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fhir's Issues

Add DB2 on Cloud setup/configuration docs

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Document the setup and configuration of DB2 on Cloud as a persistence provider for FHIR R4.

Describe the solution you'd like
A markdown document

Describe alternatives you've considered
Is there anything better than markdown?

Additional context

FHIR Profiling

This epic covers user stories related to profiling of the FHIR specification.

Enable Travis for the FHIR Repository

Enable Travis for the FHIR Repository

Create .travis.yml

# (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2019
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

# Notes: 
# SKIPPING BUILD via Travis: 
# To skip the build use: 
# [skip <KEYWORD>]
# ci, travis, travis ci, travis-ci, or travisci
# Example: [skip travis] Update README

dist: xenial
sudo: false

language: java

# use Open JDK 8
  - openjdk8

  - java -version

  fast_finish: true

# Using a depth of false, we don't really modify git. 
  depth: false
  quiet: true
  submodules: false

  - echo "MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx2G -Xms1G -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Djava.awt.headless=true -B'" > ~/.mavenrc

# fhir-parent-it = Integration test
  - env
  - df
  - ulimit -a
  # fhir-tools - installs the generator
  - "mvn -f fhir-tools/pom.xml -B -P jenkins clean install -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true"
  # fhir-examples = Exampes Data
  - "mvn -f fhir-examples/pom.xml -B -P jenkins clean install -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true"
  # fhir-parent-ut = Unit Test
  - "mvn  -f fhir-parent/pom.xml -B -P jenkins clean install"

# cache the build files
  - $HOME/.m2

      - [email protected], [email protected]
    on_success: never # default: change
    on_failure: always # default: always  

Update ci/license/issuemanagement

Uses tag-release on push tag

Changes the mvn version (does the modification on the tag)


ci for push build

ci for pr build

ci for tag build and release

Protect Branches

Update travis / bintray

we could do something like this...
git log <PRIOR_TAG>...<CURRENT_TAG> --name-only - if files changed since prior, then build the project, and release only the files which match the name changes

Missing exception in logs after addHeader, audit, or txn.rollback error

Describe the bug
Under certain circumstances, the server will return a 500 error and there will be no exception details in the server logs.

To Reproduce

  1. Implement a fake AuditLogger and configure the FHIR Server to use it.
  2. Have it throw an exception when you call the logX methods
  3. Issue a request and note the 500 error response
  4. Check the logs and note there is no stacktrace

Expected behavior
All 500 errors should result in an exception in the server logs.

Additional context
We always had this issue, but since we weren't doing much of anything in the finally block, we never hit it. We recently moved audit logging to the finally block at the end of the interactions and this has widened

I suggest we move the log statement to the REST interaction methods (create, update, read, etc. instead of the doCreate, doUpdate, doRead variants).

Warning in `fhir-persistence-jdbc` is reported in the build.

Warning in fhir-persistence-jdbc is reported in the build.

Aug 30, 2019 2:31:12 PM populateSearchParameterMapFromStreamByFormat
WARNING: Error condition reading the FHIR Bundle of Search Parameters -> from_stream

Refine $import, $export and $export-status operations

Refine $import, $export and $export-status operations

  • confirm the multi-tenancy
  • resolve TODO
  • refactor to support DELETE operations
  • push batch code down to the library for bulkdata and pull into the Operation

Reference -


 JobOperator jobOperator = BatchRuntime.getJobOperator();
        jobOperator.start("FhirBulkExportChunkJob", toProperties(properties));

 private Properties toProperties(Map<String,String> props){
        Properties properties = new Properties();
        for(Entry<String, String> entry : props.entrySet()) {
            properties.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        return properties;

Bulkexport enhancement to support patient-export

The current export javabatch can only support the system level export of the spec.

We need to support patient export - export all patients' related resources.


  1. Update the API $export Operation to accept the submission pattern from client for patient export with parameters:
    (1) -since (optional, if without, then export for all patient)
    (2) -format (optional, only support ndjson)
    (3) -resourceTypes (optional, if no resource Type, then the job will export all resourcetypes for patient)

  2. Update the API $export Operation to call the patient export java batch job and pass in the parameters.

  3. Create new java batch job for patient export
    (1) Take the parameters from patient export operation.
    (2) Construct the to-be-exported resource types - resource types parsed from the passed-in parameter or all compartment resource types of Patient.
    (3) For each resource type
    (a) Search and get a page of patients, for each found patient:
    -- compartment search using patient id to get the resources.
    -- write the found resources into buffer stream.
    (b) If checkpoint satisfied, then write the buffered resources to COS bucket and append the exported file info to batch job exit status.
    checkpoint algorithm: page of patients per exported file or by file size.
    (4) After all resource types are processed, exit the batch job.

