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docker_lm_collector's Issues

Colector Not Starting

Using a compose file like bellow on Swarm i get the error also bellow, when using the image "logicmonitor/collector:latest" from docker hub.

version: '3.2'
    image: logicmonitor/collector:latest
    restart: always
      account: 'xxxxx'
      access_id: 'xxxxx'
      access_key: 'xxxxx'
      collector_group: 'xxxxx'
      collector_size: "small"
      description: "xxxxx"
      cleanup: "true"

docker logs 5c2a2e10a2f8
DEBUG:root:finding collector Demo Server Collector
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/collector/", line 50, in
File "/collector/", line 46, in main
startup(client, params)
File "/collector/", line 14, in startup
f = collector.find_collector(client, params)
File "/collector/", line 100, in find_collector
return find_collector_by_description(client, params)
File "/collector/", line 142, in find_collector_by_description
' calling get_device_list: ' + str(e) + '\n'
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'e' referenced before assignment

Collector starts connects then dies

The collector starts adds an entry to logicmonitor then dies. This is from docker logs. Any idea whats going on.

DEBUG:root:Instantiating Collector object
DEBUG:root:Instantiating LogicMonitor object
DEBUG:root:Running Collector._get...
DEBUG:root:Running LogicMonitor.get_collectors...
DEBUG:root:Making RPC call to 'getAgents'
DEBUG:root:Running LogicMonitor.rpc
DEBUG:root:RPC call succeeded
DEBUG:root:Collectors returned
DEBUG:root:Installing collector.
DEBUG:root:Running Collector.create...
DEBUG:root:Running Collector._create...
DEBUG:root:Platform is Linux
DEBUG:root:Running Collector._get...
DEBUG:root:Running LogicMonitor.get_collectors...
DEBUG:root:Making RPC call to 'getAgents'
DEBUG:root:Running LogicMonitor.rpc
DEBUG:root:RPC call succeeded
DEBUG:root:Collectors returned
DEBUG:root:System changed
DEBUG:root:Making RPC call to 'addAgent'
DEBUG:root:Running LogicMonitor.rpc
DEBUG:root:RPC call succeeded
DEBUG:root:Running Collector.get_installer_binary...
DEBUG:root:64 bit system
DEBUG:root:Platform is Linux
DEBUG:root:Agent ID is 11
DEBUG:root:Looking for existing installer at /usr/local/logicmonitor/logicmonitorsetup11_64.bin
DEBUG:root:No previous installer found
DEBUG:root:System changed
DEBUG:root:Downloading installer file
DEBUG:root:Attempting to open URL:

Collector Upstart "Collector Deleted"

This issue has been going on for a few months now. Seeing issues where newly provisioned hosts starting the lm_collector would be running without an active collector running inside the container. The issue goes away with a restart of the container but looking for a more steady solution. Part of our upstart routine starts the container and sets as a failover for other collectors in the same collector group, this is a no-op if the collector doesn't exist.

[06-22 15:22:55.257 UTC] [MSG] [ERROR] [main::controller:main] [Settings.merge:830] Merge settings encounter exception, CONTEXT=conf=/usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/conf/agent.conf.local, EXCEPTION=/usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/conf/agent.conf.local (No such file or directory) /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/conf/agent.conf.local (No such file or directory)
	at Method)
	at com.santaba.agent.util.Settings.merge(
	at com.santaba.agent.controller.Controller2._initConfiguration(
	at com.santaba.agent.Main.main(
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
	at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

