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rna-seq_pipeline's Introduction



  1. Description
  2. Setup pipeline
  3. Quality check
  4. Trim data
  5. Align to ref
  6. Count features
  7. DGE analysis


RNA-seq pipeline for Illumina data. This pipeline is designed to run on a Sun Grid Engine cluster.

Current implementation uses STAR for aligning, featureCounts for abundance counting and DESeq2 for DGE

Future verions will include k-mer based alignment (Kallisto/Salmon etc.) with their automatic feature abundance estimates and trasnscript quantification/estimation tools (isoEM/eXpress etc.). These tools can be used to analyse differential exon usage. The output is not directly usable by DESeq2 for DGE, but there are methods available to convert estimated abundances to count data.

I might add HISAT2/TOPHAT3 to the mix - once TH3 has been released.

Setup pipeline

# set RNSPL variable to pipeline folder

# set permanetly for future (bash) shell sessions (be careful with this, if you have settings in ~/.profile they will no longer load)
echo export RNSPL=~/RNA-seq_pipeline >>~/.bash_profile

Common tasks

Create project folder and linked to RNA-seq pipeline


ln -s $RNSPL $PROJECT_FOLDER/RNA-seq_pipeline 

Create some sub folders to store files and analysis results

# folder to store cluster job output
mkdir $PROJECT_FOLDER/cluster

mkdir -p $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/fastq
mkdir $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/trimmed
mkdir $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/filtered
mkdir $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/aligned
mkdir $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/counts

mkdir -p $PROJECT_FOLDER/analysis/quality
mkdir $PROJECT_FOLDER/analysis/DGE
mkdir $PROJECT_FOLDER/analysis/DEU

Get hold of the raw data and link to fastq folder.

# link
ln -s /data/RNA-seq/this_project_data/*.gz $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/fastq/. 

# Decompress sym linked files (if required)
for FILE in $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/fastq/*.gz; do 
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/RNA-seq_pipeline/scripts/ -c unzip $FILE 2

Quality check

Qualtiy checking with fastQC (

for FILE in $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/fastq/*.gz; do 
	$PROJECT_FOLDER/RNA-seq_pipeline/scripts/ -c qcheck $FILE $PROJECT_FOLDER/analysis/quality

Trim data

Trimming can currently be performed with Trimmomatic (, and truseq.fa should all be in same directory) The default settings will only remove adapter contamination, for quality/length filtering append something like SLIDINGWINDOW:8:20 MINLEN:36. This will use a sliding window of 8 bases and cut the sequence if quality in the window drops below 20, also any trimmed sequences with a length less than 36 will be dropped.

Low quality/adapter contaminated reads are dumped (change location /dev/null in to something else if you need to keep them)

for FR in $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/fastq/*_1.fastq.gz; do
 RR=$(echo $FR|sed 's/\_1\.fastq/\_2\.fastq/')
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/RNA-seq_pipeline/scripts/ -c trim \
 $FR \
 $RR \
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/trimmed \
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/RNA-seq_pipeline/scripts/truseq.fa \

Filter data

Remove phix/rrna or other contaminants

for FR in $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/trimmed/*_1.fq.gz; do
 RR=$(echo $FR|sed 's/\_1\.fq/\_2\.fq/')
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/RNA-seq_pipeline/scripts/ -c filter \
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/RNA-seq_pipeline/phix/phix \
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/filtered \
 $FR $RR

Align to ref genome/transcriptome

DESeq (v1.11.23).

Update to come with implementation

Quantification using Salmon

Salmon can run in two modes, psuedo mapping or alignmnet mode using a pre-aligned SAM/BAM. The BAM must be unsorted and aligned to the transcriptome.

O.K. running Salmon with the filtered read files - it's fast...

Build index for salmon psuedo mapping

Assuming the transcriptome is available... If you have a genome plus a gff file, I have (somewhere) a scripts which can help make a transcriptome file. gff being a pretty grotty (non) standard, the results need to be checked.