  4. Update the API $export Operation to parse the job exit status and construct links of exported resource type files and response to client.

Bulk should accept _outputFormat requests with encoded "+"

Describe the bug
When _outputFormat is submitted as a query parameter, the UriInfo injected in FHIRResource replaces the "+" char with a space.

This is the same issue we hit with the FHIR "_format" query parameter, but in a different part of the code.

To Reproduce

Expected behavior
Not sure if its liberty or JAX-RS or CXF at fault here, but we need to work around the issue for this to work.

Bulkexport group-export for members (not characteristic-based)

we need to support group-export per the spec.


  1. Update the API $export Operation to accept the submission pattern from client for patient export with parameters:
    (1) -since (optional, if without, then export for all patient)
    (2) -format (optional, only support ndjson)
    (3) -resourceTypes (optional, if no resource Type, then the job will export all resourcetypes for patient)
    (4) -group (mandatory)

  2. Update the API $export Operation to call the group export java batch job and pass in the parameters.

  3. Create new java batch job for group export
    (1) Take the parameters from patient export operation.
    (2) Construct the to-be-exported resource types - resource types parsed from the passed-in parameter or all compartment resource types of Patient.
    (3) For each resource type
    (a) Search and get the group via /Group/grpID.
    (b) get one page of patients from the group member, and for each found patient:
    -- compartment search using patient id to get the resources.
    -- write the found resources into buffer stream.
    (c) If checkpoint satisfied, then write the buffered resources to COS bucket and append the exported file info to batch job exit status.
    checkpoint algorithm: page of patients per exported file or by file size.
    (4) After all resource types are processed, exit the batch job.

  4. Update the API $export Operation to parse the job exit status and construct links of exported resource type files and response to client.

Out of Date File in fhir-audit

During a review of the codebase on August 30, 2019, we identified an out-of-date and unused file with key iv used for ondisk encryption of logs. The file is fhir-audit/src/main/resources/

There are no running instances which use the library that use this configuration file specific to audit.
There is no compilable code which uses the

The team has opted to remove the unused file.

Multiple-Nodes javabatch deployment

During Connectathon, we found the job submission was very slow, from the logs, looks like the job submission response was only returned after the job was actually finished. We hope separating job dispatch and executor can make the job submission faster.

Bulk Export/Import: $export-status Operation support for Delete

Bulk Export/Import $export-status operation support for Delete
The operation should stop the JavaBatch Job.


  • After a JavaBatch job is submitted, there is a response which includes the ID.
  • Validate the Tenant Id for the Job
  • Call the $export-status operation and validate the tenant

400 - Bad Request
404 - Job Execution not found
403 - forbidden access to job (beyond normal 403)
500 - Internal error


  • Use the Java BatchRuntime to access and stop the Job.

Alternative, URL to stop the above job is:

Related to Issue #55

Conformance Registry

Create a registry that holds conformance resources (e.g. structure definitions, value sets, etc.) that other components can use for various purposes.

SwaggerGenerator generates repeat parameters for global search parameters

Describe the bug
Currently, the generator creates parameters like this:

        "/RiskAssessment": {
            "get": {
                "tags": [
                "summary": "Search for RiskAssessment resources",
                "operationId": "searchRiskAssessment",
                "produces": [
                "parameters": [
                        "$ref": "#/parameters/_idParam"
                        "$ref": "#/parameters/_idParam"

To Reproduce
Run FHIRSwaggerGenerator for search operations

Additional context
We recently changed the behavior of FHIRUtil.getSearchParameters so that it will return all the search parameters for a given resource type, including the ones inhereted from the generic Resource definition.
We still need to document that change (or revert it), but for now we just need to fix the generator.

Implement $apply for PlanDefinition/CarePlan

$apply is a FHIR Operation which captures the current subject, and generates a CarePlan relative to the current subject using the PlanDefinition. $apply is idempotent, and generates the same results over-and-over again based on the subjects data.

