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auction's Introduction

1. Setting Up Auction Lots

1.1 Customizing the Product Entity

In Medusa, the Product entity serves as the foundation for managing auction Lots. To empower administrators with dynamic attribute creation, follow these steps:

  1. Metadata: Allow administrators to store additional data for Lots using the metadata attribute. This provides a flexible way to include auction-specific information. Administrators can add new attributes as needed, tailoring each Lot to their requirements.

    metadata = {
      "auctionStartDate": "2023-09-15",
      "minimumBidAmount": 100,
      // Add more custom attributes as required

1.2 Creating Options and Variants

In the context of your auction, each Lot may possess various attributes such as brand, model, and more. Enable administrators to represent these attributes as options and variants dynamically:


Empower administrators to create options for different Lot attributes, such as "Brand," "Model," "Color," etc. Achieve this by leveraging the ProductOption entity.

Option Values

Facilitate the addition of specific attribute values within each option. For example, for the "Color" option, administrators can include values like "Blue," "Red," etc. Utilize the ProductOptionValue entity for this purpose.


Enable administrators to construct variants for each Lot by combining option values. For instance, a Lot may feature variants like "Brand: Bentley," "Model: Mulsanne," "Color: Blue." The ProductVariant entity allows administrators to create new variants dynamically, adapting to the unique characteristics of each Lot.

graph TD
    subgraph Product
        A[Product] -->|metadata| B[auctionStartDate<br/>minimumBidAmount<br/>etc]
        A -->|options| C[ProductOption]
        C -->|values| D[ProductOptionValue]
        C --> E[Brand]
        D --> F[Bentley]
        E --> F
        C --> G[Model] 
        D --> H[Mulsanne]
        G --> H
        C --> I[Color]
        D --> J[Blue]
        I --> J

    subgraph ProductVariant
        F & H & J --> K[ProductVariant]

2. Configuring Auction Lot Attributes

Now that administrators can dynamically add attributes to Lots, they can tailor attributes specific to each Lot seamlessly.

2.1 Auction-Specific Attributes

Administrators can configure auction-specific attributes such as "License Plate," "APK Expiry Date," "NAP Status," and others as part of the Lot's metadata. This dynamic configuration ensures that each Lot is accurately represented:

metadata = {
  "licensePlate": true,
  "apkExpiryDate": "2025-10-01",
  "napStatus": "Logisch",
  // Add more custom attributes as required

2.2 Pricing and Bidding

Since you are utilizing prices as initial bids for Lots, administrators can configure the pricing dynamically for each Lot:

prices = [
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "amount": 10000, // $100.00
    "currency_code": "EUR",
    "amount": 8500, // €85.00
  // Add more pricing options as needed
graph TD
    subgraph Product
        A[Product] --> |metadata| B[License Plate<br/>APK Expiry Date<br/>NAP Status<br/>etc]

    subgraph Pricing
        C[Pricing] -.-> B
        C --> D[Currency Code]
        D --> E[USD]
        D --> H[EUR]
        C --> F[Amount]
        F --> G[10,000]
        F --> I[8,500]

3. Displaying Auction Lots

When presenting Lots to customers on the storefront, administrators can specify the context, such as the customer's region or currency, dynamically. This dynamic context ensures that the correct pricing (initial bid amounts) is displayed for each customer, enhancing their shopping experience.

metadata = {
  "auctionStartDate": "2023-09-15",
  "minimumBidAmount": 100,
  // Add more custom attributes as required

metadata = {
  "licensePlate": true,
  "apkExpiryDate": "2025-10-01",
  "napStatus": "Logisch",
  // Add more custom attributes as required

prices = [
    "currency_code": "USD",
    "amount": 10000, // $100.00
    "currency_code": "EUR",
    "amount": 8500, // €85.00
  // Add more pricing options as needed

Bid Increment Rules for Developers

In the context of auction functionality, administrators configure bid increment rules to dictate how bidding amounts progress during auctions. These rules establish a well-defined framework for bidding, ultimately elevating the overall auction experience. Here's a developer-centric breakdown of these rules:

Initial Increment

At the commencement of the bidding process, administrators can set an initial increment. For instance, bids might initiate with an increment of £100 for values up to £2,000. This means that each time a bidder places a bid, it increases the current bid amount by £100.