[06-22 15:22:55.257 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [Controller2._initConfiguration:300] Initialize default logging level, CONTEXT=logLevel=info
[06-22 15:22:55.258 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [Controller2._initConfiguration:316] Starting persistent cache, CONTEXT=
DEBUG:root:Service logicmonitor-watchdog is not running
DEBUG:root:System changed
DEBUG:root:Starting logicmonitor-watchdog service
DEBUG:root:Performing start on service logicmonitor-watchdog
DEBUG:root:Getting service logicmonitor-watchdog control type
DEBUG:root:Service control is via init.d
[06-22 15:22:55.883 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [Settings.getCSProxyAddresses:1090] Found CS proxy address, CONTEXT=index=0, address=
[06-22 15:22:55.883 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [Settings.getCSProxyAddresses:1090] Found CS proxy address, CONTEXT=index=1, address=
[06-22 15:22:55.883 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [Settings.getCSProxyAddresses:1090] Found CS proxy address, CONTEXT=index=2, address=
[06-22 15:22:55.883 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [Settings.getCSProxyAddresses:1090] Found CS proxy address, CONTEXT=index=3, address=
[06-22 15:22:55.889 UTC] [INFO] [1] [default] [controller] [DNSResolver.initialize:70] Using system default DNS resolving (provider=system)
[06-22 15:22:55.917 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [HttpClient.<init>:124] Try enforce strong ciphers, CONTEXT=
[06-22 15:22:56.106 UTC] [INFO] [1] [default] [controller] [AgentID.<init>:60] Generated ID prefix - 8a03d01a-587a-4837-8fac-0250acf8c0cf
[06-22 15:22:56.107 UTC] [INFO] [1] [default] [controller] [AgentID.<init>:73] Using cached ID prefix - adfd180f-8b4b-4043-a2bf-d67f0dcdf362
[06-22 15:22:56.108 UTC] [INFO] [1] [default] [controller] [Controller2._initHttpService:486] Agent starting with ID - adfd180f-8b4b-4043-a2bf-d67f0dcdf362sbagent
[06-22 15:22:56.104 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [HttpClient.<init>:134] Try trust all certificates, CONTEXT=
[06-22 15:22:56.451 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [SSLUtilities.testSSLConnection:196] Handshake started ... Check host names ..., CONTEXT=host=*****, port=443
[06-22 15:22:56.452 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [SSLUtilities.testSSLConnection:202] Server is trusted, CONTEXT=
[06-22 15:22:56.461 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [Controller2._initConfiguration:354] SANTABA SERVER certificates OK, CONTEXT=
[06-22 15:22:56.461 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [Controller2._initConfiguration:399] Initialize configuration, CONTEXT=sbAgentRoot=/usr/local/logicmonitor/agent, platform=linux, agentId=126, debugDisabled=false
[06-22 15:22:56.687 UTC] [MSG] [WARN] [main::controller:main] [Controller2._initConfiguration:462] Unexpected status encountered from server. Will retry., CONTEXT=retry=30s, statusCode= 408, errMsg=Collector Deleted
gobler terminated OUTPUT 55
gobler terminated ERROR 55

The "Collector Deleted" error message is probably most relevant but I cant see behind the veil to know what's actually going on. Eventually the "gobler terminated" happens but not 30s after the retry, in fact there is no additional output after the "Will retry" so my guess is that it doesn't actually attempt 30s after that error appears. Any insight definitely appreciated as I have been sitting on this issue for a while now.

Exit Status 159

Testing on a raspberrypi, and unable to get the collector running. id/key are correct and used for powershell automation testing, just obscured here. Docker logs doesn't return anything.

sudo docker run --name $NAME -d -e account=cspire -e access_id="XXXX" -e access_key="XXXX" -e collector_size=nano logicmonitor/collector:latest

sudo docker container ls -a
abed3986f62b logicmonitor/collector:latest "/" 15 seconds ago Exited (159) 15 seconds ago csb-b17ed

sudo docker logs abed3986f62b

OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Can you help me debug this error?