URL: [base]/PlanDefinition/$apply
URL: [base]/PlanDefinition/[id]/$apply

The Operation definition includes many specifics on the $apply function and must be implemented with corresponding tests.

Plan Definition -
Operation -
Connectathon Track -

FHIR 4.0.0 Documentation

This epic covers user stories related to documentation of the FHIR server and its components.

Swagger Issues

The FHIRSwaggerGenerator for R4 still has some issues:

  • looks for XMLElement annotation even though we don't use that any more
  • only adds inhereted properties when the parent is a resource
  • misses all enum due to using wrong delimiter for nested classes
  • missing logic for handling Boolean
  • choice elements get serialized without their typeSuffices
  • object definitions are no longer scoped by their container classes

Cleanup fhir-persistence-jdbc tests

We should either revive the tests under or create something comparable.
The idea is to systematically define search parameter definitions for each combination of SearchParameter type and target element type.

Perhaps some of the other tests are worth reviving as well. If not, then they should be deleted.

Acceptance criteria 1: Unit tests (under either fhir-search or fhir-persistence or both) cover search parameters of each search parameter type and each fhir data type.
Acceptance criteria 2: Unit tests that are not executed are deleted (or have a clear comment about why they are still needed but aren't included in the build)

Add field-level comments and invariants to builder setter javadoc

The FHIR definition for each fields consists of:

  • Definition
  • Binding
  • Type
  • Comments
  • Invariants

Today only the first 3 are apparent from the API. Invariants are captured as annotations on the model classes, but that is hidden during normal usage.

Often times the comments are redundant with the Definition and/or Invariants, but for completeness I think we should be adding all 3 to the corresponding setter methods on the Builders.

Update docs/ for R4 is where we document our conformance to the FHIR DSTU2 specification. We need to update that to cover where we're at on the R4 implementation.

Refine and Update the Project POMs for Consistency

fhir-install missing bulkimportexport-webapp yet has specified in assembly.

  • add dependency
  • check to see other dependencies are specified.

fhir-coverage-reports missing code coverage dependencies

  • add dependencies

fhir-task-core reference invalid version

  • update 4.0.0 to 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT

fhir-bulkimportexport update bulkimportexport

  • add exclusion for derbytools
  • put in dependency management
  • change inject to
  • change batch api

Rough Dependency Hierarchy

FHIR Performance enhancement for R1

This epic covers user stories related to performance of the FHIR server and its components.

Work should be timeboxed and guided by needs of upcoming announcement.
Numbers should be repeatable.

Configure server to override "self" URIs with external path

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
We're running the FHIR Server behind a proxy and that proxy modifies the request URLs.

Request come in to an endpoint like https://[host]/wh-fhir-dev/api/v4 but the server is returning URIs like https://[host]/fhir-server/api/v4/$export-status?job=9.

Is there a way to use the origin request URL in the server URLs returned by the server?

I think it affects at least:

  • search result self uri
  • Bundle entry fullUrl values
  • bulkimportexport polling URLs

Describe the solution you'd like

  • a setting the server will use as the "base" in all self uris; or
  • a way to tell the server which HTTP header has the original request URI (so it can use that to construct self uris)

Custom operation should support more types being passed from URI

Describe the bug
While trying to invoke $export operation via GET, it complains that we can't process an input parameter of type instant.

To Reproduce
Invoke export with a request like this: {{http}}://{{host}}:{{port}}/{{basePath}}/$export?_outputFormat=application/fhir+ndjson&_since=2019-01-01T08:21:26.94-04:00&_type=Patient

Additional context
Spec says we should support passing of "primitive" types via URL.

On startup, the userlib is required for derbySproc

On startup, the userlib is required for derbySproc. This hard requirement is no longer valid as the derby-sproc is no longer used in R4.

The derby bootstrap (in FHIR Servlet Context Listener) checks for userlib in the server and stops startup if the bootstrap fails.

Remove all references to the "basic" schema

We used to have multiple relational schemas:

  1. a "basic" schema that puts all resource types into the same tables
  2. a "normalized" schema that uses a set of tables per resource type

At the implementation level, the normalized schema extends the basic schema, which makes things more complicated than they need to be. We never updated the "basic" schema for R4 and so this is needless complexity.

Acceptance criteria 1: Class hierarchy in fhir-persistence-jdbc should be simplified and without reference to the basic schema
Acceptance criteria 2: Configuration and documentation related to the "basic" schema should be removed

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