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wampy.js's Issues

Inconsistent return values from RPC

When making RPCs using Wampy#call(), I am getting inconsistent onSuccess callback parameters. In some cases, I get just the returned data from the function (i.e. if the RPC handler returns an object, just that object is given in the callback); in other cases, I also get an empty array as first parameter to the callback, and then the data I want as the second parameter.

As a workaround I have made my wrapper detect if the first parameter is an empty array, in that case using the second parameter, but I'd like to know what is actually going on. Is this a bug, or am I just using the library wrong? I couldn't find anything in the documentation that helped.

null value in argList causes router exception


  1. register a callee function
  2. callee function throws a custom error with argsDict but without argsList property
  3. wampy.js handle this that, adds null to the argsList:
  4. wamp router throws protocol error and immediately close the connection because of type of the argList is None instead of Dict.

The wampy sends the following ERROR message:
"[8,68,1,{},\"custom.error\",null,{\"message\":\"This error should be thrown\"}]"

Causes the following error in router:

crossbar-service_1  | [Router         15 crossbar.router.protocol.WampWebSocketServerProtocol] Traceback (most recent call last):
crossbar-service_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/autobahn/wamp/", line 88, in onMessage
crossbar-service_1  |     for msg in self._serializer.unserialize(payload, isBinary):
crossbar-service_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/autobahn/wamp/", line 131, in unserialize
crossbar-service_1  |     msg = Klass.parse(raw_msg)
crossbar-service_1  |   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/autobahn/wamp/", line 1036, in parse
crossbar-service_1  |     raise ProtocolError("invalid type {0} for 'args' in ERROR".format(type(args)))
crossbar-service_1  | autobahn.wamp.exception.ProtocolError: invalid type <class 'NoneType'> for 'args' in ERROR

My custom error definition in node.js:

function WampError(uri, message) {
    Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);
    this.uri = uri || 'wamp.error';
    this.details = {};
    //this.argsList = [];
    this.argsDict = {
require('util').inherits(WampError, Error);

The WAMP standard is a little bit ambiguous on this topic:
Recommends, that not pass empty arrays, simple skip them. --> this causes also a same type of error.

On the other hand the
refers to a position based argument passing.

A better solution can be to pass an empty array instead of null to the mentioned line.

URI validation does not meet WAMP v2 spec

According to the WAMP v2 spec URI's must only have numbers, letters and underscore, with a minimum of size of one for each URI component. ( The sample regex in the spec is


Wampy however enforces at a minimum size of two for the length of each component.

_validateURI (uri) {
    const re = /^([0-9a-zA-Z_]{2,}\.)*([0-9a-zA-Z_]{2,})$/;
    return !(!re.test(uri) || uri.indexOf('wamp') === 0);

This is a mismatch from the spec.

Add progress callback

Can we add a progress callback when using receive_progress = true or add the progress flag to the onSuccess callback?

Connection to server is stuck most of the time

I am connecting to WampSharp server implementation and connection to the server most of the time stuck. If I connect though wampsharp client it is always successful, any thoughts. Same thing with autobahn client.


Welcome details on connect

Can we have "welcome details" as an argument to onConnect() and onReconnectSuccess()? It's useful to get some session details once client connects. My current workaround to this is calling wamp.session.get, but I would like to avoid odd call, when all needed info is in "welcome".

If you accept PR for this, I could make one.


An in-range update of webpack is breaking the build 🚨

Version 2.5.0 of webpack just got published.

Branch Build failing 🚨
Dependency webpack
Current Version 2.4.1
Type devDependency

This version is covered by your current version range and after updating it in your project the build failed.

As webpack is β€œonly” a devDependency of this project it might not break production or downstream projects, but β€œonly” your build or test tools – preventing new deploys or publishes.

I recommend you give this issue a high priority. I’m sure you can resolve this πŸ’ͺ

Status Details - ❌ **continuous-integration/travis-ci/push** The Travis CI build could not complete due to an error [Details](

Release Notes v2.5.0


  • add hashSalt to schema
  • webpack's source code no longer contains sourceMappingURL, which caused issues with some tools
  • Added missing semicolon in dll-imported modules
  • DllPlugin manifest is smaller (not pretty printed)
  • CommonsChunkPlugin in async mode doesn't extract from initial chunks


  • allow placeholders in the BannerPlugin
  • add option to disable the module trace in stats

The new version differs by 81 commits0.

