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threadlibrary's Introduction

ThreadLibrary - Operating Systems Design and Implementation - Project 2

1 Description of Data Structures

1.1 Task State (task_t)

The task_t data structure defined in global_state.h holds information about the task currently running.

The stack_lowest and stack_highest fields denote the boundaries of the stack space for all threads in the task (for example, stack_lowest is the lowest address of the thread's stack with the lowest address space). stack_lowest may be updated in the thr_create() function when a new stack is allocated at lower addresses than the one with the lowest address space.

Each thread created in the task get assigned a "library issued TID" in addition to its kernel TID. The library TIDs are assigned in increasing order, starting from 0. More can be found on this design decision in section 2.2.

Since the stack_lowest and library_tid fields may be accessed at the same time by multiple threads running thr_create(), they are protected with a mutex.

The stack_highest_childs field contains the highest address for the "child" threads (i.e. all threads that are not the root thread). This value is used to computer the memory location of the TCB for each thread (see 1.2 and 2.3).

The task's global state stores the set of TCBs for all threads in the task in a thread-safe hash table. The hash_table API gives a way for any thread in the task to access the TCBs of other threads, given their library issued TID. The only exception is for the root thread of a task, which for reasons described later in this document, has its TCB stored directly in a field of the task_t data structure (root_tcb).

The task's global state also contains a queue (stack_queue), which is thread- safe by implementation, storing the list of free stack "slots". When a child thread (i.e. non-root thread) exits, then its stack gets "deallocated" and the lowest address of its stack is put in the queue. Later, when a new child thread is created, the parent first looks in this queue. If it is empty, then the parent thread allocated a new stack towards lower addresses. But if it is not, then the first value is popped out of it, and the child thread is given the stack space corresponding to the address which was in the queue. The goal of this mechanism is to prevent segmentation in the stack region of a task. We make sure that the stack space is densely populated with stacks of active threads.

1.2 Thread Control Block (tcb_t)

The tcb_t data structure defined in global_state.h holds information about one particular thread in the currently running task.

Each thread's TCB is created in the thr_create() function by the parent thread before the child thread is created. The only exception to this rule is for the root thread, which creates its own TCB in the thr_init() function. After a TCB is created, it is put in the hash table containing all the task's TCBs by the creator thread (see 1.1).

When a TCB is created, the fields called library_tid, stack_low and stack_high are set to their final value (they are never modified during the thread execution, hence they do not need to be protected with a lock). The return_status field may only be written to by the thr_exit() function of the thread owning the TCB, hence we do not protect it with a lock neither.

The kernel_tid field, storing the kernel issued ID for the thread, is protected with a mutex for reasons described in 2.2.

The thread_state field indicates whether the thread is RUNNING, EXITED, or if it is WAITED_ON, which means that some other thread has called thr_join() on it and is waiting for it to finish execution. We use a condition variable to wake up any thread waiting on the TCB's owner to exit. Since the thread_state field may be accessed by different threads at the same time, we protect it using a mutex.

At the bottom (highest address) of every thread stack, there is a pointer to the thread's TCB. How the highest address of a thread stack can be determined without knwoledge of the TCB is explained in section 2.1.2. The root thread of a task is again an exception to this rule, its TCB being stored directly in the task_t data structure of a task.

2 Important Design Decisions

2.1 Stack design

2.1.1 Task stack design

The diagram presented below shows the general stack architecture of a multi- threaded task running with out thread library. The values for some fields of the task_t data structure are displayed on the right. What is referred to as "stack space" for each of the non root-thread is detailed in 2.1.2.

0xff...ff | |
|----------------------| <-- task.stack_highest
| Root-thread | | stack | |----------------------| <-- task.stack_highest_childs + PAGE_SIZE | Guard page | |----------------------| <-- task.stack_highest_childs | Thread 1 | | "stack space" | |----------------------| <-- task.stack_highest_childs | Thread 2 | - task.stack_size - 2 * PAGE_SIZE | "stack space" | |----------------------| <-- task.stack_highest_childs | . | - 2(task.stack_size - 2 * PAGE_SIZE) | . | | . | |----------------------| | Thread n | | "stack space" | |----------------------| <-- task.stack_lowest | | 0x00...00

2.1.2 Thread stack design

The diagram belows shows the design we chose for threads stacks. Each thread has a one page long exception stack used by the exception handler. Also, between two threads there is always a guard page which is not allocated. It allows us to detect when a thread overflows its stack because a SIGSEGV signal will be raised. Without these guard pages, a thread could potentially corrupt the stacks located below him while remaining undetected, hence causing the task's behavior to become unpredictable.

