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avram's Issues

Allow default for belongs_to fields

As a user,
I am altering the table to add a belongs to some other table which is not nullable.
but when i do this.
add_belongs_to product : Product, on_delete: :cascade, default: "1"
compiler complaints that there is no such default

I would like to pass fill_existing_with parameter. what should i do?

Support fill_existing_with for add_belongs_to

It would be convenient to support fill_existing_with for add_belongs_to. Otherwise we need to do something like this whenever we want to alter an existing table with data:

add_belongs_to thing : Thing?, references: :thing, on_delete: :cascade
execute "UPDATE stuff SET thing_id = 1;"
execute "ALTER TABLE stuff ALTER COLUMN thing_id SET NOT NULL;"

Don't allow unoptimised queries

Continue of this conversation part:

To disallow bad queries that don't have indexes during compile time check if a query field is used that does not contain an index. This is a bad query and should not allow to pass this state and a database index should be added.

I'm not a database expert but the feature should not export find_by_field functions or in the query builder where fields.

There should be an override method like where_no_index to support also queries that are not optimized.

Allow customizing modules and inheritance

class BaseModel < LuckyRecord::Model
  # Will make it so models use these base classes instead of the default lucky ones
  query_inherits_from BaseQuery
  form_inherits_from BaseForm 

  include_in_query Pagination
  include_in_form SomeCustomValidator

class User < BaseModel

Feature request: Add support for prefixed KSUID primary_key_type

It would be great if lucky_record could support prefixed KSUID as a primary_key_type.

Currently the only supported types are bare int and UUID.

A modern ID is short, optionally k-sortable and optionally prefixed with an abbreviated model id. Example (from Stripe): inv_SojvcbC89I7uo5

It would be great if lucky models could be configured to
generate IDs like the above by adding a line such
as this to the model file:

primary_key_type KSUID, prefix: 'inv'

Figure out how to better handle dates

Crystal only has a Time class. How should LuckyRecord handle dates?

One way this could be done is to create a LuckyRecord::Date class that can be used and sets the time to 00:00:00. It would be stored to the db as a time.

Alternatively it would save to the db as a date. I'll have to think that through a bit more though. I'm open to suggestions if anyone has some thoughts about this.

Should failed validations log in development?

If I create a form based off of a model, but don’t include all of the required fields in both the html form and the form object, all created will fail silently.

Perhaps logging failed validations would make this less confusing to developers?

Better name for Forms

Brought to my attention here:

"Form" may note be the best name because you can use "Forms" for things that are not ever saved with a traditional form. For example, you might use a LuckyRecord "Form" for saving something from a CSV. It's also confusing to talk about because it's unclear if you're talking about a LuckyRecord "Form" or an HTML form. JSON APIs also doesn't use "forms."

I'd love to come up with a better name. "Saver" or "Commiter" makes sense, but sounds super weird: UserSaver, etc.

Some other ideas are to come up with some other term that can take on its own meaning, similar to how Trailblazer has "Cells". It doesn't really mean anything in software so it can take on its own meaning. Feel free to post ideas here :)


  • UserSaver
  • UserCommiter
  • UserForge
  • UserMutation
  • UserChangeset
  • UserRecord
  • UserTransaction
  • UserOperation
  • UserReactor
  • SaveUser

Method for working with VirtualForms more easily

It is a common pattern when using VirtualForms to yield the form object and one or more additional objects when the form is valid. For example:

class MyForm < Avram::VirtualForm
  virtual some_field : String

  def submit
    validate_required some_field

    if valid?
      # Only yield the user if form is valid
      yield self, @user
      yield self, nil

# Used like this
MyForm.submit do |form, user|
  if user
    # Do something
    # Do something else

This can get repetitive and error-prone.

Another real-life example is here:

Proposed solution

From comment here: #69 (comment)

class SearchUsers < Avram::VirtualOperation
  attribute query : String
  step { validate_size query, min: 2 }
  def result
    if valid? # If no validation errors on attributes
end do |operation, results|
  # do something

An example of the RequestResetPassword operation. Original here (

class RequestPasswordReset < Avram::VirtualOperation
  # You can modify this in src/operations/mixins/
  include UserFromEmail
  step validate_email

  attribute email : String

  def result

  def validate_email
    validate_required email
    if user_from_email?
      email.add_error "is not in our system"

`undefined constant` error for association defition

Crystal version: 0.25.1
LuckyRecord version: 0.6.0

When two models A and B are defined in the project and model B is associated to A like so:

table :a do
  belongs_to b : B

user would get a undefined constant B error.

