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raku-physics-measure's Issues

Hardening of .norm test

FIXME test corner cases

  • name both PHz and petahertz (maybe subst?)
  • check crossing 1
  • check guardrails
  • add autonorm (check use of bless)

Add class method to add disambiguation

This gives type => Length, Reach

Custom Measures
To make a custom Measure, you can use this incantation:


class Reach is Measure {
    has $.units where *.name eq <nm nmile nmiles>.any;

    #| override .in to perform identity 1' (Latitude) == 1 nmile
    method in( Str $s where * eq <Latitude> ) { 
        my $nv = $.value / 60; value => $nv, compass => <N> )

Make Short cut factor a Rat literal

change factor and offset to Rat for short cut round trip (ie for knots = nmiles/hrs)
currently this relies on round-to to give one results

Support Agri Emissions (and other Chemical Brothers)

eg. kg N / year
eg. kg CH4/head/year

also ...

N2O(AWMS) = 44/28 . å NT . Nex(T) . AWMS(T) . EF(AWMS)
N2O(AWMS) = N2O emissions from animal waste managment systems
(kg N2O/yr)
NT = Number of animals of type T
Nex(T) = N excretion of animals of type T (kg N/animal/yr)
AWMS(T) = Fraction of Nex that is managed in one of the different
waste management systems of type T
EF(AWMS) = N2O emission factor for an AWMS (kg N2O-N/kg of Nex in AWMS)

fix .raku

fro @kjpye
The default output with say (i.e. using the non-existent gist method) is also problematic. Perhaps a new gist method which does the same as a (possibly upgraded) Str method would be more suitable.

Better errors for undefined

The error coming from the following would be more useful if it were to complain about the undefined value in some way; what I really want is a documented way to test if it's undefined like this. For the record, calling defined($!height) inside foo() also fails.


use     Physics::Unit;
use     Physics::Measure;

class   Test {
        has Length $.length;
        has Length $.width;

        method  foo {
                say $!length <=> $!width;

my $a =;



Snagging for 1.0.0 bump

documentation (see recent issues)
avoid zef compiling AffixUnit.rakumod --- e.g. new module Physics::UnitAffix
(then split Physics::Unit and Physics::Measure - to stop someone else camping on Physics::Unit)
then call it v1.0.0??

Generalize Length synonyms

406 #Synonyms for Length...
407 #FIXME need eg. my Distance $d = 42cm
408 class Distance is Length is export {}
409 class Breadth is Length is export {}
410 class Width is Length is export {}
411 class Height is Length is export {}
412 class Depth is Length is export {}

right now
$distance ~~ Length #ok
$length ~~ Distance #fail


add ± for symmetric % errors

Load time

selectable load of units subsets :all, :SI, :metric, :imperial, :US

add proto method new(|) {*}

#rakulang tip of the day: if you're using a multi method new, you probably want to define a proto method new(|) {*} along with it. Otherwise the default new method will be one of the candidates which can lead to some confusing errors.

.norm broken on m^3

my \area = ♎️ '60 sq km';
my \n2g = ♎️ '0.5 ①';
my \φ = 0.2;
my \sat = 0.7;

say my \volume = area * d * n2g * φ * sat;
dd volume;
my \vol = volume.norm();

Automate (or predefine) 'TimesSquare' types...

Consider this... only works ootb with t * t and not t ** 2

1 #!/usr/bin/env raku
2 use lib '../lib';
3 use Physics::Measure :ALL;
5 GetMeaUnit('s^2').NewType('TimesSquare');
6 class TimesSquare is Measure {}
7 GetMeaUnit('m^2/s^2').NewType('SpeedSquare');
8 class SpeedSquare is Measure {}
10 my \d = 42m; say ~d; #42 m
11 my \t = 10s; say ~t; #10 s
13 my \u = d / t; say ~u; #4.2 m/s
14 my \a = u / t; say ~a; #0.42 m/s^2
16 my \m = 25kg; say ~m; #25 kg
17 my \f = m * a; say ~f; #10.5 N
19 my \v = u + at; say ~v; #8.4 m/s
20 ##my \s = u
t + (1/2) * a * tt; say ~s; #63 m
21 my \s = u
t + (1/2) * a * t**2; say ~s; #63 m
23 my \pe = f * s; say ~pe; #661.5 J
25 my \ke1 = (1/2) * m * uu;
26 my \ke2 = (1/2) * m * v
28 my \Δke = ke2 - ke1;
29 (pe cmp Δke).say; #Same

