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Do you like angular-cli-skeleton? Please, add a 'star' to support this library

This project is not dead, I'm simply waiting for IVY render (RENDER 3) + runtime i18n support. When Google will release this (I hope this summer as first public beta), I'll update the repo with many new features. So I suggest to star and watch this project, if you are interested


A simple ready to use skeleton project with angular-cli (optionally also angular-universal), Angular 6, Bootstrap 4, ng-bootstrap, ngrx-store and so on.

This project my previous older skeleton project called angular-webpack-skeleton.

If you like it, please add a star. It will be really apprecieted.



  • ??/??/2018 - 1.0.0-beta.3 - Check HERE
  • 04/03/2018 - 1.0.0-beta.2 - Check HERE
  • 01/06/2018 - 1.0.0-beta.1 - Check HERE


Full changelog HERE

File structure

This reduced structure is based on Angular style-guide and on my personal experience. For the full file structure check HERE.

 ├─e2e/                           * end-to-end tests with Protractor
 │ ├─app.e2e-spec.ts              * e2e test for the main page
 │ ├─app.po.ts                    * e2e page oject for home page
 │ └─tsconfig.e2e.ts              * config file for typescript when running e2e tests
 ├─servers/                       * server-side implementations to manage authentication
 │ ├─node-express-js              * NodeJS with ExpressJS Javascript implementation
 │ ├─node-express-js              * NodeJS with ExpressJS Typescript implementation
 │ └─node-koa-js                  * NodeJS with KoaJS Javascript implementation
 ├─src/                           * main source folder
 │ ├─app/                         * source folder of 'app' SPA
 │ │ ├─app-shell/                 * app-shell folder (STILL UNUSED)
 │ │ ├─core/                      * CoreModule provides services. You can import this module only on time in the root module
 │ │ │ ├─actions/                 * folder of ngrx actions
 │ │ │ │ └─hello.example.ts       * hello-example ngrx action
 │ │ │ ├─reducers/                * folder of ngrx reducers
 │ │ │ │ └─hello.example.ts       * hello-example ngrx reducer
 │ │ │ ├─services/                * services of the CoreModule
 │ │ │ │ ├─example.service.ts     * example of a synchronous service
 │ │ │ │ ├─github.service.ts      * example of an asynchronous service with HttpClient
 │ │ │ │ └─services.ts            * export an array of services to easely import into the module's definition
 │ │ │ ├─core.module.ts           * definition of the CoreModule
 │ │ │ └─module-import-guard.ts   * guard to prevent multiple import of the CoreModule
 │ │ │
 │ │ ├─pages/                     * pages/features of the 'app' SPA
 │ │ │ ├─404/
 │ │ │ │ └─not-found.component.ts * 404 component shown for route '**'
 │ │ │ ├─home/
 │ │ │ │ ├─home.component.ts      * homepage component shown for route '/'
 │ │ │ │ ├─home.html              * homepage template
 │ │ │ │ └─home.scss              * homepage scss file with local styles
 │ │ │ ├─lazy/                    * lazy loaded module shown for route 'lazy'
 │ │ │ │ ├─actions/               * ngrx actions only for this lazy loaded module
 │ │ │ │ │ └─page-num.ts          * page-num ngrx action
 │ │ │ │ ├─reducers/              * ngrx reducers only for this lazy loaded module
 │ │ │ │ │ ├─index.ts             * main file of all reducers of this lazy loaded module
 │ │ │ │ │ └─page-num.ts          * page-num ngrx reducer
 │ │ │ │ ├─lazy.component.spec.ts * unit test of lazy loaded component
 │ │ │ │ ├─lazy.component.ts      * lazy loaded component
 │ │ │ │ ├─lazy.html              * template of the lazy loaded component
 │ │ │ │ ├─lazy.module.ts         * definition of the lazy loaded module
 │ │ │ │ ├─lazy.routes.ts         * local routes for the lazy loaded module
 │ │ │ │ └─lazy.scss              * lazy loaded module's scss file with local styles
 │ │ │ ├─sw/
 │ │ │ │ ├─sw.component.ts        * service-worker component shown for route '/sw'
 │ │ │ │ ├─sw.html                * service-worker template
 │ │ │ │ └─sw.scss                * service-worker scss file with local styles
 │ │ │ └─components.ts            * export an array of components to easely import into the module's definition
 │ │ │
 │ │ ├─reducers/                  * define main ngrx reducer for the app SPA
 │ │ │
 │ │ ├─shared/                    * SharedModule provides common components, directives... It can be imported more times also by sub-modules
 │ │ │ ├─components/              * components of the SharedModule
 │ │ │ │ ├─footer/                * footer component
 │ │ │ │ ├─navbar/                * navbar componet
 │ │ │ │ ├─page-header/           * page header component
 │ │ │ │ └─components.ts          * export an array of components to easely import into the module's definition
 │ │ │ └─shared.module.ts         * definition of the SharedModule
 │ │ │
 │ │ ├─app.component.html         * main template's component of the application
 │ │ ├─app.component.scss         * scss file for the main component of the application
 │ │ ├─app.component.spec.ts      * main component's unit test
 │ │ ├─app.component.ts           * main component of the application
 │ │ ├─app.module.ts              * root module of the application (browser-side)
 │ │ ├─app.server.module.ts       * root module of the application (server-side)
 │ │ └─app-routing.module.ts      * routes module of the app SPA
 │ │
 │ ├─styles/                      * root styles (CSS/SCSS) for the entire application (all SPAs)
 │ │ ├─headings.css               * css file (to show that you can use both css and scss)
 │ │ ├─loading.scss               * SCSS loading spinner
 │ │ ├─styles.scss                * main SCSS that imports all other SCSS in this directory (loading ad variables)
 │ │ └─variables.scss             * SCSS variables
 │ │
 │ ├─assets/                      * images, icons and other stuff
 │ │
 │ ├─environments/                * folder loaded by angular cli depending on dev, prod...
 │ │ ├─environment.hmr.ts         * environment file for development with hmr
 │ │ ├─        * environment file for production
 │ │ └─environment.ts             * environment file for development without hmr
 │ │
 │ ├─_variables.scss              * file with scss variables to customize bootstrap and to import fonts from third-party deps
 │ ├─favicon.ico                  * application's icon
 │ ├─hmr.ts                       * file to init HMR ir running with hrm enabled
 │ ├─index.html                   * index file of this application
 │ ├─main.server.ts               * main file to boot this applcation on server-side with angular-universal
 │ ├─main.ts                      * main file to boot this applcation on browser-side (client)
 │ ├─manifest.json                * web manifest
 │ ├─ngsw-config.json             * config file for service workers
 │ ├─polyfills.ts                 * polyfills used by Angular to support older browsers
 │ ├─styles.scss                  * main scss file to define global styles
 │ ├─test.ts                      * test config file to load .spec.ts files
 │ ├─            * typescript's config file for the application (browser-side)
 │ ├─tsconfig.server.json         * typescript's config file for the application (server-side)
 │ ├─tsconfig.spec.json           * typescript's config file for unit testing
 │ └─typings.d.ts                 * typescript's custom types
 ├─.angular-cli.json              * angular-cli config file
 ├─karma.conf.js                  * karma config file for unit testing
 ├─protractor.config.js           * protractor config file for e2e testing
 ├─protractor-ci.config.js        * protractor config file for e2e testing in Continous Integration
 ├─proxy.conf.json                * proxy configuration for angular-cli when using 'npm start'
 ├─server.ts                      * NodeJs server to enable Server Side Rendering
 ├─tsconfig.json                  * typescript's config file
 ├─tslit.json                     * TSLint config file
 └─webpack.server.conf.js         * webpack config file to build server-side (angular-universal)


