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itella-api's Introduction


Its a wrapper library for Pakettikauppa API library.

Using Itella-API library

  • __PATH_TO_LIB__ is path to where itella-api is placed. This will load Mijora\Itella namespace
require __PATH_TO_LIB__ . 'itella-api/vendor/autoload.php';

Validations, checks, etc. throws ItellaException and calls to library classes should be wrapped in: blocks

try {
  // ...
} catch (ItellaException $e) {
  // ...

Any function starting with add or set returns its class so functions can be chained.


Uses supplied user and secret. It is called during Shipment creation.

Creating Sender

Party::ROLE_SENDER is used to identify sender.

Minimum required setup:

  • Contract must be set for sender!
  • Phone number must be in international format, library will try to fix given number or throw ItellaException.
use Mijora\Itella\Shipment\Party;
use Mijora\Itella\ItellaException;

try {
  $sender = new Party(Party::ROLE_SENDER);
    ->setContract('000000')               // API contract number given by Itella
    ->setName1('TEST Web Shop')           // sender name
    ->setStreet1('Test str. 150')         // sender address
    ->setPostCode('47174')                // sender post code
    ->setCity('Kaunas')                   // sender city
    ->setCountryCode('LT')                // sender country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format (two letter code)
    ->setContactMobile('+37060000000')    // sender phone number in international format
    ->setContactEmail('[email protected]');  // sender email
} catch (ItellaException $e) {
  // Handle validation exceptions here

Creating Receiver

Party::ROLE_RECEIVER is used to identify sender.

Minimum required setup:

  • Phone number must be in international format, library will try to fix given number or throw ItellaException.
use Mijora\Itella\Shipment\Party;
use Mijora\Itella\ItellaException;

try {
  $receiver = new Party(Party::ROLE_RECEIVER);
    ->setName1('Testas')                    // receiver name
    ->setStreet1('None str. 4')             // receiver address
    ->setPostCode('47174')                  // receiver post code
    ->setCity('Kaunas')                     // receiver city
    ->setCountryCode('LT')                  // receiver country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format (two letter code)
    ->setContactMobile('+37060000000')      // receiver phone number in international format
    ->setContactEmail('[email protected]');  // receiver email
} catch (ItellaException $e) {
  // Handle validation exceptions here

Creating Order Items

  • If using multiparcel additional service simply create multiple GoodsItem and register them to Shipment.
use Mijora\Itella\Shipment\GoodsItem;
use Mijora\Itella\ItellaException;

try {
  $item = new GoodsItem();
    ->setGrossWeight(0.5)       // kg, optional
    ->setVolume(0.5)            // m3, optional
    ->setContentDesc('Stuff');  // optional package content description
} catch (ItellaException $e) {
  // Handle validation exceptions here

Creating Additional Services

Shipment::PRODUCT_COURIER available additional services:

  • Must be set manualy
    • 3101 - Cash On Delivery (only by credit card). Requires array with this information:
      • amount => amount to be payed in EUR,
      • account => bank account (IBAN),
      • codbic => bank BIC,
      • reference => COD Reference, can be used Helper::generateCODReference($id) where $id can be Order ID.
    • 3104 - Fragile
    • 3166 - Call before Delivery
    • 3174 - Oversized
  • Will be set automatically
    • 3102 - Multi Parcel, will be set automatically if Shipment has more than 1 and up to 10 GoodsItem. Requires array with this information:
      • count => Total of registered GoodsItem.

Shipment::PRODUCT_PICKUP available additional services:

  • Will be set automatically
    • 3201 - Pickup Point, is set automatically when pick up point ID (pupCode from Locations API) is registered into Shipment. Requires array with this information:
      • pickup_point_id => Pickup point pupCode.

Trying to set additional service that is not available for set product code will throw ItellaException.

Creating additional service that does not need extra information (eg. with Fragile):

use Mijora\Itella\Shipment\AdditionalService;
use Mijora\Itella\ItellaException;

try {
  $service_fragile = new AdditionalService(AdditionalService::FRAGILE);
} catch (ItellaException $e) {
  // Handle validation exceptions here

Creating COD additional service:

use Mijora\Itella\Shipment\AdditionalService;
use Mijora\Itella\Helper;
use Mijora\Itella\ItellaException;

try {
  $service_cod = new AdditionalService(
      'amount'    => 100,
      'codbic'    => 'XBC0101',
      'account'   => 'LT100000000000',
      'reference' => Helper::generateCODReference('666')
} catch (ItellaException $e) {
  // Handle validation exceptions here

Create Shipment

Available product codes:

  • Shipment::PRODUCT_COURIER = 2317
  • Shipment::PRODUCT_PICKUP = 2711

Shipment can be either one, but never both. See Additional Services for what services is available to each product code.

Shipment product code should always be set first.

