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fbmessenger's Introduction


Min 4.26 Live Helper Chat version.

Facebook messenger extension

Integration with Facebook messenger API. You will be able to chat with Facebook page users directly in lhc back office.

  • Bot support. [New] Supported bot elements
    • Text messages including Quick Replies - Send Text
    • Typing - Send typing
    • Carrousel - Send Carrousel
    • Buttons - Button list
    • All other triggers including internal operations also will work.
    • To listed for "Get Started" button action just listen for text message with content "GET_STARTED" also see demo bot in official demo.
  • Support multiple pages without creating new app for each page.
  • Supports multiple pages at once.
  • Each page chat can be assigned to custom department.

Update instructions

  • Make sure you have most recent Live Helper Chat version.
  • Update database via php cron.php -s site_admin -e fbmessenger -c cron/update_structure command
  • Modules -> Facebook chat -> Save and Activate WhatsApp configuration. Click it if you are using WhatsApp integration.

Installation in your LHC server

  • Upload the files to your lhc_web/extension/fbmessenger folder
  • Install database either by executing doc/install.sql file or executing this command php cron.php -s site_admin -e fbmessenger -c cron/update_structure
  • Install dependencies using composer
  • Activate extension in main settings file lhc_web/settings/settings.ini.php extension section fbmessenger by Adding lines:
'extensions' =>  array (  'fbmessenger',  ),
  • If you don't see this in Module, check your lhc_web/settings/settings.ini.php and also click Clean Cache from back office
  • copy extension/fbmessenger/settings/settings.ini.default.php to extension/fbmessenger/settings/settings.ini.php

WhatsApp configuration

This configuration option is available with Permanent Access Token. In the future we might add a Login option. In facebook Extension settings you have to enter

!fbtemplate {"template_name":"hello_world","template_lang":"en_us","args":{}}
!fbtemplate {"template_name":"quick_reply","template_lang":"en","args":{"field_1":"name","field_header_1":"header"}}

See image

From WhatsApp perspective we support images, text, video, audio, contact, location, sticker, document messages types

To send campaign of template messages this cronjob has to be setup.

How to listen for quick reply actions from templates you send?

Each quick reply button send from lhc get's payload constructed as.

$item->template.'-quick_reply_'.$indexButton, => quick_reply-quick_reply_0

This is needed because we don't have chat upfront and can't set payload upfront.

So just listen for Custom text matching with that keyword. This sample is provided in bot sample

I have bot for default department, but I want chat go directly to pending state if I send a template?

You have few options

  • Setup quick reply button in your template and listen for those events in your bot
  • While sending a message template choose a department without a bot.
    • We will look for message template without a chat and assign new chat to selected department.


  • In all those scenarios Visitor should NOT have any active chat, otherwise his message will go to active chat and the above rules won't be applied.
  • In incoming webhook configuration FacebookWhatsApp in Chat options choose If previous chat is found and it is closed we should => Create a new chat


  • While app is in testing mode received callback phone number and received callback numbers can be different. E.g
    • 3706111111 received from callback
    • To send this number back you have to set 37086111111. Notice 8
  • After you activate extension to handle this problem you might need to edit incoming webhook rule
    • This rule depends on phone number you have
    • Chat ID field replace rule set to /^370/is
    • Chat ID field replace value set to 3708


This cronjob sends scheduled campaign messages and regular mass messages Should be run every minute or more frequent.

php cron.php -s site_admin -e fbmessenger -c cron/masssending

Collects campaign recipients and puts them in the main mass messages queue. Should be run every minute or more frequent.

php cron.php -s site_admin -e fbmessenger -c cron/whatsapp_campaign

One page one app installation workflow

This method is usefull if you are planning to use this extension by creating separate apps for each page you manage.

  • Now you can create facebook page in Modules -> Facebook chat -> Facebook pages -> Register new page (later you will have this info from facebook developer section)
  • While creating facebook page check Application was verified by facebook otherwise we will not send request to facebook. Save page.
  • Once page is created you will see what callback url you have to put in facebook webhook. URL is presented in list. HTTPS is must!
  • Facebook APP has to use 8.0v or newer

Actions to do in and Live Helper Chat back office

  • APP secret - Copy App Secret from Settings -> Basic
  • Verify token - put any random string without spaces.
  • Page token - follow steps bellow
  • Click Products + in facebook back office and choose Messenger as product you want to add to your APP
  • Click Messenger -> Settings your app page
  • In Access Tokens section click Add or Removes pages there you will get Token which you have to put in Page token field.
  • Now in Webhooks section of Messenger -> Settings page Edit Callback URL. Facebook to verify callback URL will ask you to enter Verify token and callback url. Callback URL you will see in pages list.
  • In same Webhooks add Page from which you want to receive messages. As subscription fields choose messages, messaging_postbacks, message_deliveries, message_reads, messaging_pre_checkouts, messaging_checkout_updates, messaging_referrals, message_echoes, standby, messaging_handovers, message_reactions

So at the end everything should look like

See image

See image

One account multiple page installation workflow

This workflow is usefull if you are planning to use more than one page per facebook account.