  • Nodejs >= 8.0.0 (please use always the latest version)
  • npm >= 5.2.0 (please use always the latest version)

What you can do right now?

  • build and run the front-end of this project with angular-cli, but authentication won't work (obviously, because It needs a server)
  • build this project and run it with one of the two servers in ./servers (authentication is working!!!)
  • build and run this project with angular-universal (authentication still not supported - COMING SOON)

This is a 'work in progress' project, so if you need other info, please open an issue. At the moment, documentation and README are minimalistic.


Install global dependencies

  • npm install -g lite-server

Install local dependencies

  1. npm install (from the folder of this project)
  2. cd servers/node-express-js && npm install
  3. cd servers/node-express-ts && npm install
  4. cd servers/node-koa-js && npm install


Build client app in 'dist' folder (development mode)

  • npm run build:dev
  • cd dist
  • lite-server

Build client app in 'dist' folder (production mode + AOT + build-optimizer)

  • npm run build:prod
  • cd dist
  • lite-server

Build both client and server apps in 'dist' folder (production mode + AOT + build-optimizer + angular-universal)

  • npm run build:ssr

Run (without server-side)

Build and run development server with HMR (development mode)

  • npm start

Build and run development server with HMR (production mode + AOT)

  • npm start:prod

Run client app previously built in 'dist' folder (development mode)

  • cd dist/browser
  • lite-server

Run client app previously built in 'dist' folder (production mode + AOT)

  • cd dist/browser
  • lite-server

Run client app previously built in 'dist' folder (production mode + AOT + angular-universal)

  • npm run serve:ssr

Run (WITH server-side and authentication features)

Build and run development vanilla javascript server with authentication feature

  1. npm run build:dev
  2. cd servers/node-express-js && npm start

Build and run production vanilla javascript server with authentication feature

  1. npm run build:prod
  2. cd servers/node-express-js && npm start


Build and run development Typescript server with authentication feature

  1. npm run build:dev
  2. cd servers/node-express-ts && npm run build && npm start

Build and run production Typescript server with authentication feature

  1. npm run build:prod
  2. cd servers/node-express-ts && npm run build && npm start


Test (check coverage/html/index.html with the results)

  • npm test

Test e2e with protractor

  • npm run webdriver:update (if you have problems, try again removing ./node_modules and executing npm install again)
  • npm run e2e


To generate typescript's documentation with typedocs (check docs/index.html for the result)

  • npm run docs:typedoc

To generate the really cool compodoc's documentation (check documentation/index.html for the result)

  • npm run docs:compodoc


  • npm run docs:compodoc:serve to navigate the resulting documentation in your browser


Clean all

  • npm run clean

Bundle analyzer

  • Run either npm run build:dev:stats or npm run build:prod:stats
  • Open analyzer with npm run analyze:bundle to see the result

Jenkins support

With this tutorial, you'll configure Jenkins to build your project from GitHub, where the Pipeline's script is in the remote repository.

