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Koa ejs view render middleware. support all feature of ejs.

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const Koa = require("koa");
const render = require("@koa/ejs");
const path = require("path");

const app = new Koa();
render(app, {
  root: path.join(__dirname, "view"),
  layout: "template",
  viewExt: "html",
  cache: false,
  debug: true,

app.use(async function (ctx) {
  await ctx.render("user");


Or you can checkout the example.


  • root: view root directory.
  • fs: file system module with same Node.js fs interface (default Node.js fs module).
  • layout: global layout file, default is layout, set false to disable layout.
  • viewExt: view file extension (default html).
  • cache: cache compiled templates (default true).
  • debug: debug flag (default false).
  • delimiter: character to use with angle brackets for open / close (default %).
  • async: When true, EJS will use an async function for rendering. Depends on async/await support in the JS runtime.
  • outputFunctionName: Set to a string (e.g., 'echo' or 'print') for a function to print output inside scriptlet tags.


@koa/ejs supports layouts. The default layout file is layout. If you want to change default layout file, use settings.layout. Also you can specify layout by options.layout in await ctx.render. Also you can set layout = false to disable the layout.

    <title>koa ejs</title>
    <h3>koa ejs</h3>
    <%- body %>


Supports ejs includes.

  <%- include ('user.html') -%>


Support ctx.state in koa.


If you're project based on TypeScript, we recommend using @types/koa-ejs until we start supporting it in the upcoming releases.


(The MIT License)

ejs's People


3imed-jaberi avatar baoshan avatar bergren2 avatar bodokaiser avatar cyrilf avatar dead-horse avatar dislido avatar halfcrazy avatar kozakvoj avatar lopezchr avatar nswbmw avatar pana avatar runrioter avatar sirwumpus avatar titanism avatar webnard avatar zedgu avatar zensh avatar


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ejs's Issues

Custom delimiters not supported

Look here:

Custom delimiters can also be applied globally:

var ejs = require('ejs'); = '{{';
ejs.close = '}}';

Which would make the following a valid template:

<h1>{{= title }}</h1>

I thought koa-ejs supported all features? If so, howcome this isn't supported?

default settings


would it be possible to change default settings to:

var defaultSettings = {
  cache: true,
  layout: 'layout',
  viewExt: 'html',
  open: '<%',
  close: '%>',
  filters: {},
  locals: {},
  debug: false

Else this does not make much sense as we need to define viewExt (to omit extension in middleware) and overwrite layout as it else searches for layout.html.html.

Would you accept a pr on this?

koa 2.x

Is there any sample code for ejs to be used with koa 2.x? thanks,

Upgrade ejs to v3.x

ejs 3.x drops support for Node 4 and 6, and it removes require.extensions which previously caused an annoying warning in webpack bundles: mde/ejs#412.

Since this package already requires Node >= 7.6, I don't think this upgrade should warrant a major version bump.

why set option 'compileDebug' as 'settings.debug && settings.compileDebug'?

koa-ejs/index.js line 96:

const fn = ejs.compile(tpl, {
      filename: viewPath,
      _with: settings._with,
      compileDebug: settings.debug && settings.compileDebug,
      debug: settings.debug,
      delimiter: settings.delimiter,
      cache: settings.cache,
      async: settings.async

why set option 'compileDebug' as 'settings.debug && settings.compileDebug'
instead of 'settings.compileDebug'?


RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at ejs.resolveInclude (/aaa/node_modules/koa-ejs/index.js:85:26)
at ejs.resolveInclude (/aaa/node_modules/koa-ejs/index.js:89:14)
at ejs.resolveInclude (/aaa/node_modules/koa-ejs/index.js:89:14)
at ejs.resolveInclude (/aaa/node_modules/koa-ejs/index.js:89:14)
at ejs.resolveInclude (/aaa/node_modules/koa-ejs/index.js:89:14)
at ejs.resolveInclude (/aaa/node_modules/koa-ejs/index.js:89:14)
at ejs.resolveInclude (/aaa/node_modules/koa-ejs/index.js:89:14)
at ejs.resolveInclude (/aaa/node_modules/koa-ejs/index.js:89:14)
at ejs.resolveInclude (/aaa/node_modules/koa-ejs/index.js:89:14)
at ejs.resolveInclude (/aaa/node_modules/koa-ejs/index.js:89:14)


doctype html bug

adding DOCTYPE html to the top of the layout template inserts HTML file in an HTML file

Wrong function reference cause 'Maxiumn call stack size exceeded'


Line 84 in f70a090

const parentResolveInclude = ejs.resolveInclude;

Each call to the render function will be reassigned parentResolveInclude. The call stack gets longer and longer.

