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unimatch's Issues

How much memory do you use during training?

Hello, I appreciate your generosity in sharing your code. I have attempted to replicate your work on two GTX 4090s with a combined memory of 24 GB. However, during the training process on the cityscapes dataset, the GPU memory allocation proved insufficient, forcing me to reduce the batch size to 1 and the backbone to ResNet50. Despite these adjustments, the program still consumes a considerable amount of memory at around 23 GB. I was wondering how much memory is typically required for the model during your own training process?"

Ask questions

1.The first question is:

loss_u_s2 = criterion_u(pred_u_s2, mask_u_w_cutmixed2)
loss_u_s2 = loss_u_s2 * ((conf_u_w_cutmixed2 >= cfg['conf_thresh']) & (ignore_mask_cutmixed2 != 255))
loss_u_s2 = torch.sum(loss_u_s2) / torch.sum(ignore_mask_cutmixed2 != 255).item()

Take the above loss as an example: we can see that after the unsupervised loss is calculated, the loss_item is filtered according to two conditions (the second line); Then on the third line, we see that there is a division operation (can it be understood as a normalization of weight? ? Why did the denominator here become?
ignore_mask ! = 255 This conditional region.

2.The second question is:
Because you are aiming at the direction of semantic segmentation in this article, you have adopted two conditions: argmax () and confidence threshold greater than 0.95 when setting false labels for unlabeled data! Since my current research direction does not involve multiple classes and belongs to the task of binary classification, it implicitly shows that 0.5 becomes the first condition, so if I want to learn from your idea, do I still need a threshold of 0.95?

3.The third question:
The third question may be related to the second question. If I don't use 0.95 as the threshold, can the weight of the unlabeled loss be fixed at 0.5 or 0.25? Do you think there are other good ways?

Pretrained Backbone issue

hello! Thanks for the good research!

I tried to use resnet-50,101, but I can't download it with a link that exists in Pretrained Backbone.

please check! 🙏 thank you!

Try to apply teacher model?

Thank you so much for your wonderful work! Have you considered introducing the Teacher model (EMA) to produce the output of the weakly view? Since in the semi-supervised semantic segmentation, the Teacher model can produce a more robust output.

About Pascal Voc 2012 results

Great work. I have some confusion about Supervised baseline and UniMatch comparison in Pascal Voc 2012 dataset.

  1. What is Supervised baseline in your study?
  2. In the Pascal Voc dataset if we used all labelled dataset then how it can be used as semi supervised training. I have attached the table you presented. Please explain the last column of this table .


  1. unimatch结构中的辅助干扰流不也是图像级干扰和特征级干扰的混合吗?原始图像xu经过图像级弱干扰变成xw,然后输入编码器g,接着对生成的ew特征进行drop out干扰,这不是图像级干扰和特征级干扰的混合吗?
  2. 论文中第7页左下角原话“we inject the dropout on the features of strongly perturbed images”,是指将unimatch中的xs1和xs2经过编码器g输出的特征也进行drop out然后再输入到解码器h中吗?

DDP has a mistake,The code has a bug, the code reported such an error during training

` File "/public/home/wdc/project/UniMatch/more-scenarios/remote-sensing/", line 39, in main
rank, world_size = setup_distributed(port=args.port)
File "/public/home/wdc/project/UniMatch/more-scenarios/remote-sensing/util/", line 36, in setup_distributed
File "/public/home/wdc/anaconda3/envs/unimatch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/distributed/", line 627, in init_process_group
_store_based_barrier(rank, store, timeout)
File "/public/home/wdc/anaconda3/envs/unimatch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/distributed/", line 255, in _store_based_barrier
raise RuntimeError(
RuntimeError: Timed out initializing process group in store based barrier on rank: 0, for key: store_based_barrier_key:1 (world_size=8, worker_count=1, timeout=0:30:00)
ERROR:torch.distributed.elastic.multiprocessing.api:failed (exitcode: 1) local_rank: 0 (pid: 139953) of binary: /public/home/wdc/anaconda3/envs/unimatch/bin/python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/public/home/wdc/anaconda3/envs/unimatch/lib/python3.10/", line 196, in _run_module_as_main
return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,
File "/public/home/wdc/anaconda3/envs/unimatch/lib/python3.10/", line 86, in _run_code
exec(code, run_globals)
File "/public/home/wdc/anaconda3/envs/unimatch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/distributed/", line 193, in
File "/public/home/wdc/anaconda3/envs/unimatch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/distributed/", line 189, in main
File "/public/home/wdc/anaconda3/envs/unimatch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/distributed/", line 174, in launch
File "/public/home/wdc/anaconda3/envs/unimatch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/distributed/", line 752, in run
File "/public/home/wdc/anaconda3/envs/unimatch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/distributed/launcher/", line 131, in call
return launch_agent(self._config, self._entrypoint, list(args))
File "/public/home/wdc/anaconda3/envs/unimatch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/distributed/launcher/", line 245, in launch_agent
raise ChildFailedError(
torch.distributed.elastic.multiprocessing.errors.ChildFailedError: FAILED


Root Cause (first observed failure):
time : 2023-06-19_18:05:03
host : gpu1
rank : 0 (local_rank: 0)
exitcode : 1 (pid: 139953)
error_file: <N/A>
traceback : To enable traceback see:

Why not FlexMatch?

