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liquibase-oracle's Introduction

liquibase-oracle Build and Test Extension

This extension adds Oracle-specific change tags to Liquibase. More details on these can be found in the Liquibase Confluence site, in the Oracle Extensions page.

liquibase-oracle's People


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liquibase-oracle's Issues

dbchangelog-ext.xsd schema is missing definition for MaterializedViewRefreshType

MaterializedViewRefreshType simple type referenced in refreshMaterializedView element definition for refreshType attribute (line 205) is not defined in the schema anywhere. This renders the whole schema invalid.

src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'MaterializedViewRefreshType' to a(n) 'simpleType definition' component.
src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 'MaterializedViewRefreshType' to a(n) 'type definition' component.

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Bug by Unito

Add Grant option to ora:grantObjectPermission

It would be nice to have the "grant option" added to grantObjectPermission

<sql>grant select,insert,update,delete on ${tableName} to ${schema} with grant option</sql>


<ora:grantObjectPermission recipientList="${schema}" objectName="${tableName}" select="true" insert="true" update="true" delete="true" grant="true"/>

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Bug by Unito

Liquibase : Tablespace not coming in the changelog using ant

Hi ,

tablespace attribute is not coming up in the changelog when executing through ant in liquibase 3.6.2.
but it was mentioned that the support to tablespace has been added 3.6.0 in bug fixes release notes as below:
[CORE-1225] - Add support for tablespace assigned to liquibase metadata tables is mentioned in the liquibase 3.6.0 version.

Are we missing any patch?

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Bug by Unito

How can we use xinclude in Liquibase XML changlelog?

I am trying to include another xml file which is a fragement of XML file into my changelog. Whenever I execute my changelog in liquibase it gets executed successfully (without any parsing error) but no table is created in the database.

I am not sure we can use xInclude in liquibsae, but I think it should be possible as we are using xml underneath in liquibase. Plus I coulndt find any example of xinclude in liquibase and in offical documentation.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

	<changeSet id="id-1234"

		<comment>creates table: employee</comment>
			href="employee.xml" parse="xml"

			<dropTable schemaName="employee_test" tableName="employee" />



<createTable tableName="employee" xml:id="title">
	<column name="employee_id" type="UUID">
		<constraints primaryKey="true"
			primaryKeyName="employee_pkey" />
	<column name="first_name" type="TEXT" />
	<column name="middle_name" type="TEXT" />
	<column name="last_name" type="TEXT" />
	<column name="email" type="TEXT" />
	<column name="n_created_by" type="TEXT" />
	<column name="n_created" type="TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE" />
	<column name="n_last_modified_by" type="TEXT" />
	<column name="n_last_modified"

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Bug by Unito

xsd oracle extension is not visible


I'm trying to use liquibase and oracle extension to add a materialized view with "refresh on commit" option

i see several problems:

  • refresh on commit / on demand don't seems to be available as OOTB option in schema
  • xsd extension is in src/main instead of src/resources, which means the schema is not in jar
  • xsd schema namespace is the same than in liquibase core, which is in fact an empty shell. this prevent IDE (IJ) to get a proper completion while i was expecting to add some liquibase-oracle namespace location in my xml root tag
  • is this project still official and following liquibase release ? latest reference to out of date

I can do some PR for this issue, but prior to do this, please confirm it's the right repo to do this and Liquibase is still in the arena with other competitors like Flyway


┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Bug by Unito

ora:createTrigger rollback issue

ora:createTrigger seems to have a problem with rollback

the automatic rollback for code containing:

SELECT info INTO FROM sp.employees@remote WHERE user_id=:new.REJECTED_BY;

fails with a message like:
Unexpected error running Liquibase: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-04045: errors during recompilation/revalidation of YYYY.ZZZZ_info_REG_NO
ORA-04052: error occurred when looking up remote object SP.EMPLOYEES@remote
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 3
ORA-02019: connection description for remote database not found

Additionally, explicitly added rollback code appears to be ignored.

drop trigger trigger_name

Medium severity vulnerability CVE-2015-9251 in jquery.min.js version 2.2.4


Please let me know if I am in the correct place to open this security issue.

