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vsts-dnx-tasks's Issues

InvalidOperationException: Can not find assembly file Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Utils.dll

This could very well be something I have configured wrong, but I'm attempting to upgrade from AspNetCore RC1 to 1.0 and I'm getting this error after deploying using the PublishWebPackage build task and trying to hit the site (It's a runtime exception):

InvalidOperationException: Can not find assembly file Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Utils.dll at 'D:\home\site\wwwroot\refs,D:\home\site\wwwroot\'

I am able to deploy manually through Visual Studio successfully, so I believe the site itself is working as expected, but it's just not getting deployed correctly through the VSTS task.

Some more context:

  • I'm targeting net461 (I have a few dependencies which won't let me use .Net Core yet)
  • Publish command: dotnet publish -c $(BuildConfiguration) -o $(Build.StagingDirectory)\Publish --no-build. I'm not using your VSTS task since I need to restore and build some test projects too and it's a bit faster to do those in bulk. This should be more or less the same command your task runs though, except I think the -o param is a bit deeper with yours but I believe that's addressed in my PublishWebPackage settings.
  • PublishWebPackage settings:
    • Source: $(Build.StagingDirectory)\Publish
    • Destination: site/wwwroot (the default)
    • Stop Before Deploy, Clean Before Deploy, Restart After Deploy are all set.
  • Azure Virtual applicationand directories set to site\wwwroot (the default I believe)
  • Interestingly I've downloaded the site contents via https://{websitename}-{slot} both when deploying via VS and when deploying through your task and in both cases the Microsoft.DotNet.Cli.Utils.dll file is missing, but I only get the error when using the VSTS task. Also from a quick spot check, the contents seem identical to me in both cases, adding to my confusion.

Any ideas?

System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: Method invocation failed because [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] doesn't contain a method named 'ForEach'.

I have been unable to build a web package using the DNX Tasks. It seems to actually compile my project fine but there seems to be a problem with the Powershell script. I changed the .ForEach method call to a foreach loop and it worked fine after that. Am I missing a module or something?

Starting: Build Web Package: [ProjectName]
Preparing task execution handler.
Executing the powershell script: C:\agent\_work\_tasks\DNX.Tasks.BuildWebPackage_18e7af2f-a100-4868-9c88-bb3a07b3b3be\0.1.23\BuildWebPackage.ps1
Parameter Values:
    ProjectName = [ProjectName]
    BuildConfiguration = Release
    OutputFolder = C:\agent\_work\6\a
    PublishSource = false
    WorkingFolder = C:\agent\_work\6\s\Server\src\
    SourceFolder = 
    SkipDotNetInstall = true
    1 Projects to build
dotnet restore for:
    log  : Restoring packages for C:\agent\_work\6\s\Server\src\[ProjectName]\project.json...
    log  : Restoring packages for tool 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.IISIntegration.Tools' in C:\agent\_work\6\s\Server\src\[ProjectName]\project.json...
    log  : Lock file has not changed. Skipping lock file write. Path: C:\agent\_work\6\s\Server\src\[ProjectName]\project.lock.json
    log  : .\[ProjectName]\project.json
    log  : Restore completed in 2311ms.
    Restore done.
dotnet build for:
    Project [ProjectName2] (.NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1) will be compiled because project is not safe for incremental compilation. Use --build-profile flag for more information.
    Compiling [ProjectName2] for .NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1
    Compilation succeeded.
        3 Warning(s)
        0 Error(s)
    Time elapsed 00:00:01.8644790
    Project [ProjectName] (.NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1) will be compiled because dependencies changed
    Compiling [ProjectName] for .NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1
    Compilation succeeded.
        0 Warning(s)
        0 Error(s)
    Time elapsed 00:00:02.3561909
     (The compilation time can be improved. Run "dotnet build --build-profile" for more information)
System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException: Method invocation failed because [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] doesn't contain a method named 'ForEach'.
   at System.Management.Automation.EnumerableOps.MethodInvokerWorker(CallSite invokeMemberSite, IEnumerator enumerator, Object[] args, ExecutionContext context, ArrayList result, Boolean& foundMethod)
   at System.Management.Automation.EnumerableOps.MethodInvoker(PSInvokeMemberBinder binder, Type delegateType, IEnumerator enumerator, Object[] args, Type typeForMessage)
   at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute2[T0,T1,TRet](CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1)
   at System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.DynamicInstruction`3.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
   at System.Management.Automation.Interpreter.EnterTryCatchFinallyInstruction.Run(InterpretedFrame frame)
    Build done.
dotnet publish for:
    Publishing [ProjectName] for .NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1/win7-x64
    Configuring the following project for use with IIS: 'C:\agent\_work\6\a\[ProjectName]'
    Updating web.config at 'C:\agent\_work\6\a\[ProjectName]\web.config'
    Configuring project completed successfully
    publish: Published to C:\agent\_work\6\a\[ProjectName]
    Published 1/1 projects successfully
    Publish done for: .\[ProjectName]
PowerShell script completed with 1 errors.
Finishing: Build Web Package: [ProjectName]