Does not install on Mac, with raku version 2022.3

$ zef --verbose install Physics::Measure
===> Searching for: Physics::Measure
===> Found: Physics::Measure:ver<1.0.5>:authzef:p6steve:api<1> [via Zef::Repository::Ecosystems]
===> Searching for missing dependencies: Physics::Unit, Physics::Error
===> Found dependencies: Physics::Error:ver<0.1.1>:authzef:p6steve:api<1>, Physics::Unit:ver<1.1.9>:authzef:p6steve:api<1> [via Zef::Repository::Ecosystems]
===> Searching for missing dependencies: SVG, SVG::Plot
===> Found dependencies: SVG::Plot, SVG [via Zef::Repository::Ecosystems]
===> Searching for missing dependencies: XML::Writer
===> Found dependencies: XML::Writer [via Zef::Repository::Ecosystems]
===> Fetching [OK]: Physics::Measure:ver<1.0.5>:authzef:p6steve:api<1> to /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/1654343335.25217.1668.456363682831/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz
===> Fetching [OK]: Physics::Unit:ver<1.1.9>:authzef:p6steve:api<1> to /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/1654343335.25217.757.8403821563973/b4a3a245c4ed42d15089f263514b2a61db91ffc4.tar.gz
===> Fetching [OK]: Physics::Error:ver<0.1.1>:authzef:p6steve:api<1> to /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/1654343335.25217.6759.642564553906/f83a8dfe57695e4855f7d79ef94b07714d139108.tar.gz
===> Fetching [OK]: SVG to /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/1654343335.25217.7283.084125426776/svg.git
===> Fetching [OK]: SVG::Plot to /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/1654343335.25217.8532.353125146228/svg-plot.git
===> Fetching [OK]: XML::Writer to /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/1654343335.25217.4940.226940977098/xml-writer.git
===> Extraction [OK]: Physics::Measure to /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz
===> Extraction [OK]: Physics::Error to /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/f83a8dfe57695e4855f7d79ef94b07714d139108.tar.gz
===> Extraction [OK]: Physics::Unit to /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/b4a3a245c4ed42d15089f263514b2a61db91ffc4.tar.gz
===> Extraction [OK]: SVG::Plot to /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/svg-plot.git
===> Extraction [OK]: SVG to /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/svg.git
===> Extraction [OK]: XML::Writer to /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/xml-writer.git
===> Testing: XML::Writer
[XML::Writer] t/escaping.t ... ok
[XML::Writer] t/structure.t .. ok
[XML::Writer] All tests successful.
[XML::Writer] Files=2, Tests=11, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr 0.01 sys + 0.86 cusr 0.09 csys = 0.97 CPU)
[XML::Writer] Result: PASS
===> Testing [OK] for XML::Writer
===> Testing: SVG
[SVG] t/basics.t .. ok
[SVG] All tests successful.
[SVG] Files=1, Tests=3, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr 0.00 sys + 0.44 cusr 0.04 csys = 0.49 CPU)
[SVG] Result: PASS
===> Testing [OK] for SVG
===> Testing: SVG::Plot
[SVG::Plot] t/series.t .. ok
[SVG::Plot] t/ticks.t ... ok
[SVG::Plot] All tests successful.
[SVG::Plot] Files=2, Tests=10, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr 0.01 sys + 0.79 cusr 0.09 csys = 0.90 CPU)
[SVG::Plot] Result: PASS
===> Testing [OK] for SVG::Plot
===> Testing: Physics::Unit:ver<1.1.9>:authzef:p6steve:api<1>
[Physics::Unit] t/01-tst.t ....... ok
[Physics::Unit] t/02-dim.t ....... ok
[Physics::Unit] t/99-testMETA.t .. ok
[Physics::Unit] All tests successful.
[Physics::Unit] Files=3, Tests=34, 14 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr 0.01 sys + 15.51 cusr 0.42 csys = 15.95 CPU)
[Physics::Unit] Result: PASS
===> Testing [OK] for Physics::Unit:ver<1.1.9>:authzef:p6steve:api<1>
===> Testing: Physics::Error:ver<0.1.1>:authzef:p6steve:api<1>
[Physics::Error] t/00-sanity.t .... ok
[Physics::Error] t/99-testMETA.t .. ok
[Physics::Error] All tests successful.
[Physics::Error] Files=2, Tests=7, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr 0.01 sys + 0.69 cusr 0.08 csys = 0.79 CPU)
[Physics::Error] Result: PASS
===> Testing [OK] for Physics::Error:ver<0.1.1>:authzef:p6steve:api<1>
===> Testing: Physics::Measure:ver<1.0.5>:authzef:p6steve:api<1>
[Physics::Measure] Type check failed in assignment to $!error; expected Physics::Error::Error but got Bool (Bool::False)
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 54
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 66
[Physics::Measure] in block at t/01-new.t line 23
[Physics::Measure] # You planned 21 tests, but ran 5
[Physics::Measure] t/01-new.t .......
[Physics::Measure] Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
[Physics::Measure] Failed 16/21 subtests
[Physics::Measure] Type check failed in assignment to $!error; expected Physics::Error::Error but got Bool (Bool::False)
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 54
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 66
