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LeetCode 75

LeetCode 75 🌸

🟢 easy: 0

🟡 medium: 20

🔴 hard: 0

Graphs - DFS


  • build a graph with the given equations and values
    for (A, B), value in zip(equations, values):
              graph[A][B] = value
              graph[B][A] = 1 / value```
  • after that, just use BFS (lol) betwen start and end of the query, if the path exists, thats the solution

Heap / Priority Queue


  • firstly indeces don't need to be consecutive
  • we can sort first and second array in descending order by second array
  • then we keep adding elements from the first array to the priority queue
  • if we have more than k elements in the priority queue we can remove the smallest one (we don't need to pay attention to the order because we now for sure that anything removed from pq is index in the second array of the thing greater than the current element and we need smallest one anyway)
  • and when we have k elements we can check the result


  • we need to know the minimum on the left and right part in any given moment so we need 2 priority queues(left and right)
  • also we need to pay attention that 2 given pqs are not overlapping

Binary Search


  • we first sort potions in ascending order
  • then for each spell we find the smallest potion that satisfies the success condition, after that we can just subtract the index of the potion from the length of the potions array
  • we can do this by using binary search


  • just standard binary search
  • we look for the element that has both neighbours smaller than itself
  • if either of the neighbours is greater than the current element we move to the greater neighbour


  • we can use binary search where lower limit is 1 and upper limit is the maximum number of bananas
  • and we can check if the current number of bananas is enough to eat all the bananas in piles for <= H



  • we can make backtracking function that takes the current string and the index of the current digit
  • if the index == len(digits) we can add the current string to the result
  • for each digit we call backtrack function with the current string + the current letter from the digit and the next index


  • we can make backtracking function that takes starting number and array of current numbers
  • if the sum of the current numbers is equal to k we can add the current numbers to the result
  • for each number from start to 9 we call the backtrack function where we add 'i' to the current numbers and 'i+1' is next start and after calling 'backtrack' we remove the last element from the current numbers

Dynamic Programming (1D)


  • classic dp problem where formula is dp[i] = max(nums[i] + dp[i-2], dp[i-1])
  • Space optimized version where we only need 2 variables to keep track of the previous 2 values and not whole dp array


  • when trying to figure out formula you can just run different testcases and see the result, so you can find the pattern
  • here pattern was dp[i] = dp[i-1]*2 + dp[i-3]
  • Space optimized version where we only need 3 variables

Dynamic Programming (2D)


  • how to know that this is dp problem? - we can see that robot can only move right and down, if it wasn't the case we would have to use something else (e.g. backtracking)
  • formula is dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j] + dp[i][j-1] where dp[0][0] = 1


  • classic dp problem where formula is dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1] + 1 if text1[i] == text2[j] otherwise dp[i][j] = max(dp[i-1][j], dp[i][j-1])


  • different that the standard dp problem
  • we initialize cash = 0 and stock = -prices[0] because we can buy the stock at the first day
  • for each day, we can either sell the stock cash=max(cash, stock + stocks[i] - fee) or buy the new stock stock=max(stock, cash - stocks[i])


  • similar to the problem from Speech Recognition course (Dynamic Time Warping)
  • initialize the dp matrix with the size of len(word1)+1 and len(word2)+1
  • cover base cases: when one of the words is empty, the distance is the length of the other word
  • formula is:
    • if the characters are the same, dp[i][j] = dp[i-1][j-1]
    • else the characters are different, dp[i][j] = min(dp[i-1][j-1], dp[i-1][j], dp[i][j-1]) + 1

Bit Manipulation


  • by doing (a | b) we can see the result of joining the bits of a and b. So we can then do mask = result ^ c to see the bits that are different from c (they need to be changed)
  • also we do mask & a & b because if c is 0 and we have 1 in a and b we need to change them to 0 (both)



  • just the idea to use trie to store the words and then for each prefix we can find the words that start with that prefix



  • we can sort intervals by first interval, and we have marker the end of first interval
  • we increase the counter if the beginning of the next interval is greater than or equal to the marker and we update the marker marker=max(marker, end)
  • otherwise we just update the marker: marker=min(marker, end)
  • inspiration drawn from course DAA :)


  • sort intervals by the end (ascending)
  • then if the start is different then curr_end just increase counte by 1 and update curr_end to the end of the current interval
  • again DAA :)

Monotonic Stack


  • initialize ans array with zeros
  • push the index of the first element to the stack
  • for each temperature:
    1. while temperature is greater than the temperature of the element on the top of the stack we can update the ans array with ans = i - pop the element from the stack
    2. add i to the stack
  • then at the end all the remaining elements on the stack should have zero (which they do because of the initialization)