PS K:> docker logs lm
DEBUG:root:Instantiating LogicMonitor object
DEBUG:root:Running Collector._get...
DEBUG:root:Running LogicMonitor.get_collectors...
DEBUG:root:Making RPC call to 'getAgents'
DEBUG:root:Running LogicMonitor.rpc
DEBUG:root:RPC call succeeded
DEBUG:root:Collectors returned
DEBUG:root:Installing collector.
DEBUG:root:Running Collector.create...
DEBUG:root:Running Collector._create...
DEBUG:root:Platform is Linux
DEBUG:root:Running Collector._get...
DEBUG:root:Running LogicMonitor.get_collectors...
DEBUG:root:Making RPC call to 'getAgents'
DEBUG:root:Running LogicMonitor.rpc
DEBUG:root:RPC call succeeded
DEBUG:root:Collectors returned
DEBUG:root:System changed
DEBUG:root:Making RPC call to 'addAgent'
DEBUG:root:Running LogicMonitor.rpc
DEBUG:root:RPC call succeeded
DEBUG:root:Running Collector.get_installer_binary...
DEBUG:root:64 bit system
DEBUG:root:Platform is Linux
DEBUG:root:Agent ID is 9
DEBUG:root:Looking for existing installer at /usr/local/logicmonitor/logicmonitorsetup9_64.bin
DEBUG:root:No previous installer found
DEBUG:root:System changed
DEBUG:root:Downloading installer file
DEBUG:root:Attempting to open URL:
DEBUG:root:Running Collector.install...
DEBUG:root:Platform is Linux
DEBUG:root:Running Collector.get_installer_binary...
DEBUG:root:64 bit system
DEBUG:root:Platform is Linux
DEBUG:root:Agent ID is 9
DEBUG:root:Looking for existing installer at /usr/local/logicmonitor/logicmonitorsetup9_64.bin
DEBUG:root:Collector installer already exists
DEBUG:root:System changed
DEBUG:root:Setting installer file permissions
DEBUG:root:Executing installer
DEBUG:root:*************** Notice ******************************
The installer will verify the total physical memory available based on the collector size selected.
A small collector will use up to 1GB memory, requires 2GB total physical memory.
A medium collector will use up to 2GB memory, requires 4GB total physical memory.
A large collector will use up to 4GB memory, requires 8GB total physical memory.

Extracting installer files ...
Extracting bundled JRE files ...
Insufficient physical memory. please choose a proper collector size installer.
Installation aborted.
WARNING:root:Error: Unable to install collector:
Error: Unable to install collector:
DEBUG:root:Instantiating Collector object
DEBUG:root:Instantiating LogicMonitor object
DEBUG:root:Running Collector._get...
DEBUG:root:Running LogicMonitor.get_collectors...
DEBUG:root:Making RPC call to 'getAgents'
DEBUG:root:Running LogicMonitor.rpc
DEBUG:root:RPC call succeeded
DEBUG:root:Collectors returned
DEBUG:root:Collector already installed.
DEBUG:root:Cleaning any existing lock files.
DEBUG:root:Starting collector.
DEBUG:root:Running Collector.start
DEBUG:root:Platform is Linux
DEBUG:root:Retrieving status of service logicmonitor-agent
DEBUG:root:Getting service logicmonitor-agent control type
DEBUG:root:Service control is via init.d
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/", line 98, in
File "/", line 87, in main
File "/", line 45, in startup
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/logicmonitor_core/", line 220, in start
output = Service.getStatus("logicmonitor-agent")
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/logicmonitor_core/", line 22, in getStatus
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 390, in init
errread, errwrite)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 1024, in _execute_child
raise child_exception
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

lm_collector starts with defunct process

We are currently using Kubernetes with a deployment for lm_collector which will create the container and pod. Kubernetes has built in health check for the process to ensure it is always running, and if it becomes unhealthy it will restart the container.

We have had occurrences where LogicMonitor alerts us that the lm_collector is unreachable and kubernetes should restart the container but does not.

I have a local setup to test this and I found when I deploy the container processes show a sblinuxproxy , but I believe this is a working state (so there shouldn't be any defunct processes i would think?)

root@lm-collector-784179739-ox6c6:/# ps -ef
root         1     0  0 14:42 ?        00:00:12 python /
root        10     0  0 14:42 ?        00:00:00 bash
root       133     1  0 14:44 ?        00:00:10 /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/jre/bin/java -Dwrapper.pidfile=/run/ -Dwrapper.service=true -Dwrapper.visible=
root       149   133  0 14:44 ?        00:00:28 /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/jre/bin/java -classpath /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/lib/wrapperApp.jar:/usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/lib/wrap
root       227     1  0 14:44 ?        00:00:12 /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/jre/bin/java -Dwrapper.pidfile=/run/ -Dwrapper.service=true -Dwrapper.visible=fal
root       242     1  0 14:44 ?        00:00:00 [sblinuxproxy] <defunct>
root       243     1  0 14:44 ?        00:00:08 /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/lib/sblinuxproxy -d -p 7211 -l /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/logs/sbproxy.log -s 64 -r 30 -t 120 -w 1 -i true
root       388   227  1 14:44 ?        00:00:31 /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/jre/bin/java -classpath /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/lib/wrapperApp.jar:/usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/lib/agen
root       446     1  0 14:45 ?        00:00:00 tail -F /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/logs/wrapper.log

And the only way Kubernetes will restart the container is if python / process goes bad.
If I kill individual processes the container will continue to run with a bad state.