I want to use Jenkins on my pc (tutorial tested on macOS)

  1. Install java and define all necessary env variables for your OS
  2. Download the latest version of Jenkins 2 HERE. If you are using macOS, I suggest to use Homebrew
  3. Install Jenkins following this instruction
  4. Run it (if installed with HomeBrew, run jenkins in your terminal)
  5. Navigate to http://localhost:8080 and unlock Jenkins (for more info check HERE)
  6. Install all suggested plugins
  7. Create a new admin user (please, you shouldn't skip this step) as explained HERE
  8. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/pluginManager/available and install NodeJS Plugin
  9. Restart Jenkins and log in with the new admin user created at step 7
  10. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/configureTools/ and add a new NodeJS installation (remember to save all changes at the end) with these parameters:
    • Name: node-8.4.0 (this name must match tool name in your pipeline's script. If you are a beginner, please don't change it)
    • Install automatically: checked
    • Version: NodeJS 8.4.0
  11. Create a new PIPELINE at http://localhost:8080/view/all/newJob called for instance angular-cli-skeleton
  12. Check both GitHub project (use this url: and GitHub hook trigger for GIT Scm polling
  13. In the Pipeline section, choose Pipeline script from SCM, with SCM Git and URL to get the pipeline's script from ./Jenkinsfile via git
  14. Script Path must match the Jenkins file name in your repository (i.e. Jenkinsfile-local-macOS)
  15. Save and build

PS: if you want to use Jenkins on a remote server, you should add these two env variables:

  • CI=true
  • JENKINS=true

I want to use Jenkins on a private server

COMING SOON a tutorial to install and configure Jenkins in a VPS at

SonarQube support

  1. Install java and define all necessary env variables for your OS
  2. Download and install SonarQube on your pc/mac HERE
  3. Start SonarQube running the right script (make sure to run it with execution privileges) in INSTALL_FOLDER/bin/YOUR_OS/SCRIPT_NAME start (for instance on macOS I'm using ./INSTALL_FOLDER/bin/macosx-universal-64/ start)
  4. Navigate with your browser to http://localhost:9000 to see if everything is working
  5. If you need to login ad administrator to SonarQube use (user: admin, password: admin)
  6. Install the right TypeScript plugin HERE downloading the latest jar binary
  7. Copy that .jar into INSTALL_FOLDER/extensions/plugins (in necessary remove the other TypeScript plugin in this folder)
  8. Restart SonarQube running INSTALL_FOLDER/bin/YOUR_OS/SCRIPT_NAME stop and INSTALL_FOLDER/bin/YOUR_OS/SCRIPT_NAME start
  9. Login as admin at http://localhost:9000
  10. At http://localhost:9000 find the TypeScript tab (in the sidebar), paste in the TsLint path (for instance, on macOS I'm using my global installation of TsLint /usr/local/lib/node_modules/tslint/bin/tslint). If you are a Windows user use C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\tslint\bin\tslint

Run SonarQube analysis and send results to (free for open-source projects)

  1. Download and install sonar-scanner on your pc/mac HERE
  2. Define a new unique project key. I used the name of the repo angular-cli-skeleton for this project
  3. Create an account of sonarcloud
  4. Go to account security to generate a new token with your project key: angular-cli-skeleton
  5. Clean all your useless folders running npm run clean inside the root of your project
  6. Modify this script with your info and run it from the root of your project
          -Dsonar.projectKey=your_project_key_that_must_be_unique \
          -Dsonar.sources=. \
          -Dsonar.organization=your_organization_key \
    For instance, I used this:
    sonar-scanner \
        -Dsonar.projectKey=angular-cli-skeleton \
        -Dsonar.sources=. \ \
        -Dsonar.organization=ks89-github \
  7. Navigate to (The path of this project is`)
  8. If everything is ok, then I suggest to modify both 'analyze:sonar' and 'analyze:sonar:ci' scripts into package.json based on step 6, omitting -Dsonar.login=, because this is a secret key and you shouldn't commit it
  9. Now try to run sonar analysis with 'npm run analyze:sonar -- -Dsonar.login=SONARCLOUDIO_SECRET_TOKEN'

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.

To deploy with a custom path, please check here:

For other questions, please feel free to open an issue.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Stefano Cappa

This license is valid to all my files in this repo

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


If you like my projects you can do a free donation here Donate

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Created by Stefano Cappa

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