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meanauthapp's Introduction

Traversy Media - MEAN Stack Front to Back

This is an updated version of the MEAN Stack Tutorial from Traversy Media


My intent while going through this tutorial wasn't to just simply code along. I wanted to understand how an entire MEAN stack works. I soon discovered that, even if I wanted to code along, things were not going to be that simple.

Since the original version of this tutorial came out more than a year ago, there were several changes that needed to be made to get this application to work with the latest version of Angular (Angular 5).

This readme will highlight some of the issues I had while going through the tutorial, but I will also try to explain the things I learned while going through this tutorial.

My Questions

While going through this tutorial, there were many new things I encountered and many questions that I had about these new technologies and concepts. Below is a list of my questions that I will answer as I walk through the tutorial:

Question Answer Section
What technologies are used throughout this project? Project Introduction
How does Node and Angular work together? How Node and Angular Work Together
What is CORS? Project Introduction
What is bcrypt and hash salting? User Model and Register
What is Passport.js? About Passport.js
What is a JSON Web Token? Project Introduction

Table of Contents

I'll go through each video and try to highlight the things I learned, had trouble with or just found interesting. Each section may also contain links to other references that helped me better understand the concepts used in the video:

Project Introduction

Express Setup and Routes

User Model and Register

API Authentication and Token

Angular 2 Components And Routes

Register Component, Validation and Flash Messages

Auth Service and User Registration

Login and Logout

Protected Requests and Auth Guard

How Node and Angular Work Together

Since this is a MEAN stack application that utilizes Angular, there isn't going to be a request to the server for every single change made in the application, as is done in server-side only applications

In a Single Page Application like Angular the client side controls the entire application, loading/removing/updating data dynamically without reaching out to the server.

Where Node is used with an Angular front-end is when there needs to be some sort of database interactivity. What typically happens is:

  1. Angular makes a post/get request to the Node server back-end

  2. Node is configured with routes that, when connected to from the Angular front-end, will perform some sort of function (like authenticating a user or getting a user's profile information from the database)

  3. If it is a GET request, the data is passed back to the front-end where Angular can update the DOM dynamically based on that data.

All of this happens Asynchronously, without reloading the page.

Project Introduction

Video Link

As mentioned in the first video of this tutorial, the following technologies will be used:

REST API - Node.js / Express

  • Stands for Representational State Transfer
  • Used to transfer data

Think of a REST API as a server set-up to give back more than traditional HTML pages. For example, the Twitter RESTful API can give back information about tweets, users, etc.

In this project, the "REST API" part is when registering, authenticating and getting user profile information. None of these requests serve up brand new HTML pages because the entire application is a Single Page Application through the use of Angular. However, when making a request to /profile, for example, the user's profile data is requested and, if the credentials are valid, given to the user.

For more information about RESTful APIs check out this youtube video:

Token Generation and Authentication

In this project, tokens are used for authenticating users. This authentication revolves around JSON Web Tokens or JWT for short, which is an industry standard for passing security information between the client/server.

For an overview of how JWT works with Node.js, watch this video

Checkout the official introduction for an overview of JWT.

For this project, most of the JWT interaction is performed on the back-end using the node-jsonwebtoken package, but there is also some interaction on the front-end using angular2-jwt.

About Passport.js

For authentication, Passport.js is used to authenticate JSON Web Tokens.

As stated from Quora: What is passport.js?:

passport.js is a middleware used to **authenticate** requests 
in your node applications.

You can use it to enable email/password authentication or 
even social logins like login with facebook, twitter, instagram 
and the likes, and also login with services like pocket, 
dropbox, meetup, zendesk .etc

Before Passport can be used to authenticate, a strategy must be configured. For this project, passport-jwt is the strategy used with passport.


[CORS}( stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing and commonly configured with public APIs to allow users to access selected data and resources from a server on a different domain.

For example, when developing locally, my server may be running at http://localhost:3000. If I were to go to another site or if I were another user on a different domain and tried making a server request to http://localhost:3000 it would not work because CORS is not configured to allow these connections.

For a RESTful API, clients and servers have different origins so CORS needs to be configured if the public is going to be making requests to the back-end server.

For more information about CORS, check out this video

The Cors NPM Package is used in this project to configure the application with CORS.

Mongoose ODM

Mongoose is an npm package for interacting with MongoDB, which is the database component of a MEAN stack application, within Node.

Angular 2+ / Angular-CLI

Although the videos from this tutorial use Angular 2, it is updated to use Angular 5. The main change being the use of the HttpClient as opposed to the deprecated Http module, which is used in the tutorial but now deprecated.

Auth Guard

In order to prevent non-logged in users from navigating to pages that only logged in users should be able to view, Routing/Auth Guards are implemented using Angular.