Add the log on line 86

    const parentResolveInclude = ejs.resolveInclude;
    ejs.resolveInclude = function(name, filename, isDir) {
      if (!path.extname(name)) {
        name += settings.viewExt;
      return parentResolveInclude(name, filename, isDir);
  • The first access page
  • The second access page
  • The third access page

I think should move line 84 to line 32.

Provide own filesystem

Right now koa-ejs uses only actual node's filesystem.

This becomes trouble when using it with webpack-dev-middleware.

My case: I have server that uses dev middleware to manage compilation for client-side javascript. It keeps all generated assets in memory. I am able to access it's memory filesystem via devMiddlewareInstance.fileSystem which is memfs node's fs api compliant fs.

But koa-ejs accepts only path to root.

So, solution is either to add fs property to koa-ejs options which will accept any node's fs api compliant type. Or second way is to provide root as callback of type (templateFilename: string) => Promise<string>, like: root: (templateFilename) => myfs.readFilePromise(templateFilename).

What do you think?

can't cache <% include('./head.html', {foo: 'bar'}) %>

can't cache <% include('./head.html', {foo: 'bar'}) %> because ejs.compile options not have params cache which developer seted:

const fn = ejs.compile(tpl, {
    filename: viewPath,
    _with: settings._with,
    compileDebug: settings.debug && settings.compileDebug,
    debug: settings.debug,
    delimiter: settings.delimiter

Always get a 204 (no content) response no matter what settings I use

currently i have this on the server:

var path = require('path');
var koa = require('koa');
var render = require('koa-ejs');

var app = koa();

  root: path.join(__dirname, "views"),

  this.body = yield this.render("home");

console.log("listen at localhost:3000");

.. and as "home" (views/home.html)

    <title>koa ejs</title>

    hello koa-ejs


when a run curl localhost:3000 -v I get:

* Rebuilt URL to: localhost:3000/
* Hostname was NOT found in DNS cache
*   Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 3000 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.35.0
> Host: localhost:3000
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
< X-Powered-By: koa
< Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 03:08:15 GMT
< Connection: keep-alive
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

Am I doing something wrong? I'm using this dependencies:

"dependencies": {
    "koa": "^0.12.2",
    "koa-ejs": "^1.1.2"

how can i use "await"

Hi, I need such function like the co-ejs
the co-ejs only support koa1.x but I hope use in koa2
I can write code in ejs

 <% user= await locals.user.get(1) %>

thank you

"locals" is not working

I suppose I should be able to add global-type variables into locals and have access to them in each template, without passing them to render function. Can you confirm that, and if it is true fix that ASAP. Thanks)

example code:
ejs(app, {
root: path.join(__dirname, '/../view'),
layout: 'layout',
viewExt: 'html',
cache: true,
debug: false,
locals: {
test: "some global variable"

mount koa-ejs@2 with koa-mount fails

When mounting another app:

Example code:

var client1 = koa();  
render(client1, {
    root: path.join(__dirname, "view"),
    viewExt: "html",
    cache: false,
    debug: true
client1.context.render = co.wrap(app.context.render);

client1.use(async (ctx, next) => {
    await ctx.render(view, locals);

var app = koa();  
app.use(mount("/demo", client1)