Intermediate Increment

Within a specific value range, e.g., values between £2,000 and £5,000, administrators can define an intermediate increment. This increment amount may differ from the initial increment. For example, bids within this range might increase by £200 for each bid placed.

Advanced Increment

Beyond a certain threshold, such as surpassing £5,000, administrators have the flexibility to establish an advanced increment. This increment, which could be, for instance, £250, becomes effective when the bidding exceeds this threshold.

It's essential to emphasize that administrators can fine-tune these settings, introduce additional brackets for different value ranges, and specify precise increment amounts as necessary. The overarching goal is to optimize the bid structure, ensuring that bids progress in a manner that fosters competitive bidding among participants while upholding fairness and transparency in the auction process.

graph TD
    subgraph Auction System
        A[Auction System] --> B[Lot Metadata]

    subgraph Lot Metadata
        B --> C[License Plate]
        B --> D[APK Expiry Date]
        B --> E[NAP Status]

    subgraph Pricing and Bidding
        A --> F[Pricing and Bidding]

    subgraph Currency Code
        F --> G[Currency Code]

    subgraph Amount
        G --> H[USD]
        G --> I[EUR]

    H --> J[Amount]
    I --> K[Amount]

4. Dynamic Maximum Bid Configuration

In the realm of auction management, the dynamic configuration of maximum bids is pivotal for fostering a fair and controlled bidding environment. Here's an in-depth look at how administrators dynamically manage maximum bids:

// You can define a JavaScript object to represent the dynamic bid configuration for a specific lot. Here's an example:

const dynamicBidConfig = {
  lotId: 123, // Unique identifier for the lot
  estimatedValue: 1000, // Estimated value of the lot
  currentMaximumBid: 1200, // Current maximum bid limit
  administratorNotes: "Increase bid limit if needed.", // Optional notes for administrators

// This object allows you to store essential information about the dynamic bid configuration for a lot. You can update the 'currentMaximumBid' property as needed to adjust the maximum bid limit dynamically.

// For progressive adjustment, you can use a function to calculate the new maximum bid limit based on market conditions, estimated value, and other factors. Here's a simplified example:

function adjustMaximumBid(currentBid, estimatedValue) {
  // Calculate a new maximum bid limit based on some logic
  const newBidLimit = currentBid + 100; // Adjust it by $100 in this example
  return newBidLimit;

// You can then use this function to update the 'currentMaximumBid' property:

dynamicBidConfig.currentMaximumBid = adjustMaximumBid(dynamicBidConfig.currentMaximumBid, dynamicBidConfig.estimatedValue);

Setting a Limit: Administrators wield the flexibility to establish a maximum bid amount for each lot. This figure represents the highest bid that a buyer can place on a specific lot. The dynamic nature of this setup empowers administrators to tailor these limits as necessary, taking into account the unique characteristics of each lot and the evolving dynamics of the auction.

Example: Imagine a rare collectible with an estimated value of $1,000. Administrators can dynamically set the maximum bid limit for this lot at $1,200 to ensure competitive bidding while preventing overextension.

Progressive Adjustment: Dynamic maximum bids serve as a critical safety net, preventing buyers from inadvertently overextending their budgets. Administrators can continuously fine-tune these limits, aligning them with the estimated value of each lot. This progressive adjustment ensures that bids consistently operate within a manageable and fiscally responsible range.

Example: As bidding for a valuable artwork progresses, administrators can dynamically increase the maximum bid limit to reflect its rising market value, allowing buyers to remain competitive without exceeding their predefined budget.