  • Your facebook application has to have "pages_messaging" permission for lhc to be able to extract visitor information and be able to send messages back to lhc. For that you will have to submit application and wait for FB to review it.
  • Set webhook callback to url similar to this. verify token you have to put in extension/fbmessenger/settings/settings.ini.php file.
  • Valid OAuth Redirect URLs should look like
  • We request these scopes email, pages_show_lis, pages_messaging, pages_messaging_subscriptions
  • If you did everything correctly you should be able to login from facebook and grant access Live Helper Chat to see your pages and subscribe to messages events.

One app multiple servers installation

This scenario is usefull in case you have multiple clients and each client has it's own server or address. You can have one master instance which will act as Master and will forward all incoming request from facebook to correct URL of child server.

To activate that option you have to edit extension/fbmessenger/settings/settings.ini.php and set options similar to below

'standalone' => array (
        'enabled' => true,
        'secret_hash' => 'random_string_to_out',
        'address' => '' // Master instance address

In facebook Valid OAuth Redirect URIs has to be changed to E.g

Messenger -> Settings Webhooks Callback URL has to be set to

Then Submit to facebook to validate your app

  • Before facebook validates your application keep settings verified false (in your LHC facebook page configuration)*
  • After facebook has reviewed your application set "verified" to YES. So you will be able to send a messages. During testing, if you add some developer, you can set it to true to see how it works.

Finally Make your app public.

  • After facebook has reviewed your application you need to make your app live and available

How it works

Once visitor writes a message in facebook page. You will receive a chat with visitor.

How to debug

in extension/fbmessenger/settings/settings.ini.php change setting to 'enable_debug' => true if you have verified site. Check cache/default.log for more detailed error.

How to install extensions using DigitalOcean?

Execute these commands

cd /var/www/git
git clone
cd /var/www/git/fbmessenger
php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');"
php composer-setup.php
php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
./composer.phar install
cd /var/www/html/extension
ln -s /var/www/git/fbmessenger
cp /var/www/html/extension/fbmessenger/settings/settings.ini.default.php /var/www/html/extension/fbmessenger/settings/settings.ini.php 
php cron.php -s site_admin -e fbmessenger -c cron/update_structure

If you are using instance as standalone copy all content from master instance /var/www/html/extension/fbmessenger/settings/settings.ini.php

Activate extension by editing

vi /var/www/html/settings/settings.ini.php

And make extensions section look like

'extensions' => 
  array (
	0 => 'nodejshelper',
	1 => 'lhcphpresque',
	2 => 'fbmessenger',

Setup cronjob to renew SSL automatically

crontab -e

And add this line

0 */12 * * * /usr/bin/certbot renew --post-hook "systemctl reload nginx" >> /var/log/le-renew.log


  • Add support for images, not just plain messages.
  • Add support for automated hosting environment.
  • Get facebook user details like email or phone.

fbmessenger's People


altomarketing avatar dependabot[bot] avatar elplaza avatar jasonfun888 avatar remdex avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar

fbmessenger's Issues

Support for receiving audio message from Facebook

It is needed to make a change like this in several places of bootstrap.php:
if ($data['type'] == 'file') {
$messageText .= '[url=' . $data['payload']['url'].']Download file[/url]';
} else if ($data['type'] == 'audio') {
$messageText .= '[url=' . $data['payload']['url'].']Audio[/url]';

} else if ($data['type'] == 'image') {

Adding the 2 lines in bold to show an Audio link which can be clicked to download and listen to audio. If it could be played directly on browser that would be even better.

How to close chat?