If I kill PID 1 the container will restart but some restarts the processes come back as

root@lm-collector-784179739-ox6c6:/# ps -ef
root         1     0  2 15:40 ?        00:00:12 python /
root         9     0  0 15:40 ?        00:00:00 bash
root       123     1  0 15:42 ?        00:00:01 [java] <defunct>
root       139     1  1 15:42 ?        00:00:03 [java] <defunct>
root       217     1  1 15:42 ?        00:00:04 [java] <defunct>
root       232     1  0 15:42 ?        00:00:00 [sblinuxproxy] <defunct>
root       233     1  0 15:42 ?        00:00:01 /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/lib/sblinuxproxy -d -p 7211 -l /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/logs/sbproxy.log -s 64 -r 30 -t 120 -w 1 -i true
root       431     1  0 15:43 ?        00:00:00 tail -F /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/logs/wrapper.log
root       440     1  0 15:43 ?        00:00:01 [java] <defunct>
root       456     9  0 15:48 ?        00:00:00 ps -ef

I believe this is a different issue when a container is restarted the cleanup of lock files does not occur.

root@lm-collector-784179739-ox6c6:/# more /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/logs/wrapper.log
[10-24 15:43:05.327 UTC] [INFO] [1] [default] [controller] [DNSResolver.initialize:69] Using system default DNS resolving (provider=system)
[10-24 15:43:05.342 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [HttpService.<init>:85] Try enforce strong ciphers, CONTEXT=
>:95] Try trust all certificates, CONTEXT=n::controller:main] [HttpService.<init--More--(87%)
[10-24 15:43:05.758 UTC] [INFO] [1] [default] [controller] [AgentID.<init>:60] Generated ID prefix - 4d85d933-ec84-4e49-be67-97063eb87344
[10-24 15:43:05.761 UTC] [INFO] [1] [default] [controller] [AgentID.<init>:69] Use generated ID prefix - 4d85d933-ec84-4e49-be67-97063eb87344
[10-24 15:43:05.763 UTC] [INFO] [1] [default] [controller] [Controller2._initHttpService:448] Agent starting with ID - 4d85d933-ec84-4e49-be67-97063eb87344sbagent
[10-24 15:43:06.126 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [SSLUtilities.testSSLConnection:196] Handshake started ... Check host names ...,, port=443
[10-24 15:43:06.136 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [SSLUtilities.testSSLConnection:202] Server is trusted, CONTEXT=
[10-24 15:43:06.142 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [Controller2._initConfiguration:299] SANTABA SERVER certificates OK, CONTEXT=
[10-24 15:43:06.143 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [Controller2._initConfiguration:361] Initialize configuration, CONTEXT=sbAgentRoot=/usr/local/logicmonitor/agent, platform=linux, agentId=16, debugDisabled=false
[10-24 15:43:06.574 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [Controller2$1.handleServerFeed:311] Got server feed, CONTEXT=feed=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<feed  version="1.0" hasPendingRequests="false" >
  <errmsg>Duplicate Collector Detected</errmsg>
[10-24 15:43:06.575 UTC] [MSG] [CRITICAL] [main::controller:main] [Controller2$1.handleServerFeed:317] DUPLICATED COLLECTOR DETECTED, CONTEXT=id=4d85d933-ec84-4e49-be67-97063eb87344sbagent
[10-24 15:43:06.575 UTC] [MSG] [ERROR] [main::controller:main] [Controller2$1.handleServerFeed:324] Stopping watchdong on duplicated agent error ..., CONTEXT=
[10-24 15:43:06.577 UTC] [INFO] [1] [default] [controller] [AgentStatus._stopWatchdogLinux:364] Stop watchdog with command: /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/bin/logicmonitor-watchdog stop