Automated Bidding: When competing bids reach or exceed a buyer's predefined maximum bid, automated bidding mechanisms spring into action. These systems dynamically place incremental bids on behalf of the buyer, striving to maintain their competitive edge up to their specified limit. This feature safeguards against buyers losing out on desirable lots due to last-minute manual bidding and permits real-time adjustments.

Example: If a buyer's maximum bid for a unique antique clock is $500, and another bidder places a $490 bid, the automated system will dynamically increase the buyer's bid to $500 to secure the lot, sparing them from manual intervention.

Dynamic Bid Limits

The ability for administrators to configure dynamic maximum bid limits is crucial for maintaining a fair and controlled bidding environment. Here are some key points on implementing this advanced functionality:

  • The maximum bid limit should be stored as a configurable property in the database for each auction lot. For example:
lot {
  id: 123
  name: "Antique Clock"
  current_max_bid: 500
  • When a bid is placed, the system should validate that the bid amount does not exceed the current maximum bid limit for that lot. If it does, the bid should be rejected.
  • An API endpoint should allow administrators to adjust the maximum bid limit dynamically at any time during the auction. This allows adapting to changing market conditions.
  • The system could implement bid increment logic that progressively increases the maximum bid limit based on algorithms factoring the current bid, number of bidders, estimated value, etc.
  • Automated notifications should inform bidders when the maximum bid limit for a lot has been raised, allowing them to adjust their strategy accordingly.
  • Analytics should provide administrators visibility into max bid adjustments across auctions to identify optimal settings.
  • The dynamic bid limit mechanism should have sufficient testing and safeguards to prevent misconfiguration that could disrupt auction integrity.
graph TB
    subgraph Auction Admin
        A[Auction Admin] --> B{Set Max Bid Limit}

    subgraph Set Max Bid Limit
        B --> C[Per Lot]
        C --> D[Based on Lot Value]

        B --> E[Progressive Adjustment]
        E --> F[Align with Lot Value]
        E --> G[Allow Competitive Bidding]

        B --> H[Automated Bidding]
        H --> I[Incremental Bids]
        H --> J[Up to Max Bid]

    subgraph Buyer
        A --> K[Buyer]

    subgraph Specify Max Bid
        K --> L[Specify Max Bid]
        L --> M[Automatic Bidding]
        M --> N[Up to Max Bid]

5. Bidding Process: A Structured and Transparent Approach

Admin's role in shaping the bidding process is crucial to fostering a fair and transparent environment for both buyers and sellers within the Medusa JS project. Here's a comprehensive explanation of how this process unfolds:

 * Example Schema for Bidding Process
const biddingProcessSchema = {
  reservePrice: {
    description: "The minimum threshold price for each lot",
    type: "number",
    required: true,
  counterBidding: {
    description: "Enables negotiation between buyers and sellers",
    type: "boolean",
    default: true,
  interactionLimits: {
    description: "Admin-defined limits on negotiation interactions",
    type: "object",
    properties: {
      maxInteractions: {
        description: "Maximum allowed interactions per party",
        type: "number",
        default: 2,
  // Add more schema properties as needed

// Usage Example
const exampleBiddingProcess = {
  reservePrice: 150,
  counterBidding: true,
  interactionLimits: {
    maxInteractions: 3,
  // Add more example data as required

Reserve Price: Setting the Floor

Admin establishes a minimum threshold known as the "reserve price" for each lot. This reserve price serves as the absolute minimum amount that must be reached during bidding for a lot to be considered sold. If the highest bid does not meet or exceed this reserve price, an alert is automatically sent to the seller. At this point, the seller has a pivotal decision to make: they can choose to accept the highest bid or decline it, as it falls short of their predetermined reserve price.