If you close chat from admin interface and facebook user sends you a new messages, you will never see those messages. How can I close chat correctly?

issues with transfer fbchat to departments

im getting issues with fb chats and transfers chats to departments,
ok from a list of several fanpages I can subscribe to all of them with a department, but when I try to send messages, it is only transferred to one department and not to the others that I chose, this department is the one that is doing the first callback of the webhook and ignores the other configured

integration with a Rasa bot does not work

The scenario when Facebook (Whatsapp) user send a message and that land on agent or bot of LHC, works fine. But the scenario when the Whatsapp user send a message and that is routing to Rasa bot, dos not work.
Same Rasa bot works fine with MessageBird integration.
Do you have any tip or upgrade or example that works in that scenario?

Message from LHC to FB not work

Hello, i have a setup that is giving the next error and not send message from LHC to FB

but from FB to the LHC work perfectly

Bot config:
Removed because of security.

Apache error_log chat_error_log.txt

cache/default.log: Empty

Security vulnerability.

Hi I have discovered Security issue in this project. Please add file so I can submit report.

I gen Message We’ll be back soon

I download with git clone
then update database with the sql from doc folder
add in setting.ini.php 'fbmessenger',
and clean cache,
and get this message after try the module setting

my fb pàges shows 25 items

we admin more than 100 fanpages, but in my fb pages only shows 25, how can i configure or show all fanpages?

[Help with]fbmessenger not working 100%

Hello, i have setup this extension and is not totally working.
php: 7.3
apache: 2.4.43
mariadb: 10.4.14
LHC v: 3.42/Master

1 <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
2 <VirtualHost *:443>
3     ServerName
5     DocumentRoot /services/webs/chat
7     ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/chat_error_log
8     CustomLog /var/log/apache2/chat_access_log combined
10     # don't loose time with IP address lookups
11     HostnameLookups Off
13     # needed for named virtual hosts
14     UseCanonicalName Off
16     # configures the footer on server-generated documents
17     ServerSignature On
19     <Directory "/services/webs/chat">
21         Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
23         AllowOverride All
25         <IfModule !mod_access_compat.c>
26             Require all granted
27         </IfModule>
28         <IfModule mod_access_compat.c>
29             Order allow,deny
30             Allow from all
31         </IfModule>
33     </Directory>
36 SSLCertificateFile letsencrypt
37 SSLCertificateKeyFile letsencrypt
38 Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf
39 </VirtualHost>
40 </IfModule>

debug.log: this error appear when i write a message from fb to the bot

Sep 27 16:20:23 [Warning] [default] [default] Error Object
[message:protected] => Call to undefined function fastcgi_finish_request()
[string:Error:private] => Error: Call to undefined function fastcgi_finish_request() in /services/webs/chat/cache/compiledtemplates/aa9635868b34ce13b688dde758165a06.php:1
Stack trace:
#0 /services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php(96): include()
#1 /services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php(550): erLhcoreClassModule::runModule()
#2 /services/webs/chat/index.php(44): erLhcoreClassModule::moduleInit()
#3 {main}
[code:protected] => 0
[file:protected] => /services/webs/chat/cache/compiledtemplates/aa9635868b34ce13b688dde758165a06.php
[line:protected] => 1
[trace:Error:private] => Array
[0] => Array
[file] => /services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php
[line] => 96
[function] => include

[1] => Array
[file] => /services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php
[line] => 550
[function] => runModule
[class] => erLhcoreClassModule
[type] => ::
[args] => Array


[2] => Array
[file] => /services/webs/chat/index.php
[line] => 44
[function] => moduleInit
[class] => erLhcoreClassModule
[type] => ::
[args] => Array



[previous:Error:private] => 
Sep 27 16:20:24 [Warning] [default] [default] Error Object
[message:protected] => Call to undefined function fastcgi_finish_request()
[string:Error:private] => Error: Call to undefined function fastcgi_finish_request() in /services/webs/chat/cache/compiledtemplates/aa9635868b34ce13b688dde758165a06.php:1
Stack trace:
#0 /services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php(96): include()
#1 /services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php(550): erLhcoreClassModule::runModule()
#2 /services/webs/chat/index.php(44): erLhcoreClassModule::moduleInit()
#3 {main}
[code:protected] => 0
[file:protected] => /services/webs/chat/cache/compiledtemplates/aa9635868b34ce13b688dde758165a06.php
[line:protected] => 1
[trace:Error:private] => Array
[0] => Array
[file] => /services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php
[line] => 96
[function] => include

[1] => Array
[file] => /services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php
[line] => 550
[function] => runModule
[class] => erLhcoreClassModule
[type] => ::
[args] => Array