One of our product is using Liquibase and we've just finished the security testing. We have just found out that Liquibase is using an older version of jquery.min.js. Due to medium severity ( CVE-2015-9251 ) jquery should be upgraded to version >=3.0.0. Let me know if major upgrade can be done and wont be a breaking one.


┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Bug by Unito

ORA-12899: value too large for column "XXX"."DATABASECHANGELOG_EXPORT"."DEP_NAME"

When an object has a lot of dependencies, following ORA-12899 is being raised during "lb genschema"-command. To my opinion it is due the 'DEP-NAME'-column specificiation. It has a specification of VARCHAR2(200).

If I may propose to change this column to a XMLType. When storing these dependencies in an xmltype, this error will never raised. I propose XMLType instead of VARCHAR2, because VARCHAR2 has a limit of 4000 characters (used in a table definition).

See post in the community.

Kind Regards

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Bug by Unito

schemaName is not allowed on oracle


I'm having trouble executing a createTrigger script. It keeps returning following message: "schemaName is not allowed on oracle, ...".
I'm using dbchangelog-3.1.xsd and extention liquibase-oracle-3.0.0.jar against an Oracle XE database.
Strangely it works on another project using liquibases dbchangelog-2.0.xsd (don't know if this has something to do with it). I tried creating the trigger using sqlDeveloper and this works. Is there anything you could think of i'm doing wrong?
I also tried multiple combinations, names, with and without schemaName, but none of them works.

Command line output:


Create trigger changeset example:

Column oracle clob issue


With the update table tag, when specify column of type="CLOB" this isn't handled correctly by liquibase and throws error. ORA-01704: string literal too long.
at liquibase.executor.jvm.JdbcExecutor.execute(


<changeSet id="id_example" author="spotymydot" runOnChange="true">
    <update tableName="RULES">
        <column name="script" type="CLOB"><![CDATA[

lots of data goes here

This requires the oracle function to_clob() to be used.

This is with the latest 3.2.0 version of liquibase

3.6.x LoadDataChange createSnapshot code path very slow

In 3.6.x the LoadDataChange slows down considerably due the new code that checks for missing columns (see attachment). Is there a way to disable this or make it at least configurable? Without this change loading working properly in 3.5.x.
liquibase-3 6 3-slow-snapshots

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Bug by Unito

PL/SQL and SQL script in one sqlFile with liquibase for Oracle

Hello Team,

We are trying to run a Stored procedure and a SQL statement in the same liquibase changeset using Liquibase 3.8.0 and getting below error.

change set

e_error EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA exception_init ( e_error,-00942 );

WHEN e_error THEN

Unexpected error running Liquibase: ORA-06550: line 12, column 2:
PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "/"
[Failed SQL: (6550) DECLARE
e_error EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA exception_init ( e_error,-00942 );

WHEN e_error THEN

Could you please help?

Thanks & Regards

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Bug by Unito


Where I can found updated doc? The very outdated.

ora:createTrigger - procedure not preserving line breaks

It seems that the procedure in ora:createTrigger does not preserve line breaks when executing the code.

If the code contains like

stmt1 --- some comment

are compiled as
stmt1 --- some comment stmt2

so it is in error when checking in sql developer.

Would it be possible to preserve the line break?

When migrating existing databases to liquibase it is a lot more straight forward if it would.

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Bug by Unito

dbunit 2.7.3 breaks extension

After the dependabot PR was merged to upgrade dbunit from 2.7.2 to 2.7.3 the release extension job started to fail:

Here are the changes:

This issue should be used to track 2 things:

  1. fixing our dependency issue
  2. updating our pull request action to catch issues like this. The PR was green but obviously had breaking changes.