  • initilize stack

  • while price is higher than what is on the top of the stack we can pop the elements and add the span of that popped element to the ans

  • once finished ans += 1 (because current day is also counted)

  • then just push (price, ans) to the stack

  • and return ans

LeetCode 75

LeetCode 150

Top Interview 150 🍜

🟢 easy: 5

🟡 medium: 5

🔴 hard: 0



  • interesting approach where we start from the end and we have k=m+n-1, i=m-1 and j=n-1
  • why from the end -> because we don't need to insert anything just replace the values


  • idea is to use two pointers, one for the current element and one for the last element that is not val


  • again two pointers approach, one for the current element and one for the first element that greater than current


  • two pointers but interesting approack where we start for loop with i from the second element and curr=2 and only update if nums[i] != nums[curr-2]


  • simple use of hash table -> Space complexity O(n)- Boyer-Moore Voting Algorithm can be used to reduce the space complexity to O(1)

  • Notes:
    1. Solution 1 (using extra space O(n)):
    • create a new array temp
    • do the k = k%size to avoid index out of range
    • then copy elements starting from index start=size-k to the end
    • then copy elements from the 0 to the start
    • then copy the temp to the nums
    1. Solution 2 (Using O(1) space):
    • reverse the whole array
    • reverse the first k elements
    • reverse the last n-k elements


  • simple approach where we keep track of the minimum price up to this moment and based on that we save the maximum profit


  • we add the profit if the price is greater than the previous one :(


  • at each step, we update the maximum reachable index
  • and then check whether we can reach current index with the maximum reachable index


  • we keep track of the furthest we can jump

  • when i reaches current end we update the current end with the farthest and increment the jumps

    LeetCode 150

LeetCode 150

Microsoft 🏮

🟢 easy: 2

🟡 medium: 14

🔴 hard: 8

🟢 Easy

hash table


  • we use hash table to map the roman characters to the integer values

hash map


  • just put message in the hash map where the value is timestamp and if the message is already in the hash map and the difference between the timestamp and the value is less than 10, we return False, otherwise we update the timestamp and return True

🟡 Medium



  • sort the intervals based on the start
  • if the end of the current interval is greater than the start of the next interval, we merge them

linked list hash table


  • similar to what we do at the OS course :)
  • we use OrderedDict that keeps track of order of elements that were added
  • when getting element, we move it to the end of the list
  • when adding element, if present we move it to the end, if not we add it to the end and remove the first element if the size is greater than the capacity

bfs dfs


  • we did this problem in the Algorithms course
  • when we find grid[i][j] == '1' we increment the count and do the BFS to mark all the connected islands as visited

two pointers


  • discussion -> not the 3some I wanted
  • sort the array
  • for each element nums[i] we use two pointers left=i+1 and right=n-1
  • if sum is less than 0 we increment the left, if sum is greater than 0 we decrement the right, if sum is equal to 0 we add the triplet to the result

prefix sum binary search


  • we first make pdf (probability density function) by dividing the weight by the sum of all weights
  • then we make cdf (cumulative density function) (prefix sum)
  • then for each random number we do the binary search to find the index of the number in the cdf array and return that index

sorting heap


  • we sort intervals by start and then end time
  • after that we use heap to keep track of the end time of the meetings
  • if the start time of the meeting is greater than the end time of the meeting, we pop the end time from the heap and push the new end time
  • otherwise we just push the end time to the heap

hash map list


  • use hashmap in a way that dict[val] = len(lst)-1 and lst.append(val)
  • then when removing the element, we swap the element with the last element and pop the last element and also remove element from hashmap



  • same as the problem from UUP course >_<
  • make direction array and check whether you are in the bounds and if you are not in the bounds or you have visited the element, change the direction

backtracking hash table


  • have done it before (I believe in the Algorithms course)
  • we use backtracking by going through each letter of each digit and building combination after which we recursively call the function for the next digit, after that we remove the last letter from the combination
  • we use hash table to map the digit to the