  • bf3652b 2.5.0
  • cd1cd29 Merge pull request #4815 from webpack/bugfix/extract-async-initial
  • b45588b CommonsChunkPlugin in async mode doesn't select initial chunks
  • 8bab88c Merge pull request #4814 from webpack/test/move-entry
  • a244879 add testcase for moving entry modules into the commons chunk
  • 85dc98f Merge pull request #4813 from JLHwung/perf/date-now
  • 6afc397 perf: use instead of new Date().getTime()
  • 94d0641 perf: use instead of +new Date()
  • c91ba49 Merge pull request #4791 from deificx/master
  • 94ba75f Merge pull request #4794 from ndresx/disable-manifest-json-pretty-print
  • 84ea1ff added error to stats.moduleTrace test name to trigger test cases corretly
  • 8ad4386 test cases for stats.moduleTrace option
  • 958156a moduleTrace added to webpackOptionsSchema.json
  • de87f93 Disable manifest.json pretty print
  • 4131013 rename stats.stackTrace to stats.moduleTrace

There are 81 commits in total.

See the full diff

Not sure how things should work exactly?

There is a collection of frequently asked questions and of course you may always ask my humans.

Your Greenkeeper Bot 🌴

Use with React Native

When I use wampy.js with ReactNative with router, have a problem:

Failed to connect to /

I don't use authorization, and other options

new Wampy('ws://', { 
            realm: config.server.realm,
            ws: WebSocket,
            onConnect: () => {
                console.log('Connected to Router!');
            reconnectInterval: 1000,
            maxRetries: 999,
            onClose: function () { console.log('See you next time!'); },
            onError: function (error) { console.log('Breakdown happened', error.message, error); },
            onReconnect: function () { console.log('Reconnecting...'); },
            onReconnectSuccess: function () { console.log('Reconnection succeeded...'); }

Can I use wampy with ReactNative. Autobahn don't work with RN. I want use wampy
ws: WebSocket
This options I try enabled and disabled, have same result

Events are lost after a reconnect

When Wampy reconnects after connection-loss with autoReconnect, it re-subscribes to previous subscriptions; So far ok.
But after re-connect no events will come through anymore.

Tested in Chrome & Edge with Wampy 2.0.1.

Error: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined

On React Native, this error occurs after successfully connecting to the server:

Error: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
  Wampy._wsOnOpen                              index.ios.bundle:58797
  WebSocket.Wampy._initWsCallbacks._ws.onopen  index.ios.bundle:58785
  WebSocket.<anonymous>                        index.ios.bundle:13888
  Object.ErrorUtils.applyWithGuard             index.ios.bundle:1202
  EventEmitter.emit                            index.ios.bundle:9702
  MessageQueue.__callFunction                  index.ios.bundle:7157
  <unknown>                                    index.ios.bundle:7093
  guard                                        index.ios.bundle:7046
  <unknown>                                    index.ios.bundle:7093
 URL: undefined
 line: undefined
 message: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined

This is because the React Native WebSocket iOS implementation does not currently support passing the 'protocols' option in the constructor, so this._ws.protocol ends up being undefined.

wampy-all.min.js missed

Hi there,

I just installed your library using bower and from the ZIP package but I didn't find the file called wampy-all.min.js that you mention in the documentation.


on reconnect

Does the on reconnect auto subscribe to the old topics? Seems to bug out.
Trying to figure out where its going wrong.

It is suppose to reconnect on all the topics?

question about "HELLO" message

Hi, I have one question.

Are there any options to set 'Details'(or payload) when send the HELLO message?

below quotation is taken from WAMP v2 draft.

After the underlying transport has been established, the opening of a
WAMP session is initiated by the Client sending a "HELLO" message
to the Router.
"Details" is a dictionary that allows to provide additional
opening information

   [HELLO, Realm|uri, Details|dict]

As I know, HELLO message will be sent to the router automatically when wampy's constructor is created. but I can not find any options to set 'Details' in case of using constructor and connection( ) method.

If there is no way now, do you have plan to support that feature?

Thank you.

WampyMsgpackSerializer not defined


I'm using last version of wampy-all.min.js from and trying to define new instance of wampy with msgpack serializer.
Following the instructions in, I do this:

// in browser
ws = new Wampy('ws://mycoolserver.watever:6789/myroute', {
    realm: 'awesome.realm',
    serializer: new WampyMsgpackSerializer(msgpack5)

So, browser throws error: Uncaught ReferenceError: WampyMsgpackSerializer is not defined

Noob question - am I doing it wrong, or miss something?
Best regards

[SERIOUS] Where to get "wampy.min.js" ?