CC @nvoxland @molivasdat @kevin-atx

Tests are not working

Tests are hardcoded to connect to url jdbc:oracle:thin:@Vagrant:1521:lqbase . This needs to be replaced by a docker instance to allow tests execution.

Compilation fails on Java 16

Compiling on Java 16 (demonstrated in GitHub build action) fails with the following error:

Error:  Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) on project liquibase-oracle: There are test failures.

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Bug by Unito

Unwanted dependency on liquibase-commercial

Since version 4.27.0 liquibase-oracle has a dependency on liquibase-commercial due to changes in liquibase-parent-pom. This forces the dependency on projects that do not use Liquibase Pro. This was found in a project that uses Liquibase on H2 and Oracle databases. If liquibase-oracle and liquibase-commercial are in the classpath together, the execution on a H2 database fails.

I have also created issue liquibase/liquibase-parent-pom#168 on liquibase-parent-pom.

liquibase 3.6.3 with oracle db server version 12

problem with oracle server db relase :
When I try a liquibase generate changelog, I get error :
liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol.
I use jdbc driver jdbc14.jar as defined in the documentation.

When I try the same commando with a db server release, the change is generated without any problem. Does someone have any idea ?


┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Bug by Unito

ora: merge doesn't work


I have a problem with ora:merge using oracle extension 3.2 and liquibase 3.5.3:
With liquibase 3.4.2 the merge sql is generated in the updateSql file (see test_migrate_3_4_2.sql) however with liquibase 3.5.3 the merge sql is missing from the updateSql file (see test_migrate_3_5_3)

I have run it with following command:

java -jar liquibase.jar --driver=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver --classpath=c:/liq/ojdbc6-;c:/liq/liquibase-oracle.jar --changeLogFile=C:/liq/xml/master.xml --url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe" --username="sys as sysdba" --password=password --liquibaseSchemaName=TEST_LIQUIBASE --promptForNonLocalDatabase=false --logLevel=info updateSQL -Dschema=TEST > test_migrate.sql

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Bug by Unito

Oracle identity column

I create a table with an ID column

I then run:

liquibase generateChangeLog

The Change log contains this:

      <column defaultValueComputed="&quot;LIC2_OWNER&quot;.&quot;ISEQ$$_98884&quot;.nextval" name="ADT_ID" remarks="Unique identity number of this audit trail." type="NUMBER(19, 0)">
            <constraints nullable="false"/>

Ideally we should just have metadata - stating identity column and the defaultValueComputed should not be present.

I have looked at the code which generates the SQL from the changeLog and it seems to imply that it should handle the creation of SQL based on the Identity metadata but i have not seen how it extracts this information from the database.

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Bug by Unito

Rollback of unnamed check constraint fails

Using a changeset with
<ora:addCheck tableName="LEGI_QUAL"
condition="COMPLEMENTARY IN ( '1', '0' )"
I get a rollback sql statement of:
Which in turn renders an error "Liquibase rollback Failed: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Error executing SQL ALTER TABLE .LEGI_QUAL drop CONSTRAINT null: ORA-
But constraintName is marked as optional in the documentation.

Use of Column type "java.sql.Types.BINARY" results in "ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis"


I'm having some trouble when using "java.sql.Types.BINARY" as a column type when creating a table.
I wanted to add a column to store binary data and used it as a solution.
But when executing an update it failes returning message: "... ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis" in my console.
I did some research and found out that using "blob" as a type resolves the error.
But is it the same solution and why does the java.sql.Types.BINARY results in an error?

thanks in advance

oracle package body doesn't execute embedded files

I have a package specification and then a package body. The package body is built current by executing the file in sqlplus which will use the package body as file references allowing for each procedure of the package to be kept in a distinct file. Compile fails because body for pkg after update is the literal file including the @proc1.sql.

Have I missed something that would allow me to build my packages in this manner?

  • directory contents
    • spec.pks
    • body.pkb
    • proc1.sql
    • proc2.sql
create or replace package body pkg
end pkg;

┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Bug by Unito

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