First step is to build a psuedo mapping index file e.g. transcriptome located at $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/genome/transcriptome.fa

# Build index from transcript file
salmon index -t $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/genome/transcriptome.fasta -i $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/genome/SALMON_quasi

Mapping and quantification with salmon

is a single process - it accepts gz/bgz compressed files

for FR in $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/filtered/*_1.filtered.fq.gz; do
 RR=$(echo $FR|sed 's/_1/_2/')
 OUTDIR=$(echo $FR|awk -F"/" '{print $NF}'|sed 's/_.*//')
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/RNA-seq_pipeline/scripts/ -c salmon \
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/genome/SALMON_quasi \
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/counts/$OUTDIR \
 $FR $RR \
 --numBootstraps 1000 --dumpEq --seqBias --gcBias

--writeUnmappedNames --writeMappings=test.sam

From the above the last line includes some of the optional settings for salmon. see for description of all options (or; salmon quant --help-reads ).

Convert pseudo counts to gene counts

tximport is an R library which can convert salmon transcript "pseudo" counts (or other pseudo mapped counts) to gene counts (looks like later versions of salmon can do this natively if you provide a gff file (with -g flag). I haven't tested this yet).

First needs a mapping file of transcript to gene. (Any of the output quant.sf files can be used)

 awk -F"\t" '{c=$1;sub("\..*","",$1);print c,$1}' OFS="\t" quant.sf >trans2gene.txt

Tximport requires R v 3.3 to install via Bioconductor, otherwise can install from the binary Details are in DGE.R

Good for measuring gene level DE derived from transcripts (DTE) - but what about isoforms (different transcript/exon usage - DTU/DEU)? If you have a well anotated genome with most transcripts already described - or possibly try mapping to exons?

Quantification with STAR and featureCounts

Create STAR genome index

A index must first be created e.g. genome and gff (not essential but useful) located in $PROJECT_FOLDER/data/genome/

--runMode genomeGenerate \
--genomeDir $PROJECT_FOLDER/genome/STAR_illumina \
--genomeFastaFiles $PROJECT_FOLDER/genome/my_genome.fa \
--sjdbGTFfile $PROJECT_FOLDER/genome/my_gff.gff3 \
--sjdbGTFtagExonParentTranscript Parent \
--sjdbGTFtagExonParentGene Parent

Alignment with STAR

Basic star alignment parameters: STAR --genomeDir your_out_dir --outFileNamePrefix something --readFilesIn fastq_F fastq_R --outSAMtype SAM --runThreadN 16

Alignment using both 2-pass alignment (2-pass alignment and basic alignment) and basic alignment only .
For two pass, first pass finds extra splice junctions second pass uses these extra annotations for mapping.
For basic only alignment the below code was modified to comment out "--sjdbFileChrStartEnd $splice_list" (and remove the preceeding line continuation ))

2-pass alignment
for R1 in $PROJECT_FOLDER/filtered/*1.fq; do  
 R2=$(echo $R1|sed -e 's/\.1\./\.2\./');  
 prefix=$(echo $R1|awk -F"/" '{gsub(/\..*/,"",$NF);print $NF}');  
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/RNA-seq_pipeline/scripts/ -c star \
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/genome/STAR_illumina \
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/junctions \
 $prefix \
 $R1 \
 $R2 \
 --outSAMmode None
single alignment (with chimera detection)
splice_list=$(ls $PROJECT_FOLDER/junctions/*.tab)
for R1 in $PROJECT_FOLDER/filtered/*1.fq; do  
 R2=$(echo $R1|sed -e 's/\.1\./\.2\./');  
 prefix=$(echo $R1|awk -F"/" '{gsub(/\..*/,"",$NF);print $NF}');  
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/RNA-seq_pipeline/scripts/ -c star \
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/genome/STAR_illumina \
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/aligned \
 $prefix \
 $R1 \
 $R2 \
 --chimSegmentMin 20 \
 --chimOutType WithinBAM \
 --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
 --sjdbFileChrStartEnd $splice_list; # not used for basic only alignment
 # --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.3 # unused parameter - useful for mapping short alignments
 # --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0.3 # unused parameter - useful for mapping short alignments

Count features

This can be done in R, but is slow with seqeuntial file import. Outside R each sample is counted seperately.

featureCounts -o output_file -a gff_file sam_files

Can be useful to produce a SAF file from an input gff (as they are not always consistent) The below will extract exon annotations and output the ninth column stipped of ID= and anything after the first ".", then the first column (chromosome) and etc.