[2] => Array
[file] => /services/webs/chat/index.php
[line] => 44
[function] => moduleInit
[class] => erLhcoreClassModule
[type] => ::
[args] => Array



[previous:Error:private] =>

apache error_log:

[Sun Sep 27 11:28:42.046631 2020] [php7:notice] [pid 1128] [client] Error: Call to undefined function fastcgi_finish_request() in /opt/services/webs/chat/cache/compiledtemplates/aa9635868b34ce13b688dde758165a06.php:1\nStacktrace:\n#0 /opt/services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php(96): include()\n#1 /opt/services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php(550): erLhcoreClassModule::runModule()\n#2 /opt/services/webs/chat/index.php(44): erLhcoreClassModule::moduleInit()\n#3 {main}
[Sun Sep 27 11:28:42.046665 2020] [php7:warn] [pid 1128] [client] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /opt/services/webs/chat/cache/compiledtemplates/aa9635868b34ce13b688dde758165a06.php:1) in /opt/services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php on line 192
[Sun Sep 27 11:28:42.046675 2020] [php7:warn] [pid 1128] [client] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /opt/services/webs/chat/cache/compiledtemplates/aa9635868b34ce13b688dde758165a06.php:1) in /opt/services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php on line 193
[Sun Sep 27 11:28:42.046683 2020] [php7:warn] [pid 1128] [client] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /opt/services/webs/chat/cache/compiledtemplates/aa9635868b34ce13b688dde758165a06.php:1) in /opt/services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php on line 194
[Sun Sep 27 11:28:42.261690 2020] [php7:notice] [pid 1132] [client] Error: Call to undefined function fastcgi_finish_request() in /opt/services/webs/chat/cache/compiledtemplates/aa9635868b34ce13b688dde758165a06.php:1\nStack trace:\n#0 /opt/services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php(96): include()\n#1 /opt/services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php(550): erLhcoreClassModule::runModule()\n#2 /opt/services/webs/chat/index.php(44): erLhcoreClassModule::moduleInit()\n#3 {main}
[Sun Sep 27 11:28:42.261750 2020] [php7:warn] [pid 1132] [client] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /opt/services/webs/chat/cache/compiledtemplates/aa9635868b34ce13b688dde758165a06.php:1) in /opt/services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php on line 192
[Sun Sep 27 11:28:42.261787 2020] [php7:warn] [pid 1132] [client] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /opt/services/webs/chat/cache/compiledtemplates/aa9635868b34ce13b688dde758165a06.php:1) in /opt/services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php on line 193
[Sun Sep 27 11:28:42.261827 2020] [php7:warn] [pid 1132] [client] PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /opt/services/webs/chat/cache/compiledtemplates/aa9635868b34ce13b688dde758165a06.php:1) in /opt/services/webs/chat/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php on line 194

What work?

  • Add Start Burron.

Preview of the trigger


Debug Output

Hello, i get not found errors in my debug output for multiple tpl files, same issue with twilio extension.

Not Found /lhc_web/extension/fbmessenger/design/fbmessengertheme/tpl/lhsystem/configuration.tpl.php
Not Found /lhc_web/extension/fbmessenger/design/fbmessengertheme/tpl/lhsystem/configuration_titles/system_title.tpl.php
Not Found /lhc_web/extension/fbmessenger/design/fbmessengertheme/tpl/lhsystem/configuration_tabs/generate_js.tpl.php

There are more files, if needed i will collect and report all of them.

Auto assign existent chats to offline users

if a user has already made a chat with an operator in the past, if the same user writes a new message in the future and the department is set for automatic assignment, the "new" chat is assigned to the same operator also if it is logged but in offline status

whatsapp webhook verify not working


i try to use whatsapp business api. have follow all the instruction but cannot verify the webhook in facebook with error "
The callback URL or verify token couldn't be validated. Please verify the provided information or try again later."

Sql syntax error to start chat with facebook

I configured and tested fbmessenger , but its not working.
1- I enabled debug,
2- when a customer enters in facebook to chat, in our server we are receiving this error that i can not fix.

