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looksrare-sdk's Issues

Sign maker order

Rinkeby Test Environment:

         const signer = new ethers.Wallet(“prvatekey”);
         const signerAddress = await signer.getAddress();
         let nonce = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(signerAddress);
       const makerOrder: MakerOrder = {
            isOrderAsk: true,
            signer: signerAddress,
            collection: "0xfE484120024431AFcbEadF09DcdCBe9f7e63671F",
            price: "10000000000000000000", // :warning: PRICE IS ALWAYS IN WEI :warning:
            tokenId: "10001", // Token id is 0 if you use the STRATEGY_COLLECTION_SALE strategy
            amount: "1",
            strategy: addresses.STRATEGY_STANDARD_SALE,
            currency: 'ETH',
            nonce: nonce,
            endTime: now + 86400, // 1 day validity
            minPercentageToAsk: Math.min(8500, 8500),
            params: paramsValue,
        const { domain, type } = getMakerOrderTypedData(chainId, addresses.EXCHANGE);
        const signature = await signer._signTypedData(domain, type, makerOrder);

error:cannot resolve ENS names without a provider (operation="resolveName", value="ETH",
code=UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, version=wallet/5.6.1)
someone can help me?

TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined when signing maker order

Describe the bug
Getting an array length error during Abi encoding when calling the signMakerOrder() function in the SDK to purchase an NFT listed on the Rinkeby testnet (any real world example JS script of a Rinkeby testnet purchase using the SDK will be appreciated).

An unexpected error occurred:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
    at AbiCoder.encode (/Users/nemitariajienka/Desktop/projects/heni-nftmarket-contract/node_modules/@ethersproject/abi/src.ts/abi-coder.ts:101:19)
    at /Users/nemitariajienka/Desktop/projects/heni-nftmarket-contract/node_modules/@looksrare/sdk/dist/index.cjs.js:7191:46
    at (<anonymous>)
    at fulfilled (/Users/nemitariajienka/Desktop/projects/heni-nftmarket-contract/node_modules/@looksrare/sdk/dist/index.cjs.js:7086:58)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Create a makerOrder to purchase any NFT listed on the LooksRare Rinkeby testnet, e.g.,

Either add or do not add the asset price in Wei within the paramsValue array and specify the type in the paramsTypes array as ['uint'].

The order used is as follows:

const makerOrder = {
    // true --> ask / false --> bid
    isOrderAsk: false,
    // signer address of the maker order
    signer: signers[0].address,
    // collection address
    collection: '0xd4C4643053E46eacffa06E2573641907a54125Fb',
    // Price in WEI
    price: ethers.utils.parseEther('0.0001'),
    // Token ID
    tokenId: 12,
    // amount of tokens to sell/purchase (must be 1 for ERC721, 1+ for ERC1155)
    amount: 1,
    // strategy for trade execution (e.g., DutchAuction, StandardSaleForFixedPrice), see addresses in the SDK
    strategy: '0x732319A3590E4fA838C111826f9584a9A2fDEa1a',
    // currency address
    currency: '0xc778417E063141139Fce010982780140Aa0cD5Ab', // should be eth
    // order nonce (must be unique unless new maker order is meant to override existing one e.g., lower ask price)
    nonce: 678,
    // startTime timestamp in seconds
    // endTime timestamp in seconds
    endTime: ( + 604800,
    // minimum ratio to be received by the user (per 10000)
    minPercentageToAsk: 0, // BigNumber.from(10000).sub(protocolFees.add(creatorFees)).toNumber(),
    // params (e.g., price, target account for private sale)
    params: paramsValue,

Expected behavior
The order should be signed and broadcasted on chain with a successful purchase and transfer of ownership of the listed NFT to the buyer address.

Additional context

RPC url return error: Method eth_signTypedData is not supported

First of all, I'm so thankful for the LooksRare dev team develop the looksrare-sdk:)

When I use the function signMakerOrder in looksare-sdk to SIGN my order data, it got

MethodNotSupportedError: Method eth_signTypedData is not supported

I am sure that is the my using ethereum rpc service doesn't support the eth_signTypedData method, since I check on the looksrare-sdk's source code, I found we must use the Metamask like walet to reach this sigTypedData function.

I just wonder is there any other way to finish this signature fucntion in my local server? or other third part lib?

Help with variables


Which contract should I use to get the X2Y2 Protocol fee?

I am assuming in the above image creatorFees refer to collection royalty and protocol Fees refer to X2Y2 protocol fees

Support EIP1271

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Looks Rare's UI does not support EIP1271. It makes the usage of smart contract wallets impossible for certain operations e.g making an offer.

Describe the solution you'd like
Support EIP1271, it is pretty simple.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Additional context

Integrate the Item standard in LooksRare Interface and SDK


Items are objects working as ERC1155 and ERC20 at the same time. All Items have 18 decimals (both on ERC1155 and ERc20 side) and not 0 like standard ERC1155. Also, all Items have the same 1155 address but have virtualized Collections.

With this issue, we want to provide you with all the info to correctly show items decimal and the items collection.

If you need more info send us an email:
[email protected]

The LooksRare interface does not read the decimals of the Items correctly as it reads all tokens as normal ERC1155 with 0 decimals. As a result, tokens with 18 decimals result in a wrong supply/balance causing issues for users.

All Items have the same 1155 address (0x8d53aFBEB62C18917B5F71385d52E8ba87669794 on Ethereum mainnet) since they all belong to the Main Interface smart contract. Consequently they are all seen as part of the same Collection. However each Item belongs to a specific virtualized Collection defined by a bytes32 identifier. In fact, each Collection has its own specific Metadata and minting permissions.

