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ch's Issues

[FEATURE REQUEST] separate osm2ch

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Separate osm2ch tool from this repository.
It can reduce number of dependencies for people who do not need such feature in library at all.

Describe the solution you'd like and provide pseudocode examples if you can
Create new repository and copy all corresponding code into it.

Describe alternatives you've considered and provide pseudocode examples if you can

Additional context

Receive -1 Always on .ShortestRoute

I utilize the osm2ch command to generate the .csv file for Arizona roads. Then I exported the contracted graph with the following:

package main

import (

func main() {
	g := ch.Graph{} // Prepare variable for storing graph
	fmt.Println("Preparing Graph")
	graphFromCSV(&g, "data/graph.csv") // Import CSV-file file into programm
	fmt.Println("Preparing Contracted")
	g.PrepareContracts() // Compute contraction hierarchies
	fmt.Println("writing to file")
	err := g.ExportToFile("data/export_pgrouting.csv")
	if err != nil {


func graphFromCSV(graph *ch.Graph, fname string) error {
	file, err := os.Open(fname)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer file.Close()
	reader := csv.NewReader(bufio.NewReader(file))

	reader.Comma = ';'

	_, err = reader.Read()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for {
		record, err := reader.Read()
		if err == io.EOF {
		source, err := strconv.ParseInt(record[0], 10, 64)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		target, err := strconv.ParseInt(record[1], 10, 64)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		oneway := record[2]
		weight, err := strconv.ParseFloat(record[3], 64)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		err = graph.CreateVertex(source)
		if err != nil {
			return err
			fmt.Println("This is the Source")
		err = graph.CreateVertex(target)
		if err != nil {
			return err
			fmt.Println("This is the Target")

		err = graph.AddEdge(source, target, weight)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if oneway == "B" {
			err = graph.AddEdge(target, source, weight)
			if err != nil {
				return err
	return nil

This seemed to work and produced a new file. But whenever I execute the .Shortest Route command it will always give me -1 for the ans. Here is what my code looks like:

package main

import (
	// ""

func main() {
	g := ch.Graph{} // Prepare variable for storing graph
	fmt.Println("Preparing Graph")
	graphFromCSV(&g, "data/export_pgrouting.csv") // Import CSV-file file into program
	u := int64(1794303) // Define source vertex
	v := int64(1787974) // Define target vertex
	fmt.Println("Preparing Shortest Path")
	ans, path := g.ShortestPath(u, v) // Get shortest path and it's cost between source and target vertex

func graphFromCSV(graph *ch.Graph, fname string) error {
	file, err := os.Open(fname)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer file.Close()
	reader := csv.NewReader(bufio.NewReader(file))

	reader.Comma = ';'
	// reader.LazyQuotes = true

	// Read header
	_, err = reader.Read()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for {
		record, err := reader.Read()
		if err == io.EOF {
		source, err := strconv.ParseInt(record[0], 10, 64)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	//	fmt.Println("This is the Source")
	//	fmt.Println(source)

		target, err := strconv.ParseInt(record[1], 10, 64)
		if err != nil {
			return err

	//	fmt.Println("This is the Target")
	//	fmt.Println(target)

		// if intinslice(source, []int{5606, 5607, 255077, 238618}) == false && intinslice(target, []int{5606, 5607, 255077, 238618}) == false {
		// 	continue
		// }

		oneway := record[2]
		weight, err := strconv.ParseFloat(record[3], 64)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		err = graph.CreateVertex(source)
		if err != nil {
			return err
			fmt.Println("This is the Source")
		err = graph.CreateVertex(target)
		if err != nil {
			return err
			fmt.Println("This is the Target")

		err = graph.AddEdge(source, target, weight)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if oneway == "B" {
			err = graph.AddEdge(target, source, weight)
			if err != nil {
				return err
	return nil

Do you have any ideas what could be causing this?

[FEATURE REQUEST] Improve perfomance

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Let's take a laptop:

goos: windows
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz

Run test (with debugged flag ON) on it for this Graph file containing ~211k edges:

go test -timeout 30s -v -run ^TestShortestPath$
--- PASS: TestShortestPath (10.32s)

Bassicaly it has taken ~10seconds to preprocess graph. It's not that bad. But.