"ctx.render is not a function"
{"name":"ps-search","hostname":"Phani-Pearlshare.local","pid":67479,"level":50,"req":{"method":"GET","url":"/","headers":{"host":"localhost:8080","connection":"keep-alive","pragma":"no-cache","cache-control":"no-cache","upgrade-insecure-requests":"1","user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) A
ppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.95 Safari/537.36","accept":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate, sdch, br","accept-language":"en-GB,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6","cookie":"DFTT_END_USER_AUTH_TOKEN=derhv5sa32t86pdhkgcrwyvbirss8wk36
wfegi; DFTT_REALTIME_SESSION_TOKEN=sT9byMt5s1I2bILfzjy2jzJC-1gKYmslRc1RFkAptVqwLELpPoC5xUthRbeHXWf6P96Sc49yy50wy0kNQnkKWw.8-1; DFTT_END_USER_ID=10628333; cookieconsent_dismissed=yes; _ga=GA1.1.1305685054.1470246540; driftt_aid=7dc5c5af-5b35-4874-8c16-a92041ab68a2; driftt_wmd=true; DFTT_END_USER_PREV_BOOTSTRAPPED=true
; connect.sid=s%3Ap4MlIDqncrnWj50o1SogZgp3.wSsF%2FSEbxRWp2PIeiXAUg7dsNUS55J5kNtPn47mwgmA"},"remoteAddress":"::1","remotePort":55063},"res":{},"err":{"message":"ctx.render is not a function","name":"TypeError","stack":"TypeError: ctx.render is not a function\n    at _callee$ (/Users/Phani/new_work/ps-search/clients/de
mo/index.js:21:13)\n    at tryCatch (/Users/Phani/new_work/ps-search/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:64:40)\n    at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (/Users/Phani/new_work/ps-search/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:355:22)\n    at Generator.prototype.(anonymous function) [as next] (/Users/Phani/ne
w_work/ps-search/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:116:21)\n    at step (/Users/Phani/new_work/ps-search/clients/demo/index.js:29:191)\n    at /Users/Phani/new_work/ps-search/clients/demo/index.js:29:437\n    at /Users/Phani/new_work/ps-search/clients/demo/index.js:29:99\n    at /Users/Phani/new_work/ps-sea
rch/clients/demo/index.js:20:1\n    at dispatch (/Users/Phani/new_work/ps-search/node_modules/koa-compose/index.js:44:32)\n    at next (/Users/Phani/new_work/ps-search/node_modules/koa-compose/index.js:45:18)\n    at send.then.done (/Users/Phani/new_work/ps-search/node_modules/koa-static/index.js:43:20)"},"duration":
30,"msg":"  --> GET /demo 500 30ms","time":"2016-12-20T17:24:51.737Z","v":0}

Ejs 2.0

I have marked that ejs have already version great then 2.0. Koa-ejs in dependencies have ejs 1.0. Why? When will the update in plans?

why the response like this?

I use koa2 and koa-ejs to make a react ssr demo
koa code:

const markup = renderToString(
    <Provider store={store()} >
        <RouterContext { ...props } />
await ctx.render('index', { markup });

chrome devtool look like this:

    <title>koa2 webpack2 react ssr</title>
    <div id="root">&lt;div data-reactroot=&#34;&#34; data-reactid=&#34;1&#34; data-react-checksum=&#34;-1292022691&#34;&gt;&lt;h4 data-reactid=&#34;2&#34;&gt;This is React App Component&lt;/h4&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;/a&#34; data-reactid=&#34;3&#34;&gt;A&lt;/a&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;/b&#34; data-reactid=&#34;4&#34;&gt;B&lt;/a&gt;&lt;a href=&#34;/c&#34; data-reactid=&#34;5&#34;&gt;C&lt;/a&gt;&lt;div data-reactid=&#34;6&#34;&gt;This is B&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;</div>
    <script src="./bundle.js"></script>


Layout feature does not return layout.ejs

Can't get the layout feature to work. I have the following files.

File index.js

const path = require('path')
const views = require('koa-views')
const Koa = require('koa')
const app = module.exports = new Koa()

app.use(views(path.join(__dirname, '/views'), { extension: 'ejs' }))

const user = { name: { first: 'Tobi', last: 'Holowaychuk' }, species: 'ferret', age: 5 }

app.use(async function(ctx) {
  await ctx.render('user', { user })


File views/layout.ejs

    <title>koa ejs</title>
    <h3>koa ejs</h3>
    <%- body %>

File views/user.ejs

<p><%= %> is a <%= user.age %> year old <%= user.species %>.</p>

Copied from

Changing await ctx.render('user', { user }) to await ctx.render('user', { user, layout: 'layout.ejs' }) also does nothing.

The only result I get is <p>Tobi is a 5 year old ferret.</p> (no sign of layout.ejs).

New verson was not release.


thanks a lot for merging all the PR. When will be release new version of the package please?

Jan Opravil

Satus of the project


is this package/repository still maintained or is slowly getting to death?

Thank you

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