[Physics::Measure] in sub prefix:<♎️> at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 562
[Physics::Measure] in block at t/02-asn.t line 17
[Physics::Measure] # You planned 11 tests, but ran 3
[Physics::Measure] t/02-asn.t .......
[Physics::Measure] Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
[Physics::Measure] Failed 8/11 subtests
[Physics::Measure] Type check failed in assignment to $!error; expected Physics::Error::Error but got Bool (Bool::False)
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 54
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 66
[Physics::Measure] in sub prefix:<♎️> at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 562
[Physics::Measure] in block at t/03-add.t line 14
[Physics::Measure] t/03-add.t .......
[Physics::Measure] Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
[Physics::Measure] Failed 26/26 subtests
[Physics::Measure] Type check failed in assignment to $!error; expected Physics::Error::Error but got Bool (Bool::False)
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 54
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 66
[Physics::Measure] in sub prefix:<♎️> at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 562
[Physics::Measure] in block at t/04-uni.t line 31
[Physics::Measure] # You planned 37 tests, but ran 7
[Physics::Measure] t/04-uni.t .......
[Physics::Measure] Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
[Physics::Measure] Failed 30/37 subtests
[Physics::Measure] Type check failed in assignment to $!error; expected Physics::Error::Error but got Bool (Bool::False)
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 54
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 66
[Physics::Measure] in sub prefix:<♎️> at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 562
[Physics::Measure] in block at t/05-cvt.t line 13
[Physics::Measure] t/05-cvt.t .......
[Physics::Measure] Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
[Physics::Measure] Failed 52/52 subtests
[Physics::Measure] Type check failed in assignment to $!error; expected Physics::Error::Error but got Bool (Bool::False)
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 54
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 66
[Physics::Measure] in sub prefix:<♎️> at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 562
[Physics::Measure] in block at t/06-com.t line 12
[Physics::Measure] t/06-com.t .......
[Physics::Measure] Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
[Physics::Measure] Failed 37/37 subtests
[Physics::Measure] Type check failed in assignment to $!error; expected Physics::Error::Error but got Bool (Bool::False)
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 54
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 66
[Physics::Measure] in sub prefix:<♎️> at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 562
[Physics::Measure] in block at t/07-ugg.t line 10
[Physics::Measure] t/07-ugg.t .......
[Physics::Measure] Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
[Physics::Measure] Failed 39/39 subtests
[Physics::Measure] Type check failed in assignment to $!error; expected Physics::Error::Error but got Bool (Bool::False)
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 54
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 66
[Physics::Measure] in sub prefix:<♎️> at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 562
[Physics::Measure] in block at t/08-syn.t line 13
[Physics::Measure] t/08-syn.t .......
[Physics::Measure] Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
[Physics::Measure] Failed 12/12 subtests
[Physics::Measure] Type check failed in assignment to $!error; expected Physics::Error::Error but got Bool (Bool::False)
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 54
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 66
[Physics::Measure] in sub prefix:<♎️> at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 562
[Physics::Measure] in block at t/09-cmp.t line 10
[Physics::Measure] t/09-cmp.t .......
[Physics::Measure] Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
[Physics::Measure] Failed 14/14 subtests
[Physics::Measure] Type check failed in assignment to $!error; expected Physics::Error::Error but got Bool (Bool::False)
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 54
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 66
[Physics::Measure] in sub prefix:<♎️> at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 562
[Physics::Measure] in block at t/10-sap.t line 10
[Physics::Measure] t/10-sap.t .......
[Physics::Measure] Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
[Physics::Measure] Failed 19/19 subtests
[Physics::Measure] t/11-pwr.t ....... ok
[Physics::Measure] Type check failed in assignment to $!error; expected Physics::Error::Error but got Bool (Bool::False)
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 54
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 66
[Physics::Measure] in sub prefix:<♎️> at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 562