Angular Flash Message Module

Angular Flash Message is an NPM package used to display messages on screen. These will be used to display error and success messages throughout the project

Compile & Deploy

When the project is completed, it is compiled so that you can view it using Node as your server to display the Angular front-end, with the back-end interactivity.

In the tutorials, the application is deployed using Heroku but my goal is to learn how to deploy the application on DigitalOcean. When I learn how to do this, I will update this readme or create a new repo for a step by step tutorial.

Express Setup and Routes

Video Link

Setting up MongoDB on Windows

When I first went through this tutorial, I didn't have MongoDB installed and I didn't know much about MongoDB, either.

I watched the recommended video from the tutorial to get an overview of MongoDB and how to set it up on a Windows machine.

A new things to note:

  1. If you're following along with the recommended video, when clicking download you aren't automatically taken to the community server tab. It's the 2nd tab, make sure to click the tab and download the recommended Windows version of MongoDB

  2. Make sure you run the commands as admin (right click on cmd and Run as Admin)

  3. At the 4:33 mark in the MongoDB video, the flags have changed to mongod --directoryperdb --dbpath C:\mongodb\data\db --logpath C:\mongodb\log\mongo.log --logappend --install

  4. Once logging is set up, navigate to the MongoDB bin folder and ensure that MongoDB is running using net start MongoDB, as performed in the tutorial. This is important because the Database part of the application will not work in the MEAN app if MongoDB isn't running.

Below is a list of common commands used throughout the tutorial series for displaying information. Keep in mind you have to be in the MongoDB bin folder (C:\mongodb\bin) to run these commands.

  • mongo
    • This will run MongoDB
  • show dbs
    • Show a list of current databases
  • use db-name
    • Switch to the database specified and use it to display database information
  • show collections
    • Show the collections within the database (for example, the users collection)
  • db.users.find().pretty()
    • the db.useres.find() part gets all users within the users collection, .pretty() presents the data in a easier to read format.

Setting up the package.json file

In the tutorial, the package.json file is set up using NPM but the dependencies are initially defined manually. You don't have to do this. Simply installing the dependencies will add them to the package.json file. Also, per the NPM Documentation "npm install saves any specified packages into dependencies by default."

The following dependencies are used for the Node.js back-end (There are more dependencies for the Angular front-end that aren't included in this section):

Dependency Description
bcryptjs Used to hash passwords before storing in database
body-parser Express middleware to parse data from request bodies
cors Usage described in Project Introduction
express Node.js framework
jsonwebtoken Usage described in Project Introduction
mongoose Used to interact with MongoDB with Node.js
passport-jwt Passport strategy for authenticating users using JSON Web Tokens

All these dependencies can be installed with the following command (after running npm init):

npm install bcryptjs body-parser cors express jsonwebtoken mongoose passport-jwt

Once all these dependencies are installed, they will also be listed in the package.json file.

User Model and Register

Video Link

Bcrypt and Hashing

At around the 9:50 mark, the user password is hashed before being added in the database. This is a common practice for securely storing passwords.

For more information about hashing, the following links are helpful:

Professor Messer - Hashing Computerphile - Hashing Algorithms and Security

Bcrypt itself is a password hashing function. The package used in this project (bcryptjs) is bcrypt optimized to be used with JavaScript.

Although I was familiar with hashing before from using PHP, I never used the bcrypt package and I also didn't understand the concept of salting, which is used with the bcrypt .hash() method. The following video helped me better understand why salting is used:

Password Hashing, Salts, Peppers

API Authentication and Token

Video Link

Auth Header options change at 4:34

In the tutorial, an option is configured that needs to be changed so the authorization token can be extracted later on in the application.

opts.jwtFromRequest = ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeader();

Change to:

opts.jwtFromRequest = ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken();

See About the JSON response below to find out more about why the change is needed.

token const error at 10:34

At the 10:34 mark, when a token is being created, putting user as the first argument in the jwt.sign() method, as done in the tutorial, will not work and will throw the following error:

Expected "payload" to be a plain object.

This is because the user is a Mongoose document, which is fetched from the MongoDB database.

You can convert the user into a plain object by simply wrapping it around brackets by using the toObject() method. The new token constant then looks like so:

const token = jwt.sign(user.toObject(), config.secret, {  
  expiresIn: '604800' // 1 week  

res.json() token at 11:55

In the tutorial, the JSON data response (res.json()) contains token information. It needs to be changed from token: 'JWT ' +token to token: Bearer ${token}

The entire res.json() looks like so:

  success: true,  
  token: `Bearer ${token}`,  
  user: {  
  id: user._id,  
  username: user.username,  

About the JSON response

While I was coding along with the tutorial, I wondered why a JSON response was necessary. After getting a better understanding of what was going on, I realized the following:

Bearer ${token} The token part of the JSON response is how passport authenticates based on a JSON Web Token. Earlier, a passport.js file was configured and the following option is included in that configuration:

opts.jwtFromRequest = ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken();

As the fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken() method implies, the JWT is extracted from the Authorization header as a Bearer token.