My guess is that model files are read in alphabetical order and while parsing model A the required model B is not loaded yet.

Workaround: add require "./b" at the top of model A definition file.

Allow setting a default value for a column

Maybe something like this:

column admin : Bool = false

Or should it get it from the database automatically? My thought is that it shouldn't because we're manually defining everything else so it would be weird to have Lucky magically set up a default.

It should probably warn or raise if you forget to the declare the default and there is a default at the database level though.

Handle has_many nested forms

class TaskForm < Task::BaseForm
  allow title

class TaskListForm < TaskList::BaseForm
  allow title
  has_many task_forms : TaskForm

# Use in an action
TaskListForm.create(params) do |task_list, form|
  # Handle like a normal form

# In a page
text_input @task_list_form.title
@task_list_form.task_forms.each do |task_form|
  text_input task_form.title

Some ideas for implementation

I think that a good starting point would be adding many_nested and many_nested? to LuckyRecord::Paramable Basically this would just be an abstract def that would need to then be implemented by LuckyRecord::Params.

Then you'd need to go the lucky repo and implement many_nested in Lucky::Params. For that it should:

  • Look for form params in this format: form_name:field_name[position]. Example: tasks:title[0] would be the title for the first task. tasks:body[0] would be the body for the first task. Get it with params.many_nested(:task)
  • JSON is much easier. It looks for an array under the given form name. E.g. params.many_nested(:tasks) gets {tasks: [{title: "title", body: "body"}]}
  • It treats all JSON fields as string. So: {users: [{age: 30}]} would return [{"age" => "30"}] in Crystal

Prior art

Issues with blank strings as params


class OptionalValuesModel < LuckyRecord::Model
  table optional_values_model do
    column optional_int32 : Int32?
    column optional_int64 : Int64?
    column optional_float64 : Float64?
    column optional_string : String?
    column optional_bool : Bool?
    column optional_time : Time?
    column optional_uuid : UUID?
class OptionalValuesModelForm < OptionalValuesModel::BaseForm
  fillable :optional_int32, :optional_int64, :optional_float64, :optional_string, :optional_bool, :optional_time, :optional_uuid 
it "coerces blank strings to nil values" do
  form =
      "optional_int32" => "",
      "optional_int64" => "",
      "optional_float64" => "",
      "optional_string" => "",
      "optional_bool" => "",
      "optional_time" => "",
      "optional_uuid" => ""
  form.optional_int32.value.should be_nil
  form.optional_int64.value.should be_nil
  form.optional_float64.value.should be_nil
  form.optional_string.value.should be_nil
  form.optional_bool.value.should be_nil
  form.optional_time.value.should be_nil
  form.optional_uuid.value.should be_nil
  form.valid?.should be_true

However, none of the type extensions (other than for String, of course) knows how to handle blank strings and will be marked invalid as a result, and the test fails. See (specifically files related to a Thing model) which demonstrates this in a less abstract way.

Change logic on some validations to only validate if field is not blank

I suggest some validations such as validate_size_of, validate_inclusion_of, and perhaps others, only kick in when field is filled, not when blank.
As of now, for example, if is set validate_size_of name min: 3 I get "Can't be too short" error even when field is blank. It seems to take on role of validate_required. Not required behavior especially for optional fields.

Tables with no primary key

With some schemas there might be join tables that don't need a primary key.

  user_id : integer
  role_id : integer

With a setup like this, LuckyRecord currently doesn't like this table. It would be cool to be able to specify a model like this for doing joins through this table when you'd never need to query on this table directly.

bind message supplies 2 parameters, but prepared statement "" requires 1

I'm having trouble tracking this bug down. Here's a crystal play session you can run, as long as you have a database with two tables users and follows:

users   (id, created_at, updated_at)
follows (id, created_at, updated_at, from_id)
require "avram"

Avram::Repo.configure do |settings|
  settings.url = "postgres://localhost/linkybits_development"

class User < Avram::Model
  table users do

class Follow < Avram::Model
  table follows do
    belongs_to from : User

user =
follows =

if !
  follows.each do |follows|
    # anything

The error is just above # anything:

bind message supplies 2 parameters, but prepared statement "" requires 1

Any idea?

Make model repo configurable for read/write

Sometimes people want to write a master and read from one or more replicated database for performance reasons.