Counter Bidding: The Negotiation Dance

Admin introduces a dynamic element into the bidding process known as "counter-bidding." This feature empowers both buyers and sellers to engage in negotiation to arrive at a final price that satisfies both parties. Here's how it unfolds:

  1. Seller Accepts, Declines, or Proposes a Counter Offer: After receiving the highest bid, the seller has three options. They can choose to accept the highest bid immediately, signaling a straightforward sale. Alternatively, if the bid does not meet their expectations but shows promise, the seller can propose a counter offer, suggesting a higher price they're willing to accept. On the other hand, the seller can also decline the highest bid if it falls significantly below their desired price.

  2. Buyer's Response: Stay, Accept, or Counter Counter-Offer: If the seller proposes a counter offer, the buyer receives it and faces three choices. They can decide to "stay," meaning they are content with the counter offer and accept it, finalizing the transaction. Alternatively, they may "accept" the counter offer without further negotiation. However, if the counter offer doesn't align with their budget or preferences, they can initiate a "counter counter-offer," suggesting a different price that they are willing to pay.

  3. Admin-Defined Interaction Limits: Admin can establish predefined limits on the number of interactions allowed in the negotiation process. For instance, they may set a limit of two interactions for each party. This means that the seller and buyer have a maximum of two rounds of negotiation. After the second unsuccessful attempt by each party, further negotiations are automatically canceled.

graph TD
    subgraph Admin
        A[Admin] --> B[Set Reserve Price]

    subgraph Set Reserve Price
        B --> C[Minimum Bid Amount]

    subgraph Allow Counter Bidding
        A --> D[Allow Counter Bidding]
        D --> E{Seller Receives Highest Bid}
        E --> F[Accept Bid]
        E --> G[Counter Offer]
        E --> H[Decline Bid]

    subgraph Counter Offer
        G --> I{Buyer Receives Counter}
        I --> J[Accept Counter]
        I --> K[Counter Counter Offer]
        I --> L[Stay at Counter Price]

    subgraph Limit Interactions
        A --> M[Limit Interactions]
        M --> N[E.g. 2 Rounds Each]

6. Dynamic Sale Information Management

The dynamic configuration of sale-specific information by administrators is paramount for the seamless execution of auctions. It ensures that both buyers and sellers are equipped with up-to-the-minute details to engage effectively. Here's how administrators navigate the dynamic landscape of sale information management:

Flexible Location: Administrators possess the capability to dynamically specify the sale location, providing clarity regarding the precise venue for the auction event. This adaptability accommodates any location changes or the hosting of multiple auctions at different venues, ensuring accuracy in event information.

Example: In case of unexpected venue changes, administrators can dynamically update the sale location from "Main Hall" to "Grand Ballroom" to ensure participants reach the correct venue.

Real-time Date and Time: Administrators determine and adjust the auction's date and time, granting participants the ability to stay informed. The dynamic nature of this configuration permits real-time adjustments to accommodate scheduling changes, additional auction sessions, or unforeseen circumstances, ensuring participants have the latest information.

Example: If an auction session needs to be extended by 30 minutes due to high demand, administrators can dynamically update the date and time to reflect this extension, keeping participants informed and engaged.

Dynamic Sale Naming: Administrators assign distinctive and dynamic names to each auction, ensuring easy identification among multiple events. This dynamic naming convention empowers administrators to align the auction's name with its theme or purpose, making it more engaging and attractive to potential participants.

Example: For a charity auction, administrators can dynamically name the event "Art for a Cause," conveying its charitable nature and encouraging wider participation.

Countdown Timers: Dynamic countdown timers offer real-time insights into the time remaining until the auction's commencement. This feature equips participants with precise timing information, enabling them to plan their participation effectively, accounting for potential delays or schedule adjustments.