Build Web Package doesn't display publish errors

It looks like the build web package powershell script was modified to display errors on build in version 0.1.13. But on publish it doesn't display the errors. On line 115 of BuildWebPackage, removing the 2>$1 from the end of the line fixed it for me.

Web App Name field doesn't work

When I choose Azure Subscription I can't select needed Web App. The field doesn't work correctly.
For make it workable you need to add field WebSiteLocation like this

    "name": "WebsiteLocation",
    "type": "pickList",
    "label": "Web App Location",
    "defaultValue": "South Central US",
    "required": true,
    "helpMarkDown": "Select a region for deployment.Possible options are **East US**, **East US 2**, **Central US**, **South Central US**, **West US**, **North Europe**, **West Europe** and others.",
    "properties": {
        "EditableOptions": "True"

and change binding

"dataSourceBindings": [
        "target": "WebsiteName",
        "endpointId": "$(ConnectedServiceName)",
        "dataSourceName": "AzureWebSiteNames",
        "parameters": {
            "WebSiteLocation": "$(WebsiteLocation)"
        "target": "WebsiteLocation",
        "endpointId": "$(ConnectedServiceName)",
        "dataSourceName": "AzureLocations"

hardcoding string - "src"

Unfortunately in the script path we have recived hardcoding string - "src".
Perhaps it would be better to get the opportunity to set up the project path?

Build Web Package Error

Hi, I have a problem with this error:
2016-04-13T11:21:19.9243029Z dnu build for:
2016-04-13T11:21:19.9253033Z ".\src..\My.Project.Web"
2016-04-13T11:21:20.0433082Z Microsoft .NET Development Utility Clr-x86-1.0.0-rc1-16231
2016-04-13T11:21:20.1523036Z Building .\My.Project.Web for DNX,Version=v4.6
2016-04-13T11:21:23.5699072Z ##[error]System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: Error: Name contains invalid characters.
2016-04-13T11:21:23.5709070Z ##[error]System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: Parameter name: assemblyName
2016-04-13T11:21:23.5709070Z ##[error]System.Management.Automation.RemoteException:
2016-04-13T11:21:23.6772773Z dnu publish for:
2016-04-13T11:21:23.6782801Z .\src..\My.Project.Web
2016-04-13T11:21:56.6069257Z [11:21:56] Finished 'build-release' after 991 ms
2016-04-13T11:22:56.5349255Z ##[error]System.Management.Automation.RemoteException:
2016-04-13T11:22:56.5359260Z ##[error]stream.js:94
2016-04-13T11:22:56.5369273Z ##[error] throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe.
2016-04-13T11:22:56.5369273Z ##[error] ^
2016-04-13T11:22:56.5379277Z ##[error]Error: Cannot find module './$.to-object'
2016-04-13T11:22:56.5969250Z ##[error]System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: The 'prepublish' script failed with status code 1.
2016-04-13T11:22:56.5989246Z ##[error]System.Management.Automation.RemoteException:
2016-04-13T11:22:56.6099235Z ##[debug]Leaving script BuildWebPackage.ps1

Do you have any idea?

Running the PublishWebPackage task with an invalid web site name gives a strange error and then does not finish the build on failure.