Jul 21 22:37:48 [Warning] [default] [default] INVALID__TOKEN
Jul 21 22:38:46 [Warning] [default] [default] Message - testingtesting
Jul 21 22:38:46 [Warning] [default] [default] Sender User Id - 1431077903629068
Jul 21 22:38:46 [Warning] [default] [default] A query failed internally in Persistent Object: SQLSTATE[42S22]: **Column not found**: 1054 Unknown column 'lhc_fbmessenger_chat.page_id' in 'field list' Query: 'SELECT `lhc_fbmessenger_chat`.`id`, `lhc_fbmessenger_chat`.`user_id`, `lhc_fbmessenger_chat`.`chat_id`, `lhc_fbmessenger_chat`.`page_id`, `lhc_fbmessenger_chat`.`ctime`, `lhc_fbmessenger_chat`.`recipient_user_id` FROM `lhc_fbmessenger_chat` WHERE `lhc_fbmessenger_chat`.`user_id` = :ezcValue1 AND `lhc_fbmessenger_chat`.`recipient_user_id` = :ezcValue2 AND `lhc_fbmessenger_chat`.`page_id` = :ezcValue3 ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0'

Fresh install error: We’ll be back soon!

Installed by documentation but receive this error page if click from "Admin > Modules > Facebook chat" "We’ll be back soon!" log says only this error:

`Sep 16 18:39:36 [Warning] [default] [default] Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException Object
[message:protected] => Required "app_id" key not supplied in config and could not find fallback environment variable "FACEBOOK_APP_ID"
[string:Exception:private] => Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException: Required "app_id" key not supplied in config and could not find fallback environment variable "FACEBOOK_APP_ID" in /home/test/domains/
Stack trace:
#0 /home/test/domains/ Facebook\Facebook->__construct()
#1 /home/test/domains/ erLhcoreClassModelFBMessengerUser::getFBAppInstance()
#2 /home/test/domains/ include('/home/test/...')
#3 /home/test/domains/ erLhcoreClassTemplate->fetchExecute()
#4 /home/test/domains/ erLhcoreClassTemplate->fetch()
#5 /home/test/domains/ include('/home/test/...')
#6 /home/test/domains/ erLhcoreClassModule::runModule()
#7 /home/test/domains/ erLhcoreClassModule::moduleInit()
#8 {main}
[code:protected] => 0
[file:protected] => /home/test/domains/
[line:protected] => 139
[trace:Exception:private] => Array
[0] => Array
[file] => /home/test/domains/
[line] => 34
[function] => __construct
[class] => Facebook\Facebook
[type] => ->

        [1] => Array
                [file] => /home/test/domains/
                [line] => 1
                [function] => getFBAppInstance
                [class] => erLhcoreClassModelFBMessengerUser
                [type] => ::

        [2] => Array
                [file] => /home/test/domains/
                [line] => 572
                [args] => Array
                        [0] => /home/test/domains/

                [function] => include

        [3] => Array
                [file] => /home/test/domains/
                [line] => 545
                [function] => fetchExecute
                [class] => erLhcoreClassTemplate
                [type] => ->

        [4] => Array
                [file] => /home/test/domains/
                [line] => 2
                [function] => fetch
                [class] => erLhcoreClassTemplate
                [type] => ->

        [5] => Array
                [file] => /home/test/domains/
                [line] => 108
                [args] => Array
                        [0] => /home/test/domains/

                [function] => include

        [6] => Array
                [file] => /home/test/domains/
                [line] => 658
                [function] => runModule
                [class] => erLhcoreClassModule
                [type] => ::

        [7] => Array
                [file] => /home/test/domains/
                [line] => 53
                [function] => moduleInit
                [class] => erLhcoreClassModule
                [type] => ::


[previous:Exception:private] => 


Random fail on query

hello i am getting this error randomly

A query failed internally in Persistent Object: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1142 UPDATE command denied to user 'db'@'localhost' for table 'lhc_fbmessenger_page' Query: 'UPDATE lhc_fbmessenger_page SET dep_id = :ezcValue1, page_token = :ezcValue2, verify_token = :ezcValue3, app_secret = :ezcValue4, name = :ezcValue5, verified = :ezcValue6, bot_disabled = :ezcValue7 WHERE id = :ezcValue8'

I'm receiving 505 HTTP Error when I try to access facebook module

I have recently installed LHC, and now I'm trying to install fbmessenger extension.
After download and executed the "php cron.php -s site_admin -e fbmessenger -c cron/update_structure", I tried to enter on the module... cleaned the cache.. then the module shows up. But when I click on it, I receive a http 503 error after some seconds (30-40s).

Is possible to be a maximum execution time problem? I run this website on a loadbalancer....

chat pnd_time is not set on new chat

New chat comes from FB. chat.pnd_time is set to 0. This for example causes condition like {time}-{} > 60 to be true immediately on new chat.

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