Example: A countdown timer dynamically adjusts to indicate the minutes and seconds remaining until the auction starts, allowing participants to join at the right moment.

graph TD
    subgraph Dynamic Sale Information
        A[Dynamic Sale Information] --> B[Location]
        B --> C[Update for<br/>venue changes]
        A --> D[Date and Time]
        D --> E[Adjust in<br/>real-time]
        A --> F[Naming]
        F --> G[Unique names<br/>for each sale]
        A --> H[Countdown Timer]
        H --> I[Real-time<br/>remaining time]

7. Dynamic Delivery Quote System

Admin's implementation of a dynamic delivery quote system plays a crucial role in elevating the convenience and accessibility of the auction platform. Here's an in-depth explanation of how this system operates:

Purpose: The delivery quote system serves the primary purpose of offering buyers the option to request the delivery of items they have won in the auction, delivering them to a location of their choice. This dynamic feature enhances the overall auction experience.

Plugin Integration: Admin integrates a specialized delivery quote plugin into the platform. This plugin plays a pivotal role in calculating and presenting price ranges based on the specified delivery location. Buyers can conveniently estimate the cost associated with having their won items safely delivered to their preferred destination.

Location-Based Pricing: The delivery quote system is highly adaptable and location-sensitive. It takes into account the precise delivery destination provided by the buyer. By doing so, it ensures that the pricing is not only accurate but also tailored to the specific location, reflecting real-world delivery costs.

Custom Pricing Options: Additionally, the system offers a dynamic pricing model. Buyers can explore and select delivery options within the predefined price range. However, if a buyer's delivery requirements fall outside the custom price zone, they have the flexibility to request custom pricing. This feature accommodates unique delivery needs and fosters transparency in the pricing process.

graph TD
    subgraph Dynamic Delivery
        A[Dynamic Delivery] --> B[Purpose]
        B --> C[Optional delivery<br/>for won items]

        A --> D[Plugin]
        D --> E[Calculates price<br/>estimates]

        A --> F[Location-Based] 
        F --> G[Accounts for<br/>delivery location]

        A --> H[Pricing Options]
        H --> I[Predefined range]
        I --> J[Custom pricing]

8. Customized Alerts for Similar Vehicles

To integrate the Marketing Campaign's snippet code into the frontend, all that's needed is to paste the provided code. We'll ensure that the design seamlessly integrates with the existing layout.

9. Elevating User Registration and Authentication

User Registration

Seller Registration Example

Personal Details

  • First Name: [First Name]
  • Surname: [Surname]
  • Date of Birth: [Date of Birth]
  • Phone Number: [Phone Number]
  • Email: [Email]

Authentication Methods

  • Sign-Up and Log-In Options:
    • Google
    • Facebook
    • Linkedin

Enhanced Registration Features

Company Seller Registration

Company Sellers joining our platform are required to provide specific company information:

  • Company Name: [Company Name]

  • Bank Account Number: [Bank Account Number]

  • Residential Address: [Place of Residence]

  • Postal Code: [Postal Code]

  • Street Address: [Street Name & House Number]

  • Government Approved ID: [Upload ID]


  • Seller Registration Schema */ const sellerSchema = { firstName: { type: String, required: true }, lastName: { type: String, required: true }, email: { type: String, required: true }, password: { type: String, required: true }, phoneNumber: { type: String, required: true }, taxId: { type: String, required: true }, // Business tax ID companyName: { type: String, required: true }, companyAddress: { type: Object, required: true, properties: { street: { type: String, required: true }, city: { type: String, required: true }, state: { type: String, required: true }, zipCode: { type: String, required: true }, country: { type: String, required: true }, }, }, };

// Create a new seller account const newSellerData = { firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Doe", email: "[email protected]", password: "qwerty123", phoneNumber: "987-654-3210", taxId: "12-3456789", companyName: "My Company LLC", companyAddress: { street: "456 Business Ave", city: "Business Town", state: "Business State", zipCode: "54321", country: "Businessland", }, };

const newSeller = await Seller.create(newSellerData);