Using the "DNX Tasks Azure PublishWebPackage" task I entered the wrong name in the "Web App Name" field. The name I entered was for a web site that did not exist.

The task failed with this error: (Under Build Issues)

(red X) The website radii was not found. Please specify a valid website name.
(red X) An error occurred during publish.
Method invocation failed because [System.Boolean] does not contain a method named 'TrimEnd'.
(red X) The website was not found. Please specify a valid website name.

Where was the name of the web site that I entered.

The error message with the exception message is fairly inconsequential but the real thing that is messed up is that the build is still marked as running. It should out after 60 minutes as that is how I have it set up, but it is continuing to run even though it is over the allotted time limit. This bug has shown us an VSTF Bug. How cool is that? You could run up some significant costs if no one was watching it. 👎 The build should fail immediately if we are trying to deploy to a web site with an incorrect name. I will leave it running for a while but I am paying for build minutes so cannot leave it indefinitely.

I also do not have the "Continue on error" ticked under "Control Options".

Cannot publish a built nuget package to a VSTS feed

When building and attempting to publish to a VSTS internal feed, the publish fails.
The internal feed support currently has some limitations on the version name, and fails if the pre-release version ends in all digits.
A workaround is to append a letter to the version number so you get something that looks like:
1.0.0-pre-x2016070600001 (or whatever you want)
This extension does not allow me to set the build number to contain the prefix letter, since it strips off only the ending number portion of the build generated version

Website not found error

Since july/2019 the plugin cant connect to azure website even though we changed nothing on the azure side nor in devops pipelines. I guess there has been some kind of update on the Azure side that created this issue? Can you please take a look at this?

##[debug]7:28:08 AM - GetAzureWebsiteCommand end processing.
##[error]Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException: Website not found! aborting...

Build prozent always on 99%

Hi :)
Wenn man das Projekt baut ist der build-status immer 99%. Wäre cool wenn er den realen Status anzeigt.

PublishWebPackage 0.0.7 seems to be broken

I'm now seeing this error:

2016-05-10T15:21:50.9496597Z Executing the powershell script: C:\LR\MMS\Services\Mms\TaskAgentProvisioner\Tools\agents\1.99.0\tasks\DNX.Tasks.PublishWebPackage\0.0.7\PublishWebPackage.ps1
2016-05-10T15:21:51.2144757Z ##[error]A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'SourceFolder'.

The weird thing is, I don't see any reference to SourceFolder in your code for PublishWebPackage

Add Dotnet CLI Installer

Add a Task to install the Dotnet CLI with all possible parameters.
The following Tasks will use this version of the cli. So you can decide what version you want to use.

RC1 builds broken

We are still building projects under RC1, and the 0.1.2 release of this extension has broken all of our builds. Please either fix the scripts to detect version, or republish the old code and create new tasks for RC2/CLI builds.

WebSiteLocation added as required but unused

I'm getting the error:
Cannot bind argument to parameter 'WebSiteLocation' because it is an empty string.

I updated my input to provide the value, but while investigate I noticed that in PublishWebPackage.ps1, you take in $WebSiteLocation as a mandatory param but never use it in the script.

Just wanted to bring it to your attention :)

Build failed at building webpage


Der build wird nicht erfolgreich durchgeführt. Ich habe mal die logs in den Anhang gelegt.

Meine Settings:
Projekt Name:
Build Config: Debug
Output : $(Build.StagingDirectory)\Publish
Publish source: True
Wirkung Folder: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
Rest Default.

Version: 0.1.3 - source folder always comes back with ./

Tried to use the DNX Tasks Build Web, but run into an error where the script adds ./ in front of the source directory even when I provide fully qualified path e.g. ".\F:\agent_work\57\s\xxx\Service\project.json". To be clear I tried relative path but the script BuildWebPackage.ps1 keeps inserting ./ no matter what.

Add support for generic dnx command

It would be great if you also added a generic dnx task that takes in the command as input. That way people can do stuff like "dnx test" or basically anything else they wanted to do while still assuming dnvm and dnx are installed.

For now I'm just using the "Command line" task to basically do the same thing, but it assumes that some previous task (your dnx build web package one) has already installed it so "dnx" just works.

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