0xff...ff | |
|----------------------| <-- task.stack_highest_childs = | Thread 1 | tcb1.stack_high | exception stack | |----------------------| <-- tcb1.stack_high - PAGE_SIZE | Thread 1 | | execution stack | |----------------------| <-- tcb1.stack_high - PAGE_SIZE
| Thread 1 | - task.stack_size = tcb1.stack_low | guard page | |----------------------| <-- tcb1.stack_high - 2 * PAGE_SIZE | Thread 2 | - task.stack_size = tcb2.stack_high | exception stack | |----------------------| <-- tcb2.stack_high - PAGE_SIZE | Thread 2 | | execution stack | |----------------------| <-- tcb2.stack_high - PAGE_SIZE
| Thread 2 | - task.stack_size = tcb2.stack_low | guard page | |----------------------| | . | | . |
| . |

Since each thread stack has the same size than the others (except for the root thread), each thread can determine dynamically the highest address of its stack without even knowing its TCB by using the task.stack_highest_childs value and simple arithmetic (see get_tcb() function).

2.2 Library issued TID VS Kernel issue TID

We make use of library issued TIDS in our thread library. Having library issued TIDs allow us to avoid making a gettid() system call sometimes, and consequently it speeds up our library. The TIDs accepted and returned by our library functions are these library issued TIDs, which in some cases need to be converted to their kernel equivalent to perform some system calls such as deschedule() or make_runnable(). We explain below how library TIDs can speed up our system.

It is the responsibility of the parent thread to update the kernel TID field of the TCB for the newly created child thread, and it does it just after thread_fork() returns in thr_create(). However, the new child thread might return from thread_fork() before its parent, and its kernel TID won't be there yet. However, the child thread TCB already contains the library TID so the child thread might be able to perform some work with its library TID even without knowing its kernel TID. Eventually, when a thread wants to know its own kernel TID it will first check its TCB to see if it is there, and in the case where it is not, will make the gettid() call itself. In the case that a thread A wants to know the kernel TID of another thread B, it will get if from the TCB if it exists, otherwise it will wait for some other thread (namely thread B or its parent) to update it. That's why we use a condition variable and a mutex to for the kernel_tid field of each TCB.

2.3 Stack Initialization in thr_create()

When thr_create() is called, the parent thread initializes the stack for the new child thread before calling thread_fork(). We decided to build the child stack so that it starts by calling a function called stub(), which at its turn calls the function func(arg) that the child thread is supposed to execute. The purpose of this stub() function is dual. Its first goal is to register an exception handler for the newly created thread. The second one is to ensure that even if the func() function returns instead of calling thr_exit(), stub() can make the call to thr_exit() itself.

2.4 Malloc library

Our implementation makes it unnecessary to call thr_init() to initialize the malloc library, which initializes itself the first time one of its function is called. To achieve this we use a mutex and an atomic operation using the XCHG instruction.

2.5 Mutexes

Our implementation uses Lamport's bakery algorithm. which ensures mutual exclusion, progress and bounded waiting. If a thread get a "ticket" to enter the critical section but has to wait for its turn, it calls yield(-1) so another thread (and eventually the one holding the mutex) can run while it is waiting. Other alternatives were considered while implementing mutexes: a simple spinlock which forced each thread to busy wait until they got the mutex or an implementation using a queue to keep track of the order in which threads were asking for the mutex (and hence ensure bounded waiting). These two alternatives were not as fast as Lamport's bakery algorithm, and that's why this last was chosen. The mutex_t structure also has an init field that is set to MUTEX_INITIALIZED by the mutex_init() function. Each function then checks that this field has this value before proceeding.

2.6 Conditional Variables

Our implementation of conditional variables makes use of a queue to keep track of all threads waiting on a conditional variable. This queue is thread-safe by default. If is fine if someone makes a call to cond_signal() or cond_broadcast() while the queue is empty. The funtion will simply return without waking up any thread. The cond_var_t structure also has an init field that is set to CVAR_INITIALIZED by the cond_init() function. Each function then checks that this field has this value before proceeding.

2.7 Semaphores

We use a condition variable, a mutex and three integers, init, wokenup_waiting and available_resources to implement semaphores. The init member contains the state information about the semaphore, specifically if it has been initialized yet or not. It contains SEM_INITIALIZED if sem_init has been called and it is set to SEM_UNITITIALIZED when sem_destroy has been called. The available_resources member is initalized to the count value sent in sem_init and is updated as each thread calls sem_wait and sem_signal. It is decremented every time a thread calls sem_wait and incremented every time it calls sem_signal. If the value is less than 0 for this variable, it means all the resources are being currently used and hence we have to wait for the condition variable to get signaled on a sem_signal(i.e. when a thread using a resource calls sem_signal). The mutex is needed to ensure atomicity and mutual_exclusion while calling the semaphore functions.