[Physics::Measure] in block at t/12-uax.t line 47
[Physics::Measure] # You planned 22 tests, but ran 17
[Physics::Measure] t/12-uax.t .......
[Physics::Measure] Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
[Physics::Measure] Failed 5/22 subtests
[Physics::Measure] Type check failed in assignment to $!error; expected Physics::Error::Error but got Bool (Bool::False)
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 54
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 66
[Physics::Measure] in sub prefix:<♎️> at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 562
[Physics::Measure] in block at t/13-nrm.t line 26
[Physics::Measure] # You planned 6 tests, but ran 3
[Physics::Measure] t/13-nrm.t .......
[Physics::Measure] Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
[Physics::Measure] Failed 3/6 subtests
[Physics::Measure] Type check failed in assignment to $!error; expected Physics::Error::Error but got Bool (Bool::False)
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 54
[Physics::Measure] in method new at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 66
[Physics::Measure] in sub prefix:<♎️> at /Users/stevedondley/.zef/tmp/4419122c24a1a93fe1d5f391a12beccf93c406b6.tar.gz/dist/lib/Physics/Measure.rakumod (Physics::Measure) line 562
[Physics::Measure] in block at t/14-err.t line 53
[Physics::Measure] # You planned 16 tests, but ran 2
[Physics::Measure] t/14-err.t .......
[Physics::Measure] Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
[Physics::Measure] Failed 14/16 subtests
[Physics::Measure] t/99-testMETA.t .. ok
[Physics::Measure] Test Summary Report
[Physics::Measure] -------------------
[Physics::Measure] t/01-new.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 5 Failed: 0)
[Physics::Measure] Non-zero exit status: 255
[Physics::Measure] Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 21 tests but ran 5.
[Physics::Measure] t/02-asn.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 3 Failed: 0)
[Physics::Measure] Non-zero exit status: 255
[Physics::Measure] Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 11 tests but ran 3.
[Physics::Measure] t/03-add.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
[Physics::Measure] Non-zero exit status: 255
[Physics::Measure] Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 26 tests but ran 0.
[Physics::Measure] t/04-uni.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 7 Failed: 0)
[Physics::Measure] Non-zero exit status: 255
[Physics::Measure] Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 37 tests but ran 7.
[Physics::Measure] t/05-cvt.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
[Physics::Measure] Non-zero exit status: 255
[Physics::Measure] Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 52 tests but ran 0.
[Physics::Measure] t/06-com.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
[Physics::Measure] Non-zero exit status: 255
[Physics::Measure] Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 37 tests but ran 0.
[Physics::Measure] t/07-ugg.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
[Physics::Measure] Non-zero exit status: 255
[Physics::Measure] Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 39 tests but ran 0.
[Physics::Measure] t/08-syn.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
[Physics::Measure] Non-zero exit status: 255
[Physics::Measure] Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 12 tests but ran 0.
[Physics::Measure] t/09-cmp.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
[Physics::Measure] Non-zero exit status: 255
[Physics::Measure] Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 14 tests but ran 0.
[Physics::Measure] t/10-sap.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
[Physics::Measure] Non-zero exit status: 255
[Physics::Measure] Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 19 tests but ran 0.
[Physics::Measure] t/12-uax.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 17 Failed: 0)
[Physics::Measure] Non-zero exit status: 255
[Physics::Measure] Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 22 tests but ran 17.
[Physics::Measure] t/13-nrm.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 3 Failed: 0)
[Physics::Measure] Non-zero exit status: 255
[Physics::Measure] Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 6 tests but ran 3.
[Physics::Measure] t/14-err.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 2 Failed: 0)
[Physics::Measure] Non-zero exit status: 255
[Physics::Measure] Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 16 tests but ran 2.
[Physics::Measure] Files=15, Tests=43, 36 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.03 sys + 42.20 cusr 1.74 csys = 44.01 CPU)
[Physics::Measure] Result: FAIL
===> Testing [FAIL]: Physics::Measure:ver<1.0.5>:authzef:p6steve:api<1>
Aborting due to test failure: Physics::Measure:ver<1.0.5>:authzef:p6steve:api<1> (use --force-test to override)