Let's take another Graph file containing 251k edges:

go test -timeout 5000s -v -run ^TestShortestPath$
--- PASS: TestShortestPath (4240.13s)

Now it's about 70+ minutes. I guess the problem with that graph is (a) topology + (b) a lot of Dijkstra function calls during contraction process on last ~10k steps in priority queue (vertices sorted by importance).

Something needs to be done with preparing contraction hierarchies: improve heuristics (I don't think that ~[edges_num*2] number of generated shortcuts is a good ...) / delete unnecessary calculations / refactor code (probably find hidden bugs)

Additional context
Used heuristics currently:

  1. Edge difference:
// computeImportance Update importance of vertex
func (vertex *Vertex) computeImportance() {
	// Worst possible shortcuts number throught the vertex is: NumWorstShortcuts = NumIncomingEdges*NumOutcomingEdges
	vertex.shortcutCover = len(vertex.inIncidentEdges) * len(vertex.outIncidentEdges)
	// Number of total incident edges is: NumIncomingEdges+NumOutcomingEdges
	vertex.incidentEdgesNum = len(vertex.inIncidentEdges) + len(vertex.outIncidentEdges)
	// Edge difference is between NumWorstShortcuts and TotalIncidentEdgesNum
	vertex.edgeDiff = vertex.shortcutCover - vertex.incidentEdgesNum
	// [+] Spatial diversity heuristic: for each vertex maintain a count of the number of neighbors that have already been contracted [vertex.delNeighbors], and add this to the summary importance
	// note: the more neighbours have already been contracted, the later this vertex will be contracted in further.
	// [+] Bidirection edges heuristic: for each vertex check how many bidirected incident edges vertex has.
	// note: the more bidirected incident edges == less important vertex is.
	vertex.importance = vertex.edgeDiff*14 + vertex.incidentEdgesNum*25 + vertex.delNeighbors*10 - vertex.bidirectedEdges()

2 .Lazy update heuristic:

// update Importance of vertex "on demand" as follows:
// Before contracting vertex with currently smallest Importance, recompute its Importance and see if it is still the smallest
// If not pick next smallest one, recompute its Importance and see if that is the smallest now; If not, continue in same way
vertex := heap.Pop(graph.pqImportance).(*Vertex)
if graph.pqImportance.Len() != 0 && vertex.importance > graph.pqImportance.Peek().importance {

[DOCUMENTATION | DELAYED] Explanation about ShortestPathOneToMany

What is your docs question about? Ask it
I assumed ShortestPathOneToMany used some clever algorithmic trick (like unidirectional Dijkstra is able to calculate all targets for one source in one go). Now, having read the algorithm source code, it seems to be almost the same as executing ShortestPathOneOne for all targets in sequence. The only difference I can see is that it is reusing the data structures across iterations. Is it only about reducing allocations or is there some deeper optimization that I cannot spot?

What do you suggest?
Add a section to README about how ShortestPathOneToMany works and why it is faster.

Additional context

[FEATURE REQUEST] Add max-cost path finder

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Would be cool to find shortes path with max cost restriction option.

Describe the solution you'd like and provide pseudocode examples if you can

fn ShortestPath(from, to, max_cost) {
    if distance > max_cost {

Describe alternatives you've considered and provide pseudocode examples if you can

Additional context
It would be usefull for path estimation when we know max cost.
Example application: If I can't spend 5 minutes to reach destination point of interest on pedestrian based-graph, then I choose vehicle-based graph.

[FEATURE REQUEST] Weak contraction hierarchies or other approaches to improve contraction process

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Consider extension of current implementation with customization

Describe the solution you'd like and provide pseudocode examples if you can
Prepare new branch(-es) and do some testing stuff in it

Additional context
Links to original papers:

  1. Weak contraction hierarchies
  2. Transit node routing
  3. Parallel Time-Dependent Contraction

[FEATURE REQUEST] Getter/setter for attribute 'orderPos'

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Currently field

type Vertex struct {
	orderPos int

is unexported.
For extended debugging in external appliactions and import/export function we need to make getter/setter for it.

