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100 Days Of Code - Log

Day 0: Sep 22, Thurday 2022

Today's Progress: I have joined the 100 days of code challenge and reviewed documentation about Git.

Thoughts: I was very confident using git and GitHub, but today explaining to someone I saw issues that we could not fix. After some research, I know where to look for the solution.

Link(s) to work:

  1. git-oreilly
  2. git-dangitgit
  3. git-Intro-to-git
  4. git-cheat-sheet

Day 1: Sep 23, Friday 2022

Today's Progress: I have gone through many exercises on #codeWars to practice my javaScript. I also worked on my lightweight library "Caimito", like the exotic fruit from South America, created to make Sass easy, fun and customisable.

Thoughts I have recently started coding, and when I look back, it makes me proud of how much I have learned since April. I have much more to learn, but I also have to celebrate my accomplishments.

Day 2: Sep 24, Saturday 2022

Today's Progress: A deeper understanding of the fundamentals of Web apps:

  2. Forms and HTTP POST
  3. AJAX
  4. Web Sequence Diagrams

Thoughts: I struggled with Web Sequence Diagrams and Forms and HTTP POST, but I feel like I am slowly getting better at it. This subject needs further studies to practice my understanding.

Day 3: Sep 25, Sunday 2022

Today's Progress: Review fundamental core concepts of JavaScript:

  1. Variables
  2. Arrays
  3. Objects
  4. Functions
  5. Object methods and "this".
  6. Classes

Also, I have updated my IDE with VScode integrated with GitHub. Tomorrow I will be starting at the School of Code.

Thoughts Tomorrow I will be starting at the School of Code, I can wait to give all my best.

Day 4: Sep 26, Monday

Today's Progress: On the first day of the School of Code, Chris taught us the importance of understanding the problem and looking for patterns before programming. We also talk about the different paths to learn and finish with the hero's journey.

Thoughts My day started as usual. I woke up and went through a couple of #codewars exercises before heading to the gym, it was now nine am, and the session of School of code was about to start, a feeling as if a great experience was about to begin struck in me. I'm so lucky and grateful for this opportunity, hoping more days like this happen more often.

Day 5: Sep 27, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Computational thinking and deeper understanding of GitHub and workflow when you are on teams PULL and PUSH.

Thoughts: Great Exercises to practice problem-solving skills. I could not complete them at first but slowly got to the answers.

Day 6: Sep 28, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Today I not only learned in-depth about while loops and if statements, but I also practised my soft skills. After classes, I transmit my little knowledge to a few beautiful people from the @theSchoolOfCode.

Thoughts: Super proud of my GIT TEST 8/8. Toughs months are comming ahead, but I am ready for the challenge.

Day 7: Sep 29, Thursday

Today's Progress: I start my day at @theSchoolOfCode, learning about the importance of feedback, especially how to receive them.

We continue developing our teamwork skills today was working with JavaScript Objects.

Thoughts: Great day feeling more confortable at the bootcamp.

Day 8: Sep 30, Friday

Today's Progress: First Hackaton we build a Tic Toc Game, I have sharpen my skills with javaScript.

Thoughts: Great day I ask a question successfully aswered by Lizz also I felt great staying longer to help my colleages.

Day 9: Oct 01, Saturday

Today's Progress: I have learned about the importance of testing and debugging.

Thoughts: I cannot believe it is already the end of the first week. I am so proud of myself for sticking to the @schoolofcode.

Day 10: Oct 02, Sunday

Today's Progress: I have completed an extended version of the 'Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard game. Reviewing the code, I have managed to make it more efficient.

Thoughts: I cannot believe it is already the end of the first week. I am so proud of myself for sticking to the @schoolofcode.

Day 11: Oct 03, Monday

Today's Progress: I have practiced my skill on DOM manipulation and event listeners. Thank you again @codingbumblebee for all your knowledge and support.

Thoughts: First day of feeling a bit overwhelmed, but I am sure I will get through it.

Day 12: Oct 04, Thuesday

Today's Progress: Very encouraging talk from one of SoC mentors! Working with DOM and feeling like I know what I am doing a little bit more specially with:

.addEventListener() .querySelector()

Thoughts: Looking forward what tomorrow will bring!

Day 13: Oct 05, Wednesday

Today's Progress: I have learned about asynchronous functions, timers and promises, fetching data from an API and using it to display on the DOM.