Your model is based on the fixmatch method. I see that the flexmatch method is also mentioned in your paper, so why not use flexmatch as the baseline?









Weight File for PASCALVOC

I can find the Cityscapes and COCO weights, but couldn't find any PASCALVOC weight file. As I reproduce the same code without modifications of yours, also checked the config file (as below), there was a slight gap of 2-3%. I got 76.91 on 732 split, which yours were 79.9. Can you upload any weight file for PASCALVOC? Thank you. Really appreciate your works by the way!

[2023-04-10 19:41:31,486][ INFO] {'backbone': 'resnet101',
'batch_size': 2,
'conf_thresh': 0.95,
'config': 'configs/pascal.yaml',
'criterion': {'kwargs': {'ignore_index': 255}, 'name': 'CELoss'},
'crop_size': 321,
'data_root': '/data2/ksy/PASCALVOC2012/',
'dataset': 'pascal',
'dilations': [6, 12, 18],
'epochs': 80,
'labeled_id_path': 'splits/pascal/732/labeled.txt',
'local_rank': 0,
'lr': 0.001,
'lr_multi': 10.0,
'model': 'deeplabv3plus',
'nclass': 21,
'ngpus': 2,
'port': 20024,
'replace_stride_with_dilation': [False, False, True],
'save_path': 'exp/pascal/unimatch/r101/732',
'unlabeled_id_path': 'splits/pascal/732/unlabeled.txt'}

Remote Sensing Interpretation




  1. spilts在这里指的是划分的训练数据集吗,如果训练的话我能否只建一个文件夹放入我的有标签训练数据txt清单和无标签训练数据清单。例如more_scenarios/medical/spilts/mydataset/1/labeled.text 以及more_scenarios/medical/spilts/mydataset/1/unlabeled.text
  2. 对于more_scenarios/medical/spilts/acdc下的其他四个文件,我该分别选择什么数据放进去?
  3. 对于训练自己的数据集,除了修改以上所说的,还需要修改别的内容吗


About the "ignore_mask" in the training code

Amazing work! simple and effective!

I noticed that the build of "ignore_mask" requires the "mask"(dataset/

Then, I noticed that "ignore_mask", "ignore_mask_mix" are involved in building the loss, so is there some label(gt mask) information used in the calculation of unlabeled data loss?(, also in

Thank you!


我想要请教的是 :

Question for CutMix

Hi, thanks for the great work!

I have found that you used additional dataloader for the cutmix sources.

Since most of the work will mix by using the image from the same loaded batches, I was wondering what is the intention of using mixing sources from another batch, and will it affect the training result by using the common setting which only using one dataloader and the same batch for mixing? Thanks!

Qestions about weak augmentation on raw image

Hello, your work has inspired me a lot! But I have a question about weak augumentation on raw image. The paper mentions applying weak perturbations such as crop and flip to the input images at the image level. However, I couldn't find the specific code for these perturbations. Could you please let me know which perturbations were applied and provide the relevant code if possible? Thank you very much!

Segmentation model and backbone

Is there any difference between the deeplabv3+ & resnet code here and the code in your previous work(ST++)?
I noticed that there seems to be a difference in parameter settings?

Config file for high resolution training for Pascal VOC


Thanks for sharing your code. I found that only config file for pascal 321x321 is presented. Could you please provide your training settings for high resolution training which is 513x513? Or they just share the same setting. Thanks.


Did you use the CutMix to reproduce the results on the PASCAL tables?

Single GPU be used for training?

Hi, Thanks for your great job,
Can a single GPU be used for training? How to evaluate after training, can you provide file

About COCO Suponly

Hello, thanks for your inspiring work!
I tried to reproduce the experiments of COCO dataset (SupOnly) with your provided code ''. But the results are far from your reported results. Would you please provide your logs and checkpoints for COCO (SupOnly)?



Unlabeled Images Mask in Split

Hi, thank you for the work!

Not sure if I'm missing something but why are we including the masks for the unlabeled images in the split folder? I see that in we are processing the masks for the unlabeled images as well, but according to Algorithm 1 in the paper, we get the predicted mask from the perturbed images.

Is it possible to run this model on a dataset for which we don't have the masks for the unlabeled images?

a question about data split

A nice work!
Is the data split of the Cityscapes dataset used the same as that of the previous work (i,e,. ST++)? I noticed that there were many splits in the previous work. Is it the same as theirs? Thank you!







Compared to the previous version

I noticed that compared to the previous version, the latest code has removed 'multi_grid' from the backbone (resnet) and changed the settings of parameters such as dilations.

May I ask if the adjusted version can improve the performance?