### Buyer Registration

* **First Name**: [First Name]
* **Surname**: [Surname]
* **Date of Birth**: [Date of Birth]
* **Phone Number**: [Phone Number]
* **Email**: [Email]
* **Government Approved ID**: [Upload ID]

 * Buyer Registration Schema
const buyerSchema = {
  firstName: { type: String, required: true },
  lastName: { type: String, required: true },
  email: { type: String, required: true },
  password: { type: String, required: true },
  phoneNumber: { type: String, required: true },
  dateOfBirth: { type: Date, required: true },
  billingAddress: {
    type: Object,
    required: true,
    properties: {
      street: { type: String, required: true },
      city: { type: String, required: true },
      state: { type: String, required: true },
      zipCode: { type: String, required: true },
      country: { type: String, required: true },

// Create a new buyer account
const newBuyerData = {
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Doe",
  email: "[email protected]",
  password: "password123",
  phoneNumber: "123-456-7890",
  dateOfBirth: new Date("1990-01-01"),
  billingAddress: {
    street: "123 Main St",
    city: "Cityville",
    state: "Stateville",
    zipCode: "12345",
    country: "Countryland",

const newBuyer = await Buyer.create(newBuyerData);

Integration of Social Login

To enhance user convenience, we've seamlessly integrated social login options. Users can now register or log in using their existing social media accounts, including Google, Facebook, or Linkedin. This integration streamlines the registration process and ensures a smooth onboarding experience.

Social Login Methods:

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Linkedin
// Import required modules for Passport.js authentication strategies
const passport = require('passport');
const GoogleStrategy = require('passport-google-oauth').OAuth2Strategy;
const FacebookStrategy = require('passport-facebook').Strategy;

// Configure Google OAuth strategy
passport.use(new GoogleStrategy({
    // Add your Google OAuth configuration here
    // (e.g., clientID, clientSecret, callbackURL)
  (accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) => {
    // Handle authentication and account creation logic for Google
    // You may want to implement user registration or login here

// Configure Facebook OAuth strategy
passport.use(new FacebookStrategy({
    // Add your Facebook OAuth configuration here
    // (e.g., clientID, clientSecret, callbackURL)
  (accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) => {
    // Handle authentication and account creation logic for Facebook
    // You may want to implement user registration or login here

5. How Did You Find Us?

Select the method through which you learned about Automotive Auctions. Choose from options like acquaintances, social media, Google, marketplace, previous purchase, BVA Auctions or other sources. Examplses created dynamically by Admin.

Vehicle Registration Documentation

This documentation provides a comprehensive guide on how to register a vehicle as a seller on our platform. Sellers can use their registered accounts to add cars, make counteroffers, and manage their auction activities.

10. Vehicle Registration Documentation

This documentation provides a comprehensive guide on how to register a vehicle as a seller on our platform. Sellers can use their registered accounts to add cars, make counteroffers, and manage their auction activities.

Registration Process

1. Create an Account

To begin, visit our registration page and create a seller account. During this step, you will need to provide the following required personal details:

  • First Name
  • Surname
  • Date of Birth
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address

2. Choose Vehicle Offering Location

Select the location where you intend to offer your vehicle. You have several location options to choose from, such as:

  • Boxmeer daily/exclusive cars & oldtimers
  • Tiel daily/exclusive cars & oldtimers
  • Boxmeer commercial vehicles

3. Legal Compliance

If you are auctioning with us for the first time or bringing a car from another owner, you must comply with legal regulations related to the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism (WWFT). You will be required to provide specific documents, which must originate from the owner of the vehicle being registered. For more information about WWFT legislation, refer to this link.

4. Document Upload

During the registration process, you must upload the following documents:

  • A copy of a valid government-issued ID of the vehicle owner.
  • An (extract) copy of your Chamber of Commerce registration for a business sale.