Thoughts: Positive attitude and a lot of energy to keep going. A meeting with my mentor left me feeling more confident about my future as a developer.

Day 14: Oct 06, Thursday

Today's Progress: I had an eye opening lecture about peronality types and how they can affect our work, and the importance of being a good team player.

@schofcode we had to do a prensentation/song about set and map data structures with group. I have learned a lot about the importance of teamwork and communication.

Thoughts: Last day with Ryan my partner of this week, I am going to miss him, but I am sure we will keep in touch. I learned a lot from him specially about diferent ways to solve problems.

Day 15: Oct 07, Friday

Today's Progress: Hacktaon day, we had to build a game with the data from an API. I have learned a lot about the importance of teamwork and communication.

The game was a Pokedex where you can search for a pokemon and see its image name and type, displaying it on the DOM.

Using mostly JavaScript and few lines of HTML and CSS.

Thoughts: Great last day with Ryan, I have build great friendships with my team mates. What a great week!

Day 16: Oct 08, Saturday

Today's Progress: Today I felt great about my progress and being able to help my lovely teammates at @schoolofcode, reviewing lessons from last week and practising my skills on DOM manipulation and event listeners. Happy to be part of this community 🫶

Thoughts: Sticking to my goals and being able to help others is what makes me feel great.

Day 17: Oct 09, Sunday

Today's Progress: Sunday of the second week of @schoolofcode, day of review and reflection about my further goals. I have learned a lot about the importance of teamwork and communication.

Thoughts: I am so greatful of all the supoort I have received from my team mates and mentors.

Day 18: Oct 10, Monday

Today's Progress: Today I went back to the beginning when I had sleepless nights working on my skills in HTML and CSS with

I also have learned at @theSchoolOfCode Agile methodology and how to use it in my daily life.

Thoughts: I had forgotten how fun is to build a website from scratch.

Day 19: Oct 11, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Shane Downes and I have built a project using as guide the design process. Empathise, define, ideate, prototype and test. As Dreamer we created, as realist we tested, as critic we reviewed and as leader we presented.

Thoughts: Really enyoing this Week with Shane Downes I have learn so much about design thinking and differents resources to use in the future.

Day 20: Oct 12, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Today I learn how to use Figma to create a prototype of my project and how to combine it with Design Thinking, User Stories and User Journey.

I don't go to lie was not as easy as I thought, but I am sure I will get better with practice.

Thoughts: Shane has show me another level of design thinking, I am so grateful for this opportunity.

Day 21: Oct 13, Thursday

Today's Progress: Today at School Of Code we learn with Helena Archer more about #css grid and flex to create a more consistent #design to help the user to navigate throughout the website and have a better experience.

The #communication of my team was not the best at the beginning of the project today, but we managed to solve it and work as a #team.

Thoughts: I never thought to said that I am missing javascript, but I am.

Day 22: Oct 14, Friday

Today's Progress: Hackaton day, finally our project is ready to be presented. We have created a website for a fictional company called 'Lemonup' to help people to teach people to have a better life growing lemons.

We did a small presentation of the process we followed to create the website and the challenges we faced. I am very happy with the first result as we still need to incorporate some features and I am looking forward to the next hackathon.

Thoughts: I am so proud of my team, we have worked so hard to get to this point. This week with Shane Downes has been amazing, now I know how to work with a perfect team and I am so grateful for this opportunity.

Day 23: Oct 15, Saturday

Today's Progress: Figma is a great tool to create a prototype of your project, doing the recap of this week I think I have learned a lot about design thinking and how to use the tools available to create a better user experience.

Thoughts: I need to keep practising to get better at it.

Day 24: Oct 16, Sunday

Today's Progress: I design my low fidelity prototype using Figma, I have learned a lot about the importance of empathy and how to use it to create a better user experience.

Thoughts: I am so greatful of all the supoort I have received from my team mates and mentors.

Day 25: Oct 17, Monday

Today's Progress: Arshi Sheikh one of our super coaches @theSchoolOfCode tough us how to use the console to debug my code and how to use the debugger to find the errors. I also learned about node.js and how to use it to run our code.

Thoughts: I am looking forward to the hackathon because, for the first time, I am in a big team.

I always believed that people well organised could be more efficient.