Describe the solution you'd like and provide pseudocode examples if you can
Pretty simple getter/setter combo:

func (vertex *Vertex) OrderPos() int {
	return vertex.orderPos
func (vertex *Vertex) SetOrderPos(orderPos int){
	vertex.orderPos = orderPos

Describe alternatives you've considered and provide pseudocode examples if you can

Additional context
This issue is related to #11

[FEATURE REQUEST] Source metadata about vertices.

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Extend the way we store edges/vertices data.

Describe the solution you'd like and provide pseudocode examples if you can
Exported CSV is human readable, but we need to make an extension for this to store source metada.
Also we should add metadata fields for vertices/edges and (may be?) restrictions. Some getters/setters workaround is needed.

Describe alternatives you've considered and provide pseudocode examples if you can

Additional context
It's would be good to store metadata in JSON'ish string or other popular "key-value" format.

[FEATURE REQUEST] Improve export/import functions

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Current implementation of Export function is:
It creates single file with informations about edges and contractions, but no info about vertices' order position and importance.
Single CSV-file header:

// 		from_vertex_id - int64, ID of source vertex
// 		to_vertex_id - int64, ID of arget vertex
// 		f_internal - int64, Internal ID of source vertex
// 		t_internal - int64, Internal ID of target vertex
// 		weight - float64, Weight of an edge
// 		via_vertex_id - int64, ID of vertex through which the contraction exists (-1 if no contraction)
// 		v_internal - int64, Internal ID of vertex through which the contraction exists (-1 if no contraction)

So after calling Import function we must evaluate every vertex's order position and importance again: this is not cool and can take a long time if graph too big.
We need to export information about order position and importance to remove unnecessary calculations inside of Export function

Describe the solution you'd like and provide pseudocode examples if you can
Export function has to create 2 files: one is for edges, and second one is for vertices.
Edges file:

// 		from_vertex_id - int64, ID of source vertex
// 		to_vertex_id - int64, ID of arget vertex
// 		f_internal - int64, Internal ID of source vertex
// 		t_internal - int64, Internal ID of target vertex
// 		weight - float64, Weight of an edge
// 		via_vertex_id - int64, ID of vertex through which the contraction exists (-1 if no contraction)
// 		v_internal - int64, Internal ID of vertex through which the contraction exists (-1 if no contraction)

Vertices file:

// Header of main CSV-file containing information about vertices:
// 		vertex_id - int64, ID of vertex
// 		internal_id - int64, internal ID of arget vertex
// 		order_pos - int, Position of vertex in hierarchies (evaluted by library)
// 		importance - int, Importance of vertex in graph (evaluted by library)

Describe alternatives you've considered and provide pseudocode examples if you can
We can go even further and export third file: about contractions.
So finally we can get such structure:
Edges file (only real edges!):

// 		from_vertex_id - int64, ID of source vertex
// 		to_vertex_id - int64, ID of arget vertex
// 		f_internal - int64, Internal ID of source vertex
// 		t_internal - int64, Internal ID of target vertex
// 		weight - float64, Weight of an edge

Vertices file:

// Header of main CSV-file containing information about vertices:
// 		vertex_id - int64, ID of vertex
// 		internal_id - int64, internal ID of arget vertex
// 		order_pos - int, Position of vertex in hierarchies (evaluted by library)
// 		importance - int, Importance of vertex in graph (evaluted by library)

Contractions file:

// 		from_vertex_id - int64, ID of source vertex
// 		to_vertex_id - int64, ID of arget vertex
// 		f_internal - int64, Internal ID of source vertex
// 		t_internal - int64, Internal ID of target vertex
// 		weight - float64, Weight of an contraction
// 		via_vertex_id - int64, ID of vertex through which the contraction exists
// 		v_internal - int64, Internal ID of vertex through which the contraction exists

Additional context
After moditification of Export function we should make proper update for Import function also. So Import function has to accept 2 (or 3, depends on what we are going to do with contractions) arguments.