All you need to do to correctly display the supply/balance of an Item is to implement the following code in your frontend: web3.utils.fromWei("1000000000000000000", 'ether') "10000000000000000000000" would be the Item's supply.
For example, [$OS]( is an Item, and has a supply of roughly 1 million. But, without this precaution, the supply is displayed as much, much more:

  • The current $OS supply is 1,000,000.000000000000000000.
  • If you read it from the Main Interface as a normal ERC1155 with 0 decimal places it displays the $OS supply as 1000000000000000000000000 (i.e. without the proper decimals).
  • If you read it from the Main Interface using the web3.utils.fromWei it displays the $OS supply as 100000000000000000000

All you need to do to correctly display Items Collection is to divide in your Interface the Items by Collection and not show them all under one "items" collection.
To do this just read from the CollectionItem event emitted every time a new Item is mined. The event has the second bytes32 parameter that indicates the specific id of the Collection it belongs to.
The following code can be used as a guideline:

var collectionIds = [collectionId1, collectionId2];
var allCollectionItems = await web3.eth.getPastLogs({
                fromBlock: '0',
                toBlock: 'latest',
                address: itemMainInterface.options.address,
                topics: [
null, => web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter("bytes32", it))
var collectionItems = { };
allCollectionItems.forEach(it => {
var collectionId = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameter("bytes32", it.topics[2]);
var itemId =  web3.eth.abi.decodeParameter("uint256", it.topics[3]);

(collectionItems[collectionId] = collectionItems[collectionId] || []).push(objectId);


How to use api key

-1 (connected: true, keepalive socket: false, agent status: {"createSocketCount":1,"createSocketErrorCount":0,"closeSocketCount":0,"errorSocketCount":1,"timeoutSocketCount":0,"requestCount":0,"freeSockets":{},"sockets":{"":1},"requests":{}}, socketHandledRequests: 1, socketHandledResponses: 0)
headers: {}

how to use apikey

encodeOrderParams function bug?

Describe the bug
The MakerOrder is defined here:

export interface MakerOrder {
  isOrderAsk: boolean; // true --> ask / false --> bid
  signer: string; // signer address of the maker order
  collection: string; // collection address
  price: BigNumberish;
  tokenId: BigNumberish; // id of the token
  amount: BigNumberish; // amount of tokens to sell/purchase (must be 1 for ERC721, 1+ for ERC1155)
  strategy: string; // strategy for trade execution (e.g., DutchAuction, StandardSaleForFixedPrice)
  currency: string; // currency address
  nonce: BigNumberish; // order nonce (must be unique unless new maker order is meant to override existing one e.g., lower ask price)
  startTime: BigNumberish; // startTime in timestamp
  endTime: BigNumberish; // endTime in timestamp
  minPercentageToAsk: BigNumberish;
  params: any[]; // params (e.g., price, target account for private sale)

But its encoder function seems to be implemented bugly

MISSING the type check of params: any[];

export const encodeOrderParams = (params?: any[] | null): { paramsTypes: SolidityType[]; encodedParams: BytesLike } => {
  const nonNullParams = params || [];
  const paramsTypes: SolidityType[] = SolidityType => {
    if (utils.isAddress(param)) {
      return "address";

    if (typeof param === "boolean") {
      return "bool";

    try {
      return "uint256";
    } catch (error) {
      throw Error("Params have unsupported solidity types");

  return { paramsTypes, encodedParams: utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(paramsTypes, nonNullParams) };

Rinkeby LooksRare exchange abi

Could you please add the rinkeby looksrare exchange contract abi to the list of abi's that you can import from "@looksrare/sdk"?

Getting transaction failed with "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"

Describe the bug
Getting transaction failed with "SafeERC20: low-level call failed" when trying to execute matchAskWithTakerBid or matchAskWithTakerBidUsingETHAndWETH

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Taker order

	isOrderAsk: false
	minPercentageToAsk: 7500
	params: "0x"
	price: "100000000000000000"
	taker: "0xe05eb8fcd5203aa6cceebc4bd5e926f1e76dc405"
	tokenId: "8"

Maker order (valid order from API)

    "hash": "0x263fd731080437f73c73d1402946723e066fd232fc33f8a30fc09387885999cd",
    "tokenId": "8",
    "isOrderAsk": true,
    "signer": "0xe05eb8fCd5203aa6ccEEbC4BD5e926f1e76DC405",
    "strategy": "0x579af6FD30BF83a5Ac0D636bc619f98DBdeb930c",
    "amount": "1",
    "price": "100000000000000000",
    "nonce": "4",
    "startTime": 1674760693,
    "endTime": 1677319650,
    "minPercentageToAsk": 9800,
    "params": "0x",
    "status": "VALID",
    "signature": "0x2d11f72c2f564e4f3bac105c53d10bda80cadd425450bb4858bd98256000bd9d442332a33887a775f3ec43617785f4ee10f58a58bd19f8c323e2b733db264e9b1b",
    "v": 27,
    "r": "0x2d11f72c2f564e4f3bac105c53d10bda80cadd425450bb4858bd98256000bd9d",
    "s": "0x442332a33887a775f3ec43617785f4ee10f58a58bd19f8c323e2b733db264e9b",
    "collection": "0xAEBb154e912036E5DD036CAf1bDc63C85c5A37f4",
    "currency": "0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2"
const exchangeInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface(LooksRareExchangeAbi);
const exchangeContract = new ethers.Contract(addresses.EXCHANGE, exchangeInterface, signer);
await exchangeContract.functions.matchAskWithTakerBidUsingETHAndWETH(takerOrder, makerOrder);

Provider is Metamask. Other transactions execute fine.

Please advice

Expected behavior
Transaction executed

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