User Object The User is included in the JSON resonse so that it can be extracted later on and used to display profile data using Angular on the front-end.

Angular 2 Components And Routes

Video Link

This tutorial was created more than a year ago using Angular 2. I will try to update it to best practices using the latest version of Angular, which is, as of 3/3/2018, Angular 5.

Angular CLI Install at 4:26

For Angular 5, installing the Angular CLI no longer uses npm install -g angular-cli as is used in the tutorial.

Instead, you should use npm install -g @angular/cli as the official documentation recommends.


In this project, the routing configuration is created in the app.module.ts file. A best practice is to create a separate app-routing.module.ts file and put all routing configuration in there.

You can create an app-routing file using the Angular CLI with the following command: ng g module my-module --routing, where my-module, for this project, would be app. The entire command would look like this:

ng g module app --routing

From within the app-routing.module.ts file, RouterModule would need to be exported then the AppRoutingModule would need to be imported into the main app.module.ts file then included in the imports array in the @NgModule decorator so that the separate routing file can be used.

The entire app-routing.module.ts file will eventually look like:

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';  
import { RouterModule, Routes, CanActivate} from "@angular/router";  
import {HomeComponent} from "./components/home/home.component";  
import {RegisterComponent} from "./components/register/register.component";  
import {LoginComponent} from "./components/login/login.component";  
import {DashboardComponent} from "./components/dashboard/dashboard.component";  
import {ProfileComponent} from "./components/profile/profile.component";  
import { AuthGuard } from "./guards/auth.guard";  
const routes: Routes = [  
 { path: '', component: HomeComponent},  
  { path: 'register', component: RegisterComponent },  
  { path: 'login', component: LoginComponent },  
  { path: 'dashboard', component: DashboardComponent, canActivate: \[AuthGuard\] },  
  { path: 'profile', component: ProfileComponent, canActivate: \[AuthGuard\] },  
  { path: '**', redirectTo: '', pathMatch: 'full'}  
  exports: [ RouterModule ],  
  imports: [ RouterModule.forRoot(routes) ],  
  providers: [AuthGuard]  
export class AppRoutingModule { }

Import FormsModule and HttpClientModule

When generating an Angular application using the AngularCLI with Angular 5, the FormsModule and HttpClientModule are not imported by default.

Also, in the tutorial, the project uses the now deprecated HttpModule, which needs to switched out with the HttpClientModule

To import these, place the following lines at the top of the app.module.ts file and underneath the BrowserModule and NgModule:

import { FormsModule } from "@angular/forms";
import {HttpClientModule} from "@angular/common/http";

Once these modules are imported they need to be added to the import array inside the @NgModule decorator:

imports: [  
  // ...other imports  

Redirect Route

Something not covered in the tutorial that you may want to implement is a redirect route for when a user enters an invalid URL. This is done later on in the tutorial series on the back-end, but it can also be implemented on the back end by pasting the following route configuration into your routes constant that defines the routes in the application:

{ path: '**', redirectTo: '', pathMatch: 'full'}

The ** is a placeholder for anything that doesn't match all the other defined routes. If the URL doesn't match, it will redirect to the route path defined as '', which, for this application, is the HomeComponent.

Register Component, Validation and Flash Messages

Video Link

Template Parse Error

If you get an error that looks something like Template parse errors: 'Can't bind to 'ngModel; since it isn't a known property of 'input', it's because the FormsModule wasn't imported.

As mentioned in the previous section, using the latest version of the Angular CLI does not import the FormsModule by default. Import the FormsModule and include it in the imports array then the error should go away.

Auth Service and User Registration

Video Link

When using Angular5, this section should be using the HttpClientmodule instead of the Http module, which is used in the tutorial series.

To begin, the import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; import isn't needed when using the HttpClientModule because get() and post() methods return mapped Observables by default.

Adding headers

Another change can be found in how Headers are defined. While the headers.append() method works like in the tutorial, Header options can be added when HttpHeaders is instantiated like so:

const headers = new HttpHeaders({  
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'  

Login and Logout

Video Link

The main change in this section is that

Protected Requests and Auth Guard

Video Link


As in the previous section, the headers in the tutorial can be set without appending to them like so:

const headers = new HttpHeaders({  
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',  
  'Authorization': this.authToken  

Auth Service loggedIn()

At 12:40, a loggedIn() function is created that uses the tokenNotExpired() function from the angular2-jwt npm package. This function checks localStorage for a token and checks if it's expired or not.

In the previous tutorial video, the token was set in local storage using the name id_token and, if the tokenNotExpired() function does not taken in this argument, it will not be able to retrieve the token information. The correct function should look like:

loggedIn() {  
  return tokenNotExpired('id_token');  

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