Pre-trained model on the Cityscapes dataset

Could you provide a pre-trained model on the Cityscapes dataset? (Under different data partitions)
I think it will help other researchers quickly reproduce this excellent work, thank you!

Pretrained backbone


Great work ! I was wondering where your pretrained backbone come from ?


About weak and strong image perturbations

In DusPerb framework is said that a shared weak view of an image is used to supervised the 2 strong views. But in the code of Unimatch I see that each strong view has a corresponding weak pseudo label generated from the forward pass of the weak augmented image. So, it seems that there is a weak1 pseudo label to supervise strong1 image and weak2 pseudo label for the strong2 image. The two strong views have generated by attaching a different random patch so they are needed their own pseudo label that is created with a weakly manner. Could you help me with this?

Also, a second question is if the DusPerb framework by itself without feature perturbation is overrunning the baseline FixMatch.

Many thanks

sh 1 20024报这个错了 能帮忙看看嘛

usage: [-h] [--nnodes NNODES] [--nproc_per_node NPROC_PER_NODE] [--rdzv_backend RDZV_BACKEND] [--rdzv_endpoint RDZV_ENDPOINT] [--rdzv_id RDZV_ID] [--rdzv_conf RDZV_CONF] [--standalone]
[--max_restarts MAX_RESTARTS] [--monitor_interval MONITOR_INTERVAL] [--start_method {spawn,fork,forkserver}] [--role ROLE] [-m] [--no_python] [--run_path] [--log_dir LOG_DIR]
[-r REDIRECTS] [-t TEE] [--node_rank NODE_RANK] [--master_addr MASTER_ADDR] [--master_port MASTER_PORT] [--use_env]
training_script ... error: the following arguments are required: training_script, training_script_args 28: not found

About the reproduction of results on Pascal dataset

Would it be easy to reproduce the results for pascal dataset on a single gpu? What learning rate is required for training on a single gpu to reproduce the results for FixMatch / UniMatch?


An observation of using 513x513 crop size under 92 split.

Great work! According to your paper, UniMatch performs well on most splits, especially small ones (like 92, 183). However, when I tried to reproduce and further explore some more, I found an interesting phenomenon.

In most semi-supervised semantic segmentation methods, using a larger crop size(513 vs 321) usually leads to a performance improvement. When 92 split is selected, UniMatch can achieve good performance (74.5-75.0) in the crop size 321 scenario. However, under the crop size of 513x513, the performance can only reach around 72.5-73.0, and the overfitting will appear very early and lead to performance degradation.

I noticed that in the paper, the result you reported is also the scene under 321 crop size. I wonder if you have done experiments with 513 crop size under a small number of splits(92 or 183)?

Attached here is a change curve of miou during training using 92 split at 513 crop size. The highest performance will be reached at about 10 epochs (72.8). After training for 80 epochs, the model performance will be around 68.

Reproduce results

Hi, thanks for your excellent work, I have some problems in reproduce the result:

  • when I reproduced Unimatch on Voc(1464), I could not get the highest result of 81.2, and I also couldn't get the result in the paper when I used training size as 513*513 for 1/16(662) and so on, is that because the environment or other reasons?
  • By the way, I see the code has OHEM losscriterion_l = ProbOhemCrossEntropy2d(**cfg['criterion']['kwargs']).cuda(local_rank), but it doesn't mention it on the paper, could you please tell me the details to how to use OHEM loss?
    Thank you very much!





[2023-04-10 16:48:11,793][ INFO] ===========> Epoch: 3, LR: 0.00095, Previous best: 0.00
[2023-04-10 16:48:11,981][ INFO] Iters: 0, Total loss: 0.349
[2023-04-10 16:49:00,196][ INFO] Iters: 379, Total loss: 0.165
[2023-04-10 16:49:48,422][ INFO] Iters: 758, Total loss: 0.163
[2023-04-10 16:50:37,289][ INFO] Iters: 1137, Total loss: 0.161
[2023-04-10 16:51:25,787][ INFO] Iters: 1516, Total loss: 0.160
[2023-04-10 16:52:14,801][ INFO] Iters: 1895, Total loss: 0.159
[2023-04-10 16:53:03,536][ INFO] Iters: 2274, Total loss: 0.159
[2023-04-10 16:53:52,277][ INFO] Iters: 2653, Total loss: 0.157
[2023-04-10 16:54:40,751][ INFO] Iters: 3032, Total loss: 0.156
[2023-04-10 16:54:57,018][ INFO] ***** Evaluation ***** >>>> Class [0 Right Ventricle] Dice: 0.00
[2023-04-10 16:54:57,019][ INFO] ***** Evaluation ***** >>>> Class [1 Myocardium] Dice: 0.00
[2023-04-10 16:54:57,019][ INFO] ***** Evaluation ***** >>>> Class [2 Left Ventricle] Dice: 0.00
[2023-04-10 16:54:57,019][ INFO] ***** Evaluation ***** >>>> MeanDice: 0.00

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