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intro-numerical-methods's Introduction

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intro-numerical-methods's Issues


I'm pretty sure there is a typo on the last line of this lecture. Instead of:

$(U_{i,i-1} x_{i-1}$ ...

I think it should be:

$(U_{i,i+1} x_{i+1}$ ...

Modularize Content

Want to take content and make it more modularized and re-orderable for ease of re-use.


Area under "Plotting Stability Regions" and "Absolute Stability of the Forward Euler Method" mentions 'complex plain' and should be 'plane'.

Lecture 04_error typo

For the floating point arithmetic Ax = b example, the solver I used generated x = [1; 16], and not x = [-0.5; 16].

Error in Bracketing Algorithm- Basic Idea

I saw you revised this part before, but it did not look correct.

If $f(x_2) < f(x_1)$ then we know the minimum is between $x_0$ and $x_2$.
If $f(x_2) > f(x_1)$ then we know the minimum is between $x_1$ and $x_3$.

Should not the sign be reversed?

Lecture 04_error typo

The code for Example 2 (last example) should be

numpy.all(error < 8.0 * numpy.finfo(float).eps):


numpy.all(error < 100.0 * numpy.finfo(float).eps):


The expression given by

$$f \cdot g = p \cdot q + O(x^{n\cdot m})$$

should be

$$f \cdot g = p \cdot q + O(x^{n + m})$$


Should be du / dt = lambda u in the second line under the Example: Forward Euler on a Linear Problem.

complement not compliment

This is throughout at least 10_LA_QR. Probably want 'complement' (from set theory) and not 'compliment' which is an expression of approval.

Possible typo in quadrature lecture

Under 'Newton-Cotes Quadrature,' the lecture contains the phrase:
"evaluate f(x) at these points and exactly integrate the interpolating polynomial exactly."

was this intended?

Lecture 04_error typo

Typo 1.)

"Smallest number that can be represented is the underflow: $1.0 \times 10^{-2} = 0.01$ Largest number that can be represented is the overflow: $9.9 \times 10^0 = 9.9$".

Should be "Smallest number that can be represented is the underflow: $0.1 \times 10^{-2} = 0.001$ Largest number that can be represented is the overflow: $9.9 \times 10^0 = 9.9".

Typo 2.)

"Smallest number that can be represented is the underflow: $1.0 \times 2^{-1} = 0.25$ Largest number that can be represented is the overflow: $1.1 \times 2^1 = 2.2$".

Should be "Smallest number that can be represented is the underflow: $0.1 \times 2^{-1} = 0.25$ Largest number that can be represented is the overflow: $1.1 \times 2^1 = 3$".

Minor error 09_ODE

When describing the adam-bashworth method, there is a minor formatting error in the list describing the steps.

A probable mistake in differentiation at Asymptotic Convergence of Newton's Method

At 5 Root Finding and Optimization, Asymptotic Convergence of Newton's Method

... Let $g(x) = x - \frac{f(x)}{f'(x)}$, then
What about $g'(x^*)$ though:
$$g'(x) = 1 - \frac{f'(x)}{f'(x)} + \frac{f(x)}{f''(x)}$$
which simplifies when evaluated at $x = x^*$ to
$$g'(x^*) = \frac{f(x^*)}{f''(x^*)} = 0$$

Since the Quotient Rule, $$\left ( \frac{u}{v} \right )' = \frac{u' v - v' u}{v^2}$$,

I think it should be $$g'(x) = 1 - \frac{f'(x) f'(x) - f(x) f''(x)}{f'^2(x)} = 1 - 1 + \frac{f(x) f''(x)}{f'^2(x)}$$.

Nonetheless, $$g'(x^*) = \frac{f(x^*) f''(x^*)}{f'^2(x^*)} = 0$$, $$g''(x^*) = \frac{f''(x^*)}{f'(x^*)}$$, so it won't effect the following result.


I think there is a typo in the lecture, in the "Truncation Error for Multi-Step Methods" section.

In the last expression I think the general form for the q-ith term is miss-written. A summation seems missing, and I also think that the 1/q! term should not be multiplying both the \alpha and \beta terms (it should just be multiplying the \alpha term). For example:

\Delta t^{q - 1} \left (\frac{1}{q!} \left(j^q \alpha_j - \frac{1}{(q-1)!} j^{q-1} \beta_j \right) \right) u^{(q)}(t_n)

should be:

\Delta t^{q - 1} \left( \sum^r_{j=0} \left (\frac{1}{q!} j^q \alpha_j - \frac{1}{(q-1)!} j^{q-1} \beta_j \right) \right) u^{(q)}(t_n)

latex ~ won't render in github

Hi Kyle,

I found that in your notebook '~' is used for empty spaces, however, it won't get rendered correctly in github (right above the second cell block):

It is rendered correctly on nbviewer however:

The way to get around is to use \quad or \[empty space].

I also use jupyter notebook for self-study and came across your wonderful lecture notes, when you cited an issue I raised for nbviewer:



Plots under L-stability section have typos in labels:

"Comparison of error for backward euler" should have label for Backward Euler.

"Comparison of errors for trapezoidal rule" should have label for Trapezoidal Rule (not Forward Euler).

error in 09_ODE_ivp_part1

In "Example: 4-stage Runge-Kutta Method"

y_2 = u_4[n] + 0.5 * delta_t * f(t_n + 0.5 * delta_t, y_1)
y_3 = u_4[n] + 0.5 * delta_t * f(t_n + 0.5, y_2)


In the block containing

x = [0.2, None, None, 0.5]

x[1] = x[3] - phi * (x[3] - x[0])

x[2] = x[0] + phi * (x[3] - x[0])

I believe there is an error. The golden ratio phi is defined as 1.61803, but if that is true, then we should be dividing by the golden ratio, not multiplying by it. The code happens to work because the interval chosen in the notes is small enough such that x[1] and x[2] happen to fall within the interval. Making the interval larger will prevent this from happening and the brackets will diverge away.