I receive the Team meeting for Monday to discuss our final project

Day 26: Oct 18, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Node.js is great for running our code, installing packages and using them in our projects. I have learned how to use the package manager npm to install packages and how to use them in my code, focusing today on Fs Module to read and write files and an introduction to express.js.

Thoughts: Great day with my team mates, we have decided to wait until all the team understands the material before moving forward.

Day 27: Oct 19, Wednesday

Today's Progress: CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete. I have learned how to use the express.js framework to create a server and how to use it to create a CRUD application using postman to test the endpoints.

Thoughts: Difficult day, I have been struggling with the material. Definitely I need to keep practising backend to get better at it.

Day 28: Oct 20, Thursday

Today's Progress: Use of express.js to create our routes and endpoints for our CRUD application. I struggled a lot with the material, but I am sure I will get better with practice and the unconditional support of my teammates.

Thoughts: I have to go back to the basics and keep practising to get better at it.

Day 29: Oct 21, Friday

Today's Progress: Hackathon day, we have created a CRUD application to manage a list of recipes. We have used express.js to create our routes and endpoints and postman to test them.

Thoughts: I am so proud of my team, we have worked so hard to get to this point. I struggled with the material, so I decided to go back to the basics and keep practising to get better at it.

Day 30: Oct 22, Saturday

Today's Progress: I started with the recaps task from last week, I broke my hackathon project into small tasks and have started to work on them testing each one of the endpoints.

Thoughts: I am so proud of myself as I have been able to create a CRUD application using express.js and postman. I had a lot of bugs but now I know how to fix them without breaking the code or my head.

Day 31: Oct 23, Sunday

Today's Progress: I have finished the recaps task from last week, creating a CRUD application to manage a list of users. I have used express.js to connect the routes and endpoints and postman to test them.

Thoughts: I am so proud of myself as I have been able to create a CRUD application using express.js and postman. I had a lot of bugs, but now I know how to fix them without breaking the code or my head.

Day 32: Oct 24, Monday

Today's Progress: I had the pleasure hear a guest speaker from the industry, Stuart Langridge. He talked about his journey as a developer and how he started his career. He also did emphasis about the importance of learning new skills and how to keep reviewing. Soon after the real work began, I started learning about databases and how to use them in our projects SQL and NoSQL, focusing today on SQL.

Thoughts: It is going to be a great week as I am with one of the best coders I have met Jason Chalangary, looking forward to learning from him.

Day 33: Oct 25, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Today I had the opportunity to hear one of the people I had to thank most as a developer, Katie Hawcutt, sadly I could not thank her for her work documenting her journey as a developer on her Github, thanks to her I have been able to learn so much about the documentation, CSS and the deepest understanding about the journey I was about to begin as a developer in the School Of Code.

Thank you, Katie.

Thoughts: I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn from the best.

Day 34: Oct 26, Wednesday

Today's Progress: I have learned how to use SQL to create a database and how to use it to create a CRUD application using postman to test the endpoints.

Thoughts: Hanza is a great coach, he always has a solution for every problem, at the personal level he is a great person and I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn from him.

Day 35: Oct 27, Thursday

Today's Progress: I managed to finish the CRUD application using SQL, PostgreSQL and postman. It was a tough day, but I am delighted with the result. I had time to explore the documentation of the PostgreSQL package looking forward to the next hackathon.

Thoughts: Aidan is a great coach, he always has a solution for every problem, at the personal level he is a great person and I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn from him.

Day 36: Oct 28, Friday

Today's Progress: On Hackathon day, we created a CRUD application to manage a list of clients and products. We have used SQL, PostgreSQL and postman to build our database and test the endpoints. Jason was a great partner this week, he is a great coder, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn from him.

Thoughts: I am so proud of my team, we have worked so hard to get to this point. I struggled with the material, so I decided to go back to the basics and keep practising to get better at it.

Day 37: Oct 29, Saturday

Today's Progress: I started with the recaps task from last week, I broke my hackathon project into small tasks and have started to work on them testing each one of the endpoints.

Thoughts: Week 5 is finished where all the time goes? I am so proud of myself as I have been able to create a CRUD application using SQL, PostgreSQL and postman. I had a lot of bugs, but now I know how to fix them without breaking the code or my head.