Label UnitPostfix for use statement

Apply labels for 8 base unit types: ":m, :s, :kg, :l ..."
Apply labels for prefix: ":c, :d, :μ..." maybe bucket to ":tiny, :macro, :vast"

Right now with 81 combinations on (all prefixes / just :m, :kg, :s, :l) and 566 off compile time (ie. no precomp is 66sec), uncomment all and compile time is ~30 mins

Long term fix is macros (or faster raku)

Postfixes instead of libra operators

The idea of the libra operator is interesting, but I think particularly for this type of a module where the information is fairly simple (that is, /+ +/), using postfixes might work better on top of being more easily typed (or at least as an addition). See for an example.

If you're ammenable to it, I'd be happy to work it up and submit a pull request.

Error in Unit conversion Velocity = Length / Time

When running the code below, the velocity is not calcualted from time and length.

Error: "cannot convert in to different type Length"
in method in at /opt/rakudo-star-2020.01/install/share/perl6/site/sources/E184BD56357B91198F066C3A2CD14FEB4D0BDB42 (Physics::Measure) line 199
in method rebase at /opt/rakudo-star-2020.01/install/share/perl6/site/sources/E184BD56357B91198F066C3A2CD14FEB4D0BDB42 (Physics::Measure) line 206
in method divide at /opt/rakudo-star-2020.01/install/share/perl6/site/sources/E184BD56357B91198F066C3A2CD14FEB4D0BDB42 (Physics::Measure) line 153
in sub infix:</> at /opt/rakudo-star-2020.01/install/share/perl6/site/sources/E184BD56357B91198F066C3A2CD14FEB4D0BDB42 (Physics::Measure) line 477
in block at test.pl6 line 6

Environment: "Rakudo version 2020.01 built on MoarVM version 2020.01.1 implementing Perl 6.d."

use Physics::Measure;
use Physics::UnitPostfix;

my $s = => 5.1, units => 'm'); say ~$s;
my $t = => 2.3, units => 's'); say ~$t;

my $v = $s / $t; say ~$v;



need power ** operator

catch sqrt as ** 1/2

need mechanism to convey Measure "Role" to e.g. Polygons classes

need to think about drawing elements to a scale

need to worry about trig functions - AB = BCcos(theta) take unit from BC

need to get it working with 2018.10 and then? 6.d

make round-to a class attr

there is a general dislike of our scope things that can be set from consumers of class
nevertheless the behaviour of rounding is something that should be changed as a setting

Fix cm unit

The following fails with an error:


use     Physics::Unit;
use     Physics::Measure;

my $a = => 21.006, units => 'cm');

say $a;

Metres work fine, cm don't.

Version 0.0.3

Thanks for your work on this!

"in" identified as "imaginary", not "inches"


use     Physics::Unit;
use     Physics::Measure;
use     Physics::UnitPostfix;

my $a;

# Works
$a ='7.27 in');
say $a;

# Fails
$a ='7.27in');
say $a;

Here's the output: => 7.27, units => factor => 0.0254, offset => 0, defn => 'ft/12', type => '',
          dims => [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], dmix => ("ft"=>1).MixHash, 
          names => ['in','inch','inchs']  );
Cannot convert 0+7.27i to Real: imaginary part not zero
  in sub extract at [redacted] (Physics::Measure) line 32
  in method new at [redacted] (Physics::Measure) line 53
  in block <unit> at ./intest line 14

Using the same version as last time (0.0.3)


fix .gist

from @kjpye
The default output with say (i.e. using the non-existent gist method) is also problematic. Perhaps a new gist method which does the same as a (possibly upgraded) Str method would be more suitable.

Test trig

need to worry about trig functions - AB = BCcos(theta) take unit from BC


raku -pne '$_ = .Int.polymod(60,60).reverse.join(":")'

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