[DOCUMENTATION] Visual explanation

What is your docs question about? Ask it
We need visual step-by-step explanation of what happens in graph during CH algorithm.

What do you suggest?
Take something like Graphviz, draw graph and steps to reproduce CH algorithm and bidirectional search.

Additional context
Fill wiki page - is a good idea too.

[MINOR] Format code

Describe the proposal
Since last set of PR's we need to run gofmt

Additional context
Probably make it via VScode
Also it could be cool to check if we need order alignment in structs

[FEATURE REQUEST] Getter/setter for attribute 'importance'

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Currently field

type Vertex struct {
	importance    int

is unexported.
For extended debugging in external appliactions and import/export function we need to make getter/setter for it.

Describe the solution you'd like and provide pseudocode examples if you can
Pretty simple getter/setter combo:

func (vertex *Vertex) Importance() int {
	return vertex.importance
func (vertex *Vertex) SetImportance(importance int){
	vertex.importance = importance

Describe alternatives you've considered and provide pseudocode examples if you can

Additional context


Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Isochrones in terms of GIS -
This is nice instrument for transport accessibility analysis.

Describe the solution you'd like and provide pseudocode examples if you can
Implement shortest path finding algorithm with cost restristions (issue is #7 )
Wrap implemented function inside something like this (pseudocode):

Isochrones(source, max_cost) []int64{
    targets := graph.GetAllVertices
    isochrones := map[int64]bool
    answer = []int64
    for target in targets {
        if target == source ||  single_vertex is in isochrones {
        _, single_isochrone_path = ShortestPath(source, target, max_cost)
        for single_vertex in single_isochrone_path {
           if single_vertex is not in isochrones {
                isochrones[single_vertex] = true
                answer = append(answer, single_vertex)
    return answer

Describe alternatives you've considered and provide pseudocode examples if you can
There is alternative solution:
Just iterate all neighbor vertices on each step and collect them while estimated cost < max_cost
It's just a bit modified (with provided max cost) BFS -

Additional context

[BUG] Benchmarks run same test 12 times

Describe the bug
The benchmarks (like BenchmarkShortestPath) execute 12 iterations with k = 0..11, calculate an n = 2^k, but then don't use either of them in the benchmark except for the title.

To Reproduce
Run the benchmarks and read source code.

Expected behavior
Either n or k should be used in the benchmark core (not sure what these could be for BenchmarkShortestPath, for BenchmarkShortestPathOneToMany it could be the number of target nodes).

Freeze graph [FEATURE REQUEST]

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
When preprocessing is done need to prevent graph from any kind of data modification.
So users/developers won't make mistake trying to insert vertices to graph after it had been contracted.

Describe the solution you'd like and provide pseudocode examples if you can
go-ish pseudocode:

type Graph struct {
    frozen bool
func (g *Graph) ModifyData(....) error {
    if g.frozen {
        return "can't modify data in frozen graph"
func (g *Graph) PrepareContracts() error {
    // graph preparation
// Freeze - Exported
func (g *Graph) Freeze() {
    g.frozen = true
// unfreeze - unexported
func (g *Graph) unfreeze() {
    g.frozen = false

Describe alternatives you've considered and provide pseudocode examples if you can

Additional context

[DOCUMENTATION] Convenient code blocks and naming

What is your docs question about? Ask it
Well, there are many code with some unclear priority queue stuff, such as:

...distance.distance = vertex.distance.distance + cost
...distance.contractionID = contractionID 
...distance.sourceID = sourceID

What do you suggest?

  1. Refactor code to make in clear for developer.
    E.g. merge relaxEdges() and dijkstra() function in one (something like dijkstra_witness)
  2. Make some kind of wiki-code in comments' sections
    E.g. explain what this code does
// checkID Checks if both source's and target's contraction ID are not equal
func (graph *Graph) checkID(source, target int64) bool {
	s := graph.Vertices[source].distance
	t := graph.Vertices[target].distance
	return s.contractionID != t.contractionID || s.sourceID != t.sourceID

Additional context

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