Day 38: Oct 30, Sunday

Today's Progress: I have create a Diary with mongoDB, mongoose and postman. I have learned how to use the mongoose package to create a schema and how to use it to create a CRUD application using postman to test the endpoints.

Thoughts: Sunday Chill day, I have been able to create a CRUD application using mongoDB, mongoose and postman.

Day 39: Oct 31, Monday

Today's Progress: Intro to jest and how to use it to test our code. It allows you to write tests with an approachable, familiar and feature-rich API that gives you results quickly. I can't wait to start using it in my projects.

Thoughts: I am happy today as I am really aware of how much I like coding and how much I want to be a developer.

Day 40: Nov 1, Tuesday

Today's Progress: Debugging and Testing are part of the development process. Now we are transitioning to debugging our code from using Jest forward to Cypress, which is a next-generation front-end testing tool built for the modern web, looking forward to learning more about it.

Thoughts: I had a small issue with myself as I was frustrated with one of the tasks, I asked for help and I got it, I am so grateful for the support of my teammates.

Day 41: Nov 2, Wednesday

Today's Progress: Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. I have learned how to use it to test our code. It allows you to write tests with an approachable, familiar and feature-rich API that gives you results quickly. I can't wait to start using it in my projects.

Thoughts: Wednesday is always a tough day, but I am so grateful for the support of my teammates.

Day 42: Nov 3, Thursday

Today's Progress: Today I went deeper into the documentation of the jest package looking forward to the next hackathon.

Thoughts: Aidan is a great coach, he always has a solution for every problem, at the personal level he is a great person and I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn from him.

Day 43: Nov 4, Friday

Today's Progress: On Hackathon day, we created a CRUD application to manage a list of clients and products. We have used jest to test our code. Bee was a great partner this week, she is a great person, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to be with her.

Thoughts: I struggled with the material, so I decided to go back to the basics and keep practising to get better at it.

Day 44: Nov 5, Saturday

Today's Progress: I started with the recaps task from last week, I broke my hackathon project into small tasks and have started to work on them testing each one of the endpoints.

Thoughts: Week 6 is finished where all the time goes? I am so proud of myself as I have been able to create a CRUD application using jest to test our code. I had a lot of bugs, but now I know how to fix them without breaking the code or my head.

Day 45: Nov 6, Sunday

Today's Progress: Today was a chill day, I consolidated my knowledge about the jest package and I have started to learn about the cypress package.

Thoughts: I thought I was going to have a tough day, but I had a great time reviewing the material and learning about the cypress package.

Day 46: Nov 7, Monday

Today's Progress: Introduction to React and how to use it to create a simple React application. I will start building a Chees board game multiplayer with a backend with @couchbase. Any ideas about where to host it?

Thoughts: Finally I could undestand what is React and how to use the props to create a simple React application.

Day 47: Nov 8, Tuesday

Today's Progress: I have learned how to use the React package to create a simple Movie application. I have learned how to use the props to create a simple React application.

Thoughts: Everyday I am learning more and more about React, I am so grateful for the support of the School of Code team.

Day 48: Nov 9, Wednesday

Today's Progress: When I start working with React Hooks I was a bit confused, but now I am getting the hang of it. I have learned how to use the useState hooks to create a simple React application.

Thoughts: Love to be able to help my teammates when they are struggling with the material.

Day 49: Nov 10, Thursday

Today's Progress: Weird to think how much I have learned in the last 49 days. Thanks to the School of Code, I have been able to develop my skills and to do it alongside the best team ever is priceless.

Thoughts: Can't wait to start working on my final project. Coach meeting today, I am so excited to see what is next.

Day 50: Nov 11, Friday

Today's Progress: On Hackathon day, we created a to-do list application using React. We have used the useState hooks to create a simple React application. I have learned how to use the useState hooks to create a simple React application.

Thoughts: I struggled with the material and with the team communication, but I am so grateful that we could solve the issues and finish the project.

Day 51: Nov 12, Saturday

Today's Progress: I started with the recaps task from last week, I broke my hackathon project into small tasks and have started to work on the styling of the application. I also have started building the prototype of a Websites for a local business called 'PizzaArte' located in my area. I am so excited to see the final result.

Thoughts: Week 7 is finished where all the time goes? I am so proud of myself as I have been able to create a to-do list application using React. I had a lot of bugs, but now I know how to fix them without breaking the code or my head.