Something along these lines was mentioned in class, but I figured I'd raise the potential issue just to be thorough.


The last equation in the last block has an error. The backwards substitution method starts with i+1, not i-1. See


It doesn't make sense as written so hopefully people will realize it, but this could confuse people!


A small typo in line 28 of the code block under Adams-Moulton Methods.
axes.set_xlabel("u(t)") should be axes.set_ylabel

Also detect same typos when plotting similar graphs in the file.


In Complimentary Projectors, line that reads


should be


Typo in "04_error"

"Plotting the error as a function of $\Delta x$ is a common way to show that a numerical method is doing what we expect and exhbits the correct convergence behavior" --> "...exhibits the correct..."


Typo or unfinished block within Taylor Series Methods?

Example (no math mode):
[ u^{(p)}(t_n) = f^{(p-1)}(t_n, u(t_n)) ]

typo 09_ODE

Near the end of the global error for the forward euler example, there is a type in the line:
"In other words the global error is bounded by the original global erro(r) and"

Type 10_LA

In "Example: Vandermonde Matrix," I believe the y matrix should be y1, y2 ... ym.


For Bracketing Algorithm - Basic Idea:

"If $f(x_3) &gt; f(x_2)$ then we know the minimum is between $x_1$ and $x_4$.

If $f(x_3) &lt; f(x_2)$ then we know the minimum is between $x_3$ and $x_2$."

Shouldn't this be:

"If $f(x_3) &gt; f(x_2)$ then we know the minimum is between $x_1$ and $x_3$.

If $f(x_3) &lt; f(x_2)$ then we know the minimum is between $x_2$ and $x_4$."


Under the shooting method, instead of

min_{v_2(0)} |pi/2 - v_2(2)|

should be

min_{v_2(0)} |pi/2 - v_1(2)|

Minor Corrections

covers chapters 00 - 04,

Why g''(c) not g''(x*) in the Taylor expansion, Analysis of Fixed Point Iteration

In 5_root_finding_optimization.ipynb, Analysis of Fixed Point Iteration part, it writes:

Using a Taylor expansion we know

$$g(x^* + e_k) = g(x^) + g'(x^) e_k + \frac{g''(c) e_k^2}{2}$$

$$x^* + e_{k+1} = g(x^) + g'(x^) e_k + \frac{g''(c) e_k^2}{2}$$

Why it's $$\frac{g''(c) e_k^2}{2}$$, instead of $$\frac{g''(x^*) e_k^2}{2}$$? Where does the $$c$$ come from?

Lecture 9_ODE graph setup

There seems to be an error in the graphs showing the difference between euler and the leap-frog methods. The leapfrog graph just shows one data point at 0 and a vertical, dashed black line to it.

Problems with two equations in Computing Order of Convergence, Differentiation

In 7_Differentiation, Examples, Example 1: 1st order Forward and Backward Differences, Computing Order of Convergence part, there are two equations:
e(Δx) = Δx^n + b
log e(Δx) = n logb logΔx

However, I don't think log e(Δx) equals that.
If I change the e(Δx), equations seem to be correct then.
e(Δx) = b Δx^n
log e(Δx) = logb + n logΔx
And the following plot supports that.


In the 04_error.ipynb notebook the two categories of numerical errors are listed as truncation error and floating point error. I tend to think of truncation error as the error made in a single step of approximating an ODE. I would like to separate truncation error into two other different kinds of errors, discretization error (error associated with using a simpler function) and convergence error (errors that accumulate over multiple steps in an algorithm).

Would this be okay?

Mistake and typoes in Backward Substitution, Solving Ax=b, 15_LA_gaussian

In Backward Substitution, Solving Ax=b, 15_LA_gaussian, it writes:

Backwards substitution requires us to move from the last row of $U$ and move upwards. We can consider again the general $i$th row with
U_{i,i} x_i + U_{i,i-1} x_{i-1} + \ldots + U_{i,m-1} x_{m-1} + U_{i,m} x_m = y_i
noting that we are using the fact that the matrix $L$ has 1 on its diagonal. We can now solve for $y_i$ as
x_i = \frac{1}{U_{i,i}} \left( y_i - ( U_{i,i-1} x_{i-1} + \ldots + U_{i,m-1} x_{m-1} + U_{i,m} x_m) \right )

  1. Both equations have index mistake ($U_{i,i-1} x_{i-1}$), which should be
    $$U_{i,i} x_i + U_{i,i+1} x_{i+1} + \ldots + U_{i,m-1} x_{m-1} + U_{i,m} x_m = y_i$$,
    $$x_i = \frac{1}{U_{i,i}} \left( y_i - ( U_{i,i+1} x_{i+1} + \ldots + U_{i,m-1} x_{m-1} + U_{i,m} x_m) \right )$$.

  2. Matrix $L$ has nothing to do with backwards substitution. Noting that the matrix $L$ has 1 on its diagonal is unnecessary.

  3. The second sentence of ones between two equations should be

    We can now solve for $x_i$ as ...

Maybe not a mistake in 04_error?

In the code for the "2-digit precision base 2 system" in the 04_error notebook, we see the system defined as follows:

axes.plot( (d1 + d2 * 0.1) * 2E, 0.0, 'r+', markersize=20)
axes.plot(-(d1 + d2 * 0.1) * 2
E, 0.0, 'r+', markersize=20)

Shouldn't the 0.1 be 0.5, since this is binary and not decimal (or maybe I am missing something)?

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