Allowing people to override the repos for reads and writes would not be too hard and would make LuckyRecord more suitable for high performance/high availability requirements.

class MasterRepo < LuckyRecord::BaseRepo

class ReadRepoOne < LuckyRecord::BaseRepo

class ReadRepoTwo < LuckyRecord::BaseRepo

abstract class BaseModel
  def repo_for_reads
     # Choose one of the slave repos to read from
     [ReadRepoOne, ReadRepoTwo].sample

  def repo_for_writes
    MasterRepo # Write to master

MasterRepo.configure do
  settings.url = # connect to master

Remove before callbacks

Currently, when forms are saved methods are called in this order:

  • prepare
  • validation
  • before_save
  • before_create / before_update
  • triggering method eg. save, create, or update
  • after_save
  • after_create / after_update

Bold methods are methods that users can hook into.

There are currently no use cases we can think of for before_* callbacks because that method is called after the form is known to be valid.

The thought is, what if we just get rid of them, and add them back if there someone can present a solid use case for them.


  • Remove prepare and move the before_* callbacks to they happen before validation
  • Remove callbacks and create blocks inside the prepare method to distinguish between create/update steps:
def prepare
  # validations
  on_create do
    # set token
  • Remove callbacks and have separate prepare_for_create/update methods

Forms create methods are generated incorrectly when using virtual attributes together with fillable attributes.

Hello, i just found this issues on the create form

  1. VIRTUAL_FIELDS are not properly passed to the form inside the method.
    They are defined here as arguments:

But they are not assigned to the form.

  1. FIELDS constant used on create method is different on BaseForm and ModelForm:
    Model::BaseForm: FIELDS have all fields from model.
    ModelForm < Model::BaseForm.: FIELDS is not defined.

I found this by testing with macros.

  1. FIELDS constant is used to generate create methods for the form, so it generates wrong code:
    Model::BaseForm: generate a create method with all fields.
    ModelForm < Model::BaseForm.: generate a create method with none field because its not defined.

My solution

  • Assign properly the VIRTUAL_FIELDS to the form.
  • Set the FIELDS constant on inherited forms.
  • Create a new constant called FILLABLE_FIELDS for generating create methods. Add each field to the constant on the fillable macro.
  • Validate NEEDS fields not overlap with FILLABLE_FIELDS.

I get error "undefined method 'add_column'" when trying to perform what appears to be a valid migration

When attempting to migrate

class CreateListAndListEntry::V20180930082950 < LuckyRecord::Migrator::Migration::V1
  def migrate
    create :list_entries do
      add title : String
      add_belongs_to list : List, on_delete: :do_nothing
      add_belongs_to author : User, on_delete: :cascade
    create :lists do
      add title : String
    alter :users do
      add list_entries : ListEntry, fill_existing_with: :nothing

  def rollback
    drop :list_entries
    drop :lists
    alter :users do
      remove :list_entries

I receive the following error message: undefined method 'add_column'

You can find the whole project here

thanks for the help

Love the new name!

Since this name was chosen specifically to highlight the person, might as well add her name and a small quick bio to the README.

Henriette Davidson Avram (October 7, 1919 – April 22, 2006) was a computer programmer and systems analyst who developed the MARC format (Machine Readable Cataloging), the international data standard for bibliographic and holdings information in libraries.

Allow `or`-ing of where conditions

Forgive me if I am just not seeing the obvious! I would like to do"A").or.content("B")

and expecting something like WHERE title = "A" OR content = "B".

Luckyform treats nullable has_one fillable as required fillable

Put a nullable has_one field to model
Make it fillable for the form (***_id)
make a visible form with text_input
submit the form with blank text_input
and LuckyForm complains the validity of the field.

I hope it can respect the nullable nature of the model.

Raise nicer error if no nested params are in the params sent to a form

This still needs some thought. Please don't work on this yet

It can be confusing when using forms in this scenario

After further thought, I think it should raise a helpful error at runtime, but ALSO raise a compile time error if you try to pass it params and have no allowed any fields

Also consider user params.nested? instead of params.nested! and only raising when you actually try to save. That way you can instantiate a form without nested params, but when you save it, it'll give you an error if the form name is not there.

Add `debug_info` to `LuckyRecord::Field`

We ran into luckyframework/lucky_record#272 (review) and finding the issue was a bit tricky because it said the Time we were passing was "invalid" but it wasn't clear why.