Day 52: Nov 13, Sunday

Today's Progress: Lots of progress with the prototype of a Websites for 'PizzaArte'. I am using Figma to create the prototype, Taildwind for the styling and React for the frontend. I am so excited to see the final result.

Thoughts: Greatful for the path that I am following, I am so excited to see the final result.

Day 53: Nov 14, Monday

Today's Progress: We have learned how to use the useEffect hooks to create a simple Pokemon application, and look for the potential use in personals projects.

Thoughts: I am so lucky to be with Jay this week, he is a great person and I am so grateful for the opportunity to learn from him.

Day 54: Nov 15, Tuesday

Today's Progress: UseReducer used for state management. It is an alternative to useState but much more powerful. I start a tradition of Project Tuesday, with the aim of creating a project every Tuesday, yesterday was the first one.

Thoughts: I should have started this tradition earlier, but I need to organise my time better.

Day 55: Nov 16, Wednesday

Today's Progress: I never thought I would have so much fun learning about Testing with React, using Jest and React Testing Library. As a result, I am implementing a testing strategy for my personals projects and Codigo Club.

Thoughts: Enjoying the material and learning about Testing with React, using Jest and React Testing Library.

Day 56: Nov 17, Thursday

Today's Progress: MVP and MLP are two different approaches to software development and thanks to Agile and Scrum, we can use them to create a better product.

Thoughts: We had a great time learning about MVP and MLP, I am so grateful for the support of my teammates.

Day 57: Nov 18, Friday

Today's Progress: On Hackathon day, we created a Weather app using React. We have used the useEffect and useState hooks to consume the OpenWeather API.

Thoughts: Jay has been a great partner this week, he is a great person, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to be with him.

Day 58: Nov 19, Saturday

Today's Progress: I build a Weather app using #React, using useEffect and useState🪝to consume the OpenWeather API. I use CSS to make it look 🔥 and 📱💻 friendly. The test environment was set up using #Jest and React Testing Library.

Thoughts: Week 8 is finished where all the time goes? I am so proud of myself as I have been able to create a Weather app using React. I had a lot of bugs, but now I know how to fix them without breaking the code or my head.

Day 59: Nov 20, Sunday

Today's Progress: I spend the day reviewing all the material from the last 8 weeks, as this week is project week. I am so excited to start working on this project.

Thoughts: I am so grateful for the support of the School of Code team.

Day 60: Nov 21, Monday

Today's Progress: We meet the team for the final project, I couldn't be happier to be with this team. We have started to work on the project and we have created the first user stories.

Thoughts: Bootcamper Buddy is alive.

Day 61: Nov 22, Tuesday

Today's Progress: We start designing the first high fidelity prototype of the project and structure the project using Agile and Scrum.

Thoughts: Happy to be with this team, we are going to create something amazing.

Day 62: Nov 23, Wednesday

Today's Progress: We start coding our first component with React at this point it feels to ambitious for all our ideas, but we are going to make it.

Thoughts: There is not such thing as a silly idea, we are going to make it.

Day 63: Nov 24, Thursday

Today's Progress: We spent most of the day working on the database, we created the first tables and we started to work on the backend of the project we test the connection with the frontend, using jest and superset and morgan.

Thoughts: I really enjoy testing and how we all are coming together to make this project a reality.

Day 64: Nov 25, Friday

Today's Progress: Presenting the project to the School of Code team, I couldn't be happier to be with this team. Was a great experience this week, I am so grateful for the support of my teammates and the School of Code team for the opportunity to be part of this project.

Thoughts: Really enjoyed working on this project, I am so grateful for the support of my teammates and the School of Code team for the opportunity to be part of this project.

Day 65: Nov 26, Saturday

Today's Progress: Relax day, I have been updating my notes and notion to make it easier to find the information that I need.

Thoughts: I am happy to be able to relax and to be able to update my notes and notion to make it easier to find the information that I need.

Day 66: Nov 27, Sunday

Today's Progress: Break day, I have been updating my notes and notion to make it easier to find the information that I need.

Thoughts: Break day, I am happy to be able to relax and to be able to update my notes and notion to make it easier to find the information that I need.

Day 67: Nov 28, Monday

Today's Progress: As a team The L&TheCoolJ's we broke the project in small task to review all the code and make sure that we are all on the same page.