In the readme, you say :

"For simple browser usage just download latest archive and add wampy-all.min.js file to your page. It contains msgpack encoder plus wampy itself."

But it's not the case : no minimized version (and no usable non minimized) in the ZIP, at least for the v6 version ....

So it's very difficult to test the lib, without grunt/gulp/bower knowledge ;-)

Tutorials/Help for node

You mention WAMPY is a 'browser-only' lib, but you've got example code for node:

// in node.js
w3cws = require('websocket').w3cwebsocket;
ws = new Wampy(null, { ws: w3cws });
ws = new Wampy('/my-socket-path', { ws: w3cws });
ws = new Wampy('ws://', { autoReconnect: false, ws: w3cws });
ws = new Wampy({ reconnectInterval: 1*1000, ws: w3cws });

Are you able to please provide a basic example (possibly with a package.json) to get WAMPY working with Node (i.e. installation of WebSocket, WAMPY, etc) ?

I'm unable to get this going in Node. (running in Browser is fine, though!)

(Ideally, I'm trying to get this working with Typescript in Node, but lets just get the JavaScript version working for me: one step at a time. I have it working with Typescript in the Browser just fine.)


Is it possible to call RPC with two payloads?

The Wampy documentation says that register RPC function is called with two payloads:

rpc. Registered PRC during invocation will receive three arguments: array
payload (may be undefined), object payload (may be undefined) and options

However, the call function allows to call RPC with only one payload:

call(topicURI[, payload[, callbacks[, advancedOptions]]])

payload. RPC data. Optional. May be any single value or array or hash-
table object or null.

The WAMP specification 9.2.1 has an example:

[48, 7814135, {}, "", ["johnny"],
       {"firstname": "John", "surname": "Doe"}]

In this example, RPC is called with two payloads (array and hash-table object). Is it implemented in Wampy?

clarification of error usage in a documentation


I made some experiments with the error handling, and have a docs update recommendation:


Also it is possible to abort rpc processing and throw error with custom application specific data. This data will be passed to caller onError callback. Exception object with custom data may have next attributes:

uri. String with custom error uri.
details. Custom details object.
argsList. Custom arguments array.
argsDict. Custom arguments object.

According to the standard the details object is used by the router not by the original caller or publisher . The main reason of this object to extend the protocol for the further features. It is not really guaranteed that this object will be passed back to the caller / publisher (and the router implementation actually working this way). However it is not said explicitly.

According to the INVOCATION ERROR message definition of the standard argList and argDict objects sends back to the caller / subscriber, even it is said explicitly.

If you agree, I am happy to contribute of the correction.

Thanks for the answer,

Migrate typings to 6.x.x version

Hi there!

Would love to use wampy.js in my current (angular 5.x.x) project as a wamp client - I've just reviewed the current typings, which seem to be a little bit outdated. Are you planning to migrate them to the latest version 6.x.x?

Help in file transfer between clients


I know the "ISSUE" is not a right forum to post questions, but unfortunately I did not find your email address, thus I just choosed this way.

So I am using your wampy project and I would like to do file transfer between two wamp clients. In the README, I can see an example for where a backup file is transfered(?)'restore.backup', { backupFile: '' }, {...

I would like to ask you, do I understood right, the call method is the way how file can be transfered?

Thanks for your help.

reconnected callback


I've been using this library and I feel this is very good for me.
I would like to ask you to add a callback that is invoked when reconnection is done successfully.

thank you:)

Progressive call results


I have a question about the progressive call results.
From the docs, I understand that wampy supports progressive call results with registered procedures.
It says:

Possible attribute of options is "progress": true, which indicates, that it's a progressive result, so there will be more results in future. Be sure to unset "progress" on last result message.

But, I can't find a way how to return more than one result. The docs say how you can delay a return with a promise, but I can't find a way to return a second value after the first one.
It would be nice when the RPC callback can return an rx Observable in addition to a value or a promise. Or is there somehow a different way I missed?


Something wrong in the wampy.js file ( release 6.1.0)?

Did you look into the file (under browser - seemingly combined from a number of files from the src directory) itself?

There are lines very very long, and the top comment section from the original src/wampy.js goes way way to the far right (huge indentation) somewhere in the middle (vertically) of now browser/wampy.js.

Noticed it after running 'pdoc` (generating documentation from the source) on the file, which failed.

Installation issues


I'm having issues installing Wampy. I'm using Node v5.10.1 and npm v 3.8.3

When i do
npm install wampy
in an empty folder with no package.json file, I get a whole heap of errors in red.