  • idea is to have 2 stacks -> letter_stack and digit_stack
  • first we initialize ans = "" and num = ""
  • curr.isdigit() -> we add the digit to the num
  • curr == '[' -> we add the num to the digit_stack and ans to the letter_stack and reset the num and ans
  • curr == ']' -> we pop the num and letters from the stacks and ans = letters + num*ans
  • curr.isalpha() -> we add the letter to the ans

hash map set


  • we use hash map to count the frequency of the characters
  • then we use set to store each frequency and if the frequency is already in the set, we decrement the frequency until it is not in the set and increment the deletions

topological sort dfs graph


  • lol -> had to watch 20 min video explanation of topological sort, after which I consulted gpt for better implementation :(
  • we want to to topological sort of the graph
  • we can use dfs to find the cycle in the graph
  • Steps:
    1. build the graph, initialize visited to 0s and result=[]
    2. for each course if visited[course] != 2 we call the dfs function
    3. in the dfs function we check if the visited[course] == 1 meaning we have detected cycle
    4. if we haven't detected cycle we set the visited[course] = 1 and for each neighbour we call the dfs function if visited[neighbour] != 2

backtrack bit manipulation


  • even though the solution seems to be dp it is actually backtrack
  • how to know when to use backtrack vs dp
  • in this problem we need to have insight into all the previous states that we have selected so we know that current word can be added to the previous state -> that's why we can't use dp
  • Any time the problem is naturally phrased in terms of I have a current state and should I take this element or not?, and answering can I take this element? involves storing state information about the current selection, these are clues you should use DFS + backtracking



  • Approach I:
    • we can just have direction flag that tells us whether we are going up or down, and if the coordinates are out of bounds we change the direction and update coordinates
  • Approach II (source):
    • every diagonal has equal sum of coordinates, so we can use that to build the hash map where the key is the sum of the coordinates and the value is the list of elements on that diagonal
    • then we can just go through the hash map and add the elements to the result, and for every even diagonal we reverse the list

🔴 Hard



  • idea is that for each index we need to find the maximum height to the left and right of that index (we use stack for it)
  • than answer is collecting thins for each element: ans += min(left_max, right_max) - height[i] if that value is greater than 0

math string


  • interesting approach where we parse three digits at a time and convert them to the words



  • we use num_stack and sign_stack to store the numbers and signs before the parenthesis
  • we initialize num = 0 and sign = 1
  • if we encounter ( we push the num and sign to the stacks and reset the num and sign
  • if we encounter ) we pop the num and sign from the stacks and calculate the num = num_stack.pop() + sign_stack.pop()*num

meet in the middle binary search combinations


  • really hard problem -> looked at the solution

  • using technique called meet in the middle

  • we split the array into two parts and for each part we calculate the sum of all the possible combinations from 1 to n//2 elements:

    • for each k we make left_k_sums which is the sum of all combinations of k elements from the left part
    • then we make right_k_sums which is the sum of all combinations of n//2 - k elements from the right part (if we want to combine elements from both parts)
    • then we need to fidn what is closest sum of n // 2 - k elements in the right_k_sums where target is half_sum - left_k_sum using binary search
    • and in the end when we have both left and right sums we can calculate the difference and update the min_diff

BFS hash map


  • idea is to first build hashmap where we have all the possible words that can be made from the current word:
            hit, level = 1
          /       |       \
        *it      h*t       hi*
  • basically we have map[*it] = [git, hit, pit] and so on
  • once we build hashmap we can start the BFS where we keep track of the level and visited words
  • at the beginning queue = [(beginWord, 1)]
  • for each word in the queue:
    • we go through all patterns of current word and for each pattern check all the words
    • if the word is in the endWord we return the level+1
    • if the word is not in the visited we add it to the visited and to the queue

trie dfs


  • so we need to do the backtrack from every cell in the board, but how can we do that efficiently?
    • first thing that comes to mind is using hashmap to store the words and then for each cell in the board we do the dfs to check if the word is in the hashmap
    • but that is not efficient because sometimes we can stop the backtrack earlier if the current word is not the prefix of any word in the hashmap
    • so that's why we use trie to store the words and then for each cell in the board we do the dfs and check if the current word is in the trie
    • trie if efficient for prefix search



  • tried to solve without using dp but wasn't successful
  • so we can us dp as shown here:
    • If p[j-1] is a character or '.', then dp[i][j] depends on whether the previous characters match and if the current characters of s and p match.

    • If p[j-1] is '*', it can either match zero characters or one or more characters. This requires us to consider two cases:

    • The '*' matches zero characters: We look at dp[i][j-2].

    • The '*' matches one or more characters: We look at dp[i-1][j] and ensure the preceding character matches s[i-1].

linked list


  • problem which has composite solution
  • we can make function that checks whether we have next k elements
  • we have function that reverses the k elements
  • then we have function that we recursively call which revierses the k elements and then calls itself for the rest of the listcd

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