When registering GoodsItem its possible to register one at a time using $shipment->addGoodsItem(GoodsItem) or multiple passing them in array to $shipment->addGoodsItems(array(GoodsItem, GoodsItem))

When registering AdditionalService its possible to register one at a time using $shipment->addAdditionalService(AdditionalService) or multiple passing them in array to $shipment->addAdditionalServices(array(AdditionalService, AdditionalService))

Courier Shipment example (uses variables from above examples):

use Mijora\Itella\Shipment\Shipment;
use Mijora\Itella\ItellaException;

try {
  $shipment = new Shipment($p_user, $p_secret);
    ->setProductCode(Shipment::PRODUCT_COURIER) // product code, should always be set first
    ->setShipmentNumber('Test_ORDER')           // shipment number, Order ID is good here
    ->setSenderParty($sender)                   // Register Sender
    ->setReceiverParty($receiver)               // Register Receiver
    ->addAdditionalServices(                    // Register additional services
      array($service_fragile, $service_cod)
    ->addGoodsItems(                            // Register GoodsItem
} catch (ItellaException $e) {
  // Handle validation exceptions here

Pickup point Shipment example (uses variables from above examples):

use Mijora\Itella\Shipment\Shipment;
use Mijora\Itella\ItellaException;

$user = 'API_USER';     // API user
$secret = 'API_SECRET'; // API secret / password

try {
  $shipment = new Shipment($user, $secret);
    ->setProductCode(Shipment::PRODUCT_PICKUP)  // product code, should always be set first
    ->setShipmentNumber('Test_ORDER')           // shipment number, Order ID is good here
    ->setSenderParty($sender)                   // Register Sender
    ->setReceiverParty($receiver)               // Register Receiver
    ->setPickupPoint('071503201')               // Register pickup point pupCode
    ->addGoodsItem($item)                       // Register GoodsItem (this adds just one)
} catch (ItellaException $e) {
  // Handle validation exceptions here

Once all information is supplied - shipment can be registered. If registration is successfull, tracking number will be returned. In this example returned tracking number is displayed, normaly it would be saved to order for later use to request shipment label PDF.

try {
  $tracking_number = $shipment->registerShipment();
  echo "Shipment registered:\n <code>" . $tracking_number . "</code>\n";
} catch (ItellaException $e) {
  // Handle validation exceptions here

If there is need to check request XML it can be done using asXML()

try {
  $xml = $shipment->asXML();
  file_put_contents('request.xml', $xml);
} catch (ItellaException $e) {
  // Handle validation exceptions here

Printing Label

It is advised to always download label when it is needed. For that Shipment class is used. result will be base64 encoded pdf file. If multiple tracking numbers (in array) is passed pdf will contain all those labels. For getting and merging labels pdf from two different users please refer to get-merge-labels.php example

Important: If tracking number is from different user it will be ignored.

use Mijora\Itella\Shipment\Shipment;
use Mijora\Itella\ItellaException;

$user = 'API_USER';     // API user
$secret = 'API_SECRET'; // API secret / password

$track = 'JJFI12345600000000001';
// or if need multiple in one pdf
// $track = ['JJFI12345600000000001', 'JJFI12345600000000010'];

try {
  $shipment = new Shipment($user, $secret);
  $pdf_base64 = $shipment->downloadLabels($track);
  $pdf = base64_decode($pdf_base64);
  if ($pdf) { // check if its not empty
    if (is_array($track)) {
      $track = 'labels';
    $path = $track . '.pdf';
    $is_saved = file_put_contents($path, $pdf);
    $filename = 'labels.pdf';
    if (!$is_saved) { // make sure it was saved
      throw new ItellaException("Failed to save label pdf to: " . $path);

    // make sure there is nothing before headers
    if (ob_get_level()) ob_end_clean();
    header("Content-Type: application/pdf; name=\"{$filename}\"");
    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
    // disable caching on client and proxies, if the download content vary
    header("Expires: 0");
    header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
    header("Pragma: no-cache");
  } else {
    throw new ItellaException("Downloaded label data is empty.");
} catch (ItellaException $e) {
  echo "Exception: <br>\n" . $e->getMessage() . "<br>\n";

Above example checks that response isnt empty (if tracking number is wrong it still returns empty response), saves to file and loads into browser.

Locations API

When using Pickup Point option it is important to have correct list of pickup points. Also when creating Shipment to send to pickup point it will require that pickup point ID.

use Mijora\Itella\Locations\PickupPoints;

$pickup = new PickupPoints('');
// it is advised to download locations for each country separately
// this will return filtered pickup points list as array
$itella_loc = $pickup->getLocationsByCountry('LT');
// now points can be stored into file or database for future use
$pickup->saveLocationsToJSONFile('itella_locations_lt.json', json_encode($itella_oc));

Manifest generating

When generating manifest by default it uses english strings - it is possible to pass translation.