grep exon final_genes_appended.gff3|awk -F"\t" '{gsub(/ID=/,"",$NF);gsub(/\..*/,"",$NF);print $NF,$1,$4,$5,$7}' OFS="\t" > $PROJECT_FOLDER/counts/exons.SAF

The RNA-seq pipeline can be used to run featureCounts: -c counts annotaions output_dir output_file sam/bam(s) [options]

The below runs with 12 threads (-T 12), counts all multimapping reads (-M) and uses a SAF file for input (-F SAF)

for D in $PROJECT_FOLDER/aligned/treatment/WTCHG*; do
 OUTFILE=$(echo $D|awk -F"/" '{print $(NF)}').counts
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/RNA-seq_pipeline/scripts/ -c counts \
 $PROJECT_FOLDER/counts/exons.SAF \
 $D/star_aligmentAligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam -T 12 -M -F SAF

Differential gene expression with DESeq

Follow script DGE.R

Differential exon usage with STAR/featureCounts/DEXSeq

NOTE: this section requires editing

DEXSeq requires its own gtf file - they provide a python script to create it, but due to the mess of the gtf/gff "standard" it probably won't work.

Below is an exampe of a few lines from a typical GFF file (ignore the header - git requires it)

gff gff gff gff gff gff gff gff gff
contig_1 AUGUSTUS gene 1 625 0.61 - . ID=g1;
contig_1 AUGUSTUS mRNA 1 625 0.61 - . ID=g1.t1;Parent=g1
contig_1 AUGUSTUS CDS 1 625 0.61 - 0 ID=g1.t1.CDS1;Parent=g1.t1
contig_1 AUGUSTUS exon 1 625 . - . ID=g1.t1.exon1;Parent=g1.t1;
contig_1 AUGUSTUS start_codon 623 625 . - 0 Parent=g1.t1;
contig_1 AUGUSTUS gene 2887 5449 0.57 + . ID=g2;
contig_1 AUGUSTUS mRNA 2887 5449 0.57 + . ID=g2.t1;Parent=g2
contig_1 AUGUSTUS start_codon 2887 2889 . + 0 Parent=g2.t1;
contig_1 AUGUSTUS CDS 2887 2901 0.57 + 0 ID=g2.t1.CDS1;Parent=g2.t1
contig_1 AUGUSTUS exon 2887 2901 . + . ID=g2.t1.exon1;Parent=g2.t1;
contig_1 AUGUSTUS intron 2902 2958 0.57 + . Parent=g2.t1;
contig_1 AUGUSTUS CDS 2959 3208 0.57 + 0 ID=g2.t1.CDS2;Parent=g2.t1
contig_1 AUGUSTUS exon 2959 3208 . + . ID=g2.t1.exon2;Parent=g2.t1;
contig_1 AUGUSTUS intron 3209 3260 1 + . Parent=g2.t1;
contig_1 AUGUSTUS CDS 3261 5449 1 + 2 ID=g2.t1.CDS3;Parent=g2.t1
contig_1 AUGUSTUS exon 3261 5449 . + . ID=g2.t1.exon3;Parent=g2.t1;
contig_1 AUGUSTUS stop_codon 5447 5449 . + 0 Parent=g2.t1;

The DEXSeq script requires gene_id and transcript_id in field 9 - for exons only. In the above gff the Parent = transcript_id, but there is no gene_id. But it can be produces by stripping the .t[\d] from the end of Parent. The below script would make a DEXSeq compatible gff:

grep exon final_genes_appended_renamed.gff3|awk -F"\t" '{gsub(/;$/,"",$9);gsub(/$/,";",$9);x=$9;gsub(/.*=/,"gene_id=",x);gsub(/Parent=/,"transcript_id=",$9);sub(/\..*/,"",x);$9=$9x;print}' OFS="\t"> DEXSeq.gff

This can then be fed into the HTSeq script as per DEXSeq manual, or if using featureCounts (

Youll also need to install the HTSeq python package - if you've got pip installed:

pip install HTSeq

You might need to upgrade numpy as well (numpy-1.9.2 doesn't work) -f featureCounts.gtf DEXSeq.gff DEXSeq_final.gff  

Then count with featureCounts:

featureCounts -f -O -p -T 16 \
-F GTF -a featureCounts.gtf \
-o counts.out Test.bam 


rna-seq_pipeline's People


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