Vehicle Information

Provide detailed information about the vehicle you want to register:

  • Chassis Number: Enter the vehicle's chassis number.
  • Brand: Specify the vehicle's brand.
  • Model: Provide the vehicle's model.
  • Type: Describe the vehicle's type.
  • Date of First Admission: Select the date when the vehicle was first admitted.
  • Counter Reading: Enter the mileage on arrival at Automotive Auctions.
  • Unit Counter Reading: Specify whether the mileage is in kilometers or miles.
  • Power in HP: Indicate the vehicle's horsepower.
  • Drive: Choose the drive type (front-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive, four-wheel drive).
  • Number of Seats: Specify the number of seats in the vehicle.
  • Color: Describe the vehicle's color.
  • Fuel: Select the fuel type (petrol, diesel, electric, hybrid, hydrogen, gas).
  • Transmission: Choose the transmission type (automatic, manual, semi-automatic).
  • Steering Wheel: Specify whether the steering wheel is on the left or right side.
  • Engine Capacity: Provide the engine capacity and number of cylinders.
  • Number of Doors: Indicate the number of doors.
  • Number of Keys: Specify the number of keys available.
  • Body: Select the vehicle's body type (e.g., hatchback, sedan, SUV).
  • Certificate of Origin: Indicate if the certificate of origin (CVO/COC) is present.
  • Maintenance History: Specify the availability of maintenance history.
  • Nationality Documents: Provide details about the vehicle's nationality documents.
  • Year of Construction: Enter the year of construction.
  • Maintenance Invoices: If available, include all invoices in the car for presentation.
  • VAT or Margin Vehicle: Select the appropriate tax category (VAT or margin).
  • Damage History: Indicate if the vehicle has a damage history.
  • Factory Warranty: If applicable, specify the factory warranty status.
  • Engine Condition: Describe the engine's condition.
  • Vehicle Starting: Indicate whether the vehicle's engine starts.
  • Vehicle Options: Select options that are present in the vehicle.
  • Additional Options/Accessories: Provide information about additional options or accessories.
  • Additional Information: Share any other relevant details about the vehicle.
  • Minimum Desired Yield: Specify the minimum desired yield for the vehicle.

Electric or Hybrid Vehicle (If Applicable)

If you are registering an electric or hybrid vehicle, please answer the following questions:

  • Battery Pack: Confirm if the vehicle has the original battery pack since delivery.
  • Battery Error Messages: Indicate if the car has ever shown error messages related to the battery pack.
  • Current Battery Error Messages: Specify if the vehicle currently displays any error messages related to the battery pack.
  • Charging Cables/Adapters: Confirm the presence of charging cables and/or adapters.


Before completing the registration, you must agree to the following conditions:

  • The fuel tank must be at least 25% full at the time of intake.
  • Acknowledge that after three auctions, the vehicle may be made available for sale elsewhere.

You may also have the option to upload any additional documents if required.

11. Auction Functionality Overview

Admin's role in configuring auction functionality is crucial for creating a smooth and efficient auction experience for developers and participants alike. Here's a breakdown of the key elements:

Live Auction

Presentation Order

Admin sets up the live auction feature to present lots one by one in a specific order during the auction event. This organized presentation allows participants to focus on individual items, enhancing the overall user experience.

Inactivity Timeout

Admin defines an inactivity timeout, automatically closing lots if no bidding activity occurs within a specified timeframe. This feature ensures that auctions progress smoothly and do not stall due to inactivity, preventing delays and frustration.

Image Upload

File Service Plugin

Admin utilizes a file service plugin that enables sellers to upload images of their items. Images play a crucial role in helping buyers evaluate lots and make informed decisions. This feature enhances the visual representation of items and contributes to a more engaging auction experience.

Search Functionality

MeiliSearch Plugin

Admin implements a search feature using the MeiliSearch plugin. This empowers users to search for specific items or categories within the auction. The search functionality improves user navigation and helps participants find relevant lots quickly, enhancing their overall auction experience.