If i do have a package.json file, and do
npm install wampy --save i still get a whole heap of errors.

The first 3 errors (out of about 100) are:
C:\Users\Brad\.node-gyp\5.10.1\include\node\v8.h(336): error C2988: unrecognizable template declaration/definition [C:\DEV\testwampyinstall\node_modules\websoc ket\build\bufferutil.vcxproj] C:\Users\Brad\.node-gyp\5.10.1\include\node\v8.h(336): error C2059: syntax error : 'using' [C:\DEV\testwampyinstall\node_modules\websocket\build\bufferutil.vcx proj] C:\Users\Brad\.node-gyp\5.10.1\include\node\v8.h(469): error C2988: unrecognizable template declaration/definition [C:\DEV\testwampyinstall\node_modules\websoc ket\build\bufferutil.vcxproj]

I have installed Wampy before just fine with previous versions, but not this latest one.

Can anyone please help ?!?


What about using authorization with wampy? wamp-cra or jwt, its possible? thanks

msgpack transportEncoding issue

I am using the latest wampy.js with backend 0.9.12 router. Everything worked as expected when using json transportEncoding, but when I switch over to msgpack, complaint about ProtocolError during the initial handshaking:

2014-12-26 18:08:48+0000 [Router         15] RX WAMP HELLO Message (realm = test.realm.wecount, roles = [, , , ], authmethods = None, authid = None)
2014-12-26 18:08:48+0000 [Router         15] TX WAMP WELCOME Message (session = 149574515, roles = [, ], authid = yYI1wcFwlPx74I8X4Cjv06JX, authrole = anonymous, authmethod = anonymous, authprovider = None)
2014-12-26 18:08:48+0000 [Router         15] TX Frame to tcp4: : fin = True, rsv = 0, opcode = 2, mask = -, length = 250, repeat_length = None, chopsize = None, sync = False, payload = 9302ce08ea537384a861757468726f6c65a9616e6f6e796d6f7573aa617574686d6574686f64a9616e6f6e796d6f7573a5726f6c657382a662726f6b657281a8666561747572657383b87075626c69736865725f6964656e74696669636174696f6ec3b37075626c69736865725f6578636c7573696f6ec3bd737562736372696265725f626c61636b77686974655f6c697374696e67c3a66465616c657281a8666561747572657382b870726f67726573736976655f63616c6c5f726573756c7473c3b563616c6c65725f6964656e74696669636174696f6ec3a6617574686964b879594931776346776c5078373449385834436a7630364a58
2014-12-26 18:08:48+0000 [Router         15] TX Octets to tcp4: : sync = False, octets = 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
2014-12-26 18:08:48+0000 [Router         15] RX Octets from tcp4: : octets = 82b742bd1157d69dde5742f639e1b7525bd79bbd72382f9372382cd3743436d97e2338937c3636cf782f6cca74342dc87f236cd27f0830dc7f3c2bd376
2014-12-26 18:08:48+0000 [Router         15] RX Frame from tcp4: : fin = True, rsv = 0, opcode = 2, mask = 42bd1157, length = 55, payload = 9420cf00004b28b6f5ef4a80d900636f6d2e636f6e6e656374646f747a2e6d61747269782e7765636f756e742e6f6e5f72616e6b696e67
2014-12-26 18:08:48+0000 [Router         15] Traceback (most recent call last):
2014-12-26 18:08:48+0000 [Router         15] File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/autobahn/wamp/", line 88, in onMessage
2014-12-26 18:08:48+0000 [Router         15] for msg in self._serializer.unserialize(payload, isBinary):
2014-12-26 18:08:48+0000 [Router         15] File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/autobahn/wamp/", line 106, in unserialize
2014-12-26 18:08:48+0000 [Router         15] raise ProtocolError("invalid serialization of WAMP message ({0})".format(e))
2014-12-26 18:08:48+0000 [Router         15] ProtocolError: invalid serialization of WAMP message (unpack(b) received extra data.)
2014-12-26 18:08:48+0000 [Router         15] Failing WAMP-over-WebSocket transport: code = 1002, reason = 'WAMP Protocol Error (invalid serialization of WAMP message (unpack(b) received extra data.))'

there is no warning on the wampy.js side. The failed message seems to be from the subscribe() call.
I am not sure if it is a or or wampy.js issue, but giving is one of the most popular/mature WAMP router implementation, I would think it is important to make sure wampy.js is compatible.

Please let me know if there is anything I can provide to help track down this issue. Thanks.