The member wokenup_waiting stores the number of threads that have been woken up (made runnable) by a sem_signal but have not yet started executing. This is required to ensure that there is no starvation and at least one waiting thread is woken up during a sem_signal.

2.8 Reader Writer Locks

We have implemented the reader writer locks with the writers having priority. We use 2 condition variables, namely read_cvar and write_cvar, a mutex and 6 integers, namely waiting_readers, active_readers, waiting_writers, active_writers, curr_op and init. The init member stores the state for the read write lock similar to the init member in Semaphores. It can hold the value RWLOCK_INITIALIZED, when rwlock_init has been called or RWLOCK_UNINITIALIZED when rwlock_destory has been called. The curr_op variable stores the operation that the threads that are currently running are doing. If the thread(s) are currently holding a read lock, the curr_op is set to RWLOCK_READ, if they are holding a write lock, the curr_op is set to RWLOCK_WRITE. It is initialized with the value RWLOCK_INVALID when no lock has been taken yet.

The two variables, waiting_readers and active_readers store the number of threads waiting to acquire a read lock and the number of threads holding a read(shared) lock. When the number of active readers reaches zero, we check for any writers waiting for the lock and signal the write_cvar to make a writer runnable. The two variables, waiting_writers and active_writers store the number of threads waiting to acquire a write lock and the number of threads holding a write lock. The number of threads holding a write lock should always be less than or equal to one. The value waiting_writers is checked whenever the active_readers count reaches 0 and if waiting_writers is greater than 0, its condition variable is signaled to run the writer thread. When a writer completes its work and calls sem_signal, we check if there are any waiting writers and signal the write_cvar to make the waiting writer runnable If there are no waiting writers we call a broadcast on read_cvar thereby making all the reader threads runnable.

2.9 thr_join() and thr_exit()

We use a condition variable stored in the TCB of each thread to make thr_join() and thr_exit() work together. When a thread A calls thr_exit() while no other threads has called thr_join() on A yet, it simply marks its state as EXITED and call vanish(). On the other hand, if another thread B has already signaled that it is joining on thread A, then thread A wake him up with a call to cond_signal before vanishing.

On the other side, when thread B calls thr_join() with the library TID of thread A, it either: returns immediately if someone has already signaled that it is joining on A, or marks the state of thread A to WAITED_ON and call cond_wait() to wait for A to exit. All of these operations are protected by a mutex to ensure atomicity.

When a thread successfully joins on another thread, its job is to: remove the thread's TCB from the hash table, and then mark the stack space that was previously allocated to the exited thread as re-usable by inserting it in the stack_queue of the task_t data structure. We avoid deallocating this stack space because the risk then is that this space might be allocated by one of the task's thread through a call to malloc() for example, and hence if a thread calling thr_create() wants to re-use this space, its call to new_pages() will fail. Hence we just keep the stack space for later usage by another thread.

2.7 Autostack

The stack for Pebbles grows as the user needs more stack space in a single threaded environment. This is done by registering a software exception handler and then allocating memory on the task's stack by calling new_pages. We have fixed the maximum size to which the stack can grow for a task in a single threaded environment to 8MB(default value in Linux) and any page faults for addresses beyond that range from the task's stack's highest memory address is considered a page fault for a region other than the stack and task_vanish is called to kill the task. If new_pages fails for some reason, we again kill the task using task_vanish. Then, we re-register the page fault handler as it is de-registered by the kernel on invocation. The re-registration is done only in the case we handle a page fault exception because we do not want to end up in an inifinite loop by re-registering our handler and being called again when the instruction is re-run.

In multi-threaded environment, we just kill the thread if any exception occurs by calling task_vanish with -1 as a parameter.

3.0 Known bugs

There exists an interleaving of threads in thr_exit() and thr_join() that we believe may cause a bug (although this issue never showed up while testing). When an exiting thread releases the mutex tcb->mutex_state just before vanishing, it may be preempted by the kernel before calling vanish(). In that case, another thread joining on this one will be able to lock the mutex, see that the thread has exited, and proceed with the clean up steps as described in 2.9. Hence thr_join() might return before the exiting thread actually calls vanish(). Since the stack space associated with the exiting thread is put in task.stack_queue, it may be reused by another thread created via thr_create() still before the exiting thread calls vanish(). This may corrupt the stack of one of the thread, or both, and lead to unpredictable behavior.

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