I think we should have a debug_info instance var to LuckyRecord::Field that is an array of strings. This way you could add error messages when parsing that are useful to developers. For example, it would have added: Invalid ("2018-08-08T16:00:00.000Z"): "Time format did not include time zone and no default location provided"

@edwardloveall What do you think? This way when someone p the_field it will show you more helpful information

Multi-database support

  • How to handle migrations? #137
  • Allow specifying separate read/write databases per model
  • How to configure multiple database

Ideas for migrations

PrimaryDatabase.configure do |settings|
  settings.url = "some_url"
  settings.migration_folder = "db/migrations/primary" # default is "db/migrations"

SpecialDatabase.configure do |settings|
  settings.url = "some_url"
  settings.migration_folder = "db/migrations/special"

Then the Migration file can look at the file path to determine which repo it is for.

Configure database

abstract class BaseModel < Avram::Model
  def self.database

Prior art

Allow assigning n:m relationships

Given the example from the guides:

class Tagging < BaseModel
  table :taggings do
    belongs_to tag : Tag
    belongs_to post : Post

class Tag < BaseModel
  table :tags do
    column name : String
    has_many taggings : Tagging
    has_many posts : Post, through: :taggings

class Post < BaseModel
  table :posts do
    column title : String
    has_many taggings : Tagging
    has_many tags : Tag, through: :taggings

it would be great if there was an easy way to assign tags to posts.

For example in ActiveRecord the same example would give you a tag_ids= method on the Post model. When calling post.tag_ids = [1, 3, 5] ActiveRecord will transparently create and / or delete Tagging records to make sure the post is associated with the tags 1, 3 and 5, and only with them. This makes it easy to create HTML forms to edit relationships (either via checkboxes or multiple selects).

I am not 100% sure how this could look in LuckyRecord. Of course it would be super nice to be able to say fillable tag_ids in your form class and have everything else work automatically.

On the other hand: fillable is currently reserved for fields whose values get saved to the actual database table that belongs to the underlying model. So in some ways this would be closer to a virtual field πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Add before_delete, after_delete callbacks in model

I just ran into a situation where I needed to do something when I delete a model and realized there aren't callbacks for it. This is because save, create, update exists on the forms which has callbacks, but the models doesn't.

saving nilable item with form

when save empty field it raises error

Should allow save nilable values in database
needed change in src/lucky_record/

def set_{{ field[:name] }}_from_param(_value)
  parse_result = {{ field[:type] }}::Lucky.parse(_value)
  if parse_result.is_a? LuckyRecord::Type::SuccessfulCast
    {{ field[:name] }}.value = parse_result.value
    {{ field[:name] }}.add_error "is invalid"

to this:

def set_{{ field[:name] }}_from_param(_value)
  parse_result = {{ field[:type] }}::Lucky.parse(_value)
  if parse_result.is_a? LuckyRecord::Type::SuccessfulCast
    {{ field[:name] }}.value = parse_result.value
    {% if field[:nilable] %}
      {{ field[:name] }}.value = nil
    {% else %}
      {{ field[:name] }}.add_error "is invalid"
    {% end %}

or cast emty string as nil

Add Box#build

Make it so that you can generate an unpersisted model from the form fields

Virtual field for uploaded file

I have been working on an app with two simple file upload forms. Getting them to work involved a lot of trial and error. One thing I did try, was the following:

class FileForm < LuckyRecord::VirtualForm
  virtual file : Lucky::UploadedFile
  # ...

This does, of course, not currently work. But if it did, it would integrate super well with everything else in lucky in a typesafe way. So I started investigating what it would need to make this work.

I think not much is actually needed. But when I started working on a PR, a few questions arose.

First, there is one big caveat: Lucky::UploadedFile is a class from lucky, that lucky_record currently does not depend on. I suspect you would want to keep it that way in order to make lucky_record usable outside of a lucky app.

Two possible workarounds come to mind:

  1. Since crystal allows to reopen classes, lucky_record could ship its own (mostly) empty implementation of Lucky::UploadedFile.
  2. Introduce a new module similar to LuckyRecord::Paramable that defines the interface for uploaded file objects. This could then be included in lucky into Lucky::UploadedFile.

The second question revolves around LuckyRecord::Paramable. I guess it would need to be extended with four more methods (get_file?, get_file, nested_file?, nested_file). These in turn would then have to be implemented in LuckyRecord::Params. I guess the ? variants could always just return nil, but what would the other two do? Raise an error? If yes, which one?

I would love some feedback.

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