ReferenceError: exports is not defined

my entry point is dist/wampy.js which is already transpiled to "es2015" preset
but I always get the next error message on Javascript console:
ReferenceError: exports is not defined

Angular 2 implementation won't connect

Hi there,

I'm trying to connect my NotificationService (within Angular2) to my Wamp server and so far I've had no feedback from the callbacks. No error or anything.
Basic websocket connection is established when using var ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
Here is my code:

import { Wampy } from 'wampy';

export class NotificationService {

   openWsConnection(url): void{
      var ws = new Wampy(url,{
         onConnect: ()=>{
         onClose: ()=>{
         onError: ()=>{
     console.log(ws);  //ws exists

Am I missing anything ?

Wampy > 2.0 does not work in Browser

Wampy 2.0.1, running in Chrome gives the following Error.
Also tested with Edge-Browser.
Seems to be a regression of commit 493dbe.

ReferenceError: root is not defined
at getWebSocket (wampy.js:190)
at Wampy.connect (wampy.js:1135)
at new Wampy (wampy.js:450)

support of wss with self-signed certificate

Hi, I'm trying to deploy your module into our solution and I'm not able to make it working with wss://. My websocket server is using self-signed certificate. I guess it is the issue because ws:// works fine. Can you advice what is wrong? Or is there any further flag to be turned on in order to accept such certificate? Thx, Jaro.

Typo in wampy.js:509

Hi, I think this._options._authmethods needs to be changed to this._options.authmethods (excess underscore before authmethods).

508:        if (this._options.authid) {
509:            options.authmethods = this._options._authmethods;
510:            options.authid = this._options.authid;
511:        }

depending on window makes wampy unusable for webworkers

this logic

scheme = window.location.protocol === 'https:' ? 'wss://' : 'ws://';

in getServerUrlBrowser

set implicit requirement that window must exists which is not the case if code executed within WebWorker, there should be way to explicitly specify scheme or connection URI, to avoid requirement for window to exist.

wildcard in topic

Using crossbar.

Want to subscribe with wildcard like
as described in crossbar docs. Yes, the double dots are the wildcard.

Is this possible?

Can't import Wampy

How to properly import wampy into TypeScript project?

Wampy.js installed with

typings install dt~wampy --global --save && npm install wampy --save

Trying to import Wampy:

import {Wampy} from "wampy";

npm start produces this error:

error TS2305: Module '"wampy"' has no exported member 'Wampy'.

Next I tried to import as I have seen here:

import * as Wampy from "wampy";


error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Wampy'.

UPD: Trying

import {wampy} from "wampy";
// some code = new wampy('ws://', {
    realm: 'realm1',
    onConnect: () => {
        console.log('Connected to Router!');


error TS2305: Module '"wampy"' has no exported member 'wampy'.

Losing PUBLISH.Arguments|list when PUBLISH.ArgumentKw|dict is available

I am attempting to parse messages from the Poloniex API order book/trade feed, and I am only able to access the PUBLISH.ArgumentKw portion of the event.

The API uses the arguments list portion to include (potentially multiple) order updates or trades, and the kw section to include a sequence number. A (formatted) WS frame is as follows:


            "date":"2016-07-27 21:30:06",

In the event parsing code it selects only one of the three argument sets depending on how many are included:

                case WAMP_MSG_SPEC.EVENT:
                    if (this._subscriptions[data[1]]) {

                        switch (data.length) {
                            case 4:
                                // WAMP SPEC: [EVENT, SUBSCRIBED.Subscription|id, PUBLISHED.Publication|id, Details|dict]
                                d = null;
                            case 5:
                                // WAMP SPEC: [EVENT, SUBSCRIBED.Subscription|id, PUBLISHED.Publication|id,
                                //             Details|dict, PUBLISH.Arguments|list]
                                d = data[4];
                            case 6:
                                // WAMP SPEC: [EVENT, SUBSCRIBED.Subscription|id, PUBLISHED.Publication|id,
                                //             Details|dict, PUBLISH.Arguments|list, PUBLISH.ArgumentKw|dict]
                                d = data[5];

                        i = this._subscriptions[data[1]].callbacks.length;
                        while (i--) {


This results in only receiving {seq: ######} and being unable to access the trade information.

A different library specifies the callback could match this signature:

function (args, kwargs, details)

or data[4], data[5], data[3]
This would break backwards compatibility. I'm changing my code to that cause I'm in a hurry. Want me to PR the edit?

Symbol undefined

On IE and android based Fully kiosk

Symbol undefined && invalidStateError

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