// Initialize MeiliSearch
const meiliSearch = new MeiliSearch({
  host: 'http://meili:7700',
  apiKey: 'masterKey',

// Create an index
await meiliSearch.index('auctions').create();

// Add documents
await meiliSearch.index('auctions').addDocuments([
  { id: '1', title: 'Antique Clock', description: 'Victorian-era antique clock' },
  { id: '2', title: 'Dining Set', description: '8-person wooden dining set' },

// Perform a search
const results = await meiliSearch.index('auctions').search('vintage');

// MeiliSearch offers fast and relevant search results, including typo-tolerance and faceted search, making it easy for buyers to find desired lots.

Redis Caching Plugin

Redis improves the user experience.

// Initialize Redis
const redisClient = new Redis({
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 6379,

// Set cache key
await redisClient.set('popular_auctions', JSON.stringify(auctions));

// Get cached data
const cachedAuctions = JSON.parse(await redisClient.get('popular_auctions'));

// Cache auction lot details
await redisClient.set(`auction_${auctionId}`, JSON.stringify(auction));

// Retrieve data from the cache
const auction = JSON.parse(await redisClient.get(`auction_${auctionId}`));

// Caching auction data reduces database load and improves response times.

Error Tracking

Sentry Plugins

Admin deploys Sentry plugins for error tracking in both the frontend and backend. This proactive approach ensures that any issues or errors are promptly identified and addressed. By maintaining a smooth user experience and platform reliability, error tracking contributes to the trustworthiness of the auction platform.

Admin's meticulous management of these features and functionalities contributes to the overall success of the auction platform, making it user-friendly, efficient, and trustworthy for both developers and participants in the Medusa JS project.

Once you have completed the registration process, you will be able to log in to your account to add and manage your cars, make counteroffers, and participate in auctions.

flowchart TB

subgraph Buyer
    direction TB
    A[Browse Lots] --> B[View Details]
    B --> C[Place Bid] --> D{Outbid?}
    D -- Yes --> E[Get Notified]
    E --> C
    D -- No --> F[Confirm Purchase]     

subgraph Seller 
    direction TB
    G[List Item] --> H[Add Details] --> I[Upload Images]
    I --> J[Lot Added to Auction] --> K[Review Bids]
    K --> L{Accept Bid?} 
    L -- Yes --> M[Confirm Sale]
    L -- No --> N[Make Counteroffer] --> O[Receive Counter] 
    O --> P{Accept Counter?}
    P -- Yes --> M
    P -- No --> Q[Make New Counter] --> K

subgraph Delivery
    M --> R[Request Delivery Quote]
    F --> R

subgraph Integration
    S[Integrated Search] --> T[Redis Caching]
    U[Sentry Monitoring] --> ALL
flowchart TB
    subgraph User Registration
        A[User Registration] --> B{Buyer or Seller?}

    subgraph Buyer Flow
        B -- Buyer --> C[Browse Auctions]
        C --> D[View Lot Details]
        D --> E[Place Bid]
        E --> F[Receive Outbid Notice]
        F -- Yes, Rebid --> E
        F -- No --> G[Sale Confirmation]

    subgraph Seller Flow
        B -- Seller --> H[List Vehicle]
        H --> I[Provide Details]
        I --> J[Upload Images]
        J --> K[List in Auction]
        K --> L[View Bids Received]
        L --> M{Accept Bid?}
        M -- Yes --> N[Confirm Sale]
        M -- No --> O[Make Counteroffer]
        O --> P[Receive Counteroffer]
        P --> Q{Accept Counter?}
        Q -- Yes --> N
        Q -- No --> R[Make New Counteroffer]
        R --> L

    subgraph Feedback Flow
        N --> S[Leave Feedback]  

    A -.-> T[Bidding Rules]
    T ..-> E
    T ..-> O
    T ..-> R

    U[Delivery Quote] --> G
    V[Search] --> C
    W[Error Tracking] --> ALL

auction's People


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