:RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1:oaep decoding error
    at Object.privateDecrypt (node:internal/crypto/cipher:79:12)
    at JweCrypto.decryptData (C:\Users\smehta\LunchAndLearn\Data Encryption\node_modules\mastercard-client-encryption\lib\mcapi\crypto\jwe-crypto.js:122:32)  
    at JweEncryption.decryptBody (C:\Users\smehta\LunchAndLearn\Data Encryption\node_modules\mastercard-client-encryption\lib\mcapi\encryption\jwe-encryption.js:91:38)
    at C:\Users\smehta\LunchAndLearn\Data Encryption\node_modules\mastercard-client-encryption\lib\mcapi\encryption\jwe-encryption.js:57:26
    at (<anonymous>)
    at JweEncryption.decrypt (C:\Users\smehta\LunchAndLearn\Data Encryption\node_modules\mastercard-client-encryption\lib\mcapi\encryption\jwe-encryption.js:55:35)
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\smehta\LunchAndLearn\Data Encryption\mcdEncryptDemo.js:76:28)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1101:14)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1153:10)    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:981:32) {
  library: 'rsa routines',
  function: 'RSA_padding_check_PKCS1_OAEP_mgf1',
  reason: 'oaep decoding error',

Expected behavior
Decrypted payload

Additional context
Bydefault Node js JWE crypto use following constant nodeCrypto.constants.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING and JAVA seems to be using some another padding or issue with iv length

JWE encryption for entire payload where request and response objects are different


When encrypting the entire payload and assigning it to encryptedData, and subsequently making an API call, the response is received as an encryptedResponse object. In this case, while decrypting response object an error is thrown throw new Error("Input not valid");.

To Reproduce

JWE Config

"path": "/entirepayload",
"toEncrypt": [{ "element": "$", "obj": "$" }],
"toDecrypt": [{ "element": "encryptedResponse", "obj": "$" }],
"mode": "JWE",
"encryptedValueFieldName": "encryptedData",
"publicKeyFingerprintType": "certificate",
"dataEncoding": "base64",
"encryptionCertificate": "./test/res/test_certificate.cert",
keyStore: "./pkcs8_private_key.pem"

Request payload

const payload = {
        sensitive: "this is a secret!",
        sensitive2: "this is a super-secret!",

Encrypt the request

const jwe = new (require("mastercard-client-encryption").JweEncryption)(config);
let encryptedData = jwe.encrypt("/entirepayload", null, payload);

Now, Data is encrypted as below which is expecte

  header: null,
  body: {
    encryptedData: 'eyJraWQiOiIxMDc3ZDIyMTk0Y2MyNzFkNTY1Y2Y2Mjg5YzJiMjY1Y2U4MDhhNDdlMDFiMzhiMjIyZWE4YWU4M2U5MWUxN2Q2IiwiY3R5IjoiYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbiIsImFsZyI6IlJTQS1PQUVQLTI1NiIsImVuYyI6IkEyNTZHQ00ifQ.VaUDfEwds7/kQdQdhpQllSxAhCQrnILDHIF4dY6U-9D8Jg33rLkQMYRzNmEwA14KE0zNVqy2-r6yZ8U7wuksSap9K7jVdhF2XZmW-ytYedS79bOVWe3euNUvHgFSEVt53J67Ca80p8B6x9EeJnYcvQhHVkumVD-QEpb3sk0dIUfo29LVugxKrdJDYKECtXjV1BYrZY0aZ26k-RcqyJdngFphknRDdQpXves4dV3A7qvBHXe65aNrKOUMTpIJ4iTGSNGj4/ismrMj3OENx4aBuLA9igVZgpTEaX1IPwmpIBir/Zl/ZcV567i2FcUoFfjNt63olIMnd4axGwvM3/QPug.ez7IRvsts3LETjGJNU2HgA.OApjJMlmPacg1pdySaFwMrknJ/USUVdFB9dCvwypxPvescKuGkyL-aZNtr307YYF0GmxzBVQ9ZS7wdRSW8xzm6NdCyqmiHEe.7VSy2mfxi5JDLieN135A2A'

When I send the encryptedData to my API, It will return the response object as encryptedResponse, as shown below.
You can simulate the API behavior like below.
encryptedData.body.encryptedResponse = encryptedData.body.encryptedData;
delete encryptedData.body.encryptedData;

   body: {
    encryptedResponse: 'eyJraWQiOiIxMDc3ZDIyMTk0Y2MyNzFkNTY1Y2Y2Mjg5YzJiMjY1Y2U4MDhhNDdlMDFiMzhiMjIyZWE4YWU4M2U5MWUxN2Q2IiwiY3R5IjoiYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbiIsImFsZyI6IlJTQS1PQUVQLTI1NiIsImVuYyI6IkEyNTZHQ00ifQ.VaUDfEwds7/kQdQdhpQllSxAhCQrnILDHIF4dY6U-9D8Jg33rLkQMYRzNmEwA14KE0zNVqy2-r6yZ8U7wuksSap9K7jVdhF2XZmW-ytYedS79bOVWe3euNUvHgFSEVt53J67Ca80p8B6x9EeJnYcvQhHVkumVD-QEpb3sk0dIUfo29LVugxKrdJDYKECtXjV1BYrZY0aZ26k-RcqyJdngFphknRDdQpXves4dV3A7qvBHXe65aNrKOUMTpIJ4iTGSNGj4/ismrMj3OENx4aBuLA9igVZgpTEaX1IPwmpIBir/Zl/ZcV567i2FcUoFfjNt63olIMnd4axGwvM3/QPug.ez7IRvsts3LETjGJNU2HgA.OApjJMlmPacg1pdySaFwMrknJ/USUVdFB9dCvwypxPvescKuGkyL-aZNtr307YYF0GmxzBVQ9ZS7wdRSW8xzm6NdCyqmiHEe.7VSy2mfxi5JDLieN135A2A'

Now, when I try to decrypt the encrypted response I get below error

const response = {};
response.request = { url: "/entirepayload" };
response.body =encryptedData.body;
let decryptedPayload = jwe.decrypt(response);
      throw new Error("Input not valid");

Error: Input not valid
    at JweCrypto.decryptData (/Users//Workspace/temp/test-jwe/node_modules/mastercard-client-encryption/lib/mcapi/crypto/jwe-crypto.js:103:13)
    at JweEncryption.decryptBody (/Users//Workspace/temp/test-jwe/node_modules/mastercard-client-encryption/lib/mcapi/encryption/jwe-encryption.js:88:38)
    at /Users//Workspace/temp/test-jwe/node_modules/mastercard-client-encryption/lib/mcapi/encryption/jwe-encryption.js:53:26
    at (<anonymous>)
    at JweEncryption.decrypt (/Users/Workspace/temp/test-jwe/node_modules/mastercard-client-encryption/lib/mcapi/encryption/jwe-encryption.js:52:35)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users//Workspace/temp/test-jwe/app.js:61:28)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1085:14)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1114:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:950:32)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:790:12)

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here (OS, language version, etc..).

Related issues/PRs
PR: (#64)

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