[10-24 15:43:06.599 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [main::controller:main] [AgentStatus._executeCommand:542] Try executing task with given timeout, CONTEXT=cmdline=/usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/bin/logicmonitor-watchdog stop, timeout=30000ms
[10-24 15:43:07.535 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [Thread-3:::] [StatusListener$] Peer closed connection, CONTEXT=readMessage=.
[10-24 15:43:07.556 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [Thread-3:::] [StatusListener$] Receive peer request, CONTEXT=command=, charset=UTF-8, peer=/
[10-24 15:43:33.612 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [pool-1-thread-1::discover:timerTask] [DiscoverManager$] Timer task running, CONTEXT=epoch=1477323813612
toPropsManager$] Timer task running, CONTEXT=epoch=1477323813623ask] [Au--More--(95%)
[10-24 15:43:33.633 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [pool-1-thread-1::discover:timerTask] [FSMDiscoveryTask.printStats:167] Discovery task stats, CONTEXT=run=0, start=0, finish=0, avgRunTime=0, avgStartTime=0, avgFinishTime=0
[10-24 15:43:33.637 UTC] [MSG] [INFO] [pool-2-thread-1::autoprops:timerTask] [FSMAutoPropsTask.printStats:91] AP task stats, CONTEXT=run=0, start=0, finish=0, avgRunTime=0, avgStartTime=0, avgFinishTime=0
[10-24 15:43:36.600 UTC] [MSG] [ERROR] [main::controller:main] [AsyncProcessWaiter.await:139] Process failed to terminate in given time, CONTEXT=timeout=30000ms, output=Stopping logicmonitor-watchdog ...
YAJSW VER : yajsw-stable-11.11
OS VER    : Linux/4.2.3-300.fc23.x86_64/amd64
JVM VER   : Oracle Corporation/1.8.0_66//usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/jre/64
APP CONFIG: /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/conf/watchdog.conf
************* STOPPING POSIX logicmonitor-watchdog ***********************
, errOutput=.
[10-24 15:43:37.567 UTC] [MSG] [ERROR] [Thread-6:::] [AsyncProcessWaiter$] Reading stdout error, CONTEXT=err=Stream closed
[10-24 15:43:37.568 UTC] [MSG] [ERROR] [main::controller:main] [AgentStatus._executeCommand:548] Executing task timed out, CONTEXT=cmdline=/usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/bin/logicmonitor-watchdog stop
dleServerFeed:331] Cannot stop watchdog, CONTEXT=exception=nullController2$1.han--More--(99%)
[10-24 15:43:37.571 UTC] [MSG] [CRITICAL] [main::controller:main] [Controller2$1.handleServerFeed:335] Stopping agent on duplicated agent error ..., CONTEXT=
gobler terminated OUTPUT 388
gobler terminated ERROR 388
root@lm-collector-784179739-ox6c6:/# tail /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/logs/sbproxy.log
10-24 15:42:53.820728 [00000000] [146733136] [INFO] create rotate check thread successfully
10-24 15:42:53.821678 [f6f48000] [146733136] [INFO] Starting ...
10-24 15:42:53.838091 [f6f48000] [146733136] [INFO] Initialize ping worker 0 successed
10-24 15:42:53.838234 [f6f48000] [146733136] [INFO] Pinger thread initialized successfully for 0
10-24 15:42:53.838242 [f6f48000] [146733136] [INFO] Total 1 pinger thread initialized successfully
10-24 15:42:53.838279 [f6f48000] [146733136] [INFO] Linux proxy started at port 7211 with request timeout=30 seconds, thread pool size=120, ping pool size=1
10-24 15:43:03.068052 [f6f48000] [4092861296] [INFO] Set level to info (3)
10-24 15:43:07.532736 [f6f48000] [4101254000] [WARN] Cannot read requestid (conn=7). Quit
10-24 15:43:07.532848 [f6f48000] [4101254000] [WARN] Invalid request, quit ...
10-24 15:43:07.532854 [f6f48000] [4101254000] [INFO] Thread 0x8bf02b0 done

Any assistance is appreciated and additional information can be provided.

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