Manifest constructor accepts additional arguments

  • $timestamp => default false and will assign current system time. Unixtimestamp can be passed here to show particular date in manifest above logo.
  • $dateFormat => default 'Y-m-d'. Date format as string, can be used anything that is supported by PHP date()

Requires array of arrays with this information:

  • track_num => tracking number (string),
  • weight => weight (if any) (float),
  • delivery_address => Delivery address (string).

for other options see example below:

use Mijora\Itella\Pdf\Manifest;

$items = array(
    'track_num' => 'JJFItestnr00000000015',
    'weight' => 1,
    'delivery_address' => 'Test Tester, Example str. 6, 44320 City, LT',

// If need to translate default english
$translation = array(
  'sender_address' => 'Sender address:',
  'nr' => 'No.',
  'track_num' => 'Tracking number',
  'date' => 'Date',
  'amount' => 'Quantity',
  'weight' => 'Weight (kg)',
  'delivery_address' => 'Delivery address',
  'courier' => 'Courier',
  'sender' => 'Sender',
  'name_lastname_signature' => 'name, surname, signature',

$manifest = new Manifest();
  ->setStrings($translation) // set translation
  ->setSenderName('TEST Web Shop') // sender name
  ->setSenderAddress('Shop str. 150') // sender address
  ->setSenderPostCode('47174') // sender postcode
  ->setSenderCity('Kaunas') // sender city
  ->setSenderCountry('LT') // sender country code
  ->addItem($items) // register item list
  ->setToString(true) // if requires pdf to be returned as string set to true (default false)
  ->setBase64(true) // when setToString is true, this one can set if string should be base64 encoded (default false)
  ->printManifest('manifest.pdf', 'PATH_TO_SAVE'); // set filename as first argument and path where to save it if setToStringis false

Call Courier

To call courrier manifest must be generated (works well with base64 encoded pdf). CallCourier is using mail() php function. That means - even if mail reports success on sending email, it is not guaranteed to be sent.

use Mijora\Itella\CallCourier;
use Mijora\Itella\ItellaException;
use Mijora\Itella\Pdf\Manifest;

$manifest = new Manifest();
$manifest_string = $manifest
  See previous examples on how to create manifest, here only show last couple settings to get base64 string

$sendTo = '[email protected]'; // email to send courier call to
try {
  $caller = new CallCourier($sendTo);
  $result = $caller
    ->setSenderEmail('[email protected]') // sender email
    ->setSubject('E-com order booking') // currently it must be 'E-com order booking'
    ->setPickUpAddress(array( // strings to show in email message
      'sender' => 'Name / Company name',
      'address' => 'Street, Postcode City, Country',
      'contact_phone' => '860000000',
    ->setAttachment($manifest_string, true) // attachment is previously generated manifest, true - means we are passing base64 encoded string
    ->callCourier() // send email
  if ($result) {
    echo 'Email sent to: <br>' . $sendTo;
} catch (ItellaException $e) { // catch if something goes wrong
  echo 'Failed to send email, reason: ' . $e->getMessage();

Call Courier - in development

To call courrier manifest must be generated (works well with base64 encoded pdf). CallCourier is using mail() php function. That means - even if mail reports success on sending email, it is not guaranteed to be sent.

use Mijora\Itella\CallCourier;
use Mijora\Itella\ItellaException;
use Mijora\Itella\Pdf\Manifest;

$manifest = new Manifest();
$manifest_string = $manifest
  See previous examples on how to create manifest, here only show last couple settings to get base64 string

$items = array( // selected orders array
    'tracking_number' => 'JJFItestnr00000000015',
    'weight' => 1,
    'amount' => 1,
    'delivery_address' => 'Test Tester, Example str. 6, 44320 City, LT',

$translates = array( // translate text in email, recommend use english
  'mail_title' => 'Pickup information',
  'mail_sender' => 'Sender',
  'mail_address' => 'Address (pickup from)',
  'mail_phone' => 'Contact Phone',
  'mail_pickup_time' => 'Pickup time',
  'mail_attachment' => 'See attachment for manifest PDF.',

$sendTo = '[email protected]'; // email to send courier call to
try {
  $caller = new CallCourier($sendTo);
  $result = $caller
    ->setSenderEmail('[email protected]') // sender email
    ->setSubject('E-com order booking') // currently it must be 'E-com order booking'
    ->setPickUpAddress(array( // strings to show in email message
      'sender' => 'Name / Company name',
      'address_1' => 'Street str. 1',
      'postcode' => '12345',
      'city' => 'City name',
      'country' => 'LT', // Country code
      'pickup_time' => '8:00 - 17:00',
      'contact_phone' => '+37060000000',
    ->setAttachment($manifest_string, true) // attachment is previously generated manifest, true - means we are passing base64 encoded string
    ->setItems($items) // add orders
    ->setTranslates($translates) // add translated email text
    ->callCourier() // send email
  if ($result) {
    echo 'Email sent to: <br>' . $sendTo;
} catch (ItellaException $e) { // catch if something goes wrong
  echo 'Failed to send email, reason: ' . $e->getMessage();

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