Thoughts: I am so grateful for the support of my teammates and the School of Code team for the opportunity to be part of this project.

Day 68: Nov 29, Tuesday

Today's Progress: We implement more testing in our project, we are using Jest and Supertest to test the backend and React Testing Library to test the frontend.

Thoughts: I am so grateful for the support of my teammates and the School of Code team for the opportunity to be part of this project.

Day 69: Nov 30, Wednesday

Today's Progress: We are now in the same page, we have reviewed all the code and we are ready to be answer any question that the School of Code team has.

Thoughts: Communication is key, I am so grateful for the support of my teammates and the School of Code team for the opportunity to be part of this project.

Day 70: Dec 1, Thursday

Today's Progress: We have been working we Auth0 to implement the login and sign up functionality, we have been using the Auth0 React SDK to make it easier to implement the login and sign up functionality.

Thoughts: Is not a really easy topic to understand, but we are going to make it.

Day 71: Dec 2, Friday

Today's Progress: For the Hackthon we have Created a Phonebook agenda app using React, and Auth0 to implement the login and sign up functionality. Still need to work on the styling, testing and how to display the data for each user.

Thoughts: I struggle with this subject, as so far I have been using Firebase to implement the login and sign up functionality which I found easier to implement than Auth0 but I like the challenge.

Day 72: Dec 3, Saturday

Today's Progress: I have been working on the styling of the Phonebook agenda app using React, and Auth0 to implement the login and sign up functionality. Still need to work on the testing and how to display the data for each user.

Thoughts: I struggle with this subject, as so far I have been using Firebase to implement the login and sign up functionality which I found easier to implement than Auth0 but I like the challenge.

Day 73: Dec 4, Sunday

Today's Progress: I have been working on the testing of the Phonebook agenda app using React, and Auth0 to implement the login and sign up functionality. Still need to work on how to display the data for each user.

Thoughts: I struggle with this subject, as so far I have been using Firebase to implement the login and sign up functionality which I found easier to implement than Auth0 but I like the challenge.

Day 74: Dec 5, Monday

Today's Progress: I have been learning about the React Context API and how to use it to manage the state of the app.

Thoughts: I will start building and app with all the hackathons in miniatures, I am so excited to start building it.

Day 75: Dec 6, Tuesday

Today's Progress: We learned how to deploy our backend with Render finally we have our backend deployed. That is a milestone for me.

Thoughts: I am so grateful for the support of my teammates and the School of Code team for the opportunity to be part of this project.

Day 76: Dec 7, Wednesday

Today's Progress: We learned how to deploy our backend with Render and how to deploy our frontend with Netlify.

Thoughts: I am very happy with all the progress that we have made in these last 11 weeks, I am so grateful for the support of my teammates and the School of Code team for the opportunity to be part of this project.

Day 77: Dec 8, Thursday

Today's Progress: We have been working with CouchDB and how to use it to store the data for our project it looks like a good option to store the data for our project only one side is that we need to pay for the service.

Thoughts: Planning something to change my future, I am so grateful for the support of my teammates and the School of Code team for the opportunity to be part of this project.

Day 78: Dec 9, Friday

Today's Progress: Hackathon day, we have been working in a full stack app using React, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. We have been working on the backend and the frontend and deploying the project on render and netlify.

Thoughts: Happy we the result of the project, I am so grateful for the support of my teammates and the School of Code team for the opportunity to be part of this project.

Day 79: Dec 10, Saturday

Today's Progress: Planning After Hours project, to present on Monday for the people interested in joining.

Thoughts: Challenging and nerve wrecking, 25 people already signed up for the After Hours project.

Day 80: Dec 11, Sunday

Today's Progress: I have finished the After Hours project proposal, I am so excited to start working on it. I also start working on my project with the hackathons in miniatures.

Thoughts: I'm in the zone, I am so excited to start working on my project with the hackathons in miniatures and tomorrow I will deliver the proposal for the After Hours project.

Day 81: Dec 12, Monday

Today's Progress: CouchBase Workshop, I have learned how to use CouchBase to store the data for our project.

Thoughts: Grateful for the opportunity to learn new technologies, that only can help me to improve my skills

Day 82: Dec 13, Tuesday

Today's Progress:


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  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

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  • Machine learning

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  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.